term 4 renee


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Page 2: term 4 renee

Term 1Club 230

Term 3 Club 410

Term 2Club 380

Term 4Club 520

Page 3: term 4 renee

My spelling goal is to learn 10 words every week and keep on moving up every week.

Also when I am doing my spelling in my yellow book to write more neatly and tidier .

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Respectful and helpful to others

Excellent at art

Nice and kind to others

Enter prising and creative

Enjoys playing skipping

Apples are one of my favourite fruits

Pools filled with cool water cool me down

Also likes to cook

Neat and tidy

Unlikely to cause trouble

I always tell the truth to the teachers

High light…


*Metaphors=don’t know what this is


*Adverbs=don’t know what this is

*Similes= none

My goal next time is to learn and find out what Adverbs and Metaphors are.

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Writing Criteria: I have included

•What my name means

•Where I came from

•Where I live

•What I eat, drink etc

•Special Characteristics






My monsters name is Evil Genius and he can control your brain. He can control one type of weather and that is the cold dripping rain. His favourite food is to eat slimy snails out of human beings a fat thick male, if the male is not thick enough his face will go all pale.

He will tear your bodies apart and your lives will be threatened for ever!!!

I’m telling you once more don’t go near this monster!!!

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Learning Intentions

I can name many 2d shapes

I can name many 3d shapes

I know the difference between 2d and 3d shapes

I can name the number of vertices on a 3d shape

I can name the number of edges on a 3d shape

I can name the number of faces on a 3d shapeMy goal for maths is to find out more

names for 3D shapes and find out what a vertice is

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Success Criteria Pre


I know what te means

I know what nga means

I know what Anei means

I know what Homai means

I know what Kei hea means

I can translate these

My next learning step is

Kei hea te toto!!!


Homai nga tamariki!Muhahah

Kei hea te


Anei te taniwha


Level 2 Understand a range of oral texts containing familiar phrases and sentences

Spell these words correctly and write the sentence correctly

LI : Know, understand, and respond to Homai, Anei, Kei hea, te, nga,

Where is the monster?

Give me the children!Muhahahah

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Yes No

I can use verbs like: stomps, thumps, trudging

I can use adjectives like: ferocious, colossal,

I can use adverbs like: loudly, hurriedly,

I can use similes;

I can use metaphors; like a silver dollar ...

I can use onomatopoeia, like smashed, banged

Other surface features......

I can write nicely like… linking, sloping

Insert video and student voice

They can upload and edit

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I can ….



I am at school and I am participating I felt good on my 50 meter race and my 100 meter race because I came third in the both of


I participated in these events






Long jump

High jump


My thoughts about today I’m feeling nervous and I hope I win! I am going to

make sure that I won’t fall and embarrass my self and I am just feeling very nervous!!!Next time I am going to win and smash every one!


B1 Movement and Skills: Science and Technology

B2 Positive Attitudes, challenges and social and cultural factors

Key Areas of Learning

Body care and Physical Safety

Physical Activity

Name: Renee

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Mihi: Tihei mauriora, Tena Koutou ….

Introduction: My speech is about….

Content: Interesting, Humorous, factual, phrased, uses props

Ineed to ree video my self.

Tone of voice: Interesting, monotone, confident, clear, articulate

Stance: Makes eye contact, faces audience, uses hand gestures, confident,

Ending: rounds off speech, sums up, uses I statement in conclusion

Closing Mihi: No reira tena koutou …

Success Criteria for Processing Information :

This speech should display the following features

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For Kuapapa, we have been learning about monsters. First we had to draw a draft picture for a monster, and when we were done, we got to start on our real one. As we finished that one, we got some paint and some dye to make it stand out to be 3D.

What are the names of the monsters that are nice?

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