the 5 social media metrics cfos actually care about


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Post on 17-Jul-2015



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CFOs Actually CareAbout

CFOs won’t get excited over theamount of view, likes or commentson your company’s social mediaposts.

Trending hashtags are not at thetop of their priority list.

Trending hashtags are not at thetop of their priority list.

CFOs care about marketingmeasures that bring in revenue.

Here are 5 social media metrics thatCFOs care about:

1. Who is actually buying?

1. Who is actually buying?Via Social Media Analytics

With the rapid advancement of analyticstechnology, marketing departments candetermine which types of of buyers:

1. Who is actually buying?Via Social Media Analytcs

With the rapid advancement of analyticstechnology, marketing departments candetermine which types of of buyers:

were most affected by the campaign

1. Who is actually buying?Via Social Media Analytcs

With the rapid advancement of analyticstechnology, marketing departments candetermine which types of of buyers:

were most affected by the campaignwhat actions people took

1. Who is actually buying?Via Social Media Analytcs

With the rapid advancement of analyticstechnology, marketing departments candetermine which types of of buyers:

were most affected by the campaignwhat actions people tookhow many leads were generated

1. Who is actually buying?Via Social Media Analytcs

With the rapid advancement of analyticstechnology, marketing departments candetermine which types of of buyers:

were most affected by the campaignwhat actions people tookhow many leads were generatedhow people found the service

Via Content Marketing

2. Return on Investment (ROI)

Hubspot’s latest report suggests thatcompanies that blog are 13 times morelikely to generate a positive marketingROI.

Via Content Marketing

2. Return on Investment (ROI)

Hubspot’s latest report suggests thatcompanies that blog are 13 times morelikely to generate a positive marketingROI.

Content marketing costs 62% less thantraditional marketing, and is three timesas effective at generating leads.

Via Brand Advocates

3. Finding the Top Influencers

Figuring out who your top brandinfluencers are will help you reach out tothem via social media in order to formpartnerships and get your content in frontof more people.

Via New Social Media Tracking Tools

4. The Competitor’s Numbers

CFOs will be pleased to discover that toolsexist to help the company track thecompetition’s digital marketing initiativesand successes.

Via Cheaper Social Media & Data Farming Tools

5. Market Research Savings.

To save time and money, today’s socialand data farming tools are more abundantthan in previous years.

The ability to shop around to find themost cost-effective options will make yourCFO happy in terms of saving marketingdollars.

Via Cheaper Social Media & Data Farming Tools

5. Market Research Savings.

To save time and money, today’s socialand data farming tools are more inabundance than in previous years.

The ability to shop around to find themost cost-effective options will make yourCFO happy in terms of saving marketingdollars.

Most of your strategy's success will bedetermined by the emotionalconnection the consumer has with yourmarketing tactics and your brand. Getthe most out of these metrics to befinancially efficient in your digitalmarketing strategies, but alsoremember to connect with youraudience on an emotional level.

Remember one more factor whenemploying your social media marketingtechniques.