the breathitt news ·...

The Breathitt News SI PER YEAR IN ADVANCE J WISE HAGINS EDITOR I NNNNNNN l- t O W FLEEXOK A II PATroN s I PATTON IFLEEXOlt I J JACKSON KENTUCKY J wN NN NN J WISE HAGINS- ATTORNEYArLAW Office over PostOffice JACKSON KENTUCKY c All business Intrusted to him will lecelve prompt and careful at tentlon XtlHiinnnnTTniiTftuinnnnnnnniilllllii 3L C ROARK 1- i LAWYER = = 5JAOKSON KENTUCKY 5 Wilt practice In Breathitt and 3 Magoffln Counties E In g DR O H SWANQO PNYSIQIPN Jib SURGEONO- FFICE OURSS A M TO 4 P n IN HARGIS IlTJILlSlNO JACKSON KENTUCKY rn S5 FRIDAY JAN 5 TIlE NEWS groets its readers to day for the first time in the year 1900and wishes them all a happy new year o The first dayof the new year + was like spring in the winter I it hadnt been youd have felt springin anyhowtwo miles from the Christmas billcollectors The Supreme Court of the United States Wednesday affirmed the decision of the Court of Ap- peals ¬ in the case of James 13 KentuckyIIoward the circuit court of Franklin county Kyon the charge of mur- derIng William Goebel on Jan nary 80 1900 and convicted each H imI Judge Thomas IL Paynter was nominated for United States Sena tor by the joint caucus last Tuesdaynight on the first Senator J C S Black- burn and W 13 Haldemen were ast 34 Haldeman 10 Smith 2 Necessary to a choice 53 This is equivalent to an election and Judge Paynter will be elected i Henator next Tuesday The day long looked for by the people of Brcatkitt county came InsttMoriday The day was usher ed in by the ringing of all the church bells in town which con ¬ tinued to give forth their joyful penis till after 100 a m It was tho day on which tho county gov ¬ ernment was to be handed back to- t tho people to whom it belonged The sun rose in all its splendor in a clear sky and tho day was a per ¬ fact one symbolizing what the present administration is to be Crowds from all parts of the county began to arrive early to see the men they had recently elected inducted into office and to rejoice with each other over the fact that Breathitt county had been redeemed It was a great day for Breathitt county Wo hope all the good people will join in and help their officers give the county the best administration it ever had and that tho fondest hopes of the most sanguine may- be fully realized Marriage Licenses The following marriage licenses have been issued during the post week Wm Gillum and Miss Gracia Mann both of Jackson Jesse Turner and Miss Lillie Burton bathof Crockoltsvillc Fred Sally of Hazel Green and Miss Mollie Pennington of Bays Wm Noble of Ned and Miss Ada Noble of Lost Creek James Back of Rob bins and Miss Betty Williams of Jackson Jerry Aikmaa of Bush Branch and Miss Peggy Stid tram of Which Ambrose Fugato and Miss Nancy Combs both of Clay Hole Goodloe Hudson of Noble and Miss Lula Harvey of Jackson Vfm McDaniel and Mrs Lizzie Burffjt both of Rousioau t James Back of Stevenson was hero Wednesday I George W Banks of Taulbee I was here on business Thursday J Dr 0 II Swango and wife have moved into the J W Clark house Z T King of Robbins was here Wednesday Ho is engaged in a stave job for Garrett Co at this place Miss Lena Ilylnnd returned to Jackson Tuesday from Jonesboro Tenn where she spent the holi- days ¬ visiting her home Miss Alice Jctt returned to her home at Winchester Tuesday after spending several weeks visit- ing friends in Jackson Mrs M IJGirton returned Monday from a visit to her old home at Asheville N C and re ¬ ports a pleasant trip Grannis Back returned to Dan ¬ ville Tuesday to resume his studies in Central University after spend ¬ ing the holidays visiting his home Roscoe Eversole son of Abner Eversole formerly of this place but now of Tyrone has accepted a position as boot keeper for Ha gins Co- William L and Daniel Kash of Wolfe county passed through here Tuesday the former going to Danville to resume his studies in the law department at Central University and tho latter to Louis ¬ yule to enter his junior year in the Hospital College of Medicine John Smith and John Abner who stand indicted for complicity in thc murder of James Cockrill came in and surrendered them- selves ¬ to tho jailer They were before Breck Combsas off habeas corpus and allowed bond in the sum of 5000 eachwhich they gave At a school exhibition at the mouth of Wheelrim on the John ¬ son fork of Licking in Magoflin county Columbus Purcellwho was intoxicated shot off his pistol back of tho house several tunes John L Purcell and a brother cousins to Columbus met him and after a few remarks opened tire upon him One of tho brothers used a shotgun and the other a 45 calibre pistol and a load from each was lodged in Iris abdomen At Helechawa Wolfe county on December 23 Shoficld Mont- gomery ¬ was killed by Zach Napier Montgomery was in Napiers resi ¬ dence drunk and scuffling with an ¬ other Napier asked him to be quiet Montgomery refused and threw a lump of coal striking Napiers wife then Napier shot him five times After the shoot ¬ ing Napier escaped to Bretithitt county Ho was arrested at the homo of Kelly Little on the Ta forkof Frozen and placed in jail Campton Tho closing exercises of Miss Cora Moores school at Noble were attended by a large crowd who seemed to enjoy themselves very much The children acquitted themselves admirably and the peo- ple ¬ were surprised at tho progress that had been made by the pupils The childrens time for a surprise came next and a very agreeable one it was as Old Santa camo and distributedmany beautiful pres- ents ¬ to all Tho exercises closed and every one seemed well pleased Iud spoke in tho highest terms of the teachers work Seven prisoners convicted at tho recent term of the Perry county circuit court at Hazard in charge of Sheriff S B Holli day anda number of deputies passed through Jackson since our last issue enroute to the Frankfort penitentiary viz Joe Minnard murder 5 years Jako Sloan and John Singleton destroying telephone lines 2 years eachJohn Polly forgery 2 years Stewart Hammond forgery 2 yearsGranville Combs seduction 1 yearArchibald Kates colgrand larceny 1 year Prof J L Moores school gave an entertainment and Christmas trio Dec 22nd and everybody were well pleased especially the young folks who went away laden with toya and Christmas goods Even the professor was not for- gotten ¬ but was rememberedwith many presents Ho remarked that he was sixty years old and that that was tho happiest day of his life The exercises were excellent and there was a great deal of mirthas tho pieces were mostly humorous Loud peals of laugh ¬ ter were heard as tho students re ¬ cited their humorous dialogues and recitations Tljero was no complaining except tho old ladies who complained that the buttons wero all burstcd off their husbands vests and they would be required to sew them on again In fact i was a day long to bo remembered by the students The people of tho Cane Creek neighbornood wer all well pleased in tho way Pro- fessor ¬ conducted tho schooland are speaking in high terms of h- and the children will long remem ¬ ber the grand old man- NOTICE All parties who are indebted to Evcrsole Son are requested t calland settle their account be ¬ fore January 15 1906 If not settled before that time they will be placed in the hands of an attor- ney ¬ for collection Yours re ¬ spectfully EVEUSOLK Sox lorida New Orleans Cuba reached jn comfort via QUEEN KCRESCENI ROUTEAND SOUTHERN ffe THREE TRAINS A DAY Chicago Florida Special li Smltt Juauj Ml I90 Solid Pullman Train Ix T CINCINNATI 9J8T M LEXIHOTOir llrfO 7 M UDIn 1811111 Nd 1iJ AUf1IIIIlI fill ll1 llooJaAD4 Flotilla Limped Solid Train CeiTa CINCINNATI 830AM JEIINdTON loaf A lot DANVILLE U6OXM IVY r5tdwa Pullman i iorJeekakaony- WetAuauttlneaerereportkud fI New Orleans via Clit UDOCJI Atlanta and Blralogtmn Queen Crescent Special Solid train Cincinnati Lexington Dan vale to Nero Orleans via Ccaiunooc and BlnnliKbam MM thrown Pullman terrlra to Jacksonville via Aabnrllla and Bavannab and Charleston tourist tickru now on sale al reduCC4 rata lnlallIf n A oiittrrr w Co RUimoi Gaert AltotC11C1NSTJ QUARTERLY KElOKT OF TilE Jackson lojJosll lJanK- I At tide close of business on the 30th day of December 1905 RESOURCES Loans and discounts 05206 52 Overdrafts secured 1054 14 1rg Due from National Banks 7597 25 Dup from State Banks Bnkrs13469 55 Due from trust com pa- nlies ¬ 00000 21OC6 80 Mortgages 4300 00 Other stocks bonds 5847 0- 0Siecie1521 GO Currency 7074 00 8602 G6 Furniture fixtures 1792 50 General expense 1297 93 109894 70 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 08Surplusfund Undivided profits 32 73 Deposits subject to check on which inter- est is not id 79653 85 Duo National flanks 116032 Duo State Banks and Bankers 000000 Interest and exchange 1938 80 109894 70 SUPPLEMENTARY 1 Highest amount of iijijebtednea of any stockholder person company or firm including In the liability of the compnny or firm the liability of the individual members thereof directly or Indireatly If such indebtedness ex seeds 20 per uent of the capital stuck actually paid In old ac4Va1amount of surplus of the bunk None 2 How Indebtedness In above Item lslcured1 NoneSee Section 583 Ky Statutes 3 Highest a nouns of Indebtedness at director or olllcor If amount of inch indebtedness exceed 10 per cent of pald up oapjtuj stuck of bank NoneSee Saotlon 683 Ky Statutes 4 How Is same secured None G Does amount of indebtednea of any person company or firm Including In the liability of the oompanvor firm the liability of the Individual members thereof exceed 80 per cent of paidup surplusNo If so state amount of such jndebt ¬ edness Anne 0 Amount of last dividend 2000 Fight per cent tuntnckhnldorg One per cent to Surplus Fund en ¬ tered f250 00 711ere nil Infees Interest and taxes deducted thmfrui before declaring dividend nnd win not leas linn 10 per cent of net prills of the hank for the period covered l y the dividend carried to the surplus fund before said dividend was declared Yes 5taurtead STATE OF KENTUCKY l e + tCounty of Breathltt J S Jr Cashier of Jncksen Deposit UnnKa hunk located and do ¬ ing business In the town of Jackson in SIIYIII n true statement of the condition of bnsinesd the best of his knowledge and belief and further says that the business of said hatik line been triininotrd at the location named nnd tint elsewhere nnd llnt the above report U made in compliance with an ofllclal notice re- ceived ¬ from the Secretary of State designating the 30ih dny of limo reporto J S IIEAD JR Oushler FLOYD DAY President F P CnAwpnnn JNO E PATRICK > Directors 11VIeH ll > OINi J Subscribed anti sworn to before me by J S Head Jrlhu 2d day of Jan ¬ uary 1000 S II HUUST Clerk Brf alhitt Circuit Court By I LANDRUM D O I master offimissioQers Sale BUKATHITT ClUCUIT CounT Abrelia Marcum Guardian- vs Plaintiff Nellie riannery c Defendant EquityI and VirI the above styled cause lit its reg- ular ¬ October term 1905 I shall proceed to offer for sale at the Court House door in Jackson Breathitt County Kentucky on Hominy the 3id day of January 1000 regular itt County Court between the hours of 12 oclock m and 2 oclock p m tho following described real property lying and being in Breathitt County Kentucky on the waters of towards Creek and boundedand described as follows Beginning on a rook marked B S on the north bank of the Mar cum fork of Howards Creeka tributary of the north fork of the Kentucky river about 800 feet above the forks of the saidcreek on the lino of the iands of Lee Deaton thence S 3530 W 568 feet to a black oak S 4330 W ICO feet to a chestnut S W 731 feet to two small sourwoods on a point corner to the land of John Davidson thence with said David ¬ sons lino S 17 Ifi W 232 feet to a black oak S Ct 15 w 176 feet to a stake n 87 30 w 2C3 feet to a stake n 56 w 186 feet to a chest ¬ nut s 74 30 w 382 feet to a sour wood n 74 15 w 22 feet to a ma ¬ ple s 72 45 w 259 feet to a sour wood n 73 30 w 206 feet to a chestnut on a knob s 55 w 39 71 feat to a small dogwoods CO 30 w 198 feet to a black tacks 11 Ifi w 190 feet to a chestnut oakand small hickory s 845 o 206 feet to two hickories corner to tho land of Jasper Arrowood thence bray ¬ tug the blind of said Davidson and with the land of Arrowood 5215 w 20Q feet to a chestnut oak s 57 tl0 w 150 foot to a cross on a rocks 59 w 208 teat to a stake s 49 15 w 141 feet to a chestnut s 62 w 216 feet to a largo black oak withold marks s 59 45 w 109 feet to a chestnut s 63 w 272 feet to a chestnut oak s 54 30 w 264 feet to a stake s 78 45 w 206 feet to a chestnut ol1kn 81 30 w 295 feet to a black ODICn 70 w 290 fet to a chestnut stump n 10 30 w 76 feet to a double chestnut oaks 68 30 w 554 feet to a stake s 71 w 322 feet to a cross on a rook near a small hickory s 86 w 230 feet to a chestnut oak corner to tho land of J JJ Newton Arrowood and with liis lino leaving the lino of Jasper Arrowood 15 w 958 feet to a stake n 42 15 w 163 feet to a stake n 51 w 166 feet to a hickory and double chestnut n 72 45 w 179 feet to a stake on a knob near a largo rock n 69 45 w 138I foot tp a stake n 8Q 40 w m feet to a stave n 55 30 w 199 feet to at stake n 59 30 w54 feet to a double hicKory n 5251 w 183 feet to UI staKe n 51 w 137 feet to a stake under Nailers rock n 41 50 w to two poplars under Nailers rocksI corner to the landof Benjamin braying ¬ ¬ locust ory n 53 w 248 feet to a lead n 79 15 w 110 feet to a phOtrHlt n 6115 w ° 08 feet to nI pine s B5 50 w 104 feet to u stave n 84 30 w 105 feet to a small sourwood n 78 05 w 508I feet to a small hicKory s 70 80 WI 97 feet to a hicKory n 84 w feet to a staKe n 74 CO w 238I feet to a white oak corner to landof Leo Combs and with hisI line leaving the land of Ben Mc jfntosl n 24 15 0 251 feet to a hicK- ory n loba g03 fppt to n stqke n 82 15 e 101 feet to k stake j n IT 45 e 1U feet to a pine by a large roclcj n 29 e 10a feet to a large black jack J n 30 45 e 101 feet to a aaple on a large rock n 15 15 w saT et to a stake I n 18 WJ07 feet to tw pines n 28 45 e lOa feet to a stake 17 45 e 103 feet J to n stake by chat rock n 20 30 e 400 feet to netnken 0 e HI feet to n chestnut oak corner to land of Alfred Hollun and on hili line leaving thin line ot Lee Comb s 85 e 148 feet to n walnut K 8216e 120 feet to n stake n SO BO o 101 feet tel n pint n 75 e 250 feet to n stake n CO o 210 feet to n pim nnd chestnut n 33 e 202 feet to n small hickory n 0080181 root to n stake n G5 15 n 182 feet to n block jack n 51 300 133 feet to a large cliOiUniU oak n OS e 163 feet to u tnke i n 74 e 185 feet to n stake II SO u 135 fret to H take s 63 e 112 feet to n surall QhCf t nut oak s 77 e HiS pols t >< a black jack u 03 30 u 209 poles to n ohestntit n Ifi 16 e 04 feet to u chentiut oak n 5130 e 107 feet to n cruise on a rock n 60 30 e 00 feet to a chestnut under n large rockn 50 30 H 01 feet to a pine W 67 c 100 fe <u to n stnke n 20 30 e 123 feet tu a stake n 130 w 73 feet to a- cross on a rock n 14 w 223 feet to n chestnut onk n8 SO w 170 feet to a chestnut n 10 II 08 feet to a stake n M o 151 feet to a chestnut oak and hickory n 17 30 o 125 feet to a chestnut n 1 30 w 145 feet to a chestnut n 18 45 o 100 feet to a cross on a rock n 31 15 o 78 feet to a stake s 87 0 61 feet to ala ¬ cust s 81 15 o 75 feet ton cross on redbud blackjack hickory n 50 15 o 150 feet to cross ItIm feet to a hickory n 78 30 o 1118 feet to a chestnut oaks 87 15 o 177 feet to a small white oak n 43 15 e 176 feet to a chestnut oak corner to land of Mary Spicer awl with her line leaving lnndof Alfred Hollon n 72 o 493 feet to a large chestnut oak n 27 30 e 414 feet to a tint rock n 37 15 o 280 feet to a stake corner to land of Kentucky theirland ccr s 61 45 0 857 feet to a small pino on a knobs 15 w 539 feet to a pine s 15 0 SOl feet to a stake s 37 o 241 foot to a chestnut oak on rightIand Howards Creek n 73 30o 419 feet to a black onkn 55 30 e 147 fret to a stake n 61 45 0 5CO feet to a smallchestnut oak on knobs 5j 15 e 391 feet to a lentils chestnut n 62 e 213 feet to a stake n 41 45 o 543 feet to a rock on a high knob 9 GO 0 520 feet to a hickory s HS 30 o 142 feet to a stake n 83 e 211 feet to a chestnut oak on knob bo ¬ tween Cane Crook Doty Shoal Branch and I low nrds Creek cor ¬ ner to Doty Shoal tract n 4730 e 4FO feet to three dogwoods n 21 e 184 feet to a hickory n 44 30 o highknob chestnut oaks 6445 c 171 feet to a hickory s 31 30 e 256 feet to n stake s 57 o 27S feet to a black oakcorner to laud of Thomas loavingtho pony thence B 42 15 o 148 foot to a stake s 1015o 197 feet to a stake s 40 o 135 feet to a black- jack s 40 30 o 137 feet to a dog woodsapling s 65 50 o 132 feet to a stake on tho point s 12o 212 feet to n black oak 1 s 40 45 o 100 feet to a stake on the endof a point s 13 80e 258 foot ton stake s 38 80 o 00 feet to a sycn more in tho mouth of Doty Shoal Branch on south bank of tho North Fork of the Kentucky river on tlto line of W E Gn n bills land and with his line leaving tho land of Thoma8 Chancy s 55 v234 foot to n double dogwood s 40 45v 114 feet to a stake s 84 45 w 258 feet tor stake s 49 30 w 247 feet to n stnYu on side of tho hills 7015 w 100 foot to a large chestnut oak on tho sido of the hill w OS feot to a small red oaka 70 15 w 827 feet to a stnkoj B Tl 80 w 298 fief to a red oakn 54w 252 feet to a stake n 48 80 w 321 feet to a sassafras w 170 foot to a lociut n 70 15 w 212 feet to n stnke n 74 w 122 feet to a sour- wood on point between Doty Shoal Branch and W K OnmbilPs branch i thence n 07 15 w 213 feet tun hickory and chestnut oak on ridge in tho head of Doty Shoal Branch thence s 57 45vv 280 feet to n small hickorys 45 w 820 feta to a locust B 12 45 w 8U foot to black oak by a large rook on n knob thence s D GO e KH feet to a black oak n knob s61 e3C8 feet to a red oak and tourwocd R 815 o 375 feet to n red oak i K 10 46 e 134 feet to a stake s 45 10 e 371 feet to n double maple s 11 rhlJeI corner to the of Beaton and with his line lenvlnjj the line of W E Uiinlilll thence s 48 w 120 feet to a red oak on the side of the hill a 41 w 140 feet to awhile oak s 8030 w 233 feet to n red oak on the site of the hill thence a 35 30 w 410 feet to the begin ¬ containing 710 acres by actual survey Said property will be sold at Public Auction to the highest and best bidder and the purchaser will be required to give bond for the purchase money with approved security bearing inter ¬ est from date of sale and having the force and effect of a replevin bond and lien will be reserved In said bonds for the full payment of the purchase price and Interest Bidders must be prepared to comply promptly with these terms Cost of suit M M UotnmUstanars costs Total c W OARDWELL M 0 B 00 I I DAY BRpS COMPANY Wholesale and Retail u have the most complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE I Ever brought to Jackson QonsIsbngi of Jpg aJi I l t 4 t t N Jft S fir t 12 tttiiuq- t > Ii tatst fi We have the Ihi st line of shoes in Fast ern Kentucky Our mens shoes are of the latest style For the Ladies > we have the most Fashionable Lot of Shoes money could buy THE LATEST DESIGNS IN MILLINERY This Department is under the man ¬ agement of Miss Margaret Basket who can show you The Latest Style Hats direct from New York City Also FASHIONABLE DRESS GOODS In all Freshfrom If you need any Mouse Furnishings or FURNITURE We are the people you are looking for we have it by car loads to suit 4 every body Come and see us our Dr lUlU n IUI Ulm IIU ItJI III II II IltulltlltllU1f11tut11u1IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIii1111111111t tt11M Righta DAY BROS COMPANY Jackson Kentucky < l1

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Page 1: The Breathitt News · ville Tuesday to resume his studies in Central University after spend ¬ ing the holidays









Office over PostOfficeJACKSON KENTUCKY

cAll business Intrusted to himwill lecelve prompt and careful attentlon




5 Wilt practice In Breathitt and3 Magoffln Counties E





TIlE NEWS groets its readers today for the first time in the year1900and wishes them all a happynew year

o The first dayof the new year+ was like spring in the winter I

it hadnt been youd have feltspringin anyhowtwo miles fromthe Christmas billcollectors

The Supreme Court of theUnited States Wednesday affirmedthe decision of the Court of Ap-peals


in the case of James 13

KentuckyIIowardthe circuit court of Franklincounty Kyon the charge of mur-derIng William Goebel on Jannary 80 1900 and convicted each

H imIJudge Thomas IL Paynter wasnominated for United States Senator by the joint caucuslast Tuesdaynight on the first

Senator J C S Black-burn and W 13 Haldemen wereast34 Haldeman 10 Smith 2Necessary to a choice 53 Thisis equivalent to an election andJudge Paynter will be elected

i Henator next Tuesday

The day long looked for by thepeople of Brcatkitt county came

InsttMoriday The day was ushered in by the ringing of all thechurch bells in town which con ¬

tinued to give forth their joyfulpenis till after 100 a m It wastho day on which tho county gov¬

ernment was to be handed back to-

ttho people to whom it belongedThe sun rose in all its splendor ina clear sky and tho day was a per ¬

fact one symbolizing what thepresent administration is to be

Crowds from all parts of thecounty began to arrive early tosee the men they had recentlyelected inducted into office and torejoice with each other over thefact that Breathitt county hadbeen redeemed It was a greatday for Breathitt county Wohope all the good people will joinin and help their officers give thecounty the best administration itever had and that tho fondesthopes of the most sanguine may-be fully realized

Marriage LicensesThe following marriage licenses

have been issued during the postweek

Wm Gillum and Miss GraciaMann both of Jackson JesseTurner and Miss Lillie Burtonbathof Crockoltsvillc Fred Sallyof Hazel Green and Miss MolliePennington of Bays Wm Nobleof Ned and Miss Ada Noble ofLost Creek James Back of Robbins and Miss Betty Williams ofJackson Jerry Aikmaa of BushBranch and Miss Peggy Stidtram of Which Ambrose Fugatoand Miss Nancy Combs both ofClay Hole Goodloe Hudson ofNoble and Miss Lula Harvey ofJackson Vfm McDaniel and MrsLizzie Burffjt both of Rousioau


James Back of Stevenson washero Wednesday I

George W Banks of Taulbee I

was here on business Thursday J

Dr 0 II Swango and wifehave moved into the J W Clarkhouse

Z T King of Robbins washere Wednesday Ho is engagedin a stave job for Garrett Co

at this place

Miss Lena Ilylnnd returned toJackson Tuesday from JonesboroTenn where she spent the holi-


visiting her home

Miss Alice Jctt returned to herhome at Winchester Tuesdayafter spending several weeks visit-ing friends in Jackson

Mrs M IJGirton returnedMonday from a visit to her oldhome at Asheville N C and re ¬

ports a pleasant trip

Grannis Back returned to Dan ¬

ville Tuesday to resume his studiesin Central University after spend ¬

ing the holidays visiting his home

Roscoe Eversole son of AbnerEversole formerly of this placebut now of Tyrone has accepteda position as boot keeper for Hagins Co-

William L and Daniel Kash ofWolfe county passed throughhere Tuesday the former goingto Danville to resume his studiesin the law department at CentralUniversity and tho latter to Louis ¬

yule to enter his junior year inthe Hospital College of Medicine

John Smith and John Abnerwho stand indicted for complicityin thc murder of James Cockrillcame in and surrendered them-



to tho jailer They werebefore Breck Combsasoffhabeas corpus and allowed bond

in the sum of 5000 eachwhichthey gave

At a school exhibition at themouth of Wheelrim on the John ¬

son fork of Licking in Magoflincounty Columbus Purcellwhowas intoxicated shot off his pistolback of tho house several tunesJohn L Purcell and a brothercousins to Columbus met him andafter a few remarks opened tireupon him One of tho brothersused a shotgun and the other a 45

calibre pistol and a load from eachwas lodged in Iris abdomen

At Helechawa Wolfe countyon December 23 Shoficld Mont-gomery


was killed by Zach NapierMontgomery was in Napiers resi ¬

dence drunk and scuffling with an ¬

other Napier asked him to bequiet Montgomery refused andthrew a lump of coal strikingNapiers wife then Napier shothim five times After the shoot ¬

ing Napier escaped to Bretithittcounty Ho was arrested at thehomo of Kelly Little on the Taforkof Frozen and placed in jailCampton

Tho closing exercises of MissCora Moores school at Noble wereattended by a large crowd whoseemed to enjoy themselves verymuch The children acquittedthemselves admirably and the peo-


were surprised at tho progressthat had been made by the pupilsThe childrens time for a surprisecame next and a very agreeableone it was as Old Santa camo anddistributedmany beautiful pres-


to all Tho exercises closedand every one seemed well pleasedIud spoke in tho highest terms ofthe teachers work

Seven prisoners convicted attho recent term of the Perrycounty circuit court at Hazardin charge of Sheriff S B Holliday anda number of deputiespassed through Jackson since ourlast issue enroute to the Frankfortpenitentiary viz

Joe Minnard murder 5 yearsJako Sloan and John Singleton

destroying telephone lines 2 years

eachJohnPolly forgery 2 years

Stewart Hammond forgery 2

yearsGranvilleCombs seduction 1

yearArchibald Kates colgrandlarceny 1 year

Prof J L Moores school gavean entertainment and Christmastrio Dec 22nd and everybodywere well pleased especially theyoung folks who went away ladenwith toya and Christmas goodsEven the professor was not for-


but was rememberedwithmany presents Ho remarked thathe was sixty years old and that

that was tho happiest day of hislife The exercises were excellentand there was a great deal of

mirthas tho pieces were mostlyhumorous Loud peals of laugh ¬

ter were heard as tho students re ¬

cited their humorous dialoguesand recitations Tljero was nocomplaining except tho old ladieswho complained that the buttonswero all burstcd off their husbandsvests and they would be requiredto sew them on again In fact i

was a day long to bo rememberedby the students The people oftho Cane Creek neighbornood werall well pleased in tho way Pro-



conducted tho schoolandare speaking in high terms of h-

and the children will long remem ¬

ber the grand old man-

NOTICEAll parties who are indebted to

Evcrsole Son are requested tcalland settle their account be ¬

fore January 15 1906 If notsettled before that time they willbe placed in the hands of an attor-


for collection Yours re ¬

spectfullyEVEUSOLK Sox

loridaNew Orleans

Cubareached jn comfort




Chicago Florida Specialli Smltt Juauj Ml I90

Solid Pullman TrainIx T CINCINNATI 9J8T M

LEXIHOTOir llrfO 7 MUDIn1811111 Nd 1iJ AUf1IIIIlI fill ll1llooJaAD4Flotilla Limped

Solid TrainCeiTa CINCINNATI 830AM


IVY r5tdwa Pullmani iorJeekakaony-

WetAuauttlneaerereportkudfI New Orleansvia Clit UDOCJI Atlanta and Blralogtmn

Queen Crescent SpecialSolid train Cincinnati Lexington Dan

vale to Nero Orleans via Ccaiunoocand BlnnliKbam MM thrown Pullmanterrlra to Jacksonville via Aabnrllla andBavannab and Charleston

tourist tickru now on sale alreduCC4 ratalnlallIfn A oiittrrr w Co RUimoi

Gaert AltotC11C1NSTJ


Jackson lojJosll lJanK-I

At tide close of business on the30th day of December 1905


Loans and discounts 05206 52Overdrafts secured 1054 141rgDue from National

Banks 7597 25Dup from State Banks

Bnkrs13469 55Due from trust com pa-


00000 21OC6 80Mortgages 4300 00Other stocks bonds 5847 0-0Siecie1521 GO

Currency 7074 00 8602 G6

Furniture fixtures 1792 50General expense 1297 93

109894 70


Capital stock paid in

08SurplusfundUndivided profits 32 73Deposits subject to

check on which inter-est is not id 79653 85

Duo National flanks 116032Duo State Banks and

Bankers 000000Interest and exchange 1938 80

109894 70


1 Highest amount of iijijebtedneaof any stockholder person companyor firm including In the liability ofthe compnny or firm the liability of theindividual members thereof directlyor Indireatly If such indebtedness exseeds 20 per uent of the capital stuckactually paid In old ac4Va1amount ofsurplus of the bunk

None2 How Indebtedness In above Item

lslcured1NoneSee Section 583 Ky Statutes3 Highest a nouns of Indebtedness

at director or olllcor If amount ofinch indebtedness exceed 10 per centof pald up oapjtuj stuck of bank

NoneSee Saotlon 683 Ky Statutes4 How Is same securedNoneG Does amount of indebtednea of

any person company or firm IncludingIn the liability of the oompanvor firmthe liability of the Individual membersthereof exceed 80 per cent of paidupsurplusNoIf so state amount of such jndebt ¬


Anne0 Amount of last dividend

2000 Fight per cent tuntnckhnldorgOne per cent to Surplus Fund en ¬

tered f250 00

711ere nil Infees Interestand taxes deducted thmfrui beforedeclaring dividend nnd win not leas

linn 10 per cent of net prills of thehank for the period covered l y thedividend carried to the surplus fundbefore said dividend was declared

Yes5taurteadSTATE OF KENTUCKY le +

tCounty of BreathlttJ S Jr Cashier of Jncksen

Deposit UnnKa hunk located and do ¬ing business In the town of Jackson inSIIYIIIn true statement of the condition ofbnsinesdthe best of his knowledge and beliefand further says that the business ofsaid hatik line been triininotrd at thelocation named nnd tint elsewherennd llnt the above report U made incompliance with an ofllclal notice re-ceived


from the Secretary of Statedesignating the 30ih dny of limoreportoJ S IIEAD JR Oushler

FLOYD DAY PresidentF P CnAwpnnnJNO E PATRICK > Directors11VIeH ll > OINi J

Subscribed anti sworn to before meby J S Head Jrlhu 2d day of Jan ¬

uary 1000S II HUUST

Clerk Brf alhitt Circuit CourtBy I LANDRUM D O


master offimissioQers Sale

BUKATHITT ClUCUIT CounTAbrelia Marcum Guardian-

vs PlaintiffNellie riannery c DefendantEquityI andVirIthe above styled cause lit its reg-ular


October term 1905 I shallproceed to offer for sale at theCourt House door in JacksonBreathitt County Kentucky on

Hominy the 3id day of January1000

regularitt County Court between thehours of 12 oclock m and 2 oclockp m tho following describedreal property lying and being inBreathitt County Kentucky onthe waters of towards Creek andboundedand described as follows

Beginning on a rook marked BS on the north bank of the Marcum fork of Howards Creekatributary of the north fork of theKentucky river about 800 feetabove the forks of the saidcreekon the lino of the iands of LeeDeaton thence S 3530 W 568feet to a black oak S 4330 W ICOfeet to a chestnut S W 731feet to two small sourwoods on apoint corner to the land of JohnDavidson thence with said David ¬

sons lino S 17 Ifi W 232 feet to ablack oak S Ct 15 w 176 feet to astake n 87 30 w 2C3 feet to astake n 56 w 186 feet to a chest ¬

nut s 74 30 w 382 feet to a sourwood n 74 15 w 22 feet to a ma ¬

ple s 72 45 w 259 feet to a sourwood n 73 30 w 206 feet to achestnut on a knob s 55 w 39 71feat to a small dogwoods CO 30 w198 feet to a black tacks 11 Ifi w190 feet to a chestnut oakandsmall hickory s 845 o 206 feet totwo hickories corner to tho landof Jasper Arrowood thence bray ¬

tug the blind of said Davidson andwith the land of Arrowood 5215w 20Q feet to a chestnut oak s57 tl0 w 150 foot to a cross on arocks 59 w 208 teat to a stake s49 15 w 141 feet to a chestnut s62 w 216 feet to a largo black oakwithold marks s 59 45 w 109 feetto a chestnut s 63 w 272 feet to achestnut oak s 54 30 w 264 feetto a stake s 78 45 w 206 feet to achestnut ol1kn 81 30 w 295 feetto a black ODICn 70 w 290 fet toa chestnut stump n 10 30 w 76feet to a double chestnut oaks 6830 w 554 feet to a stake s 71 w322 feet to a cross on a rook neara small hickory s 86 w 230 feet toa chestnut oak corner to tho landof J JJ Newton Arrowood andwith liis lino leaving the lino ofJasper Arrowood 15 w 958feet to a stake n 42 15 w 163 feetto a stake n 51 w 166 feet to ahickory and double chestnut n 7245 w 179 feet to a stake on a knobnear a largo rock n 69 45 w 138Ifoot tp a stake n 8Q 40 w m feetto a stave n 55 30 w 199 feet to atstake n 59 30 w54 feet to a doublehicKory n 5251 w 183 feet to UIstaKe n 51 w 137 feet to a stakeunder Nailers rock n 41 50 w totwo poplars under Nailers rocksIcorner to the landof Benjaminbraying ¬

¬locustory n 53 w 248 feet to a leadn 79 15 w 110 feet to a

phOtrHlt n 6115 w °08 feet to nIpine s B5 50 w 104 feet to ustave n 84 30 w 105 feet to asmall sourwood n 78 05 w 508Ifeet to a small hicKory s 70 80 WI97 feet to a hicKory n 84 wfeet to a staKe n 74 CO w 238Ifeet to a white oak corner tolandof Leo Combs and with hisIline leaving the land of Ben Mcjfntosl n 24 15 0 251 feet to a hicK-ory n loba g03 fppt to n stqken 82 15 e 101 feet to k stake j n IT 45 e1U feet to a pine by a large roclcj n 29e 10a feet to a large black jack J n 3045 e 101 feet to a aaple on a largerock n 15 15 w saT et to a stake I n18 WJ07 feet to tw pines n 28 45 elOa feet to a stake 17 45 e 103 feet J

to n stake by chat rock n 20 30 e 400feet to netnken 0 e HI feet to nchestnut oak corner to land of AlfredHollun and on hili line leaving thinline ot Lee Comb s 85 e 148 feet to nwalnut K 8216e 120 feet to n stake nSO BO o 101 feet tel n pint n 75 e 250feet to n stake n CO o 210 feet to n pimnnd chestnut n 33 e 202 feet to n smallhickory n 0080181 root to n staken G5 15 n 182 feet to n block jack n 51300 133 feet to a large cliOiUniU oakn OS e 163 feet to u tnke i n 74 e 185feet to n stake II SO u 135 fret to H

take s 63 e 112 feet to n surall QhCf t

nut oak s 77 e HiS pols t > < a blackjack u 03 30 u 209 poles to n ohestntitn Ifi 16 e 04 feet to u chentiut oak n5130 e 107 feet to n cruise on a rock n60 30 e 00 feet to a chestnut under nlarge rockn 50 30 H 01 feet to a pineW 67 c 100 fe <u to n stnke n 20 30 e 123feet tu a stake n 130 w 73 feet to a-

cross on a rock n 14 w 223 feet to nchestnut onk n 8 SO w 170 feet to achestnut n 10 II 08 feet to a staken M o 151 feet to a chestnut oakand hickory n 17 30 o 125 feet toa chestnut n 1 30 w 145 feet to achestnut n 18 45 o 100 feet to across on a rock n 31 15 o 78 feetto a stake s 87 0 61 feet to ala ¬

cust s 81 15 o 75 feet ton cross onredbudblackjackhickory n 50 15 o 150 feet to crossItImfeet to a hickory n 78 30 o 1118feet to a chestnut oaks 87 15 o 177feet to a small white oak n 43 15e 176 feet to a chestnut oak cornerto land of Mary Spicer awl withher line leaving lnndof AlfredHollon n 72 o 493 feet to a largechestnut oak n 27 30 e 414 feet toa tint rock n 37 15 o 280 feet to astake corner to land of Kentucky

theirlandccr s 61 45 0 857 feet to a smallpino on a knobs 15 w 539 feet toa pine s 15 0 SOl feet to a stakes 37 o 241 foot to a chestnut oak onrightIandHowards Creek n 73 30o 419 feetto a black onkn 55 30 e 147 fretto a stake n 61 45 0 5CO feet to asmallchestnut oak on knobs 5j 15e 391 feet to a lentils chestnut n62 e 213 feet to a stake n 41 45 o543 feet to a rock on a high knob9 GO 0 520 feet to a hickory s HS30 o 142 feet to a stake n 83 e 211feet to a chestnut oak on knob bo ¬

tween Cane Crook Doty ShoalBranch and I low nrds Creek cor¬

ner to Doty Shoal tract n 4730 e4FO feet to three dogwoods n 21 e184 feet to a hickory n 44 30 ohighknobchestnut oaks 6445 c 171 feet toa hickory s 31 30 e 256 feet to nstake s 57 o 27S feet to a blackoakcorner to laud of Thomas

loavingthopony thence B 42 15 o 148 foot toa stake s 1015o 197 feet to astake s 40 o 135 feet to a black-jack s 40 30 o 137 feet to a dogwoodsapling s 65 50 o 132 feetto a stake on tho point s 12o 212feet to n black oak 1 s 40 45 o 100feet to a stake on the endof apoint s 13 80e 258 foot tonstake s 38 80 o 00 feet to a sycnmore in tho mouth of Doty ShoalBranch on south bank of thoNorth Fork of the Kentucky riveron tlto line of W E Gn n billsland and with his line leavingtho land of Thoma8 Chancy s 55v234 foot to n double dogwood

s 40 45v 114 feet to a stake s 8445 w 258 feet tor stake s 49 30w 247 feet to n stnYu on side of thohills 7015 w 100 foot to a largechestnut oak on tho sido of the hillw OS feot to a small red oaka 7015 w 827 feet to a stnkoj B Tl 80w 298 fief to a red oakn 54w252 feet to a stake n 48 80 w 321feet to a sassafras w 170 foot to alociut n 70 15 w 212 feet to nstnke n 74 w 122 feet to a sour-wood on point between Doty ShoalBranch and W K OnmbilPsbranch i thence n 07 15 w 213 feettun hickory and chestnut oak on

ridge in tho head of Doty ShoalBranch thence s 57 45vv 280 feetto n small hickorys 45 w 820 fetato a locust B 12 45 w 8U foot to

black oak by a large rook on n knobthence s D GO e KH feet to a black oak

n knob s61 e3C8 feet to a red oakand tourwocd R 815 o 375 feet to n redoak i K 10 46 e 134 feet to a stake s 4510 e 371 feet to n double maple s 11rhlJeIcorner to the of Beaton andwith his line lenvlnjj the line of W EUiinlilll thence s 48 w 120 feet to ared oak on the side of the hill a 41 w

140 feet to awhile oak s 8030 w 233feet to n red oak on the site of the hillthence a 35 30 w 410 feet to the begin ¬

containing 710 acres by actualsurvey

Said property will be sold at PublicAuction to the highest and best bidderand the purchaser will be required togive bond for the purchase moneywith approved security bearing inter ¬

est from date of sale and having theforce and effect of a replevin bond and

lien will be reserved In said bondsfor the full payment of the purchaseprice and Interest Bidders must beprepared to comply promptly withthese terms

Cost of suit M M

UotnmUstanars costs

Total c




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have the most complete stock of



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COMPANYJackson Kentucky < l1