textual analysis 2


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Post on 08-Apr-2017




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This opening sequence shows the main perspective of this documentary. The main point is showing the comparison between people who are really big in weight and people who are really small in weight. This opening sequence shows the comparison and allows the audience to gather an idea of how the programme is going to work. This documentary is a reflexive documentary because it is very obvious that it is being documented. By having this type of documentary it means that the people involved in the documentary are able to take part and show their opinions. Additionally by having an opening sequence like this, the audience can see straight away that it is quite an open documentary and the opinions and activities going on throughout it will be fairly full on as the people who are being filmed know that it is being filmed and are ready to participate. It does however allow the audience to create their own opinion on what looks better, being super size or super skinny. They can then adapt their opinions throughout the programme and see how each person copes with their size issues.

Dr Christian Jessen is the presenter of this programme. By having someone who has a professional opinion present this show it means that the audience find it more believable and are more trusting with the information being shared on the programme. He is also a likeable character, which again influences the audience into watching the programme more because they like watching what he does with people and listening to what he has to say. It is important to include professional opinions because otherwise the whole programme doesn’t make really make sense. The people who are in the programme need to ensure that they are being given the correct information and not just an opinion. Documentaries are supposed to be factual so by having a Doctor on it, it will make the audience more involved and they may even be shocked by the facts that they are hearing.

This sequence of the documentary shows the audience the contrast in each persons lifestyles and bodies. This shows how much he eats and how little she eats and exercises. Because there is such an extreme contrast with the two peoples lifestyle this creates a shocking affect on the audience because of how different they are. It is clear to see why both of them are at the size they are which is portrayed to the audience in this scene. The producer will have done this again for the effect. When there are things that are completely different it creates an effect on the audience because they are not used to seeing such a difference. It allows the audience also to become more personal with the programme because they can compare it to their lifestyles and their diets. By being able to understand these people lifestyles it means the audience can put them into perspective and compare it against not only each other but themselves.

EATING DISORDERS The final scene of this programme is about a girl who has eating disorders. Eating disorders are a massive problem for teenagers nowadays. In this documentary they have a final scene which is based around a girl who has suffered from an eating disorder. There are flashback clips of her when she was going through her disorder. Additionally there are bits of text going over the screen to show the facts of eating disorders. Including things like this in a documentary emphasises the factual side to this programme. This will entice the audience into continuing to watch because they can become more personal with what is being shown on the programme. Additionally it is a real issue that goes on daily, so this means that they are not only highlighting the fact of eating disorders happen, but they are also influencing people away from it.

MISE-EN-SCENEThe producer of this documentary has used a long shot in part of the starting clips. The programme is called ‘Supersize VS Super skinny’, so they want to focus on the parts of the title. By using a long shot it shows the audience the full picture of what it looks like being overweight, and the audience can clearly see this woman is unhealthily overweight.

The producer uses a swipe edit. At the start of this edit it is a woman in America talking, then it quickly changes to a man in the UK. The producer uses this editing technique because they want to emphasise that obesity is not only massively affecting the USA, but it is also causing a massive impact in the UK. This edit is similar to something in a children’s film when they move from one place to a different part.


The people who are involved in the documentary are dressed pretty much naked in nude coloured underwear. The producer has done this to emphasise the actual point of the programme. You can clearly see their figures in the shot and it reflects on the name of the programme because us as the audience can see the outcome of having these extreme eating disorders.

The mise-en-scene in this show has made Christian the main focus of the shot, however in the background it is clear to see that there are people eating unhealthy food. The producer has decided to do this because of the theme of the programme. It shows 2 polar opposites. Christian being healthy and a Dr and the two people behind him eating unhealthily and looking slightly over weight.


The producer has used a close-up in this shot to convey to the audience how the woman in the shot is feeling. Because it is so close to her face it is clear to see that she is upset and the audience are more able to connect with her because of the reasoning for her being upset.

The producer has filmed this section of the documentary like this as the lighting is dark on his face. This is because he is talking about a negative subject that has a negative impact on him and his health. If he was talking about something more positive it would mean that he would have more light shining on his face to show that it is positive. The producer has done this for a reason to create a lower mood to the audience.


This shot used is a focus shot. The pizza is the main focus of the frame and the man is in the background. The pizza is the main focus of this image because it is not what she is used to eating and he is in the background because it is what he usually would eat.

SUMMARY Over all, in this documentary it is clear to see that this is a reflexive documentary. The presenter is involved throughout the whole of it and he really gets involved with what the people who are involved have to say. Additionally the people who are starring in the documentary are open and honest about what they think and how they feel. This is important because for people to believe it, then they need to see it. One of the main focuses of this programme is to promote a healthy lifestyle and by using people who are completely different to contrast against each other. They have included real facts throughout the whole of it as well as some opinions. They have not only focused on the people who are concerned with their weight, they have also spoken to people who have had some sort of experience with food or eating.