telepan s08

2 0 0 8 the Quest for fresh one local ingredient at a time two perspectives one incredible wine list you say tomato tim stark says heirloom a sustaining Quality from family to farm the magazine

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A Telepan Magazine published by HauteLife press


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the quest for fresh one local ingredient at a time

two perspectives one incredible wine list

you say tomato tim stark says heirloom

a sustaining quality from family to farm

t h e m a g a z i n e

Page 2: Telepan S08

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Dear Friends,

Very specific food memories come back to me when i cook: a pint of blueberries from a farm stand in new Jersey, where i grew up; a little salt on a late-summer tomato; the aromas of my mother’s cooking flooding the kitchen.

Sourcing incredible ingredients—a very enriching experience—and eating well are important to me, and i really want them to be important to you too. When you bring your family together to cook, involving your children in kitchen tasks and tasting new foods, it builds moments you will carry throughout the rest of your life. What i try to bring to you at telepan are those same experiences in a restaurant setting.

i am thrilled to introduce our new magazine, enabling us to show you why each meal at telepan is so special. You will meet farmers and growers, many of whom i am lucky to call friends, who lavish great care and attention on their crops for our benefit. they don’t just label their produce organic, they practice what they preach in the name of quality and flavor. You’ll also meet some of our beverage staff who, at the drop of a hat, are happy to generously fill your glasses with their knowledge about an art they truly love, in an effort to make your meal as enjoyable as possible.

Spring is a wonderful time to get excited about food, especially given the bounty of ingredients that showcase the essence of the season with minimal preparation. i love that wild greens—like ramps, dandelions, lamb’s quarter, and chickweed—evoke a freshness in your mouth whether they are cooked or not. i also love that my daughter happily eats handfuls of freshly picked peas raw; this time of year, they are like pieces of green candy.

i recently saw in a large grocery store a notice announcing local produce would be a new addition to their organic section. that’s a great sign to see, because even though i am a big believer in the greenmarkets, i won’t be satisfied until good ingredients are accessible to every household.

good eating!

Bill telepan


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th e qu eSt For Fr eSh:one local ingredient at a time

Chef Bill telepan makes eating well a priority for his guests. Sourcing each ingredient is a research project. Several times a week, you’ll find Bill scouring new York’s greenmarkets for the best produce, his trained eye and hand honing in on the sweetest petit pois, the firmest carrots, the most succulent morels—all at their peak, because telepan doesn’t just preach fresh and direct, he insists on in-season ripeness. “I appreciate what each season brings us. Ripping off the husks and eating corn on the cob in the summertime, wearing shorts—that just feels right. Putting diced tomatoes on a salad in January, that’s not quite the same.”

his passion for ingredient-based cuisine has been credited with fueling new York’s current proliferation of farmer’s markets, an acknowledgement he accepts with humble reluctance: “I’ve been a part of it since I was a sous-chef, like many of my contemporaries. And now all those cooks have become executive chefs, and that in itself has really expanded the whole movement by ten.”

But hand in hand with casting the spotlight on markets comes the challenge of making sure he can still get what he wants. telepan places orders ahead of time with many of his purveyors, whom he really considers partners. having long-term relationships means that he never has to worry about quality—and the farmers rely on him as much as he depends on them. “Our chef–farmer relationship allows me to request

that specific crops be planted, like certain shallots or La Ratte potatoes. If a farmer has a particular pepper I really like, I might ask him to grow more the following season.” ordering ahead is not only an insurance policy in making sure telepan gets what he needs, but it also gives the farmer an idea of what to take out of the ground.

telepan gets excited about the prospects of new ingredients—maybe not new to the produce world, but largely unknown to the public. “Take crosnes, for example; these little white tubers have a delicious chestnut-artichoke flavor to them. They aren’t new, but they aren’t from here; someone brought the seeds into the country.” Bill feels that there has been a positive chain reaction as a result of the growing interest in chefs and where they source their ingredients. Farmers in turn are themselves seeking new varieties of produce to cultivate and present to an eager audience.

telepan’s quest for produce often leads him on field trips to the farms of his purveyors in an effort to learn more about them and their agricultural practices. telepan firmly believes that to have good ingredients, it has to start with the farmers, whom he affectionately calls the ultimate prep cooks. “I never underestimate how hard their job is,” he points out. “It’s one of those careers in which there’s not a lot of return, except for in the soul. And it’s good to not just measure success in terms of dollars—if you can make an honest living doing something you love, well, that’s the true mark of success.”

to love what you do, you have to have conviction—and Chef Bill telepan has conviction. “It’s simply not true,” he announces when asked why produce doesn’t taste the way it did when we were kids. “Good ingredients are out there, and with the recent growth in the number of greenmarkets, it takes a minimal effort to find them. It’s a matter of priority: how important is eating well in the context of your day?”


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Some of telepan’s fondest childhood memories come from eating vegetables fresh from his father’s garden. he doesn’t have the facility to keep a vegetable plot of his own, but if he did, telepan would be as avid about it as he is about his cooking: “Farmers and chefs have a lot in common: we all work a lot of hours and have this great sense of love for what we do. And it’s this camaraderie that is felt between us that sort of energizes that passion in the other.”

he carries that respect for tilling the soil all the way to his kitchen, where he is careful to remind his staff to handle premium ingredients with more care and less waste: “Local asparagus tastes better and lasts longer, but it costs more to fly it in from California.” By getting everyone in the kitchen involved, telepan instills a real sense of value for the ingredients, as well as pride in the overall cooking process. “It honestly makes everything that comes out of the kitchen taste better.”

of course, it is largely telepan’s exuberance for his craft that makes the dishes at his eponymous restaurant shine. his face lights up at the mention of peas, so sweet you can taste the sunshine in them, which dot the menu in a myriad of dishes. he anticipates tomatoes in a smattering of traffic-signal colors that tim Stark, friend and farmer, will send his way later that summer. “They remind me of my summers as a kid, going back and forth to the shore and stopping at farm stands on the way to buy these perfect tomatoes.” But now he’s talking not only about the produce but also the experience.

“If eating great food is important to you, make it an integral part of your day,” telepan adds. “It’s hard to find the time to have a home-cooked meal every day, but if you can get the whole family involved, make an event of going to a market, and then cook together. You create not only a great meal but a memory that lasts even longer.”

much like the experience of dining at telepan.


noteS From the KitChenWaste not, Want not… “at telepan, we are great believers in recycling. We have this incredible waste machine called a Bio-X2 that i can only describe as a stomach that takes all the organic material we would normally throw out and breaks down all the enzymes until it liquefies and goes down the drain.” (

try it at home or drop it off… the average new York City household discards two pounds of organic waste daily! Composting is easy to do at home (go to for tips), or drop off your own at a number of public food-waste-composting sites, usually located at greenmarkets scattered throughout the city.

recycle, reuse… “Believe it or not, our amuse-bouche boards are made from the same wood as our floors! When our floors were being sized, there were various large pieces that were headed for the garbage can. i worked with my dad and several of the staff here to cut them, clean them, and preserve them!”

in the telepan pantry…

Granola From Hawthorne Valley Farms

“It’s the best I’ve ever tasted—not too sweet! We serve it at the restaurant, and I eat it at home too! Great flavors like cinnamon cashew, honey almond, and maple walnut.”

Yogurt From Ronnybrook Farm

“This is a product I really believe in. It’s the cleanest tasting yogurt there is—not thick, very nice. I order it for my home and the restaurant!”

telepan sightings … It’s a busy season for Chef Telepan!

“i attended the Food & Wine Festival in Washington, D.C., on may 17th, to benefit Share our Strength (; attended the New Taste of the Upper West Side on may 31st (; and will attend the James Beard Foundation Award Gala on June 8th ( i’ll be doing cooking demonstrations at the Institute of Culinary Education on June 17th ( and at the second annual Jean-Louis Palladin Foundation Picnic at Jamison Farm on June 21st (, and i’ll be attending the James Beard Foundation Chefs and Champagne party at Wölffer Estates on July 26th ( September 2nd through 4th, and then on the 13th, i’ll be at Williams-Sonoma in the time Warner Center. and on September 20th, join me for a tour of purveyors at the union Square greenmarket, and then we’ll head back to the restaurant for a meal prepared with market-fresh ingredients (details at”

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Experience Brazil’s national spirit,refined to perfection. The world’sfirst premium Cachaça is multidistilledto retain fresh cane characteristicswith a soft aroma that’s smooth, lively,and delicate. It’s perfect for Caipirinhas,highly versatile in classic cocktails,and uniquely crafted to inspirecreative mixology.

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pr izeD pu rVeYor

and on the pure business side, Stark is challenged by the profitability of certain crops, like beets, peas, and carrots, because of the incredible amount of man power it takes to grow them right. But despite his well-founded exasperation, there’s a hint of exhilaration in his tone. tim really loves what he does, and the proof is in the produce. “To have peas right off the vine, and to be the first at market with them,” he pauses, “Now, that’s what it’s all about.”

in the mid-1990s, tim Stark lived in a completely different world. a management consultant by day, a short-story writer by night, home was a brownstone in Brooklyn, with limited space for growing vegetables. on a whim, he built germination racks for tomato seedlings, growing only heirloom varieties. Chef Bill telepan calls tim Stark the heirloom king: “He was the first at the greenmarket with 50 varieties of these amazing tomatoes, and everyone freaked out!”

as big agro-companies created hybrids tough enough to withstand mass-production and packaging at the expense of flavor, many varieties of fruits and vegetables were no longer cultivated. heirlooms seeds, so called because they were passed down from generation to generation, were recently revived by farmers such as tim who value taste above the convenience of growing homogenous produce.

What led tim down the garden path to farming is part divine providence and part self-confidence: “I had a weird premonition about planting fields of tomatoes in farmland near where I grew up in Lenhartsville, Pennsylvania. Honestly, nothing beats a homegrown tomato—I always believed the ones I grew were better than any I could find at grocery stores or markets!”

tim worries about his tomato plants like an overbearing father. he chuckles when asked how he cultivates the perfect tomato. “It’s a love-hate relationship,” he explains. “I motivate them, and they react to my stress and anxiety.” he credits never having enough water as an asset: “No one can ever accuse me of pumping them with liquid!” organic agricultural practices cover the plants in a layer of tlC no pesticide could ever achieve. the result is a summer blessing, nurtured not only by nature’s helping hands but by this farmer’s very honest sweat, and yes, on occasion, tears!

enjoy tim Stark’s tomatoes and other produce at the union Square greenmarket mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays from early July until late october. look for the eckerton hill Farm Stand. Stark has chronicled his experiences as a farmer in a book, A Farm Grows in Brooklyn, due out July 15th.

tim Stark is overwhelmed. it’s mid-april, and instead of planting more

tomatoes, he now has to drop everything and set up irrigation lines for

his peas and lettuce. “It’s bone dry out there,” he sighs like a man at the

end of his tomato vine. he’s just spent the morning cleaning lettuce

heads that he needs to drive into the city in a few hours.

nature’s Summer popcorn


tim stark’s suggestions for enjoying tomatoes

all summer long:

on a Vegetable platter A variety of medium-size

tomatoes works well for this—green zebra, purple Calabash, peach. Throw in some cherry tomatoes, like Sun Gold. The

color combination adds a pizzazz that enhances the flavors.

in a summer tomato sandWich

Big, fat slices of Brandywine, Cherokee Purple, striped German,

or Aunt Ruby’s German Green—the fatter the slices, the more

those sultry, sun-warmed flavors drip down over your chin!

tossed into a simple salad Cherokee Purple is chock-full

of these greenish seed-gel sacks that ooze over the lettuce

and combine with any olive oil–based salad dressing to

deliver a mouthful of summer with every bite.

on their oWn In early summer, Azoychka, Cherokee Purple, and Aunt

Ruby’s German Green are hard to beat. Come late August

and early September, yellow Brandywine and striped German

are positively scrumptious. Sun Gold and sweet Chelsea cherry tomatoes are always great for

popping in the mouth. They are like nature’s popcorn!

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INGREdIENTS:1 pint cherry tomatoes, washed and halved1 tbs chopped fresh oregano leaves3/4 tsp salt12 oz mixed yellow and green wax beans, stems removed


4 oz sugar snap peas, strings removed

1/2 cup shelled peas (if substituting frozen peas, thaw but do not cook)

2 tbs milk

1 tbs cream

1 egg

1/4 cup flour

1/8 to 1/4 tsp sugar (more, if using frozen peas)

1/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp butter


1 lb fresh peas, shell on (about 1 1/2 cups shelled)

1/2 lb sugar snap peas, strings removed and cut in 3 pieces on the bias (about 1 1/2 cups)

3 tbs butter

4 oz vegetable stock or water (about 1/2 cup)

2 tsp finely sliced mint



1 oz pea leaves

CherrY tomato anD WaX Bean SalaD With oregano serves 4

pea panCaKeS serves 4

METHod1. in a bowl, mix cherry tomatoes with 1/4 teaspoon salt, toss, and let sit at least 1 hour.2. Cook beans in lightly salted water for 2 minutes; plunge in ice water for 2 more minutes to stop the cooking, and drain. place in refrigerator until needed.3. on cutting board, mix oregano with remaining salt and finely chop.4. mix oregano with 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar and 2 tablespoons oil. let sit for 1 hour.

METHod1. preheat oven to 450ºF.2. prepare an ice-water bath. Bring lightly salted water to a boil, add sugar snap peas, and cook 2 minutes. transfer sugar snaps to ice water until chilled, about 2 minutes. Strain and set aside.3. if using fresh peas, add to boiling water and cook until just tender, 2 to 4 minutes, depending on size. transfer to ice water and chill for 2 minutes. Strain and set aside.4. in a blender, purée sugar snaps with milk and cream. transfer to a mixing bowl, and mix in egg. add flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. purée the shelled peas in food processor, and mix into batter.5. melt 1/2 teaspoon butter over high heat in a medium ovenproof nonstick pan. Swirl butter around pan. use 2 tablespoons of batter to form a pancake 3 inches in

3 tbs red wine vinegar4 oz extra virgin olive oilsalt and pepper to taste

5. using a slotted spoon, place cherry tomatoes in another bowl, reserving the juice. Combine tomatoes with the oregano mixture, and season with pepper.6. mix tomato juice with remaining oil and vinegar, add beans, season with salt and pepper, and toss.7. Separate beans onto 4 chilled plates. pour reserved tomato liquid over the beans, topping each plate with the tomatoes.8. Serve with shaved parmesan, pecorino, or dry monterrey jack cheese.

diameter. Cook two at a time. When the edges start to lightly brown, about 1 to 2 minutes, place pan in the oven for 2 minutes. Flip the pancakes, and return pan to the oven until lightly brown, about 4 minutes. repeat with remaining batter. Keep pancakes warm.

FoR ToPPING1. prepare fresh peas by cooking for 30 seconds in lightly salted boiling water; transfer peas to ice water and chill for 2 minutes. Drain and set aside. 2. place snap peas, butter, stock or water, and a pinch of salt in a pot, and bring to a boil over high heat. add the peas and pea leaves, if available, and reduce to a glaze, about 3 to 5 minutes. Salt to taste, and spoon over pancakes. Sprinkle with sliced mint.

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natu ral pai r i ng

talley Vineyard estates

if a field is fallow, talley plants a cover crop to help replenish the soil and prevent erosion, and then turns it over in time for spring planting. “If we need to stimulate the grapevines, we use cover crops with legumes [they release much-needed nitrogen]; if we need to curb vigorous growth patterns, we choose certain grasses to help wick the moisture out of the soil, compete a little with the vines, and actually slow down their growth.”

Brian not only gives back to the land, but to the people who take care of it as well. one hundred percent of proceeds from sales of a third wine label, called mano Cinta, benefits a fund for vineyard and farm workers. “We raise money and distribute it to charities in the area who serve the farm-workers community, such as literacy programs and low-cost health and dental plans.”

ultimately, the land gives back to Brian: “I’m lucky to live and farm in paradise. This is a really beautiful place. I love being outside and working in such a dynamic industry that presents new challenges daily. And I love wine, because to me it really is a nexus of art and agriculture coming together.”

the talley estates wine dinner was held at telepan on may 6th. to learn more about their wines, visit

it was during the Depression that Brian’s grandfather oliver started farming in coastal Southern California. in the interest of diversifying the business, his son Don added grapes to the agricultural mix 35 years later, planting vineyards on the steep hillsides, where poor soil could not accommodate the farm’s other crops. Benefiting from an east–west ocean breeze across the valley, the grapes flourished, especially the pinot noir and chardonnay varietals.

today, talley estates produces wines from five different vineyards in the arroyo grande Valley and adjacent areas under the labels talley Vineyards and Bishops peak, and they continue to wholesale its produce—bell peppers, cilantro, spinach, napa cabbage, zucchini, lemons, and avocados.

moving away from chemical earthicides and insecticides, talley estates is as sustainable as it gets. Brian likes to joke that it has sustained three generations, which isn’t a bad start! “In the early ‘90s, we began setting aside areas to farm organically, to see what it would take.” today, as responsible farmers, their agricultural methods combine commonly used organic farming techniques with a talley twist.

“We are always looking for natural ways to improve the soil; we use cover crops with our vegetables on a rotational basis.” in the winter,


to help celebrate their 60th year of farming in California’s arroyo grande Valley, Brian talley, third-generation owner of talley estates, reached out to Bill telepan to host a very special dinner featuring not only their boutique wines but also dishes cooked using their spring produce. “Telepan just popped into my head,” says Brian talley. “Bill has a great reputation for creating amazing dishes with vegetables, so it seemed like a natural pairing.”

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talley invests a lot of time and money to practice responsible farming. the estate is as sustainable as it gets. Brian likes to joke that it has sustained three generations, which isn’t a bad start!

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the mood is festive, despite the fact that not one bottle of wine has been uncorked ... yet. But then, talking wine with aaron von rock and Jimmy nicholas is intoxicating enough on its own. “I’ve never wanted to reveal the real reason why I do this for a living,” says aaron, “because the secret is simply how much fun it is!”

making the list


nicholas is quick to agree, adding that the motivation for supplementing telepan’s extensive wine list with bottles from his private collection came with the understanding that he would never be able to consume them all on his own. “I just wasn’t drinking at a fast enough pace!” says Jimmy. aaron confides that before telepan, Jimmy was actually one of his best customers. together, they pool their knowledge and passion to create wine choices for guests that are both an expression of their zeal for the craft of winemaking and a complement to Bill telepan’s cuisine.

the list in his hands, aaron holds three updated pages of the current wine list, which, he explains, is always a work in progress; it changes almost daily. “Jimmy’s cellar and my predilections create the pillars of the list, and we continually fill in the gaps from there.” aaron’s no stranger to the wine industry; his mother was a winemaker herself. he immersed himself in the world of wine when he was barely of age to pop a cork. today, in addition to his role at telepan, he consults private clients in developing their cellars.

he might be soft-spoken, but aaron’s knowledge on viniculture speaks volumes. he is clearly enamored with the whole process, from meeting the vintner to matchmaking the bottle and guest: “Winemakers are intrinsically remarkably generous people,” he explains. “They try to make joy for people they have never met. My job is to diminish the distance between the winemaker and the consumer.”

leafing through the wine list, he stops to point out a couple of quick-read pages. While its depth is designed to intrigue wine aficionados (more than 100 wines are not even listed), aaron is careful to

make telepan’s wine list inviting and comfortable for every level of wine drinker. there is one short page that explores only wines best paired with seasonal foods, and a flexible red-wine page at the end matches pinot noirs and Burgundies in particular with an assortment of dishes. “This page, appropriately titled The Last Sip, is a direct response to fielding nightly questions from guests who ask for a wine that will accommodate all the dishes at their table.” Von rock is also always eager to volunteer his own services: “Choosing a wine can be intimidating, and diners should never be afraid to ask for help from their sommelier—that’s what we’re here for!”

the collection“When I first started my personal wine collection, I couldn’t afford Bordeaux and I didn’t know enough about Burgundy,” Jimmy admits. “I began by buying what I liked, and I always suggest that beginning collectors do the same at dinner. Start with a flavor profile you’re familiar with and, from there, keep an open mind.”

growing up in an italian family, with wine on the table at every dinner, a passion for food extended naturally into curiosity about wine. Jimmy’s collection began to grow markedly in certain areas. “I spend time in Italy every year and through friends was able to get my hands on wines I couldn’t get here in the United States. A good year for Italian wines was 1997, so I began storing those away. Likewise, 1997 was an extraordinary year for California wines, so I started collecting those too.” he supplemented his limited wine knowledge with classes that gave him a deeper understanding about varietals and food pairing. today, Jimmy is lucky to find himself on some of the most exclusive wine mailing lists that give him access to sought-after bottles.

From th e C ellar

Top: Aaron von Rock Bottom: Jimmy Nicholas

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make it a Double

the tempest

But, ultimately, it is a collaborative effort, made obvious when mark brainstorms about upcoming recipes: “I’m thinking about a hard basil

lemonade, subtle but refreshing for the warm months. We could infuse basil into simple syrup and add a basil garnish to the glass.” to this, Sam

instinctively finishes the thought: “Make that purple basil; with its fabulous colors, it will look great.”

this shared respect and camaraderie spills over infectiously into their liquid concoctions; and just as important, they adhere to the kitchen credo at the restaurant—

use only the best, basic ingredients. they acknowledge a new trend behind the bar that blends harmoniously with Chef Bill telepan’s culinary vision. “I feel cocktails are going back to

simple, rustic recipes,” says mark. “Gins, for example, are a lot more popular now.” Sam adds: “A lot of cocktails these days tend to be overly sweet, fruity, and one dimensional. I like to use earthier

spirits, like cachaça or a tequila; they have subtle qualities that bring out very distinctive essences.”

often bridging the gap between greeting and meal, a cocktail, as Sam aptly puts it, “is a single statement before moving to the table.” and in this restaurant, a very appropriate indication of what lies ahead.

Behind the bar at telepan is the dynamic duo of Sam Clifford and mark Smith. With a wine background, mark readily admits he likes getting people paired with the right bottle of wine, while Sam enjoys the creative side of mixing cocktails.


2 oz Cachaça

1/2 oz Velvet Falernum

4 oz Ginger Beer

Juice of 1 Lime


Shake cachaça, Velvet Falernum, and lime juice with ice, and strain into a martini glass.

Top up with ginger beer.

From th e Bar

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O rganically Grown

Naturally Served at Telepan

Cono Sur Pinot Noir Natura Carmenère Rubicon Estate Cask Cabernet

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pint-Sized Foodies

Chef telepan is a big proponent of exposing kids to cooking as early as possible. his own

experiences growing up left nothing but positive impressions on his mind, and he

wants to pass on the knowledge and love of food to the next generation.

telepan also believes that having more exposure to different foods helps kids make better eating decisions for themselves. he is actively involved in several programs that benefit children’s nutritional habits. The days of Taste program in new York, sponsored by the American Institute of Wine and Food, teaches kids about not only flavor and nourishment but also traceability: how ingredients are grown, raised, produced, and marketed. telepan is currently committed to improving new York school-cafeteria lunches

in conjunction with Wellness in the Schools, whose first fundraiser took place on may 15th. (For more information, visit and

With a child of his own, telepan knows all too well how picky kids can be about food. “Their palates aren’t as sophisticated as ours,” he explains, “so they like plain things that are mildly flavored, white foods such as bread, pasta, and potatoes. It’s rare to have a kid eat spicy food; as far as they’re concerned, spice is painful!”


Chef Telepan’s 6-and-a-half-year-old daughter

What’s your favorite meal? Lunch

What do you like to cook with your dad?


do you think your dad is a good cook?


What are your favorite parts of the cooking process?

Putting in ingredients and tasting!

do you wear an apron when you cook?


What is the strangest food you’ve ever eaten?

Squash tortellini

What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?


What do you want to cook next?

Pizza sauce

1. give kids a simple job to do in the kitchen, such as washing vegetables, adding ingredients, or mixing. Kids love to be included in “grown-up” activities.

2. Share the meal planning. listen to their suggestions, and make their favorite items from scratch or throw in something new to try at the same time.

3. if your kids aren’t fans of vegetables, introduce the sweeter ones first.

4. invite their friends. nobody can convince children to try something new more than a

to get children excited about food, he makes these suggestions:

friend, a favorite teacher, or a role model— anyone besides their own parents! throw a party, make a pizza or pasta, and encourage everyone to sample not just their own favorite toppings and sauces, but each other’s as well!

5. make concessions, but eat together. it’s oK to serve pasta with two different sauces if that’s what it takes to make everyone excited about the meal. the important point is to not set a tone that it’s okay for parents and children to eat different meals in one sitting. Food should bring together a family’s similarities, not highlight their differences.

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Haute NotesFrom the publisher, Haute Notes is about the discovery of all things innovative and exciting in food and wine, art and design, and style and travel.

launching in summer 2008, is an online shopping destination that offers a curated selection of chef-created and chef-related products. imagine shopping in a chef’s pantry for food products, kitchen tools and accessories, and cookbooks! also features chef demonstration videos, recipes, and wine and cocktail pairings.

places and spaces

Coffee and conversation have a new high-design setting on the campus of rice university. the 6,000-square-foot Brochstein pavilion, executed by architect eric richey of thomas phifer and partners, features natural lighting from light scoops, plasma screens, couches, and chairs, all surrounded by floor-to-ceiling windows that look out on a 10,700-square-foot wraparound plaza. the plaza itself is covered by an innovative metal-tubing trellis, designed to filter light the same way live oaks do along rice’s walkways.



pearl plum cosmo

2 oz pearl® plum Flavored Vodka

1 oz arrow® triple Sec

1 oz White Cranberry Juice

method Shake well with ice in a shaker, and strain into a chilled martini glass. garnish with a lime wheel.

cutting edge

Joel Bukiewicz, aspiring novelist turned artisan, handcrafts professional-grade kitchen cutlery that has sliced its way to cult-level status. his showcase knife is the prospect 8, which is close to kitchen-accessory perfection: a knife that cuts smoothly and effortlessly on the cutting board, is agile enough to be a versatile kitchen tool, and offers heft and balance at the bolster as well as a fast tip and lightness in the hand. this knife is just begging you to cook with it!



Publisher MIcHaEL GOLdMaN

Editor-in-chief PaMELa JOuaN

design director JaNa POTaSHNIk BaIRdesign, Inc.

Managing Editor cHRISTIaN kaPPNER

assistant Editor STEPHaNE HENRION

copy Editor kELLY SuzaN WaGGONER

contributing Writers PaMELa JOuaN

Photo director cHaRLES HaRRIS

advertising [email protected]

Marketing director kaTHERINE PaYNE

contributing Photography BaTTMaN dIaNa LuNdIN (cover)

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