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(Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor

Untuk Sarjana Unggul, PMDSU)

Technical Guidelines


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Technical Guidelines of PMDSU| ii


This technical guideline for implementation of Master to Doctorate Program for Excellent

Scholars (Pendidikan Magister Menuju Doktor Untuk Sarjana Unggul, PMDSU) at School of

Postgraduates (SPs) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) is a technical description of

academic administration of PMDSU program that refers to the guidelines for the

implementation of education at UPI. This technical guideline provides information for SPs UPI

academicians to understand and properly implement the PMDSU programs and practices in

accordance with applicable regulations.

The information contained in this technical instruction is basically to represent a different

academic culture experienced by PMDSU students compared to the regular program students.

PMDSU students are required to understand what to do during their studies. On the other hand,

lecturers and education staff are expected to contribute to the success of student studies at

PMDSU program.

Hopefully this technical guideline provides clear rules for all parties in carrying out academic

tasks at SPs UPI.

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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... iii

KEPUTUSAN DIREKTUR SEKOLAH PASCASARJANA ................................................. v

A. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 1

Master to Doctorate Program for Excellent Scholars (PMDSU) .............................................. 1

PMDSU Graduate Profile ....................................................................................................... 2



Roles and Responsibilities of the University ........................................................................... 3

Roles and Responsibilities of School of Postgraduate (SPs)/Faculty ....................................... 3

Roles and Responsibilities of Study Program ......................................................................... 4

Roles and Responsibilities of Students ................................................................................... 5

C. REQUIREMENTS FOR PMDSU STUDENTS ................................................................ 5

D. STUDY PERIOD, REGISTRATION, AND STUDENT STATUS ................................... 6

Study Period and Timeline.......................................................................................... 6

Registration ................................................................................................................ 8

Re-registration ............................................................................................................ 8

Trial Status (Probationary) .......................................................................................... 9

Status of "Doctoral Candidate" ................................................................................... 9

E. PROMOTION TEAM AND GUIDANCE PROCESS ...................................................... 9

Promoter..................................................................................................................... 9

Co-Promoter and Members ....................................................................................... 10

Guidance Process ..................................................................................................... 10

F. QUALIFYING EXAMINATION ................................................................................... 11

1. Purpose ........................................................................................................................ 11

2. Competency Test Material ........................................................................................ 11

3. Format and Content of the Dissertation Proposal ...................................................... 11

4. Preparation for the Qualifying Examination .............................................................. 12

5. Implementation of the Qualifying Examination ........................................................ 12

6. Results of the Qualifying Exam ................................................................................ 12

G. CONDUCTING DISSERTATION RESEARCH PROPOSAL........................................ 13

Conducting Research ................................................................................................ 13

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Academic Honesty and Plagiarism............................................................................ 13

Research Data and Records ...................................................................................... 13

Occupational Health and Safety ................................................................................ 13

Scholarships ............................................................................................................. 13

Learning Resources .................................................................................................. 14

Research Permits ...................................................................................................... 14

Ethical Clearance ...................................................................................................... 14

External Promoters ................................................................................................... 14

H. STUDY PROGRESS ...................................................................................................... 14

Less Satisfactory Study Progress .............................................................................. 14

Changes Candidature in the PMDSU program .......................................................... 15

Withdrawal from the PMDSU Program .................................................................... 16

I. DISSERTATION WRITING .......................................................................................... 16

Dissertation Writing Rules ........................................................................................ 16

Use of languages other than Indonesian .................................................................... 16

J. SCIENTIFIC AND COPYRIGHT PUBLICATIONS ..................................................... 16

Obligation to publish scientific papers ...................................................................... 16

Copyright ................................................................................................................. 17

K. DISERTATION EXAM ................................................................................................. 17

Similarity Check of Dissertation ............................................................................... 17

2. Dissertation Review.................................................................................................. 18

3. Dissertation Examination Stage 1 ............................................................................. 18

4. Dissertation Examination Stage 2 (Promotion).......................................................... 18

5. Dissertation of Examiners ......................................................................................... 18

L. OBLIGATIONS FOR SUBMITTING DISSERTATION ................................................ 19

M. ROLE OF PMDSU ADVISORY COMMITTEE .......................................................... 19

REFERENCE ..................................................................................................................... 20

ATTACHMENT 1 .............................................................................................................. 21

ATTACHMENT 2 .............................................................................................................. 23

ATTACHMENT 3 .............................................................................................................. 24

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Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi Nomor 229 Bandung 40154

Telepon (022) 2001197, 2002320, 2013163 Faksimile: 022-2005090

Laman: - E-mail: [email protected]



Nomor : 2912/UN40.B/HK/2020





Menimbang : a. bahwa untuk memberikan penjelasan yang lebih rinci dan penjabaran dari Pedoman

Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Tahun 2020, perlu dibuat Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Menuju Doktor Bagi

Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU);

b. bahwa berdasarkan pertimbangan sebagaimana dimaksud dalam huruf a, perlu

menetapkan Keputusan Direktur tentang Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Menuju Doktor Bagi Sarjana Unggul (PMDSU);

Mengingat : 1. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2003 Nomor 78, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4301);

2. Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2012 tentang Pendidikan Tinggi (Lembaran

Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2012 Nomor 158, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5336);

3. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan

(Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2005 Nomor 41, Tambahan

Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 4496) sebagaimana telah diubah Kedua Kalinya dengan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 13 Tahun 2015 tentang

Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang

Standar Nasional Pendidikan (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 45, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5670);

4. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan

Tinggi dan Pengelolaan Perguruan Tinggi (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia

Tahun 2014 Nomor 16, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor


5. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2014 Nomor

41, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 5509);

6. Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 Tahun 2015 tentang Bentuk dan Mekanisme

Pendanaan Perguruan Tinggi Negeri Badan Hukum (Lembaran Negara Republik

Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 110, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Republik Indonesia Nomor 5699);

7. Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 tentang

Standar Nasional Pedidikan Tinggi;

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8. Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 62 Tahun 2016 tentang Sistem Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan Tinggi.;

9. Peraturan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 03/PER/MWA UPI/2015 tentang Peraturan

Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan

Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 06/PER/MWA UPI/2015 tentang Perubahan Atas Peraturan Pelaksanaan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 15 Tahun 2014 tentang Statuta

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia; 10. Peraturan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 03/PER/MWA UPI/2017 tentang Revisi

Rencana Strategis (RENSTRA) Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia 2016-2020;

10. Keputusan Majelis Wali Amanat Nomor 13/KEP/MWA UPI/2020 tentang Pemberhentian Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Pengganti Antarwaktu

Masa Bakti 2015-2020 dan Pengangkatan Rektor Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Masa Bakti 2020-2025; 11. Peraturan Rektor Nomor 045 Tahun 2020 tentang Struktur Organisasi dan Tata Kerja

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

12. Keputusan Rektor Nomor 9757/UN40/KP/2019 tentang Pemberhentian dan

Pengangkatan Direktur Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.




PERTAMA : Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Menuju Doktor Bagi Sarjana

Unggul (PMDSU) Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia berfungsi

memberikan penjelasan lebih rinci serta memberikan arahan teknis mengenai berbagai

aspek bagi sivitas akademika dan tenaga kependidikan berkenaan dengan kegiatan

akademik PMDSU di Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia;

KEDUA : Petunjuk Teknis Penyelenggaraan Program Magister Menuju Doktor Bagi Sarjana

Unggul (PMDSU) sebagaimana dimaksud dalam diktum pertama berbentuk buku

sebagai lampiran yang merupakan bagian dan satu kesatuan yang tidak terpisahkan dari

Keputusan Direktur ini;

KETIGA : Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan, dengan ketentuan apabila terdapat

kekeliruan dalam Keputusan ini akan dilakukan perbaikan dan penyesuaian

sebagaimana mestinya.

Ditetapkan di Bandung pada tanggal 2 2 September 2020


Prof. Dr. Syihabuddin, M . Pd. NIP 19 6001201987031001

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Master to Doctorate Program for Excellent Scholars (PMDSU)

As an institution that provides higher education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

has a strategic role and function in implementing Law No 12 Year 2012 on Higher

Education and Law No 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. With regard to the

mandate of these two laws, Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of

Education and Culture (Dikti Kemdikbud) aims to increase the number of lecturers with

doctoral degree. One of the programs carried out is the Master to Doctorate Program for

Excellent Scholars (PMDSU). UPI which is one of the Public Universities under

Kemdikbud and has met the requirements for its implementation, of course, must

participate in the success of PMDSU.

PMDSU aims to build the capacity of postgraduate educational institutions in order to

have competitiveness in organizing doctoral education. This program will integrate all

existing financing inputs such as scholarships, research, sandwich-like/PKPI

(Publication Quality Improvement International), SAME (Scheme for Academic

Mobility and Exchange), facilities and infrastructure grants, and direct the allocation of

these resources to potential postgraduate school chosen. PMDSU is expected to provide

higher autonomy to the promoter in planning and implementing the program, so that it

will increase the number of academic leaders as a sign of the strength of doctoral


Implementation of PMSDU program at UPI is one of the efforts to achieve vision to

become leading and outstanding in education, as set forth in the UPI Board of Trustees

Regulation Number: 03/PER/MWA UPI 2017 concerning Revised Plan Strategic UPI

2016-2020. UPI also has a policy in education organizing and developing that is

excellence, equitable, and uphold diversity-oriented. This policy is manifested in a

number of programs and indicators, three of which are: (1) Developing and

implementing a sustainable academic quality assurance system on a national and

international scale, (2) Developing curriculum relevance and competitiveness of

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graduates at the national, regional, and international level through the involvement of

various agencies, including the business and industries, (3) Increasing the realization of

academic cooperation with various national and international institutions.

Based on UPI Rector Regulation No. 7866/UN40/HK /2019 on Guidelines for the

Implementation of Education, doctoral program at UPI is carried out in two modes:

doctor by coursework and doctor by research. Therefore, UPI enable to develop and

implement another mode of doctoral program, namely through the PMDSU program. In

addition, as one of the Legal Entity State University (PTN-BH), UPI has the authority

to set academic regulations independently that support the implementation of PMDSU


PMDSU Graduate Profile

The graduate of PMDSU program at UPI are expected to have characteristics as


a. Successfully earned a doctorate at a relatively young age;

b. Able to produce new findings in their respective fields and has been published in

international reputable journals and useful for the development of science;

c. Has adequate academic networks both at the national and international levels;

d. Being academically excellent;

e. Has in-depth knowledge of their field;

f. Has reliable research skills;

g. Able to adapt to cultural differences;

h. Become an active and productive part of the world community.

In addition, the graduates of the PMDSU Program are also expected to have profiles as


a. Able to find or develop theories/conceptions/ideas of new scientific knowledge that

contributes to the development of science/arts /technology;

b. Able to initiate research/creation in the field of science of art/ technology;

c. Able to solve problems carefully and flexibility in terms of approach to a theory;

d. Able to design, perform and report research or works of art / technology which are

original and appropriate works with the present;

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e. Able to analyze critically in a scientific discipline environment which is constantly

changing and developing;

f. Able to disseminate research results / good creation orally or in writing, in reputable

journals and scientific forums;

g. Has the capacity and integrity to collaborate and appreciate contributions from

fellow researchers and experts in relevant fields;

h. Able to show academic leadership in management and development of resources and

organizations that are below responsibility;

i. Has a sign of respect for truth and intellectual integrity, as well research ethics and




Roles and Responsibilities of the University

The university has a role and responsibility as follows:

a. To establish regulations that underlie the implementation of the PMDSU Program;

b. To provide proof of graduation (diploma) to students who have completed PMDSU

program and meets the requirements as set out.

Roles and Responsibilities of School of Postgraduate (SPs)/Faculty

SPs/Faculty has a role and responsibility as follows:

a. To organize learning activities related to the PMDSU program;

b. To assure the PMDSU student candidates that are active and meeting the specified

academic requirements;

c. To maintain the quality of the PMDSU program by monitoring the learning progress

of student;

d. To facilitate the student’s learning process, including preparing a workspace and

adequate literature sources;

e. To maintain the quality of the dissertation through the SPs Commission. SPs

Commission assess the dissertation and give approval for proper dissertation. The

SPs Commission also has a role to ensure that the dissertation fulfil the research


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f. To assure the feasibility of scientific publications produced through the Center

Development and Publication of Scientific Papers (Pusat Pengembangan dan

Publikasi Karya Ilmiah, P3KI) SPs;

g. To monitor and evaluate the study progress of PMDSU students every semester,

together with the Head of Study Program, the representative of the Quality Control

Unit at the Faculty/Study Program level (SKM/GKM);

h. To choose the promoter team and dissertation examiners by considering the

suggestion from the Head of Study Program;

i. To organize dissertation examination, including deliver the exam results and

announce graduation.

Roles and Responsibilities of Study Program

Study programs involved in the PMDSU should fulfil these following criteria:

a. The doctorate programs that are under the SPs management and has been accredited


b. The doctorate program that has a fairly good international reputation, which is shown

by the research networks both with national and international institutions.

The Study Program is responsible for matters relating to PMDSU students and to

communicate with SPs. The study program has a role and are responsible for activities

as follows:

a. Together with SPs, the Head of Study Program assures that the students accepted

into the program fulfill the academic requirements;

b. To assure that the prospective promoter team has an interest and expertise in the

research method and scientific fields that are relevant to the student’s topic;

c. To inform the students about the expectations of the Study Program, SPs, and

University about research practice and research quality standards;

d. To emphasize the student’s commitment in doing research and writing their

dissertation to avoid delay;

e. To inform the student about each stage of the program, time frame, guidance process,

and facilities that can be used by students as long as they participate in the program;

f. To monitor and report the study progress regularly to SPs at the end of each semester

together with SKM/GKM. The monitoring activity should be done in coordination

with the promotors;

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g. To provide a conducive physical and academic environment for students to

participate in various academic activities such as seminars, workshops, and scientific


h. Being responsible for solving the problems in case of disharmony occurs between

the promoters and students. Head of Study Program will solve the problems based

on consultation with the SPs;

i. To assure that student carries out his academic obligations accordingly with the

regulations applied;

j. To encourage students to write good scientific publications (journals and seminars)

in the national and international scope.

Roles and Responsibilities of Students

Students of PMDSU program have the following roles and responsibilities:

a. To understand the regulations of the University, SPs and Study Programs and to fulfil

all requirements during the study period;

b. To understand (i) the vision and mission of the Study Program, (ii) the nature and

scope of the research, (iii) the facilities to be used, (iv) research dimensions, time

frame and dissertation completion time, (v) the quality and abilities expected by

PMDSU program;

c. To schedule, conduct, and document meetings with mentors regularly (at least once

in every two weeks);

d. To continuously inform the promoter team of every activity, progress, and problems


e. To commit adequate time and effort to the PMDSU program;

f. To take the core courses including Foundation of Pedagogic, Advanced Research

Methods, and 2 subjects related to literature and field studies;

g. To sit-in at certain courses based on the consultation with Promoter;

h. To write the dissertation in a good standard;

i. To pay attention to various things that can be barriers to completion of the study.


All prospective students must be able to demonstrate the capacity to perform independent

research and the ability to study in the PMDSU Program. All prospective students should

meet the following requirements:

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a. (Fresh) graduates from accredited study program and reputable universities in Indonesia

or overseas;

b. Have a high GPA with the following criteria:

o The Applicant’s College Accreditation is A, Study Program Accreditation is A, then

GPA ≥ 3.25

o The Applicant’s College Accreditation is B, Study Program Accreditation is A, then

GPA ≥ 3.5

o The Applicant’s College Accreditation is A, Study Program Accreditation is B, then

GPA ≥ 3.5

o The Applicant’s College Accreditation is B, Study Program Accreditation is B, then

GPA ≥ 3.75

o The Applicant’s College and Study Program Accreditation are below B, then GPA ≥


c. Age when registering is not more than 24 years for non-professional graduates and 27

years for professional graduates;

d. Prior to the admission selection, the prospective students must have received a

recommendation letter from prospective promoter with a statement of willingness to

guide the student. The recommendation letter should be included in the registration form;

e. Indonesian citizens;

f. Not currently receiving other scholarships;

g. Has a status of physically and mentally healthy and drugs free;

h. Willing to attend the postgraduate education for a period of 4 (four) years;

i. Register as a prospective PMDSU student in accordance with the regulations and the

registration scheduled by Kemendikbud at


Study Period and Timeline

The PMDSU program is pursued full time for 4 years. The college student in this program

have to commit adequate time by doing research at least 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Activities undertaken during the study period can be seen in Figure 1.

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PMDSU student will complete the program for 4 years with the outline of the main

stage of the program as follows (Table 1). At the first year, students are required to take

a number of courses to support doctoral research. After two semesters, students are

required to take a qualifying exam to determine whether they might to continue to the

doctorate program or only complete the master program. Students who pass the

qualifying exam are allowed to take a doctoral program, with a maximum study period

of three years, while students who do not pass the qualifying exam are advised to take

master's program with course adjustments and regular research.

Table 1. Milestones for Completing the PMDSU Program

Semester Courses Research Activities Requirements

1 Foundation of



Research Methods

Literature review related

to doctoral research topic


Papers presented in the


2 Advanced Statistics





Writing a doctoral research proposal

One (1) publication at

international conferences

organized by

international study program associations

Proposal Seminar

The students should pass the qualifying

exam and proposal

seminar to continue to

the PMDSU program

3 Journal review

Field study

Completion of research


Preparation of progress

report seminars

1st year

Research-related lectures:1. Foundation of pedagogic2. Advanced research


Independent study of researchs that corresponding to the study program area

Writing a doctoral research


2nd - 4th year

Doctoral research

Publications at Scientific Conference

Publication at Scientific


Dissertation making

Doctoral examination

S1 Qualifi




One year of research

leading to a master's

degree S2



Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the PMDSU Program Implementation

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1 Publication in indexed

international conferences

4 Doctoral research 1 Collect field data

Preliminary data analysis

1 publication in reputable

journal indexed by Scopus Q4 or Q3

Preparation of progress

report seminars

5 Doctoral research 2 Data analysis

1 publication in reputable

journal indexed by

Scopus Q3 or Q2

Preparation of progress

report seminars

6 Doctoral research 3 Writing draft dissertation

1 publication in

reputable journal indexed by Scopus Q3 or


1 book chapter (written

with the team mentors and partners)

Preparation of progress

report seminars

7 Doctoral research 4 Writing dissertation

1 publication in reputable

journal indexed by

Scopus Q2 or Q1

1 intellectual property rights (IPR)

Preparation of progress

report seminars

8 Doctorate

Promotion Exam 1 publication in reputable

journal indexed by

Scopus Q2 or Q1

Pass the Doctoral



PMDSU students must be registered in their respective Study Programs. Registration

process is started after students receive official notification about passing the selection

exam held by Kemdikbud. The registration process is carried out based on the UPI

regulation. The registration process in the study program is used as a reference for

submitting a Team Promoter Decree. During their studies at the SPs, students must

provide a correct contact that could be reached anytime, both telephone number and home

address (temporary and /or permanent) as well e-mail address. If there is a change in

address or telephone number, students must immediately notify the academic staff of



Students must re-register (online) every semester. After registration, students submit a

progress report signed by supervisors and student to the Head of the Academic Sub

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Division and Head of Study Program. The format of study progress report can be seen in

the Appendix.

Trial Status (Probationary)

Probationary is the status when the student has not participated in qualifying exam. The

trial status lasts for 2 semesters. Qualifying exam is conducted after the student has

written a doctoral research proposal.

Status of "Doctoral Candidate"

The status of "Doctoral Candidate" is obtained by students after passing the qualifying

exam, which indicates that the proposed research can continue.


Students are guided by at least two supervisors who have expertise that is relevant to the

respective field. The supervisors consist of promoter, co-promoter and members. If needed,

students can be guided by an external co-promotor or promoter member.


The main supervisor (promoter) is a lecturer in the study program who has a research

track records relevant to the student's dissertation. The promoter is the most responsible

person for the guidance process of research and dissertation. Specifically, PMSDU

program promoter requirements are as follows:

a. A permanent lecturer at the doctoral program that has been accredited at least A;

b. Has a clear research track record;

c. Has published articles in reputable journal with high citation index and/or have

collaboration with industry (to downstream-ing the research results);

d. Has a Scopus h-index of at least 4 and has been the first author/corresponding author

in the last five years. Except for the social science, arts and humanities, the promoter

should have research results at the Technology Readiness Level (Tingkat ketersiapan

Teknologi, TKT) of at least 5;

e. Has a functional position minimum as Associate Professor (lektor kepala) and hold a

doctoral degree;

f. Maximum 66 years old for Professor and 61 years old for Doctor;

g. Has graduated at least 3 doctoral students with publications at reputable journals (both

as a promoter and co-promoter).

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Co-Promoter and Members

Co-Promoter or member might be from the same study program or from different study

program with the prospective PMDSU student. It is also possible to have the co-promoter

or member from other university with a relevant research track record and have

experienced in dissertation guidance. Co-promoters and members should work together

with promoters and has a role as a second and third supervisor after the promoter.

Guidance Process

a. Guidance Period

1) It is possible for prospective student to contact the candidate promoters before the

registration process;

2) The guidance process should be started at the 1st semester, after the candidate

student has been accepted in the PMDSU program and receive the decree of

PMDSU student;

3) The supervising process during the proposals preparation and research instruments

implementation should be scheduled regularly at least every two weeks;

4) The supervising process after the research implementation can be done using any

communication platforms including face-to-face and email;

5) Every supervising process must be well documented in a guidance logbook;

6) The supervising process will be monitored and evaluated via information system;

7) The supervising process after the research implementation completed have to be

carried out face-to-face in campus, at least every two weeks.

b. Complaint procedure for Guidance Process

The complaint related to supervising process is handed formally to the Promoter or

the Head of the Study Program and then forwarded to the Director of SPs. The

complaint is written and should explain about causal factor.

c. Leave Permit

The leave permit for PMDSU student, which are basically the same as for other

students, is regulated in the Guidelines of Education Implementation of UPI. The

leave period is counted as the study period.

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The qualifying exam is an exam to determine whether the PMDSU student is eligible to

continue doctoral studies during 2-4 years. Otherwise, the student will be directed to

continue to the master study for the next one year (see figure 1).

1. Purpose

The qualifying exam consists of two components, namely the proposal exam and the

competency exam with the following objectives:

a) To assess the progress of the dissertation proposal;

b) To assess the readiness of the prospective candidates to complete their studies;

c) To ensure that student has developed a viable, feasible, and completable research


d) To ensure that the requirement for doctoral candidate has been met.

2. Competency Test Material

The material of competency examination consists of lecture materials in 1st and 2nd

semesters, namely Foundation of Pedagogic, Advanced Research Methods, and

Advanced Statistics, which are packaged in an integrated question. The competencies of

PMDSU student should be strengthened so that students do not encounter difficulties

when taking the doctoral program.

3. Format and Content of the Dissertation Proposal

The research proposal consists of 7,000-10,000 words and include:

a) Introduction that contains the background, objectives, research questions, and

research significance;

b) Critical synthesis of relevant literature review;

c) Research framework;

d) Materials methods;

e) Research timeline that has already discussed with team of promoters based on the

submission time of ready-to-test dissertation;

f) References that have at least 150 relevant references. The references can be articles

in journals, proceedings, book chapters, and text books, of which articles in journal

have to be at least 60% of the number of references;

g) List of publications, including seminars, IPR, proceedings, book chapters, or

journals, that have been carried out during the probationary period.

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4. Preparation for the Qualifying Examination

Student have to pass all the courses and meet other requirements on probationary period

before qualifying exam. Here is the list to check by students for qualifying exam


a) Check the instructions for implementing of the qualifying exam;

b) Ensure that all the requirements for a qualifying exam have been met;

c) Register for having the qualifying exam. For study program under SPs management,

the registration is done online via the page;

d) Prepare materials for presentation.

5. Implementation of the Qualifying Examination

There are two exams that has to be done by students during the qualifying examinations:

a) Competency examinations: Student does the written and oral exams given by a team

of examiners;

b) Proposal examination: This activity is organized by the Study Program for 90 minutes.

Student presents for 30 minutes and then answers all the questions delivered by the

examiners for 60 minutes. The examiners consist of 3 promoters and 2 examiners.

6. Results of the Qualifying Exam

After the qualifying exam has been completed, the examiner team will provide

recommendations with the following alternatives:

a) Student is declared to have “passed” the qualifying exam if his/her is able to defend

the research proposal and shows a strong understanding of the material tested on a

competency exam. Student can immediately continue the research without or after

proposal revision, depend on the recommendation from the examiners. Afterwards,

the student will be granted as “Doctoral Candidate” and will receive the decree

appointed by SPs Director.

b) The student who has not passed the competency test will be given two options: (i)

continue to the master program with some adjustments, (ii) resign from the PMDSU


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Conducting Research

The research must demonstrate integrity, professionalism, and originality. It also should

demonstrate academic honesty and ensure safety and welfare of all people related to the


Academic Honesty and Plagiarism

Students shall maintain academic honesty and shall avoid plagiarism. Students who are

proven to have violated plagiarism will be charged academic sanctions. Research ethics

developed by the SPs Commission team can be downloaded on the web site

Research Data and Records

Student has the responsibility to store the research data and records properly.

Confidential data must be stored in a safe place. Research data and records should be

retained for as long as they are of continuing value to the researcher, and as long as

specified by research funder, patent law, legislative and other regulatory requirements.

The minimum retention period for research data and records is five (5) years after

dissertation submission or publication.

Occupational Health and Safety

Student must work in a healthy and safe environment. Student should obey the rules or

work procedures that apply in Study Programs, SPs, and Universities. Student conducts

research in the laboratory should follow all research procedures to prevent or reduce the

risk of harm from fire, explosion, radiation, or the result of chemicals that are harmful to

their own health and that of others. The student must report all harm or damage

experienced to the supervisor. Student who travel for research purposes need to pay

attention the risks from the trip and discuss them with the supervisor.


PMDSU students have the same rights as students with other Doctoral Programs modes

to get the same educational scholarship, as long as they meet the requirements determined

by the scholarship granting institution (DIKTI).

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Learning Resources

Learning resources for research activities in the hard copy form can be accessed in the

study program office or in the central library building. Online learning resources can be

accessed via University provides free access to internet in

all university’s areas.

Research Permits

Student who will conduct research must apply for a research permit. For SPs student,

submission of the research permit can be done online via page The application letter should be signed by the Promoter and

the Director of SPs.

Ethical Clearance

For research involving human participants, student must apply for the ethical clearance

issued by ethics committee.

External Promoters

External promoters are dissertation supervisors who come from other institutions of UPI.

The external promoters should have relevant and needed expertise for guiding student's

dissertation. The proposal for having external promoters should be delivered by promoter

team to SPs Director via Head of Study Program.


Study progress is reviewed regularly every semester in the progress seminar forum

(colloquium). The colloquium is attended by the Head of the Study Program and the

Promoter Team. Other students who are interested in to the delivered research topic might

attend the colloquium as well. The student has to make a presentation and a written report.

After presentation, the student will receive suggestions from the lecturer team. The written

report of the study progress is verified by PMDSU advisory committee. Student must also

report the publications via page

Less Satisfactory Study Progress

The status of “Doctoral Candidate” can be terminated by the SPs/Faculty if the student

is not making the satisfactory progress in their research. This candidature termination is

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decided based on recommendations from the Promoters and the Head of Study Program,

and monitoring results performed by SPs/Faculties. This candidature termination can be

done during the probationary period or the period of Doctoral Candidates.

When a candidate is at risk of not making satisfactory progress in his or her research

program or not complying with the University regulations, the SPs will issue the

notification letter which is to indicate that the candidate must within 3 months meet

certain written requirements in order to demonstrate an improvement in his or her study

progress. The candidate is notified that if such an improvement is not shown, the Faculty

may proceed with termination of candidature. The notification letter might be delivered

before taking the proposal exam, after taking the proposal exam, or during the

dissertation writing process.

Apart from candidature termination, the PMDSU students’ status might be terminated

due to the following cases: (i) the time to complete the study is expired, (ii) do not re-

register at the due time, (iii) commit a criminal act/ other violation as stipulated in the

regulation N0. 052 year 2020 of Guidelines for the Education Implementation of UPI.

Changes Candidature in the PMDSU program

Student may apply to changes in the following areas:

a. Research Topic

Student might change the research topic. The changes to his/her research topic should

be notified to the Head of Study Program and Director/Dean. The application is

submitted via email or combined with progress report and should state whether the

change is minor/medium/significant and if it will take additional time. In case the

change is significant, then student have to make a new research proposal.

b. Promoters

Student can apply to change his/her supervision arrangements, due to some reasons

including disharmonious relationship between student and supervisor that can

interfere with completing the dissertation research. The change should be discussed

with the Head of Study Program who also will propose the new supervisors. If the

supervisor absents for more than two months, student also might to have a temporary

substitution supervisor.

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c. Study Program

Students can apply to change study program if the remaining study time is still

sufficient for completing the study and the application is approved by the head of the

former and new Study Program. Furthermore, the change in study program should be

carried out according to the regulation at UPI.

Withdrawal from the PMDSU Program

Student may resign from the PMDSU program by submitting the application to

SPs/Faculty. This withdrawal might imply for returning the financial aid (scholarship).


Dissertation Writing Rules

Dissertations must be written in an appropriate academic style and format. Therefore, the

writing of dissertation have to follow the guidelines of scientific paper of UPI and the

dissertation writing guidelines. The dissertation is written in the range of 80.000-100000

words. To certain fields of science, such as Mathematics and Science, can be less than

80.000 words, but they are not less than 60.000 words.

Use of languages other than Indonesian

The dissertation may be written in Indonesian or a foreign language (English), except for

the study program of foreign language education, it compulsory for the dissertation

written in the foreign language. Apart from dissertation, student also has to submit the

executive summary of the dissertation that is written in English containing 5.000-6.000

words and submitted to SPs/Faculty.


Obligation to publish scientific papers

It is compulsory for PMDSU student to publish at least seven (7) articles in reputable

journal and/or proceedings. Those seven articles are required to take the examination

stage 1. Those seven articles should meet these following criteria:

a. Two (2) articles accepted/ published in reputable international journals indexed by

Scopus Q2 or equivalent;

b. Two (2) articles accepted/ published in reputable international journals indexed by

Scopus Q3 or equivalent;

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c. One (1) article accepted/ published in reputable international journals indexed by

Scopus Q4 or equivalent;

d. One (1) article published in an indexed international seminar proceeding by Scopus

or equivalent;

e. One (1) article published in International Seminar.


The articles published as a requirement for completing study should follow the authorship

and affiliation rule established by UPI. In all the articles, student is as the first author and

promoters are as the co-authors. Whilst the corresponding author should be one of the

promoters. Student must use UPI as an affiliation, while the institution where the student

work should be the 2nd affiliation after UPI. Copyright and intellectual property rights of

the publications are held by UPI, for at least 5 years. Student and the team of promoters

can apply funds/incentives for publication fees in accordance with the applicable

provisions of the SPs/Faculties.


Similarity Check of Dissertation

To avoid the plagiarism, the dissertation draft is checked by paid software Turnitin before

submit it to the commission. This checking step is performed by P3KI unit. The result of

dissertation similarity check is divided into three categories as follows:

1. Dissertation with a level of similarity (similarity index) below or equal to 25% will

get a certificate that can be used to fulfill requirements for taking the dissertation

examination stage 1.

2. Dissertations with a similarity level above 25% and a maximum of 40% will obtain a

certificate which can only be used to submit dissertation to the SPs Commission. To

be able to take the dissertation examination stage 1, student must revise the draft until

a maximum similarity level of 25%. Checking the draft using Turnitin can be done

repeatedly by P3KI.

3. Dissertations with a similarity level above 40% must revise the draft until reaching a

maximum of 40%. Checking the draft using Turnitin can be done repeatedly by P3KI.

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2. Dissertation Review

Before the examination stage 1, the dissertation should be reviewed by SPs commission.

The recommendations given by reviewers have to be accommodated by student before

taking the dissertation exam. The revised version should be reviewed and approved by

the Head of the Study Program. Student have to submit the final version of dissertation

to the Commission at the latest 6 months before the end of the study period.

3. Dissertation Examination Stage 1

The submitted dissertation for exam have to be approved by the promoter team and

declared by the SPs Commission. Student have to apply for taking the dissertation exam

stage 1 via Study Program. The procedure of exam stage 1 of PMDSU program is the

same as the regular program.

4. Dissertation Examination Stage 2 (Promotion)

The dissertation exam stage 2 is held after students having the exam stage 1 and fulfil the

following requirements:

a. The dissertation has been revised by students and approved by the examiner and

promoter team. The student has to make sure that the dissertation is in the final version

since there is no more revision after the exam stage 2.

b. Student has met all the requirements including publication. Student has to register for

the exam stage 2 and hand in a summary booklet of the dissertation.

c. SPs / Faculties determine the exam schedule according to the agreement of all parties


d. The exam is carried out according to the schedule, which is led by the SPs

Director/Dean Faculty. The procedure for the exam stage 2 of PMDSU program is the

same as the regular program.

5. Dissertation of Examiners

a. The dissertation examiners must be a scholar with established reputation and

competence in the field of the research. The examiners must have no other conflict of


b. The examiners consist of a minimum of three scholars determined by supervisors.

Then the Head of Study Program proposes the examiners to SPs/Faculty for later

established by the SPs Director/ Faculty Dean.

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c. One of the examiners can come from an English speaking or foreign language country

for a dissertation written in English or a foreign language. Whilst for a dissertation

written in Indonesian, one of the examiners can come from neighboring countries

(Indonesian or Malay speaking countries).


Student who has passed the dissertation exams is obligated to submit the final version of

dissertation in the form of soft files to library of UPI. The dissertation will be uploaded to

UPI repository and can be cite as reference for other researches.


The entire PMDSU process is monitored and evaluated by the PMDSU advisory committee.

The committee is part of the SPs commission and serves to ensure the program PMDSU run

according to output targets.

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1. UPI Education Implementation Guidelines.

2. Guidelines for Writing UPI Scientific Papers.

3. Guidelines for organizing the Ministry of Education and Culture's PSMDU, 2020.

4. Student Code of Ethics.

5. Melbourne University. The Melbourne School of Graduate Research: PhD Handbook. Html

6. Monash University. The Monash PhD-Monash University.

7. Sydney University. PhD handbook.

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No Activity Description Credits Information

1 Lectures Pedagogic


2 Must pass (independently or together with

regular class)

2 Advanced research


3 Must pass (independently or together with

regular classes)

3 Independent Assessment 1 3 Adviser : Promoter

4 Independent Assessment 2 3 Adviser : Co-Promoter

5 Proposal Seminar 1 Conducted for 2 semesters, while taking

research methods courses,

6 Research Result Seminar 1 Implemented in line with mutual

guidance, it is known by the Head of Study


7 Publication 1: International

journal articles indexed by

Scopus Q2 or equivalent

4 It has been declared accepted

8 Publication 2: International

journal articles indexed by

Scopus Q2 or equivalent

4 It has been declared accepted

Publication 3: International

journal articles indexed by

Scopus Q3 or equivalent

4 It has been declared accepted

9 Publication 4: International

journal articles indexed by

Scopus Q3 or equivalent

4 It has been declared accepted

10 Publication 5: National

journal articles accredited

by Kemristekdikti / LIPI

4 It has been declared accepted

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11 Publication 6: International

seminar with indexed

proceeding articles

scopus / Thomson

4 Certificates and proceedings

12 Publication 7: National /

International Seminar with

1 article on ISSN


4 Certificates and proceedings

13 Dissertation Research 15 Dissertation and proof of SKL

Total Credits 56

*) Note: If necessary, students can sit in the science data analysis course and other required

courses, a maximum of 5 credits.

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The student achievement index (GPA) is calculated using the same calculation as on the

regular program as follows:

1. Assessment of Phase I and Phase II trial exams uses the formula:

𝑞1,2 =2𝑟 + 𝑠



q1,2 = Trial exam scores (Stage I or Phase II)

r = Value of the dissertation trial

s = Value for the preparation of the Dissertation

2. Student graduation qualifyings are determined on the Phase II Dissertation exam.

3. Calculation of the average value of the dissertation trial exam uses the formula:

𝑞 =𝑞1 + 𝑞2


4. The scores for the dissertation trial are treated the same as the scores for other courses.

5. GPA is determined based on the formula:

𝐺𝑃𝐴 =∑ 𝑥𝑦

∑ 𝑦

Note :

GPA = Grade Point Average

x = Course grade

y = semester credit unit for courses

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STUDENT NAME: …………………………………………………………………………….

Name of Team of Promoter: 1..…………………………………………………………………

2. …………………………………………………………………

Dissertation Title:




1 Courses that have been taken 1. ……………………

(Passed / Not Passed)


2. ……………………

(Passed / Not Passed)


3. ……………………

(Passed / Not Passed)


4. ……………………

(Passed / Not Passed)


Other courses (Sit-in):

2 Dissertation Proposal Guidance Activities (periodic, scheduled, lecturers prepare fixed

day guidance, mutual guidance, etc.)


3 Time of Proposal Examination

(implemented, when, how did

the results, who examiner)

4 Current Position (dissertation

research progress, what is

being done)

5 Publication Scientific:

(type of publication, journal or

seminar, details of the

intended journal / seminar)

Judul Artikel:




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6 Estimate / Plan for completion

of the dissertation


Student / Candidate, Promoter,

(…………………………………………) (…………………………………………)


Head of Study Program,
