tgs newsletter issue 11 friday, 27th november 2015

1 Issue No 11/ 2015-2016 Thetford Grammar School The small, friendly school that gets results for individuals. 27 th November 2015 Dear Parents and Pupils, We were treated to a wonderfully replete and varied performance this week on Tuesday evening. The TGS Winter Concert was a testament to how talented and confident our children are when in front of a sizeable audience and also the wide musical repertoire from Chopin to Madness! My fondest appreciation is extended to the pupils and students that performed so well, the teachers that supported their endeavours and to Dr M. Stoppard for her tireless efforts to coordinate such a marvellous event. Well done to all. Our very first Focus Group for parents was held yesterday in Old School. The presentations comprised useful and up-to-date information about the school and how it manages issues. The two topics covered were: progress and skills over time for pupils; 21 st century technology and the role of parents. My appreciation and thanks are extended to Mr Mark Glassbrook and Mr Mark Foreman who delivered very informative sessions and also to the parents who received information and then engaged in a lively discussion. I did pass on to the parents present that perhaps a consideration might be that future Focus Group meetings could be held slightly earlier (e.g. 8.30am) to allow and encourage other working parents to attend as well. A brief Parent Survey was disseminated near the end of the allocated time after a Q&A with me about a range of items. If you would also like to take part please click here for the link to our survey. Our whole school assembly this morning had a Christmas theme, particularly mentioning the events and shows for children within the school that are about to take place. I am looking forward to the Pre-Prep and Preparatory School’s performances of ‘When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney’ next week. At the end of next week, on Friday 11 th December from 3.00pm onwards, we are holding our TGS Family Winter Fayre, supported and organised by the TGS Parent Staff Association. I am certain that this will provide lots of fun and festive goodies for children and adults of all ages. Please do come along to support the school. I hope you have a very pleasant and positive weekend break. Mr Mark S. Bedford Headmaster

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Thetford Grammar School

The small, friendly school that gets results for individuals.

27th November 2015

Dear Parents and Pupils,

We were treated to a wonderfully replete and varied performance this week on Tuesday evening. The TGS Winter Concert was a testament to how talented and confident our children are when in front of a sizeable audience and also the wide musical repertoire from Chopin to Madness! My fondest appreciation is extended to the pupils and students that performed so well, the teachers that supported their endeavours and to Dr M. Stoppard for her tireless efforts to coordinate such a marvellous event. Well done to all.

Our very first Focus Group for parents was held yesterday in Old School. The presentations comprised useful and up-to-date information about the school and how it manages issues. The two topics covered were: progress and skills over time for pupils; 21st century technology and the role of parents. My appreciation and thanks are extended to Mr Mark Glassbrook and Mr Mark Foreman who delivered very informative sessions and also to the parents who received information and then engaged in a lively discussion. I did pass on to the parents present that perhaps a consideration might be that future Focus Group meetings could be held slightly earlier (e.g. 8.30am) to allow and encourage other working parents to attend as well.

A brief Parent Survey was disseminated near the end of the allocated time after a Q&A with me about a range of items. If you would also like to take part please click here for the link to our survey.

Our whole school assembly this morning had a Christmas theme, particularly mentioning the events and shows for children within the school that are about to take place. I am looking forward to the Pre-Prep and Preparatory School’s performances of ‘When Sasha Got Swept Up The Chimney’ next week. At the end of next week, on Friday 11th December from 3.00pm onwards, we are holding our TGS Family Winter Fayre, supported and organised by the TGS Parent Staff Association. I am certain that this will provide lots of fun and festive goodies for children and adults of all ages. Please do come along to support the school.

I hope you have a very pleasant and positive weekend break.

Mr Mark S. Bedford


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December is fast approaching and last week Pre-Prep saw the creation of their fabulous igloo made from 264 milk cartons which staff and parents have been kindly collecting, washing out and bringing into school. The children can now practice their fishing skills outside their igloo and enjoy sitting inside under the twinkling lights with a good book.

Special thanks to all who saved up their milk cartons!

Miss Julie Blakemore Pre-Prep Class Teacher


We look forward to welcoming you all to our Christmas Performances next week. There will be two showing in the Williamson Hall: The MATINEE PRODUCTION will take place on Tuesday 1st December at 2:30pm. The EVENING SHOW will take place on Wednesday 2nd December at 7:00pm. If you would like some tickets please contact Mrs Cracknell in the school office on 01842752840 or email her: [email protected].

NEW BENCH Jonny Storey presented a new bench to the Preparatory School this week which the Prep School House Captains accepted on behalf of their friends. A big thank you to Jonny, Mrs Pringle and Mr Jenkinson for making the bench for us.

Mrs Nicki Peace Head of Prep-School

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On Tuesday 24th November Pre-Prep welcomed some new friends for a morning of festive fun and craft. All children made some beautiful Christmas decorations such as baubles, wreaths and also reindeer cookies to take home. After ‘Mog’s Christmas’ story it was time to say farewell to our new friends.

Miss J. Blakemore Pre-Prep Class Teacher

HOUSE CHRISTMAS TREE DECORATION COMPETITION This event has been organised by the PSA and will run for the first time at TGS. Each house will decorate a 6 foot high tree in the Williamson Hall on December 3rd 2015. Each house will choose their own handmade decorations and the trees will be judged by a committee of school representatives on Friday 4th December at the TGS Family Christmas Fayre. All children across the school have been encouraged to get involved and join in the Christmas fun.

Children in Cronsheys, both Prep and Senior pupils, have been gathering together at break times this week to make Christmas tree decorations for the forthcoming house competition. They have all enjoyed working together on a team project. Well done to Franziska Elders and

Evangeline Bedford for organising everyone.

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On the 24th November, Y6 had a really fun Ancient Greek Day. After the photographs were done, we got to choose a Greek name; mine was Macedon (which means tall one). Our first activity was Greek food tasting; we talked about different Greek foods and then we got to prepare some yummy looking foods. We tasted carrots, cranberries, humus, taramasalata (cod eggs), tzatziki and olives. It left an amazing taste in my mouth.

Next we travelled to the English Factory, where we acted out Theseus and the Minotaur. We did a couple of warm-up activities n groups and we were asked to make objects out of our bodies in 30 seconds. After that we listened to the tale Theseus and the Minotaur, it was really exciting! Finally we got into groups and acted this story out, it was a lot of fun. After that we did Greek writing with Mr Bedford; I must say he was really good! He asked us to read and write out the Greek alphabet and then we

wrote our ‘real’ names in Ancient Greek. Mine was Xamiex!

After lunch we had ‘The Olympics’ which included running (difficult in a toga), javelin throwing (I got into the final) and chariot racing. My horse’s name Pantherer (Ethan). Tom was the overall champion who won every event. He was presented with an olive leaf crown.

Finally we made pottery with Mrs Perry, we used the ‘coil’ method. Mine collapsed on my first attempt but I got it right on my third attempt.

Ancient Greek day was an amazing day with lots of fun activities, including scrumptious food tasting. This day was made even better by a Sparta vs Athens football match. My team Athens FC won.

Hamish Russell Year 6 pupil

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On Thursday 19th November a group of Year 11 and Year 12 Drama students accompanied by Mrs Boyce travelled to the Cambridge Arts Theatre to see a performance of “The Odyssey: Missing Presumed Dead”.

This was a re-working of the Greek myth by poet Simon Armitage performed by the English Touring Theatre. It presented Odysseus as an ill-fated government minister, sent by the prime minister to a football match in Turkey. A diplomatic incident ensues and he ends up missing – presumed dead. Back home, his son is given a copy of Homer’s Odyssey and, as he begins to read, Odysseus’ saga unfolds like an ancient memory. This clever weaving of the two

narratives resulted in imaginative staging and inspirational acting that made a real impression on the students. Their task is to write a theatre review that encompasses this ambitious epic.

SENIOR TEAM MATHS CHALLENGE On Tuesday, 24th November, I took a team of four students to the City of Norwich School for the Regional finals of the Senior Team Challenge. The challenge is organised by the Further Mathematics Support Programme (FMSP) and the Mathematical Trust (UKMT) and consists of three rounds, one being a cross number.

The challenge is aimed at students in Years 12 and 13, but due to numerous trips involving Sixth Form students we had no Y13s in our team, making it a very young team. However, our team did not lack any talent or experience, as most of the students have participated in similar events in Y8 and Y9. The team members were Gus Altuccini (Yr12), Kirishoban Sanjeevvijay (Y12), Jack Bercovici (Y11) and Henry Bittleston (Y10). Each student contributed to the challenges and they worked well as a team. Of the 22

schools participating in our region, only the top three schools were announced, the winner being Culford School. We all enjoyed the day out doing challenging Mathematics and are looking forward to the next Senior Team Challenge in 2016. Mrs Tania Beukes

Heads of Maths

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We were treated to an excellent programme of music on Tuesday, which made for a most enjoyable evening. As always, the variety of the music played added to the success, as we travelled from medieval carol, through Bach and Clementi into the 20th century and beyond with Madness and Duffy. We even crossed the world in listening to the music of

the Chinese composer Ming Xin Du! Over fifty pupils performed on the night, as soloists and in ensembles. The choir – fresh from the Norfolk Choirs Festival – and the band played, along with smaller groups such as the Wind Ensemble and Vocalease. The standard of TGS music is impressive for a small school and it has always been one of our strongest

features. We are fortunate to have several excellent keyboard players in the school, as well as individuals who display a high standard across more than one instrument.

With more than fifteen solo performances it would be difficult to pick out highlights but it was particularly good to hear our Y13 stars, for whom this will be their last year of music–making at TGS. It is a very strong year and we will be sorry to lose the talents of Roberto, Omar, Megan, Finn,

Emma, George and Holly but equally we can relax in the knowledge that the next generation will be ready to take their place. The evening finished in festive style with an audience singalong of Christmas favourites, accompanied by the band. We all left feeling energised by such good entertainment.


Thank you to everyone for taking part in the non-uniform day last week. We raised £262.08 towards the construction of Taonga School, Zambia. This is a fundraising idea delivered by Suzie Hayden, a Year 13 student at TGS, as part of her Peter Large Scholarship application.

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MATHS IN ACTION DAY Holly Simpson, Robbie Heighton, Tom Dennis, Omar El Oakley and Emma Ruddy, accompanied by Ms Wharton and Mr Braden left TGS early in the morning to catch the tube at Epping on the way to central London. Wrist banded and registered we joined a thousand other maths students from London and beyond (we travelled the furthest!). Lectures started just before 11.00am in the Logan Hall a well-appointed lecture theatre. First off was Simon Singh, the author and broadcaster, who told us of those who had tried and failed to prove Fermat's Last Theorem before telling the story of Professor Andrew Wiles who conquered the challenge after working in secret for seven years. We then heard from Chris Good of Birmingham University who told us of Greog Cantor's who developed a theory of infinity which developed into a modern branch of mathematics called Set Theory. After lunch at Pret A Manger we heard from Vicky Neale from the University of Oxford on the 7 things we need to know about prime numbers before Richard Elwes of the University of Leeds, explained Geometry and tge Art of Optimisation. The it was time for the top of the bill, Professor Kenny Patterson of Royal Holloway, University of London, who told us the Cryptography was everywhere. His principal being that cryprography uses many different kinds of mathematics to make our world more secure. Then it was back on the underground and to TGS at 7pm, a long but satisfying day.


Dr Philip Wilson's visit to TGS to deliver a talk on the meaningfulness of religious language was a great success. Sixth Formers, staff and parents formed a small group of interested listeners and benefitted from Dr Wilson's expertise. It was wonderful to see Sixth Formers growing in confidence with the subject material and taking steps in asking their own engaging questions to clarify meaning. James Betts made an especially perceptive contribution. Thank you to all involved. Miss Daniella Dunsmore Subject Leader of RS HISTORY CONTROLLED ASSESSMENT

Message for Year 11 History students and their parents - History GCSE Controlled Assessment

The Year 11 History students are now just over half way through their Controlled Assessment which is worth 25% of the total

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exam grade. Their question is ‘Assess the significance of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the struggle for civil rights in the USA’. Students are working really hard and I have been impressed by their approach.

Please can all students be reminded of the importance of attending History lessons before Christmas (unless they are too unwell to come to school) in order to complete this Controlled Assessment. Students have a set 8 hours for this task which is completed during our lesson times this half term.

If a student misses a lesson, they need catch up the time they have missed after school or during lunchtimes at the earliest opportunity. I am available after schools in F2 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and during most lunchtimes. These are also the same time slots available for students who have extra time.

Please can parents encourage their children to attend these sessions to complete this Controlled Assessment. The Controlled Assessment task will be completed before Christmas so that students can focus on their January mock exams and the next module, therefore I ask that students attend this ‘catch up’ time ASAP and definitely before we break up.

Students should make sure that they see me if they have any questions about the Controlled Assessment or need any further ‘general’ guidance. Miss Emma Bailey Head of History

SUGAR FOR SHELTER Thank you to those who have already brought in sugar for our Sugar Appeal. We have until Wednesday 9th December to collect as many bags of any-brand sugar as possible before these are collected and re-distributed. Although not every supermarket stocks Silver Spoon sugar, British Sugar has offered to match, kilo for kilo, the first two tonnes of this brand. Sugar keeps and stores well and is an important source of energy for those who need this support. As well as being essential to many Christmas foods and beverages, the sugar is needed in large quantities by shelters and soup kitchens, particularly in the winter months.


Y11 Triple Science Chemists will be completing the final part of their controlled assessment next Friday 4th December during periods 1-4. Mr Andrew Ward Head of Chemistry

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SKI TRIP 2016 We have one space available on the ski trip to Aosta, Italy which departs on Saturday 19th March and returns on Sunday 27th. The cost is £830 – this is a fantastic trip and if you would like your child to take part please contact the school office for details. There is a Ski Trip Information Evening on Thursday 14th

January 2016. As well as details of the forthcoming trip there will be a second hand ski clothing sale. Also, for your information, Aldi in Thetford are selling ski wear at a reasonable price from Thurs 3rd December.

Mrs Alison Alecock Trip Organiser FRENCH EXCHANGE 2015-2016 Places available.

We are currently recruiting participants for our annual French exchange trip. Letters including all the details and a reply slip have been issued to students from Y9 and 10 and can also be found on our website.

Please remember to return your reply slip to the School Office as soon as possible so that we can start making arrangements with our French partner school in Compiègne (and get cheaper train deals!).

“I seriously recommend the Compiègne exchange trip. I wish I had done it earlier, and I would go back every weekend if I could! Actually, I would live there now if I could!”

Mr Raphael Maringue Head of French TGS CHRISTMAS FAIRY

The beginning of the week saw a dramatic transformation of our Williamson Hall. Shelley our own special Christmas Fairy transformed the hall for the start of the festive season at Thetford Grammar School. Pupils, parents and staff who came to our Winter Concert have been delighted with the new decorations. A BIG THANK YOU to Shelley, the PSA and our maintenance team who have worked tirelessly to make the Christmas magic happen at TGS.

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Please come along and see for yourself at our Prep School Christmas Play and the Christmas Fayre next week. We are looking forward to welcoming you. Mrs Kathrin Elders Deputy Head TGS FAMILY CHRISTMAS We are holding our Winter Fayre on Friday 4th December at 3.00pm in the Williamson Hall. There will be lots to see and do including a visit to see Santa in his Sleigh, perusing the stalls for Christmas gifts, enjoying some delicious food from the BBQ and finishing it off with a well-deserved cup of tea or coffee. Tutor groups will be running their own stalls too and there will be fun to be had in the Photo Booth as well as the eagerly anticipated Raffle – there are some delightful prizes up for grabs this year. Please return your ticket stubs, monies and any unsold tickets to the School Office. If you are able to help on the day please email Mrs Clare Sutton, PSA Chairman, at [email protected] We thank you as always for your continued support. JACK AND THE BEANSTALK PANTO TRIP The Y7s will be heading off for their pantomime trip on Wednesday 2nd December at the Theatre Royal in Bury St Edmunds; could we please remind you that the children will need to wear their school uniform as normal and will need a packed lunch. If your child is pre-paid then please ask them to order their lunch with the kitchen the day before. TURKEY SHOOTING The Inter House shooting competition this term features a seasonal turkey target. Teams must include a range of ages, boys and girls, and one teacher. The competition closes on December 9th. These are the results so far.


Contestant 1 2 3 4 PISTOL TOTAL POSITION

REEDS 55 87 82 78 76 378 1

COLES 61 66 127 2



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STAFF BRING & BUY The staff BRING & BUY sale who was organised by Mrs Sue Webber last Friday raised £130 for Cancer research UK. This is the most raised in any of our staff bring and buy efforts. Thank you to all who were involved! LOST PROPERTY Sam White Black games sock

White PE sock Named Named

Rory White Coat Blue, Next Andrew Forbes Analogue watch Light blue strap John Jenkins Leicester Tigers scarf Green/Red – brand new Joseph Ramsbottom TGS Hoodie named Ben Mason Black PE joggers named Ethan Harris TGS black coat Named in the coat seam Joshua Kriehn-Morris School jumper unnamed Arlo Greenwood Wallet Red with black outline Hamish Russell PE top named Ben Jacob-Haigh Cake box Plastic with a green lid Freddie Bayne Blazer named Evangeline Bedford PE Skort and PE top Named Franzi Elders Pe sock Black, named Tomás Morgan PE shorts Named Owen Wortley Shoes Black School Shoes Joe Lawson Shoes Black School Shoes SPORTS CLUBS WITH MR HILL

There will be no more sports clubs this term due to Senior School commitments on both the Monday evenings after school and the Wednesday lunch sports club has now finished until next term. Well done to those who have regularly attended this term, see you in the New Year! Mr Michael Hill PE Teacher

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Well done to the following pupils that received general awards in the Preparatory School’s assembly on Monday:

Mr Bedford presented the following Year 5 and 6 pupils with their Primary Maths certificates

in last week’s Friday assembly.

We always like to hear about pupil’s achievements and successes outside of school and we would like to congratulate Jamie Robertson in Year 9 for completing a residential programme for young organists during the half term. Jamie was awarded his attendance certificate in today’s assembly by Mr Bedford. MATCH RESULTS

Friday 20th November U9s Tag Rugby Match v Downham Prep

U9s Tag Rugby Match v Glebe House Lost 10 – 5 Lost 7 - 4

NEXT WEEK’S FIXTURES Monday 30th November 11.00pm – 3:30pm Prep-School Cross Country @ Greshams, Holt 2:30pm –4:00pm U13 Rugby v Eccles Hall (H)

Amelia Worsley Sophie Codd

Connie Foreman Elliot Bedford

Oscar Harris Ethan Harris

Hamish Russell Arthur Summers

Freddie Bayne Joshua Kriehn-Morris

Maia Foreman Sophie Peace

Joshua Manning Cassidy Goodwin

Silver Award Bronze Award Took the Challenge Award

Sam Bercovici Freddie Bayne Emily Bradfield

Joshua Kriehn-Morris Owen Wortley Sam Sidery

Arthur Summers Kit Beaven Max Ladell

Sophie Peace Gracie White Cassidy Goodwin

Ethan Harris Ben Mason

Matthew Kendall Tom Hayden

Henry Elmer Ryan Bourne

Hamish Russell

Joe Lawson

Maia Foreman

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A plea from the PSA!

Has anyone got a Santa suit we would be able to borrow for the Winter Fayre on the 4th December?

If you are able to help please telephone the school office 01842 752840.


Monday 30th November Senior Tutorial Week starts Tuesday 1st December Christmas Pre-prep/Prep Performance at 2.30pm in Williamson

Hall Wednesday 2nd December Christmas Pre-prep/Prep Performance at 7.00 in Williamson

Hall Y7 Panto Jack & the Beanstalk trip 9:30am – 1:00pm An Inspector Calls theatre trip 6:00-11:00pm GCSE Mock Art Exam

Thursday 3rd December GCSE Mock Art Exam Friday 4th December

PSA TGS Family Christmas Event Pre-Prep visit to United Reform Church

Monday 7th December Christmas Tree competition – Methodist Church – House Captains

Tuesday 8th December Clothes Show NEC Birmingham trip P1-5 Prep School Activity Morning

Wednesday 9th December School Christmas Lunch Thursday 10th December Prep School Endeavours Assembly

Prep School Christmas Party Friday 11th December P3-4 House Drama Williamson Hall

Prep School Christmas Event 2:00pm Carol Service St Cuthbert’s Church Y4-13 Last Day of Term

Tuesday 5th January 2016 Spring Term starts Y11-13 Mock Exams begin


2/3F DT Lessons Walk Around Thetford 2/3F DT Lessons Pizza Making Pre-Prep – Year 6 Christmas Performance Costume Pre-Prep – Year 6 2016 Christmas Photo Calendar

If you would like a printed copy of this newsletter please contact the office.