the biobio oil specialist - kleenoil panolin · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned...

A n n i v e r s a r y e d i t i o n 2 0 1 1 The best way to predict the future is to design it. Willy Brandt In this issue: Old Truths GREENMACHINE Telematic 1986 1 1 0 2 5 9 9 1 The Oil Specialist BIO The Oil Specialist BIO

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Page 1: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

A n n i v e r s a r y e d i t i o n 2 0 1 1

The best way to predict the future is to design it.Willy Brandt

In this issue:

Old Truths GREENMACHINE Telematic



TheOil SpecialistBIO

TheOil SpecialistBIO

Page 2: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

Outside the Box

Milorad Krstić, Chairman

Dear Readers

I have been an independent businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, especially as people tend to be so much for mile stones with all the limits and constrictions that result from them. Many a man still at the beginning of his career believes after 10, 20 or even 25 years that great freedom is gained, just as well, hardly anyone guesses the exact opposite will occur. Freedom is a mix of feeling and status and is there-fore an illusion. When I look outside my 25-year-old box I can see much further than I will be able to go, that alone restricts the feeling of freedom. 25 years ago I sold my �rst by-pass �lter to truck owners along with the promise of being able to achieve “100,000 km without oil change“ (that sounded utopian), today this is a matter of course – even without by-pass �ltration. During this time I learned that brave steps are almost always good and seldom dangerous, brave jumps however are quite the oppo-site. Someone who jumps often (and far) has to have lots of luck, but as businessmen are not (shouldn’t be) gamblers, they have to walk much and seldom jump.

Our �rst rapidly biodegradable PANOLIN oils were introduced for practical use about 25 years ago. Within this time we have come far even without jumping. Often we have been belittled during our journey, now some of those belittling us try to manage this entire way in one jump – and for that you need luck!

For 25 years I have been talking about the imminent scarcity and increased costs of fossil energy sources. Most customers had to believe us about the cause �rst prior to buying our product solutions. Today we no longer need to explain the cause.

Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap and environmentally harmless fuel alternative. The few media talking about it are talking about a “secret project”. Behind this are not some

crazy freaks but renowned scientists and a number of universities. Apparently existing motors do not need to be re-�tted and one litre is supposed to cost less than 0.30€. Combustion does not produce greenhouse gas and there are no limits to availability. Why is it still a secret project? Maybe because in a single “jump” both the environment could be unburdened and costs (one man’s cost is another man’s pro�t!) could be decreased. For crude oil lobbyists and tax collectors this must be a nightmare

scenario. If this is the reason that the big car manufacturers will “secretly” test this “wonder fuel” in the coming months? It does seem to be a very large jump – as mentioned before for that one needs to have luck as well. The prospect is de�nitely breathtaking. In the large nuclear shadows of Chernobyl and Fukushima the idea that energy could be produced both independently and harmlessly with a cheap and endlessly available fuel in block-type thermal power stations seems literally electrifying. Water, sun and wind supply the rest – an almost heavenly prospect for Earth, in the heavenly Olympus of inventors the party could begin. Diesel, Daimler, Otto, Benz and Bosch would no longer have to justify themselves before men like Einstein and Tesla, as to why they left the world with useful but environmentally damaging inventions.

In our company we won’t have time to celebrate, we hope that if it comes to that there will be (once more) su�cient raw materials available for the production of technical lubricants at a�ordable prices. Without a solution for the almost insatiable thirst for fuel the trend that has begun will continue. Pay attention during your next stop for gas - while you will be irritated at the fuel price of more than 1.50€/ltr, a litre of motor oil will easily cost about 30.00€. What an increase – and hardly anyone talks about it!













Page 3: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

Old Truth

OECD 301 B


ISO 15380

The criteria for rapidly biodegradable hydraulic oils are de�ned – the standard seal is established – new seals are no gain.

For all intents and purposes everything is clear. It should be understood that a hydraulic oil that meets the requirements for environmentally considerate pressure �uids for hydraulic systems acc. to ISO 15’380, the test method OECD 301 B and the award criteria of the “Blauer Engel” (“Blue Angel”) RAL-UZ 79, should give the machine operator

some security, that he is working with environ-mentally considerate and rapidly biodegradable hydraulic oil. The above mentioned de�nitions and consequently seals “Blauer Engel” (Blue Angel) or “Euro-Margerite” / “Euro-Blume” show: I am on the safe side (oil-wise) and the situation is clear. Most oil producers whose oils meet the above requirements provide the expected security. This clarity is always a good thing for the user, but not for every supplier. Therefore in the market there appear time and again obsolete de�nitions, test methods

and creative de�nitions about what kind of environmentally considerate oil it concerns. The common point of all these de�nitions is that they do not or only partially refer to the relevant de�nitions, causing insecurity in the market, creating a lack of clarity and not o�ering the user any advantage. Clever marketing people have now introduced new

seals and certi�cates for hydraulic �uids. One way: Oil is being advertised with a certi�cate and a seal, and being described (more or less) independently from the above mentioned requirements as e.g. an

environmentally compatible high performance hydraulic oil (and using other similarly �owery phrases). This oil may well be of

good quality, the problem for the user is that it is not clear at �rst

glance whether the oil category o�ered will meet his demand for a so-called bio oil. Does it meet the requirements such as being rapidly biodegradable or does it

only sound similar? For example we know this from

shopping for groceries, ie when it says cheese on the label it may contain

arti�cial cheese. Whether this new trend – new seals for old (un-)truths – will

establish itself in the market remains to be seen. It is

already noticeable that this carries small insecurities

into the market as the user wonders whether he needs this new certi�cate or not? Has there been a change? At this point one can state quite clearly that if the criteria according to

ISO 15’380, RAL-UZ 79 and OECD 301 B or the

European Eco-label are met then one is on

the safe side. Labels (e.g. „Blauer Engel“ (Blue Angel) or European Eco-label) for a market-conform label-ling are available. That is the old, the new and the existing truth.













New Seals, Old Truths

Page 4: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

The Future


� � � � � � � � � � ��

CO2-savingsWaste OilGra�k:PANOLIN

PANOLIN HLP SYNTH (Saturated ester)

PANOLIN HLP PLUS (Oxidation-optimized mineral oil)

PANOLIN HLP (Conventional mineral oil)

Einsatzdauer (Factors)

In 1994 specialists developed the concept of the CO2 Footprint. “Carbon Footprint” describes the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases in connection with a process including all relevant processes up- and downstream. For example this means which emission is caused by using a barrel of oil? Including all emissions from extraction, production, transport, processing, application and disposal. With this it is possible to calculate quite precisely the actual amount of emission of a product, the lifetime of a human and other things. The advantage is that it shows clearly how much of our environment’s resources are used up by a product. It also makes it clearer and simpler to define the steps that are necessary and feasible to achieve the climate protection targets, 20% less greenhouse gases by the year 2020 (based on 1990).

KLEENOIL PANOLIN started 25 years ago offering operators environmentally considerate lubricants. Based on this long experience the concept GREENMACHINE has been developed

and introduced. This concept consists of 3 parts, firstly: technically mature products such as the PANOLIN ECL oils (ECL = Environmentally Considerate Lubricants). These oils stand out due to environmentally considerate characteristics such as e.g. biodegradability acc. to OECD 301 B, aquatic toxicity acc. to OECD 201-203 and/or the awarding of the “Blauer Engel” (Blue Angel) or other European and international eco labels. Secondly the oils and lubricants have to offer high economic efficiency. Keyword is e.g. Life-time Oils. In the area of hydraulics with PANOLIN HLP SYNTH oils (saturated esters) and KLEENOIL by-pass filtration this already is reality. Due to the facts that no or only few repairs caused by contaminated hydraulic oil have to be calculated and that an extremely low amount of hydraulic oil has to be used over the entire life-time of a system and therefore there are less up- and downstream processes this results in an incredibly positive eco balance.













Transport journeys

Page 5: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

Thirdly, due to the connection of the first two factors there is a high grade of environment protection, therefore only a very small CO2 footprint is caused by using PANOLIN oils. Practical help is offered by PANOLIN AG with their CO2-emission-calculator making it possible to calculate the individual company based CO2 saving potential when using PANOLIN HLP SYNTH oils compared to conventional mineral oils. For the life cycle analysis 4 interrelations are taken into account: 1) the production chain of the lubricant, 2) logistics and transport, 3) reduction of consumption with optimised motor oils, 4) disposal. Please don’t hesitate to contact KLEENOIL PANOLIN AG for explanations, further analysis and

documentation. “We have the cooperation with scientific institutes and authorities to be able to supply established facts

and give out statements,” says Milorad Krstić.GREENMACHINE, this concept for the reduction of

CO2 emission with regard to hydraulic and motor oils is available for the area of all vehicles such as construction machines, farming machines, waste disposal

vehicles, bus, railway and many more. It has also been introduced for

ships, pontoons and similar machines under the label GREENMARINE.

The PANOLIN concept GREENMACHINE enables a lower CO2 emission.

The Future













Page 6: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap


Tobias Strahl

With KLEENOIL ICC technology and telematic solutions it is possible to have a continuous look at the oil even from afar and therefore avoid damages by remote diagnosis.

Checking the oil from afar. KLEENOIL is now making this possible and at KAMAG, a manufacturer of special machines, the system is already in use with a large number of units. KAMAG Transporttechnik GmbH manufactures special vehicles for the transport of heavy loads in industry, ports and shipyards, they also manufacture vehicles for the logistics industry such as interchangeable lifting trucks or vehicles for the air and space travel industry. For a year now KAMAG has been using the KLEENOIL ICC system as a full service o�er for their customers. Interchangeable lifting trucks are equipped with ICC that apart from the standard technology also includes a telematics solution, this means that in the company’s control centre the state of the hydraulic oil of the vehicle can be checked.

With the ICC, KLEENOIL has developed an analysis instrument that makes it possible to monitor the

state of the hydraulic oil in use during operation. The KLEENOIL ICC consists of a built-in sensor with integrated electronic unit, connection cable to the display and board computer, and the display/operating panel. Additionally it includes a software and a transmitter unit, that enables remote access to the read values of the ICC. Within the system of a KAMAG interchangeable lifting truck there are approximately 170ltrs of hydraulic oil in use. If the hydraulic oil in use changes due to contamination with water/ solid particles, oil mixing, oil ageing or similar, the sensor will show this change to the saved calibration data. KLEENOIL ICC continuously compares the various saved calibration data for the oil with the current state of the oil. If there are any changes there will be a message, alternatively it is possible to request the state of the oil via the telematic solution, this technology makes it easier to act preventatively. There are two main advantages to the user, �rstly, damage does not happen because the user can act preventatively before it does and secondly the operator does not have any vehicle downtime and therefore no costs for a replacement vehicle are incurred.













Keeping an Eye on the Hydraulic Oil

Page 7: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap












ICC Hardware …

Tobias Strahl, Manager of the service department of KAMAG Transporttechnik GmbH, states that they still work with PANOLIN HLP SYNTH 32 and by-pass �ltration. Previously every 2,000 operating hours oil analysis was made, in the end the oil was generally in order for about 10,000 operating hours. With the KLEENOIL ICC the monitoring is continuous and the aim is to only take three oil samples during the life time of a machine, this is viable because the current state of the oil is always available.

At the moment 17 vehicles are in use, a further 20 will be equipped with the KLEENOIL ICC system with telematic solution. In the end this is a fantastic full service o�er for e.g. the KAMAG customers and all in all it is oil e�ciency on the highest level.













Transmittance via wireless network

Machines allover Germany

Download of all data to your computer

... with KLEENOIL By-pass �ltration ...

... plus telematics is comprehensive oil security

Page 8: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap


25 Years – Companions and Contributors

Sta�, customers and distributors have a�ected much and much has been a�ected for them – some of them we will show here. They are representative for many others.

When founding a company you always start at point zero. 25 years ago it was not easy either to go into business for oneself, but it was di�erent. On one hand banking institutions were far from Basel II and similar regulations and it was possible to discuss in a sensible way. On the other hand it was the time of reuni�cation and new chances and markets opened up. Step by step, bit by bit the company grew. KLEENOIL Deutschland GmbH evolved into KLEENOIL

PANOLIN AG and from the stand-alone young entrepreneur a solid company has grown that includes dedicated sta�, customers that are dynamic and operating in many branches and a dedicated and reliable distributor network. Much has grown and evolved. What could be better to describe this than some stories about what has developed in many years of cooperation. And not only where business is concerned. Many a business relation has resulted, you could almost say as a positive by-product, in a friendship. The most important, however, in all this time is the feeling of being able to rely on each other and wanting to make a di�erence.














EUROVIA Services GmbH

If you have been in a certain branch for some time you gain the experience to judge whether advertising slogans are just that or whether they can meet the product requirements in real life. Joachim Wippich has been the Technical Director for the branch of EUROVIA Teerbau for �ve years now and before that he worked for another large construction company. He has experience with KLEENOIL �ltration systems and PANOLIN oils for 20 years now. His résumé: “We have never had an extraordinary hydraulic damage, that has been caused by the oil and we have never had to change

the oil in a machine due to contamination.“ EUROVIA, too, is using PANOLIN oils and KLEENOIL by-pass �ltration. And this in a �eet of approximately 2,000 large construction machines and vehicles. “For us it is very interesting that the KLEENOIL PANOLIN statements are no advertising slogans but reality. And that we are making this experience means in the end that we are being cost e�ective with the machine technology.”

Joachim Wippich,

Page 9: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap



The LEONHARD WEISS GmbH & Co. KG is one of the large construction companies in Germany and Europe. In 2010 more than 3,000 employees created a turnover of about € 690 million. The family business consists of the business areas road and network construction, railway construction, civil engineering and turnkey construction. Numerous subsidiaries, such as SDC Crailsheim (natural stone restoration and conservation of listed buildings) and LEONHARD WEISS Fußbodentechnik (�oor systems), complete the comprehensive product portfolio of the LEONHARD WEISS group. Helmut Häberlein has been in the company for 20 years and is the manager of the technical department with more than 70 employees in the workshop. They take care of approximately 1,000 construction machines. Depending on their �eld of application these are equipped with KLEENOIL PANOLIN, e.g. 60 road rail excavators and 20 railway construction machines. According to Häberlein KLEENOIL PANOLIN has been the oil and at the same time concept of choice for 20 years, as they are also using by-pass �ltration and one can therefore even talk about a life-time �ll, in his words. Many years of cooperation have shown that the KLEENOIL PANOLIN system actually works and works

e�ciently. The �lter cartridge changes at the by-pass �lters are done in the own workshop. The contamination indicator at the system shows when it is time to change. Additionally an oil analysis is done in regular intervals in order to check whether there might be any damages due to wear debris (from hydraulic components, water or ageing) within the oil. This would be an indicator to act preventively, in order to avoid any component damage, by having a repair or service. Anyway it is a by now simple and clearly de�ned handling of rapidly biodegradable oils and by-pass �ltration and all in all positive balance for the construction machines from LEONHARD WEISS.













Page 10: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

For almost as long as the company has been existing there has also been the partnership with the distributor Ziems GmbH. Manfred Ziems, a graduate engineer who used to be responsible for the technical training of �ight engineers, founded his business in Freital near Dresden. After the reuni�cation he was looking for a new job and challenge. He told himself – why shouldn’t I be able to make it as a free entrepreneur in this free market economy? So shortly after the reuni�cation two quite di�erent personalities met – on the one side the technically knowledgeable young entrepreneur, who wasn’t quite as young in years and on the other side the dynamic founder of KLEENOIL who had a considerable amount of market experience and oil technical know-ledge. Over time and with many customer visits and meetings, often successful negotiations and orders in dimensions that were astounding to Ziems, a solid business relationship and with it trust and a friendship evolved. Retrospectively Manfred Ziems notes that the trust in the advantages of KLEENOIL PANOLIN bio oils and �ltration systems, that had been cultivated through many meetings and discussions with custo-mers, was often damaged by ‘gold diggers’, who put a nice label on an oil barrel with contents that were a lot less nice. “But” so he says, “it was important to show endurance to get rid of such shadows that were caused by such ‘gold diggers’”. In the course of the years the business grew. By now the son, Holger, is the one leading the business. But Manfred is still visiting his large custo-mers and is still part of the business and still closely connected to the bio oil and KLEENOIL PANOLIN.

Wilfried Grob, GROB GmbH

Manfred Ziems, ZIEMS GmbH



A Wartburg 353 was the tangible asset that made the founding of the GmbH in Eisenach (Germany) possible. With this Wilfried Grob started out and he started with solid products, i.e. KLEENOIL PANOLIN oils and �lter

rigs. “Back then”, states Grob, “we had to put in a lot of e�ort into convincing the future customers. Bio oils were seen as a luxury and the advantages, and often even the necessity, of these products as well as the chances they o�ered were not realised. But customer by customer we managed the convincing and where this knowledge was understood there still is an active business relationship.” By continuous work in the market and regular customer visits Grob achieved that his company grew. He survived the end of the building boom better than many others. “That was the time where the wheat separated from the cha�.”, he says. Moving his o�ce from his home to his own business premises and expanding his radius of operation from east to west made him to an important authorized distributor in the middle of Germany. On thing Grob liked and still likes is the exchange with the head o�ce and the other distributors. Because in the meantime the competition has found its way into the bio oil market niche. The active support of all those belonging to the corporation keeps helping in being the market leader by far. In the meantime Wilfried Grob has Enrico Schneider, a new young manager and dedicated customer consultant, at his side. A good prerequisite to continue this way together.













Page 11: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

Abfallwirtschaft und Stadtreinigung Freiburg (waste management and city cleaning) are using KLEENOIL PANOLIN oils and �ltration – a positive ecological and economical balance.

Freiburg (Breisgau, Germany), appointed “federal capital of climate protection”, is operating a GmbH for the waste management and city cleaning. Norbert Hett is the workshop master. He has been active since 1977 and experienced all developments and changes from being a part of municipality to

being privatised and back. Since 1993 KLEENOIL PANOLIN with its hydraulic oils and �ltration has always been a part of it. Currently about 45 of the 110 vehicles, mostly refuse collectors, are �lled with PANOLIN. Each vehicles needs about 160 to 200 litres for its hydraulic system. With it the rubbish bins are moved and emptied. “Back then,” so Hett, “when we started, two points were of importance: The oil was to be rapidly biodegradable and the total oil consumption was to be reduced.” This is successfully

realised with the life-time �ll with rapidly biodegradable PANOLIN oils and the �ltration in the by-pass. “In the past, in the time before KLEENOIL PANOLIN,” so he continues ”the entire oil content had to be changed every two years. This is, ever since using PANOLIN oil and KLEENOIL Micro�ltration, no longer the case.” The cartridge change takes about ten minutes and is done in the own workshop. At the same time an oil sample is taken to check whether there is any contamination, water or damage or wear in the hydraulic circuit. The oil analysis gives detailed

information about this and it is possible to react immediately before a damage occurs. After many years of use it is possible to balance quite precisely that the total hydraulic oil consumption is considerably lower than what would have been necessary with conventional oils. On the one hand this cost saving is a solid �gure. On the other hand the oil is rapidly biodegradable should a hose burst or a similar damage occur. And that is of the highest importance in the “green city” – and not only there.

Climate Friendly

Freiburg becomes more climate friendly

Norbert Hett













Page 12: The BIOBIO Oil Specialist - KLEENOIL PANOLIN · businessman for 25 years, that should be mentioned I think, ... Now it’s leaking out more and more – it does exist, a simple, cheap

Der BioölspezialistCustomer magazine of Kleenoil Panolin AG

Kleenoil Panolin AG, Schnötring 3, 79804 DogernMichael DreherTeubert Kommunikation, 28870 Fischerhude

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Publisher: Responsible: Concept and Realisation: