the armadillo 2-5

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  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    November 25th, 2013 Volume 2, Issue 5

    Artists are dumb. We do things that you shouldnt do. -Kenneth Goldsmith

    Hypnosis Sally Klein

  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    HAPPENINGSNews, or something like it. Submit to us! [email protected]

    I Feel Weird.: Adventures onMDMAnow usually my choice of poison is a delectable bottle of tequila or cheap beer,

    ive always consdiered myself a drinker and not a drugee. like brendan behan

    once said im a writer with a drinking problem. Now I cant write real well

    plastered, so I decided instead to try another way of getting intoxicated. I found

    molly was really booming on campus and I managed to get my little claws on

    a two capsuls (double of recomended dosage). I thought it would be a lot of

    fun because Miley sings about it a whole bunch. It didnt taste very good, i was

    licking it in the bathroom of chaus while my friend was taking a piss. I didnt

    think anything was happening for a bit, i stood by the bar and pounded down

    a couple of old styles. And then, maybe it was the brew, but something started

    making feel funny. my body moved like a supermodel across the dance floor.

    I wiggled myself into the wave of sweaty dudes and managed to see some

    real packages, and then immediatly felt ovrwhelmed by the bodies. I mademy way up to the chaus stage where the squirlly DJ played angry angel music

    and looked out over the crowd of limbs, a heavy humidity rising above them

    condensating on the cieling and then dripping back down onto the crowd in big

    gooey droplets of concerntrated lust-juice. It was utterly disgusting and I never

    felt more enthralled. Above the waving arms and stomping feet, sprayed by

    the sensual sweat I felt as though I were a god-king standing above a sacrifice,

    overlooking hundreds of thousands of his worshipers. the next two days all i

    wanted to do was sleep and cry.

    Matt Armadillon, Gonzo Correspondent

    Te News ickerThe Science Center toilets dont trust me to flush my own poop and they have

    a good reason not to.

    Theta Pi Gamma depletes entire Franzia supply of the upper mid-west.

    Another sweaty-ass playaz ball.

    BSC officers now to be conpensated by Flex Dollars.

    Winter begins to settle in, the walk to commons becomes that much harder.

    I know I shouldnt steal from Bon Appetit, but cmon. Its so easy.

    Peet becomes the real art house.

    Art house struggles.

    Special interest houses accept new members. Maybe your wierd-ass roomate

    is one of them.

    No sand at Kontiki. What, spent your budget on nail polish for your hand


    Students prepare to go home for another break. Have fun feeling estranged

    from all your old friends.

    Students receive news about their acceptance to study-abroad programs. You

    cant escape forever.


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    WORKSArt? Submit to us! Campus mail box 314

    You Leave Burn Marks WithYour Fingers

    Maya FurakawaMy lips locked between yours

    like a puzzle

    fingers interlaced with hair

    Set me on fire

    You kissed my collarbone

    up the crevice in my neck

    dipped down to the space

    between my breasts

    left kiss-shaped marks

    like cigarette burns

    Your fingers fit perfectly

    into the little dimples

    of my lower back

    pressing down like buttons

    heating the space


    Your hand wrapped around my ribs

    clicked into its niche betwixt

    my rib bones and breast

    It was made just for you

    to hold, to heat

    to burn

    Your knees woven into mine

    beneath the quilt

    light fingers tracing

    electric patterns

    Your touch leaves burn marks

    where youve sealed me to you.

    For All LuminousnessIn the search for human connectivity, I decided to draw lines between the planets.

    Were made of star stuff, Carl Sagan said, each life a gravitational conglomerate,

    everything corporeal born of the collision of cosmic dust motes,

    no Big Bang, but a crashing and clanging just the same,

    Of pots and pans and wooden spoons, of scraped knees

    and Wellington boots, and satchel bags for picture books.

    The two of us were little more, wed come to learn, than filaments

    of DNA wound together in inexorable sameness.

    We were just these strands and the pencil marks on the doorframe distinguishing

    us using disembodied numeralsour height, the date of measurement.

    We hovered in that doorway, waiting for a comet to fall and weigh our planet

    down. On the moon we would always be weightless: 16.5% of our Earthly mass.

    You were taller than me in the sixth grade, and all

    of the teachers muddled our names, until you were the statuesque

    one, the final distinction, the polarity,

    the side of the moon that smiles for all luminousness.

    Jen Johnson

    This morning my stove

    was broken

    i chewed coffee beans

    theyre still stuck

    between my gums

    ill have to repeat it all


    its been two weeks and

    my stove is still

    broken i wonder when

    anyone will come fix it

    BrokeHugo Alvarez

    Saturday Rant Amelia arpey

  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    All Beds But My OwnThis Sunday

    I woke up nested

    on the cushions

    of my friends couch,

    a blanket knitted by her grandmother

    to cover my cold toes

    and my body up

    to my collar bone.

    The week before

    I fell asleep

    on Van Gelder velour

    of a bus that was nearly empty,

    my legs tired from running

    around a town I barely knew

    and sort of loved.

    Before that I slept

    in the cupboard

    under the stairs

    in a Pilsen hostel,

    my bed adjacent

    to that of a woman

    from New York

    who sold belts

    made from riding bits.

    She made me green tea

    with milk and sugar,

    so we talked about horses

    until I left

    for another bed

    that wasnt my own.

    Bethany Clarke


    Hi everyone.

    I would like to invite you to contribute to my blog. The blog is called The Gift of Dance. Here are theinstructions:

    1. Think of someone. This can be a person you like, a person you want to thank, a person you want tocongratulate, etc.

    2. With this person in mind, create a 15-90 second dance.

    3. Practice it a couple times.

    4. Film it.

    5. Upload to Youtube with the title, For ______ (and insert the name of the person for whom you arecreating the dance)

    6. Go to the Contact page and send the Youtube link to me. I will upload your video in a blog post.

    7. Finally, once I have uploaded it to the blog, send a link to the site to your special person.

    Anyone can upload a video (not just dancers!). Visit thegiftofdance.wordpress.comto get started!

    MotherA heavy fog sunk into her pockets

    as she unwound the day into dusk

    and the blue in the sky

    slipped out for a rest

    She drew a blanket over

    peeping eyes,

    warmed little fingers outstretchedfrom lonely trees

    sprinkled like melon seeds.

    I watched her breath


    in the blades of grass

    rippling through papery leaves

    the same breath that will

    tear down the mountains.

    Eyelids grew heavy

    and she smiled, reassuredbatting hands,

    exhaled in the

    tenuous moments of quiet.

    She waited,

    promised the sun would rise.

    The ones that never listen,

    their lights keep her awake.

    Awake with the noise and the motion of

    those who forget her

    with every subsequent breath.

    Lucille espa

  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    i like to paint

    paint is good

    i need more paint

    i run out

    i make more fun

    pls help more


    im good man

    2 wifes

    2 kids2 dogs

    strong like bull

    Paint ShitAnonymous

    I was supposed to hang out with a friend from long ago but he cancelled last

    minute. So now Im reading outside drinking gluten-free beer which is better,

    anyway, I said.

    What could be better, he said.

    Someone to share it with, I said, or oppositely, more isolation, no people

    for miles.

    Both sound equally preferable, he said.

    Im not sure, I said. I need to get out of the house and produce something

    and live a little more. Ive been deep inside my head all day.

    I feel a similar way, he said. I think I havent taken enough vitamin blank


    Lets drive to the country and have a midnight picnic and say pretty words

    and make friends with a mountain lion, I said.

    Im not opposed to that. Could always use more mountain lions on my side,

    he said. Im pretty unfamiliar with the country, though, do you know of the

    right spots?

    Oh yes, Ive lived out there, I said.

    Well then I trust you, he said. Do you actually want to go?Well kind of, I said.

    Well is that enough to get you out? he said.

    Hmm, I said, yes.

    Okay, he said. Should I come by around eleven?

    Yes plz, I said.

    Alright, he said. Pack some picnic supplies.

    ext Message Conversation Re-ormatted as Dialogue

    ess Childress

    The big sexy cowboy who opens the door at Bootz.

    You opened the door for me Friday night.

    So nice and polite,

    sexy smile and beautiful green eyes.

    Watching you ride the bull was fantastic,

    my friends and I couldnt stop talking about you.

    We talked alittle as you opened the door.

    I tripped and you caught me in your arms.

    I was so embarrassed, cant wait to stop in and see you again.

    Maybe next time Ill muster the courage to talk to you more :)

    P.S. You have an amazing ass.

    I just wanna give it

    a squeeze

    Sexy Cowboy at Bootz - w4m -24 (Oak Creek)

    Mark Conway

  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    PerspectivesRamblings. Were on Facebook! /thearmadillojournal

    My Only Experience withStraight Porn

    Erik CarlsonSo Ive realized that I accidently see gay porn all the time, this week it hap-

    pened in java joint. However Ive never seen straight porn. I enlisted my local

    straight friends to give me a rundown of straight porn. Together we watched

    some interesting things and I learned lots about a whole new world of straight


    First I found out that MILF porn is a thing. Who knew? Mothers do

    porn too! Its a terrifying thought but hey whatever pays the bills. Ive never

    seen DILF porn but that should be a thing too. In my one experience with

    straight porn I saw many terrifying things, to me, but I also found something I

    would love to try. I saw a wonderful clip of two people of the opposite sex do-

    ing the deed with pizza involved. So I might be a tiny girl but I love to eat and I

    love to have sex. Thus why not combine the two! Who doesnt want to eat andfuck, especially with pizza! Mac and Cheese could make a good substitute.

    What I found most interesting was the Celebrity Porn. After seeing

    Teen Mom Farrah doing her thing followed by Kim Kardashian and Ray J, I

    think there is a niche market for celebrities to do gay porn. Im not sure who

    to recruit to get it done but this needs to happen. I want to watch bad porn of

    some queer celebrities touching butts. Queers deserve some bad celebrity gay

    porn just as much as straights. Thats really equality people.

    To conclude my foray into the world of straight porn was mostly

    lack luster and I feel worse for straight people then I ever did before. There

    was no bubble butts or cute boys and I almost feel asleep to the bad music and

    awful acting. Also boy moans are so much sexier. I learned so much but

    lets be real, thank god for the queers.

    I have not read Cormac McCarthys novel, so I cannot compare it to the 2009 film,

    and nor should I, for faithfulness to its source material is not a prerequisite for a

    good movie. I suppose I am only saying this to make it clear that I cannot and will

    not be judging this story as McCarthys, but as I have seen it in this movie.

    The narrative of The Road is simple enough: a nameless Man (Viggo

    Mortenson) and his son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) are traveling through a post-

    apocalyptic wasteland. They have a destination though mere survival might be the

    real destination, as the coast seems to have no significance other than a place to go.

    Translating this from prose to cinema might be difficult considering the scarcityof dialogue, but the film succeeds due to such strong performances and striking

    visual realism.

    Everything is a brownish-grey in this portrait of America, and it feels

    as disgusting as it looks. To fit with this bleak landscape the pacing is deliberately

    slow, which causes some drag in the narrative, especially at the beginning. But it

    doesnt stay that way too long as the themes of the story soon develop.

    The Road is a story of moral relativism. Throughout the story, the boy

    continually asks his father if they are the good guys, to which the father always

    answers in the affirmative, but calls the audience to question this response.

    They live in a world ravaged by some cataclysmic event that is left

    unexplained, but has left little life on earth, plant, animal, or otherwise. The rules

    have clearly changed, there is no civilization left, and people have to do whatever

    they can to survive. The film just continually forces us to ask how far it is okay fo

    people to go to protect themselves and their loved ones. As strong a role morality

    plays in this, it is important to note that tales such as this must focus on the relation

    ship between the characters. This must be the core of the story, the focal point, and

    the place where all the raw emotions are held. This is where the movie falls a little

    short. I saw the relationship, I understood the relationship, I believed the relation

    ship, I just didnt feel it as much as I wanted to. I dont know if there was anyon

    to blame for this; the script was appropriately sparse, the actors filled in the space

    with a connection that can be seen, when not heard. But in the end it doesnt comeoff as powerfully as it needs to.


    Overheard at Beloit

    Te Library Review: Te RoadMatt Seibert

    Tey like, havent had ranch or two days and Im

    about to give up. Female student in Commons

    Youre a Sagittarius? Tats ucked up. Female on Art House Porch

    I tried adderall once- never again. Male

    Shes a KD her name is Brooke or Danielle or some

    shit like that. Student in Java Joint

    Lets make a list o all the thirsty people at Beloit! Male student to riends

    Te purity ring app on my iPhone hasnt been work-ing! Student in commons

  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5


    Candy Unboxing and Review: Tootsie Pop Drops Like those youtube videos, but in print!Hey everyone,

    Today Ill be unboxing and reviewing Tootsie brand Tootsie Pop Drops: Tootsie

    Pops WITHOUT the Stick. I wasnt able to find any regional or obscure candy,

    but these seem interesting. Hopefully theyre like Gushers, but with Tootsie Roll

    inside instead of goop. Also, Tootsie Roll Industries is based in Chicago, so I still

    feel that this is a bit regional. Anyway, here we go:

    The packaging is nice. It seems like Tootsie took a page from Reeses

    book here, as it is mostly orange and yellow. The Pop Drops pictured on the front

    (blue, red, and purple here) look like theyre flying off of the box and right at you.

    Along with those three flavors, Ill be trying chocolate and raspberry. The red

    (cherry) drop has a section cut away so that you can see its brown center. While

    its nice that theyre showing you whats inside, the edges of the broken drop look

    jagged and inorganic. This is concerning. It might mean that the exterior will be

    hard candy. Well just have to see, though. I just noticed that Tootsie has included

    their iconic red and white stripes on the sides of the box. Very cool! Im a bit disap-

    pointed by the absence of the cool retro/vintage artwork usually present on Tootsie

    Pop wrappers. Lets open this thing up.

    Im having a bit of a difficult time getting the box open. The layers ofthe paper flaps keep separating and tearing without really moving in the way I want

    them to. Okay, its finally open. I kind of suspected this would be the case, but its

    still disappointing to see that the candy itself is inside of a small bag. This sack

    is pretty small, silver, and looks like it was meant to hold pop tarts or rat poison

    or something like that. Theres no writing on it, which makes it seem like Tootsie

    figured most people would have already purchased their product before looking at

    this thing. This is a little bit frustrating, and is leading me to question my choice of

    candy. If youre not going to make people spend money on your product, at least

    include your logo, a riddle, or a joke on the interior packaging. Enough complain-

    ing, I want to know that these things taste like.

    Wow, these are much different than I thought they would be. Theyr

    hard, and definitely not gummies like I had hoped for. Ill try the Blue Raspberry

    first. Huh, I dont really know what to say here. It tastes like Blue Raspberry. Im

    feeling impatient, so Ill just bite it and see what weve got in the center. Okay. Im

    really, really unsatisfied. There isnt much roll in the middle, and its just I don

    even know. This Pop Drop thing seems really lacking/now I feel nothing. Lets try

    chocolate next.

    The chocolate drop is exactly like a classic chocolate Tootsie Pop mi

    nus the size and stick. Im honestly at a loss here. I think the only occasions I

    ever had Tootsie pops were after getting a haircut, and on Halloween. Ive neve

    felt compelled to actually spend my money on them. This chocolate doesnt even

    taste like chocolate. The only reason I know this thing is chocolate is because it

    brown, and couldnt possibly pass for any sort of fruit even in a world where Blu

    Raspberry is a thing.

    Im done here. More and more Im beginning to realize that the only

    think I really liked about Tootsie pops was the stick. Twirling them in my mouth

    and using them to make obnoxious noises was essentially the only reason I liked

    them. Those things were fun, but this candy isnt. Maybe Tootsie will read thistake what I have to say into consideration, and create a lollipop without a stick or

    hard candy. Oh wait, they already do: Theyre called Tootsie Rolls, and theyre

    bottom tier sucky junk.

    .5/7 Smiles

    Elishua Kurtz

    A helpful image, according to this author.

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  • 8/13/2019 THE ARMADILLO 2-5
