the british monarchy (0871-2002)

The British Monarchy (0871-2002) From the early Saxon Kings through to the modern monarchy. Copyright (c) 1999-2010,, All rights reserved. Page 1 0796 King Offa of Mercia dies, ending a reign that witnessed the incorporation of Kent, Sussex, Essex, and East Anglia into the Mercian kingdoms. 0829 By 829, King Egbert of Wessex had conquered the Celtic regions of Cornwall and the English kingdoms of Kent, Sussex, Essex, East Anglia and Mercia, and all the regional Kings of England had sworn alliegence to him as thier overlord and supreme ruler. 0848 Alfred the Great (848-899), the fourth son of King Aethelwulf, was born, in Wantage. He became King of the West Saxons (Wessex) in 871 when Aethelwulf's third son, Ethelred died. 0853 Alfred goes to Rome. 0858 In Britain, King Aethelwulf dies and Ethelbald, his first son becomes King of Wessex. 0860 In Britain, Ethelbert the second son of King Aethelwulf becomes King of Wessex. 0865 In Britain, Ethelred the third son of King Aethelwulf becomes King of Wessex. Apr 0871 Alfred the Great (848-899) became King of Wessex and the West Saxons [until 899]. 0871 King Ethelred of Wessex dies, probably from wounds recieved in battle. He is survived by a young son, but the poeple of Wessex belived that they needed an adult warrior King and so chose Ethelred's younger brother and second-in-command, Alfred to suceceed. Apr 0878 King Alfred the Great beats the Danish invading army at the Battle of Edington near Chippenham. This decisive victory forced the Danish King Guthrum to agree to a peace in which Alfred and Guthrum divided England between them and Guthrum would become a christian.

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The British Monarchy (0871-2002)From the early Saxon Kings through to the modern monarchy.

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0796King Offa of Mercia dies, ending a reign that witnessed the incorporation of Kent,Sussex, Essex, and East Anglia into the Mercian kingdoms.

0829By 829, King Egbert of Wessex had conquered the Celtic regions of Cornwall and theEnglish kingdoms of Kent, Sussex, Essex, East Anglia and Mercia, and all the regionalKings of England had sworn alliegence to him as thier overlord and supreme ruler.

0848Alfred the Great (848-899), the fourth son of King Aethelwulf, was born, in Wantage. Hebecame King of the West Saxons (Wessex) in 871 when Aethelwulf's third son, Ethelreddied.

0853Alfred goes to Rome.

0858In Britain, King Aethelwulf dies and Ethelbald, his first son becomes King of Wessex.

0860In Britain, Ethelbert the second son of King Aethelwulf becomes King of Wessex.

0865In Britain, Ethelred the third son of King Aethelwulf becomes King of Wessex.

Apr 0871Alfred the Great (848-899) became King of Wessex and the West Saxons [until 899].

0871King Ethelred of Wessex dies, probably from wounds recieved in battle. He is survived bya young son, but the poeple of Wessex belived that they needed an adult warrior King andso chose Ethelred's younger brother and second-in-command, Alfred to suceceed.

Apr 0878King Alfred the Great beats the Danish invading army at the Battle of Edington nearChippenham. This decisive victory forced the Danish King Guthrum to agree to a peace inwhich Alfred and Guthrum divided England between them and Guthrum would become achristian.

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26 Oct 0899Alfred the Great dies after forcing the Danes to withdraw from his realm, consolidatingEnglish power, compiling laws, and encouraging learning. His son, Edward, succeeds him

26 Jan 0900Edward 'The Elder', the son of Alfred the Great, becomes King of England.

Sep 0925Athelstan, the son of Edward 'The Elder', becomes King of Wessex and Mercia.

0927Athelstan captures York and becomes overlord King of England, and the four anglo-saxonkingdoms were never seperate states again.

0933Edwin is drowned.

Oct 0939Edmund succeeds his brother Athelstan.

May 0946Edmund dies and Edred Atheling, his brother, becomes King of Wessex.

0955Edred dies and Eadwig, son of Edmund, becomes King of Wessex at the age of 16 and hisbrother Edgar becomes King of Mercia.

0955In England, King Eadwig of Wessex failed to appear at his coronation feast. Dunstan,chronicler of the event, found him cavorting with a young lady and her mother.

0957Edgar becomes King of Mercia and Northumbria.

1 Oct 0959Eadwig dies and his brother Edgar becomes the King of Wessex. Hence, Edgar became King ofMercia, Northumbria and Wessex, the three most powerful kingdoms in England at that time.He could be considered the first ruler of a united England.

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11 May 0973The coronation of Edgar, when he was formally crowned the first King of all England.

Jul 0975Edgar dies and Edward 'the Martyr' becomes King of England.

18 Mar 0978The Murder of Edward the Martyr by the servants of Ethelred's mother as he rode into thecourtyard of Corfe Castle. He was just 15 years old.

Mar 0979Ethelred II, the Unready, half-brother of Edward, became King of England at the age often [until 1016]. 'Unready' is from 'Unraed' in Anglo-Saxon meaning failure to followgood advice.

0994Canute (994-1035), or 'Knut'/'Cnut', son of Svein, or 'Sweyn', the King of Denmark andlater King of England, Denmark and Norway, was born.

Nov 1002English King Ethelred II, the Unready, marries Emma of Normandy (?-1052), the daughter ofRichard I of the Normans.

1013(Autum) English King Ethelred II and Emma and Edward leave England for exile in Normandy.

Apr 1016Ethelred the Unready dies and Edmund II (Ironside) becomes King of England. Canuteattempts to take the English throne with the support of most of the nobels.

18 Oct 1016Treaty between Canute and Edmund Ironside son of son of Ethelred (the Unready) II. Edmundwas to have Wessex and Canute everything north of the Thames. It was also agreed thatwhoever survived the other would take control of the whole realm.

30 Nov 1016Edmund II (Ironside) dies unexpectedly of natural causes and Canute, Prince of Denmarkbecame King of all England as Canute I.

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12 Nov 1035King Canute, King of England, Denmark and Norway, dies. His possessions are divided andHarold I, Harefoot, becomes King of England and Hardicanute becomes King of Denmark.

Dec 1037Harold I Harefoot, illegitimate son of Canute, becomes King of England afterbeingproposed by Leofric.

17 Mar 1040Harold Harefoot dies

17 Mar 1040Harthacnut, son of Canute and Emma of Normandy, becomes King of England.

1040Macbeth succeeded King Duncan and ruled over Scotland until 1057.

8 Jun 1042Edward the Confessor, the second son of Ethelred the Unready and Emma of Normandy,becomes King of England.

1042Harthacnut, son of Canute and Emma of Normandy, dies at the age of 25.

15 Aug 1057Macbeth, the King of Scotland, was slain by the son of King Duncan.

6 Jan 1066Harold II Godwinson, Earl of Wessex, was crowned King of England.

Jul 1066King Harold of England prepares for William's invasion

Jul 1066William the Conqueror's invasion fleet gathers in the estuary of the River Dives inFrance.

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25 Sep 1066King Harold attacked Harold Hardrata's Vikings at the Battle of Stamford Bridge inYorkshire. The King of Norway was killed and Harold's forces destroyed the Vikings whoreturned to Norway in 24 of their 300 ships.

27 Sep 1066William the Conqueror lands in southern England at Pevensey with his invading army toclaim the English throne.

6 Oct 1066King Harold and his forces reach London.

14 Oct 1066Battle of Hastings, in which William the Conqueror wins England.

25 Dec 1066William I (1027-1087) is crowned the King of England (William the Conqueror).

1077Windsor Castle was erected by William the Conqueror to monitor travel on the ThamesRiver.

1078William the Conqueror began work on the White Tower of London

25 Dec 1085At the Christmas Council, William the Conqueror ordered the compilation of The DomesdayBook from a survey of English manor's production capacity in order to collect taxes.

1 Aug 1086Council of Salisbury

Aug 1086The first draft of the Domesday Book, orderd by Willam the Conqueror, was completed. Thesurvey contained records for 13,418 settlements in the English counties south of therivers Ribble and Tees (the border with Scotland at the time).

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1086Zallaca: The Spanish are defeated

9 Sep 1087William the Conqueror(1027-1087), Duke of Normandy and King of England, died in Rouenwhile conducting a war which began when the French king made fun of him for being fat.

26 Sep 1087William II (Rufus) is crowned at Westminster as King of England.

1089Serlo builds the crypt at Gloucester

1089Lanfranc dies

1091Colchester Castle passes to Eudo

1091William Rufus renews agreement with the Scots

1092Work begins on Carlisle Cathedral

1092Carlisle Collegiate church founded

1092Collegiate church founded at Carlisle.

1092Tewkesbury Abbey is founded

1093Benedictines take over at Chester.

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1093Anselm becomes the Archbishop of Canterbury

1093Durham Cathedral begun

Nov 1095The Council of Clermont

1095Wulstan dies

1096Canterbury Choir, East Transepts and Crypt building work

1096Building work begins on Alnwick castle

1096Building work begins on Norwich Cathedral

1096Peter the Hermit's Crusade

1097Edgar Macmalcolm becomes king of the Scots

2 Aug 1100William II (Rufus) is killed while hunting

5 Aug 1100Henry I succeeds as King of England

11 Nov 1100Henry I Marries Matilda

2 Apr 1101Henry I appoints a Norman Monk, Roger as Chancellor

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1101Roger Bigod granted lands at Framlingham

1101Arundel Castle siege

1101On his return from the first crusade, Robert II (Robert Curthose) attempts to take theCrown of England fron his brother Henry I.

1102Henry I captures castle at Bridgenorth.

1102Earl Robert of Belesme

1102Matilda (1102-1167), the daughter of Henry I and Edith of Scotland, was born. Henry I wasacknowledged as being the father of over twenty children.

28 Sep 1106King Henry I of England defeated his brother Robert at the Battle of Tinchebrai andreunited England and Normandy.

1107Construction of Llandaff Cathedral

1107FitzHamon dies

1107Alexander I becomes king of the Scots

1114Count of Champagne: Travels to the Holy Land

1116Fire destroys Peterborough Abbey

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1 May 1118Queen Matilda, wife of Henry I, dies.

1118Baldwin II becomes the King of Jerusalem

1119Hugues de Payen becomes Master of the Temple

1119Knights Templar order founded in Jerusalem

1121Norwich Cathedral nave and tower

23 Oct 1123Tewkesbury Abbey consecrated

1125Matilda returned to England after the death of her husband Emperor Henry V.

1126Construction of Rochester Castle

1126Hugues de Payen travels West

1128The nave at Durham is vaulted

1128First Cistercian Abbey in Britain

1128Templar Church in London

1128Hugues de Payen: Visits Scotland and England

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1131Gilbertines founded

1131Rievaulx Abbey founded

1131Knights Templars: In Spain

25 Mar 1133The son of Matilda and Geoffrey of Anjou, the future King Henry II, is born.

2 Aug 1133Eclipse

1133Combermere Abbey founded

1133Durham Cathedral Chapter house

1133Foundation of Garendon Abbey

1 Dec 1135King Henry I of England dies of serious indigestion after eating too many eels.

22 Dec 1135Stephen of Bloise succeeds his uncle King Henry I of England.

22 Dec 1135Stephen I was crowned King of England.

1135Buildwas Abbey founded

1135Stephen at Hereford

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1136Buckfast Abbey founded

1136Castle at Banbury is built

1136Baldwin de Redvers flees to Carisbrooke

1136Hugues de Payen dies

1138Calder Abbey attacked by the Scots

1138Exeter castle building work

1138Arundel Castle siege

1138Start of Civil War

1138Foundation of Bordesley Abbey

1138Theobald becomes Archbishop

1138Cressing Temple Site

1138The Scots invade Northumberland

2 Feb 1141Battle of Lincoln when Stephen, King of England, is captured.

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Apr 1141Matilda is elected Queen of England.

Jun 1141Matilda enters London to be crowned the first queen of England, but the people of Londonrebelled and she was forced to flee from the area.

1147Henry arrives in England with a small army intending to attack Stephen. He and hismecenary army are paid off by Stephedn and Henry returned to Normandy.

1147Robert, Earl of Gloucester died, leaving Matilda without one of her powerfull allies.

1150Henry II becomes Duke of Normandy.

1150Rochester Cathedral West Front

17 Aug 1153Stephen's son Eustace dies, leaving Stephen without an heir.

1153Malcolm IV becomes king of Scotland.

25 Oct 1154King Stephen of England dies of a heart attack.

19 Dec 1154Henry II of the Angevin dynasty was crowned King of England.

1154Sir Thomas Becket was given the high office of Chancellor to the King, Henry II.

30 Jan 1164Henry II, King of England, constructs the Constitutions of Clarendon in an attempt toregain power for the civil courts, which have been loosing authority to ecclesiasticalones. The archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket, strongly resists the decision ofHenry.

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1165William I 'the Lion' becomes king of the Scots.

1165Eleanor moves back to Aquitaine.

24 Dec 1167John, the future King of England is born.

1167Queen Matilda (1102-1167), mother of King Henry II of England, dies in Normandy.

1168Richard I, future King of England, was invested with Eleanor of Aquitaine's duchy ofAquitaine in the church of Saint Hillaire at Poitiers at the age of 14.

29 Dec 1170Thomas Becket, St. Thomas archbishop of Canterbury, was murdered in Canterbury Cathedralin England.

1170Henry II sent his Anglo-Norman barons to invade Ireland after he gained support from theEnglish pope.

1172Richard I, future King of England, was invested with the duchy of Poitiers at the age of18.

1173Richard I, future king of England, revolts aginast his father, Henry II of England, withhis brothers Henry the 'Young King' and Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany.

11 Jun 1183Henry the 'Young King', brother of Richard I, future king of England, dies.

Nov 1187The Third Crusade is ordered (1187-1192) after the Muslim capture of Jerusalem. RichardI, future King of England, takes the Cross. Richard I, German Emperor Frederick I andFrench King Philip Augustus lead the cursade.

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c. 1188Geoffrey, Duke of Brittany, died. He was the elder brother of Richard I, future King ofEngland.

6 Jul 1189Henry II, King of England, dies of fever in Chinon and Richard I succeeded him as King ofEngland.

20 Jul 1189Upon Henry II's death Richard I was crowned Duke of Normandy, and Count of Anjou.

3 Sep 1189Richard I (The Lionheart) is crowned King of England in Westminster. He rules for tenyears and is only present in the country a total of six months.

12 May 1191Richard the Lionheart married Bernegaria of Navarre, daughter of Sancho VI, King ofNavarre, in Limassol, Cyprus.

1192King Richard the Lionhearted was taken prisoner in Austria on his return from the ThirdCrusade. An entire year's supply of wool from the Cistercian and two other monasteries inEngland was promised as ransom for the King. It was never paid in full.

4 Feb 1194Richard I, King of England, was freed from captivity in Germany, after England paysLeopold O Fenrik VI's ransom of 100,000.

1196The Chateau Gaillard in Normandy was built by Richard the Lionhearted, Duke of Normandy,to protect his domain from Philip Augustus, King of France.

Feb 1199Beginning of the siege at the castle of Chaluz in France.

6 Apr 1199English King Richard I was killed by an arrow at the siege of the castle of Chaluz inFrance. Richard left the throne to his younger brother John, in preference to Arthur ofBrittany, the son of his elder brother, Geoffrey. Richard was burried in FontevraultAbbey in Anjou.

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25 Apr 1199John is crowned Duke of Normandy

27 Apr 1199John is crowned King of England.

24 Mar 1208King John of England opposed Innocent III on his nomination for archbishop of Canterbury.

15 May 1213King John submitted to the Pope, offering to make England and Ireland papal fiefs. PopeInnocent III lifted the interdict of 1208.

Jan 1215John meets the Barons in London

1 Apr 1215Pope sides with John

12 May 1215Baron's war

17 May 1215London falls to the Rebels

27 May 1215A truce is sought

17 Jun 1215English King John signs the Magna Carta at Runnymede in England.

1215Colchester Castle occupied by the French

Feb 1216Small French fleet land in London

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Feb 1216King John puts down revolt

18 May 1216A storm hits John's fleet

21 May 1216Prince Louis of France claims English Throne

Jun 1216Kings John fights rebels in East Anglia

19 Oct 1216John, King of England, dies of dysentry at Newark. The Royal Menagerie was begun duringthe reign of King John.

19 Oct 1216King John of was succeeded by his nine-year-old son Henry III.

28 Oct 1216Henry III, King of England, is Crowned.

Oct 1216King John attacks Berwick

Nov 1216Llewelyn divides Wales

20 May 1217Battle of Lincoln - Barons' War

20 May 1217Rebels defeated at Lincoln

24 Aug 1217Battle off Sandwich

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12 Sep 1217Treaty of Kingston

1217Porchester castle captured

1217Hubert de Burgh forces Louis to accept peace terms

7 Jul 1220Ceremony in Canterbury

1220Chapter-house of Lincoln Cathedral

1220Work on the Lady Chapel of Salisbury Cathedral

1220Salisbury Cathedral: Rebuilding started

1225Salisbury Choir

1225Beeston Castle begun

1227Balmerino Abbey founded

1228Stephen Langton dies

1230Wells Cathedral West Front

1230Wells: West Front Started

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13 Aug 1231Simon de Montfort takes possession of his land

1231Tattershall Castle construction

1232Oaks given to Gloucester

1232Peter des Rievaulx becomes treasurer

1232Henry III removes Hubert de Burgh

1233Earl of Pembroke's revolt

1233Baronian rebellion

1235Henry III received 3 leopards from Frederick II, the Holy Roman Emperor. They became partof the Royal Menagerie housed in the Tower of London.

14 Jan 1236Henry III married Eleanor of Provence.

1236Canterbury Cloister building work

1237Transepts and Nave of Salisbury Cathedral

1237Beeston Castle claimed by Henry

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Jan 1238Simon marries Henry's sister

Jun 1239Edward I, future King of England, is born.

1240North Transept of Rochester Cathedral

Oct 1242Earl Richard's vow

1242York Minster North Transept

1242Chapel of the Nine Altars

1242Henry tries to retake Poitou

1244Bishop of Bath and Wells

1245Carlisle Cathedral building work

1245Rebuilding of Westminster Abbey

1245Carpini: Christian envoy travels to the Mongol Empire

1246Peter de Savoy granted Pevensey Castle

1246Hailes Abbey begun

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1247Henry receives a relic

8 Jul 1249Alexander II of Scotlans dies

9 Jul 1249Alexander III became King of the Scots

5 Nov 1251Dedication of Hailes Abbey

1254Henry gives Edward his own lands

1254Edward marries

Oct 1255Edward and Eleanor return to England

Sep 1256The Welsh invade the coastal plains

1256Harvest lost

1257Floods and famine

1257Henry and Edward reclaim the Lost Territories

12 Apr 1258Henry is opposed by the Barons

Apr 1258Henry asks for money

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Jun 1258Odiham and Kenilworth handed over to the King

1258The West Front of Salisbury Cathedral

1258Barons confront Henry

13 Oct 1259Provisions of Westminster

4 Dec 1259Treaty of Paris/Abbeville

Feb 1263Edward returns to England

Jun 1263Simon's forces do much damage

1 Oct 1263The Battle of Largs

1263Salisbury Cathedral Cloisters

1263Edward joins Simon de Montfort

1263Henry is absolved from the Provisions of Oxford

1263Edward raids the Temple in London

23 Jan 1264The Mise of Amiens

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Apr 1264Northampton captured by the King

14 May 1264Battle of Lewes when Simon van Leicester beats English king Henry III.

Jun 1264Simon summons Parliament

Jun 1264Haco of Norway attacks Scotland

1264Army at Barham Down

1264Pevensey Castle siege

1264(Summer) Edward moved to Kenilworth

20 Jan 1265Ordinary people's Parliament

Feb 1265The Barons split

May 1265Edward escapes

4 Aug 1265Battle of Evesham

4 Aug 1265King Henry III put down a revolt of English barons lead by Simon de Montfort.

16 Oct 1265Peace with the Barons

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1265The first English Parliament called into session by Earl of Leicester.

1265Work begins on the Lady Chapel at Chester.

1265(Summer) Armies march

2 Jul 1266Treaty of Perth

Oct 1266Mise of Kenilworth

Jun 1268Edward take the cross

20 Jul 1270The Eighth, and last, Crusade began.

14 Sep 1270Relic given to Hailes Abbey

1270Tintern Abbey begun

May 1271Edward reaches Acre

1271Edward's Crusade

1271Marco Polo leaves Venice at the age of eighteen

16 Nov 1272Henry III, King of England, dies of old age.

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23 Nov 1272Edward I, chosen as King of England.

1272Peterborough Cathedral's Lady Chapel

Feb 1273Edward visits the Pope

May 1274Little battle of Chalons

2 Aug 1274Edward arrives home

19 Aug 1274Edward I is crowned at Westminster

1274Upon Edward's succession to the English throne, he demanded Llywelyn ap Gruffydd payhomage to him before he recognized him as Prince of Wales.

1275Llewelyn of Wales

1275Chapter-house at Salisbury

1276Edward war on the Welsh begins

Jul 1277Edward reaches Worcester

Jul 1277Construction of Flint Castle begun

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13 Aug 1277Vale Royal Abbey foundation stone laid

Sep 1277Construction of Rhuddlan Castle begun

Dec 1277Edward defeats Llewelyn

13 Oct 1278Llewelyn marries Eleanor

1278Buckland Abbey founded

1280South Transept at Rochester

11 Dec 1282Llewelyn killed

1282Another Welsh Uprising

Mar 1283Castle Criccieth captured

Jun 1283David of Wales captured

1283Construction of Caernavon Castle

1283Construction of Conway Castle begun

1283Dolwyddlan Castle captured

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25 Apr 1284Edward II, future King of England, was born.

1284In England the eldest son of Edward I became the Prince of Wales.

19 Mar 1286Alexander III of Scotland dies

1286Edward and Eleanor go to France

1286York Minster Chapter-house

1286Edward and Gascony

1289Norwich Cathedral Chapter-house

1289Philip obtained the area of Quercy

Sep 1290Margaret, 'Maid of Norway' is drowned

Sep 1290Treaty of Birgham-on-Tweed

28 Nov 1290Eleanor of Castile dies

Dec 1290The 'Eleanor Crosses'

10 May 1291Edward meets Scottish Claimants

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1291Scottish nobles recognize authority of English King Edward I.

17 Nov 1292John Balliol is chosen by Edward I as Scottish King

1292Rebuilding work begins at Carlisle

1292Carlisle Cathedral damaged by fire

1292English and Norman sailor fight

1293Philip obtains Maguellone and Montpellier

1293Wells Cathedral: Chapter House begun

30 Oct 1294A Welsh rebellion

1294Commercial treaty with Portugal

1294Outrage at Philip's actions

1294Balliol: Edward asks for resources

Jan 1295Edward besiged at Conway

Apr 1295Edward occupies Anglesey

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Apr 1295Beaumaris Castle begun

Oct 1295Treaty Auld Alliance

1295Southwell Cathedral Chapter-house

27 Apr 1296Battle of Dunbar

27 Apr 1296Edward I defeated the Scots at the Battle of Dunbar.

Apr 1296Balliol: Renounces homage to England

Jul 1296Balliol surrenders at Stracathro, Edward takes the Stone of Scone

Aug 1296The First Interregnum

1296(Summer) Philip IV threatens Edward

Jan 1297Marriage proposal

Feb 1297Edward is deserted by the Barons

14 Apr 1297Edward appeals for support

Jul 1297Confederacy formed and destroyed

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Aug 1297Edward sails for Flanders

Aug 1297Confirmation of the Charters

11 Sep 1297Battle at Stirling Bridge

1297Norwich Cathedral cloisters

1297(Winter) Edward accepts Truce

1298Battle of Falkirk

Mar 1299Edward evades Parliament.

Sep 1299Edward marries

May 1300Edward starts another Scottish campaign

Jul 1300Caerlaverock Castle siege.

Aug 1300The Pope Intervenes

30 Oct 1300Truce with the Scots

20 May 1301Treaty finally signed

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1301Edward of Caernarion (later Edward II) becomes the first prince of Wales.

1301(Summer) Edward advances into Scotland

1302(Spring) Treaty is signed

1303(Spring) John Comyn is appointed regent

1304Canterbury Screen of choir and chapter house building work

10 Feb 1306John Comyn murdered by Robert Bruce

25 Mar 1306Robert Bruce is crowned Robert I of Scotland

1306Philip confiscates Italian bankers' goods

10 May 1307Battle of Loudoun Hill

8 Jul 1307Edward II becomes King of England.

1307Philip adds Bigorre to his territories

25 Jan 1308Edward marries

25 Feb 1308The coronation of Edward II, King of England.

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Sep 1310Edward campaigns in Scotland

Jul 1311Edward returns to England

Aug 1311Ordinances

Jun 1312Gaveston captured

1313Montagne and Tournai fall to Philip

20 Apr 1314Pope Clement V dies

29 Nov 1314Philip IV, the Fair dies, and is succeded by Louis X

1316Philip V becomes King of France.

Aug 1318Hugh Despenser is made Chamberlain

20 Sep 1319Battle of Myton

16 Mar 1322Battle of Boroughbridge

1322Charles IV becomes King of France

Sep 1326Isabella and Mortimer land to take the throne

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Oct 1326Prince Edward III is declared Keeper of the Realm.

1326Clare College Cambridge founded

1326Oriel College Oxford founded

Jan 1327Edward III takes the throne of England.

Jan 1327King Edward II of England was deposed by his eldest son, Edward III.

1 Feb 1327Edward III was crowned King of England.

Apr 1327Deposed Edward II, of England, is imprisoned.

Sep 1327Deposed Edward II is murdered at Berkeley Castle, possibly with a red hot poker.

17 Mar 1328Treaty of Edinburgh

1329David II becomes king of Scotland

1329British King Edward III agrees to do homage to Philip.

24 Sep 1332Baliol crowned king of Scotland

19 Jul 1333Battle of Halidon Hill

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1334The sprire of Salisbury Cathedral

12 Aug 1336Exports of Wool Stopped

1340English King Edward III was proclaimed King of France.

1340Queen's College Oxford founded.

1340Battle of the Salado River

1344Construction of Chillingham Castle

May 1346Edward III of England called for a fleet of 1000 ships and an army of 10,000 knights andsoldiers to assemble at Portsmouth for an attack on his distant cousin, Philip VI ofFrance.

12 Jul 1346Edward III landed his army on the Normandy beaches unopposed.

18 Jul 1346Edward III divided his army into 3 groups and began a march on Paris.

16 Aug 1346Philip VI offered Edward III sovereignty over Aquitaine in return for peace. Edwardrejected the offer and learned that Philip had raised an army of 36,000 that included15,000 Genoese crossbowmen. Edward marched toward Flanders in order to meet with allies.

25 Aug 1346Edward III of England defeated Philip VI's army at the Battle of Crecy in France. Thelongbow proved instrumental in the victory. At the end of the battle 1,542 French lordsand knights were killed along with 20,000 soldiers. The English lost 2 knights and 80men.

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3 Sep 1346Edward III of England began the siege of Calais, along the coast of France.

28 Sep 1346Edward III and Philip VI signed a temporary truce. Their hostilities marked the beginningof the Hundred Years War, which only ended in 1453.

17 Oct 1346English forces defeated the Scots under David II during the Battle of Neville's Cross,Scotland.

3 Aug 1347Six burghers of the surrounded French city of Calais surrendered to Edward III of Englandin hopes of relieving the siege.

Aug 1347Edward accepts truce

23 Apr 1348King Edward III of England established the Order of the Garter, the first English orderof knighthood.

Jun 1348The Plague reaches England

1348Construction of Maxstoke Castle

1351Henry of Gosmont becomes Duke of Lancaster

1351Statutes of Provisors

1351Statute of Labourers

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1351In England the Statute of Treasons was passed under which anyone who violated the wife ofthe heir to the throne was guilty of high treason.

1354Statute of Staples

19 Sep 1356In a landmark battle of the Hundred Years' War, English Prince Edward defeated the Frenchat Poitiers.

1356Scottish King Edward Baliol resigns.

1361Another outbreak of the plague

1362John becomes Duke of Lancaster

1365Wells Cathedral South-west Tower

Oct 1366Wykeham becomes Bishop

6 Jan 1367Richard II, son of Edward the Black Prince, was born.

Apr 1367Wykeham becomes Chancellor

1369Again England is hit by the plague

1371King Robert II Stuart of Scotland crowned.

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1371Wykeham asks for war supplies

1372Canterbury Crypt Lady Chapel building work

1373Nunney Castle construction begins

Jun 1376Death of the Black Prince

21 Jun 1377Edward III, King of England, dies of old age.

21 Jun 1377Richard II, who was still a child, succeeded his father, Edward III as King of England.

16 Jul 1377Richard II crowned King of England.

1377Carisbrooke defended against the French.

1380Construction of Wressle Castle

1380Richard takes control

7 Jun 1381The Peasants' Revolt reaches Maidstone.

10 Jun 1381The Peasants' Revolt reach Canterbury.

10 Jun 1381William Courtenay: Becomes Archbishop of Canterbury

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11 Jun 1381Rebels move towards London

12 Jun 1381Rebels reach London

14 Jan 1382English King Richard marries.

Apr 1384Criticism of Richard

1385Richard make his uncles Dukes

1385Richard leads army to North

8 Jul 1386John leaves Plymouth

1386(Spring) Gaunt and the Castilian throne

1386(Summer) Commision appointed

1386(Summer) French fleet mass at Sluys.

19 Dec 1387Battle of Radcot Bridge

1390Construction of Lumley Castle

1393Construction of Wardour Castle

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1394Winchester Cathedral rebuilding work

29 Sep 1399Richard II of England was deposed. His cousin, Henry of Lancaster, declared himself kingunder the name Henry IV. Richard had earlier introduced the lace handkerchief,triple-taxed the citizenry and stole the estates of his relatives.

13 Oct 1399Henry IV becomes King of England.

13 Oct 1399Richard II was formally deposed as king. Henry of Lancaster returned to England to claimhis inherited lands. He marched with an army into Briston and captured Richard II andclaimed the throne. Henry IV of England was crowned.

14 Feb 1400The deposed Richard II was murdered in Pontefract Castle in Yorkshire.

1400Chapter House at Canterbury building work

1400Henry Yeveley dies.

1404Worcester Cathedral north and south cloisters

20 Mar 1413Henry IV, King of England, dies of severe skin disease.

9 Apr 1413Henry V crowned King of England.

6 Dec 1421Henry VI, the youngest king of England, was born.

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1 Sep 1422Henry VI crowned King of England.

1422Henry V, King of England, dies of dysentry.

6 Nov 1429Coronation of Henry VI, King of England.

1432York Minster south-west tower

1 May 1436Richard, Duke of York is appointed Lieutenant-general

1440Hurstmonceaux Castle construction

1440Tattershall Castle brick tower construction

28 Apr 1442Future Edward IV is born

Sep 1450Edward returns from Ireland.

Aug 1453The English King's health suffers.

Nov 1453Somerset sent to the Tower

27 Mar 1454Richard, duke of York made Protector

Dec 1454English King Henry's health returns.

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Feb 1455Somerset released from the Tower

Mar 1455Somerset back in command

22 May 1455The Battle of St. Albans, during the War of the Roses. The army of the Duke of York metthe army of Queen Margaret of Anjou. The 2nd Duke of Somerset was killed. The Yorkistsbriefly took possession of King Henry VI.

28 Jan 1457Henry VII, future kong of England, is born.

24 Jun 1459Great Council

12 Oct 1459Battle of Ludford Bridge

26 Jun 1460Earls of March and March land in England

Jun 1460Yorkists take control of Kent

2 Jul 1460Yorkists enter London

10 Jul 1460Battle of Northampton

3 Aug 1460James II accidentally killed

4 Mar 1461Henry VI was deposed and the Duke of York was proclaimed King as Edward IV. He tried tosettle once and for all the dynastic struggle between York and Lancaster.

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28 Jun 1461Edward IV, King of England, is crowned.

28 Jul 1469Battle of Edgecote

9 Oct 1470Henry VI of England was restored to the throne.

1 Nov 1470Edward V, King of England, was born.

1470York Minster north-west tower

Mar 1471Edward IV returned to England.

4 Apr 1471In the Battle of Tewkesbury between the English House of Lancaster and House of York theYorkists defeated the Lancastrians.

21 May 1471Deposed King Henry VI was murdered in the tower of London, and Edward IV took the throne.

1471Eglish King Edward IV enters London.

18 Feb 1478George, the Duke of Clarence, who had opposed his brother Edward IV, was murdered in theTower of London.

9 Apr 1483Edward V becomes King of England.

May 1483Edward V, King of England, dissapeared and was probaly murdered.

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25 Jun 1483The Duke of Gloucester usurps the English throne and is crowned as Richard III, King ofEngland.

26 Jun 1483Richard III usurped himself to the English throne.

6 Jul 1483England's King Richard III was crowned.

1483Edward IV, King of England, dies severe indigestion.

1483Henry, Duke of Buckingham, was executed during the reign of Richard III.

22 Aug 1485Richard III slain at the Battle of Bosworth Field, the last of the Plantagenet dynasty.

22 Aug 1485Henry Tudor defeated Richard III at Bosworth. England's King Richard III, the last of thePlantagenet kings, was killed in the Battle of Bosworth. This victory establishes theTudor dynasty in England and ended the War of the Roses. Henry reestablishes royal powerover the aristocracy, ends funding of foreign wars and reforms finances.

30 Oct 1485Henry VII is crowned King of England beginning the Tudor dynasty.

30 Oct 1485Henry VII of England was crowned.

16 Dec 1485Katherine of Argon, first wife of Henry VIII, was born.

18 Jan 1486English King Henry VII married Elizabeth of York, daughter of Edward IV.

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2 Feb 1491During the War of the Roses, the army of York defeated the forces of Lancaster atMortimer's Cross. The victory fixed Edward IV on the thrown.

28 Jun 1491Henry VIII, King of England and founder of the Church of England, was born at Greenwich.

1493Canterbury central tower building work

1496English King Henry VII ends his commercial dispute with Flanders.

1496English King Henry VII hires John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto) to explore. Like Columbus andMagellan, Cabot thought there was a better route to the riches of the Orient by headingwest instead of east.

May 1498Cabot disappears on voyage

1504Henry Tudor, king of England, had coins minted with an accurate self likeness.

1508In England Althorp was bought by John Spencer, the ancestor of the 9th Earl Spencer,Princess Diana's brother. The estate in Great Brington was selected as the grave site forPrincess Diana in 1997.

22 Apr 1509Henry Tudor was crowned King Henry VIII of England following the death of his father,Henry VII.

11 Jun 1509England's King Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon.

24 Jun 1509Henry VIII was crowned king of England.

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1509English King Henry VIII, succeeds his father, Henry VII and ascended to throne of England.

1514England and France declared a truce in their warfare. Mary Tudor, sister of Henry VIII,married Louis XII.

18 Feb 1516Mary Tudor, later Queen Mary I of England and popularly known as 'Bloody Mary', was bornin Greenwich Palace.

1518Henry VIII authorized a college of physicians and it was founded by Oxford physicianThomas Linacre.

1521Pope Leo X conferred the title of 'Defender of the Faith' on Henry VIII of England.

1525Cardinal Wolsey presented Hampton Court Palace to Henry VIII.

17 Oct 1529Henry VIII of England stripped Thomas Wolsey of his office for failing to secure anannulment of his marriage.

21 Oct 1529Henry VIII of England was named Defender of the Faith by the Pope after defending theseven sacraments against Luther.

1530English King Henry VIII's divorce request is denied by the Pope Henry then declares thathe, not the Pope, is supreme head of England's church.

11 Feb 1531Henry VIII was recognized as the supreme head of the Church of England.

1531Pope Clemens VII forbids English king Henry VIII to re-marry.

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1532Between 1532 and 1540, Thomas Cromwell disbanded most of the monasteries in England andabsorbed their vast wealth under the crown.

Jan 1533English King Henry VIII secretly marries his second wife Anne Boleyn when she was alreadypregnant with the future Queen, Elizabeth I. She was 26 when married Henry VIII who was42 and they had 3 children, Queen Elizabeth I, Henry Tudor, Duke of Cornwall and anunnamed baby.

23 May 1533The marriage of England's King Henry VIII to Catherine of Aragon was declared null andvoid.

28 May 1533Britain's Archbishop declared the marriage of King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn valid.

1 Jun 1533Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII's new queen, was crowned.

11 Jul 1533Pope Clement VII excommunicated England's King Henry VIII.

7 Sep 1533England's Queen Elizabeth I was born in Greenwich.

1534Henry VIII was declared Supreme Head of the Church in England. He suppressed themonasteries and renounced papal jurisdiction. He issued the Act of Supremacy whichsignified a break with the Catholic Church of Rome.

6 Jul 1535Thomas More's sentence to death by hanging was commuted to beheading. Thomas More wasbeheaded in England for treason, for refusing to renounce the Catholic church in favor ofKing Henry VIII's Church of England.

31 Aug 1535Pope Paul III deposed & excommunicated King Henry VIII.

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17 May 1536Anne Boleyn's brother, Lord Rochford, was executed for adultery and incest.

19 May 1536Anne Boleyn, the second wife of England's King Henry VIII, was beheaded on Tower Greenafter she was convicted of adultery and incest with her brother, Lord Rochford, who wasexecuted two days before. It was the day before Henry VIII's marriage to Jane Seymour.

20 May 1536English King Henry VIII marries Jane Seymour.

1536English King Henry VIII accused Anne Boleyn and her brother Lord Rochford were accused ofadultery and incest.

1536English King Henry VIII orders the bible be placed in every church.

1536In England Hyde Park was seized from the monks at Westminster Abbey by Henry VIII andpreserved as forest for the royal hunt.

12 Oct 1537Edward IV, the only son of Henry VIII by his third wife Jane Seymour, was born.

24 Oct 1537Jane Seymour, the third wife of England's King Henry VIII, died 12 days after givingbirth to Prince Edward, later King Edward VI.

1537Robert Aske was arrested and hung for the uprising in northern England against theclosing of the monasteries by Thomas Cromwell.

1539The Six Articles, a religious stature, was passed at the 'instance' of Henry VIII. It setforth the position of the English Church on six fundamental points in an effort to stemthe growth and influence of the English Protestants.

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19 Jul 1540England's King Henry VIII had his 6-month-old marriage to his fourth wife, Anne ofCleves, annulled.

28 Jul 1540The chief minister of King Henry VIII, Thomas Cromwell, having been discredited by hisenemies, was beheaded on Tower Hill in England.

28 Jul 1540King Henry VIII married his fifth wife, Catherine Howard.

1540English King Henry VIII married his 4th wife, Anne of Cleves.

1541Ireland came under the rule of England's Henry VIII.

8 Dec 1542Mary Queen of Scots was born. She became the Queen of England when she was a week old,but was forced to abdicate her throne to her son because she had become a Catholic. Shewas executed for plotting against Elizabeth I.

1542British Parliament passes bill of attainder against Queen Katherine Howard.

12 Jul 1543England's King Henry VIII married his sixth and last wife, Catherine Parr, who outlivedhim.

9 Sep 1543Mary, Queen of Scots, was crowned.

28 Jan 1547England's King Henry VIII died; his sixth and last wife was Catherine Parr. He wassucceeded by his 9-year-old son, Edward VI.

Jan 1547An inventory of the possessions of King Henry VIII was begun under Edward VI, Henry's sonand successor. It took three years to complete. His total wealth amounted to some 600,000pounds. A commoner's daily wage at this time was about two and one-half pence.

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15479-year-old Edward VI succeeds Henry VIII as King of England.

1548Mary Queen of the Scots, who was engaged to the Dauphin, landed in France at age six.

1549Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury, issued the 'Book of Common Prayer'. Otherprayer books were forbidden by the Act of Uniformity. The book was mandated by thegovernment under Edward VI, son of Henry VIII, so that services could be spoken in thelanguage of the people.

1552Under Edward VI, The Second Book of Common Prayer, more radical than the first, wasauthorized by a second Uniformity Act and became mandatory in England.

19 Jul 155315-year-old Lady Jane Grey, daughter of John Dudley, the Duke of Northumberland, wasdeposed as Queen of England after claiming the crown for nine days. Mary, the daughter ofKing Henry VIII, was proclaimed Queen.

3 Aug 1553Mary Tudor, the new Queen of England, entered London.

12 Feb 1554Lady Jane Grey, who had claimed the throne of England for nine days, the Queen of Englandfor thirteen days, was beheaded on Tower Hill. She was barely 17 years old.

17 Nov 1558Elizabeth I ascended the English throne upon the death of Queen Mary. Upon the reign ofElizabeth I a new statement of doctrine of the Church of England was needed. The Churchof England was reestablished.

1558English Queen Elizabeth I ascends English throne upon death of Queen Mary.

1558Elizabeth Tudor (1533-1603) became Queen Elizabeth I of England [until 1603]. She wentbald at age 29 due to smallpox.

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15 Jan 1559England's Queen Elizabeth I was crowned in Westminster Abbey and Lord Dudley soon becameher favorite.

8 May 1559An act of supremacy defined Queen Elizabeth I as the supreme governor of the church ofEngland.

1565Mary Queen of Scots married Henry, Lord Darnley.

1565Elizabeth I of England granted the nobleman Hellier de Carteret the island fiefdom ofSark, which included the island of Brecqhou in the English Channel.

9 Feb 1567Lord Darnley, the second husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, was murdered in his sick-bed ina house in Edinburgh when the house blows up.

16 Jun 1567Mary, Queen of Scots, was imprisoned in Lochleven Castle in Scotland.

24 Jul 1567Mary, Queen of Scots, was forced to abdicate her throne to her 1-year-old son James VI.

1567Mary, Queen of Scots marries James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell.

18 May 1568Mary Queen of Scots flees to England expecting protection but Queen Elizabeth imprisonedher.

19 May 1568Mary Queen of Scots (1542-1587) is defeated by the Protestant confederate lords at thebattle of Langside.

Jun 1568English queen Elizabeth I arrests and imprisons Mary Queen of Scots.

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1578English Queen Elizabeth I gives Johan Casimir £20,000 to aid the Dutch rebellion.

1581James VI signs the second Confession of Faith in Scotland.

1586Mary Queen of Scots goes on trial for conspiracy against Elizabeth I.

1 Feb 1587Elizabeth I, Queen of England, signed the Warrant of Execution for Mary Queen of Scots.

8 Feb 1587Mary, Queen of Scots was beheaded in Fotheringhay Castle for her alleged part in theconspiracy to usurp Elizabeth I.

24 Mar 1603Queen Elizabeth I dies, Scottish King James VI becomes King James I of England.

1610King James I addresses English House of Commons.

1613English King James I's daughter, Princess Elizabeth marries earl Frederik of Palts.

1617James VI of Scotland, aka James I of England, made a homecoming to Edinburgh Castle.

1622King James I disbands his third English parliament.

27 Mar 1625British King James I dies and King Charles I, King Of England, Scotland & Ireland,ascends to throne.

2 Feb 1626Charles I was crowned King of England.

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10 Mar 1629England's King Charles I dissolved Parliament and did not call it back for 11 years.

1629British King Charles I leaces the house of commons.

29 May 1630Charles II, son of Chrles I and later King of England, was born.

22 Aug 1642Civil war in England officially began as Charles I declared war on Parliament fromNottingham. Charles I went to the House of Commons to arrest some of its members and wasrefused entry. From this point on no monarch was allowed entry. The war ended in 1651.

30 Jan 1649The Prince of Wales becomes King Charles II, of England, although technically Britain isa republic.

30 Jan 1649King Charles I of England was beheaded at Banqueting House, Whitehall by the hangmanRichard Brandon. Britain then became a republic between 1649 and 1660.

30 Jan 1649Parliament became the supreme power in England under the rule of Oliver Cromwell, whoruled over Parliament as Lord Protector of the New Commonwealth from 1649-1658.

Nov 1650William III, Prince of Orange and King of England, was born.

1 Jan 1651Charles II Stuart was crowned King of Scotland at Scone.

1657British Humble Petition offers Lord Protector Cromwell the crown. He refuses but acceptsthe title of 'Lord Protector'.

3 Sep 1658Oliver Cromwell, Lord Protector of the New Commonwealth, ruler over England's parliament,dies from malaria. He is suceeded by his son Richard Cromwell as Lord Protector. WhenOliver Cromwell was dying, he refused to take the only known treatment (quinine fromcinchona) because it was introduced by Jesuits.

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1659Richard Cromwell resigns as English Lord Protector.

4 Apr 1660King Charles II signes the 'Declaration of Breda' to establish a general amnesty andfreedom of conscience.

8 May 1660Charles II was proclaimed King of England. When a new Westminster parliament was elected,no representatives from Scotland were requested. Hence, the Cromwellian Union lapsed.

28 May 1660George I, future King of England, was born.

29 May 1660Charles II, who had fled to France, arrived in London and is restored to the Englishthrone after the Puritan Commonwealth.

May 1660King Charles II returns from exile sails from Scheveningen to England.

Jun 1660Charles II was crowned King in Westminster Abbey.

1660British Long Parliament disbands.

1660English King Charles II visits Netherlands.

1660General Moncks army battles with the Tweed on way to London.

1660General Moncks army reaches London.

1660Thomas Fairfax' New Model-army occupies York.

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1661King Charles II marries Portuguese princess Catherina the Braganca.

1661The first Yacht race, England's King Charles vs his brother James.

1661The first pariament of King Charles II meets at Westminster.

1661The Corporation Act excludes 'Nonconformists' from holding office in England.

1662The Act of Uniformity compels Puritans to accept the doctrines of the Church of Englandor leave the church.

1665The British Five-Mile Act prevents 'Nonconformist' clergy from coming within five milesof their parish towns.

1671The second son of King Charles I, James, became a Catholic, leading to the first attemptsto exclude him from succession but he later became James VII of Scotland and II ofEngland (1685-1688).

1673English King Charles II accepts the 'Test Act' which excluded Roman Catholics from publicoffice.

4 Nov 1677William III and Mary II were married in England.

28 Nov 1678England's King Charles II accused his wife, Catherine of Braganza, of treason, becauseshe had yet to bear him children.

1679King Charles II disbands English parliament.

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1679Meal Tub Plot against James II of England.

1681The Earl of Shaftsbury challenged the king on the question of succession. The kingdissolved Parliament and threw Shaftsbury into the Tower of London and charged him withtreason. Shaftsbury was acquitted and went to Holland with John Locke.

6 Feb 1685Charles II of England died and was succeeded by his brother, James II, a Roman Catholic.Charles II became a Roman Catholic on his deathbed.

23 Apr 1685James II is crowned King of England and Scotland (James VII of Scotland) in WestminsterAbbey.

1687King James II orders his declaration of indulgence read in church.

11 Dec 1688James II abdicated the throne because of William of Orange landing in England.

28 Dec 1688William of Orange made a triumphant march into London as James II flees.

1688King James II of England (James VII of Scotland) was deposed and fled the country toexile in France precipitating the Jacobite Rebellions in 1689-1716 and 1745-1746.

22 Jan 1689England's 'Bloodless' or 'Glorious' Revolution reached its climax when the Britishparliament invites Mary Stuart and Prince Willem III (William of Orange) to be jointmonarchs.

21 Apr 1689Dutch prince William III (William of Orange) and Mary II were crowned joint Monarchs ofEngland, Scotland and Ireland.

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28 Dec 1694George I of England got divorced. He was crowned in 1714.

28 Dec 1694Queen Mary II of England, dies of smallpox after five years of joint rule with herhusband, King William III.

16 Sep 1701Deposed Jacobite King James II of England (James VII of Scotland) died and as this wasbefore the union of the Scottish and English parliaments, in the eyes of the Jacobites,his son James Francis Stewart, the 'Old Pretender', became the legitimate King ofScotland (James VIII).

19 Mar 1702William III (William of Orange) died from complications after being thrown from his horse

Apr 1702Queen Anne Stuart, William III's first wife and the younger daughter of James II, ascendsthe British throne upon the death of King William III.

1702Queen Anne Stuart addresses English parliament.

1705Queen Anne of England knights Isaac Newton at Trinity College in Cambridge.

1708English pretender to the throne James III flees to Dunkerk.

1708English pretender to the throne James III lands at Firth of Forth.

1714Britain's Queen Anne dies and King George I arrives in England as the reigning monarch.

1714George I of Hanover became King of England inheriting the throne under the Act ofSettlement.

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11 Jun 1727George II succeeds his father George I.

1734Prince Willem KHF van Orange marries George II's daughter Mary Anne.

7 Jun 1743Battle of Dettingen in Bavaria which was the last engagement in which a British monarch(King George II) participated in person.

1749George II grants charter to Ohio Company to settle Ohio Valley.

1751British King George III's eldest son, Frederick, died before he could inherit the thone.

1759The mother of King George III (Augusta) helps establish the Royal Botanic Gardens at KewGardens on part of her estate.

25 Oct 1760George III ascends the British throne.

25 Oct 1760Death of King George II he is succeeded by his grandson George III.

23 Apr 1775King George III proclaims colonies to be in open rebellion

1800King George III survives a 2nd assassination attempt.

29 Jan 1820King George III of Britain, dies after a reign of almost 60 years, the second longest inBritish history.

29 Jan 1820George IV, the third son of George III, became King of Britain.

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1830George IV dies and William IV becomes King of Britain.

20 Jun 1837Queen Victoria at age 18 ascends British throne following death of uncle King William IV.She ruled for 63 years ending in 1901.

20 Jul 1837England issues its first stamp costing one penny showing Queen Victoria.

1837William IV, King of Britain, dies and is succeded by his younger brother's daughter,Victoria, who came of age a month before his death.

1838Britain's Queen Victoria crowned in Westminster Abbey.

1840British Queen Victoria marries her cousin Albert von Saksen-Coburg.

1842John Francis attempts to assassinate Queen Victoria.

1857Queen Victoria chooses Ottawa as the new capitol of Canada.

14 Dec 1861Prince Albert, consort to Queen Victoria, dies.

1867Royal Albert Hall foundation stone was laid by Queen Victoria.

1871Royal Albert Hall is opened by Queen Victoria in London.

1877Britain's Queen Victoria proclaimed empress of India.

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1887Britain celebrates golden jubilee of Queen Victoria.

4 Apr 1900British Prince of Wales is shot in Belgium in an attempted assasination.

22 Jan 1901Queen Victoria dies and is suceeded by her son King Edward VII.

2 Feb 1901Queen Victoria's funeral.

14 Feb 1901King Edward VII opens his first parliament.

1901Edward VII becomed King of Britain at the age of 59, having been heir apparent for longerthan anyone else in British history.

26 Jun 1902The coronation of British King Edward VII.

1 Jan 1903King Edward VII, of Britain, is proclaimed Emperor of India.

6 May 1910King Edward VII dies after a series of heart attacks and King George V ascends to theBritish throne.

1910Britain replaces King Edward VII stamp series with King George V.

1910The funeral for Britain's King Edward VII took place.

22 Jun 1911The coronation of British King George V.

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1922English princess Mary marries viscount Lascelles.

1935British King George V and Queen Mary celebrate their silver jubilee.

Jan 1936George V dies and is succeded by his son Edward VIII as King of Britain.

10 Dec 1936King Edward VIII of Britain abdicates for woman he loves, Mrs Wallis Simpson, an Americandivorcee. He was succeded by his brother Albert who took the name George VI. Edward VIIIwas later made Duke of Windsor.

1936Britain replaces King Edward VIII stamp series with King George VI.

12 May 1937King George VI's coronation in Great Britain.

1939The first monarchs of England to visit US, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth.

6 Feb 1952British King George VI, failing to recover from a lung operation, dies at the age of 56in his sleep. He is succeded by his daughter Queen Elizabeth II.

1952Britain replaces King George VI stamp series with Queen Elizabeth II.

2 Jun 1953Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in Westminster Abbey.

1953Winston Churchill knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

1959British Queen Elizabeth & US President Eisenhower open the St Lawrence Seaway linking theAtlantic and Great Lakes.

The British Monarchy (0871-2002)From the early Saxon Kings through to the modern monarchy.

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1960Britain's Princess Margaret marries Antony Armstrong-Jones (Lord Snowdon)

1969British liner Queen Elizabeth II leaves on maiden voyage to New York.

1977Silver jubilee of Queen Elizabeth celebrated with fireworks.

1991Queen Elizabeth becomes the first British monarch to address US congress.

30 Mar 2002Queen Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, Queen Elizabeth II's Mother, dies at the age of 102 havinglived longer than any other King or Queen in British History.