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Angel Abusleme

May 2011

Page 2: THE BEAN: A PULSE PROCESSOR FOR A PARTICLE …pj537bm6926/Abusleme_Thesis... · A PULSE PROCESSOR FOR A PARTICLE PHYSICS EXPERIMENT ... 3.3 Noise minimization in particle physics

This dissertation is online at:

© 2011 by Angel Abusleme. All Rights Reserved.

Re-distributed by Stanford University under license with the author.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.


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I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Bruce Wooley, Primary Adviser

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Boris Murmann

I certify that I have read this dissertation and that, in my opinion, it is fully adequatein scope and quality as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Gunther Haller

Approved for the Stanford University Committee on Graduate Studies.

Patricia J. Gumport, Vice Provost Graduate Education

This signature page was generated electronically upon submission of this dissertation in electronic format. An original signed hard copy of the signature page is on file inUniversity Archives.


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A mi adorada mama, que hace mucho tiempo hizo crecer en mı la pasion por la

electronica, y que desde el Reino de los Cielos me ha guiado para poder sacar

adelante mi doctorado. Sin ella, nada de esto hubiese sido ni remotamente posible.

A ella dedico esta tesis, en agradecimiento por su amor y su entrega, y con la

esperanza de que se sienta orgullosa de mı en su morada eterna.

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The International Linear Collider (ILC), a next generation particle accelerator, will

smash electron and positron bunches at up to 500GeV (1000GeV after a planned

upgrade). The 31-km long collider’s experiments will help scientists to understand

the fundamental constituents of matter.

Located at the ILC detector’s forward region, the BeamCal is a highly segmented

(> 90,000 channels) calorimeter that will serve three main purposes: ensure hermetic-

ity of the detector for low polar angles, reduce the backscattering from pairs into the

detector center, and provide a low-latency signal for beam diagnostics. The BeamCal

specifications in terms of radiation tolerance, noise suppression, signal charge, pulse

rate and occupancy pose unique challenges for the front-end and readout electronics


Designed for the 180-nm TSMC mixed-signal technology, The Bean – BeamCal

Instrumentation IC – is a 32-channel front-end and readout ASIC that will address the

BeamCal instrumentation requirements. By employing a charge-sensitive amplifier

and a switched-capacitor reset circuit, the Bean will process the input charge signals

at the ILC pulse rate. Each channel will have a 10-bit successive approximation

register analog-to-digital converter and digital memory for readout purposes. The

Bean will also feature a fast feedback adder, capable of providing an 8-bit, low-latency

output for beam diagnostics purposes.

This work presents the design and characterization of The Bean prototype, a

3-channel ASIC that proves the principle of operation described.


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Through these few lines, I wish to acknowledge everyone who contributed in making

my experience as a Stanford student so formative and unforgettable.

First of all, I would like to express my most sincere words of gratitude to my

advisor, Professor Bruce Wooley. Through these years, his knowledge, ideas and

wisdom enlightened my work. He always surprised me with insightful comments and

questions, showing me a different way or suggesting me to look a bit further. I am

eternally indebted to him.

I would also like to thank my associate advisor, Professor Boris Murmann, for his

infinite patience through hours of insightful discussions on circuit design, and for his

support during difficult times in my period as a Stanford student. He always treated

me as one of his own students.

I want to thank my research supervisor at SLAC, Dr Gunther Haller, for his strong

support through these years. I admire his professionalism and project management

abilities. Following his example, I will become a better engineer.

I want to express my deepest gratitude to my friend, Dr Angelo Dragone. He

shared with me his vast expertise on instrumentation for particle physics through

countless discussions that allowed me to obtain a functional circuit. His help was

crucial during both, design and test phases. I also thank him for the moral support

when there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel.

It has been a great honor to have Professor Martin Breidenbach as my advisor at

SLAC and as my orals chair. He is simply brilliant and his fruitful discussions always

show unexpected points of view.

I want to show my gratitude to Professor Tom Lee, for sharing his passion for how


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things work and for being supportive during the most difficult time of my life.

I want to show my appreciation to Dr Dietrich Freytag for his help and support,

which was very important during early stages of my research. I also thank Ryan

Herbst, who helped me with the test setup of my first chip. He showed me what was

possible, setting a high standard for my final circuit test setup.

I wish to thank all the SLAC lab staff, especially Mark, Lupe, Yolanda, Tan and

Tyson, for the willingness and technical support provided during all the testing phase.

Their help was crucial in obtaining meaningful data from my circuit.

I would like to thank Dr Albert Lin, for his help with the scanning electron

microscope, which showed me that my first chip design was on the right track. I also

thank Patrick from EAG Labs, who was the main surgeon of my circuit.

I want to express my gratitude to Ann Guerra, whose support went beyond her

administrative tasks and pulled me through difficult times, and Traci Kawakami,

Natasha Haulman and Natasha Newson, for all the administrative support provided.

I also express my gratitude for the support received from past and present Woo-

ley’s group and Murmann’s group students, especially Mohammad, Maryam, Rox-

ana, Nasrin, Xinying, Sakshi, Je-Kwang, Hyunsik, Robert, Sang-Min, Pouya, Scott,

Sotirios, David, Manar, Pedram and Alireza. I would like to thank Katelijn, whose

help was fundamental when I was starting my design.

I also wish to thank other EE friends at Stanford for their support, especially

Srikant, Arjang, Henrique, Quique, Juan Manuel, Eduardo, Stephen, David, James,

Nathan and Fernando.

I would like to thank all the Stanford Spanish mass choir members, VIVIS, Guiller-

mo, Mauricio, Barbara, Paco, Marıa, Lucıa, Adriana, Maida, Mery Jo, Olivier and

Trangdai, for their support through these years. I also thank my courtyard friends

Rodrigo, Pilar, Juan, Pachi, Ryan, Kerry, Jon, Jenny, Jose and Pao, for being always


I want to thank my South American friends at Stanford, especially Pelao, Pablo,

Nancho, Lucy, Silvia, Cristobal, Caro, Nico, Josefa, Rafa, Mauricio, Nicole, for all

the great moments we shared.

I want to express my gratitude to Jean and Gene Mohler, our first friends in the


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USA, for being always so close and making us feel at home.

I want to express my gratitude to all my friends from Chile, especially those who

never gave up cheerleading me: Carola, Stephen, Choe, Raul, Carmen, Jose Luis,

Eduardo and Keno.

I also wish to thank my family in Los Angeles, for always being so close no matter

how far.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my family members, my mother

Angelica, my father Amador, my brother Patricio and my sisters Karen and Cynthia.

I also thank my extended family members Isabel, Arturo, Marıa Isabel, Constanza,

Camila, Andres, Charles, Ignacio, Eduardo, Rosa. I would have not succeeded with-

out their support.

Finally, I want to thank my son Juan Pablo, my daughter Sofıa and my wife

Marıa Jose for their love and unconditional support. My wife embarked with me in

this uncertain trip, resigning from her own goals and dreams, and without any clue

or warranty on how or when this would end, if ever. No words can express the level

of gratitude I feel for her logic-defying support.


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Abstract vii

Acknowledgments viii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Particle physics experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

1.2 Electronics for particle physics experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1.2.1 Instrumentation for particle physics experiments . . . . . . . . 5

1.2.2 Detector technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.2.3 Amplifier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.2.4 Filter and discriminator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2.5 Memory arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.3 Noise minimization in circuits for particle physics . . . . . . . . . . . 10

1.4 Thesis content . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2 Problem Definition 13

2.1 The International Linear Collider . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2 The ILC forward calorimeter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.3 BeamCal instrumentation ASIC specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

3 Noise Analysis in Pulse Detectors 18

3.1 Classical noise analysis in pulse processors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.1.1 Noise models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.1.2 Equivalent noise charge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


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3.1.3 Noise coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.1.4 Normalized noise coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

3.1.5 Noise analysis in time-varying systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2 gm/ID extension of noise analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 Noise minimization in particle physics experiments . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.4 Noise analysis and switched capacitors circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4 System-Level Design 40

4.1 Signal, noise and rate considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

4.2 Signal path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.3 Power and noise budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

4.4 Block and timing diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5 The Bean Prototype: Circuit Design 51

5.1 Charge-sensitive amplifier design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

5.2 CSA precharger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

5.3 Filter design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.4 ADC design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

5.5 Adder design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.6 Signal buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.7 Rail-to-rail buffer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6 The Bean prototype: Implementation 72

6.1 Floorplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

6.2 MOM capacitors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

7 Test Results 82

7.1 Test methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

7.2 ADC test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

7.3 The Bean prototype test results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

7.3.1 Power dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

7.3.2 Functionality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91


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7.3.3 Linearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

7.3.4 Crosstalk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

7.3.5 Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

7.3.6 Weighting function measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

7.3.7 Noise measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

7.3.8 Fast feedback adder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

7.4 Summary of design flaws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

8 Conclusion 113

8.1 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

8.2 Suggestions for future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115

A The Bean and ADC pinout 118

Bibliography 128


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List of Tables

2.1 BeamCal instrumentation ASIC specifications summary. . . . . . . . 17

4.1 Channel noise budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

5.1 Charge amplifier specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.2 CSA design values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

5.3 Filter amplifier design values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

5.4 Comparator design values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

5.5 Signal buffer design values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

5.6 Rail-to-rail buffer main design values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

7.1 Unit capacitance values and estimated mismatch for the three different

ADCs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7.2 The Bean prototype current dissipation, measured and simulated. . . 91

7.3 Reset-release schemes used in the DCal mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

7.4 Series noise coefficients from measured weighting functions. . . . . . . 108

7.5 Adder gain from all channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

A.1 The Bean pinout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

A.2 ADC pinout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123


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List of Figures

1.1 SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Reprinted from SLAC web-

site, 2011. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

1.2 Electron-positron traces in a cloud chamber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

1.3 BaBar detector at SLAC. Reprinted from SLAC website, 2011. . . . . 4

1.4 Single channel generic block diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

1.5 Charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) using common-gate stage. . . . . . . 8

1.6 CSA using voltage amplifier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

2.1 Pulse train structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

2.2 ILC detector’s cross section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2.3 BeamCal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

3.1 Equivalent representation of a linear circuit’s internal noise sources,

referred to a single port. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.2 Schematic for noise analysis. Two noise sources are considered: detec-

tor shot noise and amplifier noise, represented as voltage and current

noise. This includes both, white and flicker noise. . . . . . . . . . . . 22

3.3 Example of normalized noise curves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

3.4 Example of ENC due to series white noise for a PMOS input device

and a 41-fF constant capacitance at the input node. . . . . . . . . . . 35

3.5 Example of ENC due to series white noise for a PMOS input device

and a 41-fF constant capacitance at the input node. . . . . . . . . . . 36

3.6 Example of ENC due to series white and flicker noise, PMOS input

device and 41 fF constant capacitance at input node. . . . . . . . . . 37


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3.7 Comparison between two weighting functions. The switched-capacitor

portion has a 2 : 1 ratio in switching frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

4.1 ENC series noise contribution as a function of input device’s ID, for

different values of gm/ID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.2 Signal path block diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

4.3 The Bean block diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

4.4 The Bean prototype block diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.5 Timing diagram in SDT mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

4.6 Timing diagram in DCal mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

4.7 Simulated weighting function in DCal mode, for a switched-capacitor

integrator and slow reset-release technique. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

5.1 The Bean block diagram, including one channel and the fast feedback

adder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

5.2 Schematic of a single-ended, NMOS-input folded-cascode amplifier. . 54

5.3 CSA simplified small signal static model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

5.4 CSA dynamic model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.5 CSA feedback network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.6 Schematic of CSA precharger circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.7 Filter simplified schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

5.8 Class A/AB filter’s OTA schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

5.9 Class A/AB filter OTA common-mode feedback circuit schematic. . . 62

5.10 OTA small-signal half circuit model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

5.11 Charge-redistribution switched-capacitor DAC network. . . . . . . . . 64

5.12 ADC comparator schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

5.13 Adder schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

5.14 Level-shifting signal buffer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

5.15 Rail-to-rail buffer schematic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

6.1 Floorplan of the Bean prototype core. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

6.2 Channel layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74


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6.3 Charge-sensitive amplifier layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6.4 Signal buffer layout, including level-shifting capacitor. . . . . . . . . . 75

6.5 SC filter layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

6.6 Buffer layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

6.7 SAR ADC layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

6.8 Layout of adder for fast feedback operation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

6.9 The Bean prototype layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

6.10 Unit MOM capacitor layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

6.11 3D view of the single-layer MOM capacitor array. . . . . . . . . . . . 81

6.12 3D bottom view of the single-layer MOM capacitor array. . . . . . . . 81

7.1 ADC’s testbench printed circuit board layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

7.2 The Bean prototype testbench printed circuit board layout. . . . . . . 84

7.3 MIMCap ADC linearity test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

7.4 Dual-layer MOMCap ADC linearity test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

7.5 Single-layer MOMCap ADC linearity test results. . . . . . . . . . . . 88

7.6 The Bean prototype current distribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

7.7 Filter differential output, running at half speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

7.8 The Bean prototype linearity test results, SDT mode and full-scale

input range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7.9 The Bean prototype linearity test results, SDT mode and input range

of 108% of full scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

7.10 The Bean prototype linearity test results, DCal mode and full-scale

input range. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

7.11 The Bean prototype linearity test results, DCal mode and input range

of 116% of full scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

7.12 Crosstalk effects of Channel 1 input ramp on Channels 2 and 3, SDT

mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

7.13 Crosstalk effects of Channel 1 input ramp on Channels 2 and 3, DCal

mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

7.14 Bandwidth test result, SDT mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100


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7.15 Bandwidth test result, DCal mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

7.16 SPICE-simulated weighting functions, SDT mode. . . . . . . . . . . . 104

7.17 Measured weighting functions, SDT mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

7.18 SPICE-simulated weighting function, DCal mode, no filter. . . . . . . 105

7.19 Measured weighting function, DCal mode, no filter. . . . . . . . . . . 105

7.20 SPICE-simulated weighting function, DCal mode. . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7.21 Measured weighting function, DCal mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

7.22 Measured weighting function with CDS scheme, DCal mode. . . . . . 107

7.23 Measured noise as a function of total input capacitance, for three dif-

ferent signal paths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

7.24 Adder test results. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111

7.25 Supply-insensitive bias circuit used in the Bean prototype. The pad

connection is shown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

A.1 The Bean bonding diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

A.2 Dual-layer MOMCap ADC bonding diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

A.3 Single-layer MOMCap ADC bonding diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

A.4 MIMCap ADC bonding diagram. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127


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Chapter 1


1.1 Particle physics experiments

Particle physics, also called High Energy Physics “is a branch of physics that studies

the elementary constituents of matter and radiation, and the interactions between


The main tools used by particle physicists are particle accelerators, which accel-

erate subatomic particles to nearly the speed of light. These accelerated particles,

focused in a thin beam traveling along the beamline, collide against a fixed target or

other particles in the same beamline moving in the opposite direction. As a result,

colliding particles break into decay products that scatter from the collision point.

The study and post-processing of the results from the collisions provides information

on the nature of elementary particles.

Particle physics experiments have allowed humankind to gain an understanding

of the structure of matter and use that understanding in technological development.

However, starting with the famous experiments by Rutherford on metal foil ion bom-

bardment in 1909, particle physics is requiring ever-increasing energies to explore

deeper into matter, as well as improved detection technology to find elusive particles

and reconstruct their trajectories precisely for a better identification and understand-

ing. In order to achieve the required energies, particles are nowadays accelerated in

kilometer-scale accelerators, which are among the most ambitious engineering projects


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Figure 1.1: SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Reprinted from SLAC website,2011.

ever undertaken. Examples of these enormous instruments are the Large Hadron Col-

lider (LHC) at Organisation Europeenne pour la Recherche Nucleaire (CERN), the

Tevatron at Fermilab, and the PEP-II Accelerator at SLAC National Accelerator

Laboratory. Figure 1.1 shows a picture of the latter laboratory, where the research

presented in this work has been conducted. The three-kilometer long linear accelera-

tor, in the picture’s top right quadrant, is the longest in its class.

As the beam energy has increased over time, the instrumentation systems have

also improved in sensitivity, rate, resolution and processing capabilities, allowing the

measurement of more information, more precisely and in a shorter time. Rutherford

used a simple zinc-sulfide screen, an early scintillation detector that produces a local-

ized glow where an alpha particle hits it. Popular choices in later decades were cloud

and bubble chambers that produce 3-D traces of particle trajectories in a gaseous or

liquid volume. In order to study the event, a photography of the fading trajectories

described had to be opportunely taken. As an emblematic example, a cloud chamber

was the detector that proved the existence of the positron, or electron antiparticle.

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Figure 1.2: Cloud chamber showing electron-positron traces in 1932. This was thefirst time that positrons were detected. Reprinted from Wikipedia website, 2011.

The result from this famous test is shown in Figure 1.2. Electronic systems were later

introduced, improving sensitivity and providing an effective means of implementing

multichannel measurement systems.

During the decade of 1980s, CMOS technology changed the trend of electronic

instrumentation for particle physics from printed circuit boards (PCBs) to custom

integrated circuits, improving integration and allowing on-site electronics with a min-

imum of mass added to the detector system. The current trend is to include more

channels, increased processing capabilities, lower noise, and better radiation hardness,

all within the power budget available [2], [3], [4], [5]. Another interesting research

topic is to include the detector and electronics in the same die [6], [7].

A typical modern detector system for collider (particle-particle) experiments is

cylindrical shaped. The cylinder axis coincides with the beamline, and different lay-

ers on the cylinder body and bases constitute different detectors, intended to detect

particles with different penetration depths or with different scatter patterns. Some de-

tector systems are designed with hermeticity in mind, capable of stopping practically

all decay products from a collision. Hermetic detectors consist of: a tracking cham-

ber, which is the innermost region of detector, highly segmented to detect particle

trajectories; an electromagnetic calorimeter, to stop and measure energy of electrons,

positrons and photons; a hadron calorimeter to stop and measure energy of hadrons;

and a muon chamber to detect muons. Since neutrinos can travel long distances with-

out interacting with matter, including the detectors, their presence is inferred from

energy imbalance.

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Figure 1.3: BaBar detector at SLAC. Reprinted from SLAC website, 2011.

Each layer in the detector system can have thousands of pixels or channels (a high

level of segmentation, [8]), providing better spacial resolution and noise performance.

The entire detector system is subject to a strong magnetic field provided by an en-

closing magnet, which curves the path of charged particles and makes it possible to

infer momentum and charge from the radius of curvature. Figure 1.3 is a photograph

of the BaBar particle detector at SLAC during its construction.

Only a small percentage of all particle collisions will produce the most elusive

particles. To improve the odds, particle physics experiments are conducted at very

high collision rates (MHz) and during very long periods (months). The beam consists

of bunches of particles arranged in pulse trains, with a high pulse rate during the

short, active part of the cycle, followed by a longer, silent period. Data captured from

collision outcome is continuously generated by the detectors and analyzed statistically

in a computer network.

The main topic of this thesis, and an important component of all contemporary

detector systems for particle accelerators, is the front-end electronics integrated circuit

(IC), needed to acquire, filter and deliver the information of collisions captured by the

detector array. Important considerations and tradeoffs in the IC design are electronic

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noise, power, collision rate, resolution, and input range. Particularly, electronic noise

represents the fundamental limit for resolution, whereas power and collision rate play

a role in the noise limits.

This thesis deals with the design and characterization of a front-end ASIC for one

of the detectors planned for the International Linear Collider (ILC), a next generation

linear collider. Additionally, an extension for the classic noise analysis methodology

in particle physics experiments is presented, in an attempt to provide a better under-

standing on noise - power - collision rate tradeoffs and allow simpler analysis when

switched-capacitor circuits are involved.

In this chapter, the various blocks in a typical front-end electronics IC for high

energy physics experiments are briefly described. After that, current trends in noise

minimization in front-end electronics for particle physics experiments are reviewed.

Finally, the contents of this thesis are summarized.

1.2 Electronics for particle physics experiments

In this section, a brief review on electronics for particle physics experiments is pre-

sented. The topics covered are typical architectures, detector technologies, charge

amplifiers, pulse shapers and memory arrays. The scope is merely introductory, in-

tended for readers with no background in particle physics.

1.2.1 Instrumentation for particle physics experiments

A typical particle physics experiment detector system contains different layers of

detectors, each of which is usually highly segmented into a multichannel array. A

single channel of a certain layer includes a detector, an amplifier, a filter, a buffer,

an analog-to-digital converter (ADC), and a readout circuit [8]. Figure 1.4 shows a

highly simplified block diagram for a generic detector channel. In some cases, the

analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are shared among a number of channels in the

same detector or layer. There are also calibration circuits, which inject a known signal

– usually the output from a digital-to-analog converter (DAC) – into each channel

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DetectorParticle Amplifier Filter ADCBuffer Readout

Figure 1.4: Block diagram for a single channel, generic instrumentation circuit forparticle physics experiments.

input in order to map nonlinearities and imperfections in the circuit transfer function.

Having a known transfer function for every single channel allows digital correction of

the raw data read out from each channel.

1.2.2 Detector technologies

Many technologies are, or have been, used in radiation detection: photographic film,

ionization chambers, scintillation counters, semiconductor detectors, etc. The in-

tention of this subsection is to provide a brief introduction to some of the detector

technologies used in particle physics experiments; more detailed information is pre-

sented in [9], [10].

• Ionization chambers: A chamber is filled with a gas, and a high voltage

potential is applied through two electrodes. When a particle crosses through

the chamber, it ionizes the gas. Ionized gas molecules drift to the electrodes,

producing a measurable current pulse. Some ionization chambers amplify the

small signals using avalanche processes. A common example of a single-channel

ionization chamber detector system is a home smoke detector.

• Scintillation counters: Certain materials scintillate, or temporarily glow,

when a particle or electromagnetic wave passes through them. The detection of

this light pulse allows determining when a particle crosses through the material.

Zinc sulfide (ZnS) was used by Ernest Rutherford in his famous experiments


• Semiconductor detectors: An incident photon or particle provides energy

to lightly bound electrons in the crystal lattice, producing electron-hole pairs.

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These charge carriers drift due to an external electric field, producing a short

current pulse, with the measured signal coded as total pulse charge. Semicon-

ductor detectors are simply reverse-biased diodes, and can be tailored according

to specific needs, for example, to produce avalanche amplification, or to reduce

leakage and increase the effective detector volume by using an insulator (un-

doped) silicon layer between the P and N regions (PIN diode).

• Cerenkov Detectors: Measure particle velocity through the detection of

Cerenkov radiation.

Detectors can also be classified according to their purpose. For example, calorime-

ters measure the kinetic energy of particles. This is done by stopping the particle

within the calorimeter structure, and detecting the signal generated in the process.

As the particle’s total kinetic energy is lost in the calorimeter, the signal produced

is proportional to the particle energy before entering the calorimeter. Trackers and

vertex detectors, on the other hand, are designed to detect particle trajectories; in

this case, a dense segmentation is preferred, as it provides high spatial resolution.

1.2.3 Amplifier

The initial amplifier in a front-end IC for particle physics experiments, also called

preamplifier, transforms the detector charge signal into a voltage; therefore, the am-

plifier transfer function is in units of V/C or F−1. Although a simple resistor could

do the job by discharging the diode capacitance and producing a transient voltage,

there is a fundamental limitation for this circuit’s performance: if the resistor is small,

the voltage will also be small and comparable to the noise floor; on the other hand,

if the resistor is large, the time constant associated with the components will limit

the amplifier’s bandwidth. Moreover, the noise associated with the resistive element

would be intolerable.

A preamplifier transfers the charge from the nonlinear capacitance of the detector

to a linear, known capacitor. In this case, the measured voltage will be simply

V = Q/C, with C easily and precisely tailorable. This improves the circuit precision

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Figure 1.5: Charge-sensitive amplifier using common-gate stage. Biasing has beenpurposely omitted. This circuit transfers the charge generated in the photodiode tothe capacitor.




Figure 1.6: CSA using a voltage amplifier. This circuit transfers the charge generatedin the photodiode to the feedback capacitor.

and speed, but requires active components to transfer the detected charge to the

linear capacitor. One way of doing this is by using a transistor in common-gate

configuration, as shown in Figure 1.5, where biasing has been omitted. This would

meet the objective, but the settling time would be slow as VGS is reduced when the

detector capacitance is discharged. A better, more common preamplifier consists of

a voltage amplifier with a capacitor in negative feedback configuration, as shown

in Figure 1.6. The resulting feedback circuit is a charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA),

extensively studied in the literature related to topics such as imagers and particle

physics instrumentation [7], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19]. A differential-

input operational amplifier with a proper feedback network can be employed for

this purpose, but in practice, a single-ended amplifier is often used. Single-ended

amplifiers offer a reduced input-referred noise and power dissipation, but must be

AC-coupled to the detector.

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1.2.4 Filter and discriminator

The amplified detector signal includes noise from the detector and the amplifier. Al-

though the noise is a random signal in the time domain, its frequency behavior is well

modeled and may be used to design a filter, also named pulse shaper, that maximizes

the signal-to-noise ratio. Usually the filter is an analog block, either time-invariant or

time-varying, that shapes the amplified charge into a voltage pulse. The pulse shape

defines the weights of white series, white parallel and flicker series noise sources on the

front-end output noise. This is why, in particle physics instrumentation, the words

pulse shaper and filter are used to mean the same thing.

Depending on the nature of the experiment and the energies involved, only a

fraction of the channels will be subject to the effect of scattered particles or photons

for each collision or event. The non-excited pixels will detect and amplify noise, which

is not useful for post-processing and should not be read out. In order to consider only

relevant signals, a threshold-based discriminator is typically used. The discriminator

only allows those signals with amplitudes within a defined window to be read out,

discarding the rest. The window limits can be programmed using DACs.

1.2.5 Memory arrays

A memory acts as a buffer necessary to store data for a number of events before

readout. For high-frequency pulse trains, analog memory is particularly well suited.

Filtered signals can be quickly stored as charge in integrated metal-insulator-metal

(MIM) or metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) capacitors, to be converted into digital

signals by dedicated analog-to-digital converters during the readout phase. In this

case, capacitor size is an important design variable, as it will determine the kT/C

noise value.

Integration and feature size reduction has allowed the design of highly dense digital

memory arrays. If a digital memory is used instead, ADCs are used to digitize the

signal prior to storage, and conversion throughput per IC must be as high as the

collision rate times the number of channels. This can be done using a single, fast

ADC or several slower ADCs.

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1.3 Current trends in noise minimization for par-

ticle physics instrumentation systems

As mentioned earlier, electronic noise sets the fundamental limit for the measurement

resolution [6]. Reaching the desired noise levels while maintaining a low power con-

sumption and a high operating frequency represents the main design challenge in a

front-end electronic circuit for particle physics experiments. For this reason, under-

standing and designing for low noise is one of the main concerns in this work. In this

section, a brief review of previous work on noise minimization for particle physics

experiments is presented.

Modern papers on noise analysis for particle physics instrumentation systems date

from the late 60’s, appearing mainly in two journals, the IEEE Transactions on

Nuclear Science (TNS) and Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,

Section A (NIM).

In 1968, important concepts of pulse shaping for particle physics experiments were

described in [20]. At this time, the search of practical optimum shapers and simpler

analysis methods were the main concerns. It was well known that the cusp function

was the theoretical best impulse response for the overall system in order to obtain

maximum signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The concept of a weighting function (equivalent

to impulse response, but valid for time-varying systems as well) was introduced.

In 1972, an interesting time-domain analysis technique was published [21], for

comparing the filtering effects of different pulse shapers. Starting from simple ob-

servations and assuming only white noise, it was shown that all the noise sources

can be reduced to two components: step noise and delta noise. Integration of each

component in frequency allows characterization of the noise-filtering capabilities of a

pulse shaper (filter) simply by two noise coefficients, independent of the time scale.

Although this technique did not consider low-frequency noise, it allowed for a simple

characterization of noise. These ideas are still in use today, and the paper where they

were published is one of the most influential and cited papers about noise for particle

physics experiments.

In 1984, a good review and some examples of readout electronics techniques for

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semiconductor detectors in particle physics instrumentation systems was published

[22]. The author emphasized the importance of the input stage of the front-end

electronics in the overall noise performance. By that time, there was already some

interest in MOS technology (with lower performance than JFETs or MESFETs) due

to the potential of integrating the semiconductor detector and its electronics.

In the same year, a good summary of semiconductor position-sensitive detectors

was also published [23]. In that paper, it was shown that the minimum noise is

achieved when the detector and amplifier input capacitances are matched.

In 1988, one of the most influential papers on low-noise techniques for particle

physics instrumentation was published in Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle

Science [24]. In this survey paper, the results from previous work on noise were sum-

marized. The conclusions are consistently the same: for minimum noise, maximum

available power and capacitance matching must be used. This became the rule of

thumb for low-noise circuit design in particle physics experiments, in both JFET and

MOSFET technologies.

Flicker noise research in particle physics electronics was described in 1989 [25].

Before this paper, low-frequency noise was rarely mentioned and seldom considered

in the analysis of particle physics electronics.

In 1990, the issue of optimum shapers for particle physics electronics, including

low-frequency noise in the analysis, was addressed [26]. The same year, an excellent

derivation of noise for particle physics front-end electronics, including thermal, flicker

and shot noise sources was presented [27]. In that publication, a section on optimal

(noise-wise) design of charge amplifiers is shown; numeric techniques are necessary to

achieve a solution.

In 1998 [28], for the first time the contribution of the low-frequency noise was

computed in the time domain, using fractional derivatives. It is an extension of

earlier noise computation methods [21].

In 2001, a nice overview of front-end electronics for imaging detectors, oriented

to particle physics applications was published [6]. In that work, neat and simple

equations to compute the equivalent noise charge from white, flicker and shot sources

were presented. The same equations are employed in a later publication [13], where

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it is shown that, using more accurate transistor and noise models, minimum noise is

not necessarily achieved when maximum available power and capacitance matching

conditions are fulfilled. It is also shown that the low-frequency noise contribution

may depend on the shaper time constant, a result not found before using simpler


Finally, excellent books on particle physics instrumentation systems have been

published [8], compiling and explaining the results from many papers in the field.

1.4 Thesis content

Chapter 2 includes a system-level overview of the detector system studied in this the-

sis, and presents the required specifications for the instrumentation ASIC. Chapter 3

presents the basics of noise theory, with emphasis on the definitions and mathemat-

ics required by this work. In Chapter 4, the ASIC system-level design is presented,

including the noise analysis that led to the final version. Chapter 5 shows the circuits

and the design process behind them. In Chapter 6, practical aspects of the circuit

layout and implementation are presented. In Chapter 7 the results obtained from

experimental testing are presented, analyzed and compared against the expected re-

sults. Chapter 8 summarizes the conclusions derived from this work, and presents

ideas that could be investigated in this research area.

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Chapter 2

Problem Definition

2.1 The International Linear Collider

The custom integrated circuit described in this work is the front-end for one of the

detector systems of the International Linear Collider (ILC) [29]. Planned to be oper-

ating in the late 2010’s, the ILC will be the largest linear collider ever built, with a

length between 30 km and 50 km. The intended beam energy is 500GeV for the first

stage, and twice as much after a planned upgrade.

As a colossal international project, planning the ILC is a tremendously difficult

task, currently in hands of the Global Design Effort (GDE) for the ILC [30]. Although

the main specifications are roughly defined, some details – including the location of

the ILC – still remain unclear. For this reason, the requirements for the detection

circuit that is the subject of this research are still preliminary.

The ILC will collide electron and positron clusters or bunches on a beamline ac-

cording to the scheme shown in Figure 2.1. Electrons and positron bunches, spaced by

308 ns, travel at nearly the speed of light to collide against each other. Each collision

produces decaying particles and energy bursts according to the time diagram shown

in the same figure. During 0.87ms, 2820 evenly-spaced collisions occur, followed by

a 199-ms silent (collision-free) period. This pattern repeats indefinitely.


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t (ms)0 1 200 201

0.87 ms, 2820 bunches>199 ms,collision-free

308 ns







0.87 ms, 2820 bunches


>199 ms, collision-free



Figure 2.1: Pulse train structure. Each collision produces decaying particles andphotons that excite the detectors; the time diagram shows the collision timing.

2.2 The ILC forward calorimeter

The ILC detector system is roughly a cylinder-shaped detector with a radius of 6.45m,

and it consists of several sub-systems. Located at the cylinder bases or end caps, the

ILC Forward Calorimeter [31] will improve the detector hermeticity, necessary in the

search of new particles [32]. The forward calorimeter has four detectors in each cap:

the BeamCal, the LumiCal, the GamCal and the Pair Monitor. Figure 2.2 shows

a cross section of the International Linear Detector (ILD) concept, one of the two

validated detector designs for the ILC.

The BeamCal detector is an electromagnetic calorimeter made of 30 layers of

detectors interleaved with tungsten disks. Its three main purposes are: to extend

the ILC forward calorimetry to small polar angles, to reduce the backscattering from

pairs into the detector center, and to provide a low-latency luminosity signal for beam

diagnostics [33]. Figure 2.3 shows the BeamCal detector structure.

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Figure 2.2: ILC detector’s cross section. The BeamCal is marked as BCal. Reprintedfrom the FCAL Collaboration website, 2008.

Figure 2.3: BeamCal structure. Adapted from the FCAL Collaboration website,2011.

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2.3 BeamCal instrumentation ASIC specifications

Because of its location near the beamline, the BeamCal detector will be subject to

an enormous amount of energy in each collision. That energy provides important

information on the collision outcome, and therefore must be recorded for all collisions

(100% expected occupancy1). For the pixel sizes and quantum efficiencies considered,

the maximum input charge deposited on each pixel will be nearly 40 pC, and the

required instrumentation resolution is 10 bits. The ADC resolution was established

from science considerations, targeting 10MIP2 per LSB.

Besides the standard data taking (SDT) operation, an additional mode of oper-

ation is required for detector calibration (DCal) purposes. The detector calibration

mode makes it possible to determine the detector quantum efficiency by measuring

the instrumentation ASIC output for input pulses of known energy. Calibration can

be done periodically, in order to digitally compensate for the detector degradation in

a high-radiation environment. Because of the reduced input pulse energy, the cali-

bration mode must have a gain 50 times higher than that for standard data taking.

For the magnitude of the input signals in this calibration mode, low-noise design is

an important aspect.

The BeamCal detector will have 1,512 unit detectors in each layer, totaling 45,360

detectors in each end cap. Each instrumentation ASIC will be able to handle 32 chan-

nels. Therefore, 2,836 ASICs are necessary to cover the full detector instrumentation

needs. Each pixel will have a capacitance of about 20 pF.

The short time between bunch crossings, the high segmentation, and the expected

occupancy make it unfeasible to read out the data between bunch crossings. The only

time available for readout purposes is the 199-ms silent time between pulse trains,

and therefore, on-chip memory must be considered to store the acquired data before


1Occupancy is the fraction of channels that register a relevant stimulus on each collision.2The ionization density caused by the passage of a charged particle through matter is a function

of the particle’s momentum. This function exhibits a characteristic minimum around momentaof 1GeV/c, where c is the speed of light in vacuum. Particles exhibiting such a momentum areinformally referred to as Minimum Ionizing Particles (MIPs). A MIP represents the smallest signalthat a detector can detect.

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Input rate 3.25MHz during 0.87ms, repeated every 200msChannels per ASIC 32Occupancy 100%Resolution 10 bits for individual channels, 8 bits for fast feedbackModes of operation Standard data taking (SDT), Detector Calibration (DCal)Input signals 37 pC in SDT, 0.74 pC in DCalInput capacitance 40 pF (20-pF detectors and 20-pF wires)Additional feature Low-latency (1µs) outputAdditional feature Internal pulser for electronics calibrationRadiation tolerance 1Mrad (SiO2) total ionizing dosePower consumption 2.19mW per channelTotal ASIC count 2,836

Table 2.1: BeamCal instrumentation ASIC specifications summary.

One of the main purposes of the BeamCal detector is to provide a fast feedback

(low latency) luminosity signal for beam diagnostics and tuning. The fast-feedback

output from each instrumentation ASIC corresponds to the total energy processed by

the ASIC. Therefore, the instrumentation ASIC must provide a low-latency (< 1µs),

8-bit output consisting of the sum of the outputs of all 32 channels after each bunch


The instrumentation ASIC must also feature an electronic calibration system, ca-

pable of injecting known signals into each channel, in order to determine the channel’s

transfer function and allow post-processing calibration.

The BeamCal detector will be subject to harsh radiation conditions of 10MGy

per year because of depositions of beamstrahlung remnants [31]. Protected behind

shields, the BeamCal instrumentation ASICs must tolerate a radiation of 1Mrad

(SiO2) for a 10-year lifetime. A radiation-tolerant design may be necessary to achieve

this objective. The wires between the detectors and the ASICs behind the shielding

will increase each channel input capacitance by 20 pF.

Table 2.1 summarizes the BeamCal instrumentation ASIC specifications.

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Chapter 3

Noise Analysis in Pulse Detectors

for Particle Physics Experiments

In this chapter, the fundamentals of noise analysis for particle physics instrumentation

systems are introduced. The analysis methods provide the required insight for a

design-oriented perspective. The first sections compile what has been established as

the classic noise analysis methodology for particle physics instrumentation systems,

and is intended as a link to particle physics experiments electronics for readers with

a solid background in electronic design. Section 3.2 combines the analysis with the

gm/ID methodology for MOSFET-based charge-sensitive amplifiers (CSAs). Section

3.3 shows the noise minimization techniques for particle physics instrumentation, and

Section 3.4 presents the application of the methodology in the noise analysis where a

switched-capacitor filter is involved.

3.1 Classical noise analysis in pulse processors

Any noisy circuit can be represented by a noise-free circuit with external noise gen-

erators [34]. In a linear circuit, the noise generators from all noisy elements can be

referred to a single port of the circuit (e.g., the circuit’s input port), and represented

by a combination of a series voltage noise generator and a parallel current noise gener-

ator, as shown in Figure 3.1. These noise generators are characterized by their power


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Figure 3.1: Equivalent representation of a linear circuit’s internal noise sources, re-ferred to a single port.

spectral densities V 2n (f) and I2n(f). The integral over the circuit bandwidth yields

the circuit’s noise power, and the square root of this result is the noise RMS value.

Referring a noise source to one of a circuit’s ports is done through the correspond-

ing circuit’s transfer function’s squared magnitude |Hi(jω)|2. The superposition of

noise contributions is applied in quadrature. However, if there is correlation between

noise sources, a correlation factor must be considered.

3.1.1 Noise models

There are three sources of electronic noise in MOSFET devices: shot noise, due

to gate leakage current, channel noise, which is a combination of thermal and shot

noise components, weighted according to the channel inversion level, and flicker or

1/f noise, due to the action of charge carrier trap-release process in the gate-oxide

interface [35] [8] [36] [37] [24].

When in strong inversion, MOSFET transistors present a single-sided thermal

noise power spectral density of

I2D,T = 4 · k ·T · γ · gm, (3.1)

where I2D,T is the drain current thermal noise power spectral density, k is the Boltz-

mann constant, T is absolute temperature, γ is a coefficient with a value of 2/3 for

long-channel devices and approximately 1 for short-channel devices [38], and gm is

the transistor transconductance. Referred to the transistor’s gate-to-source voltage,

the device noise can be expressed as

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V 2GS,T =

4 · k ·T · γ

gm. (3.2)

In subthreshold operation, the MOSFET transistor operation resembles that of a

bipolar transistor, and the noise equation changes accordingly. Equation 3.3 expresses

the MOSFET channel shot noise single-sided power spectral density in subthreshold


I2D,S = 2 · q · ID (3.3)

The above channel noise models are adequate for hand analysis. Computer simu-

lation programs consider more accurate equations, such as those in the BSIM3 models

[39]. The BSIM3 model covers a wider range of device operation [40].

I2D,S =4 · k ·T

RDS + L2eff / (µeff |Qinv |)


In this equation, Qinv is the inversion charge in the channel.

Flicker noise (low-frequency noise, pink noise) is not very well understood. It is

known that flicker noise appears in a variety of systems of different nature, such as

a resistor, the flow of the river Nile and the luminosity of stars [41]. In MOSFET

devices, it is due to the traps in the gate’s SiO2 − Si interface, which capture and

release carriers in a random fashion. The larger the transistor size, the more averaged

the charge trapping-release process, and the smaller the flicker noise. Two alternative

equations are used to model flicker noise in SPICE, which can be selected in HSPICE

using the NLEV parameter. If NLEV = 0, the drain current referred MOSFET flicker

noise power is given by Equation 3.5. If NLEV = 2 or 3, the drain current MOSFET

flicker noise power is represented by Equation 3.6 [42].



Cox ·L2eff · f


I2D,F =KF · g2m

Cox ·Weff ·Leff · fAF


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In these two equations, KF is the flicker noise coefficient, with different dimensions in

each equation, and values in the range 1× 10−19V2F to 1× 10−25V2F for Equation

3.6. AF is the flicker noise exponent, typically close to 1. Cox is the oxide capaci-

tance per unit area, and Weff and Leff are the transistor’s effective width and length.

There is a widely-used variant of Equation 3.6 in which Cox appears squared in the

denominator. In this case, KF must be modified accordingly.

The BSIM3 flicker noise model, used in SPICE simulations when the parameter

NOIMOD is set to 2, 3 or 6, has two different equations, one for strong inversion and

the other for subthreshold operation. Each of these equations is quite complex and

involves several terms. For simplicity, in the equations shown below, for strong inver-

sion, the constant terms have been lumped into the parameters WA and WB.

I2D,F =q2kTµeff IDS

CoxL2eff f

EF108·WA +


WeffL2eff f

EF108·WB (3.7)

The equation for subthreshold operation is the “electric parallel” between Equa-

tion 3.7 and the equation for weak inversion, namely:

I2D,F =NOIA · (kT/q) · I2DS

WeffLeff fEF4 · 1036(3.8)

In present MOSFET technologies, PMOS devices have lower flicker noise power

than NMOS devices [43], thus PMOS devices are usually preferred as input transistors

in charge amplifiers [13].

3.1.2 Equivalent noise charge

A fair comparison of noise behavior among different front-ends is possible if the total

system noise is referred to the input. In the case of particle physics electronics, the

input’s fundamental nature is charge, so it is natural to express the system noise as

equivalent noise charge (ENC), measured in number of electrons. The ENC is defined

as the number of electrons of input charge that produces an output signal-to-noise

ratio of 1. Typical numbers for ENC are between 10 and 1000 electrons, depending

on the system.

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A(jω) H(jω)CgsCD









Figure 3.2: Schematic for noise analysis. Two noise sources are considered: detectorshot noise and amplifier noise, represented as voltage and current noise. This includesboth, white and flicker noise.

The typical front-end in particle physics experiments consists of a detector, a

small-signal model for which is a capacitance CD in parallel with a current source; a

charge-sensitive amplifier, modeled as a voltage amplifier of gain A(jω) with input

capacitance Cgs and a feedback capacitor CF ; and a filter (noise shaper or pulse

shaper) with transfer function H(jω). Shot noise from the detector, and voltage and

current noise sources from the amplifier are considered. A simplified schematic for

noise analysis in a typical particle physics instrumentation system is shown in Figure

3.2. Note it is assumed that the input impedance of the amplifier is dominated by

the gate-to-source capacitance (Cgs) of the input transistor.

Resistor RR across the feedback capacitor CF represents the CSA reset element,

which can be gated or continuous. The effect of the reset element during the relatively

short time that it takes the CSA to produce an output voltage is negligible. Thus, in

the following analysis, RR can be assumed to be infinite.

Current pulses sensed at the CSA input node are integrated in the feedback ca-

pacitor. Once settled, this produces an output voltage step proportional to the input

charge, according to the approximate expression

Vstep =Qin



The ENC for the circuit in Figure 3.2 can be computed as the square root of the

ratio between the total output noise power and the output power produced by a single

electron of charge, without including the circuit’s noise sources.

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V 2Nout

V 2electron


In order to simplify the ENC analysis, it is assumed that the amplifier gain and

bandwidth are very large. In fact, the gain must be large in order to reduce the

feedback error, and although the bandwidth is finite, the amplifier output is usually

fed to a lower bandwidth filter. Thus, the assumption of high gain and bandwidth is

valid. Also, it is assumed that the noise of the amplifier is dominated by the input

device and that the amplifier’s input impedance is dominated by the gate-to-source

capacitance (Cgs) of the input transistor. Under these assumptions, it can be shown

that [27] the CSA output noise power due to the amplifier’s input-referred noise power

is simply

V 2nCSA(jω) =

(Cgs + CF + CD)2


·V 2Amp(jω). (3.11)

The amplifier output is processed by the filter, with transfer function H(jω),

producing the front-end output voltage. The filtered amplifier noise is then

V 2o,Amp(jω) =


Cgs + CF + CD



· |H(jω)|2 ·V 2Amp(jω). (3.12)

The front-end output noise power due to detector shot noise can be computed as

V 2o,Det(jω) =


|ωCF |2· |H(jω)|2 . (3.13)

Since shot noise is white, I2Det does not depend on frequency.

Because, during normal operation, the front-end input is a step of charge, it is

more convenient to express the ENC equations in terms of the filter step response.

Let G(jω) = H(jω)/jω, the Fourier transform of the filter step response. Then,

Equations 3.12 and 3.13 can be rewritten as:

V 2o,Amp(jω) =


Cgs + CF + CD



· |ω ·G(jω)|2 ·V 2Amp(jω) (3.14)

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V 2o,Det(jω) =



· |G(jω)|2 (3.15)

Adding Equations 3.14 and 3.15 and integrating the result over frequency, the

front-end integrated output noise power due to amplifier and detector noise is com-

puted as

V 2o,noise =



∫ ∞



|G(jω)|2 I2Det + (Cgs + CF + CD)2 |ωG(jω)|2 V 2




In order to compute ENC, it is necessary to find the front-end output voltage

due to a unit of input charge. From Figure 3.2, the front-end time-domain response

to a single-electron input charge q is Vo(t) = (q/CF ) · (h(t) ∗ u(t)), where u(t) is the

Heaviside function and ∗ is the convolution operator. This is equivalent to Vo(t) =

q · g(t)/CF , where g(t) is the inverse Laplace transform of G(s). The output voltage

is a continuous variable, and in order to maximize the signal-to-noise ratio, it is

measured at the peaking time, or the time where g(t) is maximum. Thus the ENC 2

can be computed as Equation 3.16 divided by q2 ·max(g(t))2/C2F , producing

ENC 2 =1



|G(jω)|2 I2Det + (Cgs + CF + CD)2 |ωG(jω)|2 V 2


q2 |max(g(t))|2. (3.17)

Equation 3.17 shows that series noise is proportional to the total capacitance at

the input node CTot = Cgs +CF +CD. It also shows that the amplifier input-referred

series noise power spectral density V 2Amp(jω) can be effectively attenuated by the

filter, which has a unit step response of g(t). The amplifier input-referred noise power

spectral density V 2Amp(jω) can be computed or measured, and may include white and

low-frequency components. The filter step response g(t) is usually characterized by a

peaking time τp, defined as the time between the input charge and the step response

maximum value.

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3.1.3 Noise coefficients

A closer look into Equation 3.17 reveals that the integrals can be simplified if the

terms that do not change with frequency are represented as constant factors. The

detector noise power spectral density can be directly removed from the integral, but

the amplifier series noise has a frequency-dependent power spectral density. In order

to split the analysis into smaller parts, V 2Amp(jω) can be decomposed into its white

and low-frequency components:

V 2Amp(jω) = V 2

Amp,W + V 2Amp,F (jω), (3.18)

where V 2Amp,W is the amplifier input-referred white noise component, and V 2

Amp,F (jω)

is the low-frequency noise component. The latter can be expressed as

V 2Amp,F (jω) =



, (3.19)

where KF is the flicker noise coefficient, and AF is the flicker noise exponent. Thus,

Equation 3.17 becomes

ENC 2 =V 2oDet + V 2

oAmp,W + V 2oAmp,W

2πq2 |max(g(t))|2, (3.20)


V 2oDet = I2Det

∫ ∞

0|G(jω)|2 dω, (3.21)

V 2oAmp,W = C2


∫ ∞

0|ωG(jω)|2 dω, (3.22)

V 2oAmp,W = C2


∫ ∞



dω. (3.23)

Now it is possible to define the three front-end noise coefficients for parallel (NP ),

white series (NW ), and flicker series (NF ) noise sources, which depend only on the

filter response and the flicker noise exponent. Equation 3.17 can then be rewritten as

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ENC 2 = C2Tot




+NP I2Det , (3.24)

where the noise coefficients are

NW =

∫∞0 |ωG(jω)|2 dω

2πq2 |max(g(t))|2, (3.25)

NF =




2πq2 |max(g(t))|2, (3.26)

NP =

∫∞0 |G(jω)|2 dω

2πq2 |max(g(t))|2. (3.27)

Equation 3.24 is convenient for simple noise analysis, since it partitions the noise

equations into noise contributions and noise-filtering factors. To a first order, the

latter depend only on the filter and can be tabulated for filters with different step

responses or pulse shapes.

3.1.4 Normalized noise coefficients

Further manipulation on the ENC equation yields a more perceptive form. Normal-

izing the time variable to an arbitrary time constant (e.g., the filter step response

peaking time τp), g(t) becomes g(t/τp) and G(s) becomes τpG(sτp). Thus, Equations

3.24 through 3.27 change accordingly1:

ENC 2 = C2Tot



τpV 2Amp,W +NFnKF


+ τpNPnI2Det (3.28)

NWn =

∫∞0 |ωG(jω)|2 dω

2πq2 |max(g(t/τp))|2(3.29)

NFn =

∫∞0 ω |G(jω)|2 dω

2πq2 |max(g(t/τp))|2(3.30)

1For the moment, AF will be assumed 1 to simplify the following derivations. Proper generaliza-tion in next subsection allows to revert this assumption.

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NPn =

∫∞0 |G(jω)|2 dω

2πq2 |max(g(t/τp))|2(3.31)

From these expressions it is evident that series white noise power is reduced when the

filter time constant increases, and that parallel white noise power increases with the

filter time constant. For the assumption of AF = 1, series low-frequency noise does

not depend on the filter time constant. When there are no system-level constraints

on τp, the peak SNR of the front-end is optimized for the value of τp for which white

series and parallel noise powers are equal.

Using Parseval’s theorem on Equations 3.28 through 3.31, the noise coefficients can

be computed from the front-end time-domain response. In this time-domain analysis,

the parallel noise coefficient NPn is proportional to the integral of the front-end step

response squared (g(t))2. Since the integral argument in white series noise coefficient

includes ω2, the white series noise coefficient NWn is proportional to the derivative of

the front-end step response squared (g′(t))2. The flicker series noise coefficient NFn is

proportional to the half derivative of the front-end step response squared(


[28]. Once again, it is evident that the noise contributions depend directly on the

front-end’s output pulse shape. This is the reason why in instrumentation systems

for particle physics experiments, filters are also called pulse shapers.

Parallel noise increases with the filter time constant, since the integral of the step

response squared grows with it. White series noise decreases with the pulse shape

time constant, since that implies a decrease in the pulse shape derivative. In other

words, large time derivative in the front-end step response produces large series noise

contribution. These conclusions are consistent with those from frequency-domain


3.1.5 Noise analysis in time-varying systems

The noise analysis presented in previous section is valid for linear, time-invariant

(LTI) systems. When a linear, time-varying (LTV) system is considered, an extension

of this approach, based upon the concept of weighting function W (t), can be used.

Through the weighting function, a mathematically equivalent LTI system is obtained

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from an LTV system, thus allowing frequency-domain noise analysis [44]. In short,

the weighting function of an LTV system is an LTI representation of the system’s

time-domain response, with the same ENC as the original LTV system. The weighting

function idea is similar to the impulse sensitivity function (ISF) analysis methodology,

used in RF electronics for time-varying system analysis [45]. In order to understand

the weighting function methodology, the fundamentals of the noise process beyond

the statistics must be considered.

Noise in charge amplifiers arises from three different processes:

1. The discrete nature of the CSA input current. This is equivalent to current

impulses of noise at the CSA input node. Each current impulse is a transport

of a charge packet into the CSA, and consequently produces a voltage step

at the CSA output. This is called step noise [21], and the best examples are

the detector’s dark current and the input device’s gate current. Both give rise

to shot noise. Since the spectrum of an impulse is white, the step noise power

spectral density does not depend on frequency, and its amplitude is proportional

to the rate of current impulses.

2. The discrete nature of the amplifier’s current. This is translated to input-

referred voltage impulses of noise, which produce filtered pulses at the CSA

output. A voltage impulse can be modeled as a voltage step followed by a

negative voltage step. This noise source is called delta noise [21]. The power

spectral density of the voltage impulses is white, and its amplitude depends on

the rate at which noise voltage impulses appear.

3. Charge release from traps in the gate oxide. Each trap produces a stationary

random telegraph signal (RTS) at rate λ, with 1/f 2 noise power spectral den-

sity. The superposition of the effect of different traps with different values of λ

produces a nearly 1/f noise power spectral density [46].

In summary, the CSA noise can be explained in time domain as random unit

impulses from voltage and current white noise generators (constant power spectral

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density component), and a superposition of random telegraph signals produced by

the voltage noise generator (1/f power spectral density component).

The front-end output signal and output noise are sampled by the ADC at a sam-

pling instant τm. The noise sample has contributions from individual noise events

occurring prior to the measurement time, weighted by their corresponding effects on

the front-end output at the measurement time. In order to quantify the contributions

of individual noise events on the front-end output according to their time of occur-

rence, the weighting function concept is used [20]. The weighting function W (t) is

defined as the front-end output, measured at the measurement time τm, for a unit

input impulse of current occurring at time t. In a causal system, W (t) = 0 for t > τm.

In an LTI system, W (t) = g(τm − t), this is, the time-reversed and shifted version of


The front-end output noise power is proportional to the integral of input noise

pulses contributions at measurement time τm. Therefore, noise coefficients can be re-

lated to W (t) through the following equations, where the link with frequency-domain

analysis through Parseval’s theorem is evident:

NWn =

∫∞0 |W ′(t)|2 dt

q2 |max(W (t/τp))|2, (3.32)

NFn =


∣W (1/2 )(t)∣


q2 |max(W (t/τp))|2, (3.33)

NPn =

∫∞0 |W (t)|2 dt

q2 |max(W (t/τp))|2. (3.34)

It can be concluded from Equation 3.32 that weighting functions that have a large

time derivative produce a large series noise coefficient NWn .

The effect of a steep weighting function in the noise coefficient can be explained

intuitively. A series noise input impulse can be thought of as a step doublet, a series

of two noise steps, one positive and one negative [21]. When the weighting function is

rather flat, the contributions from both steps are mutually subtracted, because they

are subject to a similar attenuation at τm, producing a low output noise. However,

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if the weighting function is steep, it splits the doublet [44]. Consequently, the noise

steps are weighted differently because they are subject to different values of W (t).

The subtraction of the results from the two adjacent steps produces a non-negligible

baseline2 fluctuation.

One way to get a step in the weighting function is by means of a reset mechanism

at the front-end. The reset itself will eliminate any noise contribution at the front-

end output, thus the weighting function evaluated at the reset time is zero. At the

time when the reset is released, a sudden increase in the weighting function occurs.

The sudden increase of the weighting function from the reset time to amplification

time splits noise doublets that occur during the reset-release time, shifting the CSA

baseline to a random value. The baseline voltage shift is a DC value, easily corrected

by correlated double sampling (CDS) or autozeroing (AZ) techniques.

3.2 gm/ID extension of noise analysis

The complexity of transistor behavior in submicron CMOS technologies has rendered

square-law models useless for precise large-signal circuit analysis. Modern circuit sim-

ulators such as SPICE rely on more precise models based on both physical principles

and empirical parameters. Although excellent for numerical analysis, these models do

not offer the insight into device behavior of simpler models. A few attempts have been

made to create models complex enough for analysis and simple enough for intuitive

design [47], but these still rely on equations that may require continuous updates as

the models become more complicated.

The gm/ID methodology [48] [49] [50] is an attempt to overcome the model lim-

itations by using SPICE to compute the transistor’s small signal parameters under

controlled conditions. The SPICE simulation results are compiled in tables that re-

late the transistors’ per-width variables such as capacitance, transconductance and

current. The results can be interpolated and scaled to estimate the small-signal pa-

rameters of a wide range of transistor sizes operating at different currents.

2The baseline is defined as the CSA DC output voltage after reset, when no input has beenapplied.

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As suggested in early works on the topic [48], the gm/ID methodology can be ex-

tended for noise analysis. However, since the noise models in Equations 3.1 through

3.8 are not expressed as functions of gm/ID or transistor current density, a normaliza-

tion is required. The normalization consists of multiplying the gate-referred transis-

tor voltage noise power spectral density by the drain current, producing a normalized

noise Sn that only depends on per-width values3, such as gm/ID. The results for

thermal, flicker and shot noise (for weak inversion operation) are shown in Equations

3.35, 3.36, 3.37 and 3.38. The normalized noise power spectral density dimensions

are Volt-Joules, with no evident meaning.

SGS ,TN = 4 · k ·T · γ ·





SGS ,SN = 2 · q ·






Cox ·L2eff · f








Cox ·Leff · fAF






The normalized noise dependence on per-width values holds for more complicated

models, such as the BSIM3. As an example, normalized versions of some BSIM3 equa-

tions are shown below. Figure 3.3 shows normalized gate-referred noise power spectral

densities for different values of gm/ID in a 0.54µm-long PMOS transistor.





4 · k ·T

gm ·RDS + L2eff · gm/ (µeff |Qinv |)


SGS,FN,inv =







CoxL2eff f

EF108·WA +












L2eff f



3Slight modifications are necessary if the flicker noise frequency exponent AF is not exactly 1.As an example, Equation 3.5 should be multiplied by I2−AF

Dfor proper normalization.

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Figure 3.3: Example of normalized noise curves.

SGS,FN,sub =











NOIA · (kT/q)

Leff fEF4 · 1036(3.41)

The normalized noise curves for different values of gm/ID can be obtained through

simple SPICE simulations. For circuit design purposes, the normalized noise can be

converted back to noise power by simply dividing the normalized noise by the device

current. Normalized noise power spectral density decreases with increasing gm/ID,

and is minimum for weak inversion operation.

3.3 Noise minimization in particle physics experi-


Noise minimization in particle physics experiments involves two parts: system-level

optimization and circuit-level optimization. On the system level, it involves the def-

inition of the filter transfer function, which sets the noise coefficients in Equation

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3.28. On the circuit level, it involves the CSA design, which sets the other terms in

the equation. Usually the noise minimization in both levels is done in parallel, since

decisions in one level affect the other.

If the filter parameters are already set (e.g., by defining a filter that matches the

series and parallel noise contributions, or that minimizes series noise over the allocated

filtering period), the CSA noise contribution can be minimized independently. If the

CSA is well designed, it can be assumed that its noise is dominated by the input

transistor’s [8] [13]. Well designed means that the contribution of other transistors

in the amplifier noise equation is small, and this can be achieved by means of a

high transconductance in the input transistor, and a low transconductance in the

load transistors. This assumption is fairly good, since the input transistor usually

accounts for 70% – 90% of the total CSA noise. This assumption simplifies the

amplifier optimization procedure, since its input-referred noise is reduced to the input


Optimizing for the CSA input transistor means minimizing the input transistor

contributions in Equation 3.28. One possibility is to fix gm/ID due to system-level

performance constraints (e.g., CSA bandwidth or output swing), and fine-tune the

remaining variables. It can be shown that, for constant gm/ID in the input device,

the CSA noise minimization problem can be reduced to the objective function given


Fobj = Cgs(ID)


1 +CK



, (3.42)

where CK = CD + CF is the constant component of the input node capacitance.

The minimum noise for constant gm/ID occurs at a device current for which the

input device’s capacitance matches the constant component of the input node capac-

itance, that is, Cgs(ID) = CK [23]. This is an important conclusion from classic noise

minimization techniques for particle physics experiments, but has some caveats: a

different gm/ID, of course, implies a different current for minimum noise. Also, for

constant current, noise minimization can be achieved by moving to a different gm/ID

with lower overall noise, even though capacitance matching no longer holds.

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The objective function in Equation 3.42 implicitly depends on the transistor chan-

nel length. Although the minimum achievable noise typically does not change much

with channel length4, the current necessary to reach the minimum is reduced as the

transistor channel length is increased. This is because the transistor capacitance per

unit width increases with the channel length. Thus, a narrower transistor is necessary

to match the constant capacitance, and at constant gm/ID this means lower current.

Increasing the channel length too much while maintaining a constant capacitance,

however, compromises the circuit bandwidth. This is because, at constant capaci-

tance, a longer channel requires a channel width reduction. Both changes reduce the

transistor transconductance, so the transistor’s transit frequency is degraded. The

transistor is operating at a higher gm/ID, which has a lower normalized noise coef-

ficient, but also a lower fT . At some point, the transistor becomes too slow for the

required CSA bandwidth.

Current for capacitance-matching point increases with the input device’s cur-

rent density, because for the same current density or gm/ID, more capacitance im-

plies more current. Figure 3.4 shows that, if only series white noise is considered,

ENC for capacitance-matching point decreases with input device’s current density, at

the cost of additional power dissipation. This is because lower gm/ID implies lower

gm/Cgs , thus for capacitance-matching point, implies a higher gm. Since gate-referred

white noise power is inversely proportional to gm, lower gm/ID implies lower noise for

capacitance-matching point.

Flicker noise dependence on gm/ID is more complicated than that of white noise

and is very sensitive to the noise model. In order to study it, the concept of normalized

noise power will be used. As an example of flicker noise analysis as a function of gm/ID,

Equation 3.5 will be used, also assuming AF = 1. With these ideas, the objective

function related to the ENC can be simplified to

4Unless the minimum achievable noise is dominated by flicker noise, in which case noise is lowerfor longer transistors.

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Figure 3.4: Example of ENC due to series white noise for a PMOS input device anda 41-fF constant capacitance at the input node.

Fobj2 =(Cgs + CK)



∫ ∞







CoxLeff f






For constant gm/ID, the minimum Fobj2 is achieved with matched capacitances,

that is, Cgs = CK . Also, knowing that the transistor’s transit frequency is ωT =

gm/Cgs , Equation 3.43 can be further manipulated to obtain:

Fobj2 =4CK



∫ ∞

0K1 |H(jω)|2 dω +



)−1 ∫ ∞



f|H(jω)|2 dω


, (3.44)

where K1 and K2 are lumped constant terms.

From Equation 3.44 it is evident that, at capacitance matching point, white noise

(proportional to the first term inside the brackets) is reduced by using a transistor

biased at higher ωT , which for low-field transistor model is proportional to (gm/ID)−1.

The second term in brackets shows that the flicker noise component does not depend

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Figure 3.5: Example of ENC due to series white noise for a PMOS input device anda 41-fF constant capacitance at the input node.

on gm/ID, since the dependence of the term inside the integral is canceled with that

of ωT . Since the independence of flicker noise minima on gm/ID is sensitive to a

cancellation of key factors, it can be expected that when using more precise models,

valid for a wider inversion envelope, this result does not hold.

Figure 3.5 shows that, if only flicker noise is considered, ENC for capacitance-

matching point presents a minimum at a certain gm/ID. Thus, increasing the current

density does not necessarily mean better SNR. This confirms the suspicion from the

previous paragraph, about the sensitivity of flicker noise to changes on gm/ID.

As explained earlier, a lower gm/ID requires more current and therefore higher

gm for capacitance matching, which usually implies lower noise. However, the flicker

noise corner grows faster as gm/ID is reduced (Figure 3.3), and depending on the

operating point, the net effect may result on an increase of the ENC.

The combined effect of series white and flicker noise also produces a minimum ENC

for a certain current density, much higher than that for flicker noise alone (Figure

3.6). The results shown in these plots confirm that flicker noise is responsible for the

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Figure 3.6: Example of ENC due to series white and flicker noise, PMOS input deviceand 41 fF constant capacitance at input node.

ENC fundamental lower limit [13]. It is inferred from Equation 3.44 that an analysis

on the optimal gm/ID for capacitance-matching point is equivalent to an analysis

on the relative weights of gm/ID and (gm/ID)2 in the noise equation, and how the

exponents change with ID for capacitive-matching point.

An alternative perspective is gained from the calculation of the device noise corner

frequency fc as a function of gm/ID. If fc were proportional to (gm/ID)−1, the increase

in flicker noise due to higher gm/ID would be compensated by the increase in ωT .

Thus, flicker noise would not depend on gm/ID and white noise could always be

reduced by increasing the current. If fc grows faster than ID/gm, flicker noise would

increase as gm/ID decreases, and if flicker noise is dominant, the total noise would

present a minimum for a finite current.

Previous analysis shows the involved dependence of ENC on the models and tran-

sistor’s inversion level. The analysis also illustrates the insight gained by expressing

the models as functions of gm/ID, and the convenience of using the gm/ID method-

ology to obtain a numerical solution to the ENC optimization problem.

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Not being relevant in noise optimization, the parallel noise contribution was not

considered in the above analysis. ENC due to detector and input transistor leakage

current depends on the filter, and adds a constant component to the ENC power.

3.4 Noise analysis of front-ends that incorporate

switched-capacitor filters

The same time-domain technique presented earlier can be used for the noise analysis

of front-ends for particle physics experiments that include switched-capacitor (SC)

filters. In such cases, the weighting function, from which the noise coefficients are

computed, will be rippled due to the switched nature of the filter. This implies a rip-

pled time derivative, with a higher integral because the peaks squared imply a higher

series noise coefficient than that of a continuous-time filter. At higher sampling fre-

quencies, the switched-capacitor filter response becomes closer to the continuous-time

filter response. In the limit, with infinite sampling frequency, the switched-capacitor

filter responds exactly like a continuous-time filter. Although switched-capacitor fil-

ters for particle physics experiments represent a subset of suboptimal solutions, they

can be attractive if high precision in both the time and signal amplitude domains

is required. Moreover, a switched-capacitor filter has precisely defined sampling and

hold times, and its output can be held for precise A/D conversion, even during the

reset of the CSA (pipelined operation), without lengthening the flat-top portion of

the weighting function.

Figure 3.7 shows the contrast between two weighting functions with a 2× ratio in

the switched-capacitor sampling frequency, and illustrates the advantage of switching

at higher frequency. Of course, there is a tradeoff between noise added due to the finite

sampling frequency and power consumption needed to push the sampling frequency


Another point of view on the effect of switching on noise filtering capabilities is

the aliasing due to the sampling nature of the switched-capacitor filter. At a lower

sampling frequency, the required anti-alias filter specifications become more stringent,

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0 50 100 150 200 250 3000.0











Time (ns)






g fu



Figure 3.7: Comparison between two weighting functions. The switched-capacitorportion has a 2 : 1 ratio in switching frequency.

and a suboptimal anti-alias filter fails to cancel out the noise components folded into

the signal bandwidth.

A third point of view is the noise-averaging of the switched-capacitor integrator.

The integrator input is a noisy voltage step, and its noise can be computed using the

equations presented in this chapter. The samples of the output step due to the input

signal are fully correlated and added as voltages. The delta noise voltage holds no

correlation between samples and therefore is added as power. As integration proceeds,

the signal integral grows faster than the noise integral, producing an increasing SNR

for delta noise as integration time increases. The reset-induced baseline fluctuation

due to split doublets can be added to the integrator output noise result, completing

the series noise analysis.

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Chapter 4

System-Level Design

This chapter presents the system-level design of the Bean in the context of a top-down

design approach. First, signal, noise and collision rate specifications are considered

for a general idea on a possible system architecture. Then, the signal path is specified,

and power and noise budgets are then assigned. This chapter ends with a summary

on the Bean’s system-level design.

4.1 Signal, noise and rate considerations

The maximum input signals to the Bean will depend on the BeamCal detector tech-

nology, which is still being designed, and on the mode of operation. For a silicon

detector, the maximum input charge per pixel per bunch crossing will be 36.9 pC

in standard data taking (SDT) mode, and about 50× smaller in detector calibration

(DCal) mode. The SDT maximum input signal corresponds to 230.6 million electrons

of charge. At 10 bits, 1 LSB corresponds to 225 k electrons of input charge, a rather

large number for particle physics experiments. In DCal, 1 LSB corresponds to 4.5 k

electrons of input charge. Although in particle physics experiments noise is specified

in ENC, since this particular instrumentation ASIC will include ADCs, RMS noise

will be specified in terms of LSB.

As shown in Chapter 3, the front-end (CSA and filter) noise depends on the total

capacitance at the input node, the detector leakage current, the CSA input-referred


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noise (which is a function of its bias current) and the noise coefficients derived from

the front-end weighting function W (t). With only 308 ns for signal processing, the

series noise component will be dominant in the noise equation. This is because the

series noise coefficient NS =∫

(W ′(t))2dt is proportional to the slope of W (t), which

needs to be large in order to define the weighting function shape in such a short time.

The timing constraint also makes it necessary to use an active baseline restoration

method (e.g., gated reset), implying a time-varying front-end design.

In SDT, for a typical weighting function shape defined only by the CSA-limited

bandwidth, even without using a filter noise is not a concern due to the relatively

large input signals. Since this is not necessarily the case for DCal, the weighting

function in this mode of operation must be carefully tailored in order to meet the

noise specifications.

The theoretical minimumNS corresponds to an isosceles-shaped triangular weight-

ing function, which effectively minimizes its slopes. Figure 4.1 shows the theoretical

minimum front-end series noise due to the CSA input device, as a function of the in-

put device’s bias current and for different values of gm/ID. The calculation considers

the circuit capacitances for DCal, and a front-end output swing of 1V.

Figure 4.1 shows that a theoretical minimum current of 82µA is required in

the CSA’s input device in order to have an input-referred RMS noise charge below

0.5LSB, or 2,250 electrons. Any departure from the isosceles triangle shape will imply

additional noise, and more current will be needed in the CSA. The plot also confirms

that a low-noise design benefits from larger values of gm/ID. However, bandwidth

and settling considerations limit the gm/ID value to about 16mS/mA. Moreover, the

result shown in the plot is optimistic, because isosceles-shaped weighting functions

are difficult to achieve, the 1-V output swing implies unacceptable nonlinearity due

to finite amplifier gain, and the noise contributions from other amplifier devices are

not considered. Additionally, the power overhead due to the front-end filter is not

included in the analysis, and could easily add 0.5mA to the current consumption.

A second case for consideration would be to rely only on filtering by the CSA itself,

tailoring a slow-gated reset in order to limit the weighting function’s positive slope.

The analysis in this case shows that, for a CSA modeled by a single pole system with

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Current (mA)


C (




gm/Id = 10 mS/mAgm/Id = 12 mS/mAgm/Id = 14 mS/mAgm/Id = 16 mS/mAgm/Id = 18 mS/mAgm/Id = 20 mS/mAgm/Id = 22 mS/mA

Figure 4.1: ENC series noise contribution as a function of input device’s ID, fordifferent values of gm/ID.

1-LSB settling error, the current needed to achieve RMS noise below 0.5LSB is close

to 0.5mA.

From the analysis results, the simplest noise-reduction strategy would be to rely

only on the CSA for filtering, and increase the amplifier current in order to meet

the noise specifications. Fixing gm/ID and with CSA’s thermal noise dominating the

equation, an increase of CSA current by 100× is required to achieve an RMS noise

reduction of 10×, so this strategy reaches a fundamental diminishing returns regime.

If the additional amplifier current exceeds a tipping point of about 0.75mA, it is more

efficient to move to a different strategy, using a dedicated filter in order to reduce the

weighting function slopes. Therefore, a dedicated pulse-shaping filter is used in the

Bean design.

4.2 Signal path

Figure 4.2 shows the signal path of a single channel. A folded cascode topology is used

for the CSA, as it provides excellent gain and bandwidth and is compatible with a

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Filter ADCDetector



Figure 4.2: Signal path block diagram.

1.8-Volt power supply. The CSA has two selectable feedback capacitors to implement

the appropriate gains for the different modes of operation, aiming to have an output

swing of 0.9V for each. For an NMOS input device, the baseline will settle at about

VT , or 0.5V. However, the high-gain region of operation will be roughly 0.4V from

the rails, still allowing sufficient VDS headroom in the cascoded active load for a high

output resistance. In order to take advantage of the CSA’s full output swing, it will

be connected to an internal precharger circuit that will inject a known amount of

charge prior to each cycle, in order to move the baseline closer to 0.4V.

Based on the conclusion of Section 4.1, the front-end employs a filter following

the CSA, which can be bypassed depending on the mode of operation. The filter’s

transfer function is a lossless integrator in order to produce the negative slope of the

triangular weighting function. Considering 308 ns cycles, timing must be precisely

defined. Therefore, a switched-capacitor (SC) integrator is used for the filter, pro-

viding a precisely-defined time constant and taking advantage of the technology’s

MIM capacitor linearity and matching. The sampling nature of the SC filter aliases

high-frequency components, including noise, into the baseband. In principle, the

bandwidth-limited CSA will act as the required anti-alias filter for the SC integrator.

Early calculations and validating simulations of the SC filter showed that a sam-

pling rate of 51.95MHz, equivalent to 16 sampling periods per collision, is a good

tradeoff between circuit complexity and performance. A higher sampling rate makes

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the design of the SC filter more challenging, whereas a lower rate has a reduced fil-

tering capability as the aliasing increases the integrated noise. Therefore, the Bean

is designed to process the input pulses at the 3.247-MHz ILC collision rate, with an

internal clock 16× faster. The 308 ns period between pulses constitutes one cycle,

and the 16 clock periods within each cycle define subcycles and sampling periods of

switched-capacitor circuits.

As mentioned earlier, the weighting function must be carefully tailored in order

to maximize the SNR. When the filter is bypassed, the weighting function’s negative

slope is directly related to the CSA time-domain response. When the filter is included

in the signal path, the weighting function’s negative slope is shaped by the SC filter.

Both cases have adequate noise filtering properties, being the latter better, but more

power consuming. As for the weighting function’s positive slope, there are basically

two options: to perform a slow reset release, which slowly opens the reset transistor,

gradually reducing the CSA bandwidth and limiting noise, or using correlated double

sampling (CDS), which basically copies a mirrored version of the weighting function’s

negative slope.

Implementing CDS involves three steps: reset, baseline sampling and signal sam-

pling. In this case, the reset does not need to be complete, as the CDS will eliminate

any reset-related offset. As for the baseline and signal, both need to be filtered prior

to sampling, and therefore the remaining part of the cycle must be split into two

equal periods for filtering purposes. Since the reset period does not contribute to the

weighting function but uses some of its time span, the more the time spent in reset,

the higher the weighting function slopes.

The slow reset release option also involves three steps: full reset, slow reset release

and signal sampling. One option would be to use half of the cycle period for filtering

purposes prior to signal sampling, and the other half to be split between full and slow

reset, with tunable individual contributions.

In the Bean circuit a slow reset release technique is implemented in order to test

the idea. CDS will still be possible, done in the digital domain and using two 308-ns

cycles per reading: one for baseline sampling, and another for signal sampling. If

CDS is implemented in this fashion, the pulse train input rate will be halved.

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The next step in the signal path is digitization and storage. One choice would

be to sample the front-end output in an analog memory block, and then digitize

and read out during the silent period. Another option is to digitize in real time,

and read out during the silent period. The analog memory option has some draw-

backs: the relatively large area required to hold the data before digitization; timing

variability among frames, implying a frame-dependent gain; memory leakage, which

increases with irradiation; and the lack of algorithms to overcome the consequences

of single-event upsets (SEU) when the storage unit is upset by a particle [51]. These

considerations support the use of real-time, or near real-time, digitization and the

implementation of static RAM cells as the digital memory units in this system.

Digitization in the channel signal path is accomplished with 10-bit ADCs. Dif-

ferent options are possible, such as sharing an ADC among a number of channels,

which requires analog memory for buffering and implies near real-time digitization,

or implementing a single ADC per channel, digitizing during the 308 ns period. The

latter option has been chosen to improve the channel-to-channel uniformity by reduc-

ing the effects of different analog signal paths and timing. Each ADC must have a

conversion rate of almost 3.25MS/s. To achieve the required resolution, a successive

approximation register (SAR) ADC architecture is a good candidate due to circuit

simplicity, small footprint and low power consumption.

As mentioned in Chapter 2, the Bean must be able to tolerate a total radiation

dose of 1Mrad (SiO2). The 180-nm TSMC mixed-signal process is naturally tolerant

to total ionizing dose (TID) radiation effects [52] since quantum tunneling through

the thin oxide removes its traps and reduces leakage. However, special techniques to

mitigate irradiation effects in shallow trench isolation (STI) oxide and device-to-device

leakage will be necessary. Enclosed-layout transistors (ELTs) and guard rings are

effective irradiation mitigation methods [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] that should extend the

ASIC radiation tolerance well beyond the specifications [58]. These methods represent

a radiation hardening by design (RHBD) approach, where a standard technology is

radiation-hardened with special layout. The drawbacks of RHBD are penalties in

area and power, and limited transistor sizes [59] [60] [61] [62] [53] [63]. Moreover, the

lack of models and adequate extraction tools for RHBD circuits make the design and

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Noise source Noise power budget

CSA 1×Q2n

Filter kT/C 0.25×Q2n

Filter amplifier 0.25×Q2n

Buffers 0.25×Q2n

ADC 1×Q2n

Total 2.75×Q2n

Table 4.1: Channel noise budget.

verification process even more challenging [57] [64].

4.3 Power and noise budget

The power dissipation goal of 2.19mW per channel is difficult to achieve since the

CSA alone will use almost half of it. Small changes in the system specifications will

imply new struggles to accommodate any required additional power. A solution is to

implement a power cycling mechanism, which reduces the front-end quiescent current

to a very small value during readout. Since the beamline is silent 99.5% of the time,

the power dissipation specification is not really a problem, and the only reason to

require low power electronics is to mitigate peak power effects. This idea will be

included in future revisions of the Bean.

Regarding input-referred noise power, let Qn be the input-referred quantization

noise voltage, equivalent to 65 k electrons in SDT and 1.3 k electrons in DCal. Input-

referred noise from different circuits in the signal path will be specified in terms of

Q2n. Table 4.1 shows the noise budget for the front-end independent noise sources.

4.4 Block and timing diagrams

Figure 4.3 shows a block diagram of the Bean. The circuit will have 32 identical

channels, each providing the signal path for different detector pixels. The Bean

signal path begin with the CSA, connected to the detector trough an external coupling

capacitor. An internal pulser will also be connected to the input pin in order to provide

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q1 q2 qi-1 qi









d R











Figure 4.3: The Bean block diagram.

a known input signal for calibration purposes. The pulser doubles as a precharging

circuit, moving the Bean baseline in order to take full advantage of the CSA linear

region. The CSA is followed by a SC integrator, capable of producing the triangular-

like negative slope in the weighting function. One ADC per channel will be included,

taking the input from either the CSA or the filter output. The ADC outputs will be

stored in digital memory cells, which will be read out during the silent period. In

addition to the identical 32 channels, an analog adder followed by a dedicated ADC

will also be included, in order to generate the low-latency output.

For proof-of-concept purposes, a smaller prototype has been designed, integrated,

and tested. A block diagram of the prototype is shown in Figure 4.4. The Bean

prototype is similar to the Bean, but includes only three channels and lacks digital


Figure 4.5 shows a possible timing diagram for SDT mode during the pulse train,

spanning two identical cycles. The CSA is reset during the first 8 subcycles within

each cycle. At the end of reset, a bunch crossing occurs, and an impulse of charge is

produced by the detector. At the same time, the precharging circuit injects the charge

needed to shift the baseline to the voltage for which the output swing is maximum,

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Filter ADC


Adder ADC


Figure 4.4: The Bean prototype block diagram.

Subcycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1615

Pulse in






Adder ADC

Rst En

Full Rst Slow Rst Rel Amplify

Rst En

Sample D1D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

Sample AddD1D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1615

Rst En

Full Rst Slow Rst Rel Amplify

Rst En

Sample D1D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

Sample AddD1D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10Sample Sample

Figure 4.5: Timing diagram in SDT mode.

and the CSA is enabled. By the end of the first cycle, the CSA output is already

settled and ADC sampling occurs. In this pipelined operation, the A/D conversion

occurs while the front-end processes the next pulse. The adder, implemented as a

switched-capacitor analog summer, samples all the Bean’s CSA outputs by the end of

the amplifying period. It takes it one subcycle to produce the addition. Shortly after

that, the ADC dedicated to digitizing the analog summation of 32 channel outputs

starts the conversion. The fast feedback adder latency, defined as the time between a

collision and the 8-bit digital output corresponding to the summation of the signals

measured by all the ASIC’s channels, is about 308 ns.

Figure 4.6 shows a possible timing diagram for DCal mode, spanning two identical

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Subcycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1615

Pulse in







Adder ADC

Rst En

Full Rst Slow Rst Rel Amplify

Rst En

Hold Rst FilterD1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

Sample AddD1 D2 D3D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1615

Rst En

Full Rst Slow Rst Rel Amplify

Rst En

Hold Rst FilterD1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10

Sample AddD1 D2 D3D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10Sample Sample

Sample Sample

Figure 4.6: Timing diagram in DCal mode.

cycles. The CSA operates with the same timing as in SDT mode. Since the CSA

does not slew in this mode, the filter can be enabled along with the CSA without

compromising the linearity. At the end of the amplification period, the filter holds

the output for the ADC. The filter reset is fast enough and does not contribute to

split doublet noise effects [44]. Thus, it can hold the output until right before a new

pulse arrives.

The corresponding weighting function for DCal mode, for the timing diagram

shown in Figure 4.6, is presented in Figure 4.7. It was obtained via behavioral sim-

ulations, assuming a 3-subcycle full reset followed by a 5-subcycle slow reset release

and an 8-subcycle filtering time. The ripple in the negative slope section is due to

the sampled-data nature of the filter.

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0 50 100 150 200 250 3000.0











Time (ns)






g fu



Figure 4.7: Simulated weighting function in DCal mode, for a switched-capacitorintegrator and slow reset-release technique.

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Chapter 5

The Bean Prototype: Circuit


The Bean circuit is designed to implement the signal path of the block diagram shown

in Figure 4.4. Figure 5.1 shows a block diagram that implements the same signal path,

now including additional details on the fully-differential blocks and the interconnect

buffers. This chapter deals with the Bean circuit-level design, according to the block

diagram shown in Figure 5.1, including the charge amplifier, filter, ADC, adder and


5.1 Charge-sensitive amplifier design

The charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) converts charge generated in the detector into

voltage. The global specifications of the CSA are presented in Table 5.1.

The CSA has been designed around a folded-cascode topology due to its simplicity,

linearity, low noise, excellent gain and bandwidth, and compatibility with a 1.8-volt

CMOS process technology. The low noise results from the independence between

input and load branch currents, which makes it possible to choose transconductances

that ensure the noise from the input device is dominant.

Equation 5.1 gives the change in the output voltage of the CSA as a function of an

input charge of Qin , the feedback capacitance CF , an open-loop small-signal gain of


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Filter ADC

Cal Adder ADC



∫frombias gen






Figure 5.1: The Bean block diagram, including one channel and the fast feedbackadder.

Specification Value

Modes of operation SDT and DcalExt. input capacitance 40 pF due to detector and wireInput charge 36.9 pC (SDT), 738 fC (DCal)Output swing 1V or closeNonlinearity < 1%, measured as max. deviation from linearSettling time < 154 ns for quant. noise-like levels (28.9% of 1 LSB)Power consumption Minimize

Table 5.1: Charge amplifier specifications.

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AOL, and a parasitic capacitance at the input node of CD+W , which is due to detector

and wire capacitances. This result is topology-independent:

vo =Qin




AOL · β

1 + AOL · β




· γOL, (5.1)

where β is the feedback factor given by Equation 5.2:

β =CF


. (5.2)

The ideal transfer characteristic is vo = Qin/CF , valid for AOL = ∞. The factor

γOL represents the effects of the finite open-loop gain of the CSA on the ideal transfer

characteristic. Although the static error can be significant, especially in the DCal

mode if AOL < 100 dB, it can be corrected through post-processing. Since AOL

changes over the CSA output range, γOL introduces nonlinearity into the equation

that is more pronounced for small CF (DCal). This can be mitigated by reducing the

CSA output swing to a range where the variation in AOL is sufficiently small. It was

found through simulations that feedback capacitances of 45 pF for SDT and 0.9 pF

for DCal, implying a full-scale output swing of 0.82V, are large enough to meet the

linearity requirement.

In the folded-cascode topology, the CSA baseline is approximately set by the input

device’s threshold voltage, near VDD − |VTH | for a PMOS input device, or VTH for

an NMOS input device. The former is preferred for a common-cathode detector,

which injects current into the feedback capacitor, whereas the latter is preferred for

a common-anode detector, which pulls current from the feedback capacitor. As the

detector technology is still to be chosen, an NMOS input device will be used in the

prototype design. This can be changed in future revisions if necessary. As mentioned

in Chapter 4, a precharge circuit will be used to shift the baseline in order to take

advantage of the CSA linear output range.

Figure 5.2 shows a single-ended, NMOS-input folded-cascode amplifier schematic.

It consists of 5 devices: input transistor MI , folding transistor MF , the folded cascode

transistor MCF , load transistor ML and the cascode for load transistor MCL. Noise

considerations from Chapter 4 set the input device’s gm/ID value around 16mS/mA

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Figure 5.2: Schematic of a single-ended, NMOS-input folded-cascode amplifier.

for DCal mode. MF sets the amplifier current, IF , at 500µA. ML sets the load

branch current, IL, at 50µA. MI ’s bias current is the difference between IF and IL,

or 450µA. These currents were established based on noise considerations.

The amplifier architecture implies asymmetric slewing, since the current it can sink

from the load is limited to the load transistor’s current IL, whereas the current it can

push into the load is set by the cascode for folding device’s current ICF . Although in

steady state ICF should match IL, when slewing it will take some of the input device’s

current II . Calculations and simulations show that the slew rate in the SDT mode

(with CF = 45 pF) is sufficient to settle the output voltage within half a cycle.

A simplified small-signal static model of the amplifier in Figure 5.2 is shown

in Figure 5.3. The effective transconductance, gmeff , defined as the output current

derivative ∂Io/∂Vin when Vout is shorted to ground, is given in Equation 5.3. The

output resistance ro, defined as the resistance seen at the amplifier output node when

no input is applied, is given in Equation 5.4:

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roi rof




gmcfvx gmclvy

Figure 5.3: CSA simplified small signal static model.

gmeff = gmI ·

(roF ||roI ) · (1 + gmCF · roCF )

(roF ||roI ) · (1 + gmCF · roCF ) + roCF


ro = (roL + roCL + gmCL · roCL · roL) || ((roI ||roF ) + roCF + gmCF · roCF · (roI ||roF ))(5.4)

For similar output resistance contributions from upper and lower output branches,

and for relatively large intrinsic gain in all the devices, gmeff and ro can be approxi-

mated as:

gmeff ≈ gmI (5.5)

ro ≈ (gmCL · roCL · roL) || (gmCF · roCF · (roI ||roF )) . (5.6)

The low-frequency open-loop gain can then be approximated as

|AV | = gmeff · ro ≈ gmI · (gmCL · roCL · roL) || (gmCF · roCF · (roI ||roF )) . (5.7)

The dynamic behavior of the open-loop CSA will be dominated by the output

node resistance and capacitance, so other time constants can be ignored. Figure 5.4

is a small-signal model of the closed-loop CSA, where CL is the load capacitance.

From the schematic, the dominant pole can be computed as

p = − gmeff · ro ·CF + CF + CD+W

ro (CL ·CF + CL ·CD+W + CF ·CD+W )≈ − β · gmeff

CL + (1− β)CF

, (5.8)

where the feedback factor β is given by Equation 5.2.

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vi vo


Figure 5.4: CSA dynamic model.

The amplifier’s input-referred noise power for relatively low frequency can be

expressed as the weighted sum of the noise power contributions of all transistors,

which is

V 2N = V 2

NI ·N2I + V 2

NF ·N2F + V 2

NCF ·N2CF + V 2

NCL ·N2CL + V 2

NL ·N2L, (5.9)

where V 2NI is the gate-referred noise power of MI , V 2

NF is the gate-referred noise power

of MF , V 2NCF is the gate-referred noise power of MCF , V 2

NCL is the gate-referred noise

power of MCL, and V 2NL is the gate-referred noise power of ML. From Figure 5.2, the

static gains that refer the gate voltage of each transistor to the CSA input can be

computed as

NI = 1 (5.10)

NF ≈ gmF



NCF ≈ 1

gmI · (roI ||roF )(5.12)

NCL ≈ 1

gmI · roL(5.13)

NL ≈ gmL



Since gmI is large compared to gmL, 1/roL and 1/ (roI ||roF ), the noise contributions

from MCF , MCL and ML can be neglected. Thus, the dominant noise contributors

are MI and MF .

Using equations 5.1 and 5.5 through 5.14, and following the gm/ID methodol-

ogy while targeting the specifications stated in Table 5.1, the CSA design space was

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Transistor Bias current gm/ID W LMI 450µA 16mS/mA 283.7µm 0.9µmMF 500µA 8.5mS/mA 253.3µm 0.72µmMCF 50µA 20mS/mA 298.6µm 0.54µmMCL 50µA 15mS/mA 30.8µm 1.08µmML 50µA 15mS/mA 30.8µm 1.08µm

Table 5.2: CSA design values.

explored. Device channel lengths were tailored to balance the contributions from dif-

ferent devices to internal capacitances and resistances, aiming for an optimal design.

The resulting design values are shown in Table 5.2.

SPICE simulations show an open-loop gain of 76.5 dB, a unity-gain bandwidth

of 800MHz, and a closed-loop bandwidth of 19.1MHz for DCal. Phase margins are

84.2 ◦for DCal, and 81.7 ◦ for SDT.

The CSA feedback network, shown in Figure 5.5, includes the two feedback ca-

pacitors, COp and CCal , two reset switches, MROp and MRCal , and the mode-select

switch, MOM , driven by clock OM . During CSA amplification operation, the reset

switches remain open. When a full reset is engaged, the reset switches are driven

by clock RstF . After four subcycles of full reset, the charge stored in the feedback

capacitor is negligible and the reset clock RstF is disabled. At this moment, there

is a charge stored in capacitors C4 and C1. Through the action of switch MLVgs , ca-

pacitor C1 is now sharing its charge with C2. Capacitances C1 +C2 and C4 keep the

reset transistors MRCal and MROp operating in the triode mode, preventing a sharp

reset-release action. On each subsequent subcycle, switched-capacitors C3 and C5 re-

duce the gate-to-source voltage of the reset transistors by taking a percentage of the

charge stored in capacitances C1 + C2 and C4, and dissipating it in switches MDisCal

and MDisOp . The consequential reduction in the reset transistors’ VGS produces the

slow reset-release action designed to reduce the weighting function’s positive slope.

Capacitors C1-C5 were sized to produce a wide range of VGS voltages that crosses

the reset transistor’s threshold voltage. After the slow reset-release action ends, the

switches in the reset-release network short-circuit the gate and source terminals of

each reset transistor, forcing them open and enabling the CSA amplification.

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Figure 5.5: CSA feedback network.

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In the frequency domain, the reset-release action can be seen as a progressive

reduction in the CSA bandwidth, from the CSA unity-gain bandwidth (full reset,

when the reset transistors behave as short circuits) to the CSA operating bandwidth

(CSA enabled, when the reset transistors are open). The weighting function positive

slope is shaped according to the CSA dominant time constant, which is modulated by

the slow reset-release action. The effect is a soft reset-release action, and consequently,

a reduced positive slope in the weighting function.

5.2 CSA precharger

A precharger circuit was designed to inject a known charge into the CSA for baseline

adjustment and electronic calibration purposes. During testing, the precharger was

used to reduce the CSA baseline level on the DCal mode in order to maximize the

CSA output swing, taking full advantage of its linear region.

Figure 5.6 shows a simplified schematic for the precharger circuit. It consists of

two MOS switches and a 0.5-pF MIM capacitor CPC connected to the CSA input

node. A 50× larger, off-chip capacitor was used as the precharger capacitor for the

SDT mode of operation.

The precharger works on a two-phase, non-overlapping clock. During φ1, the ca-

pacitor left plate is tied to an external, adjustable reference VDD Ref . During φ2 the

capacitor left plate is tied to ground. On every φ2 to φ1 transition, the capacitor

pushes a charge of QPC = CPC ·VDD Ref into the CSA input. This produces a CSA

output voltage variation of −CPC ·VDD Ref /CF , where CF is the CSA feedback capac-

itor, either CCal for the DCAL mode, or CCal + COp for the SDT mode. The charge

injection is done right after the CSA is enabled, reducing the output baseline voltage.

On the opposite clock transition, from φ1 to φ2, the precharger is reset and pulls the

same amount of charge from the CSA. Since the precharger reset occurs during the

CSA reset, the baseline is not affected by this clock transition.

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Figure 5.6: Schematic of CSA precharger circuit.










Switch Control












Figure 5.7: Filter simplified schematic.

5.3 Filter design

A non-inverting, fully-differential switched-capacitor (SC) integrator serves as the

front-end filter. The input corresponds to the buffered and level-shifted difference

between the CSA output and the baseline. A simplified schematic of the filter is

shown in Figure 5.7. Some reset control logic and switches have been purposely


Capacitors CSA and CSB are the series switched capacitors emulating the integra-

tor resistors, whereas CFA and CFB are the feedback capacitors. The OTA output

common-mode level is set by the OTA’s internal common-mode feedback (CMFB)

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Vip Vim
















Vo1p Vo1m

Figure 5.8: Class A/AB filter’s OTA schematic.

circuit, whereas the input common-mode level is set by the external reference VICM .

The sampling frequency is 51.95MHz. Thus, each integration subcycle is 19.25 ns

long. Since each subcycle involves two phases, sampling and holding, each phase

has only 9.625 ns for settling. On the other hand, kT/C noise considerations set the

minimum sizes for the integrator’s capacitances, and the OTA output must be able

to drive these capacitances. To conserve power, a class-AB amplifier is used, which

is capable of providing enough output current during the transients, without large

quiescent current consumption.

A schematic of the OTA is shown in Figure 5.8 [65]. The OTA is fully differential

and consists of a class-A first stage followed by a class-AB second stage, with Miller

compensation. Two independent CMFB circuits, shown in Figure 5.9, are used, one

per stage. The first-stage quiescent current is set by the differential pair’s tail current

source. The second-stage quiescent current is set by the first stage’s common-mode

output, a reference for which is established by a diode-connected device biased by

a reference current source. The second-stage input devices are NMOS transistors,

rather than PMOS, in order to minimize the amplifier quiescent power dissipation.

A small-signal differential equivalent half circuit for the OTA can be reduced to

a cascade of two common-source stages as shown in Figure 5.10, where gmx = gm1 ,

gmy = gm6 + gm5 · gm3/gm4 , rox = ro1 ||ro2 and roy = ro5 ||ro6 . This model assumes

that the current mirror M4 −M5 has a higher bandwidth than the rest of the circuit,

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φ2VOCM φ1

φ1 φ2



Vb Vb






φ1 φ2





Vb Vb


Vop Vom

Figure 5.9: Class A/AB filter OTA common-mode feedback circuit schematic.

gmxvin gmyvx


rox roy


Figure 5.10: OTA small-signal half circuit model.

and neglects the common-mode feedback output conductances. The compensation

network, CC and RZ , was designed to ensure stability in the worst-case feedback

factor scenario, which occurs during reset.

From the small-signal model in Figure 5.10, the open-loop gain of the OTA is seen

to be gmx · rox · gmy · roy , designed with a target gain over 60 dB for low closed-loop

steady-state error. A dominant-pole approximation analysis [66] shows that the open-

loop dominant time constant is gmy · rox · roy ·CC , whereas the closed-loop bandwidth

is β · gmx/CC , where the feedback factor is

β =CF

CF + CS + Cggx

. (5.15)

The output RMS noise of the filter must be computed for the entire integration

period, starting from reset and spanning N = 8 subcycles. There are two main

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Transistor Bias current gm/ID W LM1 30µA 11.3mS/mA 17.37µm 0.45µmM2 30µA 11.3mS/mA 3.15µm 0.45µmM3 85µA 11.3mS/mA 9µm 0.45µmM4 85µA 2.7mS/mA 1.8µm 0.27µmM5 85µA 2.7mS/mA 1.8µm 0.27µmM6 85µA 11.3mS/mA 9µm 0.45µm

Table 5.3: Filter amplifier design values.

contributions to the integrated filter noise: V 2kT/C noise due to switch resistances and

V 2filteramp due to amplifier noise.

After N integration subcycles, the contribution from kT/C noise can be computed


V 2kT/C = 2




1 +N



, (5.16)

where α = CF/CS. The factor 2 is due to the fully-differential topology. The ampli-

fier’s integrated output noise can be computed as [67]

V 2filteramp ≈ 2N







1 +gmxx






1 + γ


1 +gmyy



, (5.17)

where γ is the technology-dependent MOSFET noise parameter, CLtot is the total

capacitance at the output node, including CF , gmxx = gm2 , and gmyy = gm5 (1 +

gm5/gm4 ).

Table 5.3 shows the parameter values for the filter OTA design. Transistors M4

and M5 are small, and thus biased in strong inversion in order to reduce the current

mirror doublet effect [66] in the transient response, at the cost of a reduced output

swing. The devices channel lengths provide a good balance between open-loop gain

and power consumption. The input device’s transconductance efficiency, gm1/ID1,

was limited to the design value in order to prevent the amplifier from slewing. The

second-stage input device’s transconductance efficiency was limited to the design value

in order to reduce the output quiescent current sensitivity to small variations in the

first stage’s common-mode output voltage.

Simulations show that the amplifier’s open-loop gain is over 70 dB, with a phase

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Figure 5.11: Charge-redistribution switched-capacitor DAC network.

margin of PM = 83o and a crossover frequency of fc = 143.5MHz when connected in

the integrator configuration. This allows more than 7 time constants for settling in

each clock phase.

5.4 ADC design

As mentioned in Section 4.2, there is one 10-bit SAR ADC per ASIC channel with a

sampling rate of 3.25MS/s. If operated at the SC filter clock frequency, there are 16

subcycles per conversion. Since each converted bit requires one subcycle, there is a

6-subcycle overhead for reset, or possibly, for slower bits.

A fully-differential, charge-redistribution SAR ADC is used, taking advantage of

the pseudo- or fully-differential output from the CSA or filter and maintaining good

power supply rejection (PSR). Two DAC switched-capacitor arrays are necessary, as

shown in the simplified schematic of the ADC in Figure 5.11. The SAR logic has

been omitted from this figure.

During reset, the comparator inputs are connected to VCM to set the comparator’s

initial common-mode input voltage, and the capacitor arrays are switched to VinP

and VinM , sampling the differential input. After the reset period, the common-mode

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5.4. ADC DESIGN 65

switches are opened and the capacitor arrays are connected to the negative references,

VrefCom for the positive half circuit and VrefM for the negative half circuit. At this

time, the comparator differential input becomes (VrefCom − VrefM ) − (VinP − VinM ).

Then, on each bit test, from MSB (i = N) to LSB (i = 1), the corresponding

capacitors are connected to the positive references, VrefP for the positive half circuit

and VrefCom for the negative half circuit. Since the capacitors are binary-weighted,

with Ci = 2i−1·CX , on bit test i the comparator differential input increases by

VFR/2N−i+1, where VFR = VrefP + VrefM − 2 ·VrefCom is the differential input full-scale

range. The successive approximation register sets the DAC input based upon the

comparator output, and the DAC output thus successively converges to the ADC

differential input value.

Although the capacitor array is nominally binary-weighted, different implementa-

tion techniques can be used. These techniques cover different regions in the design

space, trading capacitance spread and area, linearity, input capacitance and circuit

complexity. For example, a series capacitor in the array produces a split or segmented

array, which presents a reduced input capacitance, as well as area and spread in ca-

pacitor values, but makes the array linearity sensitive to parasitic capacitances to

ground [68]. Calibration is then usually necessary to meet linearity specifications. A

thermometer-coded array offers a reduced ADC differential nonlinearity (DNL), at

the cost of additional logic for a binary-to-thermometer decoder [69]. The spread in

capacitor values is reduced, while the area and input capacitance are unchanged. The

decoder size increases exponentially with the number of bits in the binary output.

Thus, a practical solution is to thermometer-encode only the most significant bits.

In order to reduce the ADC’s input capacitance and area, the smallest possi-

ble capacitors in the 180-nm TSMC process are used, and two different capacitor

structures were considered: metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors and metal-oxide-

metal (MOM) capacitors. In the 180 nm TSMC process, MIM capacitors are made of

parallel plates on M5 and CTM (capacitor top metal), with a capacitance of 1 fF/µm2

and a minimum size of 16µm2, set by design rules. The plate shape is defined by the

photolithographic process, and the dielectric is a 38-nm PECVD oxide layer.

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Lateral-field MOM capacitors are made of closely-placed interconnect metal lay-

ers. Although TSMC provides precise RF models for a rotative metal-oxide-metal

capacitor structure [70], more compact MOM capacitor cells with better capacitor-

to-capacitor shielding can be achieved with a custom design. In this context, the

capacitance lower limit is set by matching constraints, as opposed to design rules,

and a lower input capacitance than with MIM capacitors can be achieved. This

makes custom MOM capacitors especially attractive for low-power applications [71]

[72] [73].

MOM capacitor matching data was found in the literature for different processes

[72] [74]. From the data and behavioral Montecarlo simulations on a generic SAR

ADC, it was found that MOM capacitor matching in the 180 nm TSMC process should

be enough to achieve zero missing codes in a 10-bit ADC using unit capacitances in

the low femtoFarad range.

MOM capacitors were designed with a target single-layer unit capacitance of 2 fF,

or a total array capacitance close to 2 pF. Another array with 2 layers and twice the

capacitance was also designed. The structure capacitance was extracted using Space

3D layout-to-circuit extractor software from Delft University [75]. The MOM capaci-

tor ADCs were placed in separate dies, but a conservative MIM capacitor version was

included in the Bean prototype. More details on the MOM capacitor structure will

be provided in Chapter 6.

All digital circuits in the ADC are based on standard CMOS logic gates. The

sequential logic for the SAR ADC was designed to operate on a locally-generated,

non-overlapping two-phase clock. The two-phase clock generator is a copy of the one

used for the switched-capacitor circuits.

The ADC comparator, shown in Figure 5.12, comprises a preamplifier that reduces

offset, noise and possible metastability problems, followed by a latched comparator.

The preamplifier is based on a differential-to-single-ended configuration with current

mirror load. Transistors M1A and M1B are the input devices, transistors M2A and

M2B form the current mirror load, and MtailP is the preamplifier bias current source.

The comparator has two phases of operation. During reset phase (En input low),

MRA and MRB pull the comparator outputs to VDD . During the compare phase (En

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5.4. ADC DESIGN 67


















Figure 5.12: ADC comparator schematic.

input high), the reset transistors MRA and MRB are open and the positive feedback

throughM4A andM4B swings the output nodes toward different rails, according to the

differential input on M3A and M3B . Transistor MtailN sets the the latched comparator

stage quiescent current consumption.

The complementary outputs of the comparator each drive a chain of two inverters,

although only one of the complementary outputs is used. The other one has dummy

inverters to ensure a fully-symmetric circuit with matched loads. The comparator

outputs cannot swing from rail to rail due to the tail current source voltage overhead.

To overcome this problem, the threshold voltage of the first of the two inverters in the

comparator output is skewed high. Table 5.4 shows the comparator currents, device

sizes, and transconductance efficiencies.

Unlike the MOM capacitor ADC, and due to the large capacitive load it represents,

the MIM capacitor ADC included in the Bean prototype cannot be driven directly

by the filter because the filter was not designed to drive large capacitive loads. To

overcome this limitation, a rail-to-rail buffer was designed. The details on this are

presented in Section 5.7.

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Transistor Bias current gm/ID W LM1 40µA 17mS/mA 25.9µm 0.18µmM2 40µA 4.5mS/mA 1.35µm 0.9µmM3 17.5µA 10.5mS/mA 0.72µm 0.18µmM4 17.5µA 12mS/mA 3.24µm 0.18µmMR — — 7.2µm 0.18µmMtailN 35µA 18.5mS/mA 17.8µm 0.36µmMtailP 80µA 11mS/mA 54µm 0.54µm

Table 5.4: Comparator design values.

5.5 Adder design

A switched-capacitor adder is used to sum the outputs from the ASIC’s three channels.

The purpose of the adder is to provide a low-latency output proportional to the sum

of the signals detected by all the channels on each collision. Although not useful for

science purposes, output of the adder is helpful in tuning the beams and monitoring

the collision process in real time. The adder takes one subcycle to perform the sum,

and its output is converted to digital using a dedicated ADC.

The adder is implemented using switched capacitors and an OTA identical to that

used in the filter. A simplified schematic is shown in Figure 5.13. The adder gain for

each of the three channels is 1/3. Thus, its full-scale output range is the same as the

filter’s. The gain can be reduced in future revisions of the chip, by simply reducing

the sizes of CSiA and CSiB accordingly, in order to accommodate for the planned 32


5.6 Signal buffer

Signal buffers are used at the outputs of the CSA and the CSA baseline generator

to prevent filter kickback noise from affecting the CSA operation. The buffer also

shifts the baseline so that the filter differential input (in the DCal mode) or the ADC

differential input (in the SDT mode) span a more symmetric range. The buffer is

based on a level shifter and a common-drain amplifier, as shown in Figure 5.14.

The level shifter in the buffer operates on two phases. During φRst , capacitor CShift

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Switch Control
















Figure 5.13: Adder schematic.

Transistor Bias current gm/ID W LM1 65µA 14.5mS/mA 22µm 0.18µmM2 65µA 20mS/mA 30µm 0.18µmM3 65µA 14.5mS/mA 127µm 0.72µmM4 65µA 6.5mS/mA 30µm 1.08µmMtailN 130µA — 3µm 0.18µm

Table 5.5: Signal buffer design values.

is charged with the external voltage VShift . During φEn the capacitor is connected in

series between Vin and the source follower input.

The source follower comprises seven devices. Transistor M1 is the input device,

biased by cascoded current source M3A-M4A. Transistor M2 improves the buffer

linearity by setting the input device’s source-to-drain voltage equal to M2’s gate-to-

source voltage, which is almost constant. Device M2 is biased by the cascoded current

source M3B -M4B . Finally, Mtail is a triode-connected device that allows the freedom

for M2 source to swing along with the output voltage. Table 5.5 lists the parameter

values for the buffer design.

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φRst φRst







Figure 5.14: Level-shifting signal buffer.

5.7 Rail-to-rail buffer

The rail-to-rail buffers in Figure 5.1 serve two purposes: they drive the MIM ADC

input nodes and buffer some of the Bean prototype nodes for scope probing. The

buffer must be able to drive 16 pF at a reasonable speed and power dissipation, with

truly rail-to-rail input and output voltages. A schematic of this is presented in Figure

5.15, showing a buffer-connected operational amplifier.

The two-stage amplifier consists of a rail-to-rail, complementary combination of

constant-gm input pairs, MINA-MINB and MIPA-MIPB , followed by folded-cascode,

current-mirroring loads, MCNA-MLNA, MCNB -MLNB , MCPA-MLPA, and MCPB -MLPB ,

and a class-AB output, MoutN -MoutP [76]. Transistors MSNi and MSPi implement a

translinear loop [77], producing the voltage shifts necessary to set the output devices

quiescent current consumption.

In the buffer design, ease of layout took priority over the design optimality. All

devices are, therefore, a parallel connection of a base unit device. Table 5.6 shows

the parameter values for the rail-to-rail buffer design.

As a two-stage, buffer-connected amplifier with a relatively large capacitive load,

stability compensation is an issue and has been addressed by means of pole-splitting

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Figure 5.15: Rail-to-rail buffer schematic.

(RZi and CCi). Transistors MeqN and MeqP keep the input stage’s total transconduc-

tance constant, simplifying the compensation network design.

SPICE simulations predict an open-loop DC gain of 101.6 dB, a crossover fre-

quency of 49MHz, and a phase margin of 80.3o measured with an 8-pF load.

Transistor Bias current gm/ID W LMIN 15µA 18mS/mA 7.2µm 0.45µmMIP 15µA 17mS/mA 32.4µm 0.45µmMtailN 60µA 14mS/mA 7.2µm 0.45µmMtailP 60µA 11mS/mA 32.4µm 0.45µmMLP 45µA 12.2mS/mA 32.4µm 0.45µmMCP 30µA 14mS/mA 32.4µm 0.45µmMLN 45µA 12.3mS/mA 5.8µm 0.45µmMCN 30µA 14mS/mA 5.8µm 0.45µmMoutP 240µA 9.7mS/mA 97.2µm 0.45µmMoutN 240µA 9.6mS/mA 17.3µm 0.45µm

Table 5.6: Rail-to-rail buffer main design values.

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Chapter 6

The Bean prototype:


In the Bean prototype layout, special care has been taken to mitigate the effects

of electrical and process-related nonidealities. Shielding, common centroid layout,

extensive ground planes and separate supplies and grounds are among the measures

taken. This chapter describes some details on the Bean prototype implementation.

6.1 Floorplan

Figure 6.1 shows the Bean Prototype floorplan. The floorplan of the prototype core

has three parts, from top to bottom: bias circuits, channels, and auxiliary circuits.

The bias circuits provide the references for the current mirrors of all the circuit

blocks. These references, along with external voltage references and the main clock,

are distributed on vertical lines that cross through all the channels. Wires that

transmit the most critical voltages are shielded using grounded metal planes on top

and on the sides, with the undesired effect of increasing the capacitance to ground.

The most critical lines were routed over diffused strips of alternating N-type and

P-type material on the substrate. This reduces noise coupling through substrate.

The channels were designed to be independent. They only share the power supply,

references and the main clock. Therefore, additional channels can easily be added by


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Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3

Aux. Ckts

Bias Ckts



Figure 6.1: Floorplan of the Bean prototype core.

stacking. Since all of the common lines run vertically, adding more channels does not

change the connectivity to these lines. Although not implemented in this prototype,

the references must be buffered locally in future versions of the ASIC. This change

will prevent the parasitic inductances in the lines from affecting the dynamic response

of the references.

The auxiliary circuits include a baseline generator, some buffers that are common

to the entire ASIC, a fast-feedback adder, and an ADC. Although these circuits were

placed at the bottom of the ASIC, in future revisions they can be placed at the center

in order to reduce the wire length spread among the channels.

A channel slice is approximately 1.6mm long without the digital memory block.

The channel pitch is 360µm, including the surrounding power bus. This pitch matches

the ADC’s pitch for a square-shaped capacitor array, including power bus, and pro-

duces a well-balanced floorplan. If the number of channels is increased to the nominal

value of 32, the ASIC will be approximately 12mm tall, still much smaller than the

MOSIS maximum reticle size of 21mm a side. If digital memory is included, the

32-channel ASIC shape will be closer to a square.

As shown in Figure 6.2, for each channel the floorplan resembles the signal path.

The charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA), shown in Figure 6.3, is located at the left end of

the channel slice, has a total area of 250µm×330µm, and was divided into 56 square

reticles, 8 tall and 7 wide. Fifty reticles are occupied by feedback metal-insulator-

metal (MIM) capacitors, four hold the amplifier, and the remaining two contain the

feedback switches and logic for reset operation. Among the 50 unit MIM capacitors,

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Figure 6.2: Channel layout.

one implements CCal (CF for the DCal mode), and the other 49 are connected in

parallel to implement COp (used in the SDT mode). This provides the 50× gain ratio

between the two modes of operation. Ground planes on M4 shield lines underneath

the MIM capacitors from cross coupling with the CSA output. Since the CSA is the

Bean circuit most sensitive to external disturbances, it has its own 1.8-volt power

supply, CSAVDD , routed through dedicated pads.

Separated by a power bus, the next circuit blocks in the channel slice are placed

in a section located to the right of the CSA. The signal buffers shown in Figure 6.4,

measuring 270µm× 52µm, are located on the top and bottom regions of this layout

section. Although small in capacitance, the MIM capacitor for baseline level shifting

occupies a large portion of the signal buffer area. The buffer outputs are connected

to the filter, which is shown in Figure 6.5. The filter, located at the center of this

layout section, measures 110µm×150µm. The filter has switches, series and feedback

capacitors, and a fully-differential amplifier implemented with cross-quadded devices

[78] to improve matching. The filter outputs are buffered using the output amplifiers

shown in Figure 6.6. Located to the right of the filter and measuring 110µm×83µm,

the buffers are implemented with cross-quadded devices. All structures are carefully

shielded. As an example, the references run at the center of grounded coaxial metal

shields where possible, to prevent capacitive coupling to other nodes of the circuit.

A separate voltage supply, SCVDD , is used for all the switched-capacitor circuits in

the ASIC to prevent the SC surge currents from affecting sensitive portions of other


The ADC, shown in Figure 6.7 and measuring 750µm× 270µm, is located at the

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Figure 6.3: Charge-sensitive amplifier layout.

Figure 6.4: Signal buffer layout, including level-shifting capacitor.

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Figure 6.5: SC filter layout.

Figure 6.6: Buffer layout.

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Figure 6.7: SAR ADC layout.

rightmost part of the channel. It takes the inputs from the buffer outputs and uses

several references and clock lines running vertically. All of the reference and clock

lines are shielded where possible to reduce capacitive coupling effects. The ADC has

two capacitor arrays located at its left and right ends. The successive approximation

registers, digital logic, and switches are located at the center middle and bottom

portions. The comparator, implemented with cross-quadded transistors, is placed at

the center top. The ADC uses two separate sets of power supply and ground for

analog (AVDD , AG) and digital circuits (DVDD , DG).

The most critical section of the SAR ADC is the capacitor array. For matching

reasons, it is split into 1024 equal-size capacitors, surrounded by approximately 12µm

of dummy capacitors to prevent copper-dishing effects. In order to synthesize the

correct capacitance values, the capacitors are connected in parallel to form blocks. A

common-centroid layout is used among the capacitor blocks to reduce the capacitance

sensitivity to linear gradients in the process.

In a switched-capacitor SAR ADC, parasitic capacitance in parallel with a physical

capacitor degrades the ADC linearity. In order to prevent this effect, grounded shields

are placed as needed in the capacitor array. These shields produce the undesired effect

of an increased capacitance to ground.

The last significant circuit in the ASIC is the adder for fast feedback output. It

is based on the same fully-differential amplifier used in the filter, combined with an

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Figure 6.8: Layout of adder for fast feedback operation.

appropriate feedback network for summing the outputs of all channels. The adder

layout is shown in Figure 6.8.

The Bean pad frame uses pads and pad frame cells obtained from Tanner libraries.

There are pads designed for ground, positive supply voltage, analog input or output,

digital input, and digital output. All of them have ESD protection devices. The

supply pads are connected to the supply buses in the pad frame. Figure 6.9 shows

the Bean prototype layout, including the core described in this section and the pad


6.2 MOM capacitors

As mentioned earlier in this work, different versions of the ADC were fabricated. The

one included in the Bean prototype uses conservative, 16-fF MIM unit capacitors.

In separate dies, two similar ADCs using more aggressive metal-oxide-metal (MOM)

lateral field capacitors of approximately 4 fF and 2 fF were implemented.

The MOM capacitors present a lower load to the driving network, with a minimum

size that is not limited by design rules. The unit MOM capacitor design was validated

using the Space 3D layout-to-circuit extractor software [75]. The 2-fF unit capacitor

cell was made on a single layer of metal, whereas the 4-fF unit capacitor cell was

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Figure 6.9: The Bean prototype layout.

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Figure 6.10: Unit MOM capacitor layout.

implemented using two layers. Both layouts are virtually the same, except for inter-

layer connections.

Figure 6.10 shows the layout of the 2-layer, 4-fF unit MOM capacitor. The unit

capacitor horizontal pitch is 2.9µm, and its vertical pitch is 5.8µm. The outer plate is

common to all capacitors and forms a large, continuous structure, whereas the inner

plate is the individual capacitor node. In order to have the ADC linearity within the

specifications, it is crucial that the capacitance between the inner and outer plates be

due only to the unit capacitor cell, without parasitic components from other parts of

the nodes involved. Since the outer plate structure is large (hundreds of micrometers),

it must be carefully shielded to prevent any path for electric field lines to the capacitor

terminals. This was done using grounded shields in metal 3 and 6, with the capacitors

in between. The shield in Metal 3 is evident in Figure 6.10, where a hole was left to

route the inner plate node to the ADC switches.

Figure 6.11 shows a 3-dimensional representation of the MOM capacitor array

layout, and Figure 6.12 shows the same picture from a bottom point of view. Both

pictures are drawn to scale. The top shielding layer, crucial for ADC linearity, has

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been omitted.

The MOM capacitor array is roughly half the size of the MIM capacitor array,

which was implemented with minimum-size capacitors, and presents a fraction of the

load presented by the MIM capacitor array.

Figure 6.11: 3D view of the single-layer MOM capacitor array.

Figure 6.12: 3D bottom view of the single-layer MOM capacitor array.

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Chapter 7

Test Results

The Bean prototype was fabricated on TSMC CM018 technology. On the same run,

different versions of the ADC and additional test structures were included. Tests on

the Bean prototype and the ADCs were carried out at the SLAC National Accelerator

Laboratory between February and July, 2010. The input stimuli were generated

by electronic circuits on custom printed circuit boards (PCBs) driven by a field-

programmable gate array (FPGA), and the outputs were recorded using a personal

computer (PC). This chapter presents the test methodology and results for the ADC

and Bean prototype integrated circuits.

7.1 Test methodology

Custom 4-layer test printed-circuit boards (PCBs) were designed for the Bean proto-

type and the ADCs. The PCBs include low-dropout (LDO) linear voltage regulators

[79], bypass capacitors, 16-bit DACs [80] for analog stimuli generation, switches [81],

adjustable voltage references, buffer-connected amplifiers, voltage translators [82],

and a connector for digital inputs and outputs. Digital inputs are generated with a

250 k gate Spartan-3E FPGA [83] on a Digilent Basys2 FPGA evaluation board [84].

The FPGA also processes the ASIC digital outputs and transmits them to a PC via

a USB port.


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Figure 7.1: ADC’s testbench printed circuit board layout.

Figure 7.1 shows the ADC test PCB layout, and Figure 7.2 shows the Bean pro-

totype test PCB layout. Both use mainly surface-mounted components.

The FPGA firmware was programmed in Verilog using Xilinx ISE WebPack V10

[85]. For each test, the FPGA runs a program, previously written in simple ASCII

code and loaded onto the FPGA firmware. The program sets the registers for the

DAC inputs, clock dividers, clock masks and other constants. This makes the test

setup flexible enough so that the ASIC references, clock speed and timing can be

modified via software. When executing the program, the FPGA produces a series of

stimuli according to the program values, and records 4096 × 10-bit outputs on each

channel from the Bean, or 16384 × 10−bit outputs from the ADC board. Once the

program has been executed, data recorded on the FPGA is retrieved by the PC into

a file that can be immediately processed using Scilab [86].

The PC communication software was programmed in C++, using the Digilent

Adept SDK libraries [87], and includes routines to load a program onto the FPGA

and to retrieve the FPGA recorded data.

The stimuli for the ADC was generated using an off-chip DAC driven by the

FPGA. The generation of stimuli for the Bean prototype is done with a pulser circuit

implemented on the PCB. The pulser circuit, similar to the precharger circuit shown

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Figure 7.2: The Bean prototype testbench printed circuit board layout.

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in Figure 5.6, is capable of injecting a known amount of charge at a certain time

of each cycle. The pulser reference voltage is driven by an off-chip DAC, and the

switches are driven by the FPGA.

7.2 ADC test results

The ADC tests aim to determine the ADC static performance, in particular, the

integral nonlinearity, or INL, and differential nonlinearity, or DNL. Comparing these

results for the three different versions of ADC (MIMCap, dual-layer MOMCap and

single-layer MOMCap) provides an indication of the relative mismatch among unit


The ADC linearity tests were done with a 50-MHz main clock, enabling a new

conversion every 32 clock cycles. Figures 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 show the ADC tests results

for the different ADCs.

The three INL plots present a cubic shape that can be attributed to a systematic

design imperfection in the capacitor array, which adds a correlated component to the

unit capacitor mismatch. The design imperfection can be explained as follows. To

reduce the effect of linear gradients on capacitor mismatch, a common-centroid layout

was used, and to reduce the effect of copper dishing or other radial gradients, the

capacitor array was enclosed by approximately 12µm of dummy capacitors. However,

the connection layout in the thermometer-coded portion of the capacitor array is not

random, having the least and most significant portions of the array closer to the edges,

exacerbating the mismatch effects of radial gradients. This theory was confirmed with

behavioral simulations, where a similar cubic-like INL shape was obtained when the

outer capacitors in the array are made larger than the inner capacitors. The effect can

be prevented in future revisions of the ASIC by randomizing the thermometer-coded

capacitor locations, which can be done without affecting the common centroid layout.

The dual-layer MOMCap ADC exhibits a much larger INL than the MIMCap-

based ADC, which can be explained due to a higher sensitivity of MOM capacitors

to the process gradient that produces the correlated portion of the capacitance mis-

match. This explanation points to radial variations of the metal thickness producing

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0 255 511 767 1023−1.0−0.8−0.6−0.4−





0 255 511 767 1023−0.20−0.15−0.10−



L (L



Figure 7.3: MIMCap ADC linearity test results.

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0 255 511 767 1023−2.0−1.5−1.0−





0 255 511 767 1023−0.3









L (L



Figure 7.4: Dual-layer MOMCap ADC linearity test results.

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0 255 511 767 1023−2.5−2.0−1.5−1.0−





0 255 511 767 1023−0.5−0.4−0.3−0.2−



L (L



Figure 7.5: Single-layer MOMCap ADC linearity test results.

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Cap. implementation Unit capacitance Unit capacitance mismatch

MIMCap 16 fF 1.74%dual-layer MOMCap 4 fF 3.91%single-layer MOMCap 2 fF 5.86%

Table 7.1: Unit capacitance values and estimated mismatch for the three differentADCs.

appreciable changes where the lateral-field capacitance is dominant. The single-layer

MOMCap ADC exhibits a larger INL than the dual-layer design, possibly because

the additional layer in the dual-layer design is subject to a smaller process gradient.

The DNL plots show that the three ADCs exhibit no missing codes. From the

DNL amplitudes it is observed that capacitance random mismatch increases as the

unit capacitance is reduced.

From the three ADC test results, the standard deviation of capacitance mismatch

was estimated by computing the relative size of the capacitors in the array. The

capacitance mismatch results are shown in Table 7.1 and include both the random

mismatch component and the correlated mismatch due to radial process variations.

Random mismatch is the dominant component. Correlated mismatch is evident only

when its effect is integrated over a range of codes, such as in INL measurements.

Since the single-layer MOM unit capacitors are half the capacitance of the dual-

layer MOM unit capacitors, if it is assumed that there is no correlation among capac-

itor values, then the expected mismatch is√2× higher. Considering that only one

sample of each ADC was tested, the measured ratio of 1.5 is reasonably consistent

with the proposed explanation of the experimental results.

The single-layer MOMCap ADC DNL is still far from the lower limit of −1, that

would be met if missing codes were present. Therefore, the unit capacitances can be

reduced further, possibly down to 1 fF, without adding missing codes.

The designed ADC power dissipation is 203µW at full speed. However, the first

tests showed a design flaw that caused the bias circuits oscillate due to a poor phase

margin in the feedback loop. To reduce the negative effects of the bias oscillations,

the ADC bias voltage was forced externally to a different value, increasing the average

ADC core power consumption to 245µW at full speed. These numbers do not consider

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the power consumption of bias circuits.

7.3 The Bean prototype test results

The Bean prototype was tested for power consumption, functionality, linearity, cross-

talk, bandwidth, weighting function, noise, and operation of the fast feedback adder.

In this section, the most important test results are presented.

7.3.1 Power dissipation

The power dissipated by the Bean prototype was measured by measuring the power

supply currents. The measurements include the ASIC core and the bias circuit cur-

rents. To reduce the ripple in the current waveform, shunt capacitors were placed

between the multimeter used to measure the current and the ASIC. The test was

done at the nominal operating speed. The results, which are the same for both

modes of operation, are presented in Table 7.2, which includes SPICE estimates for


The mismatch between the simulated and experimental currents can be explained

from operating point averaging effects. The simulated results were obtained via tran-

sient simulations for a single input value, which does not necessarily represent all pos-

sible operating conditions. The experimental measurements are current consumption

averages for an input ramp. Another source of mismatch between the simulated and

experimental results is the multimeter voltage drop, which is roughly proportional

to the measured current. However, since all bias circuits are based on a supply-

insensitive topology, it was assumed that the currents do not change considerably

because of this voltage drop.

Figure 7.6 shows the Bean prototype current distribution among the four power

supplies. Most of the current is drawn from the main analog voltage supply AVDD .

Besides some of the Bean analog circuits, this power supply also feeds 8 buffers for

monitoring purposes (drawing a total of 2.78mA), which will be removed in future

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Parameter Measurement SPICE estimation RatioI(AVDD) 10.6mA 10.7mA 0.99I(DVDD) 0.58mA 0.75mA 0.77I(SCVDD) 1.56mA 1.8mA 0.87I(CSAVDD) 2.43mA 2mA 1.2

Table 7.2: The Bean prototype current dissipation, measured and simulated.

revisions. Moreover, since the single-layer MOMCap ADC meets the required speci-

fications, this ADC could be used instead of the MIMCap ADC, and its lower input

capacitance could be driven by the filter without the need of buffers. Thus, the buffers

between the filter and the ADC can be removed from future revisions of the chip.

From Chapter 2, the Bean power dissipation specification is 2.19mW per channel,

including the prorated power dissipation of bias circuits and the fast feedback adder.

Although the Bean prototype per-channel raw power dissipation exceeds the spec-

ification, it will be reduced in future revisions by removing the buffers and adding

more channels. The latter change dilutes the bias and adder power overhead. With

these improvements, the estimated per-channel power dissipation will be close to the

specification. The power dissipation of the required LVDS driver to be included in

future revisions has not been considered.

Another means of saving power is to use a power cycling mechanism. Considering

that the beamline is silent 99.5% of the time, the power savings from rather simple

and conservative power cycling would be sufficient to achieve a total power dissipation

well below the specification.

7.3.2 Functionality

Eight of the ASIC internal nodes’ voltages were buffered using the output buffers

and monitored using a Tektronix 2465 oscilloscope: the baseline generator output,

the charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) output, the signal buffer differential output, the

filter differential output and the ADC differential input. The measured waveforms

confirm the functionality of all blocks.

As an example, Figure 7.7 shows the filter output waveform during the DCAL

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AVdd (70%)

DVdd (4%)

SCVdd (10%)

CSAVdd (16%)

Figure 7.6: The Bean prototype current distribution.

operation, running at half speed. The picture clearly shows the switched-capacitor

integrator steps1.

The noise observed in DCal mode was higher than expected. Because of the

additional noise, averaging was necessary in some tests in order to obtain meaningful


7.3.3 Linearity

The full channel INL and DNL were computed for both the SDT and DCal modes

using the histogram methodology [88]. The tests were done at full speed, with an

input ramp driven by a DAC. For the SDT mode, Channel 1 was used. For the DCal

mode, Channel 3 was used. Figure 7.8 shows the INL and DNL for the SDT mode,

measured for an input ramp covering 100% of the input range. Figure 7.9 shows the

results of the same test, but using an input ramp with an amplitude 8% higher than

1Due to the limited bandwidth of the buffer, which was not intended to reproduce all the signaldetails, it is not possible to observe the high frequency components when the ASIC operates at itsnominal speed.

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Figure 7.7: Filter differential output, running at half speed.

the nominal input range. In this case, the ADC references were changed accordingly

in order to measure the out-of-range values. Figure 7.10 presents the INL and DNL

for the the DCal mode, done for a full-scale input ramp. Figure 7.11 shows the

linearity metrics for an input ramp with an amplitude 16% higher than the nominal

input range.

The CSA nonlinearity is dominant in these results. The INL plots show that the

channel linearity is well within the specified value established for the CSA in Chapter

5. This was achieved using the CSA precharge circuit, which injects a negative input

charge that shifts the CSA initial output voltage below the baseline in order to take

advantage of the full range where the CSA open-loop gain is large.

As the input charge range is extended (Figures 7.9 and 7.11), the INL plot displays

a curved shape towards the upper end of the input range. That extra nonlinearity

is due to the lower CSA open-loop gain in that region. The tests with an extended

input range show that the CSA output swing can be safely increased by a few percent,

with a consequent reduction in the feedback capacitance and an improvement in the

SNR, before exceeding the nonlinearity specification.

The DNL plots in Figures 7.8 through 7.11 evidence 10, 7, 4 and 7 missing codes,

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0 255 511 767 1023−7−6−5−4−3−2−1012





0 255 511 767 1023−1










L (L



Figure 7.8: The Bean prototype linearity test results, SDT mode and full-scale inputrange.

0 255 511 767 1023−9−8−7−6−5−4−3−2−101





0 255 511 767 1023−1









L (L



Figure 7.9: The Bean prototype linearity test results, SDT mode and input range of108% of full scale.

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0 255 511 767 1023−6












0 255 511 767 1023−1.0−



L (L



Figure 7.10: The Bean prototype linearity test results, DCal mode and full-scale inputrange.

0 255 511 767 1023−12











0 255 511 767 1023−1.0−



L (L



Figure 7.11: The Bean prototype linearity test results, DCal mode and input rangeof 116% of full scale.

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respectively. In principle, since ADC in the Bean prototype is the same as tested

individually, there should be no missing codes. However, the extra inductance in the

longer reference traces in the Bean prototype layout causes the reference nodes to

ring as the SAR drives the ADC switches. This affects the codes where the two or

three most significant bits transition. This problem will be solved in future revisions

of the Bean by buffering the reference voltages internally.

The DNL in the DCal mode looks smaller than in the SDT because of the higher

input-referred noise in the DCal mode, which smears out the DNL plot and hides some

of its features [89]. In the DCal mode, the input-referred noise produces dithering,

randomizing the DNL errors of the converter [90].

7.3.4 Crosstalk

The crosstalk test aims to determine the gain from the input of a channel, namely

the aggressor channel, to the output of another channel, namely the victim channel.

In order to measure the crosstalk effects, a test is executed where the victim channel

input remains unchanged, while the aggressor channel input is ramped. Measuring

the changes in the victim channel’s output, and assuming linearity, allows finding the

crosstalk gain.

The crosstalk test was done for both modes of operation. Channel 1 was the

aggressor, whereas Channels 2 (the channel adjacent to the aggressor channel) and

3 (the channel non-adjacent to the aggressor channel) were the victims. In order to

measure the output of the victim channels for zero input, the ADC references were

shifted to avoid saturation at the lower input range limit. This was done without

changing the ADC gain. To prevent the crosstalk between the pulsers from affecting

the Bean prototype crosstalk measurements, the victim channels’ inputs were left


Figure 7.12 shows the crosstalk test result in the SDT mode, and Figure 7.13

shows the crosstalk test result in the DCal mode. Results in the SDT mode are raw

data, whereas results in the DCal mode are averages among 10 runs, which was done

to reduce the effects of noise.

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116 256 512 768 1024








Channel 1 output code



2 a

nd 3




e, c


ant i


Channel 2Channel 3

Figure 7.12: Crosstalk effects of Channel 1 input ramp on Channels 2 and 3, SDTmode.

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256 512 768 1024






Channel 1 output code



2 a

nd 3




e, c


ant i


Channel 2Channel 3

Figure 7.13: Crosstalk effects of Channel 1 input ramp on Channels 2 and 3, DCalmode.

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Considering a crosstalk transfer function from aggressor to victim channels, the

measured crosstalk in SDT mode is not linear. The worst-case crosstalk gain, defined

as the change in the victim channel’s output due to a unit change in the aggressor

channel’s input, is approximately 1.4% of the nominal channel gain in both victim

channels. The DCal mode worst-case crosstalk gain is 1.65% of the nominal gain for

the adjacent channel, and 1.3% of the nominal gain for the non-adjacent channel.

From the similarity of the crosstalk gains between adjacent and non-adjacent

victim channels, it is concluded that most of the ASIC crosstalk in both modes of

operation is not due to direct coupling between the aggressor and victim channels, but

rather the result of second-order effects such as power supply and reference coupling.

If necessary, this can be improved in future revisions of the ASIC by increasing the

number of power supply pins and buffering the references locally.

7.3.5 Bandwidth

In the Bean operation, there will be no correlation between consecutive inputs in any

channel. Therefore, previous inputs should not affect the current output. In other

words, channel memory effects must be minimized. The bandwidth test aims to find

the residual effect of an input on the output of subsequent cycles. The test consists

of injecting a non-negligible input charge at a known moment, and measuring the

outputs on the pre- and post-injection cycles. Ideally, the outputs in the pre- and

post-injection cycles match.

The SDT mode bandwidth test result is shown in Figure 7.14, where the input

at the charge injection cycle was 82% of the full-scale range, and the output exceeds

the axis limits. The injected input occurs on cycle 12. The difference between the

outputs of cycles 13 and 11 is −1LSB.

In DCal mode, 10 runs were executed to reduce the noise effects. The input

stimulus was set at 75% of the full-scale range. The average difference between post-

and pre-injection outputs among 10 runs is 0.9LSB. Figure 7.15 shows the output of

one of the runs. The output at the charge injection cycle exceeds the axis limits.

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1645









Cycle number


put c


Figure 7.14: Bandwidth test result, SDT mode.

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9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16200









Cycle number


put c


Figure 7.15: Bandwidth test result, DCal mode.

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7.3.6 Weighting function measurements

The front end weighting function was measured according to its definition described

in Subsection 3.1.5. This was done by injecting a small charge at different times

within a cycle, and measuring the output at the measurement time. The weighting

function result is quantized in both, amplitude and time. The amplitude resolution

is related to the input signal amplitude, whereas the time resolution is limited by the

smallest time step in the clock. Since the fastest clock runs only 16× faster than the

input pulse rate, the measured weighting function time resolution is rather coarse.

Inverting the clock allowed to double the frequency of clock rising edges, and using a

special feature of the FPGA Digital Clock Manager (DCM) the clock was shifted by

90◦, making possible the measurement of 64 points per each of the weighting functions


As mentioned earlier, the slow reset-release operation reduces the positive slope

of the weighting function, thus lowering the series noise coefficient. As implemented,

the Bean is capable of eight different reset-release schemes. The slowest reset-release

scheme (namely, reset-release scheme 128) considers one subcycle in full reset, corre-

sponding to the maximum VGS in the reset transistor, followed by a long reset-release

spanning 7 subcycles. The fastest reset-release scheme (scheme 255) considers eight

subcycles in full reset, followed by an abrupt reset-release. Table 7.3 summarizes the

details on the different reset-release schemes used in the DCal mode. The schemes

were named after the decimal value of the FPGA register that establishes the reset-

release scheme. In the SDT mode, the slow reset-release scheme used corresponds to

scheme 224. In the DCal mode, the reset-release scheme 128 is not practical, since a

single subcycle for full reset is insufficient to discharge the CSA feedback capacitor


Figures 7.16 and 7.17 show the SPICE-simulated and measured weighting func-

tions in SDT mode, for slow and fast reset-release schemes. Figures 7.18 and 7.19

show the SPICE-simulated and measured weighting functions in DCal mode, bypass-

ing the filter in the signal path, for eight different reset-release schemes. Figures 7.20

and 7.21 show the SPICE-simulated and measured weighting functions in DCal mode,

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Scheme Binary value Subcycles on full reset Subcycles on reset-release128, Slow 10000000 1 7

192 11000000 2 6224 11100000 3 5240 11110000 4 4248 11111000 5 3252 11111100 6 2254 11111110 7 1

255, Fast 11111111 8 0

Table 7.3: Reset-release schemes used in the DCal mode.

including the filter in the signal path. Finally, Figure 7.22 shows a series of weight-

ing function measurements for different clock frequencies, where correlated double

sampling (CDS) was digitally implemented. In order to implement CDS, the channel

output is measured on two consecutive cycles. First, the CSA baseline is filtered and

measured for zero input stimulus. On the next cycle, without resetting the CSA,

the output due to an input stimulus is filtered and measured. The CDS output is

the difference between both measurements, and the random baseline fluctuations are

cancelled out. Since the digital CDS implemented relies on measuring the output in

two consecutive cycles, the maximum input rate is halved. With the exception of the

weighting functions for CDS, all weighting functions were measured at full speed.

The front-end noise coefficients were computed from the weighting functions ac-

cording to the definition presented in Subsection 3.1.3. The resulting noise coefficients

were used to compare the front-end’s filtering properties under different conditions.

Due to the negligible contributions of parallel and flicker noise components, the front-

end output noise power is proportional to the series noise coefficient NW .

Table 7.4 presents examples of the series noise coefficients NW computed from

measured weighting functions. The computed series noise coefficients have been nor-

malized with respect to the fast reset-release value, filter bypassed. The results show

that the slow reset-release noise filtering ability is not sensitive to the reset scheme

as long as there are at least two cycles for slow reset-release. The results also show

that the combined effect of a switched-capacitor filter and a slow reset-release scheme

is effective in reducing the readout noise power in the DCal mode. Particularly,

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0 154 3080.0






time (ns)



g fu



Fast reset

Slow reset

Figure 7.16: SPICE-simulated weighting functions, SDT mode.

0 154 3080.0






time (ns)



g fu



Fast reset

Slow reset

Figure 7.17: Measured weighting functions, SDT mode.

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0 154 3080.0






time (ns)



g fu


nSlow reset

Reset 192

Reset 224

Reset 240

Reset 248

Reset 252

Reset 254

Fast reset

Figure 7.18: SPICE-simulated weighting function, DCal mode, no filter.

0 154 3080.0









g fu



Slow reset

Reset 192

Reset 224

Reset 240

Reset 248

Reset 252

Reset 254

Fast reset

Figure 7.19: Measured weighting function, DCal mode, no filter.

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0 154 3080.0






time (ns)



g fu



Slow reset

Reset 192

Reset 224

Reset 240

Reset 248

Reset 252

Reset 254

Fast reset

Figure 7.20: SPICE-simulated weighting function, DCal mode.

0 154 3080.0









g fu



Slow reset

Reset 192

Reset 224

Reset 240

Reset 248

Reset 252

Reset 254

Fast reset

Figure 7.21: Measured weighting function, DCal mode.

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0 154 308 462 6160.0











time (stretch * ns)






g fu



stretch = 4

stretch = 8

stretch = 16

stretch = 32

stretch = 64

Figure 7.22: Measured weighting function with CDS scheme, DCal mode.

the series noise coefficient NW computed from the measured weighting function of

the reset-240 scheme, including filter, has a relative series noise coefficient of 61%

with respect to that of a fast reset-release when bypassing the filter. An analysis of

the components of NW due to the positive and negative slopes shows that 75% of

the series noise coefficient comes from the positive slope (slow reset-release action),

whereas only 25% comes from the negative slope (filtering action). Further analysis

shows that the component of NW due to the negative slope is reduced by 56% due to

the filter action, whereas the slow reset-release action reduces the component due to

the positive slope by 30%. Although the accuracy of these measurements is affected

by the clock jitter in the weighting function measurement, they are representative of

the values expected from the design equations.

7.3.7 Noise measurements

The front-end input-referred noise, including contributions from the pulser, the CSA,

the buffers, the filter and the ADC, was measured using the histogram method [91].

By comparing the results with oscilloscope-based noise measurements, it was found

that dominant noise contributors in the front-end are the CSA, the filter, and the

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Reset scheme NW for DCal, filtered NW for DCal, no filter128 0.63 0.71192 0.66 0.71224 0.7 0.73240 0.61 0.7248 0.64 0.72252 0.69 0.75254 0.7 0.79255 0.96 1

Table 7.4: Series noise coefficients computed from measured weighting functions,normalized to the series noise coefficient for the fast reset-release scheme, non-filtered.


In the SDT mode, the RMS noise has an average of 0.6LSB. This measurement

results do not change appreciably with the slow reset-release scheme, which in princi-

ple should reduce noise by 20% compared to the fast reset-release in SDT. Therefore,

it is concluded that most of the noise is due to the ADC and can be reduced in fu-

ture revisions by increasing the transconductance of the input transistors in the ADC

comparator preamplifier. The measured noise is low enough so no off-chip digital

averaging was needed in order to process data in SDT mode.

In the DCal mode, the RMS noise was higher than expected, and it was not dom-

inated by the ADC noise. Although it is still possible to use the ASIC and calibrate

the detectors for known input signals when the front-end is noisy, by averaging a large

number of samples in the digital domain, it is important to understand the source of

the excess of noise.

One cause for the excess of noise is the input node capacitance, since it is not

well defined and noise is proportional to it. The input node capacitance has several

components, but is dominated by the board capacitance in the current test setup.

Once installed in an actual detector system, the input capacitance should be close to

40 pF due to detector capacitance and wires. Measurements in the unpopulated test

PCB yield an input node capacitance of 49 pF. This result does not include the ad-

ditional capacitance components due to connectors, capacitors, the Bean ASIC, and

other board components. For a more accurate estimate of the input node capacitance

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in the DCal mode, intentionally large, known shunt capacitors of various sizes were

added at the input node, and noise was measured. A linear regression among five

results made it possible to estimate the base input capacitance in the DCal mode to

be 75.5 pF. The ratio between this value and the specified value of 40 pF partially

explains the excess noise found at the channel output. Noise measurements in DCal

mode were scaled according to the ratio between the designed and actual input ca-

pacitances. Thus, the RMS noise measurements in the DCal mode are estimates of

the noise that would be measured if the input node capacitance were 40 pF.

The estimated noise in the DCal mode is 0.62LSB when the filter is bypassed,

and 1.41LSB when the filter is placed in the signal path. Considering that the filter

and the slow reset-release were designed to reduce the dominant (series) noise power

component by 35%, there is approximately 1.35LSB of RMS noise added by the filter

due to its internal noise sources. That amount of noise is a consequence of a design

flaw in the filter design: in Equation 5.17, the factor N was not considered.

In order to demonstrate the series noise filtering effects of the integrator, the front-

end input-referred series noise was artificially increased so that the filter internal noise

could be neglected in measurements of the output noise. This was done by adding

known, large shunt capacitors at the front-end input since the front-end series noise

is proportional to the input capacitance. Then the noise measurements for different

signal paths, including and bypassing the filter, will show the filter effectiveness.

The experiment was run for all of the different reset schemes at a clock rate 32×slower than the nominal clock rate, which reduces the effects of the input capacitance

dependent CSA bandwidth on the front-end filtering.

Output noise measurements were made in the DCal mode for three different signal

paths: bypassing the filter, including the filter, and including a digital CDS scheme

along with the filter. Due to the lower clock frequency, it is expected that the slow

reset-release scheme is not as effective as in the nominal clock condition. Therefore

the CDS scheme will be considerably better than the simple filtered case. The results

for reset scheme 240 are shown in Figure 7.23.

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0 100 200 300 400 500 6000










Total capacitance at input node (pF)


put n







Figure 7.23: Measured noise as a function of total input capacitance, for three differentsignal paths.

The input capacitance, shown on the horizontal axis, includes the 75.5 pF esti-

mated board capacitance. The lines exhibit some curvature at high input capaci-

tances due to the CSA bandwidth reduction, which affects the weighting function

positive and negative slopes. The measurements show an average noise reduction of

29% in the filtered case, and 73% in the filter+CDS scheme. These results are in

agreement with the expectations from weighting function calculations for the specific

test conditions. All the noise measurements consistently show that the slow reset-

release technique is effective in reducing the reset noise, although not as effective as


7.3.8 Fast feedback adder

The fast feedback adder was designed for a gain of 1/3 per channel. The adder

operation was tested by injecting known inputs in all channels and measuring the

adder output. The measured gains for the three channels are shown in Table 7.5,

and include the influence of both the intrinsic channel gain due to the CSA feedback

capacitor and the adder gain.

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Channel Adder gain

1 0.3452 0.3443 0.329

Table 7.5: Adder gain from all channels.

500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 40000










Sample number


put c






Figure 7.24: Adder test results.

Figure 7.24 shows the outputs of the three channels and the adder, when the three

channels inputs are ramps that span nearly the full-scale range. The discontinuity

slightly visible in the plots around codes 256, 512 and others is due to the effect of the

inductance in the ADC reference nodes, exacerbated in this test since all the ADC

inputs are alike. This problem, not seen in the standalone ADCs, can be fixed by

buffering the references internally.

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Pad connection

Figure 7.25: Supply-insensitive bias circuit used in the Bean prototype. The padconnection is shown.

7.4 Summary of design flaws

The first Bean prototype has two design flaws that must be corrected in future re-

visions. Fortunately, it was still possible to overcome these problems and obtain

meaningful data from the ASIC tests.

The first flaw found is located in the supply-insensitive bias circuits. A schematic is

shown in Figure 7.25. Due to a poor phase margin, all the Bean prototype bias circuits

oscillate at nearly 8MHz. The internal RC filters implemented with resistors Ri and

capacitors Ci reduce the amplitude of the oscillations considerably, but the oscillatory

behavior moves the bias circuits’ DC voltages to useless levels. The problem occurred

because of the 1-pF pad capacitance (CPad), which loaded the bias circuits’ external

nodes and moved their nondominant poles closer to the dominant poles. The flaw

was not evident in post-layout transient simulations because a step in the power

supply was necessary to trigger the oscillatory behavior. The problem was fixed by

modifying the ASIC, by cutting the metal traces that connect the pads to the bias

circuits. Upon removing the pad connections, the bias circuits worked as designed.

The second flaw found is in the filter amplifier design. Due to an error in Equation

5.17, the factor N was omitted, and the contribution of the filter amplifier to the noise

power was 8× higher than intended.

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Chapter 8


8.1 Summary

Microelectronics has played a crucial role in instrumentation systems for modern

particle physics experiments. With the introduction of custom monolithic circuits,

particle physicists are able to obtain highly detailed images of the outcome of millions

of collisions, and to process them in colossal computer networks. The information

captured by millions of detector channels makes it possible to reconstruct the trajec-

tories of thousands of particles leaving the collision point, and to measure the energy

and its distribution among different regions of the detector.

The instrumentation for particle physics experiments has reached maturity in the

sense that state-of-the-art techniques in circuit and devices design are systematically

used. Among others, it is common to find custom detectors [92] [93], radiation-

tolerant circuits [94] [95], high-speed analog memory [5] [96], active pixel sensors [97]

[98], and integrated ADCs [99]. With ever-increasing collision energy, the electronic

design for newer particle physics experiments instrumentation becomes more chal-

lenging. Among the challenges addressed by this work are a signal path designed

to cope with 100% occupancy, achieved with real-time analog-to-digital conversion,

and a low-latency output consisting on the sum of all channels, implemented using

an analog adder. The latter will be used for diagnosing and real-time tuning of the

colliding beams in the ILC.


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Although ubiquitous, switched-capacitor circuits do not have a strong presence

in the particle physics arena, where they have been used mainly in analog memory

and ADCs. In this work, switched-capacitor circuits are used to implement a pulse

shaper, demonstrating that it is possible to produce quasi-triangular and trapezoidal

weighting functions with great accuracy. Although suboptimal in terms of noise-

filtering properties due to the finite sampling frequency and consequent aliasing, a

switched-capacitor pulse shaper can produce precisely-defined weighting functions

with time constants that depend only on capacitor ratios and an external clock.

This is a competitive alternative for RC-defined time constants, which depend on

on-chip resistors and capacitors values subject to different process variations. As

newer technologies enter into the area of particle physics experiments electronics, it

is foreseeable to find in the future more pulse shapers based on switched-capacitor

circuits. The analysis and design techniques in this work can thus serve as a starting

point for future research.

In this work, switched-capacitor circuits were also used to implement a slow reset-

release technique. Through capacitance charging, charge sharing and discharging,

VGS is reduced slowly in order to slowly open the reset switches, thus reducing the

corresponding slope in the weighting function. This reduces the output noise due to

split doublets. Although not as effective as CDS in terms of noise filtering, the slow

reset-release technique is simpler and represents a competitive solution when the time

allocated for processing signals is limited.

As process miniaturization advances, transistors become more difficult to model,

and the gm/ID design technique has become increasingly important. Particularly

relevant in instrumentation for particle physics experiments is noise characterization,

which can be done effectively using the gm/ID technique as described in Chapter 3.

If properly used, it allows the convergence to an optimal design in fewer iterations.

The scaling of mainstream VLSI technology leads to severe constraints on dynamic

range. Noise does not scale as the power supply voltage, and circuit designers must use

ingenious techniques to circumvent the problems related to the decreasing dynamic

range. In the circuit presented in this work, this issue was addressed using two

different techniques: the use of charge-sensitive amplifier (CSA) precharge to take

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full advantage of the amplifier output range over which the linearity is acceptable,

and the use of fully-differential circuits, to increase the output swing while keeping

all transistors operating in the active region. In the future, on-chip digital calibration

will make it possible to correct the distortion of a CSA with an increased output

range that exceeds the limits for an acceptable linearity.

The improvements in photolithography over the last decade have made it possible

to create precise structures in the layout level of a circuit. As an example, passive RF

components can be carefully tailored in CMOS technologies. The matching of lateral

field capacitors has been improved. This makes it possible to create capacitor arrays

out of the parasitic capacitances between metal lines. Proper metal shielding through

a careful layout, as presented in this work, permitted the successful implementation of

a capacitor array sufficiently linear for a 10-bit successive-approximation register ADC

using 2-fF unit capacitors in a 180-nm process. The low resulting input capacitance

is easy to drive and produces savings in area and power consumption.

Although not part of the design process, testing a chip with a large number of

control lines can be a challenge. In this work, an FPGA provided the digital control

signals and produced the analog input stimuli via on-board DACs. The FPGA also

served as an off-chip digital memory, providing a seamless link to the personal com-

puter used for post processing the Bean outputs. Although it takes longer to set up

an FPGA-based ASIC testbench than to use conventional laboratory equipment, the

FPGA is fully programmable at the level of logic gates and eliminates the need of a

stack of signal generators and logic analyzers.

8.2 Suggestions for future work

There is no such thing as amagic bullet in instrumentation systems for particle physics

experiments. Design tradeoffs aim to address specific goals at the inevitable cost of

other variables in the design space. The classic signal path architecture for parti-

cle physics experiments, including a detector, a CSA and a filter, has not changed,

and will surely remain for some time. The design process, involving a minimization

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of power consumption while meeting noise and other specifications, requires a thor-

ough understanding on the coupling among detector, CSA and filter variables. One

part cannot be optimized without considering the whole. And although the three

basic blocks have not suffered major changes from a behavioral point of view, new

techniques can provide more choices in the actual implementation.

One of the most important topics in particle physics instrumentation in the 70’s

was finding the optimal pulse shape for noise minimization. Although some optimal

shapes, such as the cusp [20], were impossible to synthesize using real circuits, it was

interesting to determine the fundamental lower limit of noise that could be achieved

through them. Departure from the optimal pulse shape leads to additional noise.

However, with the use of switched-capacitor circuits, it may be possible to synthesize

arbitrary weighting functions by implementing different integrator gains in different

cycles. Provided a sufficiently high sampling rate and an appropriate anti-alias filter,

the resulting pulse shape can be near optimal. This work may serve as a base for

future research on the synthesis of optimal pulse shapes using switched-capacitor


The analog sampled data processing in switched-capacitor circuits, benefiting from

high speeds achieved by transistors with shorter channel, can certainly improve the

weighting function synthesis techniques. A completely different approach, still ex-

pensive in terms of power consumption due to more stringent ADC specifications,

is to process the CSA output in the digital domain. However, with the state-of-

the-art ADC architectures in newer technologies, future instrumentation systems for

particle physics experiments will certainly include more processing in the digital do-

main. This approach is worth exploring, especially as technology continues to scale

to smaller dimensions.

The lessons learned during the design and testing of the Bean prototype will

prompt corrections, improvements, and upgrades for future revisions. The most ur-

gent corrections consist of designing the bias circuit feedback loop to achieve adequate

stability margins, and editing the filter OTA design to meet the noise specifications.

The performance of the MOMCap ADC, along with its reduced capacitive input

capacitance and area make it an attractive candidate for the next Bean prototype

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version. The capacitor array can be corrected in order to reduce its sensitivity to radial

gradients and improve its linearity. Moreover, since the effects of radial gradients

appeared in all of the ADCs tested, the ADC nonlinearity might be leveraged to

cancel out the CSA nonlinearity, allowing for an extended output swing. For a fixed

target SNR, this would imply a reduction in the CSA current consumption.

It was found during testing that the wire bonds and the long vertical metal lines

in the Bean layout add a non-negligible parasitic inductance in series to the reference

voltages. Combined with the lines’ parasitic capacitance, this can produce ringing in

the voltage references. The most noticeable effects of such ringing are missing codes

in the ADC. In order to mitigate the effects of ringing in future revisions of the Bean,

the reference nodes should be buffered internally using source followers.

A clock recovery circuit will be necessary to extract the clock information from

the collisions. Another needed feature is the implementation of power cycling in order

to meet the power consumption specifications. Finally, for complete functionality, a

digital memory array with error-correcting capabilities and an LVDS output driver

can be included in the next revision.

The natural radiation tolerance of the 180-nm process should be studied using the

enclosed layout transistors (ELTs) fabricated in the Bean prototype run. The infor-

mation from this study will allow the design of future revisions of the ASIC to meet

radiation tolerance specifications. The ESD protection circuits must be improved in

order to minimize the leakage current, and to prevent such leakage from increasing

after irradiation.

The 2-fF capacitor matching in the MOM capacitor array exceeds the expectations

based on the matching data provided by the foundry and other work in the area.

The capacitors are fully compatible with any digital CMOS process. It would be

interesting to further investigate the capacitor matching limit and determine how it

varies among technologies.

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Appendix A

The Bean and ADC pinout

The Bean prototype has 72 pads and was bonded to an 80-lead package from Spectrum

Semiconductor Material (SSM). The package SSM part number is CQZ08004. The

Bean bonding diagram is shown in Figure A.1.

The MIMCap ADC prototype has 24 pins, and the MOMCap ADCs have 20 pins.

Both were bonded to a 44-lead package, SSM part number CQZ04408. The three

ADC bonding diagrams are shown in Figures A.2 through A.4

Table A.1 shows the Bean pinout and Table A.2 shows the ADC pinout, common

for the three ADCs.

Pin number Pin name Description

1 En_PrChrg_Int Internal precharging circuit enable

2 En_PrChrg_Ext External precharging circuit enable

3 V_Ck_CSA CSA clock

4 VRST_CSA CSA reset

5 VRST_Full CSA full reset

6 V_OpMode_CSA Operation mode select

7 VRST_Bffr Buffer reset

8 VSH_Fltr Filter sample/hold

9 VRST_Fltr Filter reset

10 V_Ck_Fltr Filter clock


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Pin number Pin name Description

11 V_OpMode_Out Filter bypass/select

12 V_Icm_Des_FF Adder input common mode reference

13 VCM_Addr Adder amplifier output common mode reference

14 V_Smpl_Addr Adder sample/hold

15 V_Ck_ADC ADC clock

16 En_ADC ADC enable

17 En_FF_ADC Adder ADC enable

18 AG Analog ground

19 NC No connection

20 NC No connection

21 NC No connection

22 NC No connection

23 AG Analog ground

24 AVdd Analog Vdd

25 DVdd Digital Vdd

26 DVdd Digital Vdd

27 Do_FF Adder digital output

28 Do_Ch03 Channel 3 digital output

29 Do_Ch02 Channel 2 digital output

30 Do_Ch01 Channel 1 digital output

31 DG Digital ground

32 DG Digital ground

33 Vbaseline_Mon Baseline voltage monitor

34 Vo_CSA_Mon CSA output voltage monitor (Ch01)

35 VadcinP_Mon ADC positive input (Ch01)

36 VadcinM_Mon ADC negative input (Ch01)

37 Vfip_Mon Filter positive input (Ch01)

38 Vfim_Mon Filter negative input (Ch01)

39 Vfop_Mon Filter positive output (Ch01)

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Pin number Pin name Description

40 Vfom_Mon Filter negative output (Ch01)

41 NC No connection

42 NC No connection

43 Vref_P ADC positive reference

44 V_CM_ADC ADC common-mode reference

45 Vref_COM ADC common reference

46 Vref_M ADC negative reference

47 V_icm_Des Filter input common mode reference

48 Vcm_Fltr Filter output common mode reference

49 Vgnd_Shift Ground reference (voltage shifting)

50 V_Shift Shifting voltage reference

51 Adj_Comp Comparator bias adjust

52 Adj_OutBffr_1 Output buffer bias adjust (1)

53 Adj_OutBffr_2 Output buffer bias adjust (2)

54 Adj_Fltr_1st Filter bias adjust (1)

55 Adj_Fltr_2nd Filter bias adjust (2)

56 Adj_Bffr Signal buffer bias adjust

57 Adj_CSA_PMOS CSA PMOS bias adjust

58 Adj_CSA_NMOS CSA NMOS bias adjust

59 Vdd_Ref Precharge Vdd reference

60 Vdd_CSA CSA Vdd

61 Vdd_CSA CSA Vdd

62 AG Analog ground

63 AG Analog ground

64 AVdd Analog Vdd

65 Vi_Ch01 Ch01 input

66 V_PrChrg_01 Ch01 precharge node for external capacitor

67 AG Analog ground

68 AVdd Analog Vdd

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Pin number Pin name Description

69 Vi_Ch02 Ch02 input

70 V_PrChrg_02 Ch02 precharge node for external capacitor

71 AG Analog ground

72 AVdd Analog Vdd

73 Vi_Ch03 Ch03 input

74 V_PrChrg_03 Ch03 precharge node for external capacitor

75 SCVdd SC Vdd

76 SCVdd SC Vdd

77 SCVdd SC Vdd

78 AG Analog ground

79 NC No connection

80 NC No connection

Table A.1: The Bean pinout.

Pin number Pin name Description

1 NC No connection

2 AG Analog ground (NC in MOMCap ADC)

3 Vim ADC negative input

4 Vcom ADC common reference

5 Vm ADC negative reference

6 Vp ADC positive reference

7 Vcom ADC common reference

8 Vip ADC positive input

9 AG Analog ground (NC in MOMCap ADC)

10 NC No connection

11 NC No connection

12 NC No connection

13 NC No connection

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Pin number Pin name Description

14 NC No connection

15 AG Analog ground

16 AG Analog ground

17 Vcm ADC common-mode reference

18 RST ADC reset

19 NC No connection

20 NC No connection

21 NC No connection

22 NC No connection

23 NC No connection

24 NC No connection

25 AG Analog ground (NC in MOMCap ADC)

26 Dout ADC digital output

27 DG Digital ground

28 Ck ADC clock

29 DVdd Digital Vdd

30 En ADC enable

31 DG Digital ground

32 AG Analog ground (NC in MOMCap ADC)

33 NC No connection

34 NC No connection

35 NC No connection

36 NC No connection

37 NC No connection

38 Vadj ADC bias adjust

39 AVdd Analog Vdd

40 AVdd Analog Vdd

41 AG Analog ground

42 NC No connection

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Pin number Pin name Description

43 NC No connection

44 NC No connection

Table A.2: ADC pinout.

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Figure A.1: The Bean bonding diagram.

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Figure A.2: Dual-layer MOMCap ADC bonding diagram.

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Figure A.3: Single-layer MOMCap ADC bonding diagram.

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Figure A.4: MIMCap ADC bonding diagram.

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