team toughness drills - · these intense drills will help you enhance your...

Presented by: Drew Hanlen Team Toughness Drills Your complete guide to developing a tougher team

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Page 1: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Presented by: Drew Hanlen

Team Toughness Drills Your complete guide to developing a tougher team

Page 2: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Special Thanks

Special thanks to:

My family, Colleen Hanlen, Brady Hanlen, Ashley Hanlen, Maddie Hanlen, LuLu Hanlen, Jane Corbett, Bob Corbett, Donna Hanlen, Dennis Hanlen, along with all of my other family members, for always supporting me;

Jay Blossom, for contributing drills, and for his continued mentoring and support, both on and off the floor;

Chris Neff, Greg White and Kyle Gilreath for contributing drills;

All of my coaches throughout my career: Rick Byrd, Casey Alexander, Brian Ayers, Roger Idstrom, Mark Price, James Strong, Jay Blossom, Scott Stallcup, Chris Neff, Joe Boeckman, Scott Gauthier, Sam Snelling, Corey Frazier, Roy Pierce, Eric Long, Erwin Claggett, Dale Turner, Mylin Johnson, Rick Maclin, Victor Cason, Charles Woods, Henry Rosehill, Tim Hill, Chris Cressler, Rich Phillips, Fred Harrison, Mark Eason, and Vernon Hemphill;

Jason Fry, for diagramming drills;

Jeremy Stein, for designing the drill book;

All of my clients and the entire “Pure Sweat Family” for trusting and believing in me.

Page 3: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing


Dear Reader, I would like to thank you for purchasing a copy of my “Team Toughness Drills” drill book. I put a lot of time and effort into this book. In this book, you will find 50 purposeful team drills that I have acquired throughout my career as a player and skills coach. These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing harder and more consistently than ever before. As a freshman in high school, I was an elite offensive talent, but a liability on the defensive end. Because of that, I found myself on the bench more than I thought I should have been. Like most players today, I thought “getting buckets” was the key to winning games. My high school coach, Jay Blossom, had a different philosophy. He believed in our programs motto: “Toughest Team Wins.” He made it clear to me that I would not reach my potential or play for him if I did not learn to be tough. At the time, I thought I was tough, because I stood up for myself when confronted. Looking back, I was actually pretty soft. I refused to set screens because I did not like contact, leaked out for outlets on rebounds because I did not want to blasted on a box out, rested on defense because I wanted to conserve my energy for the offensive end, and I refused to take charges because I was afraid to get hurt. Not only was I soft, but I was actually selfish too. Those things may be little, but little selfish acts of softness cost teams games. Toughness is not about looking tough; it is about being tough. Tough teams take charges, dive on loose balls, box out on defense, get around box outs on offense, get through screens on defense, set physical screens on offense, sprint the floor every change of possession, help the helper on defense, are engaged and in a stance on defense, stay poised when pressured on offense, take and give criticism the right way and come together during adversity. Tough teams also have competitive practices where players challenge each other, have hard working players that crave improvement, have leaders that keep everyone on the same page and have players that put aside individual agendas to focus on the team’s mission. Lastly, tough teams focus on the controllable. Players on a tough team do not complain about playing time, shot attempts or lack of credit, because the only things they can control are their effort and energy. They are willing to do whatever their coach asks of them, they give their teammates everything they have when they are on the floor, and they support their teammates with the same energy when they are on the bench. Toughness is contagious; as is softness. If you want to coach a tough team, you have to demand toughness everyday! Everyone in the program must buy in and hold each other accountable. In my opinion, there is only one thing worse than watching a soft team, and that is coaching a soft team. Toughness was demanded of me everyday throughout my high school career and I learned a lot about what real toughness is. There were definitely times that I hated it, but I became a tough player and left Webster Groves High School with a 105-15 record and a state championship. Coach Blossom was right… The TOUGHEST TEAM WINS! Hopefully you enjoy the book and it helps your team understand what real toughness is all about. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Please take the time to visit my website at


Drew Hanlen

Page 4: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

1v1 to 3v3

Step 1: Ball handler will bring up the ball against an on-ball defender in the full-court, while two offensive players and two defenders will be on the opposite end of the court waiting. The court will be split into two at the mid-line. Step 2: As soon as the ball handler crosses half-court, the drill becomes live 3v3 on that side of the floor. Additional Info: Offense is allowed three passes to score and the offensive players are allowed three dribbles per catch. The first team to three scores wins. Both sides of the floor will be playing at the same time.

Page 5: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

1v2 Attack

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball on the baseline and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while another defender will be waiting just outside of the elbow. The court will be divided at the mid-line. Steps: Ball handler will try to dribble the ball past half-court without turning the ball over, while both defenders will try to turn and trap the ball handler to force a turnover. Additional Info: Ball handler has 10 seconds to advance the ball past half-court. The ball handler must stay on their side of the court. Two groups will go at the same time.

Page 6: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

1v2 Post Double Pass Out

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball on the wing and will be pressured by a defender. The offensive player and the defender will start on the strong-side block. An additional coach will start on the weak-side wing. Step 1: Coach will make a post entry to the offensive player. As soon as the coach makes the post entry, the defender that is guarding the coach will sprint and touch the elbow, then sprint to double the offensive player. On the catch, the offensive post player can attack right away before the double comes. If the offensive player is unable to score quickly before the double comes, they must retreat dribble out of the double team and complete a skip pass to the coach located on the weak-side wing. Step 2: After skipping the ball, the doubling defender will step off, while the offensive post will fight across the lane to re-establish position on the opposite block. The coach with the ball will pass the ball to the offensive player whenever they call for it. On the catch, players will play live 1v1. Step 3: If the offensive player scores, they will stay on offense and the doubling defender will become the defender, while the defender that just got scored on will become the doubling defender. If the defender gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive player will become the doubling defender, while the doubling defender will become the defender. Additional Info: Offensive player has two dribbles to score. The offensive player gets two points for scoring on the first catch or one point for scoring on the second catch. They lose one point if they turn the ball over or get their skip pass deflected. The first player to five scores wins.

Page 7: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

1v2 Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball on the wing. The offensive player will start on the free throw line, while a defender will start on each block. Step 1: Coach will shoot the ball. On the flight of the shot, both defenders will sprint to box out the offensive player, while the offensive player will try to get around the block outs and pursue the offensive rebound. Step 2: Defenders do not pursue the rebound. Instead, they continue to box out and try to keep the offensive player from touching the rebound before the ball bounces twice. If the rebound bounces twice before the offensive player touches the ball, the defensive team gets one point. If the offensive player touches the ball in the air, the offensive team gets two points. If the offensive player touches the ball after one bounce, the offensive team gets one point. If the offensive player rebounds the ball in the air and finishes a put-back, the offensive team gets three points. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 8: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v1 Continuous Box Drill

Set Up: Two offensive players from the Black Team will start at half-court, while a defender from the Red Team will start in the paint. Another player from the Red Team will start at the angle on either wing. Step 1: Offensive players will attack the defender and try to score in the 2v1 situation. Offensive players are allowed two passes to attempt a shot. One shot per possession. Step 2: Offensive player that shoots (or turns the ball over) must sprint and touch inside the center circle, and then sprint back on defense, while the defender must secure the rebound or get the made field goal out of the net and then outlet the ball to their teammate at the angle. If the defender gets a steal, they can quickly outlet the ball to their teammate at the angle as well. The offensive player that did not shoot will rotate to either angle and become the next player that receives the outlet pass. Step 3: Player at the angle that receives the outlet pass will pass the ball to one of their teammates that are ready to attack at half-court. Continue this rotation until one team scores 12 baskets.

Page 9: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v2 Box Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the free throw line. The offensive players will start on the elbows, while the defenders will start on the blocks. Step 1: Coach will shoot the ball. On the flight of the shot, the two offensive players will crash the glass, while the two defenders will sprint and box out the offensive player that is in front of them. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 10: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v2 Cross Screens

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball on the wing. An offensive and defensive player will start on each block. Steps: Strong-side offensive player will cross screen for their teammate on the opposite block, then it will be live 2v2. The offensive players can use or refuse the cross screen however they desire and the defenders can guard the cross screen however they desire. Read #1: If the defenders are not switching, the cutter should wait for the screen to be set, then set-up their cut, faking low to cut high or faking high to cut low, and then rub shoulder-to-hip off the screener to try to gain advantageous position on the strong-side block. After the cutter uses the screen, the screener should flash to the free throw line to properly space the floor. Read #2: If the defenders are switching, the cutter can reject the screen and flash to the free throw line, while the screener seals their defender for a high-low seal or the cutter can use the screen then immediately loop to the free throw line, while the screener cracks back and seals the defender that switched onto them for a low-post catch.

Page 11: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v2 Double Contest

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball in one of the slots and an additional coach will start in the opposite slot. An offensive player will start on each wing, while the defenders guarding them will start in defensive stances in correct gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Offensive players and coaches will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Step 2: Ball continues to move until Coach yells, “Live”, then the offensive players will immediately attack and play live 2v2. Additional Info: Offense is allowed two passes to score and the offensive players are allowed three dribbles per catch. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to four scores wins.

Page 12: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v2 Volleyball

Step 1: Two offensive players will try to complete 10 catches in a row, while staying within the square of the volleyball court. The on-ball defender will apply intense ball pressure and try to get deflections, while the off-ball defender will deny the passing lane to the player they are guarding. Step 2: If either defender gets a steal or deflects the ball out of bounds, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. Additional Info: If the offensive players successfully complete 10 catches in a row, they will get to step off and a new team of two will replace them, while the two defenders will stay on defense.

Page 13: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

2v2 X-Out Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the free throw line. The offensive players will start on the elbows, while the defenders will start on the blocks. Step 1: Coach will shoot the ball. On the flight of the shot, the two offensive players will crash the glass, while the two defenders will sprint and box out the offensive player that is located on the opposite elbow. The defenders must communicate who goes over and who goes under. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 14: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

3v3 Cut Throat

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball at the top of the key and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while the other two offensive players will start on each wing and their defenders will be in correct gap positions. Coaches will start on each wing near the hash mark. Step 1: Players will play live 3v3, using the team’s offensive and defensive principles. Step 2: If the offensive team scores, they will quickly get the ball out of the net and outlet the ball to either coach, then they will stay on offense, while a new defensive team sprints on the floor and matches up quickly. If the defensive team gets a rebound or creates a turnover, they will quickly outlet the ball to either coach, then they will become the offensive team, while a new defensive team sprints on the floor and matches up quickly. Additional Info: Offense is allowed three passes to score and the offensive players are allowed three dribbles per catch. Rebounds are live. The team with most points at the end of six minutes wins.

Page 15: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

3v3 Run and Jump

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball on either block and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while two additional offensive players will start on each wing at half-court and their defenders will be in correct gap positions, up-the-line. Step 1: On-ball defender will turn the ball handler and try to get them out of control. The gap defenders will be up-the-line and ready to “jump” (blitz) the handler to try to force a turnover. Step 2: Defenders should avoid face-trapping, which allows the ball handler to see the “jump” coming. The best time to “jump” is when the handler loses vision or changes direction. If one of the defenders “jumps,” the other gap defender will rotate back into a safety position. Step 3: If the handler is able to pass ahead, both the on-ball defender and the defender that “jumped” will sprint back to get to the level of the ball, while communicating who is rotating onto the unguarded offensive player down court. Additional Info: Drill is live 3v3. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to six scores wins.

Page 16: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v3 Full-Court

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while three defenders will start inside of the three-point line (one defender must pressure the ball, while the other two defenders can be in gap or help-side positions). Step 1: Offensive players will rotate the ball around to each other and try to get an uncontested three-point shot within four passes. The defenders must scramble and rotate on passes to try and prevent the offensive players from getting an uncontested three-point shot. If an offensive player is open on the catch or if they receive the ball after the offensive team has used their four allowed passes, the player will shoot a jump shot. On the flight of the shot, the four offensive players will crash the glass, while the three defenders will sprint and box out three of the offensive players. Step 2: If the defensive team gets a stop (rebound or turnover), they will immediately transition and play live 3v4 in the full court and can score however they want (they are not limited to just shooting three-point jump shots like the team of four). If they get scored on, they have to take the ball out before transitioning. Step 3: If the offensive team gets an offensive rebound, they must bring the ball back outside of the three-point line and try to get another uncontested three-point jump shot within four passes. If they score or get stopped, they must immediately pressure the ball and try to use their extra player to their advantage to force a turnover or get a stop. Additional Info: Drill is live 4v3 in the full-court. The team of four can only score by making three-point jump shots. The team with most points at the end of three minutes wins.

Page 17: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v4 No Dribble Live

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions (defenders may play tighter on the player they guarding because dribbling is not allowed). Steps: Drill is live 4v4, so players are free to make reads and play off each other throughout the possession. The offensive players are not allowed to dribble throughout the entire possession. Additional Info: If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to six scores wins.

Page 18: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v3 Passing Box

Set Up: Offensive players will start on each of the elbows and the blocks, while three defenders will start inside the lane (at least one of the defenders must pressure the ball at all times). Step 1: Offensive players will play keep away from the defense by completing passes to each other. The offensive players are not allowed to move off their spot (block or elbow) and they are not allowed to throw over-top passes. Step 2: If an offensive player turns the ball over or moves off their spot, the defender that was pressuring the ball will take the offensive spot of the player that turned the ball over, while the offensive player that turned the ball over will move to defense.

Page 19: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v3 Scramble

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while three defenders will start inside of the three-point line (one defender must pressure the ball, while the other two defenders can be in gap or help-side positions). Step 1: Offensive players will rotate the ball around to each other and try to get an uncontested three-point shot within four passes. The defenders must scramble and rotate on passes to try and prevent the offensive players from getting an uncontested three-point shot. If an offensive player is open on the catch or if they receive the ball after the offensive team has used their four allowed passes, the player will shoot a jump shot. On the flight of the shot, the four offensive players will crash the glass, while the three defenders will sprint and box out three of the offensive players. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, the defensive team gets two points. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they must bring the ball back outside of the three-point line and try to get another uncontested three-point jump shot within four passes. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as three points for every three-point jump shot they make. If one of the defenders forces a turnover, the defensive team gets three points. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 20: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v4 Box Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the free throw line. The offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while the defenders will start on the blocks and elbows. Step 1: Coach will shoot the ball. On the flight of the shot, the four offensive players will crash the glass, while the four defenders will sprint and box out the offensive player that is in front of them. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 21: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v4 X-Out Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the free throw line. The offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while the defenders will start on the blocks and elbows. Step 1: Coach will shoot the ball. On the flight of the shot, the four offensive players will crash the glass, while the two defenders on the blocks will sprint and box out the offensive player that is located above the same-side elbow and the two defenders on the elbows will sprint and box out the offensive player that is located in the same-side corner. The defenders must communicate who goes over and who goes under. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

Page 22: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

4v6 Stall Game

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while six defenders will start by closely guarding and doubling the offensive players. Steps: Offensive players will try to stall for one minute or get an uncontested lay-up, while the defenders will try to force a turnover by trapping the ball handler and denying passing lanes. Additional Info: Offense gets three attempts to successfully stall for one minute or make an uncontested lay-up.

Page 23: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

5v4 Rotation Shell

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. A coach will start in one of the corners on offense and will be unguarded. Step 1: Offensive players will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Step 2: After a few passes, one of the offensive players will pass the ball to the unguarded coach in the corner, who will immediately drive baseline. Step 3: Defender in “help baseline” position must meet the coach outside of the lane, while the rest of the defenders will drop and rotate into correct help-side positions. If the help baseline defender stops the coach outside of the lane like they are supposed to, the coach will pass the ball to any of the offensive players and the drill becomes live 4v4 (coach will step off the floor after making the pass). The defenders must communicate and match-up quickly. Additional Info: If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to four scores wins.

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12 Second Drill

Set Up: Players are partnered up and have one ball between the two of them. Step 1: Ball handler will pivot for four seconds while their partner defends and pressures them closely. The defender is trying to steal the ball and is allowed to foul, push and grab. Step 2: After four seconds of ripping the ball through, the ball handler will stationary dribble and use simple moves to keep the ball away from the defender for four seconds, while their partner defends and pressures them closely. Step 3: After four seconds of keep-away dribbling, the ball handler will pick up their dribble and pivot for another four seconds, just as they did the first four seconds, while their partner defends and pressures them closely.

Page 25: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Bump Off Line Drill

Set Up: Defender will start with the ball underneath the rim, while the offensive player will start outside of the three-point line at the top of the key. Step 1: Defender will roll the ball out to one of the offensive players, then sprint and close out. Step 2: Offensive player will pick up the rolled ball and drive in either direction and try to drive inside the cones that are just outside of the elbows, while the defender will try to bump them off their driving line and push them outside of the cones. Step 3: If they offensive player drives the ball through the cones, they will finish at the rim and receive one point. If the defender bumps the offensive player off their driving line and pushes them outside of the cones, the defender will receive one point. Additional Info: Players will rotate from offense to defense after each possession. The first player to eight points wins.

Page 26: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Chuck The Cutter Into 1v1

Set Up: Ball handler will start outside of the three-point line in one of the slots and will be pressured by an on-ball defender. The coach will start on the strong-side wing. Step 1: The ball handler will pass the ball to the coach then make a basket cut to the post. The defender will jump to the ball on the pass, and then stay ball-side of the cutting offensive player, not allowing a face cut. Step 2: Defender will front the post while the offensive player tries to fight around and post up. After a few seconds of trying to post, the offensive player will clear across the lane. The defender will stay in correct help-side position while the offensive player clears out. Step 3: After getting outside the lane, the offensive player will cut to the ball. The defender must chuck (bump) the cutter, and then deny an easy pass. If the offensive player gets open, the coach will pass them the ball. On the catch, the players will play live 1v1. The offensive player has three dribbles to score.

Page 27: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Circle The Wagons Into Live Play

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball outside of the three-point line. Five offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while five defenders will start just outside of the lane. Step 1: Defenders will rotate around the lane, pointing and communicating to who they are guarding each time they rotate in front of a new player. Step 2: After a few rotations, the coach will pass the ball to one of the offensive players. On the flight of the pass, the defenders will close out on the ball or sprint into correct gap or help-side positions, then it is live 5v5. Additional Info: Offensive players are allowed three dribbles per catch. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to six scores wins.

Page 28: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Circle the Wagons Rebounding

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball outside of the three-point line. Five offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while five defenders will start just outside of the lane. Step 1: Defenders will rotate around the lane, pointing and communicating to who they are guarding each time they rotate in front of a new player. After a few rotations, the coach will shoot a shot. On the flight of the shot, the offensive players will crash the glass, while the defenders will sprint and box out the offensive player that is in front of them. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for three minutes and then defense for three minutes. The team with most points at the end of six minutes wins.  

Page 29: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Circle Trap

Set Up: Four offensive players will start around the free throw circle, while three defenders will start inside the free throw circle. Any of the four offensive players can start with the ball. Step 1: Ball handler will pass the ball to one of their teammates to start the drill. On the pass, the two closest defenders will trap with active hands, without fouling. The defender that is not trapping will play safety and try to take away passes to the other offensive players. Step 2: Offensive players will play keep-away from the defense by completing passes to each other. The offensive players are not allowed to move off their spot (must have a foot on the free throw circle at all times) and they are not allowed to throw over-top passes. Step 3: If an offensive player turns the ball over or moves off their spot, one of the defender that was pressuring the ball gets to take the offensive spot of the player that turned the ball over, while the offensive player that turned the ball over will move to defense. 

Page 30: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Close Out Into Stops

Set Up: Defender will start with the ball underneath the rim, while three offensive players will start outside of the three-point line (one at the top of the key and one on each wing). Step 1: Defender will roll the ball out to one of the offensive players, and then sprint and close out for live 1v1. The offensive player has three dribbles to score. Step 2: After the defender gets a stop or gets scored on, they will grab the ball and roll the ball to one of the players that they have not yet stopped and repeat the same steps. The defender must stop each of the offensive players once before one of the offensive players moves to defense.

Page 31: Team Toughness Drills - · These intense drills will help you enhance your team's level of toughness and competitive edge, and will have your players competing

Close Out Reaction Drill

Set Up: Defender will start with the ball underneath the rim, while the offensive player will start outside of the three-point line at the top of the key. Step 1: Defender will roll the ball out to one of the offensive players, then sprint and close out. Step 2: Offensive player will pick up the rolled ball and drive in either direction and try to rub tight off of one of the cones on the elbows, while the defender will try to “catch” the offensive player’s drive and get over-top of the cone to cut off their driving angle. Step 3: If they offensive player rubs tight off of one of the cones, they will finish at the rim and receive one point. If the defender beats the offensive player to the cone and cuts off their driving angle, the defender will receive one point. Additional Info: Players will rotate from offense to defense after each possession. The first player to eight points wins.

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Combination Screen Drill

Set Up: Ball handler (Player 1) will start with the ball at the top of the key and will be pressured by an on-ball defender (x1), while an offensive (Player 4) and defensive (x4) post player will start on the wing and an offensive (Player 2) and defensive (x2) guard will start on the strong-side block. Step 1: Offensive post player on the wing (Player 4) will set a pindown for the offensive guard (Player 2), who will use the pindown and pop to the wing and receive a pass from the ball handler (Player 1). Step 2: Offensive post player (Player 4) will then set a UCLA screen (up screen) for the offensive player at the top of the key (Player 1). The defender guarding the player using the UCLA screen (x1) will jump to the ball then get through the UCLA screen, while the screener’s defender (x4) will provide help if necessary. Step 3: After setting the UCLA screen, the screener (Player 4) will pop to the three-point line and receive a pass from the ball handler (Player 2). The offensive player on the block (Player 1) will immediately set a back screen for the offensive player on the wing that just made the pass (Player 2). The defender guarding the player using the back screen (x2) will jump to the ball then get through the back screen, while the screener’s defender (x1) will provide help if necessary. Step 4: After setting the back screen, the screener (Player 1) will pop to the wing and receive a pass from the offensive post player (Player 4), who will follow their pass and set an on-ball screen. The drill becomes live 3v3. The defenders should guard the ball screen using their team’s defensive principles.

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Continuous Down Screens

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the top of the key. Two offensive players will start on the wings and two offensive players will start on the blocks, while their defenders will closely guard them. Step 1: Offensive players on the wings will set down screens for the offensive players on the blocks, who will try to use the screens to score, while the defenders will try to deny the player they are guarding from receiving a pass from coach. The defenders are allowed to show, hedge or bump, but are not allowed to switch. Step 2: If none of the offensive players are open for a scoring opportunity, the offensive players that just received the down screens will set down screens for the offensive players that just set the screens. Additional Info: Offensive team gets three screening opportunities to create a scoring opportunity. If the offensive team fails to create a scoring opportunity within the three screening opportunities or if the defense gets a stop, the defenders will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. The first team to four scores wins.

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Continuous Down Screens with Pressure

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball at the top of the key and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while the wings and two offensive players will start on the blocks, while their defenders will closely guard them. Step 1: Offensive players on the wings will set down screens for the offensive players on the blocks, who will try to use the screens to score, while the defenders will try to deny the player they are guarding from receiving a pass from the ball handler. The defenders are allowed to show, hedge or bump, but are not allowed to switch. Step 2: If none of the offensive players are open for a scoring opportunity, the offensive players that just received the down screens will set down screens for the offensive players that just set the screens. Additional Info: Offensive team gets three screening opportunities to create a scoring opportunity. The ball handler must avoid being called for a five-second call as well. If the offensive team fails to create a scoring opportunity within the three screening opportunities or if the defense gets a stop, the defenders will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. The first team to four scores wins.

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Deflection Drill

Set Up: Players will start in two lines (one at the top of the key and one below the free throw circle line). The first player in the line at the top of the key will start with the ball and will be pressured by an on-ball defender. Step 1: Ball handler will take two dribbles to the right then pick up their dribble, while the defender pressures the ball. Step 2: After two seconds of ripping the ball through, the ball handler must complete a clean pass to the opposite line. On the pass, the passer will close out on the new ball handler, while the on-ball defender will rotate to the end of the line that the passer just completed the pass to. Step 3: After the passer completes their close out, the new ball handler will repeat the same steps to continue their drill. Ball handler will complete a pass then close out and be the next on-ball defender, while the on-ball defender will always rotate to the back of the line that receives the pass. Additional Info: Coaches can add a second ball and have both lines go at the same time once players understand the rotation.

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Deny the Wings

Set Up: Coach starts with the ball in one of the slots and an additional coach will start in the opposite slot. An offensive player will start on each wing, while the defenders guarding them will start in defensive stances in correct gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Offensive player on the strong-side wing will cut to get open, while their defender denies the passing lane. If the offensive player gets open, the coach will pass them the ball and the offensive player will quickly pass the ball back to the coach. The offensive player will try to get as many catches as they can. Step 2: After the coach is satisfied with the defender’s ability to deny the passing lane, the coach will reverse the ball to the other coach. On the flight of the pass, the strong-side defender will close out into correct gap position and deny a pass to the player they are guarding, while the weak-side defender will sprint into correct help-side position. To ensure both defenders see the ball, the coaches can drive at any time to force the defenders to stunt and stop the ball. Step 3: : After the coach is satisfied with both of the defenders’ ability to deny the passing lanes, the coach will yell, “Live” and the offensive players will immediately attack and play live 2v2. Additional Info: If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to four scores wins.

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Diamond Shell

Set Up: Three offensive players will start outside of the three-point line and an offensive post player will start on either block, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Offensive players will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Step 2: Coach can yell, “Live” at any time and the offensive players will immediately attack and play live 4v4. If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to four scores wins. Terminology: Defender guarding the ball will call, “Ball.” Defenders that are one pass away will call, “Gap” and be on the passing line between the ball and their man. Defenders that are two passes away will call, “Help Middle” or “Help Baseline” depending on what their responsibility is, and will be in correct help-side position.

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Four Quarter Killer

Set Up: A coach will start with a ball on each free throw line. Two ball handlers will start with balls on the baseline in adjacent corners and will be pressured by on-ball defenders, All of the remaining players will divide evenly into lines in the each of the four corners. Step 1: On-ball defenders will pressure and turn the ball handlers in a zig-zag manner to half-court. Once the ball handlers reach half-court, they will pick up their dribbles and try to complete a pass to the players on the baseline in front of them, while the defenders will trace the ball and try to get a steal or deflection. Step 2: Regardless if they get a steal or deflection or not, the defenders will turn and sprint to receive passes from the coaches for lay-ups. Step 3: After making lay-ups, the defenders will rotate to the next corner and repeat the same steps against a new ball handler. The defenders will guard four different players (one in each of the four corners) and must make all four lay-ups. If they miss any of the lay-ups, they will have to repeat the drill.

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Fundamental Traps

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball on the baseline, while another offensive player will start near half-court. Two defenders will start in-between them, free throw line extended. Step 1: Ball handler will dribble towards the two defenders, pick up their dribble, and then rip though and pivot while the defenders trap them. Step 2: As soon as the ball handler picks up their dribble, the offensive player near half-court will cut to either side to become more visible to their teammate that is being trapped, and the trapped ball handler will try to complete a clean pass to their teammate. Step 3: If the ball handler completes a clean pass, the receiver of the pass will dribble back to their starting spot, and then repeat the same steps. If the defenders get a steal, deflection, or five-second call, they will move to offense and the two offensive players will move to defense.

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Help-Side Exchange

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball on the wing and an additional coach will start in the strong-side corner. One offensive player will start on the weak-side wing, while another offensive player will start in the weak-side corner and their defenders will start in correct help-side positions. Step 1: Coach will yell, “Exchange” and the offensive players must exchange positions. The defenders cannot switch and must rotate into correct help-side positions while keeping an eye on the ball at all time. Step 2: On a pass to the coach in the corner, both defenders must drop and stay in correct help-side positions. On a middle drive, the top defender must stunt at the ball when coach drives. On a baseline drive, the low defender must meet coach outside the lane, while the top defender must drop. The coaches can pass to either of the offensive players at any time. As soon as one of the coaches pass the ball to either of the offensive players, the drill becomes live 2v2. Additional Info: If the offensive team scores, they will stay on offense. If the defenders get a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive team will move to defense. The first team to five scores wins.

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Hit, Find, and Fetch

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball outside of the three-point line. Five offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while five defenders will start inside of the charge circle in the lane. Step 1: Coach will pass the ball to any of the offensive players, who will immediately shoot a jump shot on the catch. On the flight of the shot, the offensive players will crash the glass, while the defenders will sprint and box out the offensive player that is in front of them. Step 2: If one of the defenders rebounds the ball, they will outlet the ball to the coach and the defensive team gets one point. If one of the offensive players rebounds the ball, they will immediately try to score without dribbling. The offensive team gets one point for every offensive rebound, as well as one point for every score. The defensive team does not get any points if they rebound an offensive put-back miss. Additional Info: Both teams will play offense for three minutes and then defense for three minutes. The team with most points at the end of six minutes wins.

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Individual Rebounding Gauntlet

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball outside of the three-point line. Three offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while the defender will start inside the lane, just above the charge circle. Step 1: Coach will call one of the offensive players names, and then quickly shoot a shot. On the flight of the shot, the defender will sprint to box out the crashing player whose name was called. Both players will pursue the rebound until one player secures the ball. Step 2: Defender has to get three stops in a row. The defender will take the offensive spot of the player that crashed and did not get the rebound on the defender’s third rebound in a row, while the offensive player that crashed and did not get the rebound on the defender’s third rebound in a row will become the next defender.

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Inferno Drill

Set Up: Coach will start with the ball at the top of the key and two additional coaches will start on each wing. Two offensive players will start on the elbows and two offensive players will start on the blocks, while their defenders will closely guard them. Step 1: When the coach at the top of the key has the ball, the offensive players on the elbows will set down screens for the offensive players on the blocks, who will try to use the screens to get a catch on the elbows, while the defenders will try to deny their player from receiving a pass from coach. If none of the offensive players are open for a catch, the offensive players that just received the down screens will set down screens for the offensive players that just set the screens. Step 2: When one of the coaches on the wings has the ball, the offensive players on the strong-side will set cross screens for the offensive players on the weak-side, who will try to use the screens to get a catch on the strong-side blocks or elbows, while the defenders will try to deny their player from receiving a pass from coach. If none of the offensive players are open for a catch, the offensive players that just received the cross screens will set cross screens for the offensive players that just set the screens. Additional Info: Offensive team gets one point for every block or elbow catch (do not give the offensive team a point if they catch the ball without a foot on either the block or elbow). Both teams will play offense for two minutes and then defense for two minutes. The team with most points at the end of four minutes wins.

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Man in the Middle

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball just outside of the lane and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while another offensive player will start just outside of the lane on the weak-side. Step 1: Offensive players will play keep-away from the defender by completing passes to each other. The offensive players are not allowed to dribble, move off their spots, or throw over-top passes. Step 2: If an offensive player turns the ball over, the defender will take the offensive spot of the player that turned the ball over, while the offensive player that turned the ball over will move to defense.

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No Paint Drill

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Players will play live 4v4, using the team’s offensive and defensive principles. The offensive team is not trying to score. They are trying to get paint (lane) touches. If an offensive player drives the ball into the charge circle in the lane, the offensive team gets two points. If an offensive player drives the ball anywhere else in the paint, the offensive team gets one point. Step 2: Offensive players are allowed three dribbles per catch. Both teams will play offense for one minute and then defense for one minute. The team with most points at the end of two minutes wins.

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Paint Game

Set Up: Three offensive players will start outside of the three-point line (the top of the key and both wings), while a defender will start with the ball just in front of the rim. All of the remaining players will start in a line on the baseline under the rim. Step 1: Defender will pass the ball to the offensive player on the left wing then close out for live 1v1. The offensive player that receives the ball is not trying to score, but rather drive the ball into the paint within two dribbles. If the offensive player drives the ball and gets both feet in the paint within two dribbles, they get one point. If the defender stops the offensive player and does not allow them to drive the ball into the paint within two dribbles, the defender gets one point. Step 2: Regardless of the outcome of the possession, after two dribbles, the offensive player will pick up their dribble and pass the ball to the offensive player at the top of the key. The defender will replace the offensive player they just defended on the wing, while the offensive player that just drove the ball will rotate to the back of the defensive line under the rim. Step 3: On the flight of the pass, the next defender (who was waiting just in front of the rim while the first possession was taking place) will sprint and close out under control on the offensive player at the top of the key for live 1v1 to continue the drill. Additional Info: Players will keep track of their own points throughout the drill. The first player to ten points wins. The ball handlers will always pass in a counterclockwise manner (right wing to the top of the key to the left wing to the right wing). If the defenders start to close out before the pass is in the air, the coach can allow the ball handler to decide which offensive player they pass the ball to so that the defender cannot cheat the drill.

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Pure Sweat 2v2 Deny & Grind

Step 1: Team 1 starts with the ball and plays live 2v2 against the Team 2 in the half-court. The offensive players are allowed two passes to attempt a shot. One shot per possession. Step 2: Regardless of the outcome of the possession, Team 2 takes the ball out and tries to inbound the ball to one of the players on Team 3 (who sprinted on the court from the sidelines as soon as the possession ended), who will be face-guarded by the Team 1. One of the players from Team 3 must get open and catch the ball in front of the Team 1 defenders. Over-top passes are not allowed. Step 3: If Team 1 gets a five-second call, they get the ball and get to transition against Team 3, who loses their offensive possession. If Team 1 gets a steal, they will immediately attack and try to covert against Team 3. If Team 1 scores on Team 3 after stealing the ball, Team 3 takes out the ball and tries to inbound the ball to Team 2, who rotated to the outlet lines on the sidelines. If Team 1 gets stopped by Team 3 after stealing the ball, Team 3 attacks and plays full-court 2v2 against Team 1. Step 4: If Team 3 successfully receives the inbounds pass, they play full-court 2v2 against Team 1. No over-top passes are allowed until the ball handler gets past half-court. Step 5: Regardless of the outcome of the possession, Team 1 takes the ball out and tries to inbound the ball to one of the players on Team 4 (who sprinted on the court from the sidelines as soon as the possession ended). Additional Info: The drill is continuous full-court 2v2 with inbounds denial. Teams get two points for a made two-point field goal, three points for a made three-point field goal and five points for getting a five-second violation on an inbounds denial. The team with most points at the end of six minutes wins.

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Pure Sweat Combo Drill

Set Up: Two ball handlers will start with balls near the 28-foot marks in adjacent corners. Two passers will start in adjacent corners opposite of the ball handlers. Two defenders will start inside of each lane on both ends of the floor. All of the additional players will start in lines behind the passers. Step 1: Ball handlers will pass their balls ahead to the passer in front of them on the opposite end of the court, and then sprint to the elbow or three-point line, depending on their shooting range. The passers will pass the balls back to the original ball handlers once they get to their shooting range for a jump shot. Step 2: On the flight of the shot, the passer will crash the glass, while the defender in the lane will sprint and box out the crashing passer. Both players will pursue the rebound until one player secures the ball. Step 3: Whoever secures the rebound will dribble outside of the three-point line then pass the ball ahead to the passer in front of them on the opposite end of the court, and then sprint to their range for a jump shot, while the player that did not get the rebound will stay in the lane as the next defender. The shooter will rotate to the back of the passing line that they received the ball from.

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Pure Sweat Get Open Drill

Set Up: Ball handler will start with the ball at the top of the key and will be pressured by an on-ball defender, while another offensive player will start under the rim with a defender in full denial. Two all-time screeners will start just outside each second hash mark. Step 1: Offensive player under the rim will try to free themselves from their defender by using the screeners in any way that they want (curl, pop, fade, wiggle, etc), while their defender will try to deny them from receiving a pass from the ball handler. Step 2: If the offensive player frees themselves from their defender, the ball handler will complete a pass to them. After passing the ball, the original ball handler will make a basket cut to the rim, while the offensive player that received the ball will dribble the ball to the top of the key. The offensive team will try to complete eight catches in a row, while the defenders try to get a steal or force a turnover. Ball handler can be called for a five-second violation. Additional Info: If the offensive players successfully complete eight catches in a row, they will become the next screeners, the defenders will stay on defense and the screeners will move to offense. If the defenders get a steal or force a turnover, they will become the next screeners, the offensive players will move to defense and the screeners will move to offense.

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Shell Stage 1 (Positioning)

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Steps: Offensive players will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Terminology: Defender guarding the ball will call, “Ball.” The defenders that are one pass away will call, “Gap” and be on the passing line between the ball and their man. The defenders that are two passes away will call, “Help Middle” or “Help Baseline” depending on what their responsibility is, and will be in correct help-side position.

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Shell Stage 2 (Cutters)

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Offensive players will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Step 2: When a pass is made to one of the wings, the offensive player in the strong-side slot will immediately make a basket cut then clear to the weak-side wing if they do not receive the ball, while the two players on the weak-side will rotate towards the ball. On the pass, the defender guarding the cutter will jump to the ball, keep the cutter from face-cutting in front of them, and then will stay in help-side position when the cutter clears to the weak-side wing, while the other defenders guarding the offensive players that are rotating towards the ball will sprint into correct gap or help-side positions. Terminology: Defender guarding the ball will call, “Ball.” The defenders that are one pass away will call, “Gap” and be on the passing line between the ball and their man. The defenders that are two passes away will call, “Help Middle” or “Help Baseline” depending on what their responsibility is, and will be in correct help-side position.

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Shell Stage 3 (Down Screens)

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Offensive players will move the ball around the key, while the defenders communicate and rotate into correct positions. The ball handler should hold the ball for two seconds before passing, so that the defenders can work on getting into the correct positions. The defenders will allow passes to go through and will not deflect or steal them. Step 2: When a guard-to-guard (slot-to-slot) pass is made, the passer will sprint and set a down screen for the offensive player in the same-side corner. If the offensive player that receives the pass quickly reverses the ball, they can sprint and turn the down screen into a double staggered screen. On the pass, the defender guarding the cutter can either jump to the ball then slide under the screen(s) or lock and trail, depending on the team’s defensive principles, while the other defender(s) guarding the screener(s) will jump to the ball then guard the screen using the team’s defensive principles. Step 3: When a wing-to-guard (wing to slot) pass is made, no one will cut or screen. Terminology: Defender guarding the ball will call, “Ball.” The defenders that are one pass away will call, “Gap” and be on the passing line between the ball and their man. The defenders that are two passes away will call, “Help Middle” or “Help Baseline” depending on what their responsibility is, and will be in correct help-side position.

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Shell Stage 4 (Live)

Set Up: Four offensive players will start outside of the three-point line, while their defenders will start in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions. Step 1: Drill is live 5v5. The offensive players will use the shell offensive principles, while their defenders will work on staying in correct on-ball, gap or help-side positions throughout the possession. Step 2: When a pass is made to one of the wings, the offensive player in the strong-side slot will immediately make a basket cut then clear to the weak-side wing if they do not receive the ball, while the two players on the weak-side will rotate towards the ball. On the pass, the defender guarding the cutter will jump to the ball, keep the cutter from face-cutting in front of them, and then will stay in help-side position when the cutter clears to the weak-side wing, while the other defenders guarding the offensive players that are rotating towards the ball will sprint into correct gap or help-side positions. Step 3: : When a guard-to-guard (slot-to-slot) pass is made, the passer will sprint and set a down screen for the offensive player in the same-side corner. If the offensive player that receives the pass quickly reverses the ball, they can sprint and turn the down screen into a double staggered screen. On the pass, the defender guarding the cutter can either jump to the ball then slide under the screen(s) or lock and trail, depending on the team’s defensive principles, while the other defender(s) guarding the screener(s) will jump to the ball then guard the screen using the team’s defensive principles. Additional Info: If the offense scores, they will stay on offense. If the defense gets a stop, they will move to offense and the offensive players will move to defense. The first team to six scores wins.