the abbivftile bulletin. - university of south...

*^ % * * (^ ">' \ « '. , t "* . THE ABBivftiLE BULLETIN. , ^ . > > ' , ' , . . t_ - » BY HUOH WILSON, ABBEVILLE, S. G., AUGUST 24,1S65. VOLUME I. NO. 5. .WW.^p..iI 1 I l' II "" ' 1 ^ m m * - - * Al}C ftftbcbille*'gqllefit?. BY HUGH WILSON. J. TERM9.~Thc Bulletin will "he furnished Weekly tw ubecribe'ra for Two Dollars *. your, jn Advance. Provieions will be taken al the £mk«t price. linqle copies, ten centa. £5@P We would call Attention to .the' Military Order* in tliis paper. * Qmibsion..X-»*t weyk we inadfrtimlly omitted to give our friend of tlie Greenville Mountaineer, credit for tlie Governor'« tale ppetch iir Greenville. Jt waa copied from tbat paper and it ebould buye hud the proper credit. IIkard Frojj..The many friend# of our/Wilier, Mr. ftugh WiUon, Senior, will Jbe plenped to learn tlmt he Jinn recently heen heard from. Ho U in Chariest own, Tepactsee. In a letter just received froin him, he anys that he will noun be home. .i " To be Mastered Oct.It reported .that an order has been ii*ued direr-ting that the colored troop* of the Federal army now garrisoning tlie different towns in this State are auon to go mustered out of servic^. Theft..During the pw»t wetk some robberies have been Knitted. Wy . would put the people on their gunrd Against robbers. Among others who have had their smote houses rifled, we would mention Mr. John Enrighl, Mr. J.vs. Shililo »9d Mrs. Rnmey. -o- Exco.craoixo..This week we have re ccired quite * large addition to oar subscription list. It is truly cheering to receive s.uah a liberal support from various flections of the District.' To our friend* >.v -.v. ucuicy iur our BucceR?, Ana we ball for them ever cberinh a w arm plnce in our heart. Wo believe that in no Dis trict of Sou,tb Carolina do the peoplo support their papers as well as in Abbeville. It is with much pleaaure tjiat we a/9 able to s»y that tbe Bulletin is now on a safe fooLinrr nnd it nnrminoniin .'-1- ~©» . COU1U' lished. .Ocr Towx..Visitor* cnanot fail to notice -the recent improved condition of our Mtreeta. Lieut. Black, the Provost Mar hnl, expresses the determination to keep . the Village in a clean and healthy condt tion. Every day he has quite a number of freedmen, under'a proper guard, sweeping the street*, filling mud-holes, building horse rack*, whitewashing the trees and boxing, and otherwise improving tbe np pearancc and sanitary condition of the town. jwrohtaxt to Shippers..Shippers won UJ do well to read the card of Mei?r». Davis and McFeat, to be found in another column. Tbey are nctWe and energetic business men, and we take pleasure in j ocoujmending mem to the attention of ou<- people. All business entrusted to tbejr care will bo attended to with all possible safety and despatch. Mr. Davis ia well known to npatjy as the former courteous Agent for the Greenville and Columbia jUailroad, at Columbia. See advert»semeet. Nic*brson'8 Hotel..We direct the ^tteution of the travelling publio to t)io fact thai '-3?ickt£r8 jx is himsvlf scuin." unci I . O J f.Uut ho has established a first claes flotel in Columbia. lie has rented that Urge pnd commodious building known as the Colombia Methodist Female College, ar.d is now prepared to serve the traveling public with every luxury find comfort that the city of Columbia affords. He u quite a plens»t)t landlord, and is ever ready to ad- 'minister to the want* of tii« guest's. 6e« adrertUeroent. ,CoCRtBMM..This week a My friend sent at a dish of sweet milk and peaches, for which we would return our thanks m » uiost polite manner. Nothing could bare been more highly appreciated. We are al-so indebted 'to pother Judy friend, who li*e* in the country/- fojr a basket o{ the best fruit that we have sec-v* this year. She will accept oqr high appreciation lor the attention. - ' The gentf£o>iii\ trbo wnt us that jarge And apteodid water raeloo has our thxnka, (too. We hope that smaller ooes may never grow od bia farm. - * ^ l>»a. KiLLKD..JLaH vreejt io tjb» vicinity of Qfeenfrood, "io this District, tre leant that a Federal soldier, colored, wbflfee name we JWU lb1© oUtMtiAf1 'Greenwood from any JtD&Pln^^C *>t lb* plunoing «r mcqo. [ tbp ef each aa m,- :mm peop** ta Md j^BSmvmf«. »». .<> a* v in 1 c il!fcrr £5; "We notice with pleasure * general disposition on tho part of our people to go to work and rtpnir as *peedilf as pouible the ravages and losses of Uja war. For a time wt feared that bitter repining* and unavailing regrets mighl take the place of I vigorous effort and manly action. But all, from oyr esteemed Governor, down to the most quiet, un obtrusive citizen, seem animated with a de.*ire to bring about a state of Ijprmony and prosperity to our countri*. There are Iorsc* we cannot repair. Tie* h^ve been sundered wbiclt cannot be reunited. There 9 Vacant chair ato.und every J;ia.rlh; tla chord is tnisaod in the miisio" of. evf ry family. Ilenrts bare been torn wl ith time cannot heal, and hopes bnve bren blighted, and joya have wniiurea, wnicli can never spring again in gret nness and strtvgtb. But pll is no.t Two months ago, wo were prostrate and panlyred, and without money. Now we have a daily increasing currency, nnd the aoUviiy of the active in receiving ita reward. On the ruins of our once {stir capital a new oily ia rising phoenix like, fiotn the a^lui of its conflagration. On the desolated Greets cf Charleston tj)fl sound of the saw anl the. plane,' nnd the ring of the hammer and trowel testify to tiie teal and energy of our people. And here in otlr own little village the work goes bravely on. Time mUHt elapso before all is restorod, but at the present rate of .»--- 1 " » - p.fgiciui u ituf jcHrs win euocruaiiy eiixce all material traces of the great struggle in which we Lavo been engngtd. To this desirable end let every ono contribute.. We haro for onr capital tho strong arms and brnvp lion»i« 'nt r ...... tu WI yui UUIACIO* JLJCl the soldier who lias done and dared, now nobly net nnil work. Let alt. show themselves men with the'feelings and honor of men. And whi]; a laudable desire to prosper is cultivated by every one, let us open our hearts, and develops the noble emotions of humanity, that we a prosperous and happy people. Our duty as well as our interest demands that we as a people cultivate amicable relations, tvitK |Ua P.»«l« "»! .i*i- *i. M*v * CU«nUIUUIUICA) UUL WliU VflO fawning servility of the slave, but with the spirit 'and generosity of high toned gentlemen. Four ycara ago we appeated to arms fur the decision of a political quoa- tion between the North and South, and now let us act like men, and abide by that decision. We have been fairly overcome and it becomes us- to show to the world that weean bury the hatchet with as good a grace as we bucklcd on tho armor. It docs not heoonie a bravo and ehivalric peop'e to murmur at their tituation. Lot no bickering or contentious feelings be enter- 1 tained for n moment, but trusting in the God who hns promised his blessing to the diligent, let us go forward actively, courageously, and we will prosper and auccccd: "Let the dead past bury Its dead. Act, act in the living present. Heart within and Ood o'er head." Taxes in Charleston..By a recent nrilf»r (OA ftKinrro t!»" l«» ...» ..u6..u ...u- Iv taxes nre levied by the military author ' itie» for the city «of Charleston. Where payment is delayed more than eight days after (he n.onth hah expired a penalty of ong dollar a day is imposed for «a«lh d.<yV delay. If the delay continues fifteen days, the place of bu»lneiu it closcd until n«»«_ . rv nlout is made, nntl for such. farther length of time as the Post Commandant shnll* deem proper. * i Restaurants, including *11 place# where a bar is kept, or where wine* and liquors are sold to viuitor*. ^12. » ^ Eating Houses ami Rrfreslimont 8aloous, including nil placc* where tables are kept and food or refreshment* (excepting j it -A + ***- wmf!»anu liquor*j nr« lum'suou lo Vuitor#, 10. D«a1«rt in- Dry Good*, #10. Dealers irt. Groceries, fiO. Denier* in Fruit* and Wgotablwt, $5. Dealer* in Variftiej, $5. falters sod Confootioner», $5. Tobacc^irta, t6. fioot ond 8boe De-Alers, $3 biit^vi ah- j.. ..i t. * ajiiunvu ^m^uiin, per muic, Jupk Shops, Si0. '; JOT We updereiAtid tiikt it if -Mid in eoae part* of diottiJiiiet^tiiat tbe ffon.. H. L. WardUw would not serve, if elected to yieConrehtiotu . We bave not tpoken with the Judge on Uta subject, but bis \ friends e*y authoritatively that be will we ks^Urtlb* «wii-: dule in th6 general accoptAlio'D Of tM ,t'^i «£-.* "!i^r -«'. v^.^r'T/CSS^- £9-.' t'*4u-- wuru, uutir* impfe 1J® fcJJOV* .I»P Wjlf enough'to lltnt he will wnra the people :tjf tbe Diotriot if tbcy deiirg it, aud *c*T» jbaqj YVCII "V -v v'i .... .'.ii-y . We regret to learn lliat in tho in- telligent District of Abbeville, there are aorne who are in favor of "nbrogntn g by: law all private debt*.'* W«- understand (hat it is urged upqn the ground that U'e emancipation of slave* has deprived duhtor* .of Alieir principle itetp of property, and tb.ere'ore tlie njeans of paying debts. The proposition, as we are informed, in not limited to debt* contracted for negroes. the property taken away.bijt extends to all debts contracted before as well a? during the war. As thus stated Uie idea if* boili novel and extraordinary, and the reiiflon assigned for it is, if possible, still more ex« traordinary. It seems to be thought tlmt because our people have lest a large part of tlieir property, it would mend the matter by takii g from them another portion. Tliat because they have heen mad^ pour, it is now neees-ary for their prosperity tliat Ihey should give up their honor hI.ho. Jf this could previiil, fear, the next propo . iiion would he to givtMip the Undn also, and all toke an even start. The right of piop*rrty, hs all niuar. admit, is ihe firnt element of civilisation. This springing operation is discreditable hs being unprecedi nted in history.Reparian in principle. 7 mm mi I'uppi IMC 111 IHUI* Unprecedented, because this in not repuriintioii, once so famous or rather infamous. That wa* bad enough and covered with disgrace certain Western State-* of the Union. That wan the refusal of h State to pay its own debt. and pleaded in initiga ti«n, (hat the debt was coinracted by fmid ulant ngenta and without authority. But in litis case it is proposed thai the State *hsHl by law abrogate the private contracts of her citizens. When in tho bisiory of the world was such a thing propered be fore? Agrarian because debt is but the* repro tentative of properly, *»>d is as s^-rt-d n* ilial which it rfpie^enta. Tlitf mm wlm is in possession of a plantation hnn no nv>re right to be p»otei:lrd than the Individual who sold tlie place, and holds llie m>te ol the possessor. It is the same in principle to rote the land away as to conBscnte its value. The next step after voting away your neighbor's note, is to vote \ourself bis (arm. Ill both cases unadulterated Fohhery through the forms of law ! Unsound in policy, because it would be unequal and unjust. We.have lost nearly everything but our character, let us not wantonly relinquish that. We are going buck into the Union, let us carry with ur at least our old fa>hionerf nnlini.n of »m»K mid integrity. The creditor is a*citizen an well »» the debtor, and as mncli entitled .to the protection ol the State, which should not he a mother to one and a step mother to the other. Honesty is the best policy. We need the credit, which nothing but a pood name aff.»rd!», to obtain the ntt-ann of recruiting our shattered condition. Wh.» would gue credit to a people, covered alt over with the ii famy of attempting t<> uurrguo private contracts. .'We say attempting to do it, for it i* i.ot not only unjust and inipolitiu but impotsi ble. If every man in Abbeville District were clamorous for it, tlie tiling could not be done. We mean that i> c.annotbe done by law. If any go<»d citizen has the desire to cancel bis claims upon bis debtor#, he may do bo. No one wuu d have «n interest in it or the right, to ol-jegi. Uut it. can't be made Cum|>nlxi>ry by 'law. The (Jons'itution of tbe United States prohibits it, and any lit# of any Legislature or nny Ordnance of a Convention a'tempting it, would bo install Undeclared uncmi>tituLiunal sn<i sr t aside. The Brat article ol tbe tenth section provides t-<nt "no state sliall pass any bill <>f attainder, ex pott facto law. or lav> imvairinn the ahlinntinn. V A V """" of contracts," dec. J'his Ojiibtituii-in is tucdiug on us and is ihd «upr me law oi the land. That ends ttw matter. It ip true, and pity 'tis ttu>*, that the coantry ^greatly exhausted and itnpoveiished, but the remedy is in indulgence to dehiors, not abrogation 'of contracts. Execution* should be staid lor the present, and war debt* ratted according to a proper tcaje. fins will afford the relief which the country «o much nreds. - .* jruMCiUiU.*BOCI&i< APfTHY. We tnke the following vtll-lintwl remark* from * lengthy editorial in tlio Columbia Phoenix, oi the 19tb iqst.' We trust that everj voter io Abbeville District may read and ponder well the suggestions made: ' Let our people in all the district*, proceed, promptly and unitedly, to an examination into their social and intelh ctaMl rtvouru.*, in ordv >o tt eir employment in' the orgft'ieationof theSuiu* anew, arffl- to the To- tur* lnsisUtioti under it. _ We need% in- the Convention e*ptcially, the heat legal and judicial ininde--men ca»irirt«nt with all the. nice ditcrimination* of lata.cojivertanl vith potMcnl definiiiem* and eonetitutione. and eopahU of- lottyiing wll the only require of IW a JBUpublican Jur»R of Ooottita(toDr «ud tb&n)a<^l tw" tb1#^at$ Wa U- k. ^ ,v«"« UMf W^WVIlUHOn QV CnOftQ 8ut*» vfbea« charjiut^nstle®, pofioy'/aod ^o5^t Wthft*.tttM>.,.|*; or toru to tbo*« of our oitmauB, aucb as think. froci*fceir gen*«i!maral high tone, known .re t -rv; tb*« bitter wo mnv rvpai', With .nil tho*e who denijju or d«-siro to «!o fo, it is «he obtfou* duty fo take aueli aotivfe purl in the work of r«- organization will ave Us from Uie blundering* ot imbecility r the treacheries of malice. We tnu>l fridfnvar to make tho Constitution «f South Carolina ah tolerable as it oihv be made under tin- eiri-im>wances ol ttlo cato. For the Convention. Mr. Blitor: Muny v»>iers would suggest the following uumeil gentlemen competent to n-prevrni Aliltevillv Dulrict i i the State Con- volition, viz: hon. d. l. wardlaw, hon. a. 1juht. OION. .1 AllcilQTtm nr *nir r>h. .ioiin w. heart, capt. p. a. connor. 6st the following gentlemen mrc nominated for the c«>nvfiitinn: ,cal»t. oku r mecalla, a. c. hawthorn, j. r. w 1 i.som GEN. I'. H. BRADLEY, CAl'T. WM. SMITH. Loho Cake. IT Th* following gentlemen ar« nominated for the Convention : . i J.J. WARDLAW, Abbevil'e 0. H., w. a latimek. Lowndravute. COL- DONALI), Ponald«vill.», D. M. ROGERS, Callmon's Mill*, D. W. AiKEN. S«on«-y I'oiut. tk. j JB ruKunieu uy many voters for the Conrent inn : HON. D. L. VARDLAW, PR E CALHOUN,' U1SN. r. II. BllAULY, COL. 8. DONALD, c. t. ha^kell. J3y"The following named gentlemen nre respectfully D«mihwle<l for the Stat* Convention: 1»R. J. W. I1RAIWT, W. A. LEE. EKQ. \3T Thv! Mlowine Ticket is suggested far tl i - . iifiuuera 10 me suite Convention from this District: HON. D. L WARDLAVT, HON. ARMIrtTKAl) HltKT, GEN. SAMUEL McGOWAN, F. A. CONNOli, COL. ALEX. C. HASKELL. v otkr*. Afr. Editor: Pleat* announce th« following tiamerl yentlemon to represent Ahbuviile District in the State Convention: HON. D. L WAUDLAW, HON'. A. BURT, CAPT. ROBERT TOLDERT, CAPT. GEO. K. McCALLA, ruur. J. r. KGNKEUY. The following nani«d gentleman >ra nominated f»rthe Conrention: now. d. l. wardlaw, THOSIAS THOMSON. ESQ., . OKN. 8 McGOWAN, CAKT. UEORGB McCALLA. hon a. burt. t. d. davis. | w. t. m. feat. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION NOTICE, * . THE rindi r*ignfrt. Into Officers of th<i Grpenvill* and Coiumliin Railroad, at Columbia, will, omi! th« «aid Rond repaired l> . tween lielw^en Alcton nnd Oltimhin, un ltr. take to forward witti safety and dcsnntcli. ar- lirl<-«i of every description, fa and frort all points on that rend and Colombia. They will also buy and sell on Commission and alien-' to biuinesa of every kind offered to ttvwi. AtJlffpu them at either Newberry or Columbia, 8. C.. mvrj j. *»iT i/a v 10 ,ucr u . Aue..24. 1805. fi. St MCKERSON'S HOTEL, COLUMBIA, 5. C. rf^nE unde'#ign«>1, Bnvlng leaned tho LARGE L and COMMODIOUS BUILDING known as tiia "Cul'iihhia Mrthodi»t. Frtnalo College," will Di»n it « - PIIKT r»r IlftTui ..... _i vuavju tivilu, uu September 7ih, T. "i, -NICKERSGN, Proprietor. August 24, 1805, 6, 6t Comptroller General's Office, GltEKN VlLLK, S. 0., Avoubt lClU, 18ti6. BY- permission of Hi* Excellency Governor IVrry. tf»« duties of il»t# Office will lie attended to at tlii» [>'acu uotil further notice. Communications eh-Hild be addressed to th* car* of M»j. Laval. ., . JAME3 A. BLACK,' Comptroller Qen'L Aog, 24, 186ft, 8. it PHOVOST MARSHAL'* OFPICE, ) Abbetillc.S. a, Aiitg. 14, I83S. J XU accordance with Special Order No. 12, I.fniit fl ffnil.* P D Dl inir > i_».j . i .<v ip tpnojnuia AuUtnnt Provtxt M»r»li*t.v»£# 11; 0. KOPEB ret-eved. By vfitr of ilocsWBtt Ttlkh, Lie a t (Jot Gommaudrog Diariet. ' ?. HENRI a L00M13,' , . Lt. sad A. A* A. O. Official: GEORGE B. BLACK, ; - , . , UWU 68«h fj. Y. V. v., pnd A«#'i Provo»LftUr»hal. ^ Aug. 17. lg«g. 4> If HB&BOUAETEBS, DEPAttTMEKT OF TH8 BODTB, > ~ Rhm> U... a n U mI <a<r » ^ WW JO ft J QV?. j 0*s*BAt Otoirme, » i na.-ao.;, j ' L ; ;. :oHoB.-:ng Oinergl Orders from &o * S5gD<M»P«rtal«;n£, ere pabli»h^i tor the ^ ' V®1 W*IS*"' *ne,«im«naMon thereof:. ^ ^ i ^ Oinm IlKAD QUARTERS SD SUB-DISTRICT, DISTRICT WESTERN SO. CA. Kxwacitar, 9. C., August 17, 1865. Gexkiui. Okdibi, ) No. 7. J T ii .f. * ... a. jinny cnmri nnu. outrages having lately beeo committed within this nub-district by I'il'ZrDi, in ill* uoifgriji yf ,U, S. fol.ltera, (this garb having been assumed by then) to divert suspicion from themselves,. by casting it upon the military,) it is ' rdared, That no civilian, will hereafter be permuted to wear any article of the uniform proper to the U. 8. Army, under pain of fine and imprisimmeut. II. No person will hereafter be permitted to appear in public in any article of the uniform proper to the I itla army of the «o called MCon» federate State*." and the. wearing of stripe*, button* or other insignia or rank or connection with aaid arnjy will be held to be a violalion of thfi'oatji of allrgiiinca. By Order of LIEUT. COL. IL TYLER, Commanding District. IIict*fit B. Loomib, 1st Lirut. «lt Arij't 68th N.Y.V.V..A.A. A Gun'I. Official: JOHN METCALF. Copt. 66th N. Y. V. V. C«mm*ndin » District Abbeville. - GEORGE R. BLACK, Lt 56th N. Y V. V. and Asa't Provott Marahal. | A.. O* too* - »» * *, lOUU, U"lrl HEAD QUARTERS 2D SUB-DISTRICT. OF WESTERN SOUTH CAROLINA. Nr.\7B*RET, S. C., August 18, 18C5. Q^nkral ORDKU, ) No. 8. J 1. To improve the Sanitary Condition of this Sub-District, it la Ordered. That owners and occupiers of property shall, on Tuesday ami Saturday of ench weelf, thoroughly police the sainc, and the street in front thereof, collecting all offal, garbage. &u. ami placiug the same in convenient heaf a fgr reraornl, id front of their premises. II. To defray the expenses of repairing streets and highwaya, of constructing and mending bridges, denning streets, gutters and drains, nnd other useful and necessary work, in and about tins district, all cotton transported through or from this district will at once be reported by the owner «»r owners thereof, their factors or agents to the Ass't. l'rorost Marthal. who will J<<111K11<I *n«t ».nit««i - of fifty cent* upoi; vtch bale, giving pitch ownera or agent* proper certificates of the payment of the same. Tlie reports heiehy required will include all cotton which shall have befcu transported through nr from this district, since the 15th day of Julj, Is05. III. Failure to comply with the provision* of this orders will subject the offenders to fine and itnprisounient. IV. The Ats'l. Provost Marshal of this sobdistrict, is hereby charged with the ixecuti'ou of this order. . By Ord,r of LIEUT. COL. R TYLER, Coiunian<liri>r t)i«tri<.» flf.KKt n. LooMII^ lat Lieut. & A«lj"t 66th N.Y.V.V., A.A.A.Geu'L OcricfAU )U11N MtTCAl.F, C»»'t. 5ftth N. Y. V. w C'>mmncnlinir District Alib vill«. GEORGE HLACK. J.L Sftth N. ¥. V. V.'and t i'rovvrtl Martha). Aug. 2T. 1885, fi-tf 11EAD QUARTERS 2D SUB DISTRICT, DISTRICT OF WF.8TJ.RN S. C. ] Ntw ccr.p.v, Aiiiju.-l 11, 18G5. GBS'sbai. OcDtr, ) No. £. J IN compliance witli in«trnu>iotis fiorn Ilrad Qunrtern, Pin riot of Wettrrn South Caro- Una, all pcnons having in their p»«pvi<*ion any horfc?, mulct, wsgons. nmlmlmiee*. harnrfc, mlillca or briJIt?*. me.licnl ilortf or any proper!}- -belonging to th.» Unilcd States Got-' rumen** or the late U*»iifedH'acy, will turn in thu some to Liettl-. A. J. Clemen, A. A. Q. M.» Newberry, before tho20ih inat. Commanding Officer* nt Lam eos. Abbeville, ni'd Edgefield, wi'l enforce thi* order and furward all property 10 three Ueid Quarters. Failure to comply with tliir oider will robject the offender to lie arretted and punUhed. By Command of Lieut. Col. IU TYLER. Commanding District. ' IlENRI B. LOOMIS, lftLU <4 Adj't 56tW N Y.V.V. A-A.A.Gen'l- Orrieuu JOHN AIETCaLU, . C«pt fiftth N. Y. V. V., Commanding District Abbeville. georce r. Black, Lt. fiflth N. Y. V. v.. and v A«*'t Provoat Maishal. Aug. 17,1885,4-tf head quarters. military district western s. 0.. 4th separate brigade, Newbury, B. C., July i7ib, 1861. GENERAL ORDER1 ) Jfc.2. I T. All purraita heretofore granted for the aafc of Ale, Win®, Cider, Brandy, Whbkey, or any intoxicating drioiu, are ber«t>y revoked, and veiling ol the aatua to any peratm or par- j eons'ia prohibited. j ' ' III. All cotton being*transported moat be. inspected by tba nsaraat ProToit MansUal, and marked "Inspected find Pacsvd." Any pmon toiling comply with this ord«r will gnilty of violation of Ord*r»,and pam'thed accordingly. By G«d«r of Bifvrr Baia. tint, C. H. VANWyCK, Commanding Diitriot. ' " ' IIBSB! B.-LGOM'B, Ut ft* N Y. VnU Omcut: GEOUOfe. R BLACK, IX. ir. y. V. V.. aud AM'tProvott . Atfgttctl?, I8«5, 4-tf 60VERMENT CLAIMS. v -' A' mit NEW GOODS. Low Prices. \ 1 VANCE, STRAIISS & CO., nAI/PAinmu ulmEoDUnT, hai£ck oVec#ired a i<,rge Rnd d"'r,u» dry (minis JIM* UUUIJU^ BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES, CROCKERY, I HAKDWABE, i READY-MADE I CLOTHING. je X £MLV1£txfo&$v PERFUMERY, And all Kinds of Notions, Ly Large and Small QuantitU*. | Wholesale Dealers will find it to their interest to examine our stock and prices. We have made arrangement 9 tq receive new snppUef every week. TERMS CASn. aJ& poods will be delirered opt of our Slope unless paid for in Cash or IVodiir*. For tlio latter the highest market price wilt bo paid. If AlTtfl* Cinm tlTfio ft rtA VilLVliE, 51MIISS & IV, Cukes *»ury, Aug. 17, 1805, jl-3t * Q II EAP ATS 3TK (Ct o ompxjmm um >. .. j THE undersigned would respectfully iofurn^ tbs ctticen* of Abb«fi)l« U»«t be Km now on hand a largo variety of Good*, consist* ing io part a* follows; CALICOES, GINGHAMS, r>. - i u:.i. m * i . « i uie iu'wuie xonei. iSO&pS, jPerfrtmely* Cologne, LADIES' COLLARS* Ho»iry, Crape.'Shot Bra«hea, JMmohY BUek~ ing, Cbe»pe*t Spool Cotton in the m»rk«t. P«PPW. Nutmeg, M.m, L*rpt Sloth *f , mm FIK* C^VATS, ^ ^, itt ofthe *W«*m C# R.60t|jW.

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Page 1: THE ABBivftiLE BULLETIN. - University of South · Military£5@P Wewould callAttention to.the' ... ,CoCRtBMM..Thisweeka

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. THE ABBivftiLE BULLETIN. ,^ .> > ' ,'


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' 1^ m m * - - *

Al}C ftftbcbille*'gqllefit?.BY HUGH WILSON.

J.TERM9.~Thc Bulletin will "he furnishedWeekly tw ubecribe'ra for Two Dollars *. your,jn Advance. Provieions will be taken al the£mk«t price.linqle copies, ten centa.

£5@P We would call Attention to .the'Military Order* in tliis paper. *

Qmibsion..X-»*t weyk we inadfrtimllyomitted to give our friend of tlie GreenvilleMountaineer, credit for tlie Governor'«tale ppetch iir Greenville. Jt waa

copied from tbat paper and it ebould buyehud the proper credit.

IIkard Frojj..The many friend# ofour/Wilier, Mr. ftugh WiUon, Senior, willJbe plenped to learn tlmt he Jinn recentlyheen heard from. Ho U in Chariestown,Tepactsee. In a letter just received froinhim, he anys that he will noun be home.

.i "

To be Mastered Oct.It i« reported.that an order has been ii*ued direr-tingthat the colored troop* of the Federalarmy now garrisoning tlie different townsin this State are auon to go mustered out ofservic^.Theft..During the pw»t wetk some

robberies have been Knitted. Wy. would put the people on their gunrd

Against robbers. Among others who havehad their smote houses rifled, we wouldmention Mr. John Enrighl, Mr. J.vs. Shililo»9d Mrs. Rnmey.


Exco.craoixo..This week we have reccired quite * large addition to oar subscriptionlist. It is truly cheering to receives.uah a liberal support from variousflections of the District.' To our friend*>.v -.v. ucuicy iur our BucceR?, Ana weball for them ever cberinh a w arm plnce

in our heart. Wo believe that in no District of Sou,tb Carolina do the peoplo supporttheir papers as well as in Abbeville. Itis with much pleaaure tjiat we a/9 able tos»y that tbe Bulletin is now on a safefooLinrr nnd it 5« nnrminoniin .'-1-

~©» . COU1U'


.Ocr Towx..Visitor* cnanot fail tonotice -the recent improved condition of ourMtreeta. Lieut. Black, the Provost Marhnl,expresses the determination to keep .

the Village in a clean and healthy condttion. Every day he has quite a numberof freedmen, under'a proper guard, sweepingthe street*, filling mud-holes, buildinghorse rack*, whitewashing the trees andboxing, and otherwise improving tbe nppearancc and sanitary condition of thetown.

jwrohtaxt to Shippers..Shipperswon UJ do well to read the card of Mei?r».Davis and McFeat, to be found in anothercolumn. Tbey are nctWe and energeticbusiness men, and we take pleasure inj ocoujmending mem to the attention ofou<- people. All business entrusted to tbejrcare will bo attended to with all possiblesafety and despatch. Mr. Davis ia wellknown to npatjy as the former courteousAgent for the Greenville and ColumbiajUailroad, at Columbia. See advert»semeet.

Nic*brson'8 Hotel..We direct the^tteution of the travelling publio to t)io factthai '-3?ickt£r8 jx is himsvlf scuin." unci I

. O Jf.Uut ho has established a first claes flotelin Columbia. lie has rented that Urgepnd commodious building known as theColombia Methodist Female College, ar.dis now prepared to serve the traveling publicwith every luxury find comfort that thecity of Columbia affords. He u quite a

plens»t)t landlord, and is ever ready to ad-'minister to the want* of tii« guest's. 6e«adrertUeroent.

,CoCRtBMM..This week a My friendsent at a dish of sweet milk and peaches,for which we would return our thanks m» uiost polite manner. Nothing couldbare been more highly appreciated.We are al-so indebted 'to pother Judyfriend, who li*e* in the country/- fojr a

basketo{ the best fruit that we have sec-v*this year. She will accept oqr high appreciationlor the attention. -' The gentf£o>iii\ trbo wnt us that jargeAnd apteodid water raeloo has our thxnka,(too. We hope that smaller ooes maynever grow od bia farm.


*^ l>»a.

KiLLKD..JLaH vreejt io tjb» vicinity ofQfeenfrood, "io this District, tre leant thata Federal soldier, colored, wbflfee name we

JWU lb1© oUtMtiAf1 'Greenwood from anyJtD&Pln^^C *>t lb* plunoing «r mcqo. [tbp ef each aa m,-:mm peop** ta

Md j^BSmvmf«. »». .<> a*

v in 1 c il!fcrr £5;

"We notice with pleasure * generaldisposition on tho part of our people to goto work and rtpnir as *peedilf as pouiblethe ravages and losses of Uja war. For atime wt feared that bitter repining* andunavailing regrets mighl take the place of

I vigorous effort and manly action. Butall, from oyr esteemed Governor, down tothe most quiet, unobtrusive citizen, seemanimated with a de.*ire to bring about astate of Ijprmony and prosperity to ourcountri*.

There are Iorsc* we cannot repair. Tie*h^ve been sundered wbiclt cannot be reunited.There i» 9 Vacant chair ato.undevery J;ia.rlh; tla chord is tnisaod in themiisio" of. evfry family. Ilenrts barebeen torn wl ith time cannot heal, andhopes bnve bren blighted, and joya havewniiurea, wnicli can never spring againin gret nness and strtvgtb. But pll is no.t

Two months ago, wo were prostrateand panlyred, and without money. Nowwe have a daily increasing currency, nndthe aoUviiy of the active in receiving itareward. On the ruins of our once {stircapital a new oily ia rising phoenix like,fiotn the a^lui of its conflagration. Onthe desolated Greets cf Charleston tj)flsound of the saw anl the. plane,' nnd thering of the hammer and trowel testify totiie teal and energy of our people. Andhere in otlr own little village the work goesbravely on. Time mUHt elapso before allis restorod, but at the present rate of.»--- 1 " »-

p.fgiciui u ituf jcHrs win euocruaiiy eiixceall material traces of the great struggle inwhich we Lavo been engngtd. To thisdesirable end let every ono contribute..We haro for onr capital tho strong armsand brnvp lion»i« 'nt r

...... tu WI yui UUIACIO* JLJCl

the soldier who lias done and dared, now

nobly net nnil work. Let alt. show themselvesmen with the'feelings and honor ofmen. And whi]; a laudable desire toprosper is cultivated by every one, let us

open our hearts, and develops the nobleemotions of humanity, that we a

prosperous and happy people. Our dutyas well as our interest demands that weas a people cultivate amicable relations,tvitK |Ua P.»«l« "»! .i*i- *i.


fawning servility of the slave, but withthe spirit 'and generosity of high tonedgentlemen. Four ycara ago we appeatedto arms fur the decision of a political quoa-tion between the North and South, andnow let us act like men, and abide by thatdecision. We have been fairly overcomeand it becomes us- to show to the worldthat weean bury the hatchet with as gooda grace as we bucklcd on tho armor. Itdocs not heoonie a bravo and ehivalric peop'eto murmur at their tituation. Lot no

bickering or contentious feelings be enter- 1

tained for n moment, but trusting in theGod who hns promised his blessing to thediligent, let us go forward actively, courageously,and we will prosper and auccccd:

"Let the dead past bury Its dead.Act, act in the living present.Heart within and Ood o'er head."

Taxes in Charleston..By a recentnrilf»r (OA ftKinrro t!»" l«»

...» ..u6..u ...u-

Iv taxes nre levied by the military author '

itie» for the city «of Charleston. Wherepayment is delayed more than eight daysafter (he n.onth hah expired a penalty ofong dollar a day is imposed for «a«lh d.<yVdelay. If the delay continues fifteen days,the place of bu»lneiu it closcd until n«»«_

. rvnlout is made, nntl for such. farther lengthof time as the Post Commandant shnll*deem proper. * i

Restaurants, including *11 place# wherea bar is kept, or where wine* and liquorsare sold to viuitor*. ^12.

» ^Eating Houses ami Rrfreslimont 8aloous,including nil placc* where tables are

kept and food or refreshment* (exceptingj it -A + ***-

wmf!»anu liquor*j nr« lum'suou lo Vuitor#,10.D«a1«rt in- Dry Good*, #10.Dealers irt. Groceries, fiO.Denier* in Fruit* and Wgotablwt, $5.Dealer* in Variftiej, $5.falters sod Confootioner», $5.Tobacc^irta, t6.fioot ond 8boe De-Alers, $3biit^vi ah- j.. ..i t. *ajiiunvu ^m^uiin, per muic,Jupk Shops, Si0. ';JOT We updereiAtid tiikt it if -Mid in

eoae part* of diottiJiiiet^tiiat tbe ffon..H. L. WardUw would not serve, if electedto yieConrehtiotu . We bave not tpokenwith the Judge on Uta subject, but bis \friends e*y authoritatively that be will

we ks^Urtlb* «wii-:dule in th6 general accoptAlio'D Of tM,t'^i «£-.* "!i^r -«'. v^.^r'T/CSS^- £9-.' t'*4u--wuru, uutir* impfe 1J® fcJJOV* .I»P Wjlfenough'to lltnt he will wnra the people:tjf tbe Diotriot if tbcy deiirg it, aud *c*T»jbaqj YVCII "V -v v'i

.... .'.ii-y

. We regret to learn lliat in tho in-telligent District of Abbeville, there areaorne who are in favor of "nbrogntn g by:law all private debt*.'* W«- understand(hat it is urged upqn the ground thatU'e emancipation of slave* has deprivedduhtor* .of Alieir principle itetp of property,and tb.ere'ore tlie njeans of paying debts.The proposition, as we are informed, in notlimited to debt* contracted for negroes.the property taken away.bijt extends toall debts contracted before as well a? duringthe war. As thus stated Uie idea if* boilinovel and extraordinary, and the reiiflonassigned for it is, if possible, still more ex«

traordinary. It seems to be thought tlmtbecause our people have lest a large partof tlieir property, it would mend the matterby takii g from them another portion.Tliat because they have heen mad^ pour,it is now neees-ary for their prosperity tliatIhey should give up their honor hI.ho. Jfthis could previiil, w« fear, the next propo. iiion would he to givtMip the Undn also,and all toke an even start. The right ofpiop*rrty, hs all niuar. admit, is ihe firnt elementof civilisation. This springing operationis discreditable hs being unprecedinted in history.Reparian in principle.

7 mm mi I'uppi IMC 111 IHUI*

Unprecedented, because this in not repuriintioii,once so famous or rather infamous.That wa* bad enough and coveredwith disgrace certain Western State-* of theUnion. That wan the refusal of h State topay its own debt. and pleaded in initigati«n, (hat the debt was coinracted by fmidulant ngenta and without authority. Butin litis case it is proposed thai the State*hsHl by law abrogate the private contractsof her citizens. When in tho bisiory ofthe world was such a thing propered before?Agrarian because debt is but the* reprotentative of properly, *»>d is as s^-rt-d n*

ilial which it rfpie^enta. Tlitf mm wlm isin possession of a plantation hnn no nv>re

right to be p»otei:lrd than the Individualwho sold tlie place, and holds llie m>te olthe possessor. It is the same in principleto rote the land away as to conBscnte itsvalue. The next step after voting awayyour neighbor's note, is to vote \ourselfbis (arm. Ill both cases unadulteratedFohhery through the forms of law !

Unsound in policy, because it would beunequal and unjust. We.have lost nearlyeverything but our character, let us notwantonly relinquish that. We are goingbuck into the Union, let us carry with urat least our old fa>hionerf nnlini.n of »m»Kmid integrity. The creditor is a*citizen anwell »» the debtor, and as mncli entitled .tothe protection ol the State, which shouldnot he a mother to one and a step motherto the other. Honesty is the best policy.We need the credit, which nothing but a

pood name aff.»rd!», to obtain the ntt-ann ofrecruiting our shattered condition. Wh.»would gue credit to a people, covered altover with the ii famy of attempting t<>uurrguo private contracts..'We say attempting to do it, for it i* i.ot

not only unjust and inipolitiu but impotsible. If every man in Abbeville Districtwere clamorous for it, tlie tiling could notbe done. We mean that i> c.annotbe doneby law. If any go<»d citizen has the desireto cancel bis claims upon bis debtor#, hemay do bo. No one wuu d have «n interestin it or the right, to ol-jegi. Uut it.can't be made Cum|>nlxi>ry by 'law. The(Jons'itution of tbe United States prohibitsit, and any lit# of any Legislature ornny Ordnance of a Convention a'temptingit, would bo install Undeclared uncmi>tituLiunalsn<i sr t aside. The Brat article oltbe tenth section provides t-<nt "no statesliall pass any bill <>f attainder, ex pottfacto law. or lav> imvairinn the ahlinntinn.VA V """"

of contracts," dec. J'his Ojiibtituii-in istucdiug on us and is ihd «upr me law oithe land. That ends ttw matter. It iptrue, and pity 'tis ttu>*, that the coantry^greatly exhausted and itnpoveiished,but the remedy is in indulgence to dehiors,not abrogation 'of contracts. Execution*should be staid lor the present, and wardebt* ratted according to a proper tcaje.fins will afford the relief which the country«o much nreds. - .*

jruMCiUiU.*BOCI&i< APfTHY.We tnke the following vtll-lintwl remark*from * lengthy editorial in tlio ColumbiaPhoenix, oi the 19tb iqst.' Wetrust that everj voter io Abbeville Districtmay read and ponder well the suggestionsmade: '

Let our people in all the district*, proceed,promptly and unitedly, to an examinationinto their social and intelh ctaMl rtvouru.*,in ordv >o tt eir employment in' the orgft'ieationoftheSuiu* anew, arffl- to the To-tur* lnsisUtioti under it. _ We need% in- theConvention e*ptcially, the heat legal andjudicial ininde--men ca»irirt«nt with allthe. nice ditcrimination* of lata.cojivertanlvith potMcnldefiniiiem* and eonetitutione.and eopahU of- lottyiing wll the

only require of IW a JBUpublican Jur»R ofOoottita(toDr «ud tb&n)a<^l tw" tb1#^at$Wa U- k.^ ,v«"« UMf W^WVIlUHOn QV CnOftQ8ut*» vfbea« charjiut^nstle®, pofioy'/aod

^o5^t Wthft*.tttM>.,.|*; or toruto tbo*« of our oitmauB, aucb as w« think.froci*fceir gen*«i!maral high tone, known

.re t -rv; tb*« bitter wo mnv rvpai', With

.nil tho*e who denijju or d«-siro to «!o fo, itis «he obtfou* duty fo take aueli aotivfepurl in the work of r«- organization n» willave Us from Uie blundering* ot imbecilityr the treacheries of malice. We tnu>l

fridfnvar to make tho Constitution «fSouth Carolina ah tolerable as it oihv bemade under tin- eiri-im>wances ol ttlo cato.

For the Convention.Mr. Blitor: Muny v»>iers would suggest thefollowing uumeil gentlemen competent ton-prevrni Aliltevillv Dulrict i i the State Con-volition, viz:

hon. d. l. wardlaw,hon. a. 1juht.OION. .1 AllcilQTtm nr *nir

r>h. .ioiin w. heart,capt. p. a. connor.

6st the following gentlemen mrc nominatedfor the c«>nvfiitinn:,cal»t. oku r mecalla,a. c. hawthorn,j. r. w 1 i.somGEN. I'. H. BRADLEY,CAl'T. WM. SMITH.

Loho Cake.IT Th* following gentlemen ar« nominatedfor the Convention :

. iJ.J. WARDLAW, Abbevil'e 0. H.,w. a latimek. Lowndravute.COL- DONALI), Ponald«vill.»,D. M. ROGERS, Callmon's Mill*,D. W. AiKEN. S«on«-y I' j

JB ruKunieu uy many voters forthe Conrent inn :HON. D. L. VARDLAW,PR E CALHOUN,'U1SN. r. II. BllAULY,COL. 8. DONALD,c. t. ha^kell.

J3y"The following named gentlemen nre respectfullyD«mihwle<l for the Stat* Convention:1»R. J. W. I1RAIWT,W. A. LEE. EKQ.\3T Thv! Mlowine Ticket is suggested fartl i - .

iifiuuera 10 me suite Convention from thisDistrict:HON. D. L WARDLAVT,HON. ARMIrtTKAl) HltKT,GEN. SAMUEL McGOWAN,F. A. CONNOli,COL. ALEX. C. HASKELL.

v otkr*.Afr. Editor: Pleat* announce th« followingtiamerl yentlemon to represent Ahbuviile Districtin the State Convention:HON. D. L WAUDLAW,HON'. A. BURT,CAPT. ROBERT TOLDERT,CAPT. GEO. K. McCALLA,ruur. J. r. KGNKEUY.

The following nani«d gentleman >ra nominatedf»rthe Conrention:now. d. l. wardlaw,THOSIAS THOMSON. ESQ., .


t. d. davis. | w. t. m. feat.




THE rindi r*ignfrt. Into Officers of th<i Grpenvill*and Coiumliin Railroad, at Columbia,will, omi! th« «aid Rond i» repaired l> .tween lielw^en Alcton nnd Oltimhin, un ltr.take to forward witti safety and dcsnntcli. ar-lirl<-«i of every description, fa and frort allpoints on that rend and Colombia.They will also buy and sell on Commission

and alien-' to biuinesa of every kind offeredto ttvwi.

AtJlffpu them at either Newberry or Columbia,8. C..mvrj j. *»iTi/a v 10 c» ,ucr u .

Aue..24. 1805. fi. St


rf^nE unde'#ign«>1, Bnvlng leaned tho LARGEL and COMMODIOUS BUILDING knownas tiia "Cul'iihhia Mrthodi»t. Frtnalo College,"will Di»n it « - PIIKT r»r IlftTui..... _i vuavju tivilu, uu

September 7ih,T. "i, -NICKERSGN, Proprietor.August 24, 1805, 6, 6t

Comptroller General's Office,GltEKN VlLLK, S. 0., Avoubt lClU, 18ti6.

BY- permission of Hi* Excellency GovernorIVrry. tf»« duties of il»t# Office will lieattended to at tlii» [>'acu uotil further notice.Communications eh-Hild be addressed to th*

car* of M»j. l« Laval. ., .

JAME3 A. BLACK,'Comptroller Qen'L

Aog, 24, 186ft, 8. it

PHOVOST MARSHAL'* OFPICE, )Abbetillc.S. a, Aiitg. 14, I83S. J

XU accordance with Special Order No. 12,I.fniit fl ffnil.* P D Dl inir > i_».j. i.<v ip tpnojnuiaAuUtnnt Provtxt M»r»li*t.v»£# 11; 0. KOPEB

ret-eved.By vfitr of ilocsWBtt Ttlkh, Lie a t (JotGommaudrog Diariet.

'?. HENRI a L00M13,' ,

.Lt. sad A. A* A. O.

Official: GEORGE B. BLACK, ;

- , . ,UWU 68«h fj. Y. V. v., pnd

A«#'i Provo»LftUr»hal.^ Aug. 17. lg«g. 4> If


~ Rhm> U... a n U mI <a<r »^ WWJOft J QV?. j

0*s*BAt Otoirme, » ina.-ao.;, j ' L ; ;.

:oHoB.-:ng Oinergl Orders from &o* S5gD<M»P«rtal«;n£, ere pabli»h^i tor the^ ' V®1W*IS*"' *ne,«im«naMon

thereof:.^ ^

i ^



Kxwacitar, 9. C., August 17, 1865.Gexkiui. Okdibi, )

No. 7. JT ii .f. * ...a. jinny cnmri nnu. outrages having latelybeeo committed within this nub-district byI'il'ZrDi, in ill* uoifgriji yf ,U, S. fol.ltera, (thisgarb having been assumed by then) to divertsuspicion from themselves,. by casting it uponthe military,) it is' rdared, That no civilian, will hereafter bepermuted to wear any article of the uniform

proper to the U. 8. Army, under pain of fineand imprisimmeut.II. No person will hereafter be permitted to

appear in public in any article of the uniformproper to the I itla army of the «o called MCon»federate State*." and the. wearing of stripe*,button* or other insignia or rank or connectionwith aaid arnjy will be held to be a violalionof thfi'oatji of allrgiiinca.By Order of LIEUT. COL. IL TYLER,Commanding District.

IIict*fit B. Loomib,1st Lirut. «lt Arij't 68th N.Y.V.V..A.A. A Gun'I.Official: JOHN METCALF.Copt. 66th N. Y. V. V.C«mm*ndin » District Abbeville.

- GEORGE R. BLACK,Lt 56th N. Y V. V. andAsa't Provott Marahal. |A.. O* too* - »»

* *, lOUU, U"lrl


Nr.\7B*RET, S. C., August 18, 18C5.

Q^nkral ORDKU, )No. 8. J

1. To improve the Sanitary Condition ofthis Sub-District, it la

Ordered. That owners and occupiers of propertyshall, on Tuesday ami Saturday of enchweelf, thoroughly police the sainc, and thestreet in front thereof, collecting all offal,garbage. &u. ami placiug the same in convenientheafa fgr reraornl, id front of their premises.

II. To defray the expenses of repairingstreets and highwaya, of constructing andmending bridges, denning streets, gutters anddrains, nnd other useful and necessary work,in and about tins district, all cotton transportedthrough or from this district will at oncebe reported by the owner «»r owners thereof,their factors or agents to the Ass't. l'rorostMarthal. who will J<<111K11<I *n«t ».nit««i -

of fifty cent* upoi; vtch bale, giving pitch owneraor agent* proper certificates of the paymentof the same.Tlie reports heiehy required will include all

cotton which shall have befcu transportedthrough nr from this district, since the 15thday of Julj, Is05.III. Failure to comply with the provision*of this orders will subject the offenders to fineand itnprisounient.IV. The Ats'l. Provost Marshal of this sobdistrict,is hereby charged with the ixecuti'ouof this order.

.By Ord,r of LIEUT. COL. R TYLER,Coiunian<liri>r t)i«tri<.»flf.KKt n. LooMII^lat Lieut. & A«lj"t 66th N.Y.V.V., A.A.A.Geu'L

OcricfAU )U11N MtTCAl.F,C»»'t. 5ftth N. Y. V. w

C'>mmncnlinir District Alib vill«.GEORGE HLACK.J.L Sftth N. ¥. V. V.'and

A« t i'rovvrtl Martha).Aug. 2T. 1885, fi-tf

11EAD QUARTERS 2D SUB DISTRICT,DISTRICT OF WF.8TJ.RN S. C. ]Ntw ccr.p.v, Aiiiju.-l 11, 18G5.

GBS'sbai. OcDtr, )No. £. J

IN compliance witli in«trnu>iotis fiorn IlradQunrtern, Pin riot of Wettrrn South Caro-

Una, all pcnons having in their p»«pvi<*ion anyhorfc?, mulct, wsgons. nmlmlmiee*. harnrfc,mlillca or briJIt?*. me.licnl ilortf or anyproper!}- -belonging to th.» Unilcd States Got-'rumen** or the late U*»iifedH'acy, will turn in

thu some to Liettl-. A. J. Clemen, A. A. Q. M.»Newberry, before tho20ih inat.Commanding Officer* nt Lam eos. Abbeville,ni'd Edgefield, wi'l enforce thi* order and furwardall property 10 three Ueid Quarters.Failure to comply with tliir oider will robjectthe offender to lie arretted and punUhed.By Command of Lieut. Col. IU TYLER.

Commanding District. '

IlENRI B. LOOMIS,lftLU <4 Adj't 56tW N Y.V.V. A-A.A.Gen'l-

Orrieuu JOHN AIETCaLU,. C«pt fiftth N. Y. V. V.,

Commanding District Abbeville.georce r. Black,

Lt. fiflth N. Y. V. v.. andv A«*'t Provoat Maishal.

Aug. 17,1885,4-tf

head quarters.military district western s. 0..

4th separate brigade,Newbury, B. C., July i7ib, 1861.


T. All purraita heretofore granted for theaafc of Ale, Win®, Cider, Brandy, Whbkey, orany intoxicating drioiu, are ber«t>y revoked,and veiling ol the aatua to any peratm or par- jeons'ia prohibited. j

' '

III. All cotton being*transported moat be.inspected by tba nsaraat ProToit MansUal, andmarked "Inspected find Pacsvd."Any pmon toiling t» comply with this ord«rwill b« gnilty of violation of

Ord*r»,and pam'thed accordingly.By G«d«r of Bifvrr Baia. tint, C. H. VANWyCK,Commanding Diitriot. ' "'

IIBSB! B.-LGOM'B,Ut ft* N Y. VnU

Omcut: GEOUOfe. R BLACK,IX. 5« ir. y. V. V.. aud

AM'tProvott .

Atfgttctl?, I8«5, 4-tf

60VERMENT CLAIMS.v -' A' mit

NEW GOODS.Low Prices.



ulmEoDUnT,hai£ck oVec#ired a i<,rge Rnd d"'r,u»




And all Kinds of Notions,Ly Large and Small QuantitU*.

| Wholesale Dealers will find itto their interest to examineour stock and prices.

We have made arrangement 9tq receive new snppUef

every week.TERMS CASn. aJ&

poods will be delirered opt of our

Slope unless paid for in Cash or IVodiir*.For tlio latter the highest market pricewilt bo paid.If AlTtfl* Cinm tlTfio ft rtA

VilLVliE, 51MIISS & IV,Cukes*»ury, Aug. 17, 1805, jl-3t *


ompxjmmum >. .. j

THE undersigned would respectfully iofurn^tbs ctticen* of Abb«fi)l« U»«t be Kmnow on hand a largo variety of Good*, consist*ing io part a* follows;

CALICOES, GINGHAMS,r>. - i u:.i. m * i . «i uie iu'wuie xonei. iSO&pS,jPerfrtmely* Cologne,

LADIES' COLLARS*Ho»iry, Crape.'Shot Bra«hea, JMmohY BUek~ing, Cbe»pe*t Spool Cotton in the m»rk«t.

P«PPW. Nutmeg, M.m,L*rpt Sloth *f ,


FIK* C^VATS, ^ ^,itt ofthe*W«*mC#
