the bengal tanks improvement act, 1939 keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to...

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Page 1: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

DISCLAIMER: This document is being furnished to you for your information by PRS Legislative Research (PRS). The contents of this document have been obtained from sources PRS believes to be reliable. These contents have not been independently verified, and PRS makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In some cases the Principal Act and/or Amendment Act may not be available. Principal Acts may or may not include subsequent amendments. For authoritative text, please contact the relevant state department concerned or refer to the latest government publication or the gazette notification. Any person using this material should take their own professional and legal advice before acting on any information contained in this document. PRS or any persons connected with it do not accept any liability arising from the use of this document. PRS or any persons connected with it shall not be in any way responsible for any loss, damage, or distress to any person on account of any action taken or not taken on the basis of this document.

The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939

Act 15 of 1939

Keyword(s): Agricultural Land, Authorised Person, Collector, Co-Operative Society, Derelict Tank, Period of Possession, Person Having Control over a Tank, Tank

Page 2: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In
Page 3: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Tile Ber;grrl 'li111k.r Acr, 1939.

[Den. Act XV of 1939.1

20. Applica~iol~ ( 1 1 ' llic ACI 10 lank j ~ ~ i p ~ . ~ v e d as a rcli~l ' Ineasure.

2 1 . Res~oralion oi possession of lank.

22. Record-nr-rights in rcspecl of derelicl ~enks.

23. Application of ~ h c ACI LO ccr~ain ~anks.

24, Cr)sls.

25. Dccision or dispules.

16. Appcal ayninsl aclion or au~horisrd person.

27. Oiher appcols.

28. Procedurc in proczcdings under scclion 17.

29. Ordcr or Civil Courr no1 to npcclrc during period or posscssion.

30. Bar !o jurisdiclion or Civil Coutls.

3 1 . Pnwer I(I cnlclm I;md 10 1113k.e survcy. crc.

32. Powcr lo cornpel producliim or slarcrticnts and documents.

33. Po~ver lo cnlorcc a~ielldance of wi~ncsscs and produc~ion or docuu~en~s,

34. Pnwcr iu au~l~orise subordina~c orficcr lo excrcisc Collc.clor's powers.

3. Pcnally.

36. No reduction of rc~~cnuc Tor anylhing drmc under [ h i s Acl.

37. Powcr l o make ~rulcs.

Page 4: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

0 Bengal Act XV of 1939'


The r\daptn~ion of Laws O r d c ~ ; 1950.

. .

AII Act 10 i ~~n i~ idc fotm rlre irripro\wn~~~t uf rmrh i~r Betrgnl for-pirlpo.rt,s UJ ir~.ig(~tio~t,

- The Indian Indepcndencc (Adnp~ar ion o r Bengal and Pun~jahAcis)Ordcr.lY3S.

W H E H E ~ S i r i s cxpedicnl 10 provide for 111c i ~ r i p r o w r n c l ~ r of i n ~ i k s i l l

Rcngal rur purposes or irrign~ion;

1. ( 1 ) 'I'liis .4c! miry bc called tlle Bcngrrl Tirrrks l ~ n p r o \ ~ c n l c n r Act, sllufl l i l lc,

193'). c\lcnr ;ind dbjnlnx'llcc- l? lCl l l .

'Fur Sr~lcrnc:ll c~ fOb jc r l \ nlld Rcasall.;. a 8 c n thc Ctrlc.tcr/rr C;rr:rflc. E~lrgr,~~tlir,irr 1: datud 1l1c brll Alr:u<t. 1937. pnfc 117: arltl for Rc.parr {I( 111i S c l t ~ t T~I I I I~ I I I~~. .,~.r. ~ h r : C~rlr,rrr/rr I;rr;rrrr.. dalcl: rlic 2rj1l1 111ly. 1938. Par1 IV4. page., 15 1 - l .ill. n ~ ~ l l iar procccdirryc ol' ~ l i c U c n ~ a l LC;~SIJIII.< AS>CIIIIII!., S ~ ~ C th< UC.~~:II LZCISIIZL~~L. h s s c r n b l ~ P r @ c c s 1 l i 1 l ~ ~ - l ~ l i 7 . Yo1 L111. Piri. I. Ilagc5 i1.1-.:20. 193s. \ill Llll. Kn I 1 1 . t : ~ hb. aid I ' l iS. \ 'ol LIIi. Xn 3. 173 ~ n t l p ~ c t , 2 2 1 - 2 3 7 : ~ t l i o r pros;.cJrn~r r ) l ~ l l c R c n ~ a l I . cy r~ l .~ r r ru Ctr~lnci l . w r ' tlrc R ~ L I ~ J I I.t:~sl:~~i\fc L r t l n c i l L>cIi:iw~ - t9 iY , \'[)I I, p a ~ c .%, pa:^ 177. 1):rgts 4. iI - 4 M 2nd I Y J ~ C ~ 4~57-.lS5. lq.V), VuI. !I, 1)aycs I(>& 16'). p:i:c i?i? :wd ~ J Y C V i 4

Page 5: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

T j t ~ Bct~gui Turlks I~rrprn~~e~~rurrr Aar, 1939.

[Ben: ,4cl XV

'I. (3) IL shal l comc inlo ' Torue in suc l l areas on such dnrcs as ~ h c ' [ S ~ a ~ c ]

Cr>vcrr i incn[ may, by n o r i f i c n ~ i o n in the Oficirrl Gn:errc, direr[.

Dcfini~i(>~><. 2. in this Acr, unless rhcre is any~hitlg rcpugnanl in ~ l ~ e sul~jccr or Cr,ntCXI,--

:(al) "agricullural land" includcs land uscd for rhc g r o w i n g of vcgerahlm and lhc l i k e and also wah!c land which i s capable o f c u l r i v a ~ i o n h u ~ does no1 includc a h u i ~ pardcn, an rlrchnrd,

any rcmple, mc~squz or h o ~ n e s ~ c d d Innd;

(I) "aurhori.~cd pcrson" Incans lhc Cnl lcclor, a lacn l au~hority, LO-operative socic~y, o r any o l f ~c r persun w h o l i lkes possession of a rank undcr 111c provisions or ~ l l i s Act nud inc luJcs he succcssnrs in i n ~ e r c s ~ of such a persrm:

(2) "Collccior" includes a mngisrc i r r in chargc of a subdivision of u d i s ~ r i u l a n d any officcr a p p n i n ~ c d hy ~ h c : IS ia~c] G u \ r c l . ~ ) n ~ c n l 10 cxcroise all or any o i ~ h c functions ol' a Colleclor under !his Acl;

This Act was brotlph~ rr:ro lorcc i11 such arc& nl~d on *ut:lb dnlss fullonms:- (1) 011 thc 12nd No\.cnlhvr. 194U. in ~ h c dlstricrs 1)1 Dirbhl~r~!. D a n k u r ~ .

Burdwan and hlurrh~dabnd (rid,. no1iCi~al1011 No. 10171 kliw.. dnrctl t t ~s 19th Novcrnhcr. 1'1.10. putrlishe(l in rhc (:f~ir-~rrro G(r:crrc, d.ltrd tht 161h Norr111bc.r. 19.10. Part I. page 3215):.

( 2 ) 011 ~lir 10111 Apri l . 1941. in rllc distrrut or Mallla ( v i r l k nrrtihcarion No. 3751 Mist.. dared rhc 51h April. 1941. publishcd in 111s Crrlcir~i(r Gi~:errc. t l ~ c d rth: 10th April. 1941. Pan I. p ~ g c 877);

(3) On thc 61h May. 19-13, in IIIC dislrict or Nadin (vir lr 11atilicatio11 No 6467 hlisc.. datcd ~ l l c 151 MIX. 194IJ.. publisllcd in ~ l i r Grlrrrrrtr C;rct.rrc, dntcd rhc 13ih h.lny. 11913. Psn I, page 993):

14) On lhc E n d Junc. 19-14. in rhc dirrnct o l Midnqore (ri(Ic 11orificatto11 No. 10718 Mirc., dnkd rhc 14th Junc. 1'15-1. puhlish-al in ~ h c G ~ ~ I ~ r r r r ~ r Gu.:rrrr, datcd [he ?Znd June. 1944. Pan 1. p q c 879);

(5) On rhz 17111 Rugu5i. 1744. i n 1hu dimict oC I lorrgldy (udr nnrificaric~n N(I I3trlG h41sc.. d n l d llic 12rh Augusr. 1954. l>ublished ill r l~e Crrl~.rrrr~t Gr:crrc. d3;r.d tllc 17th Aupurl. 19U, pan I. p ~ g c 1UJ3):

(6) On rhc !Y111 Nr>vvlt~bcr. 19-l.i. in rhc dlslrict of JIin3jpt1r (r.itI2 ~~ol i l icat io~\ No. 64 7.1.. dahrd ilic I5lh N o v c i ~ l h c r , I4J:5, puhlishcd in Illc Culrrtrrtr <;tr:c,rrt,. r l ~ l cd llte 19th Novcmhr. 1915. Pan 1. p a ~ r : 1977);

(7) 011 IIIC 151 Scptcmber. IY-IS, in rht district of 31-Parp1\a~ (1,ide nokficn~ir)n No. 5W7 T.I.. dated ~ h t 12111 Augusl. IOJE. puhlishcd in ~ l ~ i C ~ t r k ~ r ~ ! i ~ U<~;cric. ditrcd thc I i i th Augbsl. 19JR. Pan I, p~gc 1 156):

(61 On Ihc Is1 hlarclt. 1959. In r l l t rlislrtct of H:wrnl~ (l, i(l iv norificarion No. 1852 TI.. dnlrd 17.1.59. puhlishcd bn ~hc Lirlcltrr~r C;~r.-rr!t- of 1959. Pan I. pngc 1056):

(9) On ~ h s 19111 Novvrukr. 1959. in rhs t l i r~r ic l of Purulia ( l , i < l ~ notific.:irio~l Nu. 2010 T 1 , dnlcd I, 10.59. puhl~sllrd in 111t Ci~irrrrri~ G~rrrrrc ol 1C159. Cl;m I. p ~ ~ c 3735 1.

'This word nl.; substilutcd Tor ~ h c word "Prtlvi~lcial" by para. J(1) uC I lw Adnpl;l~ion nTL.vrs nrdcr. 1950.

'Clalrsr. (31) wa.c i1:scrrcd by s. ? { a ) o l thc R c l r ~ a l T~s11;r In>pra\'cn~cnl , > I r . - 0 ... -*I + -. . - , I d + - , - n ~ j 5 , .T 1 0 1 q i\t<.<l Tq,." 4,.1 yylv ,I( IqJK)

Page 6: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

b n . Act XXI (3) "co-opcr;irivc sociely" mcans a socicly regis~crcd undcr '[[he -of 19-10. ,lr Bengal C<i-operalivc Socielies Acl, 19401:

14) "dcrcl ic~ lank" Incans a rank which has bccn drclatcd (1) be a dcrclicL irrigarion work undcr scclion.4;

(5) "pcriurl of ~~osscssion." means ~ h c peiod r r t m the ~ i m c when posscssinrb is I i r s ~ rilken o f 11 rank under scclion 5 or scc~ion 6 unli l [he t i m c whcn posscssirm tliercor is rzslorcd under section 2 1 ;

'(5a) "pcrsotl llnving cr>t~trol oidcr a rank" docinor includc a person by whnnl t l ~c lank is tield Tor a limited limc and wl~osc inreres! in thc lank is nu1 rrilnsferablc;

(6) "prescrihcd" means prescribed by rules tnadc under h i s Act;

(7) "lank" rncans a reservoir. nr plncc whicli lins hccn uscd as n reservoir, fur ihe sLorngc nf waLcr w l ie~hcr farmed by cxcavalion or by ihe consuucrioi~ 01 onc nr nlorc cmbank- nlcnls or place w h c r c walcr naturally eucuniulatcs, and includcs any par1 or n lank and rhc banks rhcreof c ~ c c p ~ such po r~ ions of (lie banks as arc hdrne-slcfirl garden or orchard land.

3. I f lhc Co l lcc~or i s af opinion ~ I ia t any lank has lnllcn inlo disrepair or disuse, hc may servc u norice in rhc prescribed fnrm and m,anner un i l ~ c pcrson havinz colilrol ovcr the tank3[rcquiring such person lu i n r i~~ ia l c 10 him wirhin a period specified i n the no~ icc i f such pcrson is willing to carry oui and in case suc l~ person is so %villiny [hen,] to ~3r1-y OUL wilhin a period specified in rhc nntice such improvcmcn~s o f rhe tank as the Collector considers n<ccssary for rhc proper ui i l isa~ion or the lank for purpuscs of irriga~ ion.

4. ( 1 ) '[I!. thc person h:lviog control aver thc rank ducs rlol send any inlinlalion or scnds any inlimarion lo rhc Callcclor ~ v i l l ~ i n thc period fixed undcr section 3 rhal he is no1 willing lo carry o u ~ rhc iriiprovcmen~s rcrcrred IU in t h a ~ s c c ~ ~ o o or i f such person scnds any inrirna~ion m the Col lector w i r l l in such period thal be 1s w i l l i n g 10 carry our the in~prove~ncnls bur f i ~ i l s ro cany out the inlprovemenlsl ro the snl is l~ct ion

'Tlls wtlrds mid figures ai\lli~i Aqu;ln bnckclr r r d e r r subs~i~ulrd for ! l i t r\r)nls and tiguro "thc Co-c>pcn~ivr. Socielics A c t . 1912" by s , 2 md \hc F ib1 Svhrdulc 10 rhc 1Vc.s~ Bcnyal R c p A i n p and Anwndirig Act. 1949 [\f'cv Rcn. Ac l XIX uf 19-19),

'Clauw (5;)) was ~nwnrd by s. 21b) or thc I 3 c n p l Tank I~ripruvcmcnl (\bk>! Licngal Arnc~~dl l~cnr) Act. 144s (1ik.t Ucli. Acl XXlV or 1948).

I Kcquisi~iun by Collcc~or 10 c m y our

i i111prnt~e-

I mcnts in crnain !

:Tllc !r.urds :md ligurc xviltiin squ3ic brackets wcrc subsri~ulr.~l fortlic t\ ~ r , r \ ~ and figurc "I f h e improvurncn~s rclurtictt lu in section 3 are no1 cxr icr l out" by s. J(n)(i), ibi.4

Page 7: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

i i

Tile Betrgnl Trrtrks Irr~~~rnver~rr~rr~ Act, 1939. I !

[Ben. Act x V ~ I

of rhc Colleclor witllin 1 1 1 ~ pcricld speciricrl in rhc tloiicc issucd utlder , .. ... 1 , -:-. *, (hat scction or within such fur~l lcr period 4s thc C o l k c ~ o r may, on

' . .

npplicniion tnadc lo him in [his hclialf, 111ink 171 10 nllo\v. 1I1c Collcc~nr may, '[by a nolicc scrvcd in 111e prescribed manncr on] ihe pcrson 11avin-g conlrol ovrr rhe lank and ollicrwisc puhliskcd in the prescrihccl Ibrm I and manncr, declarc lhc tank ro bl: a dcrclicl irrig,~lion wnrk.

( 2 ) ~ v c r y no~ice issucd undcr sub-secrion ( 1 ) shall sralc ~ l j c b0undaric.q (II 1 1 1 ~ tarlk whic l~ is dculnrcd lo be a dcrclicr irriga~ion work '[or thc numbcr en~crcd in ihe rccord-or-riglit?; Cjnally publisl:cd under Chap~cr X or tile J3mg:ll Tcnancy Act, 1865, orthc surt'ey plni comprising VllI 01 1685: . .' . . such tank.] . . .

P o w r lu Culltctor Ir: rrspcur ofadrwlict im:;ltion ~ o r k .

Order Tclr ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 1 1

or. uld i i t~pro\-c- 11Itnth rn. a derclicl rank.

(3) R copy o f cvcry noricc published undcr sub.-section ( 1 ) sllall hc posiud up in ;I conspicut~us place ncar tllc tnnk, rogcihcr will1 an

inrialatiol~ 1ha1 hny objecrions 10 the 'lconfinnalinnj olrhc not~cc ~.eccivcd by he Cullcclor ~virl i in one month froill [he datc whcn ir i s s o posted up. w i l l be rakcn inro considcrn~ion.

(3) On llie cxpiry ut' tlic hoid period or unc ulonih. rhc Collrcior. zll'lcr considel-ing ihu objcc~iuns, i T any, sfcill confirln oi- r v i l hd ra~~ rhc coiicr.

(5) A noi icc published under ihis scciion sllall, unless and r~nt i l I

i! is withclritwn, be cr)nclusi\~e cvidcnce of ihc T:~ci t h a ~ ihc rank ro 1 which i r relates is ;I dcrclict il-ri91tion work within tllz mcming o[' ihis 1 scclion.

5. ARcr die nolicc declaring i k rank to he a dcrclict irriparit)n work has bccn conlirn~ed undcr seclinn 4 111c Collzc~or, i f he ttiinks I i l . may a1

I -

a'ny limc- , .

(a) 13kc posses~ion o l illc rank and c~1n.y o u ~ ~ l l c i r ~~p rove~~~cn rs spccihed in rhc nuiicc undcr scc~iuu 3, or

, . -

(b) authorisc under scciioo 6 a I i ~ : t l nuillorily. uo-c~pcra~ive socic~y. or any othcr pcnoll irl~crcsrctl 10 iakc sucli aciion,

6. ( 1 ) Ally local au~liority or co-opcr;~tivr: sociery. o r any nlllcr pcrst~n ~vho, in tllc opinion ( ~ r thc Collzc~clr. I1;is nn inicrcs~ in 3 (lzr.clicl lank. may, if au~hc~risod by ihc C ~ l l e c ~ o r liy an order in w i l i n g in his , . .

hchalr. rake posscssiun o f such ~ i m k and carry our illz ilnprovcn~en~s spccificd in [he 1101icc under scuticin 3 . !


'The irords tvill~in aquxc . I)rackc~s \vcn: subsriti~~cd Cur thl: ~surds "by ;I ntrlicc lo- ' by s. -l(n)(ii), oftl it U c ~ ~ g n l Tank!. I~!r~irovcmrn~ (N'csr Ilcl1!,11 Anlr.n~l111cnf1 Acr. 19-15 (~YC<I Ucn. Acl XXIV of 19JR)

'Thc {vords mil liyuws wilhin s t l l~~rc 1)nci;r.t~ w\.cr< addud 1,s 5. 4 b ) . rbi(l.

hi\ word WJ, suhrri~u~cd Tor the walrd " i s s r ~ " by s. . ~ ( c ) . rbtl.

Page 8: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Tlw H ~ ~ I I ~ ~ I I E~trks I I ~ I ~ I - U V ~ I I I ~ I ~ ~ Aor, 1939.

(2) In making an ordcr undcl- sub-sccrion ( L ) ~ l l c Collenor shall, except for su i k i cn r reason 10 hc rzcordcd in wri~ing. zive przfcrcncc l o ' [ t l~e solc owncr nr] any co-shnrcr owner ol'rlie lank who has suhrni~led as applicn~ion slaring rim Ilc is will in2 lu c:t~-~-y our tllc said iinprovcmen~s 01- be ]nay nlakc an ordcr in favour or mare rllnn one sucll cu-sharer owner joinily.

(3) An ordcr u l~der sub-scctioo (I) shall be in such f o m ~ and sha l l

c t m i a i ~ ~ such p i l f l i ~ u h r ~ and condirions ns may be prcs~ril)ed. . -

%A. ( I ) IT any au~horiscd pcrsoll considers ii ncccssary for thc purposc of carrying oul [lie irnpruvcinenls in :h dcrelict tank to lakc posscssion of any land adjoining such 1;1nk, he may.-

(a) i f hc is t i l l : Collccror, lakc posscssion or such land by order in wi l i ng , and

(b) i f hc is no1 rbu Collccior, apply i n [he prcscrihcd nlnnncr lo ihe Cullcclor 10 bc empowered l o rake posscssinn o f such land and 1l:c Collecior nxky, i i he is siuislicd rrurrr considering rhc applica~ion rhar suc l~ Innd i s ~,tquircd for carrying our ihc intprovernen~s, crnpower thc :juthoriscd pcrson by urdcr in writing ro take posscssion 01'such land:

I'rovidcd rhnl ihe Collcc~or. sliall no1 1:jkt: posscssic~n or empower any au~hnrised pcrson r t l take posscssiol~ or such land wi rhuu~ giviny in [he prcscribcd ~nanncr ~ l i c person in

possession or sucti Iiwd rcasonablc oppol-(unity of n~aking any reprcscnlal inn hc may l i ke ro make and wi lhnut considering any rcpresen~a~iun so ~nadc.

OrJcr for , ,

posscsslon oilands :.: ! - - adjoining ~ d e r c l i c ~ lank lor carqinpaul imprvvc- nunl:, i n S U ~ I ~mk.

(2) Every ordcr lnadc under sub-scctiun ( I ) shall specify [hc boundaries nf h e litnd 10 which i t rclales or rhc nuiriber cnlcred i n i11c

vlll 1885- record-or-righrs tinally puhlishcd undcr Cliaptcr X or the Benpiil Tcnancy ACI. 1Y85, or [he survzy plor colnprising suc l~ land and sliall bc in such hrni 3s 1 1 1 3 ~ bc prescribed.

7. (1) ' [ I fany aurhoriscdperson orhcr 11ian thcCollecror-1 CancAaliun of ordcr

'(a) i'nils to carry our he improi0crncnrs lo [IIC salisfacrion or thc t~ndcr

Col lcc~or in ncct,rdance wid) rhc c o ~ ~ d i ~ i o n s referrcd rr) in Ct"i"nC'.

sub-sccrion (3) or heclion 6, '[(~r] --

"I'hc ~vords xrwrhin squarc h~~clicts w r z lnwncd by s. 5 ortlic Rrneal T~ ik r Ilnprovcmcni (Wtst U~1ig31 Arncndn~cnL) Acr. 1918 (\WSI Rrn. hcr XXIV o f 19-1s).

'Suc!ion hJ was inscnutl by s 6, ihicl. 'Thr uords wilhln squaw hmckr~s wcrc suhhriru(c.d Tor I I l i wrmls " I T ;uiy ~ufhurisrd

ptrwn-'' b!. F 7 i l )(a). ilri<l.

" l ' l l ~ ~ \vc>rrl r v i r l ~ i l l q u a r e bmckzt:, was nddcd by s. 2 and rlw First Scl~cduIt tn 1112 Wtsl Uvnzal Rcpti~lin: s~ld Arlitndirl: ~CI. 19.14 ( i \ ' t s ~ Ucl). Ac l XIS of 1'149).

Page 9: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

[Ben. Act XV

{h) Fail>, in rhc opinion of tllc Collcctor. to procccd with the improveo~cnts with due diligence 01.10 mainlain [t ie lailk in propcr condi~ion, or

(c) with or without thc pern~ission o f lhe Colleclor gives up posscssion or thc lank or abandons the work o f improve- mcnr, or

(dl is, in thc opinion o f [lie Colleclor, guiIly o f any serious ncgliecncc or misconduc~ in relalion ro [he lank or lo pcrsons having any right or intcrcsr in thc rank or in the use or water thcrcor. ur


(c) rails to comply ~v i r l i ally order passed under secrion 76 or seciion 27.

[he Collecror nlay catlcct rhc ortlcr m:idc undcr scotion 6. '[as wcll as any ordcr nladc undcr cl:~uw (b) or suh-scclion ( I ) o f section 6A] and rllcrcupon a11 righls and powcrs 01 he said aurliorised person in respccr r ) l ~ h c lank '[and in rcspcci of ;lny land or which possussion is iakcn as a rcsult or an ordcr n~ndc undcr clause (h) of suh-se'ction ( 1 ) of sec~ion 6 A ] shall cease and dzlermine, and tllc Collecror shall~takc posscssion or ~ h c tank ;[and such land].

(2) Aftcr inkin: pusscssion or l hc lank '[nnd sucl~ Innd] under suh- secrion (I) thc Collcctor shall cirhcr i~ppoini i~nothcr iluthoriscd pcrson rtl cnrry out thc improvcmcnls or cnrry rhunl oui himsclf.

?8. Suhjcct l o ~ h c prtwisions of this A c r . ihc Col lcc~or or an authoriscd pcrson shall bc cntillod to remain in posscssion of a derelict wnk of which posscssion has been laken under ~ I i e provisiaiis o f this AcI rnr suvh peritd not cxcccding twcnty-fivc yciirs from lhe dale on which pt)~scssion or thc rlcrclict tank was tnkcn under section 5 or sccri~)n 6 :IS may. in thc opinion o f tllc Collzc~or. be necessary ro

recover the ainauni tel l-rcd La in suh-sccrion (4) (~Tscction 17:

Providcd that t l ~ r Collcctor may, alter considzrin~ rhe vicwa of rhc authoriscd prrson, il'nny, and for reasoris 10 he recorded in wiling, vary such period froni lime la ~ i m c suhjcct to thc maximum lirnil of ~ w e n ~ y - f ive years.

"111~ words. ligurcs. I c f l r n and bmulir~\ wnh~n squln: h+.~ch+~s ~ c n : instrfcd by s . 71 I)(c) oflhc Rcnpd L n L s I ~ i~p rnvc r~wnr (1Ikst Bcngal A ~ l t t r t d ~ ~ w n t ) Act. 19-13 (West bm. ACI XXlV or 1916).

!lilt tvnnls, hgunls. Icrlcrs atd brackc~s w i t h i n s q u n bnckcrs wrrc instnrd by s. 7( 1 )(dl. ihid.

'Thc words a*irtiin squ.m bnck t l s wtrr: ;~d( by s . 7( I )(e), il~ill. 'Thc words wittiin squarc brackrrs wsrr instned by s. 7(?), ibid. 'Sscrion 6 wxs slrbslirukd lor lhc original scclinr! liy s. S.iLiJ,

Page 10: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

a 'I. Notwithstanding anything conraincd in scclion 8, [he Collecror o ~ ~ l * f [ ~ I hr: rtslored

rn his discretion mily, al itny rinlc \virhin thc pcriod derer~iiir~ed undcr ,,lrl,,,,,,,l,,,, thc said scction, rcsrnrc 10 posscssion of rhc rank the person rcuordcd ( lncc f l~ ln

condnlill~s as cntitlcd r t i possession hereo or in the record-of-rigllrs rcrcrrcd 10 In scction 22 or his successors in inreres~, provided liar-

'(il) huch pcrsnn pays ro lie Collccror so tilucli ol' 111c cos~s incurrcd up LO rhal timc hnrh by rhe au~horised prrson In

c:~rrying ouL ~ h c rcquircd inlpmvelnenrs ill ~ l l e tank and by rhc Ci>llcc~or in carrying our rhc purposes o f this ACI in rcspccl of thc tank us rcmains unrccovcrcd after realisa~ion by [he au~lloriscd pcrson undcr (his ACL of thc fccs rcfcrrcd ro in secrion 17 or o f any suul undcr any lcasc rcrcrrcd tc)

in scc~inn 18, ~operhel. \villi i i~ lercs~ on I~IC costs SO rcmain- ing unrccovcrcd 31 :I laIc 1101 e.rcccding six and a quiirler piJtm C L ' I I ~ I I I I I PI. I I I I I I I I I ~ I , and

(h) he u~ider~akes lo ~ l l e sarisTaction ol' thc Collector LO carry oul any rernainirlg i n;proveinenrs speci l icd in tbc noticc undcr scclion 3 wirhirl such pcrinrl as [lie Collec~or may de~erminc.

'9A. An iluthoriscd persnn shall hc c n ~ i ~ l e d to rellinin in posscs- Au~huriwtl Frson lo sion o f any land adjoinins a dcrclicr lank or which pnssesiion is rake11 cz3il,

under sec~ion 6A as long as such pcrson rcrnnins in posscssion nf such p.scssio~i dcrclicl tank under seclion 8. r lClud

adjoining a lank (luring ~hc period ol psu""11 uCsucl1 lull;

'9B: (I) N o ~ t v i ~ l i s ~ a ~ ~ d i ~ i = any 1hi11g co~~rainetl in scctic~n 9A, i f ~ h c pcrsori rcctlrdcd :IS cnri~led LO nnsse'ssion o f any lalid adjoining u dcrclic~ lank in lhc rccord:ol-righrs rel'crrcd ro in scc~ion 27 or his SUCCCSSO~ in interest is not thc pcrscln rccordcd a x cnlirlcd lo pnssession orsuch dcrcliu~ tank in ~hu: rccord-of-rishts rcfcmcd L(I in ~ h c said secrion or his succcssor in ilttzrzst. thcn 111c Collccrrtr rnily, ~ h c rcqucsr or~h-e person so rccorded as enlitled ro posscssion or such land or his su-ccessor in intcres~ or o f rhc aulhorised pcrson ar any ~ i m c iiftcr t l~c rcquircd i ~ n p r o ~ ~ c ~ r i c n ~ s in rllc rank llave bccn complctcd, hy :In ordcr in wrilins, reslorc rhr posscssion o f such land LO tllc 'pcrson so rccr)rdcd XY cnt i~lcd lo I)ossrssion or sucll land or lo l l i s succcssor in in~cresr, al lhou~h rhe possession of thc lank by ~ l l c authoriscd pcrson has no1 ~erminated, and wllcn thc prisscssion

Kcslontion o l lmrr~~sion 01- I:m3 :~tljuininp n dcrcllcl tml: hncl the rc~aking or posxssion rlCsucl1 land.

'Clauav (a) ~ 3 5 ~ u b s ~ i l l ~ ~ ~ l d CDI ~hc. ori~inal clnur~: h y \ 9 oi the RznpzI T:~nks Irnprovc~l\u~~r us^ R t r l y l A r~~cn l ln r rn l ) .4c1. I94S ( \ ~ ' C S I Hc11 :\CI XXlV of 19-16),

Page 11: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Rrs!or~linn ofpcjrscs~ion of land adjoining adcrclicr rank on ~IH: KSlOT;1-

rionol pcls.wc~;i~~n of sucl1 rank undur sccliun 9.

771e Ilengnl fitrrks Irr~l)r.overrrorr Acr, 1939.

IBcn. Act XV .

or such lnnd i s so rcsiurcd all rigl~rs in rhe land wl i ic l~ cxisred prior lo lhc rinlc rvhcn pnsscssirm was t a kc~~ o f [lie land undcr srction 6A. shall hc rcvivcd:

Prtlvidcd rhal hcrore the Collectol- takes any action undcr this suh- sccrion et thc rcqucsl or any persov orher tlian tllr ;lu~horiscd pcrson, rhc Collccror shall givc rhc aurlioriscd pcrsnn a rzasonablc opportunity of making any rcprcscntatinn hc mny l ike lo 111al;c: and tllc Collcctor shall cnnsider any represenlalion so rnarlc.

(7) The pcrson ro w h ~ m t11c p~>sscssinn ol' suct~ land has been reslored under sub-scctiun ( 1 ) shall no1 usc i t iu sucl~ inanner as inay cause damage to he hanks ol' 1111: dcrcl i c ~ 1:ink o r m:Iy drcct LIIC use of the lank lor rhc purposcs of irrig:~tion.

(3) IT thc pcrson rcferred ro in sub-secrion (2) rails, in thc opinion or ~ h c Collcclor, to comply wilh thc provisio~ls o f [ha[ sub-section, he Col lecror may,-

(a) again emponper rhe authoriscd pcrson hy Pn ordcr in writin: to rakc possession o f such land wlicrcupon thc i l ~ t h o r i ~ ~ d pcrsonshall forthrvilh rilkc pnssession [liereof, or

(b) if he is 111c zlu~horiscd pcrson. himsclfagain lake posscssiorl a f such land by order in wriring,

and thc authoriscd person sr) [itking possession o f such land again shall retain sucll posscssion as long ;IS hc rcmains in possession o f rhe tauk.

(4) Every nrdcr made under sub-sec~ion (3) shall spcoiry thc bound:wics of thc land lo which ir rclares or [he number entered in rile record-of-righls hnally published undcr Chilprcr X o f rhe Bengal Tenancy Act, 1885, of thr: survcy plot comprisin,o such land and shnll hc in such ram as may be prescribed.

'YC. When rhc possessio~~ nf a derelic~ rank is rcsro~cd by !hc Cnllccror under sec~ion 9. r l ~ c Collcctor shall a1 thc snrnc rimc rcsrorc thc possession of ally land adjoining such lank of which posscssion wils taken under sectio~l hA and has nor alrrady bccn rcstorcd undcr sub-scclion (I) of secrior~ 9B or of w l~ i c l l posscssion was rctakcn undcr sub-'sccrion (3) of sec~iorl 9B lo tllz person recorded as cn~irlcd to posscssion of suc l~ land in the record-of-rights referrcd to i n scc~ion 32,or to Iiis successor in interest:

Providcd ~har where the person 10 whoru the possrssion orthc lank i s rcs!orcd under section 9 i s no1 the person recorded as cntirlcd to posscssion of sucl~' land in the said record-01-rigl11s or his successor in intcrcsl, ~ h c possession of sucll lnnd shall not hc sr) rcstorcd un~ i l thc in~~muemcnrs, if any, rzquircd ro bc cnrricd our in rhc tank under clause (b) of the proviso In section 9 have been compleled il' rhc pcrson to whom thc

Page 12: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

v: possession o f thc lank is so restr~rcd apl-ccs to pay ~ h c person so rccordcd ns e~i~i ! lcd lo pnsscssion ol' sucli I:ind [lie compensation wl~ich would tiar,c hccn payable hy thc nuthoriscd person under sub-section ( 1) n l scclion 14A if sucll auihorised pcrson had conlinucd ro hc i n posscssion or sucll land.

10. An au~horiscd pcrson shall not bc liablc l o pay any-rcnl or col~ipcns;!tion in rcspcct or his posscssiorl of :I dcrelicl lnnk '[or ally land of rvllich pi)sscssinrl is taker1 under scclion 6A or is rclakcn under soh- scction (3) uT secrion 9B] erccpi as cxprcssly provided in this Ac!,

11. Save as otllcrrvisc cxprcssly providcd i n [his Act. the posscssion oC a derclict lank '[or of any land ndjoining 3 dcrc l~c l rank undcr this Act] by all aurllorised pcrson shitll not afltcr the riyht or liability o f ahy orlrcr pcrson rcccivc clr pay rent in respcci of tlie snid rank "[ar Innd] or

in rcspecr d any right or inlercsr tie rein:

Provided rha~ tvl~crc rcnr '[in respect of llle tank] was, a1 the 1i111c whcn possession was first laken of tlie tank under [his Acr, payable by any person solely in rcspecl o r a righr to usc thc w i e r or the lank fnr irri_rntion purposes thc l iahi l i ly to pay such rcni shall ccasc and det,e~-mine rroin thc dale on which sucll posscssion ivas ~;!kcn.

12. ' ( 1 ) Wliel-c ;I dcrelict tank i.c. at tl ie ~ i m c o f lhc taking or pnsscssion thcrcof by ;In aulhoriscd person, in rhc ilcrual posscssion - r ) f [he owncr o f rhc tiink, ihc nuihoriscd pcrson shill1 pay, during thc pcriud Ile remains in p~)sscssion, ru such owner at such liincs and in

such manner as may he prcscribcd. such rcnr as the Collecrnr, alter such inquiry as he thinks fir, mily dercrmine:

I'rovidcd rhat where rhc nutl101-iscd person is the nrvncr o f rhc rank in ac~ual pussession thcrcof, no such puyrneiil of (hc renr dctennincd hy th:: Collector undcr [his suh-scciion shall be nccussary; bul the anlounr or such rcnl shall hc includcd in and rorin part or the u,sis incurred nr Iikcly Lo hc incurrcd b y lhc i~uihoriscJ pcrson in carrying our rhc rcqu~rzd improucments i n tile timk.

' ( 2 ) WI~c re n derelict ~ i i n k is, it1 the ~ i m r a l ille rakinp o f posscssion [hereof by an aull~oriscd person, i n 111c actual 'pnsscssion &any person other than the owncr o f [lie lank, l l lc :luihorisell pcrsotl shi~l l , at such

'Thc rvords, fiflrrrs. Iclrcts and bmckc~s wilhin squan: br;~ckcls wun. inscnsd by s. I I t k l rhc Benpal Tanks In~provr.~nunt (IVcsi Rcngal Anicndlt~cll~) Act. 194H (\Vest Rcn. t i c1 XXl\' of 194x1

'Th:: words wilhin ~ q u x c b n c k c l ~ wcrr inscncd by s . l?tzI. il)irl.

~uthoriscd pcnuli 1101 l i~blc I r l pay rcni or coln- pL.ns;lunLl.

I'o=cion by an 3uI I1ur i~d plrsull nor ro affcct thc righrs or linbiliticr olorhcr Frsons.

A u t h ~ r i ~ ~ J Ik."Can 10 pa)' rcni 10 ourncr uld cornpma- lion Ir,pc.rson olhcrrlva~ ~ h c owlicr disposscsxd by hiirr.

'Thc xnrds wilhin .;quart bnckrl- wcrc inserltd t)ys. 13b) . ibid. 'The nmords rrirhil~ squnrr hnutcrs were inscncd by 5 . 1 ?(c), ihd. T11c originnl hccrioir 12 \r.x\ Gnu~ulxrrd sub-sccir>~~ (I) of rhar srclion md twrorc

-'. . . 1 -..u. 7.- -',:,-- .,- P- rm+no~-h.-n.d*nuh-~rrlinn I I \ , ? ~s inrrnrmd hv f I?. i / * t i i

Page 13: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

! I

[Rcn. Act Xl' j

r i~ncs and in s u c l ~ tnnnner ;IS may bc prescribed, pily 10 ihu person disposscsscd by him such cornpensiltion ns thc Collzcior, afitr huch inquiry :IS he thinks l i t , may dc~crnlinc. Such compe~isa~ion shall nor bc lcss rllnn [he amount ol'thc rent which lhc pcrson so disp~sscsszd is linblc ro pay in rchpecl or [he lank, and sllall he dccrncd l o bc 3 full and complcrc sntisracrion Tor a11 loss surrcred by such pcrson as a r e s u l ~ of 111c inicrrcrzncc r v i r l ~ his possession.

Au[horisCd Ik'ls"" 10 p~y 'YO-m- p.~~sal!on ro - ~ r s 0 1 i s who j13~11 nghl lo lirh in rhc tank. ~ I C . , O I ~


Aurlioriscd IUTSDII 10 pay COlll-

pcnsalion lo cullivalon whu hold a Issc oltllc hcd oln lank.

13. Wlicrc, a1 rhc l ime 01 lhc takiog of possc~sion o r a derclicl lank by an aurhorised pcrsnn, any person has a riehl, on pnymenr of ally rcnl or charge, 10 catch fish in 1l1c limk or lo take fruits Troln rrccs on. or o11ltr pruducc rrcm. l11c hanks or the tank ihc aurl~orised pcrson s l ~ l l l . ar sucti linics and i n such manncr as u~ay he prcxrihed, pay io the said pcrson such cnrnpcnsarion ns [he ColIccrw, nrrcr such inquiry ils he thinks hi. may ddcrcrtninc. Such curnpe~~sa~ion sltall no1 bc lcss rlmn rhc aulounr of [lie rcnt or ch;lrgz wllich [he said person cn~ltinucs to bc liable lo pay lo rllc owner or any rcn;tnl of thc tank and stiall hc declnurl lo bc e KuII and cumple~c si~tisfaclion for all loss sttrFcred by such pcrsoli as a result r ) i itlc inrerfcrcnce with the excrcise ol' Il is righl.

14. ( 1 ) WIlcrc [tie bcd or any part or rhe bcd of a lank Iias bccn Icilscd out ri) c u l ~ i i ~ a ~ o r s for ;~griculrural pu~poscs rhc autlioriscd persun shall pay compensation to such culriva~ors, and rhcreupun such Icilst shall be lertninaled. Thc arnounl o f compens i~~ ina pay;~hle to cach cuI~iva[or shall be such a ~ i ~ o u n l as rlv CoIlecror, allur such inquiry as he thinks f i~, dccms fair and equiinhle '* * * A :

'Provided ihar the compcnsalion payablc Ln such cul~ivarors shall nor he less than an anlounl which bcars l o ~ t l c Loial iinlounl of s~llrrtni, as dc(er~nincd by . ~ h c Collculor to hi~vc I ~ezn paid tur obtaining rlic luilse, [lie s;lme ratio as the uncxpircd pcriod uT lease hcilrs lo he l o ~ n l pcriod oi such lcnsc:

! ~ r u v i d e j fur lher i ha l w l ~ c r c no pcr iod o f leasc is esprcssly i t~cnr ioned or agrccd ro b c ~ w e e ~ i rhc parl ics co~lccrnet-l thc loin1 pcriod or l a s e shall he rakcn as iu~c lve ycilrs.

(2) 'Ille amounl of cn~npcnsalion dctcrmincd Ily tllc Col1ccio1- under sub-section ( I ) shall bk paid in tlic przscrihcd milnner and within ~ h c prescribed rime 10 thc aull~oriscd person by thc landlord \vho graliiud the Icese. 11' ~ h c Iandl(~rd nlakcs defnuli in suc l~ paymcnl he s;t1ac shall hc recovcraI11e Irotii tlic londlord by thc Collecior a public tlcrn;\llcI

and pilid by h in l 10 lhc authorised pcrson.

'7 111: !vc>rds'-bur no1 less rhal Ihc.rr11r1111i paid by suchcullivatt~r Tor hi Ic.&s" \vcrc r)ri:irlcd by s . 1 4 2 ) uT111c Bcngal T~nks Impro!~crii~n~ (UkhI Acnpal A~i~tnd~nvrir ) Xcr. 19.18 (\Ifcsr ~ c . 1 1 . ACI XXIV 1~)~s).

Page 14: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Tlre Bet l~ul Tntrks I~aprn~,errrvrf Act, 1939.

tlr A . WII~I-c )lie o t ~ ~ n c r o f a derzIic! tank is 1101 lhc r ~ ~ v n c r o f any land ndjoinine sucli lank o r ~vt i ich posscssion is laken undcr seclion 6A. nr relakc11 under sub-sccrion (3) of sccrion 9B, lhc i ~ u ~ l ~ o r i s e d purson shall, ar such iirncs and in sucb lnanncr as nay hc prescribed, pay 10 the pcrson ill posscssion o f such land iII l l ic tirnc (II taking or rc~ak ing posscssir~r~ rliercoTsu~l: conlpcnsntion as the Collcctol; after such inquiry as lie rliinks f i l , may dctcrniinc. Such compcnsa~ion s11;lll not be lcsa than rhr nlnount nf thc rent which rIie person so disposscsacd is liablc to pay i n rcspcc~ r , i LIIC larlcl and shall be decmcd'ro be a 1.~11 and co~nplctc salisl'action for all loss sulTcrcd by such pcrson as a rcsul~ of intcrrcrcncc w i ~ h his pusscssion.

(2) \Irl~crl: rhc olvner of' a dcrcIicl t i ~ n k is also ~ l ~ c owncr o f any land adjo i l l i i~g SIICII iiink o f which pr>sscssion is taLc11 u ~ ~ d z r sccrion 6A, or retakcn under sub-scc1io11 (3) of scc~ion 90, thc a u ~ l ~ o r i s t d pcrson shall- -

(a) in l l ic c:wc where sucli I:lnd i s in 111c ;~c~ua l l~nsscssion of the rlwtlcl thu~-cof~ pay rrr such l i n~cs and i n such Iijanncr os nlny he prcscrihcd in sucll oivncr quch rcnr 3s the Collccloi; arler such inquiry as I1e 11iink.s fit. may dcrcrrninc:

Provided i l l a ~ whcl-c rile aurhoriscd person is ~ h c owricr o l such land i n acrual pussession thcrctll. no such p:lynieni of ~ l i c r rn i clctcrmi ned by thc Collector undcr his clnusc shall be ncccssary; bul lllc umounl of such rcni sllall bc included in and fortn p : ~ n ol'rhe cosls incurred or l ikely to bc incurred by the authoriscd person in carry ing our he rcquircd i i np ro~~cmcn~s in the [ilnk; :md

ih) in othcr c:ises, pay a1 such i i ~ i ~ e s and in such manner as rimy be prc..;crihcd ro any pcrsnn to whom sucli land has been luiibcd our and who huld sucll land: as lesscc ;tr lhe l i ~ t i c such pusscssion is rakcn or re~nkcn and ro evcry oilier person I~nv ing a1 r l i a~ iirnc. on paylncni or any rcnt or charpc, nny r i ~ h l in sucll Im~d, such cc~mpcnsation ns he Collccror, aT1e.r such inquiry as tic tl i inks fir, may dcierminc, and such uon~pcnsation siiall not hc less illan thc amcrunl o f rhc rcnt

or charge which rhc person io whom rhc conlpensalion is

paid cr)llrirluca lo hc liable to pity 10 the owncr or rile lcnunl oL' such land and ctiall bc dccmcd lo bc a full and cornplclc satisl'ac~ioo for all lash suR;2rcd by every s u c l ~ pcrso~i as n rcsulr of 11ie inici-rcrcncz ivitll thc ex.el.cisc or hi5 r iy l~ t .

- 'Scc11i)n I -IA i v 3 ~ ~nctrtrd b y s . 1s o r lhc R,.11ya1 '1-anks I~r lpr t>vrmsnr

, 1 1 1 ....,,.... I ,......,. , 1 . 3 , 1 . n . I-. . r - . - .

Payrrlcn~or I -- -'

cor~llh'~!saliun 10 Faons having 1 i ; l i ~ ~ in I;~nds t~djoinin: I tank of which pwss ion IS I.Ac.r! un~l t r t l t is ACI.

Page 15: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

l15. ( I ) Durin2 [lie ~ r r i o d oTposscssion no persol1 shall w i~ l iou~ thc pcrniissinn o f rhc aurtiorisrd pcrson usc or occupy [lie lank or use thc warer ihercnr cxccpt lbr drinkiug and orhcr domcstic purposes or catch fish il l thc lank or rnkc fruits rron~ lrccs on, or other produce from, rhc banks or rhc [fink, cxcept such pnrrions oT the banks as are l iome~tc~d , garden o r r)rchnrd lands.

'(2) During 1t1e period any land. or whicl~ possession is lakcn undcr scclion 6A. or rcraken undcr sub-scction (3) ot' sectiaii 9U. l-cn~ains in thc posscssion of an aurhoriscd pcrson, 110 persoil .chall without r t~c pcrmission of d ~ c authoriscd pcrson use fir occupy such land or take frc~irs from rrces on, or otllcr produce froin, such land.

'1 6. Durins [tic period nf posscssion 311 rigl~ts ro use the u~alcr orthc ~:mk Ib r irrigation purposcs sh:~ll vcst in [lie aull~oriscd pcrson and no pcrson shall usc rhc walcr or tllc lank for such purpclscs cxccpl wirli the prm~issian or thc authoriscd person or in so f i r as hc rtiay be pemitrcd lo d(i so hy or undcr ihe provisions of this Aci.

1 6 . (1) Whcn ~ h c possessio~~ of any rimk h;js becn laken undcr section 5 or scclion 6, ihe Collccror shall dcrcnaine in the prcscrihcd manncr rhc ~ n i ~ ~ i i ~ i u r n area land lo ihe limils of which irriy;riion from tllc said rank may pracricably bc extended (I~crcinaT~cr rofcrrcd ro as i l~e maximum irrigarion arcn) and die syslcm and uli,onr~~cnl by wtiich aiid rhc priority in i~ccordance with which such irrigation cnu he so rlxtcndcd ro thc land i n 1ha1 area, and shill1 puhlislr n nolice in Lhc prcscribctl furin and manner defining thc limils of the inaximum irrigalion area specifying [lie sysrem, alienmcn~ and priori~y so dclcrmincd.

(3) Every person pcisscssing ngriculiural land within rhc maximum irrigaiiotl area sk~ l l . subjrct lo lie provisions orsub-sccrions (3) and (41, be liahle lo pay a Tee annually duri,lg.rhc pcriod 01' possession lo thc authoriscd pcrson a1 ~ht: rarc lincd and in ~ I I C manner providcd undcr sccliun 17 and such liabilily shal! not ccasc by reason of such pcrson not usiny wiitcr Tor irrigation purposcs irori~ ihe tank lo which rhc muxi~nu~n irrigation area relales.

(3) Any person cnnccrncd may, wirhin thirty days (~Tthc dntc of llie publishing of the nnricc rclcrrcd 10 i n suh-seutinn ( I ) . apply in [he prcscribcd for111 and manncr i~nd on paymelit of the prchcrihcd Tcc 10 Il~e Colleclor Ibr-

(a) including any land within tljc ~naxi~nuiil irrigalion nrcn,

"l'hc orifin;il ~<cticjn I5 IVXG n'riu~nkrcd 2s suh.stutiun ( I ) t r f r h ~ i suclio~l and to IIIC said .rcclion. sn I U I I U I I I ~ C I U ~ , new sub-s<cliun (2) w x ~ added by s. 16 of the Hcnpal Txnh Il~lprtwc~l~cn~ (Wrsr I3c11:;ll nnlsndmmr) Acr. 19,15 (\llr..;t OCI!. Aci X S l V or 19-16).

:Ncir rcs~ions 16. IbA. IhB. 17 and 17A wcrc substi~urrd Tor ~ h c t ~ c i ~ i n a l scctions 16

Page 16: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

,..,.m- ---,,.,,,,,,,,, \,,......\. ..... ~~,-,,~:'.'.-,-.-..-.-,..- ..., -. ,--, . , I... . . .-. .... -.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . - ,. ,. - ,. .-....-- , - - , ....- >. . . - . .........

, . -----....-, , . - . . , . . .

(h) excluding any Innd rrom rllc maximum irrigation nrcn, and (c) cxempiing any land or par1 of any land from Iiabili~y lo pay

thc rccs referrcd 10 in sub-seclion (2) on 111c ground rhnr such land canno1 prac~icithly hc irrignlcd lYom rhc rank LO

which rhc maximum irrigalion area relates, or cannor be benefired by such irrigation or that such land is nor ngriculrural land,

and [lie Collec~or a f ~ e r giving 111c applican~ a reasonable opporruniry or bcing hcard rnay pass such order as 10 such inclusion, exclusion or cxcmp~ion as Ilc thinks fit.

(4) The Collector may, of his own morion at any lime arrer rtie expiry of rliirry da7; from [he dale of publishing (II rhc no~icc rcfcrrcd In in suh- secrion (I), include rvi111in rhe maximum irrigaiion area any land which was no1 nyriculrurnl land iir rhc ~ i m c or pi~blicntion or such nolicc but has subsequently bccn convcrrcd inlo agriculrural land, or o~lierwisz revise thc limirs of rhc maximum irrignrion arcs or cxcmpt any land or part of any land wiltiin suc11 n~aximum irrigation nrca from liability LO p:ly ;hc fccs rcrcrrcd lo in sub-scction (2) and thc dolluctor shall modily rhc list refcrrcd In in suh-sccric~n ( I) or scc~ion I GB i~ccordingly:

Provided rhat before any order for such inclusion, revision or exetl~prion is passed all concerned shall, by notice served or published iu [he prescribed manner, he given a reasnnahlc npporruniry or making any represenlalion which they may like ro make and rhe Collec~or sl~all considcr such rcprcscn~alion.

'MB. (1) As soon as may bc arrcr rhe Colleclor has disposcd 01' any pm,,m,jol, iipplicnticln nladc undcr suh-sccrion (3) of scction 16A, hc shall prcparc nrlis1.

a list in thc prcscribcd form and manncr or thc pcrsons w11o arc liablc ro , , 1 - :.., ' - pay thc fcc rcrerrcd rc] in sub-scc~ir)n (2) of ~ h a t sccrion and such 1is1 I . , . .

sliall specify the amounl of agricullural land wirliin ilie maximum irripa~inn area in respec1 of which each such person is to pay such fcc and he amoum of such fcc which such person i s lo pay annually to the . . . .

authoriscd pcrson.

(3) 'I'he Colleclor shall publish the list referred ro in suh-secrior~ ( I ) and cvcry niodificarion of such list in rhc manner PI-esclihcd and sh;lll, where the autl~oriscd person is no1 the Collec~or, ronvard a copy of such lisl and c \ w y nlodificarion of such lisr ro rhc authoriscd pcrsrjn wh(l shell pcmmir cvcry person wl~ose name is cnrcrcd in tic I isr or his succcssrlr in in~eresr ro usc rhc warcr or thc wnk for rhc irriga~ion of 111e land OF such pcrson as long as the amount of thc Tcc payahl;: by such pcrscln is duly paid and nor orherwise.

(3) I F any dispu~e arises belween persons entered in [he Iist prepared under sub-seclion (1) as to any matter i n respecr of the use of warer by sucl~ persons horn thc lank for thc irriiaiion or rl~cinlnnds thc aurhorised

Page 17: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

T11c flc~rgnl E ~ r r b I r rrpmve~~~e~l t Arr, 1939.

[Bcn. Act XV I

person or n pcrsrln aullifi~.ised in ihis bchalf by ihe Collrcior sllall dccidc [he dispure and his decision, sub-iecr lo rhe provisions i~Tsccrinn 26, sIlall hc final.

h ~ l ~ l ~ ' n t ~ ~ ~ * '17. (1 ) Every person wtlusc nanlc is included in rhc l i s ~ rclcrrcd to rntr:offces. .

In huh-scc~ion ( I ) or scction I bB or his successor in inreresl shall pay :innually ant1 in illc prcscrihcd manner and on thc darcs prescribed lo rtle auihoriscd pcrson or ro such pcrson as nxly hc aurhorised by thc Collector in [hi:: bcholT rhc fees fixed according 10 the pro\tisions 01' ~ h i s sccrion.

( 2 ) I f lhe fees payilblc undcrsub-secrion ( 1 ) arc no1 paid wirhin thiny Jays Iron] the due dare hxrd fur such paymeni, inrcrcsi on ihc nrnrlunl r ) l LIIC fces so oulsranding shnll hc payable a1 111c r a ~ c or six and one quarler pel- ce~rt~r~rl p e r orrrrrrrlr C;IICUI~LC~ 1ro111 I ~ Z day on which such papnleul hccarne due unril ~ h c dutc nn which ihe amounl orrhc rccs so ouisranding is paid or recovered, as lhc cnsc inay be.

(3) The Collccror shnll f i x , in respecr o r w y ~ iu i k of which possession ' is lakcn under t l ~ i s ACL and Tor which llle ~naximurn irr ign~ion area has hcen deier~ninrd by thc Collec~or, the ralc or ralcs w l ~ i c t ~ fees lo be paid rt) lhe auiliorised pcrson undcr sub-szc~ion ( I ) shall hc calculared and differen1 rates may hc so fised for classcs ol:~gricullural lands o f differenr dcscriprions or having diricrcnr advanrages or for lands Tor rhc il-rigatiol~ of which any pcrsorl had a1 ~ h c rinlc whcn pnqszssion was laken 01- thc rank undcr rhis Act illc prcscriprive rigti1 lo use uoalcr Tor i r r i ga r io~~ .

(4) Thc ralc to hc fixed undcr sub-sccricin (3) shall be such ,tbar i l l 1 costs ir~currcd or likcly lo he incurred-

( i ) by rhc aurhoriszd pcrson i n ca1.l-ying oui rllc rcquircd Ilnprovcrncnrs in the lank; and

(ii) by thc Collecior in carryinz out the purposes or [his Acr i n rcspcct o i the rank;

may be lecovcrcd rogc~t~el- wirh inlzres~ rbcrcon ;IL $1 rale. fixed by [lie ![Siaicl Covcrnment, nor exceeding six and one quarler pcPl- C L ' I ~ I ! I I ~ I per < l ~ / J / l l / l l and lo~c lhe l . w i ih an ninilunl cs~imaled by [he Collector as is likcl y t i ) he necessiry for rn;~in~aini t~g ihe-rank in proper cundi~inn during ~ l l c pcriild of possession Jclcrmincd by h e Collcclor undcr scc~icin 8.

( 5 ) Tllc Collcc~ca inay revisc he mlc or raica fees Fixed undcr il l is seciion i n rcspccl ( i f any rank.

(6) Any sun) duc to thc ilurhorised person undcr this scc~ion sliall be a5 a public dcmand.

P;~ssn,~t oi '17A. Nu person shall ubs11,ucr tllc passage o f ally wnicr iakcn Tor %,Awr,

i rr isarion purposcs II-om any lank in accordance wi th rhe sysiz~n, a l i ~ ~ i ~ n e ~ l l ;lnd pr io r i~y for raking wa1c.r :is dclcmlined by l h r Collccior undcr suh-scclion ( 1 ) of scc~ion I6A.

Page 18: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

The Herlgrri Tnriks : ~ I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ C I I I L ~ I ~ ~ Act, 1939.

V I I I of l8R.5.

18. l(1) During the pcriod o i posscssion rhe au~linrisrd pcrson may, k w c r o r

suhjrct to 111c pri~visions of this ACI and lhe prcsioils permission of thc ~~~~~~ Collec~or, Icasc Lo any pcrstin for n pcriod nor cstending beyond thc f c ~ c o u ~ l h c

pcriod ofposscssion any part o f 111c banks ol thc r:jnk or any right 10 I i~kc '""kfc.

fruit from rrccs on. or orhcr product from, such hanks ar any r igh~ 10

rcar and catch fish in thc rank.

'(2) During 111c pcriod any land o f which posscssion i s takcn under scction GA or re~akcn under sub-sculion (3) (11'secrion 9B remains in ~ l i c pnssrssion of an authurixd person, such aurhorised pcrson may, subjccr ro [he provi>ions o f [his Ac l and tic prcvious pcm~ission o f ihe Coltcciur, Icasc ro any pcrson for a pcriod 11ot cxrcnding bcyond ~ t l c said period of posscssion any PUFI of tllc said land or any rig111 to rake fruits from trees on, or clther prodilcc from, such land.

'(3) Any sum due m lhc aurhoriscd pcrson t~ndcr any Icilsc granted under this sec~ion shall be rccovcrnblz as e public dcmand.

'(4) A l l sums renliscd 01. esiirnnrcd to hc rcalised by rhc Collecror or by thc nuthoriscd person undcr any Icasc gran~cd under this scc~ion and any orher incomc dcrived Irom the tank including hanks lllcrcof and rronl adjoining lands lakcn posscssinn o f undcr section 6A and by rhc s n l c of silr or o~herwisc. shall bc applied in paynicnt ~ ) r ~ I i e cosrs rccovcrable undcr sub-scction (4) 01' scctinn 17.

19. Except as prnvided in this Aci, no ~rnnsfer by sale, gift. wilt, Bar10 ~nns(cror mongngc, Ica~c or any conrract or ngrceinzni of any right acquired by en l.u,Lcaccpl

au~hol-ised pcrsnn undcr ~ h c provisions of this Acr i n respect or3 derclic~ ~spprvidcd ~ n r h ~ s ACI. rank,'[or in rcspccr o f any land o f which possessiorl i~ laken undcr seaion

6A or rclaken undcr sub-sccric~n (3) of scction 9B] shall he valid.

?19A. No~wirhs~anding anything contained in thc I3cngal Tcnancy B,,IO

Act, 1885. no person shall ncquirc any occupancy r i ~h t . in any part of "quis'lion ormcupmcy

thc banks or, or in any lalid adjoining, a tank lcased out r r l such pcrstln tic\u.;in under section I 3 and n o person who has Ilcld any pnrr of the hanks of Tmd5S1cacd

uul undvr any lank under a lcnsc under scclion 18 ;II any timc sincc ~ h c sc.cfi(>n 18. conlmenccment of his Acl s l i ~ l l hc deeulcd Lo havc acquired any occupancy righr thcrcin.

LThr original ~ c c ~ i o n I E rcnumkrcd as sub-sccl io~~ ( 1 1 ulthal suurion and lo ~ h c said wcrion. as so wnumbcrc.d. new sub-scct~un* ( 1 ) . ( 3 ) and (-1) \wrc addtd by s, 1 R ul 1111: Rcngal 'Ta~iks Improvc~~icni (\i'cs~ UcnpaI Amcndlntnr) ACI. l Y l R ( i ' r s ~ Uc11

XXlV or 1948).

'Scvrion IYA \Y%\ inscncd I)y s. 10, r b U

Page 19: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In
Page 20: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

IIC nliiy. on applicaiion or o l ' l l is own morion, from timc 10 rime, ndd ro or alier in 1l1c prcscrihcd rnaililer any cnlr). in rhe record-of-rigbts ' l in rrspecl of such tank o r suz l~ land].

'( la) In the record-of-r i~hrs prepared undcr suh-seciion (1). hc rc shall bc sllown in ilddilion lo any otllcr dcrails diai tilay bc prcscl-ibrd, llir: foilowing:-

(a) rlle nnolcs o f ail pcrsons from thc i ~ ~ l l d l possessor upwards up 10 i ~ n d inc lud ing tbc oirtncr havi11: pcrmanzni rransl~cr;hlc right i r ~ the izmk iind adjninil~g lands rogeihzr ~ v i t h 111cir addrcsscs, nature nnd cxrcni uT r igh~ :tnd intertsr i n illc tank a td adjoining lends as es~stinz in~mcdiarely bel'orc pvsscssim~ o f sucll lank or land i s ~nkcn undcr rhe provisions ul'this Aci;

(b) t l ~ c i-c~~erruc or rcnl and uessrs, if any, pnyahlc hy 1Iiz r l i r rcrcn~ persons rcl'crrcd rr, in clause (a) i n r rspcc~ ill' tie lank or 1;md ol- i f l l n r br no1 ;~sccr~ninable rtlcn ihc r<\.crlue or rent and ccs.qcs itr r q ) c c i uf ~IIC CSI~IC. 1enu1.e~ or- I~rdding i n i vh i c l~ si1~11 t:itlk or land is included; and

(c) ~ h c numbers o r cnd i~s~ra l survey pluis iogc~hcl. wirh ihc nemcs a l ~ d addresses of posses.~or,s o f such p l o ~ s who IlliIy hitvc ini l i~zdiaicly bcforc ~~nswss ion of such tank is takcn ~ h c p~,cscripti\rc righr o f raking trlnlcr f ron~ such rank Tor irrigaiion purposcs.

(2) Ever)' r l lrry i n thc rccnrd-of-rigl~rs rclcrrcd to ill sub-scction ( I ) shall bc cvidcnce of [tic m;lltcr rclcrred ro i n S I I C ~ clitry. and sllnll bc presumed to hc corl-uc~ in every particular !'o! l t h : purposcs af [his Acr unii l ir is provcd by cuidencc to bc incorrcc~.

'13. (1) The '[Slntc] Governmenl $nay, by order published in thc ripplicaiiou cllrhc Acr OJfirirrJ Grr:rlrc. d~rect t h a ~ any rank tvlricl~ may have been ~ ~ u p r o v c d Toccdai,

under thc pro\,isiol~s or tl l is ACL prior lo lilt cornnlcllcrmenl o f thc r:lnk5. ~ Y M ~ I I Bengal T;tnks Inlpr-ovement (Wcst Bengal A~nzndlucnr) Acl. 1948, shall. Act XSIi' 111 1'1.15 rvirh efl'cci rrtrl,ni a date ro bc ar~ccified i r l such orJcr. lic deemed ro

hn\'c hccn improved in ;~cct~rdatice rvi111 111c provisions ol' !his Act as

an1cnrlc.d I>y rhe Ins1 mcn~ioned . k t .

( 2 ) \\'11cn ~111 order undrr sub-scctio~~ (1) is nledc i n rcspecr of any [;rnk, ~ h t Collector sllall, in rhc pmscribzd \ilonncr, prcparc nl- se\~isz ~ t l c l i c l ot' nli lxinlun~ ir.rigntion ilrca, revise 111r ordcr rcgarcl i~~g period of

'~I~Ii t wrdq wi1111n M ~ I I ~ ~ b~xckc15 u c r c ~ ~ l ~ l c d bys, 23(c}t11 [11c Rrn::il Tilnkb IIII~~OYCI~IC~I~ (!\'~sI UCII:~~ .4111rntln1~=1\t) :\<I, l~l.jR ~\$'tsi Btn, Act XXIV u i 1948).

'SuIl-scclic!n I(a1 u n ~ ~~~scnctl b! s. l ? ( d ) , r b t J 'Scvfion 33 w a c wbsi i~ l i lcd I'nr 111c t l r~y~n:~l scc~ io l i 11). scclion 2.1 of th' ..tlcnfnl

T:lnks Il~~prrrtcr~~cr~l (U'ssr Ucllfnl Ari~cntlri~snCl .Act. IOll t ; (\\ t+t Rcn. Acr XSlV of 1'158). '.Tr.l, lout .noLC 3 011 11qc 496. rrrlrc

Page 21: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

posscssion and asscssmcnt o r rccs and lnkr sucll orhcr ac~ion as may tlc dcemcd ncucssary tr) givc crrcct ro s i ~ r h ordcr.


[Ben. Act XV :

'24. A l l costs incurrcd by ~ h c Collccrt)r i n carrying o u i rhe purposes of this Acl in rcspcct o f n or which posscssion i s inken undcr sec~ion 6 or in rcspcct o f any land or which possrssion is taken undcr scc~ion 612 or rcwken under sub-sec~ion (3) of sccticii~ 9 B >hall be paid by tbc ait~horised pei.soll a1 such limes and in such rnilnncr as may be prescribed, n ~ i d on defaulr in pnynlcnt thcrcc;f i l ~ c s~lrnc shall be recoverable by [lie Col lec~or as 3 public dcmnnd.

25. : ( I ) Durine ~ h c pcriod of posscssion a l l dispu~es relaling tn

thc cxcrcisc or ;in). r i y h ~ s in rcspecr o f a lank or ilie use r)T thc rvatcr ihcrcor by illc nu~l~or iscd person !* * * * shall hc dccidcd by the Collecror in sucli inauiicr as may hc prcscrihcd.

'(2) During ihc pcriod any land or ~ v h i c I ~ posscssion i s rilkcn undcr seclion 6A ar reiakcn undcr huh-scc~ion (3) or scution 9B rc~nains in ilie posscssion ol' an xuthi~riscd pcrson, a11 disputes relating to the exel-uisc ofany r i y t~ is in rrspcct o r sucli land shall bc dccidcd by 111c Colleciol- i n such rn:lnncr :IS n l i ~ y bc prcscribcd.

26. Any person aggrieved by any ac!ion4[or dccisir~n] or an auihoriscd persoll, o ~ h e r than he Collcctor. '[or any pcrson au~horised hy rile CoIIcc!or] may appci~l l o thc Collrcror wllo arlcr giving such aurhoriscd pcrson an opportunity 10 bc heard in [lie marler sIiall ~ 3 5 . q such ordcr rllcrcon as hc thinks L i l .

27. (1) Any persou aggricvcd hy :my order passcd by a Collector, orher 1ti311 the Co l lcc~or or LIIC d i s ~ r i c ~ , under thls ."l1 way appeal in the prescri hcd nl:lnncr t(1 rhc Col lcc~or or tllc district.

(2) A n y pcrson aegricvcd by any order passed, or1 appcal or r~~hcrwisc, by thc Collcctor or ~ t l z district Itlay appeal ill rhc prcscrihcd manncr l o rhc Cr)nlmissioncr.

'Sucrirrn 1-1 IWS SU~)EII (UIC~ for tht or ig inal ssc~ion by s. 25 or rhc Rc11g3l Tanks Impro~sn~cnl (\krcsr Ilcngnl Amrntl~i~cnr) Acl. 19.18 (\Wst Bc11.11cl XXll ' or 19.18)

'1-hv orifinal svs:ion 13 was r<ni~mbcrdtl a< sub-.iccliun (I) ol' r l l a l sccrion. and in lllu said SCCI~OII. .ZC SO rcliumbcrtd. tht rvords, figures ant1 hr~ckcts. "or uilon: 31iy othtr prrsvns rcrtrrcd lu In s u b - w c r i o n (1 ) ol' s c c l i o ~ i 16" amcrc also o m i ~ t t d bv rtcl ion 2h(a). rLid.

'Sub-scition ( 2 ) \ \as added by s. 1 6 ! b ) , i i~id.

1 - - - - . , -

I . '

'TI1 words \ v i t l ~ i l t squarc bravkcls rvsre inscncd by 5. ?7Ia), illill.

Page 22: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

(3) Any person aggricvcd by ;my order pnsscd by a Cornmissitjncr

h d e r rhis Acr may appeal in \lie p~.cscribed Irlannzr lo t11c Board o f Rcvcnuc:

I'rovidcd t h a ~ whcrc an ordcr p:isscd hy rhc Callccror o f rlle d isrr ic~ on appcal h i ~ s hccn c t~nf incd by thc Cr,mn~i>sinncr no appeal under his sub-section shall l ie esccpi on n point ot'lntv.

28. Nnrwirhsrandinp anytin; contained in any o l l ~ c r Ac t thc Pro~xduw procedure to be lol lowed by i t ~ c Cullector or thc dirtr i i i , Con~~i l iss ioncr ! ~ ~ s ~ ~ ~ ~ or Board o r K c \ ~ c ~ ~ u e in any pl-nrccrliu~s under section 27 shall be in .;ccriun?7-

acct)rdancc wi th rulcs madc undcr this Act.

23. Nor decree '[or ordcr] of' a C iv i l Courr shall opcriltc lo disrurh, Urdsror Civil Coun

curtnil or o~hcrivisc modi fy ~ h c possession undcr r t~ i s Ac1 of a lank ,,o,l, '[or orany I:~nd adjoiniug such tar~k] by ilie auillorised person, or, during o ~ m r r :

during rhe period of possession '[of suc l~ lank or during ~ l l c period Tor which Friodol ally huch land r cn~a i r~s in rhe pnssession o f an aurliorised pcrson] to wmsloll.

annul or alrzr any order or decision ol' ille Collecror or any orhcr Rcvcnuc auilioriry ~nndz or purporting to bavc bccn made undcr thc-provisions of this Acl.

30. ' ' ( 1 ) No suil shall lie in any Civ i l Courr Tor compcnsalion in 8x10 rcspcct of a n y injury. damage or ldss resuliing From anylll ing done $2f,i:i0n under tliis Act. Couns.

' ( 2 ) No s u i ~ nr nilier pl-oceedirlgs shall l i e againsl thc Collccror. nlher autliorised person or any orficcr or workcr cmploycd by or under rhc Collccror Tor anyrhing in good P ~ i l h done or inrended lo be done or pui-porling t o be done under die provisions o f ihis ACI or any rulc n d c


31. Tllc Collccror, suhjcct m any rules made under [ l l i ~ .4ct, may Puwrcrrrl

er any ~ i n l e enier upon any land with such ofhccrs or scrvants as hc c"'cr''nd to ~ n ~ k c

considcrs ncccssary. and makc a survcy or lake nieasurenlenis

l h c r c t ~ l or do any other x i s w l l i c l ~ t ~ c considcrs to hc ncccssilry To].

currying our any o f his dulies undcr 111is ACI.

'Thc uvurils within squxr brackcls ucrc sul~sri~urcl l Tor l l lc wl)rl!r "norortl<r" by s. 1 and tllcFirst Sclncdult ~u rhc i\'cst Brnp;il R c ~ a l i n e and Anwnding A c I . 1919 I\*'zst 13crl. Acr XIS oC 1949).

'Thc wurtlr wirhin stluaru bnckcrr u t r u 11iscntd t)y c 2R13) I>I 1ht Rrnpal Tdnks In~provu~~~c~lt (\'.?tsr Rcns31 A~i i rnd~ircnl ) Acl, 19-18 (\ilc'csl Btn. h c i S X I V ni 191Sl

'TIw wordr ~r-ilhin squan: bri~clids wcrc inscncd by s. l Y ( l r ) , i111d

'Thc on gin;^! section .1U was rc~lun~krcd as su l l -scc t io~~ ( I ) nf rhar 3rcli.on ;~nd ;~T;rr ~IIC \aid hccilun. ;l.j so rcnumkrcd. 11cw suh-stction (2) \YX< adtlctl hy s. 29, ibid.

Page 23: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Powcr lo mrorvc arlcndaouc OK I L ~ I ~ ~ S ~ E S

and prrwluc- tion of dtcuritc.nls.

[Bcn. Act

32. (1) Subjecr ro rulcs made undcr rI~is Acr the Cr)l!cctor may. lor rhc purposcs o r [his ACI, by ~ l o ~ i c e , rcquire any pcrsvn to ~ n n k e and dcliver to him a slarcmcnl or ro produce records nr J~~cu rnun~s in 11is passcssion rlr con~ ro l relaling l o any land nr tank :11 a r jn~e and place spcciiied i n [he nolice.

( 2 ) Every person rcquircd 10 n~akc or dc l iv r r a slntcnicnr or lo produce any rccord or docu~nenl under [his scclion s t ~ l l l bc d c e ~ ~ i e d lcp11y bound l o do .so within thc ~nuaning o f szc~ions 175 and 176 or rhe Indian Pcn;ll Code.

33. For ~ l l e purposca or un inquiry under lhis Acr rhc Collcclor shall havc p u ~ ~ ~ e r ro sunlnlon a i d cnforcc ~ h c arrcndnncc o f wilnesscs. . i n c l u d i ~ l ~ any ( ~ f r l ~ c pcrsons inleresled in [lie lank ' [or i n [tic land adjo in i~ ig zuch ~ : l nk ] and 10 con~pel rhc pmduclion o r documenls by 111t S~IIIZ 111cans :md, su far as may be, in he samc manncr as is providcd i n ( l ie casc r ) C ;I C i v i l Courr under r I ~ e Codc o f C i v i l hct\ 'of

1909 I'roccdurc. 1908.

34. T l ~ e Colleclor may. by ordcr in tvriring, aulhnrisc ilny of l icrr I

suhordina~c ro h i m to cxercisc ~ h c porrrcrs ol' rile Collecror undcr clause (a) of scc~ion 5 '[or clause (3) or s u b - S C C I ~ U ~ ( I ) 01' sec t io~~ hA, or clause (6) o f suh-scclion (3) o r section YB] 01. undcl- sccliun 3 1.

35. Whocvcr conrrnvenes any of thc p r i w j ~ i o n s ol' sec~ ioo 15. ![section 16 nr scclion 17A] sllnll be punished wirti finc rv l~ ich may estend l o onc hundrcd rupccs.

3 . The pmpricror o f a tank '[or of any I:md ad ju~n ing a iai ik] shall nor be e~~r i r l ed rn claim. on iiccount o f i l~~yl l i in : d{iiic undcr [he provisions n r rtiis -4~1. any reducrinn i n rhc rc\,cnuc pnyable by him

lo l l l i c Stnrz Gnveln~i~cnl ] .

'Tllr: words Cigurcr and I c~ r t r s \ v i r l i i ~ i squm bnckcls wert s~lbhlilu[cd CIITI~U ttords. fiptlrts alld Ilnckcrs "or st~b-xcrir ,n( l j ursccriori 1 6 bys. 31, ilrid.

'TIIc u ~ d s uirhin >qu;lrr bmcliclr wcrc i r~stncd by s. 33, ;bid. 'Tllc ivord.i ~ l i c Pror inc i ;~ l Curcrnriicnr" wcr' ~ r i g i l i a l l y s u b s ~ i ~ u ~ v r l lor I ~ L .

words "thr: Gorwrnnlcn~" 1,y s. ?. and rhc I:il.s~ Scllsrluls l o thc \\'eel liun:nl R c p x l i n f 2nd A r n s l l d ~ n ~ Acl. 19.19 (\\'csI Uc11. ~ Z c l XIS o r 1939) : ~ n t l 1htrc.3i1c.r thc word "Siare" rva3 su1,slirulcd for lhs \vord "Provincizl" hy para 41 I ) ol' rl~r .\dnll~alion or Laah Ortlcr. 19.50

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(Sccrio,~ 37.) I

I -

37. (I) Thc '[Sla~e] Govcl-nmen~ may r11a2cc rules2 for cnrrying OUI Po\vcrlu 1 . : .: i n~akc ru1l.k

rtie purposcs or [his ACI.

(7) I n parlicul:~r. and iv~t l iout prcjuclice l o thc geriernlily or he forqoing powcr, such n ~ l c s may provide lor all or ;my of ~11c following nu[lcrs, na1nc1y:-

(a) ~ l i c rnrnls o f notices undcr scc~ion 3, suh-section (1) o f sec~ion 4 and sub-s~)cti<in ( I ) OI'SCCL~~II 73, ofl[r)rders undcr sub-scdion ( I ) o f sccric~n 6, sub-.scc~io~~ ( I) 01'sccrioil 6A and sub-sccrici~~ (3) of sccrion 9B1, and 01' rcaord-of-1.ig111s under sub-sccrioa (1) o f scc~iorl 31:

(b) ~ h c n i a ~ i ~ i e r or serving nolice undcr sccrion 3, '1 sub- sccricln (I) or scclion 41 and sub-section ( \ ) o f scc~iun 23 ; ~ n d of publishing notice undcr sub-sccrion ( 1 ) OC scc~ion 4;

(c ) llle par~iculars and condi~ions ru bc specified in an ordcr undcr suh-sec~ion (I ) o f sccriun 6;

'(cc) ~ l l c mallnzr of making an application under clausc (h) of aub-section (1) o f sccriun hA and of giving rc~~sonablc o p p n r ~ u n i ~ y tu rlic person in posscssin~~ o f rhc l i ~ n d to luakc any rep rcscn~a~ io~ i undcr the proviso lo ~ l l c said sub-scclion;

(d) [he rrrnc and manner of pnyrllrnl of cnmpensi~rion untlcr sculion 12, scc~icln 13, "[sub-wc~ion (2) of section I 4 and sub-sccrions (1) ;wd (2) o f scc~ion 14A1. and of cosrs undcr section 23;

'(dd) the inannrr of determining lie meximum i r r i ~a l i on area and [lie syslcrn, a l i g r l~~~znr and priorily of i rr iga~iun in ihni arcn, and 111e rvrm and rllc manner of puhl ish i~~g lllc nolice clelining lhe lirnits of [he ~ t inx in~un i i r r i ~n l i on arcn and IIIC systcm, alig~unenl and prioriry o r i r r i rn~ i r in in that arc;[. under suh-szcrion (I) o f seclion 16A and rhc for111 and nianncr of the app1icnlir)n and rhc Ice pagnhlc under sub- sccrion (3) o r ~har scction:

'(ddd) rhc manncr servicc i~nd pul~l ication o f no~icc ~C~CI- I .C~ 10

ill 111c priwiso ro suh-section (4) o r sec1ic)n I hA;

'.SLY ~UUI-IIOIC 2 cln pagc -196, rrllrr.

'Fur ru l ts 1 t 1 3 d ~ ttndcr this sccliun. .rtmc 1to11Lcarion No. 7JR1 hlisc., dalct! ?5.7.A11. published in [he Gilt-~trrtr I;rr:rrtr of 19.10. p ~ f l I, payc.; ? 159-1 17s. 3s jt~bs~qucn~ly amcndcd.

'Thr. w o~,d\. h~urts. Ittkcrh hnd b n c l ; i I ~ ivilhin .rrjlrxc'brdclr.~s rvcrc ~ul>rnu~~rd Tor IIIC rvrlrtlr. figrrwc . ~ r ~ t l hr;\clcls "orrI~r~rndcrsul)-sccliun ( 1 1 ~ f c t ~ r i u n 6" bys. 3 4 1 )oT~ht UTIICX~ ' l ink< III\~TVV~I~C~II (!\'CSI Bsl~gal ,4111tnUJn1tnl) Act. 19-18 (\\'tsl Ben. .ACI )IXIV 01 I94S).

'Tl~c. wurds, l i ~ u r c r and bnckc15 wirl~in squarc Ilmcksrs wcrc rnsmcd by s. 3,lt21, ibul. 'Tlxust ( cc ) k v a + inscncd I>!- 3 3 4 3 ) . iltid '

vCI~c utrrrl,, li~uws. 1r.11cr and I r d . r . 1 5 wllhin square brackr.1~ were sirtrsl iru~ctl Cur ~hc nards, liyurra 2nd t ) n c l i r ~ s -:\nd sull-wc~ion ( 2 ) ofscc~iun iJ.'I1\ c. .74(4), r b r r t

'Ssa. sl>uwb (ddl. (ddd). ( ~ l d d ) 311d ~ t l t i i l c l t l l nurc i r~ ic f ldA hv < .Yr i l il~rrl

Page 25: The Bengal Tanks Improvement Act, 1939 Keyword(s ... · makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or correctness. In

Tile B t n ~ r t l Tn~lks 11~1/1rovetncrrf Acr, 1939.

'(dddd) ~ h c form of ~ h r : l i s ~ and 1l3e manner of ils prcpara~ion undcr sub-scction ( I ) or scc~ion 16D and ~ h c manner of publication or rhl: l i s l and every rnodificaririn iliercoT under sub-seciion (2) of thar s rc~ ion ;

[(ddddrl) the manncr and the darcs of paymcnL of rccs undcr sub-sccrion ( I ) or sccrion 17:

(e) ~ h c manncr oC przparinp [he 2[rccord-oi-righ~s] uridcr sub- scciion ( I ) a: section 22, and of adding or altering any cnuy ~hcrcin;

.'(cc) rl,e nlanncr of prcpararion and revision or thc lisl of maximum i r r ig~ion area rcCcrred to in sub-scction (2) of secrion 23;

(f) rhc manner or deciding dispulcs under 'lshb-sections (I) and (2) or scciion 251:

(g) ~ h c manner n i making nn appeal and rhe procrdurc lo be li~llowed in any pi-clcccdings under seclilm 27;

(h) the prnccdure and conducl t l~e Collcclor and or officers and scrvanis rcrcrred t t l in sectioil 3 ! ;

(i) 111c cxercisc of powcrs under sub-scc~ioo ( I ) ai' section 32 io enforcc Ilre milking and dclivery nf sratenicnls and productiun of dncumer~cs.

' l ' h i s word u.31 suhs i i1~1~~1 Tor rhc word "rccord-uT-rights" hy s. 31(6) of !he Rcllgnl 'I'nnks lrnprovcmt~~r ( \t 'es~ Rc11:nl Ar l~cnd~ i l cn l ) Ac!. 1948 (iVcsr Ben. Acr XXlV of 1948).

'The wnrds. f i ~ u r c ~ a i d bnclirrs iuiltlin srluart l>nclets \vcn: subs~iturcd forthe word 2nd - ' -.---,.. . - ,,*. ,, -,