texto de apoio1

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  • 7/30/2019 Texto de Apoio1



    CURSO/ UFCD 0395- Lngua inglesa tcnicas de venda

    FORMADOR Ana Daniela Fonseca

  • 7/30/2019 Texto de Apoio1


    1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

    Jane Morgan ________ (be) a good secretary. She ________ (go) to the office every day in

    the morning and she ________ (work) there till twelve oclock. But she ________ (not

    work) full time. In the afternoon she ________ (not go) to the office. She ________ (stay)

    at home and sometimes she ________ (walk) in the park with her children. After dinner

    she ________ (wash) the dishes and her husband ________ (look after) the children. Then

    she _________ (read) a book because she ________ (not like) TV. Jane and her husband

    ________ (not like) to go to bed late because they always ________ (get up) early.

    2. Complete with Who, What, Why, When, Where, Whose, Which.

    a.________ does the competition take place?b.________ does the class begin?c.

    ________ are you so sad today?

    d.________ do I send this fax to?e.________ is the book? Its on the table.f. ________ is invited to the party?g.________ is the Italian restaurant?h.________ are you asking that?i. ________ restaurant do you prefer, Italian or French?j. ________coulor is your shirt?

    3. Make the following sentences negative.

    k. Today they have English.__________________________________________________________________

    l. Our English lessons are on Tuesdays and Thursdays_______________________________________________________________

    m. His lessons finish at five oclock. _____________________________________________________________

    n. The TV programme starts at half past eight on Mondays.______________________________________________________________o. Mr Mills likes lying down on the sofa.


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    DeterminerIndefinite Article

    a / anum, uma (s se usa no singular)

    ausa-se quando a palavra seguinte comea pelo som de uma consoante. Ex. A pupil

    anusa-se quando a palavra seguinte comea pelo som de uma vogal. Ex. An accountant

    actor singer Note: No caso da palavra iniciar helectrician musician 1. Se o h no se pronunciar, usa-

    An architect A dancer -se an. Ex. An hour

    engineer pilot 2. Se o h se pronunciar, usa-se a.

    uncle year Ex. A hairdresser

    university A housewife

    Note: Singulara vet

    Plural - vets

    Determiner - Definite Article

    Theo, a, os, as (usa-se para o masculino e feminino, para o plural e para o singular).* Usa-se quando falamos de algo/ algum especfico

    a) com nomes de oceanos, rios, - The Atlantic.

    b) com nomes plurais de pases, ilhas e com nomes que possuem as expresses Republic, States,

    Union - The USA is a big country. / I live in the Azores.

    c) com instrumentos musicaisI play the violin.

    d) com os numerais ordinaisThat is the first boy in line.

    e) com os pontos cardeais; posiesIts on the left. / The North.

    f) com nomes de edifciosThe hospital is 5km from here.

    g) com nacionalidadesThe English.

    h) com nomes comuns singulares e pluraisThe desk. / The books.

    * No se usa quando falamos de algo em geral

    a) com dias, meses, estaes, pocas festivas. Monday is the first day of the week. / December is the

    last month of the year. / Spring is a beautiful season. / I love Christmas!

    b) com nomes de ruas, estradasI live in Oxford Street.

    c) com pases e continentesPortugal is a small country.

    d) com refeies, desportos, cores, disciplinas e lnguas After lunch I must work. / I hate football. /

    Blue is my favourite colour. / I have English on Monday. / I speak Italian very well.

    e) com nomes prprios e abstractosPeters eighteen. / Life is short.

    I. Fill in with a, an or the, where necessary. Put a x when the article is omitted.

    1.I work in ____ theatre. Im ____ actress. / 2. ____ architect designs houses and ____ buildings. / 3.

    In restaurants ____ cooks make food. / 4. When we are sick we go to ____ doctor. / 5. He is ____ actor

    and ____ musician. / 6. She is ____ singer and ____ dancer. / 7. John is ____ engineer for ____ year. /

    8. She is ____ student at ____ university. / 9. He is ____ vet and he is looking after ____ dog at the

    moment. / 10. ____ teacher is French. / 11. He is ____ nice boy. / 12. ____ window is open. / 13. They

    are ____ students. / 14. I am with ____ Mr Smith. / 15. ____ map is on the wall. / 16. Im ____

    American journalist. / 17. ____ oranges are on the table. / 18. It is ____ hotel. / 19. Tom is ____

    intelligent boy. / 20. She is _____ athlete. / 21. Is Kate ____ girl? / 22.____ old man is Mr Brown.

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    - Put the words in the right order.

    1. a newspaper/ reads/ every day/ Jill

    2. football / dont like/ very much/ I

    3. lost/ I / my watch/ last week4. Tom / the letter/ slowly/ read

    5. London / do you know/ very well?

    6. ate/ we/ very quickly/ our dinner

    7. did you buy/ in England/ that jacket?

    8. I/ very well/ French/ dont speak

    9. crossed/ the street/ they/ carefully

    10. from my brother/ borrowed/50/I

    11. we / enjoyed/ very much/ the party

    12. passed/ Ann / easily/ the examination13. every day/ do/ the same thing/ we

    14. I / this picture/ dont like/ very much

    15. in her bag/ the money/ put/ the woman

    16. did you watch/ on television/ the news?

    17 my plan/ carefully/ I / explained

    18. she/ smokes / everyday/ ten cigarettes

    19. a lot of housework/ did/ I/ yesterday

    20. we/ at the concert/ some friends/ met

    21. I/ want to speak/ fluently/ English22. to work/ every morning/ walks/ George

    23. at the party/ we/ early/ arrived

    24.didnt go/ yesterday/ I/ to work.

    25. to work/ tomorrow/ are you going?

    26. will you be/ this evening/ at home?

    27. next week/ they/ to London/ are going

    28. to the cinema/ last night/ did you go?

    29. goes/ every year/ to Italy/ Jill

    30. in London/ Alice/ in1951/ was born

    31. I/ in bed/ this morning/ my breakfast/ had

    32. many times/ my parents/ have been/ to the United States

    33. a beautiful bird/ this morning/ I / in the garden/ saw

    34. my umbrella/ last night/ I think I left/ in the restaurant

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  • 7/30/2019 Texto de Apoio1



    A - Write the past tense of the verbs in brackets.

    1. When I ____________ (be) about ten or eleven, I often ____________ (visit) mygrandmother.

    2. I ____________ (love) my grandmother and often ____________ (talk) to her about herlife when she ____________ (be) younger.

    3. One day I ____________ (ask) her about the picture.4. Grandmother ____________ (smile) and said the old lady ____________ (be) her friend.5. Those times with my grandmother ____________ (be) happy ones for me.6. My mother ____________ (not be) at home most of the time. She ____________ (work)

    in a shop.

    7. We ____________ (live) outside the village. Most of the time I ____________ (be) alone.8. I ____________ (not be) happy.9. I ____________ (like) reading, and sometimes I ____________ (listen) to the radio.10. When Michael ____________ (arrive) at school his classmates ____________ (be) already

    there.11. Classes ____________ (start) at 8.30 as usual.12. While Michael ____________ (be) at school, he ____________ (play) and ____________


    13. In the afternoon, he ____________ (watch) TV and ____________ (tidy) his bedroom.14. He also ____________ (telephone) one of his friends and ____________ (ask) him to help

    him with his homework.

    15. Peter ____________ (help) Michael with the Maths homework.16. They ____________ (stop) studying after tea time.17. Then something strange ____________ (happen). A beautiful bird ____________ (enter)

    the room.

    18. It ____________ (be) very funny. They ____________ (laugh) for a long time.19. Michael ____________ (invite) Peter to come next day.20. From 8.00 to 8.30 they ____________ (have) breakfast in the dining room.21. The morning meeting ____________ (be) at 8.40.22. The first lesson ____________ (begin) at 9.00 and ____________ (finish) at 10.30.23. From 10.30 to 11.00 they ____________ (drink) coffee and ____________ (eat) biscuits.24. The second lesson ____________ (begin) at 11.00.25. From 12.30 to 1.15 they ____________ (eat) their lunch.26. In the afternoon they ____________ (play) games and ____________ (listen) to music.27. There ____________ (be) a tea break at 3.30.28. They ____________ (have) dinner at 6.30.29. From 8.30 to 10.30 they ____________ (write) their course diaries.30. Finally they ____________ (go) to bed at 11.00.

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    B What did Peter do last Saturday? Use the notes to make complete sentences.

    1. He _____________ at twenty-five past nine.2. ___________________________________________________________________3. ___________________________________________________________________4. ___________________________________________________________________5. ___________________________________________________________________6. ___________________________________________________________________7. ___________________________________________________________________8. ___________________________________________________________________9. ___________________________________________________________________10.___________________________________________________________________11.___________________________________________________________________

    9.25 get up

    9.26 have a bath

    9.45 get dressed

    10.00 breakfast

    10.15 go shopping

    1.00 lunch

    3.05 visit grandparents

    6.00 come back home

    7.00 read a book

    7.45 dinner

    8.30 watch TV

    11.00 bed

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    be was been ser, estar

    beat beat beaten bater, derrotar

    become became become tornar-se, vir a ser

    begin began begun comear

    bite bit bitten morder

    bleed bled bled sangrar

    blow blew blown soprar

    break broke broken quebrar, partir

    bring brought brought trazer, causar

    build built built construir, levantar

    buy bought bought comprar, adquirir

    burn burnt burnt queimar

    can could ----- poder, ser capaz de

    catch caught caught apanhar, agarrar

    choose chose chosen escolher

    come came come vir

    Cost cost cost custar

    Cut cut cut cortar

    deal dealt dealt negociar, lidar

    dig dug dug cavar

    do did done fazer

    draw drew drawn desenhar, puxar

    dream dreamt dreamt sonhar

    drink drank drunk beber

    drive drove driven conduzir

    eat ate eaten comer

    fall fell fallen cair

    feed fed fed alimentar

    feel felt felt sentir

    fight fought fought lutar

    find found found encontrar, achar

    fly flew flown voar

    forbid forbade forbidden proibir

    forget forgot forgotten esquecer

    freeze froze frozen gelar

    get got got conseguir, adquirirgive gave given dar

    go went gone ir

    grow grew grown crescer, criar

    hang hung hung suspender, pendurar

    have had had ter, possuir

    hear heard heard ouvir

    hide hid hidden esconder

    hold held held segurar, manter

    keep kept kept manter, guardar

    kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar

    know knew known saber, conhecerlay laid laid pr, colocar

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    lead led led levar a, guiar, liderar

    learn learnt learnt aprender

    leave left left deixar, partir

    lend lent lent emprestar

    lie lay lain estar deitado, jazer

    light lit lit iluminar

    lose lost lost perder

    make made made fazer

    mean meant meant significar, querer dizer

    meet met met encontrar (pessoas)

    mistake mistook mistaken errar, enganar-se

    pay paid paid pagar

    put put put pr, colocar

    read read read ler

    ride rode ridden andar a cavalo / de bicicleta

    ring rang rung tocar campainha

    rise rose risen erguer-se, levantar-se

    run run run correr

    say said said dizer

    see saw seen ver

    seek sought sought procurar

    sell sold sold vender

    send sent sent enviar, mandar

    sew sewed sewn coser, costurar

    shake shooke shaken agitar, tremer

    shine shone shone brilhar, cintilar

    shoot shot shot disparar

    show showed shown mostrar

    sing sang sung cantarsit sit sit sentar-se

    sleep slept slept dormir

    smell smelt smelt cheirar

    speak spoke spoken falar

    spend spent spent gastar, passar

    spill spilt spilt derramar

    spread spread spread espalhar

    stand stood stood levantar-se, estar de p

    swear swore sworen jurar

    swim swam swum nadar

    take took taken tomar, pegar, levar

    teach taught taught ensinar, leccionar

    tear tore torn rasgar

    tell told told dizer, contar

    think thought thought pensar

    throw trew thrown atirar

    understand understood understood compreender

    wake woke woken acordar, despertar

    wear worn worn usar, vestir

    win won won ganhar

    write wrote written escrever

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