the accidental jerk: how brands kill the social conversation, by kary delaria

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Post on 10-May-2015



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Kary Delaria Y'all Connect Presented by Alabama Power June 13, 2014 Birmingham, Alabama Brands don’t mean to be like this, they just want to “find efficiencies” and move people “into the sales funnel as quickly as possible.” They don’t mean to make people feel rushed or pressured, yet every single day, brands in the social sphere keep talking “at” customers instead of having conversations “with” them. This subtle difference is the key to building the best relationships that engage the customer from first-interaction to post-purchase wonderlands.


  • 1.@KaryD #yallconnect The Accidental Jerk: How Brands Kill the Social Conversation Kary Delaria @KaryD | [email protected]

2. @KaryD #yallconnect 3. @KaryD #yallconnect 4. @KaryD #yallconnect 5. @KaryD #yallconnect 6. @KaryD #yallconnect Fails to see opportunity Limited listening skillsLacks empathy Inserts foot in mouth No head for data Gives auto responses Nervous around others Stiff and inflexible Symptoms of an Accidental Jerk: 7. @KaryD #yallconnect 8. @KaryD #yallconnect Cant help but feel bad for them. 9. @KaryD #yallconnect 10. @KaryD #yallconnect The road to my reality. 11. @KaryD #yallconnect The road to my reality. 12. @KaryD #yallconnect The road to my reality. 13. @KaryD #yallconnect The road to my reality. 14. @KaryD #yallconnect The Divide No rules! Be authentic! Know your audience! Real-time engagement! Rules Policy Fear Latency 15. @KaryD #yallconnect The writing is on the wall. It saddens me how social has been co-opted by marketing to become just another mass advertising/marketing channel. I think the promise of social is about relationship development, and I have always said that. - Scott Monty, Adweek Social media is not a marketing channel. If you can build social strategies that are designed to triumph despite that fact, then you are on your way to securing your career in social media marketing. - Augie Ray, 16. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staff resources. 5. Push back on the push. 17. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staff resources. 5. Push back on the push. 18. @KaryD #yallconnect Align with business strategy. 19. @KaryD #yallconnect Align with business strategy. Conduct an audit. Establish benchmarks. Develop a plan. Measure with KPIs that matter. 20. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staff resources. 5. Push back on the push. 21. @KaryD #yallconnect Listen with intent. 22. @KaryD #yallconnect Get to know them. REALLY know them. At the very least, are you visiting their profiles? 23. @KaryD #yallconnect Get to know them. REALLY know them. At the very least, are you visiting their profiles? Are you listening to what they are saying when they arent talking with or about you? 24. @KaryD #yallconnect Get to know them. REALLY know them. At the very least, are you visiting their profiles? Are you listening to what they are saying when they arent talking with or about you? Are you casting a wide enough net? 25. @KaryD #yallconnect Personas are based upon how people might buy your product. Audience strategies are built on people. - Tom Webster, Edison Research 26. @KaryD #yallconnect Get to know them. REALLY know them. At the very least, are you visiting their profiles? Are you listening to what they are saying when they arent talking with or about you? Are you casting a wide enough net? Are you using this information? 27. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staffing resources. 5. Push back on the push. 28. @KaryD #yallconnect 29. @KaryD #yallconnect Provide help, not hype. Whats your call to action? Is it what your audience needs from you? 30. @KaryD #yallconnect NOT a call to action. 31. @KaryD #yallconnect Provide help, not hype. Whats your call to action? Is it what your audience needs from you? Are you a slave to your editorial calendar? Can you react and make in real time? 32. @KaryD #yallconnect Provide help, not hype. Whats your call to action? Is it what your audience needs from you? Are you a slave to your editorial calendar? Can you react and make changes? Can you respond (talk with) empathetically? Can you avoid canned responses? 33. @KaryD #yallconnect 34. @KaryD #yallconnect 35. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staff resources. 5. Push back on the push. 36. @KaryD #yallconnect Establish and empower your staff resources. People have relationships with peoplewho are those people? 37. @KaryD #yallconnect Who are those people? Community manager Sales staff Customer service Operations 38. @KaryD #yallconnect This is going to happen. 39. @KaryD #yallconnect Breaking down the barriers: 1. Align with business strategy. 2. Listen with intent. 3. Create content that provides help, not hype. 4. Establish and empower your staffing resources. 5. Push back on the push. 40. @KaryD #yallconnect Push back on the push. Vendors and tools Policies Education and training Outside resources Moxie and drive 41. @KaryD #yallconnect Push back on the push. 42. @KaryD #yallconnect Which direction are you going to go? 43. @KaryD #yallconnect 44. @KaryD #yallconnect All things rise with the tide. 45. @KaryD #yallconnect All things rise with the tide. 46. @KaryD #yallconnect NowLets get to work. 47. @KaryD #yallconnect Photo Credits: Baby Image: Drug Pusher: seen-before.jpg Dog Advice: Ben Lansing, Operation: Kary Delaria (taken with iPhone) Heart: Love Isnt Love Until You Give it Away, Leland Francisco ( Creative Commons There Are No rules: Kimberly Virdure King, Twitter Bird: Brands of the World: Pulling Hair Out: Wstera2,, Creative Commons Compass: Roland Urbanek,, Creative Commons Facebook like: Wikimedia Commons, Tug of War: Asset Coop, Trade Show: Flickr Creative Commons Road: Alternatives, Daniel Oines,, Creative Commons Auburn Logo: