team finland future watch report: further research on smart city market in japan

Further Research on Smart City Market in Japan

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Further Research onSmart City Market in Japan

Page 2: Team Finland Future Watch Report: Further research on smart city market in Japan

Organization MembersResearch and Consulting Division,Japan Research Institute

2-18-1 Higashi-gotanda, Shinagawa-kuTokyo 141-0022 JAPANPHONE :+81-3-6833-0900FAX :+81-3-6833-9480

Project LeaderKoji YAMAURA (Associate Senior Consultant)yamaurakoji@jricojp +81-3-6833-5369

AdviserHideyuki ASAKAWA (Senior Consultant)asakawahideyuki@jricojp +81-3-6833-2815

Project MembersYohei KOTAKE (Consultant)kotakeyohei@jricojp +81-3-6833-6333Yuki KUWABARA (Consultant)[email protected] +81-3-6833-6587

AssistantTakako IMAI (Assistant)[email protected] +81-3-6833-1562

Contact information

Tekes – the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation

Tekes is the main public funding organisation for research, development and innovation in Finland.Tekes funds wide-ranging innovation activities in research communities, industry and service sectorsand especially promotes cooperative and risk-intensive projects. Tekes’ current strategy puts strongemphasis on growth seeking SMEs.

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Smart City is one of the subtopics of thegrowth strategy of the governmentpolicy, "Abenomics". So, in Japan, it isregarded as an important theme.

Specifically, in the "Realization of cleanand economic energy supply-demandplan", Japan’s government aims tocreate industries related to environmentand energy, and build a clean andinexpensive energy society throughvarious and bidirectional networking.

Its concrete measures are "Expansionof smart community and establishmentof energy management industry","Enhancing energy-saving standards forbuildings" and "Internationalstandardization".

In the "Expansion of smart communityand establishment of energymanagement industry plan", Japan’sgovernment aims to introduce smartmeters to all households by 2020. Inaddition, in order to apply variouscharge menu, experiments are carriedout in the four key demonstration areas.

In the "Enhancing energy-savingstandards for buildings plan", Japan’sgovernment aims to introduce fuel cellsto 5.3 million households by 2030. Thatis 10% of all households in japan.

In the "International standardizationplan", international standardization ofbattery and charge control will bepromoted.

[Figure] Government policy on Smart City (Smart Community)

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from“The Reconstruction Strategy in Japan (JAPAN is BACK)”, The Cabinet Office

1.Society whereclean andeconomicalenergy issupplied

2.Society whereefficient energydistribution isachievedthroughcompetition

3.Society thatconsumesenergy wisely

problem Direction of theresolution

Since the GreatEast JapanEarthquake,energy costshave gone up

No competitionbetween powercompanies(regionalmonopoly)

Infrastructurewith highconsumptionefficiency is stilldeveloping

Strict use ofrenewable energy

Power systemreform(Fundamentalreform for the firsttime in 60 years)

Energy supply anddemandmanagementthrough theproactiveparticipation andcontribution byconsumer

Three socialimages

Realization of clean and economic energy supply-demand

Japanese government aims to create industries related to environment and energy, and build a cleanand inexpensive energy society through various and bidirectional networking.

concrete measure

* Feed-in Tariff Scheme* systemic reforms* upgrading of the Grid

* Changing the electrical power system* Development of storage batteries* Development of power devices

* Expantion of Smart community,establishment of energymanagement industry

* Enhancing energy-savingstandards for buildings

* Development and maintenanceof fuel cell, next-generation vehicles, the hydrogeninfrastructure

* International standardization





* Monetary policy* Fiscal policy* Growth strategy

Three arrows

* Industry Revitalization* Strategic Market Creation* Strategy of Global Outreach

Three action plans

* Extension of "healthy life"* Clean and economic energy supply and demand* Construction of the next generation infrastructure

that is safe, convenient and economical* Implementation of regional community

Four themes


Large policy

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In Japan, many innovative projectsabout Smart City have receivedfinancial supports from the government.

To commercialize the results of thoseprojects, government supports are stillneeded. Therefore, in order to predictthe Smart City future trends in Japan, itis necessary to understand theconcepts of the ministries and agencies.

Especially, "Environmental Future City"by Cabinet Office plays a major role.

In addition to the ministries below,Reconstruction Agency, MEXT (Ministryof Education, Sports, Science andTechnology), MLIT (Ministry of Land,Infrastructure and Transport), Ministry ofthe Environment are making variousefforts to Smart City projects.

[Figure] Policy of the ministries related to Smart City

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information







EV・PHV Town(2009)



EnvironmentalFuture City(2011)

ICT Smart Town(2012)

Smart Village

Widespread use of EV andPHV

Construction of a system formanaging overall energyincluding Electricity, Heat,Transportation


Creation of best practices toovercome aging andenvironmental issues as anenvironment future city

To solve problems by ICTdisaster risk reduction anddisaster preventionRegional issues

Building an integratedmanagement system forrenewable energy in units oflocal area

about 200million euro peryear (Cleanenergy vehicles)

about 100million euro peryear


about 5 millioneuro per year



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Policy of theCabinetOffice

"Environmental Future City" by CabinetOffice plays a major role to drive SmartCity demonstration projects in Japan.

In 2008, the Cabinet Office selected 13cities as "Environmental Model City"which would challenge the progressiveapproach to realize a low carbonsociety. Currently, about 50 cities havebeen selected.

In 2011, the Cabinet Office selected 11cities as "Environmental Future City"which would create human-centerednew values to support the environmentand ultra-aging society.

Environmental Future Cities areintended to create unique and bestpractice in the world whithin thedomains of technology, socio-economicsystem, service, business model andtown development. After that, the bestpractices will be expanded ontodomestic and international market toachieve sustainable development ofeconomy and society in Japan.

The government provides strongsupport for the "Environmental FutureCities". In particular, centralizinggovernment budgets and reformingregulations are provided.

By creating successful casescontinuously, the government aims toestablish ecosystems that are notdependent on subsidies.

[Figure] Smart City policy of the Cabinet Office

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information



Environmental Model City<Large city> Kitakyushu, Kyoto, Sakai , Yokohama, Niigata, Kobe<Local city> Iida, Obihiro, Toyama, Toyota, Tsukuba, Amagasaki, Matsuyama<Small > Shimokawa-cho, Minamata, Miyakojima, Yusuhara- cho

Mitake-cho, Nishiawakura Village

Environmental Future City<Affected areas of the earthquake>* Ofunato, Rikuzentakata, Sumita-cho* Kamaishi, Iwanuma* Higashi-Matsushima* Minami Soma* Shinchi Town<other areas>* Shimokawa-cho* Kashiwa * Yokohama * Toyama * Kitakyushu

EnvironmentalFuture City

EnvironmentalModel City

<<Environmental Future City>>

Careful selection

* Environment(Low-carbon, waste ,natural)* Low birthrate and longevity(Medical, nursing care, child care)*Economic growth* International expansion

* Low carbon* Local revitalization

supports for advancedcases and internationalexpansion

indirect supportsfor self-motivatingefforts of the city

In 2008, The government selected 13 cities as "Environmental Model City" which addressenvironmental issues as pioneers, in order to realize low carbon society, for examplereduction of greenhouse gases emissions.

In 2011, The government selected 11 cities as "Environmental Future City" which wouldcreate human-centered new values to support the environment and ultra-aging society.

40 to 50

Concept of Environmental Future City

<<Environmental Model City >>

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Market Trend

It is predicted that the total Smart Citymarket in the world in 2030 will reach282 trillion euro. The investment ratiosfor EV/PHEV, Stationary storage batteryand Power transmission equipment arelarge.

The increase of the number of SmartCity projects in the world and theexpansion of its market will continueuntil 2030. The number of Smart Cityprojects in emerging countries is largerthan that in advanced countries.

Because Smart City market will spreadmainly in emerging country, it is difficultto say that Japanese market will beattractive.

For this reason, the final goals of theseSmart City projects are often overseasexpansion.

[Table] Smart City market size and number of projects in the world

(Source) The World Smart City Pandect, Nikkei BP, Oct. 2011

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In Japan, Smart City projects areenforced by the cooperation of multipleplayers.

For example, in the Yokohama SmartCity Project (YSCP), which is one of thelargest Smart City demonstrationprojects in Japan, various players ofpublic and private sectors are in it, and"YSCP Company" integrates them.

In 2009, organization called "Smart CityProject" was launched by eightcompanies in private sector. Under the"Smart City Project", participatingcompanies will collaborate with eachother based on the open innovationsystem established to help thecompanies freely share information andexchange opinions. Through thissystem, the companies will establish a“one-stop total solution” for the totaloptimization of the city.[Figure] Market structure in Smart

City (key players)

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information

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In Abenomics, internationalstandardization is described in variouslocations, so it is regarded as one of themost important themes. Japan’sgovernment aims to expandinfrastructure exports to 30 trillion yen.Three pillars of efforts for expandinginfrastructure exports were presented.The pillars are top sales, strategiceconomic cooperation, and internationalstandardization.

Specifically, Japan’s government leadsthe international standardization ofsmart grid and energy-savinginfrastructure etc. Japan has strength inthese areas.

Ministry of Economic, Trade andIndustry (METI) aims to increase thebudget to drive internationalstandardization drastically.

METI would like to make 2014 the step-up year for strengthen the efforts for theinternational standardization throughpublic-private sector joint efforts.

[Figure] Efforts of International Standardization(1)

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information

Four themes of "Industry Revitalization plan"Enhancement of science technology innovation-> Strengthening of the intellectual property strategy and standardization strategy-> Reforming of the standardization and certification system for international expansion

* Establishment of strategic trade relations and Promotion of strategic economic partnership* Strategic initiatives to gain overseas markets* Development of infrastructure related to financial and human resources

Three themes of "Strategy of Global Outreach plan"

* Monetary policy* Fiscal policy* Growth strategy

Three arrows

* Industry Revitalization* Strategic Market Creation* Strategy of Global Outreach

Three action plans


Large policy





2013年 2014年(概算要求)









2013 2014

(million euro)

Policy budget for international standardization


2013年 2020年










2013 2020

(billion euro)

target amount of infrastructure system for export




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InstitutionalChange and theResult

In order to strengthen the efforts ofinternational standardization, domesticsystem has changed. The name of thissystem is "Top Standard System".Under this system, the results arebeginning to appear.

Under the traditional system, a lot oftime was needed in order to proposethe international standardization,because there was necessity to build aconsensus of the industry in Japan.

To solve this problem, this scheme hasbeen modified to make it possible topropose without industry consensus.

TOSHIBA and HITACHI utilized thissystem, as a result, a TC (TechnicalCommittee) on Electrical EnergyStorage (EES) Systems has beenapproved.

[Figure] Efforts of international standardization(2)

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information

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Case Study:

Examples ofDemonstrationPhase Project

In Japan, demonstration projects in fourcities below are representative.However, demonstration experimenthas been carried out in many areas.The number is 150 or more.

These projects are getting lots ofassistances from the government.

These four projects have beenpromoted from the time Japan’sgovernment began to focus on SmartCity project. They were selected as"Next-generation energy and socialsystem demonstration area" by METI in2010, and "Environmental Future City"by Cabinet Office in 2011.

Smart City demonstration will bepromoted with focuses on these fourprojects in Japan, in the future.[Figure] Representative

Demonstration projects in Japan

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from Japan Smart City Portal

Name of city City of Yokohama Toyota City Kansai ScienceCity

City of Kitakyushu

Area 434.98km2 (August2012)

918km2 (April 2012) 150km2 (April 2012) 488.78km2 (October2011)

Popu lation 3,697,426 (August2012)

422,830 (April 2012) 244,872 (April 2012) 971,924 (August 2012)

Locations forthe operationalexperiments

City of Yokohama as awhole, with a focus onthree districts - Minatomirai 21 - Kohoku New Town - Yokohama GreenValley

The Higashiyama andTakahashi districts fortrials of HEMS andEDMS, and Toyota Cityas a whole for trials ofa low-carbon transportsystem

The Seika and NishiKizu districts - Kyotanabe City - Kizugawa City - Seika Town

The Higashida area inYahata-Higashi ward

Area coveredby theoperationalexperiments

435km2(August 2012) 918km2(the entire areaof Toyota City)

7.7km2 (April 2012) 1.2km2

Number ofhouseholdsinvolved in theoperationalexperiments

* 2 housing complexes(16 and 24 houses),one apartmentcomplex (177apartments), 83houses for technologyverifications* 4,000 houses andapartments for socialverifications

* 67 newlyconstructedresidences* 160 existingresidences

* 102,024 (April 2012) * 225 households(August 2012)

Number ofworkplacesinvolved in theoperationalexperiments

* 4 office buildings* 2 commercialbuildings* 1 large-scale factory

* 2 commercialbuildings* 1 distribution center* 1 Toyota EcofulTown (showcase)

Introduction of BEMS:1 facility (KeihannaPlaza; April 2012)

* 50 (August 2012)


Number of EV/PHVinvo lved in theoperationalexperiments

Targets forintroduction of PVgeneration, etc.

Number o fhouseho ldsinvolved in theoperationalexperiments

Number of smartmeters installed

* 50 EV for demandresponse verifications

* 61.2% rate ofrenewable energy* 4,000 next-generation vehicles

* 14 households forHEMS* 100 households forsystems to renderenergy use visible* 700 households forpower demandresponse(April 2012)

* 225 (August 2012)

Target forintroduction o fphotovoltaicgeneration, e tc.

*** Number of EV/PHVinvolved in theoperationalexperiments

Level o fintroduction ofphotovoltaicgeneration, e tc .

* Photovoltaicgeneration: 27MW* HEMS: 4,000households;* EV: 2,000 vehicles

* 60 (April 2012) * Storage batteries:800 kW;* Photovoltaic : 400kW;* Fuel cells: 110 kW

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Case Study:

Examples ofCommercialPhaseProject

At the Panasonic’s factory site in theFujisawa, Kanagawa Prefecture, aSmart City will be started in the springof 2014. The project name is "FujisawaSustainable Smart Town".

Fujisawa has been prepared to build aSmart City by "basic design" and "basicstudy" from 2011.

Characteristic of the city is that thegeneration-storage linked systems areinstalled to all households.

"Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town"which sells 1,000 single-family housesis one of the largest projects at thistime. ("Smart City Kashiwa-no-ha"which sells 2,000 houses is also one ofthe largest projects, but it sells multi-unitfamily houses.)

In the future, the number of commercialphase projects like Fujisawa city mightincrease.

[Figure] Smart City project at the stage of practical use "Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town"

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from Panasonic webpage

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Case Study:

Project of thestage ofpractical use

"Smart House", "Smart CommunitySolar", "Smart Spot", "Smart Next TownArea", "Smart Station" is located in theFujisawa Sustainable Smart Town.

[Figure] Images of "Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town"

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from Panasonic webpage

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Suggestionsin Smart CityMarket

Japanese companies and Finnishcompanies should develop cooperativerelations for the purpose of globaldevelopment rather than developmentin Japan.

For foreign companies that do not havebases in Japan, it is difficult to obtainthe assistance of the Japan’sgovernment.

In many cases, the purposes ofacquisition or alliance betweenJapanese companies and foreigncompanies are global expansion.

The best way for Finnish company thatplans to get a presence in Japan wouldbe contacting JETRO (Japan ExternalTrade Organization). It promotesmatching between domestic and foreigncompanies.

For example, in "International SmartGrid EXPO", JETRO provides the"JETRO Zone" to hold businessmeetings that foreign companies canseek Japanese companies as businesspartners through the introduction of theirproducts and technologies.

[Figure] Suggestion for Finnish Company in Smart City market

(Source) The Japan Research Institute summarized from public information

Company Date Formati on Company Content Ta rget


Fuji Electric






General Electric(USA) Development and sale of Mart meter Japan

Toshiba May


Acquisition Landys+Gyr(Germany) Completion of energy management





Alliance Hewlett-Packard(USA) Joint business and joint research

and development in the field of

smart community




Acquisition Vijai(India) Manufacturing base of the power and

distribution transformers and



Hitachi February


Alliance Silver Spring


Providing solutions in smart grid







Johnson Controls(USA) Combine the advanced technology

and sales network in the field of

commercial air-conditioning






Alliance Living PlanIT


Acquisition of Smart City-related

business, based on Infrastructure

software to support M2M






Alliance Echelon(USA) Strengthen overseas development of

smart meter business


Agency Date Formati on Exhi bi ti on Content Target


JETRO February


Matching 4th International Smart


(JETRO attract

Promotion Division)

Matching of Japanese company and

foreign company in the Renewable

energy, energy management, element



Single entry byFinnishcompanies

Collaborationwith Japanesecompanies




Japan Global

Target Market

* Participation of foreigncompanies is less in Japanesedemonstration experiments

* Cases are less* JETRO is attracting foreigncompanies


* Many cases

