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Fair trade products

Upload: grecu-alexandra

Post on 21-Nov-2015




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  • Fair trade products

  • A:Look, if we organize this years conference in Berlin, if it goes well, well have the next one in Hong Kong. B:Im afraid I cant agree to that.A:OK, what about this then? Why dont we run the conference in Berlin but have satellite video links to Hong Kong so people can attend there? What do you think?B:Id be happy to go along with that, if we are sure the technology wont let us down. Can we check that out?A:OK, Ill hire a communications technology expert to advise us and well do a proper risk analysis. Agreed?B:Agreed.A:Good.Model dialogue

  • Complaining assertivelyDear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to protest about some problems we have experienced in relation to your products and customer service.

    We purchased a printer from your online store two months ago. The invoice is attached. This product was immediately discovered to be complete rubbish. Due to an electrical problem, the printer makes a loud buzzing noise.

  • Complaining assertivelyDear Sir or Madam,

    I am writing to complain about some problems we have experienced in relation to your products and customer service.

    We purchased a printer from your online store two months ago. The invoice is attached. This product was immediately discovered to be faulty. Due to an electrical problem, the printer makes a loud buzzing noise.

  • Complaining assertively continuedDespite seemingly endless emails and phone calls, we have been unable to obtain any assistance. What is utterly intolerable is the total ignorance displayed by your staff. Never in a million years would this excuse for after-care service be acceptable from a high-street store.

    We want you to resolve this situation to our satisfaction within seven days of receipt of this letter. Failure to reply by this deadline will result in the matter being referred to our legal department.

    Your faithfully,

    E Lonamar

  • Complaining assertively continuedDespite numerous emails and phone calls, we have been unable to obtain any assistance. What is especially frustrating is the total ignorance displayed by your staff. Under no circumstances would this level of after-care service be acceptable from a high-street store.

    We expect you to resolve this situation to our satisfaction within seven days of receipt of this letter. Failure to reply by this date will result in the matter being referred to our legal department.

    Your faithfully,

    E Lonamar

  • The letter from Ganges Fashion to AQX LogisticsDear

    I have been asked to write to you about the quality and cost of your delivery service.

    You promised next day delivery for small packages but they often arrive three days late. In addition, you have raised your prices.

    Im afraid that unless you can offer us a better service and higher discount, we will be forced to look for another supplier.

    I look forward to hearing you feel we can resolve this situation.

    Your sincerely


  • The reply from AQX Logistics to Ganges FashionDear Tariq

    Thank you very much for your email. Im very sorry to hear that our delivery service is not meeting your expectations. I will look into the situation and report back to you when I have a clearer idea of what has happened.

    On the question of the price and the level of discount I will pass this on to Clyde Lang in Finance. Coincidentally, I know he wants to review the financial terms with Ganges.

    I will contact you soon on the delivery times problem. Your sincerely

  • The letter from AQX Logistics to Ganges FashionDear

    Thank you very much for your payment of last quarters invoices.

    Unfortunately you have again deducted tax. As we have pointed out before, this tax has to be paid first and then claimed back. Im afraid that unless this tax is paid, we will have to consider suspending our services to your company.

    Please can I also draw your attention to the fact that the credit terms are 30 days not 90.

    I look forward to hearing from you. Your sincerely


  • The reply from Ganges Fashion AQX to LogisticsDear

    Thank you very much for your email about payment of last quarters invoices.

    Unfortunately we seem to have different ideas of how tax should be paid. Our understanding is that we can deduct it here in Bangladesh.

    Regarding the issue of the number of days credit, I will look into this.

    Can I suggest that we arrange to have a telephone conference call to resolve these issues? Your sincerely

  • Fabio MagdaOpinion of Gordon HillsOpinion of Fiona HillsReasons for Granos Cabreras problemsSolutions to Granos Cabreras problemsgood and generous manvery fair, a good managerproblems are due to world market pricesfair trade, going organica clever businessmanonly interested in the bottom line, a good negotiatorGreen Hills pays less every yearGreen Hills should pay for fair trade certification, lend some money