textual analysis of poster and magazine cover

Analyzing Film Posters & Magazine Covers

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Page 1: Textual analysis of poster and magazine cover

Analyzing Film Posters & Magazine Covers

Page 2: Textual analysis of poster and magazine cover

Lawless Poster Analysis

Tag Line

Actors Names

Quote from a review

Main Image

Film Name

Page 3: Textual analysis of poster and magazine cover

The tag line might make people want to watch the film because of its short snappiness. Also if people like the sound then they are more likely to want to watch it. It also sums the film up of what it is about, Brothers, Gangsters and Heroes. The text is also in Bold so it then stands out, it is also a good colour and stands out on the colour of the clouds.

The next thing down on the page is the credits of some of the actors that were involved in the film. This might make the people looking at it want to watch it because of the previous films that this actor has done. E.G. Shia LaBeouf, he did the films of transformers. Again like the tag line text it is quite bold and stands out a lot so that people can read it from a distance.

This quote of a review from a magazine, this is likely to have a good impact on the film because of the fact that if people read this then they are most likely to go and see the film because it has had good reviews. Most people go and see films after they have heard good reviews so this may make people see it.

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As you can see the main image takes up most of the poster and is big enough to see from a distance, this also shows most of the main characters. Both of these things will make the poster stand out and people will recognize the actors when they see the poster. Even though the poster has dark colours the characters stand out because of the way the clouds are formed around them and the light shining towards them.

This title stands out from a mile on the background on the colours of the poster, it is a bold red font that is easy on the eyes as well.

All of these features go well together well and the final product is good as it makes everything stand out and and with useful text on there that is more likely to make you go and see the final product.

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Seven Poster Analysis

Film Title

Film Slogan

Actors Names

Another sloganMain image

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The actors names and pictures are part of the main image as well, as you can see in this image it has their names and then the pictures beneath. This makes for easy recognition by people who might want to see the film, or want to now they have seen this poster.

Because these two are, two of the main characters it makes sense to put them on the poster, and when you see this you will know they are two of the main characters as they aren't going to put on some one that only appears once.

The two actors names are in a plain standard font but this looks good as it is easy to read and see from a distance, the colour used also helps it stand out on the background that it is one.

The title stands out quite a lot and and this is because of the colour of the text, with it being in white it stands out on the dingy brown background, and the font is good because it isn't plain, but looks like it has been written and easy to read.

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The slogan is really in two parts, the first part down the middle and the second part under the film title. I would say they are the same slogan but in two parts because of the fact that they lead on from one another. The first part reveling the seven sins and then the slogan underneath.

The font used looks good and is clear as well as the striking lines that are crossing out different words, this looks good and professional, but the text can be a little hard to read from a distance, and from here the bottom part of the slogan at the end can in different lighting be hard to read.

Overall I think the poster isn’t that good because of the fact that the slogan would be hard to read from a distance and the faces wouldn't’t either from a distance, but the font of the title and the actors is of good size and colour to stand out which makes up for it a bit.

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1st Empire Magazine AnalysisThe magazine name is the biggest text on the screen and it stands out as well even though you cannot see the whole of the title.

The main image is of the man and is smaller in proportion to the text, this is for a bigger impact on the front cover.

The main selling point of this particular magazine is the film that it talks about Inception. This is the main thing that people might buy the magazine for.

The layout of this magazine is good because the title is clear and easily visible as well as the main article in this magazine Inception. The other articles are around the man and spaced out well.

As well as this there is an incentive to buy this magazine with dream access to a movie event of 2010.

The phrase “The Dark knight returns ….” might also make people want to by this. This text also stands out on the dark background.

If you look closely you will see that the background is the buildings in a city giving it a better graphical look, not just plain gray.

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2nd Empire Magazine AnalysisThe title of the magazine is Empire and is easily visible and recognizable even though Tony Starks head is blocking the P and I.The whole text stands out because the text is white on a mainly red background.

The main image of Tony Stark is bigger in comparison to the magazine and text, this is so that he stands out. From this image you can tell the main article will involve Iron Man somehow.

The main text that is roughly center to the magazine is The Avengers, This may be another reason why people would by this magazine.

This graphical image of choosing your own magazine cover of a different avenger might make the reader buy them all, this also help them get sales because there will be different avengers that different people like.

They have also added other images to the front cover to get more people to read the magazine, this is because not everyone will be interested in the avengers. These images are smaller because they aren't as big a stories or articles as the avengers article in this magazine.

The layout of this cover is good as everything is spaced out nicely and they have used the white space well. The colours used on this cover are good and don’t clash. The graphical image choosing your cover could also make this magazine a special edition that even more people would want.

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• In my product I will insure that in my magazine;- The colours wont clash- That the main image takes up a lot of the cover in comparison to the text- That the title of the magazine and main

article are easily visible from a distance- That the colours will catch the readers


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Conclusion Part 2

• In my Poster I will make sure that I include;- A coloured font that will grab the readers attention- Images of the main characters in the film- There will be credits of the actors

involved- A slogan that is part of the film/story line