textbook pages: 463-489, 483-489, 495-503 exploration & commercial revolution,1400 - 1600...

Textbook pages: 463-489, 483-489, 495-503 Exploration & Commercial Revolution,1400 - 1600 Quizlet Link for Vocab http:// quizlet.com/_izvef

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Textbook pages: 463-489, 483-489, 495-503

Exploration & Commercial Revolution,1400 - 1600

Quizlet Link for Vocab



1. What impact did Ming China and the Ottoman Empire have on global trade?

2. What motivated the Europeans to explore?

3. How were the Inca and Aztec empires impacted by European exploration and colonization?

4. What was the significance of the Columbian Exchange on the Americas and Europe?

5. What were the economic factors that led to the Commercial Revolution?

Goal of exploration – impress the world with Chinese achievements

Acquire silver in return for Chinese goods, foreign goods not wanted

Demand for silver funded European wars Expand the tribute system Many Europeans traveled to China – Marco Polo

Zheng He Voyages were to increase economic ties between China and

foreign powers in the Indian Ocean After his death, Confucian scholars demanded a return to

isolationism This opened a power vacuum in trade which opened the door for

Portuguese merchants in the Indian Ocean and furthered European exploration


Major crossroad for tradeExpansion of the empire resulted in disruption of

European trade routes Cut off trade with Asia through control of the eastern




Factors encouraging exploration:God

Spread of Christianity to combat the spread of Islam

Glory Gained prestige for their nation as they acquired land and resources

Gold Desire for spices, products and control of trade routes Mercantilism – required colonies and raw materials

Impact: Created a global trade network for the first time in history Western culture began to dominate the world

Technological advances• Magnetic compass• Lateen sail• Caravel• Astrolabe



New crops led to better diets increased demands for foods leads to more

exploration, colonization, and trade

Impact on the Americas New livestock – horses change transportation, cattle,

sheep, pigs change diet New foods from Africa – bananas, okra, yams, grains Diseases – smallpox, measles, influenza

Death of natives leads to new African labor system

Impact on Europe New foods – maize, tomatoes, chocolate, tobacco, quinine,

potatoes – led to increased population Cotton & sugar gave rise to the planation system, made

forced labor necessary

Impact of the Columbian exchange even reached into Asia where populations grew due to increased nutrient-rich foods


Impact on South American Indians (Amerindians)


• conquered by Hernando Cortes 1519-21


• conquered by Pizarro 1530-33

• Use of the horse for transportation and warfare

• Conversion to Christianity

• Enslavement and harsh treatment, use as a labor source

• Later replaced by Africans

Papal Treaty of Tordesillas• Portuguese

– trading empire

*what part of new world is theirs?

Vs.:• Spanish

- Territorial conquest of land

– Sent conquistadores &

– Jesuits missionaries

Latin America

Viceroys – sent to rule an empire larger than Spain- Wealth sent to Spain, strongest power in Europe

Encomienda: labor system – natives farmed, ranched or mined for Spanish landlords (un-free, coercive labor)

Colonial Society:

• Peninsulares – Spanish born, officials and land owners

• Creoles – Spanish background, born in the New World

• Mestizos – mixed Spanish and Native American ancestry

• Native Americans – performed most of the hard labor

*Brazil – ruled by Portuguese

• Native Americans dying from European diseases: small pox, measles, typhus

• Need a new source of labor – importation of Africans

Interior of a Slave Ship:


Captured by neighboring tribes African leaders showed political power by

exchanging slaves for guns and gold Led to more fighting between African nations Africans begin producing goods for Europe,

primarily ivory sculptures Europeans controlled only coastal areas – later

cures for diseases led to interior travelPreviously exposed to European diseases“Middle Passage”Plantations caused an increase in

demandChristianity spread to AfricaAfrican culture (food, music, art) left a

lasting impact on American culture

Triangle of Trade or Great Circuit

Slave Routes

Triangle of Trade

Africans capture Africans

“Am I not a Man and a Brother?”

Were Blacks captured for slavery, or were they soldbecause they were captives?

Slave coast: Black Gold

Gold Coast & the Slave Coast


Phase I Started in the 600’s when Muslim traders took African

slaves to Southwest Asia. They were treated as servants and had rights.

Phase II 1500’s, Europeans joined and expanded the African slave

trade to replace the natives in the Americas. Slaves had no rights and were treated harshly.

Process Many African rulers captured fellow Africans to trade with

Europeans for guns and goods.Eff ects

1) Encouraged African warfare between tribes 2) Disrupted African culture and left bitterness and violence 3) Increased cultural diffusion between continents

Influence of British Slave Trade

William Wilberforce

• Led the abolitionist movement in Britain• Inspired abolition movements around

the world• Introduced a bill to abolish the slave

trade• 1807 – Slave Trade Act• 1833 – Slavery Abolition Act

Slavery Today?

Contemporary forms of slavery

According to the International Labour organisation

(ILO), there are today 200 million slaves in the world : child labour, house slaves, prostitution and others.


Increased availability of trade goods and new ways of doing business

Cause: Exploration > Colonies > Atlantic Trade > Profi ts

Eff ects: Economies changed from local to global As trade increased across continents, new business

practices developed1) Capitalism – privately owned businesses have the right to earn profits on investments2) Joint-Stock Company – investors start a business together by pooling their money and sharing profits and losses3) Mercantilism – more wealth = more power (for nations)