breathitt county news. (jackson, ky) 1907-05-31 [p...

Y IIN I T TT I II J WISE IlAoiNfl Editor and Publisher A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO + fIE INTEKESTS ov EST IN KKNTUOKV ONK DOLLAK PEn YEAR IN r 1 I r Volume VI Jackson Ken tuck Y J Friday ny31 1907 Number 31 r r a r v r 8orei I ° p tH as just received a new of 01 ior and pretty line o- fMillinery f- r l l- o w- m For ladies and misses and a a t offer you the opportunityWi w of choice in many styles of j bonnets of the Gi first quality at low pricess I iF I New Line of Rugs i Carpets and mattings just it received in the last few days Theyre beauties at z ft bargain P 1iCCSr i a Oh yes wo have just opened a nice nssortment ofe lAtHes Skirts Silk Shirt Wnists 1IncIi i Purses Combs t 0and an extra good line of Ladies and Childrens Shoos and + Slippers J 0 Wo can satisfy the wants of any Man or Boy whoa in in need of Clothing Shoes Hats and Furnishings yrW EUSTER ISAACS ia I G O GmOQGo oom o GQOOOO u LOW RATES TO SOUTH AND SOUTH- WESTOUTHERN 1 R Y From LEXINGTON To ONr WAY ROUND TRIP First and Third Tuesday Each Month 4 31S17 DO S17 85 Stroud Okla 00 Oklahoma OklaS31 00 15 City jj 05 Tulso i T wo oo foxas53U 7u 525 go Brownsville r I S33 W SIS 85 Dallas Texas = Texas598 70 S 20 05 HouBtou > 55San Antonio Texas SM Imp 33 7u TexasS On Sale Every Day in April 538 00 Ono way California common points 40 40 Portland Oregon 537 90Spoknno Washington II Round saletap 00 50 April 21 to May other information call or For Low rates to many other points writo B SENT T P A 101 E Main Lexington Ky j J C BEAM A G P A 0 II IIUNGERFORD DP A St LouiesLouisville Ky l us 5 525 sc rasa S25c525c 5Z5 FLOYD DAY President J SAMMIKAD Jit Cashier p FI CRAWFORD Vico Pros WS HOrTEK Asst Cashier jU M P DAVIS Acting Cashier lxi 1 i ate m JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK m Jackson Kentucky ill Paid up Capital and Surplus 2735000 it I 0 jl Business and accounts of w e solicit the Banking jfl Lumber Manufacturers jjj Timber Dealers ff- iJ g Business Men rn S M tsffi K Farmers Throughout Eastern Kentucky and offer our Customers rn o i time most I LIBERAL TEMS s Within the limits of legitimate business r = = = NI COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY 1J- v S UiS 2Sa 5 sBasHaBSBaHEBBra i l f BREATHITT OUNTY NEWS 1 ITHE HARGIS VERDICT i M r Has Not Changed the Opinion of The Herald The Lexington Herald of last Friday has the following to say of tho acquittal of Jim Hargis James Ilargis has been acquitted in the Fayetto Circuit Court of tho charge of being involved in the conspiracy to assassinate James Cockrill It was a Scott county jury which acquitted him eleven of tho members being from that county only ono from Fayatte a special veniro having been sum ¬ moved from Scott county to try this case It wag tried before a Judge who is entitled to allrespect as an upright honest judge and who has onr full confidence as an able lawyer tho prosecution was led by tho Commonwealths At ¬ tornoy who is without a superior if ho has ah equalas a prose ¬ cuting attorney in Kentucky The jury which was sworn to render u verdict in accordance with tho law and facts after hearing the testi- mony ¬ and listening to the argu- ments rendered verdict ofacquit tal Before tho verdict wo believed Hargis guilty of conspiring to have James Cockrill assassinated That verdict has not our personal opinion We however ac ¬ cept tho verdict that the jury from Scott county rendered in tho Fay ¬ ctto Circuit Court us conclusive as to public utterance as every citizen who has tbntidcnce in the courts and believes in trill by jury must also accept Tho Court of Appeals has ren ¬ dered a decision in tlio appeal taken by the Commonwealth from the order of Judge Carnes transfer m tho cases against those charged with the murder of Dr Cox to Elliott county We regret that decision it is unfortunate that the Court of Appeals finds it is its duty to sustain Judge Carnes J A BREATHITT CONVICT Slashed by a Fellow In ¬ mate in the Pen In a desperate hand to hand en ¬ counter between two convicts in the shoe factory in the Frankfort penitentiary last Friday afternoon John Hcnsloy convicted in the Brcathkt circuit court for murder was cut to ribbons by DW rock miller a onearmed bank robber from Mercer county Hcnsley hit Lockrailler over the headwith a broom handle following a quar ¬ ref Lockmillcr immediately got busy with a knife used in trim- ming leather and when he had finished trimming on Hcnsley the prison physician had to take seventy stitches to close up his wounds Hcnsoley has five cuts on the head and body Ono cut narrowly missed tho jugular vein Go to Work Young man go to work there is no time to idle now You must carvo out your own way if it is over successfully carved You must seek your fortune through industry perseverance und plunk Labor is honorable and tho ig I noble are those who will network Get you a homo FoiTbo a Held and plow it and plant it and gather around you the comfort of a home And when you have trade a char ¬ acter for industry and thrift ask some girl to share your home with you Wo would say to every young lady mark these men who are lounging around attempting to live by their wits or on the inter ¬ cst of their debts and when they ask you to share the lot of an aim less lifo pass them on for you canna afford to marry a man without prosperity or business habits unless you wish to sell yourself for n mess of pottage Again we would reiterate young man go to work while ten men watch for chances one man makes a chance while ton men wait for something to turn up one turns something up while ten men fail j I ono succeeds and is called man of luck the favorite of fortune Luck and fortune are the result of hone est endeavor work and toiland if you would win go to work l THUGS AINP BRIBERY In Elections Receive a HaVd Jolt > The decision in the Louisville contested elation cases handed down last vveSk mention of which was male inllio News is just and- righteoliswTile use of thugs and briberyinel lions in Kentucky has reached a imit impossible to be borne Not only does the de- cision ¬ alfegtttho Louisville and Jefferson county ofliccholders but it extends toj every village and hamlet wkhinjho confines of the Commonwealth and reaches to the most obscure nook in the State where elections are held In brief it means that the highest court of the State has planted itself as a bulwark between the corruptionist and henceforth the ballot it1f ¬ shall bo fair that the votes shurTbo counted as cast and that there shall intimidation or force at the polls Wo take the following fromthe Lexington Leader The de isiontot tho Court of Appeals in the Louisville election contest cases completely wiping out the present city and county administrations reversing the re- cent ¬ decision tf the Jefferson county circuit court and declaring null and void the malodorous coun- ty ¬ and city election of 1105 is an omen of better days for tim sup- porters ¬ of law andjorder in Ken- tucky ¬ Heretofore owed by the apparent impregnability of the plundering mll 1c the lawabid lug citizens of IJetrerson ns of every other county in the State have refrained T in making legal complaintagaitheunutterable ravishment oftaar rights by the political thiIn1F ilJ ers 51Will polies o thev rdi any tirtI 4n The opi W iridfkcuwn by Chancellor + Ier and Kirby while admiLiiT as into the evi ¬ dence prc3entcfUy the Fusionists that ballot boiCs were stuffed that election bolllis were illegally moved to poin I where voters thouI ¬ that Democrat election officers prevented any ection in thirteen precincts that the beneficiaries of tho election were guilty of fraud andcorruption admitting all this tho worthy Chancellor denied the petition upon the ground that the proof did not show that the Fusion ticket would have been elected if there hind been no fraud in tho election opinion Appeals which court is comprised of six Democats and one Repub ¬ lican In this decree there is not only a triumph of justice that bids us hope for if not tho political mph lennium at least a suppression of open and flagrant violation of the ballot in future elections in this State Our highest court has shown that it can rise above politics and this knowledge will jjivo the friends of honest elections incalcu ¬ table encouragement That this decision will have a furreaching cilect upon tho elec ¬ tion thief throughout the Common ¬ wealth there can be no doubt Heretofore secure in his belief that the honest voter has no ap ¬ peal the ballotbox stuffer the briber and the fenfro for purchased registration certificates will hesi ¬ tate long ere ho spends his money and put his fiber y in jeopardy for an ollice which the courts may deny him Mrs C P Win1 Lexington Kv Says I gave my fowls Bour¬ bon Poultry Cure hen they were sick and it certain workedwon ¬ ders Sold and gun anteed by Day Bros Co Mrs Wm Mel nley wife of the late President died Sunday at her home in Can an Ohio Goy Beckham In t Saturday ap ¬ pointed Finloy Eogg of West Liberty as PCon Commissioner to succeed tA A Green re ¬ signed BILL BRITTON Taken to Sandy Hook for Trial Wm Jenkins of the Lexington Police Department left Lexington for Sandy Hook Elliott county last Saturday having in charge Bill Britton Britton recently exe ¬ cuted bond in the Fayctto circuit court for the murder of James Cockrill and will execute Lond for 10000 in Elliott county for the murder of Dr Cox He was I accompanied to Sandy Hook by his wife who has spent much of her time in Lexington since the arrest of her husband The Brit ¬ ton party were met at Alorehead by Jim Hargis and others from Brcathitt county and the trip to Sandy look was made by wagon Sunday Britton was delivered to the hailer of Elliott county Mon- day ¬ morning and immediately exe- cuted ¬ bond with Alex Hargis and G W Scwcll as sureties That Latest Verdict Rush does the Lexington Ga- zette ¬ to the whitewash bucket to administer a thick coating of the albescent liquid to Jim Hargis The Gazette lays down this propo ¬ sition There is no Judge in Kentucky who is abler or more honest than Judge Parker On this point we refer the Gazette to the Winchester SunSontinel an equally good authority on the lIon Watts Parker The Sun Sentinel by way of preface re ¬ marksWe knew Watts Parker of the Fuyetto circuit court when he was a young man Wo were pleased to see him rise to the re ¬ sponsible position of circuit judge Itis a sad thing to lose faith in those in whom you have confidence JudgeParker ThaiudiciatattitudqorJudgaPtirkcr Hargis and his gang but other- wise ¬ is set forth by the Winches- ter ¬ editor in these paragraphs In the former trial of Jim ITargis tho evidence appeared to be conclusive that he was guilty but under the instructions of the court he would have been cleared but for the fact that two men on the jury refused to follow the in- structions ¬ In the Britton case the instructions were practically the same except that there were live men that stood out for con ¬ viction Last week Judge Parker dis ¬ missed indictments against two men guilty of violations of the election laws It was on a tech- nical ¬ f point The indictment did not recite that the election hud been rcgularJcnllcd If the same instructions had been given in the trial of Caleb Powers that were given in the trial of Hargis there could have been no conviction It may be all right to hang a Republican on less evidence than that on which a Democrat is cleared but somehow or other we cannot reconcile our ¬ selves to the justice of it The Lexington Gazette hav- ing ¬ stated that the defense was able that the leading lawyers at tho Lexington bar were in the ser ¬ vice of the that the jury was composed of eleven Scott and one Fuyetto county man that its verdict on tho first ballot was for the acquittal of Hargis ven- tures ¬ to ask After such a trial and such a verdict shall even the most partisan newspaper or indi ¬ vidual dare to charge that time yer diet was rendered on account of the party affiliations of the de ¬ fendant 1 We meet the challenge fearless- ly ¬ Wo state most emphatically that in the trial referred to the Commonwealth did not get jus ¬ tice Too much respect have we for the Democratic party 03 a whole to say that Ilargis has onco more escaped justice because of his party affiliations We do say however that Ilargis got his transparent coating of whitewash on account of the strength of his faction in Democratic party coun ¬ cils Louisville Herald a 1 rr- I I The Largest CirculationI OF ANY PAPER aaww 1 ADVANCE l t J ru charged defendant SEN BENJ SEWELL Lightof CAMITOV ICY May 2907 EDITOR NEWS LT Hovermale the political pot pie hunter of tho Camnton Courier staff last week let n blow off from the region where his brains ought to be in an endeavor partyis Jobnnyat the Spot on the ques tion of local option and that all the laws now on the subject have been passed solely by the Demo- cratic ¬ party He had reference to the County Unit Bill in particu- lar ¬ that was passed at the last session of the General Assem- bly ¬ of Kentucky As I happened to be on the ground as a member of the Senate when the aforesaid localoption bill was introduced and being fought for enactment into law I know something about how the Democratic party played to the four winds of all the peo ¬ pie saloonists and antisaloonists in its handling qf the bill before it became a law in any shape form or fashion The record of the Democratic members is not so rosy on the local option question if the way of their voting on the question is any proof of the pud ¬ dingThe real sincere friends of local option know that the original County Unit Billns introduced by Senator Cammack is time one that meant local option for a cer- tainty is the one they sought to have enacted into law They know that it got into the hands of the committee Democratic where it seemed to be sleeping the sweet sleep of death for weeks and weeks before the friends of local option could get it to make n re ¬ port on the bill and givfl the mem Gcrsn c7mncToVoTe on ie Final- ly when Senator Jack Chinn worked a hocuspocus game on the committee and deceived it the saidcommittee was prevailed upon to give a report and the nature of the report was silent as to whether the bill should pass orI not pass A wonderful set oCI greedy anxious eager Democrats to pass a local option lawnowI wasnt it Lonny The power behind the throne tho Beckham boomers that had the committee appointed knew full well that this committee was composed of enemies to local option measures Its chairman was a Beckham Dem ¬ ocrat When the County Unit Bill WIlSI voted on in the Senate every ¬ gle solitary Republican member voted for it the vote of the Demo ¬ cratic members was about equally divided Now is this not a tine record of Democratic unamity on the local option question Lonny 1 In the Lower House as I now re ¬ member but one lone Republican voted against this bill and he did that reluctantly Yes the County Unit Dillns originally introduced was the real thing the anti saloonists want ¬ ed and tho Republicans of both houses almost to a nun were for it as introduced and would have voted for it with a whoop but for the persistent relentless formida- ble ¬ Democratic opposition that re ¬ suited in the bill being white ¬ washed honeycombed and smooth- ed ¬ up with amendments by Dem ¬ ocrats to suit ATX of tho great common people If the Salma ¬ gundi slang slinger or any one doubts this I respectfully refer him to Rev M B Adams of Frankfort President of the Anti Saloon Leauge who knows that the Republicans were in line virt- ually unanimously for local op tioqThere is too much bluster and not enough sincerity being now played by unscrupulous partisans in regard to the temperance ques ¬ tion The Democratic party through its henchmen and penny liners is trying to claim all tho I credit for tho praise duo for tho t oPtbon that it will get that it has already I got but when it undertakes to claim all credit and pose as tho whole hog of tho blessings re ¬ ceived and to be received it only shows itself to be a windy warb ¬ ling wobbling Ananias of the rot tenest kind The Campion Courier Salma ¬ gundi slouchslingcr of slander and slime tries to dump the dia ¬ dem of local option of glory on the pumpkin head of bulky brain ¬ less bombastic Beckham as tho pushhole and pump of the whole business Well I hardly know what part he is entitled to to all that part that is bummy brandily beerly boozy and una ¬ dulterated and unrectified the straight and strong stuff in and out of the bottledinbond partisan putrified pollutcness in the wire ¬ pulling of Vish washy waddies to his wishv I wonder if the people remem- ber ¬ the priest and preacher Sun ¬ day saloon closing crusade put on foot and fudged up to Beckham last summer and fall for solution and how he played peaweeand now isyell in regard to the mat ¬ ter Yes oh yes all remember how he stuck his saddle gearted ears to the ground to hear the sound of the greatest number of the great common people on the question of saloon on Sunday wide open or hard closedand after hearing the voice of linger and his nominated hellbent hounds for office finally decided by silence and inaction that the gloriest and goodest thing to do for the dear people the Democratic party was to bo as still as a mouse and manless as a monkey in tho mu- tter ¬ In this good day of dainty Democracy the saloons on tho Lords day are dishing out over the counters their vilest doses of drinks and dopes of Bourbon rum and ruffianism while the dirty devil is playing high carnival in the desecration and destruction of morality and manhood The ought l tobedutydetermined Democracy hiss been turned into a demoraliz ¬ ing dovilism happy homes arc be ¬ ing turned into heartless hells while Beckham and his bellyblis ¬ tered blue coats sit on the throne of power as mute and motionless the dead carcass of Caesarism With me I do not regard silence n virtue in anything Boiled down to tho rockbottom truth both time Democratic and Repub- lican ¬ parties have not tho manly courage to take the right standon the question of local option The dirtiest blackest course that stains the excutchcon of our civilization and threatens the overthrow of the palladium of our liberties H th o hideous hellish demon of alcohol- ism ¬ and so fur as I am individully concerned whenever I11I1e a chance to strickn the monster a blow by vote or voice I will gladly and fearlessly do so regardless of the prattle of party BENJAMIN SEWELL J A Scott Avon Ky Says Bourbon Hog Cholera Remedy cured some hogs for mo that I did not think could possibly bo saved These hogs were so nick with chol- era ¬ I had said I would not give fif ¬ teen cents for them Sold and guaranteed by Day Bros Co Reduced Rates VI- AQUEEN CRESCENT ROUTE ON THE 1ST AND 3RD TUESDAYS OF EAGH < ONTH- TQ MANY POINTS SOUTH 0 Winter Tourist Tickets Now en sale good returning till May 31st 1S07 For prrticulars write H C KING C P T Ar Lexington Ky t I- i r

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I IIJ WISE IlAoiNfl Editor and Publisher A NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO +


r 1I r

Volume VI Jackson Ken tuckY JFriday ny31 1907 Number 31

r r a r v r

8orei I°


tHas just received a new of

01iorand pretty line o-







m For ladies and misses and aat offer you the opportunityWiw

of choice in many styles of j

bonnets of theGifirst quality at low pricessI iF

I New Line of Rugs iCarpets and mattings just it

received in the last few

days Theyre beauties at z

ft bargain P1iCCSr ia Oh yes wo have just opened a nice nssortment ofe

lAtHes Skirts Silk Shirt Wnists 1IncIi i Purses Combs t

0and an extra good line of Ladies and Childrens Shoos and+ Slippers J

0 Wo can satisfy the wants of any Man or Boy whoa in

in need of Clothing Shoes Hats and FurnishingsyrW


O GmOQGo oom o GQOOOOu



ONr WAY ROUND TRIPFirst and Third Tuesday Each Month

4 31S17 DO

S17 85 Stroud Okla 00

Oklahoma OklaS31 0015 City

jj 05 Tulso i T wo oo

foxas53U 7u525 go Brownsviller I

S33 WSIS 85 Dallas Texas

= Texas598 70S 20 05 HouBtou

> 55San Antonio Texas S M Imp

33 7uTexasSOn Sale Every Day in April

538 00 Ono way California common points

40 40 Portland Oregon 537 90Spoknno Washington

II Round saletap00 50 April 21 to May

other information call orForLow rates to many other pointswrito

B SENT T P A 101 E Main Lexington Kyj


St LouiesLouisville Ky

l us 5 525 sc rasa S25c525c 5Z5

FLOYD DAY President J SAMMIKAD Jit Cashier pFI CRAWFORD Vico Pros WS HOrTEK Asst Cashier jU

M P DAVIS Acting Cashierlxi 1 i atem JACKSON DEPOSIT BANK

m Jackson Kentucky

ill Paid up Capital and Surplus 2735000it


jl Business and accounts ofwe solicit the Banking

jfl Lumber Manufacturersjjj Timber Dealers ff-

iJ g Business Men rn

S M tsffiK FarmersThroughout Eastern Kentucky and offer our Customers rn

o i time most

I LIBERAL TEMSs Within the limits of legitimate business r


vSUiS2Sa5 sBasHaBSBaHEBBra




Has Not Changed theOpinion of The Herald

The Lexington Herald of lastFriday has the following to say oftho acquittal of Jim Hargis

James Ilargis has been acquittedin the Fayetto Circuit Court of thocharge of being involved in theconspiracy to assassinate JamesCockrill It was a Scott countyjury which acquitted him elevenof tho members being from thatcounty only ono from Fayattea special veniro having been sum ¬

moved from Scott county to trythis case It wag tried before aJudge who is entitled to allrespectas an upright honest judge andwho has onr full confidence as anable lawyer tho prosecution wasled by tho Commonwealths At ¬

tornoy who is without a superiorif ho has ah equalas a prose ¬

cuting attorney in Kentucky Thejury which was sworn to render u

verdict in accordance with tho lawand facts after hearing the testi-


and listening to the argu-

ments rendered verdict ofacquittal Before tho verdict wo believedHargis guilty of conspiring tohave James Cockrill assassinatedThat verdict has not ourpersonal opinion We however ac ¬

cept tho verdict that the jury fromScott county rendered in tho Fay ¬

ctto Circuit Court us conclusiveas to public utterance as everycitizen who has tbntidcnce in thecourts and believes in trill by jurymust also accept

Tho Court of Appeals has ren ¬

dered a decision in tlio appeal takenby the Commonwealth from theorder of Judge Carnes transfer m

tho cases against those charged

with the murder of Dr Cox toElliott county We regret thatdecision it is unfortunate that theCourt of Appeals finds it is itsduty to sustain Judge Carnes JA BREATHITT CONVICT

Slashed by a Fellow In ¬

mate in the Pen

In a desperate hand to hand en ¬

counter between two convicts in

the shoe factory in the Frankfortpenitentiary last Friday afternoonJohn Hcnsloy convicted in theBrcathkt circuit court for murderwas cut to ribbons by D W rockmiller a onearmed bank robberfrom Mercer county Hcnsley

hit Lockrailler over the headwitha broom handle following a quar ¬

ref Lockmillcr immediately gotbusy with a knife used in trim-

ming leather and when he had

finished trimming on Hcnsley the

prison physician had to takeseventy stitches to close up his

wounds Hcnsoley has five cuts

on the head and body Ono cutnarrowly missed tho jugular vein

Go to WorkYoung man go to work there

is no time to idle now You must

carvo out your own way if it is

over successfully carved You

must seek your fortune throughindustry perseverance und plunk

Labor is honorable and tho ig I

noble are those who will networkGet you a homo FoiTbo a Held andplow it and plant it and gatheraround you the comfort of a home

And when you have trade a char ¬

acter for industry and thrift ask

some girl to share your home with

you Wo would say to everyyoung lady mark these men who

are lounging around attempting to

live by their wits or on the inter ¬

cst of their debts and when theyask you to share the lot of an aim

less lifo pass them on for you

canna afford to marry a man

without prosperity or business

habits unless you wish to sellyourself for n mess of pottageAgain we would reiterate youngman go to work while ten men

watch for chances one man makes

a chance while ton men wait forsomething to turn up one turnssomething up while ten men fail

jI ono succeeds and is called man of

luck the favorite of fortune Luckand fortune are the result of hone

est endeavor work and toilandif you would win go to work



In Elections Receive aHaVd Jolt>

The decision in the Louisvillecontested elation cases handeddown last vveSk mention of whichwas male inllio News is just and-

righteoliswTile use of thugs andbriberyinel lions in Kentuckyhas reached a imit impossible tobe borne Not only does the de-


alfegtttho Louisville andJefferson county ofliccholders butit extends toj every village andhamlet wkhinjho confines of theCommonwealth and reaches to themost obscure nook in the Statewhere elections are held In briefit means that the highest court ofthe State has planted itself as abulwark between the corruptionistandhenceforth

the ballotit1f¬

shall bo fair that the votesshurTbo counted as cast and thatthere shall intimidation orforce at the polls Wo take thefollowing fromthe LexingtonLeader

The de isiontot tho Court ofAppeals in the Louisville electioncontest cases completely wipingout the present city and countyadministrations reversing the re-


decision tf the Jeffersoncounty circuit court and declaringnull and void the malodorous coun-


and city election of 1105 is anomen of better days for tim sup-


of law andjorder in Ken-


Heretofore owed by theapparent impregnability of theplundering mll 1c the lawabidlug citizens of IJetrerson ns ofevery other county in the Statehave refrained T in making legalcomplaintagaitheunutterableravishment oftaar rights by thepolitical thiIn1F ilJ ers

51Willpolies o thev rdi anytirtI 4n

The opi W iridfkcuwn byChancellor

+ Ier and Kirbywhile admiLiiT as into the evi ¬

dence prc3entcfUy the Fusioniststhat ballot boiCs were stuffedthat election bolllis were illegallymoved to poin I where votersthouI ¬

that Democrat election officersprevented any ection in thirteenprecincts that the beneficiaries oftho election were guilty of fraudandcorruption admitting all thistho worthy Chancellor denied thepetition upon the ground that theproof did not show that the Fusionticket would have been elected ifthere hind been no fraud in thoelectionopinionAppeals which court is comprisedof six Democats and one Repub ¬

lican In this decree there is notonly a triumph of justice that bidsus hope for if not tho political mphlennium at least a suppression ofopen and flagrant violation of theballot in future elections in thisState Our highest court has shownthat it can rise above politics andthis knowledge will jjivo thefriends of honest elections incalcu ¬

table encouragementThat this decision will have a

furreaching cilect upon tho elec ¬

tion thief throughout the Common ¬

wealth there can be no doubtHeretofore secure in his beliefthat the honest voter has no ap ¬

peal the ballotbox stuffer thebriber and the fenfro for purchasedregistration certificates will hesi ¬

tate long ere ho spends his moneyand put his fiber y in jeopardyfor an ollice which the courts maydeny him

Mrs C P Win1 LexingtonKv Says I gave my fowls Bour¬

bon Poultry Cure hen they weresick and it certain workedwon ¬

ders Sold and gun anteed by DayBros Co

Mrs Wm Mel nley wife ofthe late President died Sundayat her home in Can an Ohio

Goy Beckham In t Saturday ap ¬

pointed Finloy Eogg of WestLiberty as PCon Commissionerto succeed tAA Green re ¬



Taken to Sandy Hookfor Trial

Wm Jenkins of the LexingtonPolice Department left Lexingtonfor Sandy Hook Elliott countylast Saturday having in chargeBill Britton Britton recently exe ¬

cuted bond in the Fayctto circuitcourt for the murder of JamesCockrill and will execute Londfor 10000 in Elliott county forthe murder of Dr Cox He was

I accompanied to Sandy Hook byhis wife who has spent much ofher time in Lexington since thearrest of her husband The Brit ¬

ton party were met at Aloreheadby Jim Hargis and others fromBrcathitt county and the trip toSandy look was made by wagonSunday Britton was delivered tothe hailer of Elliott county Mon-


morning and immediately exe-


bond with Alex Hargis andG W Scwcll as sureties

That Latest VerdictRush does the Lexington Ga-


to the whitewash bucket toadminister a thick coating of thealbescent liquid to Jim HargisThe Gazette lays down this propo ¬

sition There is no Judge inKentucky who is abler or morehonest than Judge Parker Onthis point we refer the Gazette tothe Winchester SunSontinel anequally good authority on thelIon Watts Parker The SunSentinel by way of preface re¬

marksWeknew Watts Parker of

the Fuyetto circuit court when hewas a young man Wo werepleased to see him rise to the re ¬

sponsible position of circuit judgeItis a sad thing to lose faith inthose in whom you have confidence


Hargis and his gang but other-wise


is set forth by the Winches-ter


editor in these paragraphsIn the former trial of Jim

ITargis tho evidence appeared tobe conclusive that he was guiltybut under the instructions of thecourt he would have been clearedbut for the fact that two men onthe jury refused to follow the in-


In the Britton casethe instructions were practicallythe same except that there werelive men that stood out for con ¬


Last week Judge Parker dis ¬

missed indictments against twomen guilty of violations of theelection laws It was on a tech-nical


point The indictment didnot recite that the election hudbeen rcgularJcnllcd

If the same instructions hadbeen given in the trial of CalebPowers that were given in thetrial of Hargis there could havebeen no conviction It may be allright to hang a Republican on lessevidence than that on which aDemocrat is cleared but somehowor other we cannot reconcile our ¬

selves to the justice of itThe Lexington Gazette hav-


stated that the defense wasable that the leading lawyers attho Lexington bar were in the ser ¬

vice of the that thejury was composed of eleven Scottand one Fuyetto county man thatits verdict on tho first ballot wasfor the acquittal of Hargis ven-


to ask After such a trialand such a verdict shall even themost partisan newspaper or indi ¬

vidual dare to charge that time yerdiet was rendered on account ofthe party affiliations of the de ¬

fendant 1

We meet the challenge fearless-


Wo state most emphatically

that in the trial referred to theCommonwealth did not get jus ¬

tice Too much respect have wefor the Democratic party 03 awhole to say that Ilargis hasonco more escaped justice becauseof his party affiliations We dosay however that Ilargis got histransparent coating of whitewashon account of the strength of hisfaction in Democratic party coun ¬

cils Louisville Herald

a 1



I The Largest CirculationIOF ANY PAPER









LightofCAMITOV ICY May 2907


L T Hovermale the politicalpot pie hunter of tho CamntonCourier staff last week let n blowoff from the region where hisbrains ought to be in an endeavorpartyis

Jobnnyat the Spot on the question of local option and that allthe laws now on the subject havebeen passed solely by the Demo-cratic


party He had reference tothe County Unit Bill in particu-lar


that was passed at thelast session of the General Assem-bly


of Kentucky As I happenedto be on the ground as a memberof the Senate when the aforesaidlocaloption bill was introducedand being fought for enactmentinto law I know something abouthow the Democratic party playedto the four winds of all the peo ¬

pie saloonists and antisaloonistsin its handling qf the bill before itbecame a law in any shape formor fashion The record of theDemocratic members is not sorosy on the local option questionif the way of their voting on thequestion is any proof of the pud ¬

dingThereal sincere friends of local

option know that the originalCounty Unit Billns introducedby Senator Cammack is time onethat meant local option for a cer-

tainty is the one they sought tohave enacted into law They knowthat it got into the hands of thecommittee Democratic where itseemed to be sleeping the sweetsleep of death for weeks andweeks before the friends of localoption could get it to make n re ¬

port on the bill and givfl the memGcrsn c7mncToVoTe on ie Final-ly when Senator Jack Chinnworked a hocuspocus game onthe committee and deceived it thesaidcommittee was prevailed uponto give a report and the natureof the report was silent as towhether the bill should pass orInot pass A wonderful set oCIgreedy anxious eager Democratsto pass a local option lawnowIwasnt it Lonny The powerbehind the throne tho Beckhamboomers that had the committeeappointed knew full well thatthis committee was composed ofenemies to local option measuresIts chairman was a Beckham Dem ¬

ocratWhen the County Unit Bill WIlSI

voted on in the Senate every ¬

gle solitary Republican membervoted for it the vote of the Demo ¬

cratic members was about equallydivided Now is this not a tinerecord of Democratic unamity onthe local option question Lonny 1

In the Lower House as I now re ¬

member but one lone Republicanvoted against this bill and he didthat reluctantly

Yes the County Unit Dillnsoriginally introduced was thereal thing the anti saloonists want ¬

ed and tho Republicans of bothhouses almost to a nun were forit as introduced and would havevoted for it with a whoop but forthe persistent relentless formida-ble


Democratic opposition that re ¬

suited in the bill being white ¬

washed honeycombed and smooth-ed


up with amendments by Dem ¬

ocrats to suit ATX of tho greatcommon people If the Salma ¬

gundi slang slinger or any onedoubts this I respectfully referhim to Rev M B Adams ofFrankfort President of the AntiSaloon Leauge who knows thatthe Republicans were in line virt-ually unanimously for local op

tioqThereis too much bluster and

not enough sincerity being nowplayed by unscrupulous partisansin regard to the temperance ques ¬

tion The Democratic partythrough its henchmen and pennyliners is trying to claim all tho I

credit for tho praise duo for tho t

oPtbonthat it will get that it has already


got but when it undertakes toclaim all credit and pose as thowhole hog of tho blessings re ¬

ceived and to be received it onlyshows itself to be a windy warb ¬

ling wobbling Ananias of the rottenest kind

The Campion Courier Salma ¬

gundi slouchslingcr of slanderand slime tries to dump the dia ¬

dem of local option of glory onthe pumpkin head of bulky brain¬

less bombastic Beckham as thopushhole and pump of thewhole business Well I hardlyknow what part he is entitled toto all that part that is bummybrandily beerly boozy and una ¬

dulterated and unrectified thestraight and strong stuff in andout of the bottledinbond partisanputrified pollutcness in the wire ¬

pulling of Vish washy waddiesto his wishvI wonder if the people remem-ber


the priest and preacher Sun ¬

day saloon closing crusade put onfoot and fudged up to Beckhamlast summer and fall for solutionand how he played peaweeandnow isyell in regard to the mat ¬

ter Yes oh yes all rememberhow he stuck his saddle geartedears to the ground to hear thesound of the greatest number ofthe great common people onthe question of saloon on Sunday

wide open or hard closedandafter hearing the voice of lingerand his nominated hellbent houndsfor office finally decided by silenceand inaction that the gloriestand goodest thing to do for thedear people the Democratic partywas to bo as still as a mouse andmanless as a monkey in tho mu-tter


In this good day of daintyDemocracy the saloons on thoLords day are dishing out overthe counters their vilest doses ofdrinks and dopes of Bourbon rumand ruffianism while the dirtydevil is playing high carnival inthe desecration and destruction ofmorality and manhood The ought ltobedutydetermined Democracyhiss been turned into a demoraliz ¬

ing dovilism happy homes arc be ¬

ing turned into heartless hellswhile Beckham and his bellyblis ¬

tered blue coats sit on the throneof power as mute and motionless

the dead carcass of CaesarismWith me I do not regard silencen virtue in anything Boiled

down to tho rockbottom truthboth time Democratic and Repub-lican


parties have not tho manlycourage to take the right standonthe question of local option Thedirtiest blackest course that stainsthe excutchcon of our civilizationand threatens the overthrow of thepalladium of our liberties H th ohideous hellish demon of alcohol-


and so fur as I am individullyconcerned whenever I11I1e achance to strickn the monster ablow by vote or voice I will gladlyand fearlessly do so regardless ofthe prattle of party


J A Scott Avon Ky SaysBourbon Hog Cholera Remedycured some hogs for mo that I didnot think could possibly bo savedThese hogs were so nick with chol-era


I had said I would not give fif ¬

teen cents for them Sold andguaranteed by Day Bros Co

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