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  • 7/28/2019 Technical Manual DRS


    Technical Manual DRS-BBPE / Schwarz, Pairits DIB-007-1.02

    Edition: 2002-10-16 Page 1 /67

    ELIN DRS-BBTechnical ManualRevision: 2Author: 2002-10-16 Schwarz, PairitsChecked: 2002-10-16 SchreiberApproved: 2002-10-16 ReitingerRegistered: 2002-10-16 HantschFirst Edition: 2002-10-16DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONCONTENTS1 Introduction ....................................................42 Protection .......................................................42.1 Overview of function ................................52.2 Summary of the layout.............................52.2.1 Field units..........................................52.2.2 Central unit........................................62.2.3 Signal transmission...........................62.3 Functions of the field units.......................62.3.1 Sampling and scaling........................62.3.2 Saturation..........................................62.3.3 Current interlock criterion..................82.3.4 Isolator positions ...............................82.3.5 Analogue Input Supervision..............82.3.6 Circuit breaker failure........................82.3.7 Trip command...................................92.3.8 Signal re-routing................................92.4 Functions of the central unit ..................102.4.1 General ...........................................102.4.2 Master-function ...............................102.4.3 Check-zone function .......................112.4.4 Zone functions ................................123 Other Features .............................................133.1 Metering.................................................133.2 Data Storage .........................................133.2.1 Waveform Records .........................133.3 Event Records .......................................133.4 Self Monitoring.......................................133.5 Password...............................................143.6 Input Assignments .................................14

    3.7 Output Relay Programming...................143.8 LED Indications .....................................143.8.1 Operation LED ................................143.8.2 Fault LED ........................................143.8.3 Programmable LEDs ......................143.9 Central Unit Alarms ...............................153.10 Local Operation ...................................153.11 Communications..................................153.11.1 Field Unit.......................................153.11.2 Central unit....................................154 Hardware Description ..................................154.1 Field Units DRS-LBB..........................154.1.1 Output Contacts ..............................15

    4.1.2 Digital Inputs ...................................154.1.3 Analogue Inputs ..............................164.2 Central Unit DRS-MBB.......................16

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    4.2.1 Top rack........................................164.2.2 Main racks.......................................164.3 Product Information ...............................174.3.1 Central Unit .....................................174.3.2 Field Unit.........................................18DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 1 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 2 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONFIGURESFigure 1 Examples of different busbarbays............................................................4Figure 2 Overview of Busbar ProtectionFunctions ...................................................5Figure 3 Saturation Detection showing(a) Unsaturated waveform (b)Saturated waveform...................................7Figure 4 Isolator position monitoring.................7

    Figure 5 Isolator discrepancy logic ...................7Figure 6 Circuit breaker fail algorithm ...............9Figure 7 (a) Normal communicationspaths (b) Signal re-routing followinglink failure...................................................9Figure 8 Stage 1, Stage 2 and AlarmDifferential Elements................................11Figure 9 LED referencing................................14Figure 10 Bay Unit Fascia and RearConnections.............................................19Figure 11 Example Central Unitarrangement.............................................19DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]

    2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 3 of 20DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION1 INTRODUCTIONDRS-BB is a distributed low-impedance busbardifferential protection. It is the fruit of over tenyears experience of low-impedance busbarprotection.The DRS-BB combines the main protectionfeatures of low-impedance differentialprotection, using independent discriminatingand check zones, with backup overcurrent andcircuit breaker fail protection. In addition, theDRS-BB provides information functions with

    metering, event and disturbance waveform datastorage. Supervisory components and selfmonitoringfeatures give high confidence of fullserviceability. A series of menus provide userfriendlyaccess to settings, meters and faultdata.Short circuits on busbars have severeconsequences, due to their central position inthe power system. A fault on a busbarendangers system operation more than in anyother element. The main purpose of busbarprotection is to prevent system blackout byisolating the faulty busbar zone, before other

    elements drop out.Due to the complexity of most plants, the rapidselective detection of busbar faults is a

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    challenge to protection techniques. Moreover,short-circuit currents on a busbar are in generalvery high and lead to serious damages, if theyare not interrupted in time. There is also dangerfor personnel, especially in indoor installations.This high requirement for sensitivity is matched

    by an equally high requirement for security,making busbar protection extremely importantstrategically.Practical experience has demonstrated, thatplant configuration is often modified duringerection or even after completion of works.Consequently, the busbar protection configurationalso has to be redesigned. A busbarprotection that can be adapted in software tochanging plant configurations is thereforedesirable.This is achieved by a software plant replica. Incase the provided hardware is not sufficient for

    a larger plant, it is possible to add additionalmodules.The distributed arrangement using optical fibresbrings the following additional benefits:- The expensive and time consuming cableworks used in traditional centralised busbarprotections are avoided, and by the ringshapedarrangement a minimum cablelength can be achieved.- With a fibre-optic ring configuration, even ifboth rings are interrupted at a single point,each unit can continue to communicate,allowing uninterrupted operation.

    - The field units, which signify the distributedarrangement of the busbar protection, arein addition feeder backup protection units,and as such independent from each otherand from the central unit.- Lower cubicle requirement reducing overallsystem costs.2 PROTECTIONFigure 1 shows a sample busbar. It is not arealistic arrangement, but shows the differenttypes of bays for which the DRS-BB can cater. Bays 1, 2, 5 and 7 are ordinary feeders.Each can be connected to one of two bus

    segments through its two isolators, and ifboth isolators are closed two bus segmentswill be joined together. Bay 3 is a bus section (bus sections and buscouplers are equivalent for DRS-BB) with acircuit breaker and overlapping bus zoneswith two CTs.1 2 3 4 5 6 7bus segment 1 bus segment 2 segment 3bus segment 4Figure 1 Examples of different busbar baysDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 4 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION Bay 4 is a bus coupler with a circuit breakerand only one CT.

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    Bay 6 is a bus section with only an isolator no circuit breaker.The busbar shown is a double busbar, howeverthe DRS-BB can cater for all the commonarrangements of single busbar, one-and-a-halfbreaker, double busbar and meshes. In fact,

    any arrangement with up to six isolators perfeeder can be handled.2.1 Overview of functionThe low-impedance differential protectionprinciple is applied. Each bus zone is providedwith its own measuring system in software, inwhich the instantaneous current values of allfeeders, which are either directly or viaconnections without CTs indirectly switched onto the respective zone, are summed up, and inwhich this current sum is checked if it exceedsthe reference value.A plant replica, factory installed into the system,

    holds an internal equivalent to the actualbusbar arrangement.This replica uses the isolator positions to selectthe currents that are to be summed by themeasuring systems of the zones.In case a measuring system detects a busbarfault, the trip commands are given via the sameplant replica to the circuit breakers of allfeeders which are directly or indirectly overconnections without C.B. switched to therespective zone.For redundancy, fast acting current relays in thefeeders are used, as well as a check zone,

    which is built up similarly to the discriminatingzones, but covering the whole plant. Therefore,the check zone acts independently of anyisolator positions.Figure 2 provides an overview of thearrangement of the various functions betweenthe different units of the system, and how theyinteract.2.2 Summary of the layoutIt is possible to create a system that applies upto 80 field units to up to 16 zones.The busbar protection is built up from a centralunit and from peripheral devices, called field

    units, which are expected to be located in thefeeder bays. The field units are connected withthe central unit by an optical fibre double ring.2.2.1 Field unitsThese devices are of hardware type DRSLIGHT(designation DRS-LBB). They areequipped with a main board containing theprocessor, and an additional board that dealswith the protection communications. In general,one is applied to each feeder.The field unit is equipped with a local displayand a 6-button-keypad for the application ofsettings and interrogation of the relay.

    The user operation programme DRS-WIN canalso be used for application and interrogation of

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    settings, and download and analysis of faultdisturbance records.IcurrentinterlockCTmultiplier

    maintenanceswitchField unit n Central unit - masterisolatorposition Checkzone

    Central unit - slave msaturationdetectioncircuitbreaker failMasterfunctioncheck zonereleaseZone nTrip logic Zone n + 1zonereleaseplant status

    Figure 2 Overview of Busbar Protection FunctionsDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 5 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION2.2.2 Central unitThe main functions of the central unit are thebuilding-up of the plant replica, and thederivation of the trip commands from thecurrent sums.The central unit is an expandable modulebased unit, which can include the followingmodules:- Power supply two power supplies can beincluded to give redundancy and hotswappingcapability.- MRB3 microprocessor plus BBM fibre ringconnection unit. Up to 11 of these modulesmay be required, depending on the size ofthe busbar. One of these modules is themaster; the remaining modules are knownas slaves.- The central unit is equipped with a localdisplay and 6-button-keypad similar to thefield units. It serves for indicating signals ofinterest. If required, an additional LEDpanelcan be provided, which indicates theswitching status of the plant as well assignals concerning the protection function(e.g. trip signal zone 4, phase L2 etc.).Some LEDs are hand-reset.Using the user communication interface settingvalues, measuring values, fault record curvescan be read from the central unit or any of thefield units.2.2.3 Signal transmissionThe main transmission path for all protectioncommunications consists of 2 optical fibre rings.

    All DRS-LIGHT field units and MRB3 centralunits are connected to both fibre-optic rings.The duplicity provides redundancy for failure of

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    the fibres.The following protection related information iscommunicated on the fibres: Instantaneous values of all currents for thepurpose of summation. Signals of current transformer saturation

    Current interlock signal Isolator position signals Circuit breaker trip commands Plant replica, assigning of feeders to zonesA number of signals outside the mainprotection functionSetting values, measuring values, and faultrecords can also be transmitted via the opticalfibre ring. Structure of telegramsThe central unit generates a synchronisationpulse every millisecond. One telegram istransmitted by each bay unit for every

    synchronisation pulse received from the centralunit. It contains:- The current instantaneous values of the 3phases- Saturation signals of the 3 phases- Isolator positions for max. 6 isolators- Signals: isolator time-out, isolator auxiliarycontact discrepancy supervision, field unitfailure, circuit breaker failure, currentinterlock.2.3 Functions of the field units2.3.1 Sampling and scalingThe 3 phase currents are sampled every

    millisecond, then they are digitised by ananalogue-to-digital converter. The digitisedvalues are used in the busbar protectionfunction and the feeder protection functions ofthe field unit.For the busbar protection the digital values arenormalised, controlled by the setting primaryCT factor. This removes any necessity foreach feeder to have the same CT ratio. In thisway, all current values used by the busbarprotection are normalised to the same primarycurrent.Each field unit determines its own sampling

    cycle, for reasons of independence, i.e. theyare asynchronous.In contrast to this, the creation of thenormalised values to the optical fibre rings issynchronised to a pulse from the central unit,which is also responsible for the simultaneoussampling of the currents.2.3.2 SaturationIf CT saturation in any of the three phases isdetected by the software algorithm, arespective signal is entered into the telegram.Those current values from telegrams containinga saturation signal are not taken into

    consideration by the central unit.For an explanation of the saturation detection

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    algorithm refer to Figure 3.Figure 3(a) shows a healthy waveform, which isrectified (dashed line). The rectified signal ispassed through a decay filter (thick line) andthe two compared. Where the decay quantityexceeds the rectified quantity, the busbar

    protection is blocked. For a healthy waveformthis is for a very short time, when the signalDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 6 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONlevel is very low, so the operation of the busbarprotection is not affected.In Figure 3(b), with a saturated current, theperiod of blocking is much longer, and isthroughout the period of the saturatedwaveform.If CT saturation is detected by a bay unit, asignal is sent to the respective zone function ofthe central unit. As a consequence the tripcommand of that zone is immediately blocked,but only for the period that saturation isdetected.In the case of an in-zone fault, a trip decisionwould occur before saturation is detected soblocking will not occur.Figure 3 Saturation Detection showing (a) Unsaturated waveform (b) Saturated waveformFullyopenFullyclosedarcingMain contactAux contactsNCNONOoperating time supervisiondiscrepancy supervision

    S1S2S3Figure 4 Isolator position monitoringMain contactAux contactsNCNO

    S1S2t> DiscrepancyIsolatorclosedIsolatordiscrepancy

    =11Figure 5 Isolator discrepancy logicDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 7 of 20


    2.3.3 Current interlock criterionThe busbar protection current interlock requiresthat at least one feeder detects an overcurrent

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    before tripping is released.Overcurrents in the phases L1, L2, L3 aredetected, and the respective signals areentered into the telegram.The overcurrent algorithm uses a combinationof instantaneous value and slope to achieve the

    fast pickup required for busbar protection.A setting is provided which can preventovercurrent in the feeder from releasing busbarprotection tripping.2.3.4 Isolator positionsThe busbar protection allocates currents to theappropriate zone summations based on thepositions of the isolators associated with eachfeeder.In addition, position discrepancy and isolatortravel time are monitored.For carrying out these tasks each isolatorshould have 3 auxiliary contacts with the

    following functions:- 1 open when isolator totally open- 1 closed when isolator totally open- 1 closed when isolator totally closed.(The final input is optional, but is required forisolator travel time monitoring.)The operation of the inputs is shown in Figure 4and Figure Isolator positionEach bay unit can monitor the positions of up tosix isolators using two binary inputs for each.These are entered into the telegram to becommunicated with the central unit.

    The co-ordination of the physical inputs to thelogical function is carried out via a softwarematrix. Position discrepancyFor each isolator a coincidence detectormonitors for isolator position discrepancy, usingan XOR gate and a timer.A setting is provided for the timer, after which adiscrepancy signal is entered into the telegramto the central unit. Isolator time-outFor each isolator, if a third digital input isallocated it can be used to monitor the travel

    time of the isolator.A setting is provided, and if the travel timeexceeds the setting time a signal is entered intothe telegram to the central unit.This function is used for alarm only, and is notacted upon by the busbar protection.2.3.5 Analogue Input SupervisionSupervision of the analogue inputs preventsany maloperation of the busbar protectionbecause of a hardware failure of the currentinput circuitry.The function makes use of a fourth currentinput channel on the field unit, which should be

    connected externally to summate the threephase currents. The current measured on this

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    channel is compared with a similar internallyderived quantity. If the two quantities differsufficiently, a channel failure is detected andthe busbar protection and circuit breaker fail areblocked. An alarm is also generated.The detection criteria is a biased characteristic

    as follows:iL1 + iL2 + iL3 + iE>Is, and,iL1 + iL2 + iL3 + iE>K. (|iL1| + |iL2| + |iL3|)where Is is an initial value, and Kis the biasslope. These values are fixed at Is = 0.5xIn andK= 0.125 to reflect the expected performanceof the current inputs under normal operationand to prevent inadvertent blocking for low loadconditions.2.3.6 Circuit breaker failureEach field unit can monitor for failure of itscircuit breaker to interrupt fault current (Figure6).

    Two timers are provided to retrip the circuitbreaker and issue a backtrip. The backtrip canbe via an output contact and by tripping thebusbar protection zone.The timers start through activation of one of twodigital inputs. If current is above the settinglevel when the timers expire the appropriate tripis output.A fast reset time is provided on the overcurrentlevel detector to prevent a successful tripcausing a maloperation of backtrip.If an external current level detector is used it ispossible to bypass the internal level detector

    using a setting.The algorithm operates on a phase-by-phasebasis, with common trip outputs.DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 8 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION2.3.7 Trip commandTrip signals can be issued by the central unit tothe field units.For security, the trip signal must appear in twosuccessive telegrams.A trip command received in this way canoriginate from the busbar protection or circuit

    breaker fail protections. The conditions thatmust be fulfilled for a trip output in each ofthese cases are as follows:Busbar protection trip- discriminating zone, and- check zone, and- current interlock release(The current interlock requirement can bedisabled with a setting.)Circuit breaker fail trip- discriminating zone, and- origin is circuit breaker failWhen the fault is cleared, the trip signal in the

    telegram is also cleared, and the field unitopens the trip contact. However, a minimumcontact dwell time of 500ms also applies.

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    2.3.8 Signal re-routing2.3.8.1 Interruption of the optical fibresAs discussed above, at an interruption of theoptical fibres the operation of the busbarprotection is ensured after a short time delay,even when both rings are broken at one point,

    due to signal re-routing.This is demonstrated in Figure Failure of a field unitIn this situation, the re-routing function againacts, but in a slightly different way.At a failure of a field unit, the busbar protection1&I >levelCBF startinternalbypassCurrent phase L1

    1CBF stage 2

    timerCBF start 2CBF start 1CBF stage 3timerCBF stage 1timer

    Alarm stageCBF stage 3 tripRetrip stageCBF stage 1phase L1 trip

    1phase L2phase L3

    1phase L2phase L3This diagram shows the logic for phase L1. CBF trip zone

    Equivalent logic exists for phases L2 and L3.Backtrip stageCBF stage 2phase L1 trip

    Figure 6 Circuit breaker fail algorithmRXA




























    Figure 7 (a) Normal communications paths (b) Signal re-routing following link failureDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 9 of 20


    is immediately blocked, to maintain security andprevent maloperation due to a differential

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    current being incorrectly measured.At a failure of a field unit, the plant operatorshave two possibilities:- the busbar protection remains blocked, untilthe defect is cleared, or,- the respective feeder is taken out of

    operation, until the defect is cleared.In the second case the effect of re-routing isthat after switching the maintenance switch(see section to maintenance, thebusbar protection starts its operation again. Indication of interruption locationWhen re-routing occurs the point of interruptionis displayed on the central unit display, in orderto assist repair. Fibre interruptions and securityIt should be noted when re-routing has takenplace the security of transmission is reduced,since all telegrams are transmitted only one

    ring, respectively instead on both as in normalservice.If two or more interruptions exist at the sametime (at different places), the re-routing functionis unable to function, since from the field unitssituated between the two fault locations notelegrams can arrive. The signal telegramfailure blocks the busbar protectionautomatically.Therefore, if the first interruption is caused byfailure of a field unit, it is recommended that,after shutting down the respective feeder, thefaulty field unit is bypassed using optical fibre

    coupling modules. When the next fault appears,the re-routing will function as usual.2.4 Functions of the central unit2.4.1 General2.4.1.1 Co-ordination of functions to devicesThe central unit consists of at least one modulecontaining the MRB3 microprocessor unit,together with a BBM communication module forthe optical fibre signal transmission. At largerplants, more MRB3/BBMs are required, to amaximum of 7. In this case, the first one is theMaster and the remaining ones are calledSlaves. In the Master, the Master Function,

    the Check Zone Function, and someDiscriminating Zone functions are executed,according to the computing time which is stillavailable. In the Slaves the remaining zonefunctions are executed. Allocation to a zoneAccording to the differential protection principle,one of the basic functions of the busbarprotection is the summation of instantaneousvalues belonging to the zones of the busbar.The instantaneous values to be summed up arethereby selected according to the Allocation-toa-zone. This expression indicates, which

    feeders are directly or via other zonesconnected to the respective zone.

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    The allocations-to-a-zone are determined in themaster device by the master function, whichcontains a plant replica from the isolatorpositions. These allocations are subsequentlytransmitted to the zone functions by the opticalfibre ring. Maintenance switches and PlantStatusIn the central unit, a software maintenanceswitch per feeder is provided. When in thestate of maintenance all isolator on signals ofthe respective feeder are suppressed.Consequently no more attention is paid to thefeeder with respect to summations nor to anyother function, i.e. its current signals have noeffect, and no trip commands are sent to it. Thesignal voltage for the isolator auxiliary contactscan be switched off.The condition of the maintenance switches is

    known as the Plant Status. Using this plantstatus, the connection module of the master iscontinuously checking if all telegrams arrivefrom the feeders that are in operation.When a feeder shall be taken into maintenance,first it must be shut down on its primary side,then its software maintenance switch can beactivated.2.4.2 Master-function2.4.2.1 Plant replicaUp to six isolator position signals are receivedfrom each feeder, from which the allocations-toa-zone is determined, independently for each

    busbar zone. These represent which feedersare connected with the zone either directly, orindirectly via paths without CTs and/or circuitbreakers.Issues that are taken into account when theallocations-to-a-zone are determined, are:- Currents in bus couplers or sections, whichhave parallel paths without CTs, should notbe included in the measurement (e.g.currents in the bus coupler of a doublebusbar, when both isolators of a feeder areclosed).DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]

    2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 10 of 20IalarmIstage 2Istage1RestraintOperateStage 1 -instantaneous tripStage 2 -delayed tripNo trip - CT alarmafter time delay45bias slopeDESCRIPTION OF OPERATION

    When couplings with isolators (no CT or circuitbreaker) join two bus segments together, all

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    feeders connected to either zone will beallocated to both zones. Both zones willseparately evaluate the differential summationswithout change to their setting levels and, in theevent of a trip, indication of trip will be given forboth zones. Circuit breaker failureIf a telegram arrives from one of the feederunits which contains the C.B. failure signal,then all zone functions are informed of thefeeder identity via optical fibre ring. Using theallocations to a zone this information isevaluated and transformed into trip commandsto those feeders that are connected directly orindirectly to the zone with the faulty circuitbreaker. Plant statusThe master function checks for missingtelegrams from a field unit, bearing in mind the

    maintenance switch positions. If a telegram ismissing, the busbar protection is blockedimmediately. When the telegrams arrive again,the protection is unblocked again after a shorttime delay. Synchronisation pulseThe master function sends over the optical fibrering every millisecond a synchronisation pulsefor simultaneous sampling of the instantaneousvalues by the field units.2.4.3 Check-zone function2.4.3.1 GeneralThe check-zone represents a differential

    protection over the total plant, not influenced bythe switching status and therefore not requiringisolator position signals. It is a special zonefunction, that sums all feeder currents of theplant and releases the trip commands from thediscriminating zones, when the operate valueexceeds the restraint value.Two differential stages are provided: stage 1 isused for the main busbar protection andprovides a biased differential element. Stage 2is a sensitive stage for isolated networks,filtered for fundamental frequency only, andincludes a time delay.

    Figure 8 Stage 1, Stage 2 and AlarmDifferential ElementsA sensitively set, unbiased alarm stage is alsoprovided, to detect a failure of the CTsecondary wiring. The interaction betweenthese stages is shown in Figure 8. (Note thatthe restraint value cannot exceed the operatevalue.)The check zone function is always located inthe same MRB3 module as the master function. Check zone summation stage 1On a phase-by-phase basis the currents oneach feeder not in maintenance (according to

    the plant status) are used for the check zonesummation.

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    The currents are applied to a biased-differentialalgorithm as follows:maxnrrnr

    irI and i K.i1


    = =

    where i is the current in feederr, n is the

    number of feeders in the check zone, Istage1 isthe check zone differential setting for stage 1,Kis the check zone bias slope andImax is thelargest feeder current.The function of the check-zone measuringsystem is similar to that of the zone function,described later in section only differences are that the absolute valueof the largest CT current is used for the biaseffect, and not the sum of the absolute values.The reason is that the sum of the normaloperation currents of the zones that are notaffected by the busbar short circuit would leadto a very high stabilisation effect at plants with ahigh number of feeders.The second difference is that the check zoneitself is not dependent on any other blocking orrelease signals.DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 11 of 20DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION2.4.3.3 Check zone summation stage 2This stage provides sensitive detection is foruse with isolated networks, on a phase-byphasebasis. It includes a low-pass filter toremove all but the fundamental frequency,adding an inherent delay of 100ms. The stageis followed by a settable time delay.The biased-differential algorithm as follows:maxnrr


    irI and i K.i1


    = =

    where Istage2 is the check zone differentialsetting for stage Check zone summation alarm stageThis stage is used to detect CT wiring failureusing a sensitive setting, on a phase-by-phase

    basis. The stage is unbiased and is followed bya settable time delay. Blocking signals

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    Rapid blockingRapid blocking is initiated for any failure oftelegram transmission on the optical fibre ring.In this case all release signals coming from thecheck zone function or from the circuit breakerfailure function are stopped immediately.

    Delayed blockingThe origins of delayed blocking are:-An allocation-to-a-zone is missing- CT secondary wiring alarm- Discrepancy failure- Field unit failure- Hand blocking of the busbar protection- Hand blocking of the C.B. failure protectionThese signals are collected in the check-zonefunction and are transmitted on the optical fibrering to each zone function.In the first four of the cases listed above it ispossible to select by a parameter, if a blocking

    plus an alarm or an alarm only shall be initiatedfor the condition described.2.4.4 Zone functions2.4.4.1 GeneralEach zone function represents a differentialprotection for the particular busbardiscriminating zone to which it is related. It isthe summation of the currents in those feedersthat are connected directly or indirectly with thezone.It gives a trip command to the field units of therespective feeders, when the operate valueexceeds the restraint value.

    Some zone functions may be located in themaster MRB3/BBM module (depending on thenumber of field units), with the remainderlocated in the slaves. Allocation-to-a-zoneEach zone function receives its allocation offeeders cyclically from the master function. Discriminating zone current summationOn a phase-by-phase basis the currents oneach feeder in the zone (according to theallocation-to-a-zone) and not in maintenance(according to the plant status) are used for thediscriminating zone summation.

    Within the discriminating zone summation thereare three stages stage 1, stage 2 and alarm equivalent to the check zone, so Figure 8applies. However, the biased-differentialalgorithm is calculated differently as follows:Stage 1:

    = = =






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    ri i i1 1stage11

    I and K.Stage 2:

    = = = nr


    ri i i1 1stage2


    I and K.

    where i is the current in feederr, n is thenumber of feeders in the discriminating zone,Istage1 is the discriminating zone differential

    setting for stage 1, Istage2 is the discriminating

    zone differential setting for stage 2, and Kisthe discriminating zone bias slope.This biased differential algorithm represents thestabilisation at high through fault currents.When the operate value exceeds the restraintvalue in three consecutive protection cycles, atrip signal is initiated.If a saturation signal is received from one of the

    relevant feeders, the whole respectiveprotection cycle is invalidated and not counted.In order to achieve a trip signal it is furthermorenecessary, that a current interlock signal isreceived from at least one of the relevantfeeders, and that no blocking signal exists. Trip signalsThe zone function selects those feeders towhich a trip signal shall be dispatchedaccording to its allocation-to-a-zone. These tripsignals are transmitted on the optical fibre ringto the field units, which pass them on to theDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]

    2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 12 of 20DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONrespective circuit breakers under the conditionslisted in section OTHER FEATURES3.1 MeteringThe following metering displays are provided inthe field units: Phase L1 current Phase L2 current Phase L3 currentThese currents can be displayed in primary orsecondary values.

    3.2 Data StorageEvents and fault disturbance records arestored. All records are stamped with time and

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    date derived from the relays real time clockand calendar.3.2.1 Waveform RecordsThe Waveform Record feature stores digitisedanalogue system current and digital informationfor all status inputs and output relays.

    Waveform storage in the field units is triggeredby any trip output, and in the central unit by abusbar protection trip. In addition, a record canbe triggered remotely via user communicationsinterface.Each waveform record is 55 cycles long, with 5cycles pre-trigger and 50 cycles post-trigger(equivalent to 1.1 seconds for a 50 Hz system).There is capacity to store four waveformrecords, with any new record over-writing theoldest. All records are time and date stamped.3.3 Event RecordsThe Event recorder function stores each

    change of state (Event - Raised or Cleared)within the relay. As it occurs, the actual eventcondition is logged into an event record that istime tagged with full date and time to aresolution of 1ms.The following events are available as standardfrom the central unit using the IEC 60870-5-103interface and with the listed parameterisation:Function type: 20Event Description InformationNumberBB-Protection Alarm 1BB-Protection Alarm Phase L1 2BB-Protection Alarm Phase L2 3

    BB-Protection Alarm Phase L3 4Event Description InformationNumberBB-Protection Trip 5BB-Protection Trip Phase L1 6BB-Protection Trip Phase L2 7BB-Protection Trip Phase L3 8CBF Trip 9Overcurrent Stage 1 Trip (Backup-Protection, Sum Info.) 10Overcurrent Stage 2 Trip (Backup-Protection, Sum Info.) 11Isolator Discrepancy (Sum Info.) 12Isolator Time Limit (Sum Info.) 13Isolator Aux. Voltage Failure (Sum. Info.) 14Maintenance Switch operated (Sum

    Info.) 15BB-Protection Blocked 16CBF Blocked 17Telegram Failure (Protection Failure) 18Bay Unit Failure (Sum Info.) 19FO-Ring Faulty (Ring A) 20FO-Ring Faulty (Ring B) 21FO-Ring Failure (Ring A and Ring B) 22Trip Busbar Zone 1 23Trip Busbar Zone 2 24Trip Busbar Zone 3 25Trip Busbar Zone 4 26Trip Busbar Zone X 27Central Unit Aux. Voltage Faulty (one ofthe two DC/DC-Conv.) 30Central Unit Aux. Voltage Failure(internal voltage) 31Central Unit Watchdog 32

    Other events are also possible on request, and

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    it is possible to change the parameters.Possible requirements for further events includeindividual alarms each isolator andmaintenance switch.The Event Recorder holds up to 256 records.When the event buffer is full, then any new

    records over-writes the oldest.3.4 Self MonitoringThe DRS-BB incorporates a number of selfmonitoringfeatures. Each of these generatesan alarm output while the fascia providesappropriate LED indication. In addition, anappropriate message can be displayed on theLCD in the system/DRS fault status menuarea.A critical failure will cause the device fault LEDto be energised (steady), and the device faultrelay normally-closed contact to close. Theprotection will no longer operate.

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    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONA non-critical failure will cause the device faultLED to be energised (flashing), and the devicefault relay normally-closed contact to close.The protection will continue to operate, but thecapabilities may be reduced.In both cases the indication will remain untilreset by holding the reset key until thecolumns of LEDs flash alternately, or until theunit is powered down.3.5 Password

    The programmable password feature allows a10 character alpha-numeric password to beentered to protect settings from unauthorisedchange.It is possible to see all setting values withoutentering the password.The default password supplied is A.As soon as the user attempts to change asetting the password is requested before anysetting alterations are allowed. Once thepassword has been validated, the user maychange settings without re-entering thepassword. If no more changes are made within

    a programmable time period the user will belogged out, re-enabling the password feature.3.6 Input AssignmentsIn the field units, there are four analogue inputs,I1 to I4. There are 15 digital inputs, IN1 to IN15.Within each function block, analogue and digitalinputs can be allocated to the required signalsfor the protection function.Within the isolator supervision function block,the digital inputs can be allocated to the isolatorposition information.3.7 Output Relay ProgrammingOn the field units, the following output signals

    are available for programming to the outputrelays OUT1, OUT2 and OUT3.1 and 3.2: Busbar protection trip

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    Isolator supervision, isolator 1 Isolator supervision, isolator 2 Isolator supervision, isolator 3 Isolator supervision, isolator 4 Isolator supervision, isolator 5 Isolator supervision, isolator 6

    Circuit breaker fail, stage 1, phase L1, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 1, phase L2, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 1, phase L3, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 2, phase L1, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 2, phase L2, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 2, phase L3, trip Circuit breaker fail, stage 3, trip Backup overcurrent, stage 1, starter Backup overcurrent, stage 1, trip Backup overcurrent, stage 2, starter Backup overcurrent, stage 2, tripAnalogue input supervision alarm Maintenance3.8 LED IndicationsEach field unit and the central unit contains anLED arrangement in two vertical lines, with atotal 10 LEDs, see Figure 9. Four red and fouryellow LEDs can be co-ordinated to the outputsof the protection functions by a software LEDmatrix. One green and one red LED arereserved for operation and failure indication ofthe unit itself. In general, the LEDs are handreset by a push button.L.02.LL.03.LL.04.L

    L.05.LL.02.RL.03.RL.04.RL.05.ROperation FaultFigure 9 LED referencing3.8.1 Operation LEDThis green LED provides the followingindication: Steady normal supply voltage and fullyoperating Flashing unit in operation but protectivefunctions inactive, e.g. not yet configured.

    Extinguished no supply voltage3.8.2 Fault LEDThis refers to a device fault, not a power systemfault. The red LED provides the followingindication: Extinguished no unit failure, normaloperation Flashing a non-critical failure has beendetected, but the protection is still in service Steady a critical failure has been detected,the protection is out of service3.8.3 Programmable LEDsThe programmable LEDs are numbered L.02.Land L.02.R to L.05.L and L.05.R can beDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 14 of 21

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    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONprogrammed with the same output signals asfor the output relays (see section 3.7).3.9 Central Unit AlarmsOn the central unit, output signals can beprogrammed to LED indication and alarm relay

    modules. The signals are chosen from the tableof events given in section Local OperationFor local operation, the field unit and the centralunit provide a fascia equipped with 2 line LCD,6 keys, 10 LEDs and a communications port.The elements of the fascia are more fullydescribed in section 4.1, while navigation of themenu system is fully described in Part 2 of thismanual (User Interface).3.11 CommunicationsA number of communications ports areavailable on the field units and the central unit.

    3.11.1 Field Unit3.11.1.1 Interface to the control &instrumentation equipmentThere is an interface type SIP for serialtransmission of alarms using the protocol IEC60870-5-103.In the control direction, time synchronisationcan be given from control & instrumentation tothe field unit. CommunicationAs described in section for the centralunit, the setting values, the actual measuringvalues and the fault disturbance records can be

    accessed using a PC using an RS485 interface.Additionally the field unit is able to give theabove data sets to the optical fibre ring fortransmitting to the central unit, where they canbe visualised on a PC via its RS232 interface.This means, that no additional optical fibres orwires in the plant are necessary for thecommunication purposes mentioned above.3.11.2 Central unit3.11.2.1 Remote CommunicationSetting values, measuring values, and faultdisturbance records from the field units can beobserved at the central unit, using a PC. The

    data sets are transmitted on the optical fibrering from the field units to the master unit,where they can be visualised on a PC viainterface RS232, or sent to remote locations viaa modem. In addition, the central unit providesseveral data, e.g. the current sums and the faultdisturbance records of the current sums. Time stampingThe central unit can receive a time stamp froma LAN (Local Area Network) or from a GPSdevice and transmits it to the field units on theoptical fibre ring by a dedicated telegram.4 HARDWARE DESCRIPTION

    4.1 Field Units DRS-LBBEach field unit is housed in a 6U high modular

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    size 4 case.Features of the fascia are: 2 line 16 character liquid crystal display 6 keys for menu navigation and settingsentry 4 amber and 4 red user-programmable

    LEDs 1 green and 1 red healthy LED and legend Fault accept buttonThe rear of the case provides a number ofconnectors as shown on Figure 10. X1 provides the CT connections X2 provides the auxiliary power input, theprotection healthy (device fault) contact andthe output relays X3 provides 4 digital inputs and the RS485interface X8 provides a further 11 digital inputs Finally, a number of fibre-optic receiver

    transmitter pairs are provided, all using STbayonet connectors: 2 off protectioncommunications (labelled busbar) , the IEC60870-5-103 (labelled IEC) and an privatecommunications interface (labelled CAN).4.1.1 Output ContactsFour output relays are provided. One of these(DEVICE FAULT) provides changeovercontacts and is dedicated as the device failurealarm. The remaining three relays are freelyprogrammable by the user. OUT1 and OUT2provide normally open contacts, while theOUT3 provides two normally open contacts

    (suffix .1 and .2).The programmable relays can be mapped bythe user to operate from any one, or more, ofthe protection element outputs, as described insection 3.7.The three programmable relays are all trip rated(as specified in Part 3 PerformanceSpecification).DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 15 of 21

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION4.1.2 Digital Inputs11 digital inputs are provided. Six of these (IN1,

    IN2, IN3 , IN4, IN14 and IN15) are fully isolatedfrom each other while the remaining nine havea common negative.Each digital input is programmable, asdescribed in section Analogue InputsFour current inputs are provided, each with a1A and a 5A rated input, labelled I1, I2, I3.andI4. The labels for these inputs, and theirfunctions can be assigned, as described insection Central Unit DRS-MBBThe central unit is housed in one or two 6U high

    19 racks, depending on the number of slaveunits required. In addition a 4U high top rackis required.

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    Being of modular construction, the hardwareprovided depends on the requirements of thesystem. Available modules are as follows:4.2.1 Top rack Power supply two can be included toprovide redundancy and hot swapping

    capability. OK8 Isolated input modules RN0624BB Alarm relay modules, eachproviding 8 alarm outputs.AB2 LED indication modules, each providing8 indication LEDs4.2.2 Main racks DC/DC converter module Master, consisting of: Local interface, similar to the bay unitfascia. MRB3 microprocessor units BBM protection communication

    interfaces. DE32 input modules fed from OK8s DA32 output modules to RN0624BB andAB2s Slaves, consisting of: MRB3 microprocessor units BBM protection communicationinterfaces.The power supply, I/O and local signallingrequirements should be specified with order.DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 16 of 21


    4.3 Product Information4.3.1 Central UnitDRS-MBB/AA/CD/E/FI/GH/S/--/ZZZAbove lettering in italics is replaced as follows:AA System frequency50 50 Hz60 60 HzCDAuxiliary supply00 no DC converter11 220 VDC22 110 VDC33 24 VDC44 60 VDC

    (Note. These two digits allow redundant supplies to be specified any combination of C and Dare possible, e.g. CD=20 specifies one input of 110 VDC; CD=13 specifies redundantsupplies one input 220 VDC, the second input 24 VDC.)ENumber of slave modules0 to 6(Note. If E > 3 a second 6u high 19 rack is required.)FNumber of digital input optocoupler modules, type OK80 to 3IDigital input voltage1 220 VDC2 110 VDC3 24 VDC4 60 VDC

    G Number of LED indication modules, type AB20 to 3

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    HNumber of LED indication modules, type RNO624BB0 to 3S IEC 60870-5-103 events0 default events as section 3.31 events as per customer specificationZZZSoftware configuration (plant replica) number allocated by VA TECH

    100 to 499 50 Hz systems500 to 899 60 Hz systemsDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 17 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION4.3.2 Field UnitDRS-LBBYY/E/B/XXZAbove lettering in italics is replaced as follows:YYSoftware configuration11 standard configuration12 to 99 customer specific configuration (number allocated by VA TECH)BAuxiliary and binary input voltage1 220 VDC2 110 VDC3 24 VDC4 60 VDCXXSystem frequency50 50 Hz60 60 Hz(Note. These two digits allow redundant supplies to be specified any combination of C and Dare possible, e.g. CD=20 specifies one input of 110 VDC; CD=13 specifies redundantsupplies one input 220 VDC, the second input 24 VDC.)ZSoftware0 backup overcurrent definite time (use with YY=11)1 backup overcurrent inverse time (use with YY=11)9 customer specific configuration (use with non-standard configuration YY)DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 18 of 20Figure 10 Bay Unit Fascia and Rear ConnectionsFigure 11 Example Central Unit arrangementDESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 19 of 20

    DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 1 Page 20 of 20

    USER INTERFACEThe user interface is described in the followingdocument ELIN DRS-LIGHT Local Operationvia Keypad and Display.It applies equally to the bay units (hardwaretype DRS-LIGHT), and to the central unit,which uses the same user interface.DRS-BB Technical Manual [06-2002 Rev. 1]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 2

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONCONTENTS1 General ..........................................................21.1 CE Conformity .........................................21.2 Weights ...................................................21.3 IP Ratings................................................22 Characteristic Energising Quantity ................23 Auxiliary Energising Quantity.........................23.1 Power Supply ..........................................2

    3.2 Binary Inputs ...........................................34 Protection Characteristics..............................3

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    4.1 Accuracy reference conditions ................34.2 Differential protection ..............................34.3 Backup overcurrent protection ................34.4 Circuit breaker fail ...................................44.5 CT Supervision........................................54.6 Accuracy influencing factors ...................5

    5 Thermal Withstand.........................................56 Burdens..........................................................67 Output Contacts .............................................67.1 Trip Contacts ...........................................67.2 Alarm Contacts........................................68 Serial Interfaces.............................................68.1 Protection Communications ....................68.2 Dialogue Communications ......................68.3 Substation Informative Communications 79 Environmental................................................79.1 General....................................................79.2 Immunity..................................................79.3 Mechanical ..............................................8

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    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION1 GENERALPerformance data to IEC 60255-3 and IEC 60255-131.1 CE ConformityManufacturers Statement, CE Conformity (article 10 of EU-directive 73/23/EEC)The product DRS-BB has been developed and manufactured in accordance with theinternationalstandard of the series IEC 255, the national standard DIN VDE 57 435, section 303 (September1984), according to the stipulations of the low-voltage directive of the European Community ofFebruary 19, 1973. There is also conformity with EC directive 89/336/EEC ("EMC-introductions"). This

    conformity is the result of tests done by FPZ Arsenal Ges.m.b.H. - Vienna, according article 10of theabove mentioned guideline in agreement with the basic subject standards EN 50081-2 and EN50082-2.1.2 WeightsUnit WeightCentral unit 14 to 17 kgField unit 3 kg1.3 IP RatingsUnit IP RatingCentral unit IP 40Field unit IP 51

    2 CHARACTERISTIC ENERGISING QUANTITYSystem Frequency: 16.7, 50, 60 HzAC Current Measuring Range1 A up to 300 AThis input may be applied to CTs with 2 A and 5 A secondary ratings, however the measuringrangewill remain 300 A, and settings applied using xIn values will be relative to 1 A.3 AUXILIARY ENERGISING QUANTITY3.1 Power Supply3.1.1 Central unitNominal Voltage Operating Range24 V 20 to 36 V dc48 V 20 to 60 V dc

    60V 40 to 100 V dc110, 125 V 50 to 150 V dc220 V 90 to 270 V dc

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    3.1.2 Field unitNominal Voltage Operating Range24, 48, 60 V 20 to 72 V dc110, 125, 220 V 80 to 350 V dc or ac rms 50/60 HzDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 2 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION3.2 Binary InputsNominal Voltage Operating Threshold (approx.)24 V 16.8 V110 V 77.0 V220V 154.0 V3.2.1 Binary Input PerformanceParameter ValueApprox. current at operation 2.5 to 3 mA4 PROTECTION CHARACTERISTICS4.1 Accuracy reference conditionsParameter Reference or ValueGeneral IEC 60255-3 and IEC 60255-13Auxiliary Supply NominalFrequency 50 HzAmbient Temperature 20 C4.2 Differential protection4.2.1 LevelSetting range 0.20 to 10.00 A step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 10% of settingReset accuracy 90% of operate valueRepeatability 10%4.2.2 Operating Time (Stage 1)Operating time typically 18 ms4.2.3 Delay (Stage 2)Setting range 0.200 to 10.000 s step 0.025 s

    Delay accuracy 1% or 30 msRepeatability 1%4.2.4 Current Interlock LevelSetting range 0.20 to 25.00 A step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 10% of settingReset accuracy 90% of operate valueRepeatability 10%4.3 Backup overcurrent protectionDefinite time characteristics are supplied by default. Inverse time characteristics can bespecified withorder.4.3.1 2-stage definite time4.3.1.1 Level

    Setting range 0.30 to 5.00 A step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 3% of setting or100mAReset accuracy 97% of operate valueDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 3 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION4.3.1.2 DelaySetting range 0.0 to 10.00 s step 0.05 s4.3.2 Inverse time with highsetOperate times are calculated from:

    [ ]

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    = 1


    t Tm KI = fault currentIs = current settingTm = time multiplierNI: K = 0.14 = 0.02VI: K = 13.5 = 1.0EI: K = 80.0 = 2.0LTI: K = 120.0 = IDMTL levelSetting range (Is) 0.05 to 2.00 A step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 3% of setting or100mA

    Reset accuracy 97% of operate value4.3.2.2 IDMTL delayTime multiplier 0.050x to 1.000x step 0.025x4.3.2.3 Highset levelSetting range 1.0 to 31.0 xIs step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 3% of setting or100mAReset accuracy 97% of operate value4.3.2.4 Highset delaySetting range 0.0 to 10.00 s step 0.05 s4.4 Circuit breaker fail4.4.1.1 LevelSetting range 0.10 to 5.00 A step 0.05 AOperate accuracy 7.5% or20mA

    Reset accuracy 85% of operate valueRepeatability 3% DelaySetting range 0.01 to 1.00 s step 0.01 sDelay accuracy 1% or 2 msReset time 15 msRepeatability 1%DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 4 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION4.5 CT Supervision4.5.1 Feeder Residual4.5.1.1 Level

    Setting range 0.10 to 0.50 A step 0.01 AOperate accuracy 3% or 20 mAReset accuracy 97% of operate valueRepeatability 1% DelaySetting range 0.00 to 10.00 s step 0.05 sDelay accuracy 1% or 1.5 cyclesRepeatability 1%Operate Time 3 cycles4.5.2 Zone Residual4.5.2.1 LevelSetting range 0.10 to 1.00 A step 0.01 AOperate accuracy 10% of setting

    Reset accuracy 90% of operate valueRepeatability 10% Delay

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    Setting range 0.200 to 10.000 s step 0.025 sDelay accuracy 1% or 30 msRepeatability 1%Operate Time 5%4.6 Accuracy influencing factors4.6.1 Temperature

    Ambient range Variation-10 C to +55 C 0.5 % per 10 C4.6.2 FrequencyRange Variation47 Hz to 52 Hz and57 Hz to 62 Hz 7.5 % for CBF and I> Interlock 1 % for all other functions5 THERMAL WITHSTANDCurrent Level Time20 A Continuous30 A 10 minutes100 A 1 minute

    250 A Half cycleDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 5 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION6 BURDENSInput Condition BurdenAnalogue input Per phase at In 0.1 VATypical 50 to 75 WCentral unit auxiliary inputMaximum 100 WTypical 10 WField unit auxiliary inputMaximum 16 W

    7 OUTPUT CONTACTSContact rating to IEC 60255-0-207.1 Trip Contactsat operating voltage of 220V AC/DCAction Condition LevelCarry continuously 5 ACarry for 0.5 s 30 AMake and carry L/R 40ms 1000 WBreak L/R 40ms 30 W7.2 Alarm Contactsat operating voltage of 220V AC/DCAction LevelCarry continuously 1 A

    Make or break 20 W/VA8 SERIAL INTERFACES8.1 Protection CommunicationsParameter ValueMethod 820nm optical fibreMedia 62.5/125m multimode fibreConnection ST connector on rear of caseBaud rate 2 Mbit/sMaximum distance between units 1.1 kmMaximum loop distance 5 kmPermissible attenuation 8dB8.2 Dialogue CommunicationsProtection settings and interrogation

    8.2.1 Central UnitParameter ValueMethod RS232

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    Connection 9-pole SUB-D ISO2110 onrear of caseBaud rate 1200 to 38400DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 6 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION8.2.2 Field UnitParameter ValueMethod RS485Connection terminalsBaud rate 1200 to 384008.3 Substation Informative CommunicationsControl system communicationsParameter ValueMethod IEC 60870-5-103 over820nm optical fibreMedia 62.5/125m multimode fibreConnection ST connector on rear of case9 ENVIRONMENTAL9.1 General9.1.1 Temperature IEC 68-2-1/2 and IEC 60255-6Test LevelsOperating range -10 C to +55 CStorage range -25 C to +70 C9.1.2 Humidity IEC 68-2-3 and DIN 40050 Class FOperational test 144 hours, 20 to 55C (6 hourcycles) and up to 95% RH9.1.3 Transient Overvoltage IEC 60255-5Test Levels5 pulses with positive and 5pulses with negative polarity 5 kV 1.2/50s 0.5 J9.1.4 Insulation IEC 60255-5

    Test Level (rms for 1 min)Between all terminals and earth 2.0 kVBetween independent circuits 2.0 kVAcross normally open contacts 1.0 kV9.1.5 High energy pulse/surge test IEC 61000-4-5 Level 35 pulses with positive and 5 pulses with negative polarityTest LevelsCommon mode 2.0 kVDifferential mode 1.0 kV9.2 Immunity9.2.1 Auxiliary DC Supply IEC 60255-11Quantity ValueAdmissible ripple at nominal

    voltage 12%Allowable breaks/dips in supply 100 ms (for Vaux 60 V)DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 7 of 8

    PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION9.2.2 High Frequency Disturbance IEC 60255-22-1 Class III1 MHz attenuated oscillation, 400 Hz repeat frequency, duration 2 s,200 Ohm source impedanceType LevelCommon (longitudinal) mode 2.5 kVSeries (transverse) mode 1.0 kV9.2.3 Electrostatic Discharge IEC 60255-22-2 Class IVType LevelContact discharge 8 kVAir discharge 15kV9.2.4 Radio Frequency Interference IEC 60255-22-3 Class III

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    Frequency Range Level30 to 1000 MHz,80% AM with 1kHz10 V/m9.2.5 Fast Transient (Burst) IEC 60255-22-4 Class IVType Level

    5/50ns, 2.5 kHz,burst duration 15 ms4kV9.2.6 Conducted RFI IEC 60255-22-6Frequency Range Level0.15 to 80 MHz,80% AM with 1kHz10 V rms prior to modulation9.3 Mechanical9.3.1 Vibration (Sinusoidal) IEC 60255-21-1 Class 2Type LevelVibration response 1 gnVibration endurance 2 gn

    9.3.2 Shock and Bump IEC 60255-21-2 Class 2Type LevelShock response, 11 ms 10 gnShock withstand, 11 ms 30 gnBump, 16 ms 20 gn9.3.3 Seismic IEC 60255-21-3 Class 2Type LevelSeismic Response 2 gnDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 3 Page 8 of 8

    RELAY SETTINGSCONTENTS1 Central Unit ....................................................3

    1.1 Parameter ( key from main menu) ......32 Field Unit........................................................52.1 Selection (OK key from main menu) .....52.2 Parameter ( key from main menu) ......52.3 Matrices ( key from main menu)..........82.4 Terminal Param. (UNDO key from mainmenu) ..........................................................132.5 Device Infos (INFO key from mainmenu) ..........................................................132.6 Additional Funct (SAVE key from mainmenu) ..........................................................14DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 1 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGS1 CENTRAL UNITPlant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serial Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.1 Parameter ( key from main menu)1.1.1 Check ZoneSetting Range (default) Applied valueOperate Value Stage 1Check zone differential setting (main stage)

    0.20, 0.252.0010.00 A 2.00 ABiasCheck zone bias slope (main stage)

    0.0, % 70.00 %Operate Value St age 2Check zone differential setting (sensitive stage for isolated networks)

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    0.20, A 2.00 ATime Delay Stage 2Check zone time delay (sensitive stage for isolated networks)

    0.200, 0.2255.00010.000 s5.000 sOperate Value AlarmstageCheck zone CT supervision alarm differential setting

    0.10, A 0.20 ATime Delay AlarmstageCheck zone CT supervision alarm time delay

    0.000, 0.0255.00010.000 s5.000 s1.1.2 ZoneThese settings apply to all discriminating zones.Setting Range (default) Applied valueOperate Value Stage 1Discriminating zone differential setting (main stage)

    0.20, 0.252.0010.00 A 2.00 A

    BiasDiscriminating zone bias slope (main stage)50.0, % 70.00 %Operate Value Stage 2Discriminating zone differential setting (sensitive stage for isolated networks)

    0.20, A 2.00 ATime Delay Stage 2Discriminating zone time delay (sensitive stage for isolated networks)

    0.200, 0.2255.00010.000 s5.000 sOperate Value AlarmstageDiscriminating zone CT supervision alarm differential setting

    0.10, A 0.20 A

    Time Delay AlarmstageDiscriminating zone CT supervision alarm time delay0.000, 0.0255.00010.000 s5.000 sDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 3 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGS1.1.3 BlockingsSetting Range (default) Applied valueBlock BB-ProtectionDisables busbar protection trip outputs

    Yes, NoBlock CBFDisables circuit breaker fail zone trip outputs

    Yes, NoBlock if Isol. DiscrepancyWhen set to Yes, if isolator position discrepancy is detected the busbar

    protection is blocked; when set to No, if isolator position discrepancy isdetected the busbar protection operates on discriminating zone only

    Yes, NoBlock if AlarmstagePrevents operation of the busbar protection if the CT supervision detects aCT wiring failure

    Yes, No1.1.4 ConfigurationSetting Range (default) Applied valueBlock Stage 2Disables stage 2 of the busbar protection (sensitive stage for isolatednetworks)

    Yes, NoDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 4 of 14

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    RELAY SETTINGS2 FIELD UNITPlant: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .Identity: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serial Number: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The following settings apply to Field Units of the type DRS-LBB with V3.19B software installed.

    A variety of functions can be provided in the field units. The customer configuration (providedwithorder) will determine which of these are available within the relay. Additionally, it is possible toenableand disable each function (see section 2.1), in which case the settings relating to the functionwill behidden.Please note all textual descriptions are as appear in DRS-WIN. For some settings, abbreviateddescriptions are used on the LCD display.2.1 Selection (OK key from main menu)These settings allow each function provided in the relay to be enabled or disabledSetting Range (default) Applied valueOvercur. 3-ph.2-st.

    3-phase overcurrent 2 definite-time stagesOvercur. 1-ph.2-stsingle-phase overcurrent (typically earth-fault) 2 definite-time stages

    IDMT Overcur. 3-ph.2-st.3-phase overcurrent 1 IDMT and 1 definite time stage

    Busbar protectiondifferential protection

    Isolator supervisionisolator position monitoring

    CBFcircuit breaker fail

    Blind Spotused when single CTs cover two zones

    C.T. Monitoring 3-ph. Deltaprovides CT supervision

    Signal Function 1timer functionSignal Function 1duplicate timer function

    Active, Not active2.2 Parameter ( key from main menu)2.2.1 Overcur. 3-ph.2-st.Setting Range (default) Applied valueOperate Value St.13-phase overcurrent stage 1 current operate level

    0.30, 0.351.205.00 ATime Delay St.13-phase overcurrent stage 1 definite-time delay

    0.00, 0.053.0010.00 sOperate Value St.23-phase overcurrent stage 2 current operate level

    0.30, 0.355.0030.00 ATime Delay St.23-phase overcurrent stage 2 definite-time delay

    0.00, 0.051.0010.00 sDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 5 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGS2.2.2 Overcur. 1-ph.2-st.Setting Range (default) Applied valueOperate Value St.13-phase overcurrent stage 1 current operate level

    0.30, 0.351.205.00 ATime Delay St.13-phase overcurrent stage 1 definite-time delay

    0.00, 0.053.0010.00 sOperate Value St.2

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    3-phase overcurrent stage 2 current operate level

    0.30, 0.355.0030.00 ATime Delay St.23-phase overcurrent stage 2 definite-time delay

    0.00, 0.051.0010.00 s2.2.3 IDMT Overcur. 1-ph.2-st.Setting Range (default) Applied valueOper. Val. St.1 Ph.A3-phase overcurrent stage 1 phase A current operate level

    0.10, ATMS St.1 Ph.A3-phase overcurrent stage 1 phase A time multiplier

    0.050, 0.0751.000Characteristic Ph.A3-phase overcurrent stage 1 phase A IDMT characteristic

    Extremly, Very, Normal,LongOper. Val. St.1 Ph.BTMS St.1 Ph.BCharacteristic Ph.BOper. Val. St.1 Ph.CTMS St.1 Ph.CCharacteristic Ph.Cranges as phase AequivalentsOper. Val. St.2 Ph.A3-phase overcurrent stage 2 phase A current operate level

    0.10, 0.1510.0031.00 ATime Delay St.2 Ph.A3-phase overcurrent stage 2 phase A definite-time delay

    0.00, 0.051.0010.00 sOper. Val. St.2 Ph.BTime Delay St.2 Ph.BOper. Val. St.2 Ph.C

    Time Delay St.2 Ph.Cranges as phase Aequivalents2.2.4 Busbar protectionSetting Range (default) Applied valueBay AddressSpecifies the identity of the field unit

    1, 280Primary CT RatioRatio compensation setting to allow different CT ratios on different feeders.This specifies the relative primary values of the CTs, not a CT multiplier

    0.050, 0.0551.000I> InterlockSpecifies the current level at which the busbar protection overcurrent interlockis released

    0.20, 0.2525.00 AEnable I> InterlockWhen set to Yes, this feeder allows the busbar protection overcurrentinterlock to be released. When set to No, a current on this feeder above theinterlock level will not release the busbar protection overcurrent interlock

    Yes, NoI>Trip ReleaseWhen set to Yes, the current in the feeder must be above the interlock levelin order for a busbar protection trip to occur on this feeder. When set to No,the busbar protection trip is not qualified by the current level

    Yes, NoDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 6 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGSSetting Range (default) Applied valueCurrent DirectionWhen set to Direction 1, the CTs are earthed on the side remote from thebusbar. When set to Direction 2, the CTs are earthed on the busbar side.

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    (For a bus coupler/section CT applying to two zones this sense refers to thelowest numbered zone.)

    Direction 1, Direction 2Input SupervisionIf the fourth current input has been wired up, analogue input supervision canbe activated setting to on.

    On, Off

    Current Dir. NeutralThis setting is used to reverse the connection of the fourth current input forthe analogue input supervision

    Direction 1, Direction 22.2.5 Isolator supervisionSetting Range (default) Applied valuet> DiscrepancyTime setting after which any isolator position discrepancy will be notified tothe central unit and alarmed

    0.01, 0.020.5010.00 sIsolator TimeoutTime setting for isolator travel time monitoring

    0.1, 0.25.0200.0 sSave Isolator StatusWhen set to Yes, if a discrepancy is detected, and the energising voltage is

    still present, the last correct isolator position is used (discrepancy is stillalarmed). When set to No, if a discrepancy is detected, the busbar protectionwill be degraded (check zone only) or blocked

    Yes, No2.2.6 CBFSetting Range (default) Applied valueI> CBFCircuit breaker fail current setting

    0.10, 0.150.305.00 At> CBF Trip FeederCircuit breaker fail retrip (feeder) (stage 1) time setting

    0.01, st> CBF Trip ZoneCircuit breaker fail (backtrip) (zone) (stage 2) time setting

    0.01, 0.020.501.00 s

    CBF Internal I>When set to Used, during circuit breaker fail detection the current must beabove setting. When set to Bypassed, it is assumed that current leveldetection is carried out externally only the timers apply

    Used, BypassedCBF Start Superv.Circuit breaker fail alarm time (stage 3) setting

    1, 25180 s2.2.7 Blind SpotSetting Range (default) Applied valueBlind Spot Prot.Set this to On when a single CT is used on a bus coupler/section if trippingone zone does not clear the fault after a time delay the other zone is alsotripped. Set this to Off when overlapping zones (two CTs) are used for thebus coupler/section.

    Off, OnTime DelayThe delay before tripping the second zone, when tripping the first zone doesnot clear the fault and the bus coupler/section circuit breaker is closed

    0.00, 0.011.00 s2.2.8 C.T. Monitoring 3-ph. DeltaSetting Range (default) Applied valueOperate ValueThe three phase currents are summated. This setting specifies the value ofsummated current above which an alarm is generated,

    0.10, 0.200.50 ATime DelayThe delay before the alarm is given.

    1.00, 1.056.0010.00 sDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]

    2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 7 of 14RELAY SETTINGS

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    Setting Range (default) Applied valuePhase RotationSet Right for phase rotation A, B, C; set Left for rotation A, C, B

    Right, Left2.2.9 Signal Function 1Setting Range (default) Applied valueTime DelayThe delay before an output occurs

    0.00, 0.0510.00 sActive EdgeSet Rising to start the timer on a low-high transition; set Trailing to start thetimer on a high-low transition

    Rising, Trailing2.2.10 Signal Function 1 (duplicate)Setting Range (default) Applied valueTime DelayThe delay before an output occurs

    0.00, 0.0510.00 sActive EdgeSet Rising to start the timer on a low-high transition; set Trailing to start thetimer on a high-low transition

    Rising, Trailing2.3 Matrices ( key from main menu)This menu contains all input and output allocations.The following abbreviations are used:Analogue InputsAI: Analogue input current input on rear of caseCUR: Current signal used for selecting which physical input is used for which function.Digital InputsBI: Binary input digital input on rear of caseVI: Virtual input logic signal which originates internallyCHK: Check (test signal) not used on most functions.AXI: Auxiliary signal various other digital inputs used by some functions.BLK: Blocking signal used to block functions.

    Output RelaysBO: Binary output relay contact on rear of caseVO: Virtual output logic signal which is used internallyWNO: Warning (alarm signal) energised on element pick-up (overcurrent only).TRO: Trip signal energised on element trip.AXO: Auxiliary output signal various other outputs used by some functions.LEDsL: LED on fascia.L: Left column of LEDs (yellow).R: Right column of LEDs (red)WNL: Warning (alarm signal) energised on element pick-up (overcurrent only).TRL: Trip signal energised on element trip.AXL: Auxiliary indication signal various other indications used by some functions.

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    RELAY SETTINGS2.3.1 Overcur. 3-ph.2-st.Setting Range (default) Applied valueCUR: Phase ACUR: Phase BCurrent inputsSelects which current inputs to usefor each phase of overcurrent

    protection. CUR: Phase CAI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04BLK: Stage 1 BlockBLK: Stage 2 Block

    BI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Stage 1 Test

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    Digital inputsSelects which digital inputs andinternal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use for blocking and test of

    overcurrent protection. CHK: Stage 2 TestBI.09, VI.20WNO: Stage 1 Alarm

    TRO: Stage 1 TripWNO: Stage 2 AlarmOutput relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Stage 2 TripBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30WNL: Stage 1 AlarmTRL: Stage 1 TripWNL: Stage 2 Alarm

    LEDsAllocates trips and alarms to LEDs

    TRL: Stage 2 TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.2 Overcur. 1-ph.2-st.Setting Range (default) Applied valueCurrent inputsSelects which current input to usefor overcurrent protection.

    CUR: Current Input AI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04BLK: Stage 1 BlockBLK: Stage 2 BlockBI.10, VI.21, VI.28

    CHK: Stage 1 TestDigital inputsSelects which digital inputs andinternal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use for blocking and test of

    overcurrent protection. CHK: Stage 2 TestBI.09, VI.20WNO: Stage 1 AlarmTRO: Stage 1 TripWNO: Stage 2 AlarmOutput relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Stage 2 TripBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30WNL: Stage 1 AlarmTRL: Stage 1 TripWNL: Stage 2 AlarmLEDs

    Allocates trips and alarms to LEDs

    TRL: Stage 2 TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.3 IDMT Overcur. 3-ph.2-st.

    Setting Range (default) Applied valueCUR: Phase A

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    CUR: Phase BCurrent inputsSelects which current inputs to usefor each phase of overcurrent

    protection. CUR: Phase CAI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04BLK: Stage 1 Block

    BLK: Stage 2 BlockBI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Stage 1 TestDigital inputsSelects which digital inputs andinternal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use for blocking and test of

    overcurrent protection. CHK: Stage 2 TestBI.09, VI.20WNO: Stage 1 A(L1) AlarmTRO: Stage 1 A(L1) TripWNO: Stage 1 B(L2) AlarmOutput relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digital

    outputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Stage 1 B(L2) TripBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 9 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGSSetting Range (default) Applied valueWNO: Stage 1 C(L3) AlarmTRO: Stage 1 C(L3) TripWNO: Stage 2 A(L1) Alarm

    TRO: Stage 2 A(L1) TripWNO: Stage 2 B(L2) AlarmTRO: Stage 2 B(L2) TripWNO: Stage 2 C(L3) AlarmTRO: Stage 2 C(L3) TripWNL: Stage 1 A(L1) AlarmTRL: Stage 1 A(L1) TripWNL: Stage 1 B(L2) AlarmTRL: Stage 1 B(L2) TripWNL: Stage 1 C(L3) AlarmTRL: Stage 1 C(L3) TripWNL: Stage 2 A(L1) AlarmTRL: Stage 2 A(L1) Trip

    WNL: Stage 2 B(L2) AlarmTRL: Stage 2 B(L2) TripWNL: Stage 2 C(L3) AlarmLEDs

    Allocates trips and alarms to LEDs

    TRL: Stage 2 C(L3) TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.4 Busbar protectionSetting Range (default) Applied valueCUR: Phase ACUR: Phase BCUR: Phase C

    Current inputsSelects which current inputs to usefor each phase of overcurrent

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    CUR: Current inputAI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04BLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Test input BI.09, VI.20AXI: MaintenanceDigital inputsSelects digital inputs and internallogic signals (virtual inputs) forvarious functions of the busbar

    protection.AXI: CB ONBI.01BI.08, BI.11BI.15,VI17VI.19, VI.22VI.24Output relays TRO: Stage 1 Trip

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    WNO: St.2 Al-FailureBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25

    BO.30LEDs TRL: Stage 1 TripAllocates trips and alarms to LEDs WNL: St.2 Al-FailureL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.5 Isolator supervisionSetting Range (default) Applied valueBLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Test input BI.09, VI.20Digital inputsSelects digital inputs and internallogic signals (virtual inputs) forvarious functions of the isolatorsupervision.

    AXI: IsolatorAuxVolt BI.01BI.08, BI.11BI.15,VI17VI.19, VI.22VI.24AXO: Isolator 1AXO: Isolator 2AXO: Isolator 3Output relays

    Allocates isolator closed signals todigital outputs and internal logicsignals (virtual outputs)

    AXO: Isolator 4BO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30

    DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 10 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGSSetting Range (default) Applied valueAXO: Isolator 5AXO: Isolator 6AXL: Isolator 1AXL: Isolator 2AXL: Isolator 3AXL: Isolator 4AXL: Isolator 5LEDs

    Allocates trips and alarms to LEDs

    AXL: Isolator 6

    L.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R

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    Tr1 Open N/CTr1 Open N/OTr1 Close N/OTr2 Open N/CTr2 Open N/OTr2 Close N/O

    Tr3 Open N/CTr3 Open N/OTr3 Close N/OTr4 Open N/CTr4 Open N/OTr4 Close N/OTr5 Open N/CTr5 Open N/OTr5 Close N/OTr6 Open N/CTr6 Open N/OIsolator position inputmatrix

    Selects digital inputs and internallogic signals (virtual inputs) forisolator position monitoring.

    Tr6 Close N/OBI.01BI.16, VI.17, VI.182.3.6 CBFSetting Range (default) Applied valueCUR: Phase ACUR: Phase BCurrent inputsSelects which current inputs to usefor each phase of circuit breaker fail

    protection. CUR: Phase CAI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04BLK: Stage 1 BlockBLK: Stage 2 BlockBI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Stage 1 TestCHK: Stage 2 TestBI.09, VI.20AXI: A CBF Start 1AXI: A CBF Start 2AXI: B CBF Start 1AXI: B CBF Start 2AXI: C CBF Start 1Digital inputsSelects digital inputs and internallogic signals (virtual inputs) for

    various functions of the circuitbreaker fail protection.

    AXI: C CBF Start 2BI.01BI.08, BI.11BI.15,VI17VI.19, VI.22VI.24DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 11 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGSSetting Range (default) Applied valueTRO: Stage 1 A (L1) TripTRO: Stage 1 B (L2) TripTRO: Stage 1 C (L3) TripTRO: Stage 2 A (L1) TripTRO: Stage 2 B (L2) Trip

    TRO: Stage 2 C (L3) TripOutput relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digital

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    outputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Stage 3 TripBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30

    TRL: Stage 1 A (L1) TripTRL: Stage 1 B (L2) TripTRL: Stage 1 C (L3) TripTRL: Stage 2 A (L1) TripTRL: Stage 2 B (L2) TripTRL: Stage 2 C (L3) TripLEDs

    Allocates trips and alarms to LEDs

    TRL: Stage 3 TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.7 Blind SpotSetting Range (default) Applied value

    BLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28CHK: Test input BI.09, VI.20AXI: CB Close OrderDigital inputsSelects digital inputs and internallogic signals (virtual inputs) forvarious functions of the blind spot

    protection.AXI: CB OffBI.01BI.08, BI.11BI.15,VI17VI.19, VI.22VI.24Output relays

    Allocates the trip signal to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Trip BO.01BO.04, V0.05

    VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30LEDs

    Allocates the trip signal to LEDs

    TRL: Trip L.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.8 C.T. Monitoring 3-ph. DeltaSetting Range (default) Applied valueCUR: Phase ACUR: Phase BCurrent inputsSelects which current inputs to usefor each phase of CT Monitoring

    protection. CUR: Phase CAI.01, AI.02, AI.03, AI.04Digital inputs BLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28Selects which digital inputs andinternal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use for blocking and test of CTmonitoring.

    CHK: Test input BI.09, VI.20Output relays

    Allocates the trip signal to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Trip BO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30LEDs

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    Allocates the trip signal to LEDs

    TRL: Trip L.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.9 Signal Function 1Setting Range (default) Applied valueDigital inputs BLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28Selects which digital inputs and

    internal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use the timer function.

    AXI: Signal BI.01BI.16, VI.17VI.24,VI.28WNO: Alarm BO.01BO.04, V0.05DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 12 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGSSetting Range (default) Applied valueOutput relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    WNO: Alarm VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30Output relays

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: Trip VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25BO.30LEDs WNL: AlarmLEDs TRL: TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.3.10 Signal Function 1 (Duplicate)

    Setting Range (default) Applied valueDigital inputs BLK: Block input BI.10, VI.21, VI.28Selects which digital inputs andinternal logic signals (virtual inputs)to use the timer function.

    AXI: Signal BI.01BI.16, VI.17VI.24,VI.28Output relays WNO: Alarm

    Allocates trips and alarms to digitaloutputs and internal logic signals(virtual outputs)

    TRO: TripBO.01BO.04, V0.05VO.13, BO.14BO.16,VO.17VO.24, BO.25

    BO.30LEDs WNL: AlarmAllocates trips and alarms to LEDs TRL: TripL.02.L, L.02.RL.05.L,L.05.R2.4 Terminal Param. (UNDO key from main menu)Setting Range (default) Applied valueTerminal Lang. English, deutschDisplay Mode Second. Values, PrimaryValues, Relative ValuesEdit Mode Step Mode, Input ModeMeas. Value DispActual Time

    Delay TimeRepeat RatePassword Timeout

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    Illuminat.Time2.5 Device Infos (INFO key from main menu)Setting Range (default) Applied valueManufacturerVA TECH SATSoftwareversionHardwareversion

    TerminalversionIEC-FW-VersionLanguageOptionsDevice LabelPlantBB-VersionDRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 13 of 14

    RELAY SETTINGS2.6 Additional Funct (SAVE key from main menu)Setting Range (default) Applied valueI L1 pri:I L2 pri:CT / VT RatiosI L3 pri:Modify PasswordADevice Label BB01Chain-Address 000IEC-Device Addr.IEC-Funct. TypeIEC-Info NumbersRemote SettingBB Remote Set.DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 4 Page 14 of 14


    CONTENTS1 Introduction ................................................. 22 Substation Communications ....................... 22.1 Connection Specification...................... 22.1.1 Physical Connection ...................... 22.1.2 Transmission Method .................... 22.1.3 Configuration ................................. 22.2 Communication Parameters................. 22.2.1 Baud Rate...................................... 22.2.2 Parity Setting ................................. 22.2.3 Address Setting ............................. 22.2.4 Line Idle Setting............................. 23 Dialogue Communications.......................... 2

    3.1 Connection Specification...................... 23.1.1 Field units ...................................... 23.1.2 Central unit .................................... 23.2 Communication Parameters................. 33.2.1 Baud Rate...................................... 33.2.2 Address Setting ............................. 3DRS-BB Technical Manual [08-2002 Rev. 2]2002 VA TECH Reyrolle ACP Ltd and VA TECH SAT GmbH & Co Part 5 Page 1 of 3

    COMMUNICATION INTERFACE1 INTRODUCTIONTwo user serial communication interfaces areprovided in each unit of the DRS-BB system.This part of the manual describes the

    interfaces, and provides advice on their use.Note that this section does not deal with theprotection communications rings, which are

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    treated as an internal part of the systemoperation.2 SUBSTATION COMMUNICATIONSAn IEC 60870-5-103 interface is provided foruse with a substation control system.This interface is available on the field units and

    the central unit. It is possible to obtaininformation from the field units via the centralunit, so removing the need for individualconnections to all field units.2.1 Connection Specification2.1.1 Physical ConnectionThe physical media is fibre-optic.All units provide ST connectors for the IEC60870-5-103 interface. These connectors areoptimised for 62.5/125m glass fibre.For the central unit the interface is located onthe master BBM communication module.For the field units the interface is located on

    the rear of the case.2.1.2 Transmission MethodAll units use half-duplex serial asynchronoustransmission, and act as slaves in a masterslavearrangement. In IEC 60870-5-103 theline idle state is defined as Light On.2.1.3 ConfigurationCommunication networks should be connectedin a star configuration.2.2 Communication Parameters2.2.1 Baud RateBaud rates of 19200 and 9600 are possible, asdefined in IEC 60870-5-103. The baud rate is

    automatically detected.2.2.2 Parity SettingCommunication takes place with parity even.2.2.3 Address SettingThe address of the relay must be set to avalue between 1 and 254, and must be uniqueto all relays on a network.The factory setting is Line Idle SettingWhen the line is idle the fibre-optic transmitteris on. This allows the fibres to be supervised.On request, a light off configuration can beprovided.

    3 DIALOGUE COMMUNICATIONSThis allows the protection engineer tointerrogate settings, apply settings anddownload fault disturbance records.To access the interface you will need theDRS-WIN software on the interrogatingcomputer.It is possible to carry out all operations on thefield units via the connection to the central unitand the protection communications ring.Therefore, connections to the field unit are notactually necessary.3.1 Connection Specification

    3.1.1 Field units3.1.1.1 Physical Connection

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    The physical layer uses RS48