technology of celebration

THE TECHNOLOGY OF CELEBRATION How Paying Attention to Small Wins Fuels Big Success

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Post on 02-Dec-2014




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Leverage small wins to achieve big success!


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How Paying Attention to Small Wins Fuels Big Success

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Executives and entrepreneurs tend to swing for the fence, and often only claim success when the ball goes out of the park.

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Without a way to celebrate small victories, the pursuit of long-term goals can feel like a trudge. In a slow economy, when funds are hard to find, when sales are even harder, when your goal seems to move farther away with every step, even the most confident executive can start to feel a little discouraged.

But what creates big wins is usually an accumulation of small victories over time.

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Celebration is an acknowledgment and appreciation of value. Our process leverages the value of celebrating small wins in achieving big success.

That’s why celebration is so important in business.So important, in fact, we believe it deserves its own technology.

Kim Sawyer, Executive Coach and President of theWealth Source®,has developed a simple system calledThe Technology of Celebration™.

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Here’s how it works:Set up a spreadsheet with the following headings:



What It Adds to My Life

Value It Adds to Others

How It Makes the World Better

What Qualities Enabled It


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Under “WIN,” enter a concise statement that expresses the essence of your accomplishment in words that have impact for you. For example, imagine you are trying to acquire a new company, a long and uncertain process. But today you completed a thorough strategic review that verified their financial statements. That’s a win!

“Finished reviewing acquisition financials”

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In the second column, you might describe how it added to your life by confirming your instincts that this acquisition is a good deal, strengthening your negotiating position and bringing you a step closer to your vision. Besides, it feels good!

“Validated my insticts that the acquisition is a good deal”

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Next, you could note that your win adds value to your partners and employees by giving them greater confidence in you and the acquisition – and that perhaps it gives your spouse and family more increased hope for more prosperity and security.

“Moves the company one step closer to a higher level of prosperity, and gives my family some relief from the stress”

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Then be bold and allow yourself a bit of healthy grandiosity by writing that the win makes the world a little better by creating new wealth and opportunity. No win is insignificant; it always has distant ripple effects that you may never know about.

“Creates value for customers and shareholders; enables us to fulfill our mission”

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The next column is where you get to inventory the capabilities and qualities that have been revealed by the win. This knowledge about yourself is pivotal to your further success. In this case, it might demonstrate your expertise in business finance and your rigorous attention to detail.

“Experience, leadershipability, negotiation skills, financial acumen, patience, perserverance”

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Finally, when you share your win with someone else, you make the celebration tangible and emotionally impactful. Remember that a success shared is doubled, while a struggle shared is halved.

Who you shared your win with

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The Technology of Celebration™ is jet fuel for your success, and is even more powerful when used with your teams and organizations. The energy generated by small victories fuels the achievement of big ones.

theWealthSource® presents this powerful technique in keynote addresses, custom workshops and individual coaching sessions. To learn more about The Technology of Celebration™, or to schedule a keynote address, a complimentary one-hour coaching session, or an interview with Kim Sawyer, call theWealthSource® at 832-298-0143.

P.O. Box 22775Houston, Texas 77227