techno expo 2007 final report

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  • 8/6/2019 Techno Expo 2007 Final Report


  • 8/6/2019 Techno Expo 2007 Final Report


    Techno Expo final report page2

    ForewordI am delighted to report on the Information Technology Training Expo held in Naracoorteat the Town Hall on Friday 31 August 2007. This function has set the scene for the entire sixpart project, Women Working @ WinningNew Business, which will focus on buildingentrepreneurship and target women small business operators in home-based and retailbusinesses. The project is funded from a grant of $212,902 received from AusIndustry

    under the Building Entrepreneurship in Small Business program.

    The Techno Expo was officially opened by Senator Alan Ferguson representing theMinister for Small Business, the Honourable Fran Bailey, MP, Federal Minister for SmallBusiness and Tourism. Senator Ferguson spoke about the project the Techno Expo,Business Familiarisation Tours, Business Exchange Mentor Program, Commercialisation

    Expo, Trade Fairs and Point of Sale Mentoring Program to be held over the next 2 years.

    This exciting project will provide innovative, professional training and mentoring to 370small businesses from around the Limestone Coast region, south west Victoria andAdelaide. After the opening, the Senator, engaged positively with exhibitors and

    participants alike and showed a keen interest in activities.Feedback from the day indicated that it was very successful the 24 exhibitorsshowcasing their products, which ranged from Software training, trouble shooting,graphic design to computer furniture, were delighted with enquiries and interest in theirproducts. Participants also were full of praise for the amount of knowledge that theygained from the 5 seminars. From the organisers point of view, the number ofparticipants was disappointing, particularly after implementation of a comprehensive

    marketing strategy to advertise the event and reach as many women as possible.

    However, the day was amemorable one and there

    were many happy customers it was a quality event with agreat buzz!


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    Techno Expo 2007 reportOBJECTIVES:

    1. Increased competitive edge for business through exposure to new ideas

    2. Improved understanding of new technologies to reduce tyranny of distance

    thereby enhancing business success

    3. Improved IT productivity through access to training, information and support

    4. Increased skills in transacting safely on line

    OUTCOMES: One hundred and fifty three women small business operators from around the

    Limestone Coast region and Victoria participated in the Techno Expo increasing

    their competitive edge for business through exposure to new ideas.

    Sixty nine of these participants attended the e-training seminars on E Commerce, E

    Safety, Marketing your website and Promoting your website.

    Participants built their skills and understanding of the latest communicationstechnology by being given on-on-one training from twenty seven exhibitors and

    were provided with practical software demonstrations and IT solutions.

    Valuable training information relating to the Next G network information wasobtained from guest speaker, Dean Coclonis, Area Representative from Telstra

    Country Wide.

    All expo participants were provided with AusIndustry promotional bags to collect

    relevant IT information from exhibitors.

    Bank SA and ANZ Bank provided expo participants with valuable information on

    safe on line banking and trading.

    One hundred per cent of small business operators who participated in the e-training seminars have indicated through surveys that the training seminars met

    their expectations.

    Participants indicated in surveys highlighted that further training is needed in the

    areas of useability and web design.

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    That further training in website development and useability be implemented within

    the projects timeframe to address the need from participants of the seminars.

    Television advertising packages be sourced for future events to reach a wider

    audience instead of DL brochures.


    A Project Co-ordinator was appointed to assist with the organisation of the Techno Expo.

    Two meetings were held with the Executive Officer to plan the Expo with attendance atanother two Women in Business & Regional Development Board meetings to finalise



    A comprehensive sponsorship/exhibitor proposal was developedand sent out to sixty businesses in notonly the Limestone Coast region butas far as Western Victoria and


    IP Australia, Telstra Country Wide,Bank SA and ANZ Bank acceptedsponsorship packages and twentyfour exhibitors booked twenty sevensites for the Expo held at the

    Naracoorte Town Hall which wasclassed as full capacity in the

    function room.

    This was an extremely successful outcome to fill all available sites and the variety of siteswas outstanding showcasing accounting package training, e tax, computer furniture, thelatest computer packages, web site design, .com advertising, Next G network mobilephones, television advertising, website training courses, online administration training,

    computer trouble shooting, safe banking on line and many more.

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    Marketing & PromotionThe marketing plan was built around the following strategies:

    Direct mail: 12,000 DL brochures were designedand disseminated around the Limestone Coast


    Internet promotion: Promotional A4 flyer wasemailed & posted to the Women in Business &Regional Development database of 1000 membersand further disseminated to relevant tourism andbusiness development groups and young

    professional networks.

    The Limestone Coast Area Consultative Committeepromoted the Techno Expo strenuously on website where prospective

    attendees could download relevant information

    and flyers on the Techno Expo.

    Two e-newsletters were sent out to exhibitors andsponsors to update them with relevant information

    regarding the expo.


    Newspaper advertising appeared in all regional editions two weeks prior to the

    event. Advertising features of the Expo were produced one week prior and oneweek after the event in the Naracoorte Herald.

    Two media releases were sent out to all regional media outlets prior to the event.

    WIN Television classifieds scheduled advertising on the week of the Techno Expo.

    Media support included ABC radio interviews which were held with the Chairmanof Women in Business & Regional Development together with extensive televisioncoverage of Senator Alan Ferguson officially launching the Women Working @

    Winning new business project.

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    E-commerce programTraining sessions were held both upstairsin the Naracoorte Town Hall meetingroom and downstairs with various guest


    Upstairs training seminars provedsuccessful in attracting sixty nineparticipants who increased their skillsand understanding in:


    Participants learnt how to make their websites more user-friendly so they will be moreeffective business tools.


    Participants learnt how to set up their website so they can sell products and servicesonline safely and effectively.


    Participants learnt how to brief a web developer and manage the developer.


    Participants learnt how to get more users looking at their website and how to improve itsranking in search engines.


    Participants learnt how to do business online safely and how to avoid viruses and spam.

    A range of government material was available promoting Stay Smart On Line.

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    E Training seminar participantSURVEY RESULTS

    63 surveys returned

    Question 1. Please rate the written materials on a scale of 15 with 1 being

    unhelpful and 5 being helpful. 21 participantsscored the written materials with a 5.

    33 participantsscored the written materials with a 4.

    6 participantsscored the written materials with a 3.

    1 participantscored the written materials with a 2.

    Question 2. Please rate the visual presentation on a scale of 15 with 1 being

    boring and 5 being very instructive. 28 participantsscored the visual presentation with a 5.

    29 participantsscored the visual presentation with a 4.

    6 participantsscored the visual presentation with a 3.

    Question 3. Please rate the venue location & facilities on a scale of 15 with 1

    being unsatisfactory and 5 being excellent. 34 participantsscored the venue location & facilities with a 5.

    13 participantsscored the venue location & facilities with a 4.

    12 participantsscored the venue location & facilities with a 3.

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    Question 4. Please rate the presenters skills and experience on a scale of 15

    with 1 being poor and 5 being excellent. 53 participantsscored the presenters skills & experience with a 5.

    8 participantsscored the presenters skills & experience with a 4.

    2 participantsscored the presenters skills & experience with a 3.

    Question 5. Please rate the overall value of the seminar to your business on a

    scale of 15 with 1 being no benefit and 5 being valuable. 34 participants scored the over all value of the seminar to their business with a 5.

    22 participantsscored the overall value of the seminar to their business with a 4.

    6 participantsscored the overall value of the seminar to their business with a 3.

    Question 6. Since attending this seminar what further area of training has this

    highlighted that you may require in the future? Web designing and use

    More about useability

    Question 7. How did you hear about this seminar?

    36 participantsPromotional flyer

    21 participantsEmail

    4 participantsNewspaper

    6 participantsFriend/relative

    2 participantsYPN network

    Question 8. Did the seminar meet your expectations? 57 participants indicated Yes

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    Question 9. How else could we have improved this seminar? Probably not as exciting as the first two.

    Reprint of power point screens fuzzy (a common problem)

    Good (all)

    Thank you

    Need water on tables (x2)

    Need textas that work on the whiteboard (too difficult to read)

    Print off of power point pages unreadable (common with any pps repr.)

    Question 10. ANZIC codes:

    864 Veterinary services 4 participants

    811 Government Administration 14 participants

    842 School Education 12 participants

    225 Footwear Manufacturing 2 participants

    12 Grain, sheep and beef cattle farming 4 participants

    952 Other personal services 1 participant

    525 Other personal and household goods retailing 2 participants

    863 Other health services 3 participants

    571 Accommodation 3 participants

    572 Pubs, taverns and bars 1 participant

    861 Hospitals and nursing homes 1 participant

    42 Aquaculture 1 participant

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    Techno Expo - ExhibitorSURVEY RESULTS

    17 surveys returned

    Question 1. What were your majorreasons for exhibiting at

    the Techno Expo? Promoting TAFE

    Promoting our business

    To promote our production services to

    local businesses

    Exposure (x 6)

    Promoting Women Working @

    Winning. new business

    Promotion of e-business products,

    e-security, tax on-line

    Promote TAFE SA and Information


    Promotion of programs, sponsorship

    To become known

    Show product, support regional activity

    Support the event, promote awareness of IP across the IT business sector in region

    To raise awareness of our website

    Public exposure in mid/upper SE

    Sponsor, being seen in the community, new customers

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    Question 2. Were you happy with the overall marketing and promotion in the

    lead up to the event? (e.g. DL brochures, website, radio

    interviews, A4 flyers, newspaper advertising feature)

    Yes (x 10)

    Yes, very well informed

    Yes, very well advertised

    Yes, good regional coverage

    Yes, very comprehensive

    Perhaps Win Television could have been given the opportunity to quote on a


    Yes but thought DL brochures were an overkill for our business typeshould ask

    each on how many they require to hand out

    No, little advertising was seen outside of organisation

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    Question 3. What benefits both direct and indirect, did you derive fromparticipating at the Techno Expo?

    Not sure, time will tell

    New business

    Talking to local business people

    Business promotion, experience in planning & exhibiting, updating business


    E-commerce development, website evaluation, exposure & promotion of businessactivities, database collection

    New contacts, follow up with past clients

    Networking with other professionals and promotion of courses

    Customer enquiries, links to other agencies

    A lot of public interest and compliments on our artwork

    Some new listings, awareness and to be able to show everyone that we are finally

    out there

    Directmeeting new people. awareness of Harvey Norman and its product at

    Mount Gambier

    Provided customer support re: IP issues, helped raise awareness of IP, networked

    with other Government small business agency reps

    Networking with other businesses participating in the expo

    Exposure as a businessinvolved in IT training,


    Very little public benefit,good networking with

    other exhibitors

    Several possible sales,

    community awareness

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    Question 4. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 indicating very dissatisfied and 5indicating very satisfied, how satisfied have you been with the

    following aspects of the Techno Expo?Your site and its location:

    11 exhibitors scored their site and its location with a 5

    5 exhibitors scored their site and its location with a 4

    2 exhibitors scored their site and its location with a 3Poweravailability:

    12 exhibitors scored their power availability with a 5

    2 exhibitors scored their power availability with a 4.Variety of sites:

    6 exhibitors scored the variety of sites with a 5

    5 exhibitors scored the variety of sites with a 4

    3 exhibitors scored the variety of sites with a 3

    1 exhibitor scored the variety of sites with a 2Catering available:

    11 exhibitors scored the catering available with a 5

    3 exhibitors scored the catering available with a 4

    1 exhibitor scored the catering available with a 3Committee assistance:

    11 exhibitors scored the committee assistance with a 5

    6 exhibitors scored the committee assistance with a 4Internet access:

    9 exhibitors scored the internet access with a 5

    1 exhibitor scored the internet access with a 4

    1 exhibitor scored the internet access with a 3

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    The event overall on the day:

    4 exhibitors scored the event overall on the day with a 5

    10 exhibitors scored the event overall on the day with a 4

    1 exhibitor scored the event overall on the day with a 3

    2 exhibitors scored the event overall on the day with a 2Comments:

    More attendees may have provided greater opportunities

    Happy with the calibre of enquiries as they were genuine and participants had an

    interest in IT and learning

    Not enough traffic, too many stands selling the same thing

    Low public numbers, organisation was fantastic though

    Question 5. Did you experience any problems or difficulties with exhibiting at

    the Techno Expo?

    17 exhibitors indicated No


    Well organised as usual

    Parking a slight problem

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    Question 6. What improvements would you like to make to future events held by

    Women in Business & Regional Development?

    Perhaps in non business hours

    Broader mainstream promotion (i.e. tv) to create more of an awareness

    Cant think of any, everyone has been really helpful

    Had this been in Mount Gambier it would have attracted more people

    Possibly more media coverage prior to e.g. TV

    Possibly revise duration of event to 5 hours

    More advertisingTV etc.

    None (except perhaps more people attending!), I thought it was a very well run,

    promoted etc.

    Question 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions in relation to the

    Techno Expo?

    No (x 2)

    Probably a woman guest speaker who has succeeded in business and uses a lot of

    technology to promote her business, how she started, who her mentor was etc.

    Perhaps an unusual attraction to get people through the door for next years event

    Promotion and marketing effort review to see how more clients could be attractedand if attendees could be asked the question as to why they came, this may help with

    further regional events

    Well donealthough numbers might be considered lowthose that came had

    specific needs and received outcomes

    Not a large number of public but those who were here were focused and interested

    Well organisedpossibly people were put off attending expo due to confusion with

    cost of seminars

    Good job to all involved and thanks for the opportunity

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    Question 8. Would you like to receive additional information about Women

    Working @ Winning new business project via email over the next

    two years? 15 exhibitors indicated Yes

    1 exhibitor indicated No

    Question 9. Do you grant permission for your contact details to be included on

    our website for future newsletters as a means of promoting your

    business? 16 exhibitors indicated Yes

    1 exhibitor indicated No

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    I.T. Techno ExpoFRIDAY 31ST AUGUST 2007

    Event program:8:00 am - 9:30 am Siteholders finalise setting up

    9:30 am First training seminar upstairs (Making your website easier to use)

    10:00 am - 4:00 pm IT Techno Expo open to the public

    11:00 am Second training seminar upstairs (E-commerce)

    11:30 am - 11:40 am Elizabeth Hodges - history of Women in Business & Regional

    Development & new project

    11:40 am - 11:50 am Senator Alan Ferguson

    12:00pm - 12:45 pm Lunch

    12:30 pm Third training seminar upstairs (Engaging the right web site


    12:50 pm - 1:00 pm Dean Coclonis - Telstra Country Wide Area Manager - training on

    the Next G network

    1:05 pm - 1:40 pm Alan Richardson - roving radio interviews with various exhibitors

    2:00 pm Fourth training seminar upstairs (Promoting your website)

    3:30 pm Fifth training seminar upstairs (E-safety)

    4:00pm Expo close

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    Newspaper Articles:

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    Techno Expo final report

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    Limestone Coast ACC -Initiatives

    PO Box 2590


    SA 5290

    Jobs (Budget

    Analysis)Account Budget Actual Difference

    TECH TechnoExpo


    Opening Balance (Carry in) Jul $100.22 $100.22 $0.00

    Funds not Department ITRD&LG $10,426.73 $10,426.73 $0.00

    Clerical & Admin Fee $7.58 $7.58 $0.00

    Sponsorship $954.55 $954.55 $0.00

    Funds - DFEEST $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

    Registration Fees $1,295.45 $1,295.45 $0.00

    Display Fee $1,122.71 $1,122.71 $0.00

    Total Income $13,907.24 $13,907.24 $0.00


    Bank Fees $58.14 $58.14 $0.00

    Consultant Fees $3,202.09 $3,202.09 $0.00

    Advertising $810.00 $810.00 $0.00

    ACC Meetings $1,568.98 $1,568.98 $0.00

    Postage $1,529.89 $1,529.89 $0.00

    Printing $961.14 $961.14 $0.00

    Superannuation Expense $561.60 $561.60 $0.00

    Wages & Salaries $5,212.40 $5,212.40 $0.00

    Workers' Compensation $3.00 $3.00 $0.00

    Total Expense $13,907.24 $13,907.24 $0.00

    Net Profit (Loss) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00