team coordinating committee training (tcc). introductions mission of the team program design of...

TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC)

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Post on 05-Jan-2016




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Page 1: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

TEAM Coordinating Committee


Page 2: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

Introductions Mission of the TEAM Program Design of the TEAM Program Overview of the Module Process TEAM Coordinating Committee (TCC) District Support Plan Template Sample Support Plans TCC Support Plan (Draft Work)


Page 3: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

The mission of the Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program is:

◦to promote excellence, equity and high achievement for Connecticut students by engaging teachers in purposeful exploration of professional practice through guided support and personal reflection.


Page 4: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

Beginning teachers holding an initial, interim initial or 90 day certificate

Trained mentors District administrators Coordinating committees Review committees Higher Education Professional Organizations Regional Education Service Centers (RESCs) CT Department of Education (CSDE)


Page 5: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

A professional growth model aligned with fivedomains of the Common Core of Teaching

Classroom Environment Planning Instruction Assessment Professional Responsibility


Page 6: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 7: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

CCT Performance Profile (self-analysis) Professional Growth Action Plan

(PGAP)◦ Module Goal◦ Anticipated Impact on Student Performance◦ Learning Activities/Classroom Applications◦ Timeline for Module Completion◦ BT and Mentor Meeting Log

Journal for Beginning Teacher Journal for Mentor


Page 8: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

Sample Modules Sample Reflection Papers Recommended Resources TEAM Coordinating Committee Guidelines

Sample District Support Plans Review Committee Guidelines and Criteria



Page 9: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 10: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 11: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 12: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 13: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 14: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


Page 15: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

A district committee that oversees, plans, implements and monitors the district’s Teacher Education and Mentoring (TEAM) Program.


Page 16: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


a three year district support plan.

an annual budget to support the activities of the three year plan.


Page 17: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


new mentors for TEAM training, anticipating the need to match content, grade level and school whenever possible.

previously trained mentors for update training.


Page 18: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process


alignment of the TEAM Program with the district’s teacher evaluation and professional development program.

ongoing mentor/mentee conversations and interactions.

review and approval of the beginning teachers’ two year support plans/timelines.

organization of mentoring opportunities.

registration of beginning teachers in the TEAM program.


Page 19: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

Accountability for…

overseeing the receipt of state money for mentor stipends using the online data system.

coordinating the process for reviewing reflection papers.

verifying successful completion of required modules for confirmation by the Superintendent.

submission of an annual activity report to the Superintendent.


Page 20: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

I. Include your district’s three year objectives and supporting activities related to the mission of the TEAM Program.

Consider:◦ Alignment to school/district initiatives◦ Teacher retention◦ Professional development


Page 21: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

II. Describe the criteria and process for identifying TCC members, establishing term length and timeline for the TCC to meet and communicate with the Superintendent and central office.


◦ Roles and responsibilities of the TCC


Page 22: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

III. Describe the criteria and process used to select mentors, ensure that they have received appropriate state training and are assigned to beginning teachers based on subject areas, levels and need.


◦ Opportunities for professional development for mentors to address further development of best practices and essential content knowledge


Page 23: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

IV. Based on district selection (regional or district) for review of reflection papers, describe the criteria and process used to identify who will participate on the review committee.

Consider:◦ Ability to provide release time for reviewers to

attend state trainings and review papers


Page 24: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

V. Describe the procedure for dissolving mentor placements, if not working, and for the removal, for good cause, of teachers from the eligible pool of mentors and/or cooperating teachers, if necessary.


Page 25: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

VI.Describe the process used to collect beginning teachers’ two year support plans and ensure that mentors and beginning teachers are working together to complete the beginning teachers’ Professional Growth Action Plan (PGAP).


Page 26: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

VII. Describe the process that the district will use to resolve internal disputes or appeals.

Consider:◦ Disputes concerning the mentoring module

process, the PGAP, mentor/mentee relationships and/or reflection paper outcomes

◦ Requests for special accommodations based on disabilities


Page 27: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

VIII. Describe the resources needed and the budget required to carry out the activities described in the plan to support beginning teacher and mentor activities as outlined here and in the Professional Growth Action Plans.

Consider:◦ Time for beginning teachers and mentors to meet◦ Time for individuals to serve on the TCC and/or Review

Committee◦ Substitute coverage


Page 28: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

IX. Complete the Annual Activity Report: Evaluation of the implementation of the three-year plan annually to inform changes as necessary for the following year.

Consider:◦ Documentation of support provided to beginning

teachers◦ Feedback from program participants


Page 29: TEAM Coordinating Committee Training (TCC).  Introductions  Mission of the TEAM Program  Design of the TEAM Program  Overview of the Module Process

In your packet, you will find sample plans representing districts of varied sizes and demographics.

1) Review sample plans with your district team.

2) Use information gained through the sample review to begin to outline a 3 year support plan for your district.