technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering segmentation techniques for...

technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M. ter Haar Romeny Date: 4 June 2003

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Page 1: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse

By Virjanand Panday

Supervisor: B.M. ter Haar Romeny

Date: 4 June 2003

Page 2: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

The Visible Mouse Project

• Magnetic Resonance Lab

• 3D database of the mouse

• Develop non-invasive diagnostic routines for humans

Page 3: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Comparable to The Visible Human

• Fast overview of organs and possible anomalies

• For 3D rendering organs must first be detected from surrounding tissue

Page 4: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Example: Detection Kidney

• Weak edge

• Structures inside

• Strong edges surrounding

Page 5: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Definition of Problem

Investigate segmentation techniques for the visible mouse

Page 6: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Overview of Presentation

• Introduction

• Overview Segmentation Techniques

• Watershed Segmentation

•Active Contours Segmentation

• Levelset

• Snake

• Some Results

• Discussion

Page 7: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Classification Segmentation Techniques

Region Based:

• Homogeneities

• Region Growing

Edge Based

• Inhomogeneities

• LoG, Sobel operators

• Graph Searching or dynamic programming


• Multiple values

• Clusters

•Minimum distance to means or artificial neural networks

Page 8: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Used Segmentation Techniques

• Watershed (uses region and edge based techniques)

• Active Contours (geometric reasoning)

Page 9: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Watershed: Theory

Image as landscape

Dam construction

Plaatje van landscape plaatje van sinus dam

Page 10: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

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/department of biomedical engineering

Watershed: Nabla Vision

Page 11: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Active Contours

• Forces derived from the curve itself (Curvature, Size surface enclosed, etc.)

• Forces derived from image (Gradient, Texture, etc.)

• Other Forces (Balloon force)

Plaatje van random contour op muis beeld

Page 12: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Levelset: Evolution Function



0))(( tx













Plaatje van cone distance function

Page 13: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Levelset: Flow Function F

Constant: F= Curvature: F=-

Page 14: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Levelset: Stopping Terms


Filmpje curve met stop term

Plaatje stopping term


0)( ce IGt

Page 15: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

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/department of biomedical engineering

Snake: Evolution Equation







)()()( 2



Page 16: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

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/department of biomedical engineering

Comparing Results

Page 17: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

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/department of biomedical engineering

Results Visualized in 3D

• Multiple slices

Page 18: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

technische universiteit eindhoven

/department of biomedical engineering

Discussion and Future Work

• Watershed needs postprocessing, but automatic

• Levelset requires strong edges (Stronger attraction towards edges), but addapts very well to topology of image

• Snake stays one contour, but spans gaps in edges well

• 3D looks smoother if methods applied directly on 3D: for levelset easy with 4D function, for snake a lot of bookkeeping of the surface points

• Better testing of correctness segmentation

Page 19: Technische universiteit eindhoven /department of biomedical engineering Segmentation Techniques for the Visible mouse By Virjanand Panday Supervisor: B.M

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/department of biomedical engineering


• Bart ter Haar Romeny

• Aurelie Bugeau

• Markus van Almsick

• Anna Vilanova Bartroli

• Arnold Schilham

• Gustav Strijker and Willem Mulder

• Paul van den Bosch