the carbon dioxide of the soil air


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1[;"1,01';('n1 J'ov;mv, , , , , , , ilnpoda,nco (If (,1m ea.l'holl dinsid(~ ill ilhr Roil . . J,'aelors a[footillg I,he IllllOll1lL of eal'bon dioxid" ill (hr "oi l "iI',

Roit ol'J,.!;!LlliHIllS . .•.

i:lnil eonr1iiiolls , Sm.lHol1al conclit,iOlIS. The CI'(I]) , "",.,


Stlillmnl'j' .. .

EXI)(l}·jm( ivork. E;qH'l'illH'IIL] .

H,('"ulfs, , I·:rroel; of crop . . (:;lI'iHHHlimdllo iL~lld wlL1eL'l'elnt.illw·:hi),s. Effect of tCI1l)l"mt.lll'e and ,,(nHlHpi10I'ic }l1'('O'Ul'O, '

HUl1l1n!bI'Y of Qxperiment I , . , Exporimonl, 2 . . .. . .. .

H('Klills""", ,., " , . '

HUlliJIlilry of oxpm-jllll~lIt 2. l~~xlwl'in,pnt :3 . .•.....

i{,,"IIHs., .. ,' ' Smnm!l.I'Y of (lXpt'riuIPIlIJ ~1 .

(tellCl':d ~1IlLl1nal'y . ... Bihl;ogmpl,.Y,.,. , Appendix (conkL;ning tlLiJks)



311l 319 321 32] 321 321 322 323 323 aU 824 328 828 331 335 337 337 339 344 344 345 3.J1 347 3'JO 353


H, W, 'l'UllPlN

Cnl'bollie .'lHitl h:ts long hnnll l'o{!ot!;lliw'd itS nil impol'Lnnt soi l solv('nL. Oil I,his poin1., n/' lms!', nlJlhol'iiit'H nl'H 11'('11 agI'P,'d, hilt [l'Olll 1.1>" <In!n IWltibh1" ii, i" flot y(:t nI":LI' wl"L1; [:udor< Ill" mORI. iIlIJl')I'/,R,nt in clllltl'ollillg 1.1", I'l'o,l<wlioll of ",:Wi>OIl dioxi,[o ill tho "nil. rt is g"!l("'fllly COllcf!(\<',l, ho\Vovm, tha!. " hl'l-\" r"ojl()f'LirJll of Ill" ,'mholl r1iflxi,ln fO\lnd i. dt'" 10 soi l rni(~r(lOl'g~~nisJWL The l-ligrdHclLH{'e of plnnL rool s in l,his Colltw{ltion Ittl" 11"011 l'of!oi!:nh('d by Ht)l"O iI1V'''/ ig:ltorH, while o/,/"'I'H appeal' to be not (j1lite '\eci(k,\ :L~ t,o how i1llporl,(I(I/, p\,mL-l'!)o\, f!XCI'(l\,lOI1H ,\l'C,

IIJ:n'DIUl'_\J, 1",;V]io;W

Thni, rlLl'hon ,li"xi,ln ill "()hILion iH (111 illll'ol'tmll; goil Hojl")JlI, hnH hron Kh0W" hy Stold,'H" ,,,,, I l';l"lt:Ht (won),' Til" He WOl'lWI'" poill(. 0,,1; 1,l"d; wlwn g"Olllld !Innis" :llu1 b'LK"I!' :11'n l1Ii,,,,( wil It nnl.)'i('I1I, 801111io11S, the

amount of )lhosphOl'n'; tlnd pol.ll'HillTlI "tl"o)'I",t\ hy 1.1111 1ll:1nts grown is dil'C<Jtly pml'{/r[,ional 1.0 tlw "Hl'l)(JII dioxido pl'odll"",l POI' p.;/'nlll of dry lIl[" of (,/'" roots,

Ah(,],HOIt (Inl(l) ('!)"du,Ic'd, liS a 1"'8011 "f "\,,,li(,8 wit h YOIlOIl; 1'\"nI8, thal<, whil" I,ll(: .',,:rf't,ioJl" from pl:wi, root" lllll)' Ill)!. hr Hlllli, '[(lllc(!ntrated (ill (,,.,.hon dioxi,j(,) 10 h,,"" llJ>lIl1'hri dr"I'\ ill di"8ulvi Jl~ills()JII1)J"JllIlIf')'inJ8, Htill tho Iluwilap;irHHIH ('(j\'nrift~~ of th(~ root lwin.:) (:I)nt,njnjn~ a, S~tttlnlt('d

Holllt,irm of ,·,,,hm difl~id", iH ('lItirdy "nflici(,Jlj, to In'ill!\ into Wllll,ion til<' inRoll1iJl" Roil eOllslilll<:ld" with w('; .. \' it COlII"S in ('lInl"el" c"ll{'ei,t1ly II'l) phog "hili <,H,

'l'lt" limit,,,1 ,1,(1[,,1)1",,", fiR Il Ho]wnt" of til<> eill'boll <lioxid(, s('c:mtcd by plalll, rOlli,,, ill l'oinl.,'<l ",<1. by J'friiIm' lind Illalll'!l (1912), who HIll,\\, in Hoils tl'(',~k.l WiOI l'ilo"pilalrH til<' ""dum ,{if)xid" ~iWll air by ph.lIt 1'(lot,H is nol, 1\ Hu[[h'i,mt. xoh'""t. tll 1t,,""11111 lor tLll tho millcl'lll llUlrienls "iJl,nilW(j hy" plaut, frolll the' ,911jl.

320 U. W. 'l'UHPH>1

Bnsi(lns its impol'klnro as it (!irect, solvent in tho soil, c:flJ'bOll dioxide! hflS considora.IJln signifiellncc as 1111 indicatoJ' of certain soi l ac1.ivil,ies. Hutchinson (191.2) ohs(\J'vpd II l'ehtionship hotwrrn th" biological aetivi­ties :1nd I,be amollnt of c"l'i)On dioxide ill the soii. BURsoll (1m!), II and h) noticed a close pl\l'alloliRm betwecil the ClIJ'bOIl-dioxi,lr 1111(1 the nil,rfl('c production in. Ul(I soil, I.h,'rc being more of t.hese eonstitu('nls in spring and [1111 t,h'lll in midsllmmer and wiJltl'r. H W;IS poilll ('(I lit later l>y Russell and Appleyard (ID 15) I,hat I,he rlllyeR for 1,110 hnelcrial IlHmbnrs, thc uil,rale pro(luclion, flild tllO cal'hon-dioxido oonl('nl, in 1,lm soilt lll'u­out the season, show mal'k,'d simihwity, inrlicflt.ini': t.11f1t tho carhon dioxide ffifty serve to some cx1.(mt as all indie,ti.or of oi,her soil 1lt'i,iviti['A. Nt'l I( 'I' (19l8), howev()l', cl)nlel rm(l ill hi,; (lxpIlI'in'W\\is 110 c()(Tl'I:c1 ion \)ctwI'cn I.he ammoni" pl'Odnction fllld t,11O earnon dioxido fOI'IllC'ci, except. ill ('nR(~S in which he lise, I ]1<11'0 culi,w'os of hn.cI.CI'ilL. Tho lar'k of cOIT(·lal,ion he attriblltccl 1.0 tho prcdomilllLti ng illfillollee of fUllgi ill tho Aoii.

In atlclil,ioll to its impol'l.llIlce as II ciir()(:t solvenl, ill tho soil find ns fll\

incliento,' of cort,nin soil Iwl.ivities, en.rhonic acid may possihly be significant as llll inhibitor of I.he activil.y of soil orgltnisllls and porhllps OV0n of phnt growth. Li\e~(l qUftlltitics of cllrholl dioxido in tho (IiI' h'lVe b('(:11 Immel hy numoro,," investigalors 1,0 be dctrimenl,1I1 1.0 th" growth of UtP higher plttnt.s. 11. "Vollny (ISD7) observnd ,m inerrllsPc\ proc\lIct.ioll of clIrboll dioxillD with an itlCl'OJlSO ill Iho Ol'glllliu m~t.\or in the soil, but the iIlOl'l'lISI) to Ute uuit of orgllllie mat,lm IVns , less lI'il,h Ott· larger applim(,ion. 'i'his Wollny attrihutedln ihe inhibiting "Ifpct, o[ enl'holl dioxide Oil tho ))1\(:(,""i,,1 activities. The work of Plllmmer (IOIG), howrvcl', ,\tolVed 1.1",1. ('){('0.('(1-iugly 11Irgo fl.lllounl.s of Carboll dioxide do not. inlorf('I'l' wil It t.iw ,wl ivil,i('s of tho aJUmonifying and nitdfying o('gilllisms, ]ll'ovid('d, ill the btter caf~O, that ihe oxygen supply is not IwhJ('('d bdow !I "o,.l,ain mi1limllm. Thn same invcst.igfl.tor showed that tho maximum ('arboll-dioxide productioll in the soil cOITeSpOIttls with tho point of nll"imlllll nil,,.ifi('i.tioll, In st,ndies on t,ile <J:lrbol1 dioxide pl'odllccd in lysiJll( tankA, 13ir,wil iLlld Lyon (UllS) notod }\ !Darked dool'<lase: in the prodlH'1 inll of I,hi, gas afl.('!' the blooming period of an ()"t crop on Dunkirk clay IOHllI. This d('('reaRO, they say, ",vas apPILl'cntly duo to tho depl'0Hsing dI""I, of the [TO]> 011

produetioll by bflci.orial "el,ioll." Sne!llL docrease was 110t found to tlll{() place on It VoluAia Rill. 101lm.

TIm CAnDoN Droxnm CH' 'rilE Son, AIR 321

l'ACl'OnS ,H'Io'BG1'INO '1'1110: AMOUN'I' OJ" CAHIlON J)IOXIilN m cl'liJo: BOIL Am

Soil orya ni:ml8

Most illv~sl,i":1Lors cOllsi,kr tIm!. Rnil orWLllisms play n, hrgo part in the Pl'Ocltwt,ion of ""rhon dioxide h, the soil. I'ct,i,onkofo,' (lS58, Hl71, 1873, 1.875) conclu,lod, ns Ill'csull. of his invcsl.ign.tions, \.lmt Inast uf t.ho cmbon dioxide ill t.he soil is dill) 10 living orRllnisms.

Lfltor, K Wnllny (J8tlOb) found that l,lll're is only n. smilli prociucf.ion of cal·boll dioxide in nn ntmosphol'c of hycll'Op;oJl gas, while dilol'Ofol'ln n.llllost cOIHplctdy slops 1.l1<' ]Jowor of Lho soi l 1.0 fOJ'ln <'Ill'bon dioxick. lIe conclucled I.lmt enrhon dioxi,lc is j)rocln('.l'd 1:1l'g"ly by blwlnrifL.

FUl'tllCr ,:onltrmn,t iull of 1,hi~ iH 1,0 I)" foulld in 11", Hlud il's (If Dcil6min aile! J)"JJlOllSS.V (JSPli), II'hie), showor) that "I",.il" .'oi) "t !t Irmp"rllhu'D of 220 C. PI'Oc\UC('R only inRi~lliflcIU11; lLitlOunl,R of (',.,.bon dioxide. S\okillBn. IIl\cl II;rncst (1001\), ,1ft(\]' wOl·ki n~ wil.h b, 'cls, ('\0\'('1', (laiR, find 01 hOI' plant,s, !loterl that '" bare soil prociueed, in one IlImdl'"d 1111,1 fifty <1,.yo, JTlOl'e than twiee tho eJLl'boll dioxide pl'Orilleec\ by :t crop of whcat OJI the samc' Ol'()f\ in sixty days. Thny oiJsnl'vcd alHO " cOI'l'l)intio)l bel.weol! tho l1umbel's of b:wtOl'ilt 1\11(1 tho (!arbon (lioxirlo pl'(l(hlCcc1 ILt diffcronC dejlths in the soiL IIutchinsoll (l!)J 2) cOHdllded tlmt cal'boll-dioxide {It'oduction is f\

rcli:lblc meaSUl'e of I)lLctcl'inJ Ilctivity.

80ii conditions

~Vlwro soi l eOlldiLiollR me f,wombl" 1.0 the action of ilfwtef'ia, the en.l'bon­dioxide contont, is usually high. For (1Xfilllplr, H1.okl,,,,, (191 j) ohluincd tho gl'l\llt()~t pl'o,hwtion of this WIS in fl, soil l.h11t wns We'll u(1l'(ttcd, slightly "llmlino, lind woll suppli(\,l with J'ellrlil)' ,wail:tl,jo plllnt Jl\ltl'icnts, ThiR IVa" found hy K Wollny (1807), IlllHHC'llllllci AppleYllrd (I !Jl5), and olhcl's, to bo espoui,L1ly truo in Lho caSO of Roih ImVlJll\ r<'ildily available orgn;nic Jllatter. VOI'y RIlIHlll\lIlonn1 s of (,lll'hoJl ,Iinxid" W"1'O found in. the "WfUll))

rice bnd. of In,lill by rral'l'iSOll alH! AiY(11' (HIl3), showill!!: 1ltni, tJnf~vorablc soil (lollditiclll~ nrc nssoeintcd wit It 11101\' <:onl.l'Jll of embOli dioxide.

SeaNQllOl condiMolls

ltus>loll nnd Appk,y,U'(1 (101 5, !Ol7) cmpl l~si~,·r! Iho hnpoJ'l~neo of ROlison,,! (Iondition, 011 Ihe carbull-dioxide 'I(,,,t('I1I, of '1.[10 Boi l. ]" their investigaLions til,'y oils(,l'vcd LhnJ, n rise of trmpmniul'c is fil'comllflnicd

322 H. W. TlmPIN

by an inc],ease in cm'bon clioxiclc. 'Tho RlUl'Je fnet bad bpcn previollsly tloted by Meillol' (('[\loted by K Wonny, 1880a),l1y Doh6rain tlnd ])emotlssy (1896), by Stoklasa ~nd Ernes!; (1905), n:nd by Loat.her (1915), and was lat~l' montioned by Patte]' nnd Sny[ler (Ullo) .

Cal'bon-(tioxi<io lwotlllcti()l\ WitS foul\l\ hy tho RotiuWllstcd inveRti~l1tnrs (nu~scll !lllCl ApplPylt]'ci, 1917) to be con'CIttkd with moist.ure and l1lin­f"ll. l)rGviollRly E. Wollny (1880u) had ohs(l]'wd th:ltincl'~t\singf\mollnts of Wllt,O], up to 9 not' cont, in a qual'l,z Sanr! mixe,d wich pc"t, ],[· in an incrcase in tho crlrbon dioxide. DchorQin and Dr'IllOU,"Y (l S9G) founti t hat thoTO wus an optimlllU wator content for l':lrbon-dioxide product.iOJl in It

garden soil. Villl Suehtr.lcn (i 9l0) fOlllld the grcaksti amount of cal'bon dicyxic[c wilen the Hoii with willdl he worked. was 75 pCI' ccnt saturated with wator.

The rchtion~hip obsmwcl by n\1R~~1I and Ap]11eyn,l'd (1917) between the rainfnll at t,ho procrdin~ werk and j,[\[) cn.I'hon-c1ioxidc content of the soil, was bolieved by them to be duo Inl'~ol'y to the oxygen dissolved in the mill water. Thot this lIlay be i.1·lIe i~ shown by the earlier WOrk of E. Wollny (181)7), Md also by t.hnt of 1i'odol' (187 f», who showed that there is a relat ionship bel.WOC11 t,llC eal'hon-dioxicle oontont IInc! tho oxygen of tho soil, illllic:tting t hat the carbon [Iioxide i~ probably produced by oxidt1tion proecsses.

'I'llc crop

The cvirlc [u~c nl'aihbl" titus secms 10 point to l1>tdori:t as tho chief source of soi 1 clU'bon·dioxitl". Th['l'o f\rC) smne dflta, however, whioh show (,hat plltills lUll)' pluy l\ considol'ilblo PI1I·t in the jll'oc!uction (If this gas in the soil.

Stokh~'1 Itnd 1~rne8t (1009) anti Ahnrson (lOW) notecl t.Jllt!. t.ho roo!s of phnts oxcc·ct.o largo amount.s of carbon dioxido. That the p;as so formod is not, illsignifiCl\nt is p\,oved by tho fact thnt field studies conduct ('(I ill. Rothumsterl by ltllsBUll nnd Appl"YMcl (1917) showed a consiclombly hi!(hcr content of carbon dioxide in cropped soil than f1PPC!Ll'llCl ·in the bam soil, thi~ being cspccif1lly 1l1I1\'kccl in I1hy, lIt the timo of the most active growt.h of the phtnt, Hlld !It the time of ripening. The SI11ne condi­tion WaR obsorved by Hizv.c\hwcl Lyon CU)]8) in the case of !til O:lt crop on Dunkirk o1:>y loam, whorc the !(l'['llt<!st \1ro[I\1clion of carbon dioxide took place at, abol!! the I,i[ne of blooming. PotiCI' and Snydor (10W) oi.JHCl'vocl


~iJl1 il:tI, l'f:sulis wiil, l,illlol,hy, hul jJ",y "'(ll'l' lIl1ahl" to d(\('i(lr whethcl' OJ'

not t;hiH ill('I'(1[I'" or "",.iJ011 dinxid" w"s <iu(' 1,0 \,1", 111:mt-l'Oot rXG1'oliollS or to l,ho (loc:lty "f 1'0(11. pll,ti(;)I'S l,hnt. I'n:] (lind rillrinll' the gmwlll ollh!) e,.op, Th" work of H\'okl,,~a alld 1'~l'Il('sl, (1\)0:;) showcd 1.],1110 11,0 )'<nmgcr the pl:,LIlt. iH, tho {l1'0>l\.(·" iH til(' amount of "",.hol( di()xi!l" fOl'HI("1. • EORSO­wit"h (I!lOI) m\"d thut 1l1(IHtal'd 1l"'O\\'1l iu qllnrtz Hnnd ll11d mliriont HOll1tiollH p"oduce(L :In inel'(illH(icl amonn!' of "arbon dioxide up to t.he t.ime of hlo(llllil1!,:, 'L'his W"'; "bscl'vl'd abo by lh1'ldmv (IOj()) in Lhe eusn of pbllt~ ~~ro\Viflp; in iy:;iril{· tl'J'i'{, -

Th'll, dil'fOl'(H,t; killds of jll,,,,18 ]Il'()[hwc differont 1\11\01ln1H of l'HI'bon dioxido JIIt~ b()lll1 s hoWJI by I,:tll (100fi), who found t1w~ potatoes and leg\1ln<'~ {liv!) off lIlore mtrlJ01l dioxide than do oi,hrl' CropS. Und clover, beds (I]II/,n 1/,tlgaris), :\IId 01lts W('I'(, flllllid by Stold:ts!I lind :EI'ncHt (lg()5) to pl'o(hwo mOl'e clnholl dioxi(le thrIll olhcl' 1)lltlltH, [tnt! in tlu.l Ol'dcrJiillHCd, 1l.11';:;O!I IInc! AllplnYIIl'IL ([\)15), ho\Vovur, (:()ul<l finli no differcnce in t,he cnrbon-dioxide cont()nL of soils on which dilTcront species of pinnts wero growing.

GhclniC((1 j(lClOl'8

From the bl'ior kl11'V(,Y l(iVOII, it would somn ('O)'l'()ct to Sit), tl1flt most of Lito Cllrhon dioxl(Lo fUllnd ill Lhe soil iH tlw 1'eslllt of biologic!Ll acLivity, Thero is Homn ovidl'IlC(\ howl'v(11', xhowinp; Llw.t ehomiel11 action may play II :;m:dl V(l"t, K WoIIllY (18!iO I)) no(,ct! f1 vory s/il!;llt pl'odUc:liorl of carbon dioxide in soil LI'Cat.('ri witb (:hl.orofol'ln, l ' hc snrno investigator dcmoll­sLmted blel' (R Wol/ny, 181l1) 1,1",t ()I'~".nic !Ha!;lcr in the Hbsel1eo of oXYf,!;on reduces 1lI""f,!;)I111'80 :\11(1 iroll oxides w1d forms enrho)) dioxide, Vcry litl.lo cllrbull-dioxi<lc 1)l'()(iLwt.ion in st.l'l'iliy,,,d soil kept at 11 totnPOl'lltUl'il of 22° C, 1\'[\8 observn<] by J)llhCl'lIin ancl DolUouss)' (1896), TIlCY fOI1l\(I, howover, (I very c:onRidcrn.ble producl,jon of cal'boll dioxide in soil IW:lte,1 to fJO° C. an:! above. All oxillizing cn"ymc in the excretions of tho root h:li1'8 Wlli< cOIIHic\or!'(\ by M(]I~~('1t (l888) to bl) cltpJlblo of pl'Oducinp; carbon dillxill0 [1'0111 oriY,l1llie SUhRklllCOS, It jg [lrobable tlmt carbon dioxide Pl'oti,)(;(\tl by chomielll mean" IOI1J1.S an extremely small pltl'L of tho total cmbon dioxide fount! ill the soiL

Bwllt1iwr// In this "cview of lhc !i1.emtlll'o of the Rubject, cCl't~in fncts stand out,

AllthoritioH 111'0 Il~rc"d th:lt 1.lIIcteri:1 play an imporlnnt, part, probably

,J2-1 II. W, 'j\ll1I'IN

the most imp()l'limi, part of l>ll UJe f,,<:IOl's concerned, in the production of cl\rh01l dioxide in the soil. Clill1:ttic factol's, slIch liS t.Clnpol'Hturc, ralllfreil, Imd Ilil' slIP11ly, have a markod effect Oil tho carbon-dioxide coutout of tile Roil. Crops incroase the amollnt of carbon dioxide ill the soil, either [,y db'eet oxcretions from the roots or thrll the decay of root pn.l'tide.9 from the growing Cl'Op, Finrrlly, the Jln.tnrc of the soil itself CliUSCS mlll'kcd diff('rl'lH:ps in the pJ'Odnclion of carbon dioxide, , Tile l'e"u\l,~ I'()pol'tcll in this papot eOnfil'lll some of j,he nbove eon­dusil)ns. but tl",y "lso show that the influence of the crop has b eell llllclol'­

emphnsizcd, EXPgUIMEN'rAL WORK

In t.he n.uLhor's I'll'st cxpcriment;, a. study was mado for two sensons ([\)17 find HJl8) in I,he I,';rt'cnhOllS('l, with soil crop pod Lo oals and with lIl1<ll'oppcd soil. The ohject. IVIIS to try to establish some definite I'(·!:ttion­ship !Jet.wecn the ear'uoll dioxi(ic in a cI'opped soil rend that in an Il11C!'OPIJcd soil, whore the crop itself inl.rodllcccI the only vHl'iahl(), Such a l'chll,ionship having been established, it WItS decided to dotormine in the second experiment whethCl' 01' not it wonlel hold for 11 diiYcrent crop, The third cxpCl'iment was dosiglwd to allllly7.c the fll.ctors conem'noel in the production of carboll dioxide, <lnd, if possible, t? a~sign to each its respective part,

l~XIThlHrMEN'l' 1

The eylinclol'~ inllsLr'lLtrd ill figul'o 1\4 lVore used in tho first ()xpc!'ilnenl;, '1'h080 cylillCi()l's, eight in nUll1il0l', wo!'() lllf\do of g(\lv:tnir.ed iroll, collted illsid., \\~il, h II 1"),01' of pttint to illsllre thoir Iwing ILir-tii!:ht at I.ho joints all,1 10 prevent l'Irstill!\, They wor!) 3 feci high IJ'y 1 foot in dinmotor, and ('(I<:h hlld " cOlle-slmpn(\ lJottoca leading to the oocka Oil tho outside 11.~ indiellic(l in flgul'c ·15,

The CO",)-S"I\I""l was filled with gmvel, [(bove which WitS phlCNI a "12-inch byor of soil frollt t/,,' scoollcHoOL of th" licJd soil. Abov(J this was placed a foot of tllll'faoc 80il. Tho soil usod \VIIS Dunldl'k clay 103m, The moisiuro in tho soil \VIlS 11ll1intf1incd thruout the comBe of Lhe experiment at 30 PCl' cont Oll the ovon-dry basis, The soil lVas covered with a 111\lf-inch byer of quartz s>tnci in mder to reduce tho HVl1pOrni,ioll, the sand being Il.deled to the Cl'ollpcd soil immcdil~tcl'y nfl<lr sc()ding. The dl'y weight of the soil in C!tch of the cltna wrls 94,3 pounds,

TIJl.~ n,nnnN nJ()xmJ'~ O l~ 'J 'ln: Ron . .I\m.

1,'111, .\.\, C'\N~ 11l';l11) )"}; nll.'i'r l-:X"l)\1D.lllN'l'

TIn- (nut 1'II1l~ a(' dIP 11'((. CULLlaiu IIIL OilL (:1'(11) , whic·h i ~ sll{IWIL I~t. tIl{' JlL1l'lo(1 or it ."\ growth It mou l h befmc lltp lI1lLxillltlLn lUuounl Qr cnrbon dioxit!(: WlL~ fl)uud itl tht} air of LllI' crolJPcIl flo il

FlO. 45. J.,1ll'tAWOE}r,IENT 0111 OYUNDI:lU, BAMl'LtNO :"l.ASKB • A.N}) }.BI'lRA!l'()n

lI. IV. ']' Ulll'] :'!

J3ef()J'() Sl'l'l!illg, 801111' prl'lilHi nfuT stlldil'S W('1"<' malj" in order 1 0 aBec!'1 ain tlw host llwLllOd of ohbilliug I,ill' slIlll], I,' of snil ,Ii .. fnl' ullal.\·sis, Ji, SCl'lrtt'ti impI'Hct,icahJo to IISO :tny mrl,llOd 01 I,m' Ih:111 on0 I.ha1, wulrl 1X' canird 0111, rapidly, sin('" il was pialllU'd 1.0 1'\1" th" t"st for l,wo HenSOllS I1J1I1 to tnkr tlte SfLl1 Ij>kR 1 \\'il~I' {,Itl' h w(!"k 1 hru()u I. UIl' Y(':il'. As it rl'suJI of 1 he pl'oliminm-y sl.lHlil'H, it \l'a'; f0l111,I thai· hy "spirating, fOil!, lil,'I'S of ,til' 1111'11 I,lli' suil ('' u.s in (i vl' Illil1lll.('S, alld jlassi'tf.!; th" ni,' 1.1'1'11 1,\\,0 f.(l'fIrluHlC'd 5(1)-t·llhi,'.-ronliml'[,,,]' 1,:rl"!lllwYI'r I"",b., sn'lll'ks ('Old" he obtain("j in I,]l(' two fI ,,,ks whil'h elUll'kl'" with ('{teh other, illlli",tt ing that, Lho ,ti" origin, lly pro"", I, in the fl nsks h:\(IIH 'l 'u rl'(lla" I'd 1',1' tl rl'p]'('Hl'nl:tl.iv!' s:IIll(,I!' (If tho "ii' in Llw Ro il. If 11l()]'(\ 01' l<,ss i h'\11 fOllr li ('('I" WitH uspimtrcl (,1l1'1I 1 ho ~()il, 111" t1I1WIlllls of "Ill'holl tiiuxiil" in tin' two Ibsks did }lot "hcelr, iJl(Ii­cHting, in the IIrsl, ""st', (,hat.l,hc orit';illtll ail' ill I,ho soil Iwe! hren rcplaced by air frOllt Lhe lttillosphl'ro ",HI tha1 SQIlW of the Int.t.,'r wns jlllssh\R in10 Lhe fh,ks, nnd in till' "<' l 'onl! "asn thll.t. I,hn originn! ai r ill t h<, finHks had not b(,Cll COtllp\ell'ly )'1'(>1:\('0\1 in tht, lIaRk n<'lU'p!, HlP aspil'H1ol'. The ll1c:1,hod of sampliull is shown in figure ·15. MiN t,Il(' aspiration ",as ('ompic(ml, the r(H'ks on tIl(' flusl,s wel't! dosed Rnt! t.Ite !lusk, wCl'e J'emovc(1 1,0 I,he Iw:"llwlISO, where they \\,('1'(\ :tHowed tD rnach 1'00111 kmpera1l!l'c. Tho excess pr<'~S IlI'(' ill Ihe iluxi<" Wll" I'diev('fl b)' tJllf'ltiltg; OIl(! of t.he e(J('lm for:t nlO1ll011t. The tompt'r:LI,tJrc W!ts Itoted al; 1 his poinL, as ILlI cJ11cl1 ial i(IIlR WOl'e rl'ritltJod 10 IHlI' eont by volililltl "f carbon dioxide f1L standard al,mOHphl' !'lU [lon<1il io"", I hat iH, 700 millimetl'l's pressure aile[ 0° C.

Execs; of sl.ttllrlnrd il:"ll'imn hyt1I'ox itle WHS Ilext I'IHl into tIl(' flll ;;I(S, Th" volullJe of tIll' bariulIl hydroxide added was lioted, ,md Wl\.~ sub· tm<:t,l'ti hom Iho t.otnl V(,llIml' (If 11lt' fln"k. Tho eoch WNO Ihell ('loRl'd, aml thl' n'lslce WOI'I' '1IIm\'(,,1 to stand, willI ol'ol1;;iOl",l \' igOl'(I"" shnkinp;, for "bol1t thir ty Il1inl1tl'H, ark)' which th0 OX('('oR bariulll hydl'oxid" wliH

det .. rmincll hy 1,i\l':Il.i,,1'; with standard oxalic ,wid whu",' ('qlliv'llent in I'enn" of ctlrbon dioxido Jmd ht"'ll PI'CViOURly do(,cullin,,(1 hy ing with stllnr.iHrd PDI."HsiUlIl Pt'l'Inttilganuj,o solutioll.

TIll' mothod of aspinlt,ing ail' tlll'll the soil has he(IH cril,ieizcd by Pol,­tor find Snyd,'" (l{) I 0) in ,I 1'(1,por d()~cribing I'xpol'imonls ill which they det('l'mined (.h" earlJon dioxide nvo!vc" hy clrawing a currellt of flil' conl,imlollsly 0'''01' I.ho soil surface, They maintai1l thill, the oel'flsiollal dr:lwil!g of air I,hl'll Lhe soil will result, in It If'mpol'lLry d,'cr(,Hse in 1,ho contmlL of earbol\ dioxi<iu, which, however, will suon be res1,orod by tile

Til": C"llBON j)IOXll)l~ OF 'I'm: SOll. ,\lll 327

llntivitieH of (,he Roil, "wi tlliR IWl'lllllllhHol\ "f l':lJhOIl dioxi([" will, hl' ilw mllRS Iwl,ion l,tW, fi Uil Ill' 1'l1RUj(, ill lL 1'1'1 "1'<1:11 iOIl of I'ml]1l'r lll'odll<'tioll of

j,he [1;"8, On (,h" ntiwl' h:md , t.lwy Il\lLin\IIill 1,111 .1. h,1' I\J'nwiug " ('lll'l'enj of air conl.intIOll ~l'y OVI"'1' t,hc HlIl'faeo of t.ho soi lr ('o1l(li1ioIlH BIOrn 111"itriy

simi I!\]' 1.0 thOR" oiJ1:Lilliuf!; in j,bc' fic'lt! will I'c'SliIL ThiH lntl)' ]11' 1 I 'tIl' fol' oX[ll'l'imonh: ellll{\tu'(pd jll a quip!' 1'1)0111; hut ill th0 gn'c'llhollK(', whrn'" 01(.' I'C

i~ II I'iJ'(ml:dioll of nfl', t,I)('I'(' is :UlIPi<' opportuni(y fot' difi'llRioll (0 tRk)' l)]a,en fl'Olll i.ll(' Koi l, ('H\ln(',ially whore, aR in 1,}If'}'n (\xpel'ilrlC']ll l'} 011(' of 1,111'

]ower e()c:lc~ of 1.1", s(.il I·"ll WI" a\wlty' left. Opl'll, so t1l:lt, II "'Hllp\e t.almn "t. IU1)' p:LI't.i eu In l' t.illl!' s\ulldci Ill' l.nd,V l'I'IIl'I'K(,lltaLivll of .t.])(l ('nriJol1 diox;c!o tlej,ually ]1l'e~ellt 1I11C\L'I' nOI'lllQ.l condiliuns,

It Ims iJmn poillk:ci out hy L(,:ll h('1' (H)I.'i), ll$llnll,l' only 11 bOll 1 20 POl' eent of (,ile ral'iJ{)J\ dioxicie in the Hoil iH in the gll""Jllti sj,,!!', till> I'(lmaindcl' I",ill!,; c!iRSo\v('11 ill wn[" ,I', II. i, )'['"sollllble to RlIPP""C lhal, Oll<:Cl the: ,oil W:,tCL' is Hal,lll'lLt",l wii,1t 1,lli, P;"', 'Lrlj' fLll'lhl'I' l'J'ucludioJ1 of

'l;a,l'hun (lioxitlo will i;nwlln ill {lI'{~:tsn 1.11(' (1IJJllt'Jlf, ill 11H' ~()il Hil'. ConHidedn~ tlw,o facLH, tlwJI, it will iJ~ "cell 1.h:I(, l,he llll'l hod IlK"d in ('hl'RC 1,('Hl, will no(, l-':iVIl, flnc! WIIS not intolJdc:d (,0 r~iI'(l, "h;;oJn\e IIll1nun1R of C·,I1'])OIl clioxicic; Iml, it ncv()]'i,l",leHIi sholJld )'ield n'li"llk nht,ivo valll Ps,

On April 2, JO 17, tho soil, which is it h(\llI')' day IOlnn 1'i<:h in tiin nnd h:LVillll 1I lime l'l>qllil'ctn,'nt of :thou!' :lOilO poulld, In the f) (']'C (Veitch), was bl'oug;l~t liP to :30 IWI' ('{\lit, IHni:1tl!l'(~ ~'(JtLt(lllt 0]\ till' ovt'll-dl'Y haRis. fOlll' of tllll (illllS wel'I' Hl'"clu l to Whil,l' HIlH,iall ",,1M, A \llLlf-ili('h bycl' of qlm)'l,~ 811HII \\'IIS (,I",n oprl'1I1[ OWl' t,ll(: surflltl' of thn tioi] ill Ih" I'ighl, ('ans,

From April I:) to H"I'i.cllJ/"'J' 2S 1,11<' '<il,mpk' 1\('1'(' l11k('lt 1,1I';('c n week, . Frorn Sp)lipmillH' 2!) 1.110 srunplill),!; \\':\~ dOIH' apPI'uxilllntC'ly UIlI'O ill 1wo

wc,,,k;; 11111 il ]o'I·hrlllll'.l' 7, lill8, nf( 1'1' which 11:111' 11](, ":llnpll'" \\"'1'0 again l,akoJl l,II';"1' 11 w(",k, TIll' R('llOnd <'J'UIl of oats was plnu (('(1 011 ,]:UIlUL1'Y 0, HOlll" rif(,y H(,I'd , WI'I'JI llsuall), HiliI'll, lIud Ih" planls Wlll'(\ t.llinllccl out in tlw <:OU1's[) of two 11'",·1<8 10 fil'l "1'11 ill l'llnh ('all. In t,h" "(,,,,;on of Hl17, OIle

plant, ])OCIIlllO infed"d with smut, and on .Iun" 'I:; t.hi~ p\nl1t wns reU1ovc:d, togot.lll't' with uno J11nnt from ('I",h of 1.ho oj,lwl' <:lInH, '1'0 lllu.intllill Ibe J!10iHI,1lI'C CClllt,OlJ(, of 1 he Cl'opp(~d (':LllS lIt, ;JO 1'1'1' cent ()voll-dry hllsis) frnqtll'nl, wat.crilll.>;s weI'I' lL1W,rSHftry, I'sl)(\cinlly flt. 'Ihn tim" of mORt vigol'oUS growl,h, At that poriod I,he lJ1'ojl]lecl ('I1IH' wme i1'l'il!:!l!ed once a cilty. Thl' :nnOllllt of watl'I' "dded WHH 1'1'''01'L'''d ill onlnl' 10 8e(' whether at' not the]'o WaH any ],Clhl.i011~hi[l between tlte tl'llnspil'1lt.iolt !lIld the elll'boll-

328 H, W, TUHl'lN

rlioxid" production in t.he cropp<:d ooil. Rinco only ahollt fL qlULrtcl' of a poulld of' wasloRL ill ;_1. w('ek from 1,110 1IIlcroppf'd Ro il, {,n,p wnt,(~r

was used in all case" as i,he sLUiLlI loss hy OV>lponlt,ion could not. ]JosRibly introdnee a disturbing clement in the form of an acclIlllubtion of soluble Hillt~ ill t·ho soil.

Results On naoh (hie of smnplinp;, tho snmplc8 worc llLkcn in dllp\icnt.o from

<:"eh of l,ho cip;M CHIl S, Thus oip;ht sfunpl<'s wore obtl\illcrl from t,11() cropped soil and oight from the b,uo soil. Rince all of tho SOlii' cl'oppod Cans were treated in idrmtleally t,hc SlIlIle mlUlllCl', tho dltt" [orihe dnplicatc 8fl.mph,s from the cropped C[lllS were avemgcd, Tllis was done ItlSO in the cusr of t.he ba1'o soil. , It, seemed fail' (,0 aVUl'U~rl the dfttl1 obtaincd from tho Cllns in 0lLCh sot

bcefLllsc in all cases t.ilC difTerences werc small. This is shown by t.he very stHall probl1blc 0 1'1'01'. The datIL for th" oat crops of JDl7 and 10]8 I1I'C

given ill l,ables 1 ami 2 (appendix, pages 353 to 350), clteh figure for carbon dioxide in these two tl1bles being the average of eight. determinations, These slLmtIlaJ'ized results 11\'0 represented diagmmIllILtic!111y in figurcs 4(i 1111d ,17,

E,[Jed nf CI'07'

The content of cllrbon dioxide at tho I)('ginning of the m'llC'rinH'nt WIlS

O,Z8 pOI' cent by volume fOl' bot,1t cropped and \(ncroillJed soil. Fron, j,frat, j,imc on, liS mllY be soon from figures 4(; anri 47, i.l1O UIlIOllllt of em'bon dioxide in t,l", uncropped soil in no ense L'caelwd tlllLt in th" e/'oPfl"r] soil -·_ not oven "fteL'the removal of l.ho crop, Tho htter point nmy pe/'hnpH be oxpbillec) by the fILct that since t.ho roots of tho crop 11'0 1'0 not, l'l'IHovml f"Olll t.I,o soil HI. Ir!t('vc;;tiflg, they sOIll()ll"iIat inol'('flsr'd the lIvailalJl r supply of organic m'ltt01', The 1'esults reported her'c arc directly OPll0Rit.e to those of Bi"zell [lnd Lyoll (lOIS), who worked \Vitll (,he same Dunkirk cby loam uudol' flCld conditions and found t,hat subsequent to tho r0l11ov,,1 of t.he oat crop It mllrlwcl decreaso in eILI'bon dioxid" bolow t.hat, in the uneropped soil took plnce, This was not found to be tho mISf', however, with the VolusilL' silt 10llln Ilsed by these investigators,

A study of figmo 46 shows that in tlte season of 1!)17 thore was a marked illm'eMe in the cl\rbon dioxide in the cropped soil from tho beginning of May, amonth "ftor seeding, until the maximum,2 per cont, was reached

1'Jl1'l~ GArmON DIOXIDE OF 'mJjJ SOl1, Am 320

O/7 .... "/l:.y __ } /Yo cr<-;.o . _ •.•• . 191T

..... ........, _....J -~.....:=::-y---:rc==-~~ ~~ ~IC......-v----'''__ IIl'rll M"r "UH~! July .lJ'ti ;;"1'(' 0<:1. N~I·. II<'(-.

FlU. 40. CAnllON 1lIOXilJ}<, IN Am FItOM OUNKmK C1.AY UJA~l CltQ);,PED '1'0 OA'l'd _J\f'iD

FlIOJ\f 'I'm, ~Mi\lf; eon, IJta'''l'llt\lW, 1017 P(,TCllllt ofCO'i-________________________ --,

U 4.'1 U 4.0 3.8 3.6 ;1.01

ootcro,o--} /9/8 NoC"mp· ••.••

Feb. MaTch Allri l MI\Y JU1l0 ,lilly Aug,

Fl(f, 47. OMmON DlOxml-) IN AIR 1-'ltOM nUNKUlK CLA-\" tOAM CROl'l'i-m TO OATS AND FROM 'ruE SAMB SOli, LEii'l' DIUU,], 1918

;,30 E. W. TOJ(Pt N

in tho fil';(, wcek of .JUllC, :tt the time WhOll tho phnts wore stl1l'ting to h('"d. Thmenfte!' tIle general tl'nuency of the CUrve for (he cropped soil wus tow!t t'C[ 11 decrease, !tltho it was not until t,he middle of JIIly, two weeks proviolls t o harvpsting, j,lwt this do cl'cu;;c was vcry marked. 11, wns Ilointcrlollt by H.usscll alld ApplcYILl't1 (1917) Umt in thoir cxpel'imonts It hlrge inm'cnso in """bon dioxido waS ObSOl'vcd in tho cropped soil I1t the timo of ripcnillg; but., as C,1Il be soen fmm figures 'It) and 4.7, in neither 1917 nOr 1918 was flny sHeh inel'ense notecl in this work. If any(,hing, the ripening was nCCOtnl'l1niod by:, marked dool'ollsO in elll'boll dioxide, as is shoWI\ ""peOilllly foJ' tho sOi(SC)I\ of 1\)18 (fig. '17) . Subsequent to t he I'Ornoval of tho crop, tho carbon dioxide in the cropped soil con­tinued to decrease, but lIevcl' to a poillt below 01' cqual to thnt in the l!Iwl'oppcd soil.

It is interesting to noto that. ill 1017, fluctuat.ions ill thc content. of embon dioxicle in tilu uncropped soil werc ,~ccotUp[l.llicd by similar variations in the C!'opped soil (luring tho carl)' part of thc scason and subsequent to hat·vesting. This was not truo during tho poriod of active growth of the plnnt, whieh would seem to indicate th,1L tIt that time the lifo activity of tho crop itsel f, mtllel' than that of tho soil organisms, is playing the dominant plLl·t in controlling the pror\uetion of mrbon dioxide.

What has bcon paid foi' the season of HJ17 holds for 1918 also. During the laLtcl' "eliSOn , hOlVever, 1.11('1'0 lVas " much moJ'() lllarkod inoreaso in tho tal'bon dioxicle of tho cl'oppod 50il. By the 11th of April, three months aftol' send ing, more than 3 PCl' ccnt. of carLon dioxide was found, as com­par~d with a little loss tlmn 0.2 pel' cent in tho uncl'oppecl soil. This OCCUl'l'od fOlU' weoks provioll s to IWllding. the content of carbon dioxide ill the cropped soil illcrl'ascd to tho maximum of 3.34 pOl' cont, whieh oeclined II weck bcfo'l'() heading lind coincident with the time of rapid elongation of the culms. Following tho maximulll thore was a st<md), decline. The decrease was especially lllt1rked during emiy JUIlO, when the uppel' glumes were beginning to t.urn yellow f1nd the plants IVcro starting te matnre. In figul'o 1,1 (pftge 325) the plants aro shown a mout.h before the period of tnt1XirnUill carbol\-dioxide production.

Since tho maximum of 3.34 PCl' cent of carbon dioxide found in the soil was about tho samc tIS tlmt noted by Bizzell >tlld LYall (1918) in their studies with Dunkirk cby loam cl'Oppccl to OlltS, it is evident that the decre!l.Se in tho produotioll of earbon dioxide in tho cropped soil bclo\v

Till' CMmoN DIOXlDl] OF 'rnll SOIL Am 331

that in the uncropped soil aHer thc removal of tho crop, reported by these investigators, nIo,y not be duc to interfcrencc with bacterial act.ivities, since in the work rC1JOrtcd in tho present P!lpC!' no such fiction on the soil organisms, as evidonce(] by a decrense in carbon-dioxide production, was observcd. It. may be possible th[lt the decl'ense noted llY Biz1,cll and Lyon waR rlue to some other effect of the m'op, slIch HS, fOl' ('xaml'lc, the reduction of the soil moistllre. It, has been pointer! 0Ut in the review of the litorature of {,he subject, that some illvest,ip;atOl'H hnve 110t('(1 n decrease ill carbon dioxide where the moisture' was reducer! below a cortaiu optimum fIlnount, On referring to fi~urc 46 i1, will be S(,('ll that mrly in July, 1917, the caJ'bon diol>ido i)11,he ('ropperl soil B]lOWCc! II llln.!·]wcl

dccrcase. This was <1\1(' lo t.he dryill~-o\l{; of tho soil when, thru [Ill over­sight, it was not walurcd for t,wo days.

It ha.ll been pointed out tl",t tho ellrbon dioxicie in i,ho m'oppcc! soil was sOlUcwhRt ])igh"J' (ll)lOUt. 30 pCJ' cont) ill 1018 than it wm ill J OJ 7. The results foJ' the two seasons arc not strictly cOlnpnmblo, hcciluse ill 1917 the crOp was sown in April whcrcas in 1918 the sccdinll; was mnde in .JIIlltl>lI'Y. Also, in 19]7 thn numbor of plants WfiS reduced to fourteen ill cach pot, while in 1. 018 1J)()l'o wo)'o fifteoll. JIoWCVOl', the tot,111 dry weight of tho matmo crop from the four cans in lDl7 was 494.5 graJlls, as against 41G gmms ill W1S.

Citl'l>on-dio.ride 11'1111 waleI' "elalionsitip8 As has nlready been Rtn.ted, a recol'd was kept of tho >'molmt of lV!ltOI'

added to tho Cl'op[1o(1 cans ill order to maint:lin1,hmn:lt:l moisture con1cnt of 30 POl' cent (ovell-dry basis). The sa.nd mull'll on the soil, [IS has bcen pointed out also, was so ofTcctiv() t,h'lt t,he loss in moisture ou tho cropped mms could be I'eganloil ns dne ol1t.irnly to tl'!111spimtion.

Tilo totlll amount of water lost on the cropped mlns each week was detcrmined in H117 111\(11918 for II pl'riOLI of tm) weeks riming which the crop w,~s making the most, flCtivo growth. Tlws(l amounts, (;ogether with tho [lVOl'llgo weekly c,ontent (If c(ll'bon dioxide in the cl'opped nnd the uncroppnd soil, arc indicated in {,abks 3 and 4 (appendix, pages 357 t.o 358), eolumns A, C, Iwd E. The diff"renec bctwcen t.he carbon dioxide in tho cropped ane! that in tho uncropped soil iH givCll in column F of t.]1'0

Slime tt,bles, Tho carbon dioxide produced to NI<:h p0I111<1 of watel' u~ed is Sl101V1l in columns G Imel II. The iiglll'cS in column G worc obt!lincd


by divi,lin~ t.he weekly c(ll'h()II-riioxi,lo percentilgc in the cropped soil aft,m the carboll dioxi'lc in the I),wc Roil bc"n "ubtrlletml, by tho weekly lOR" of wlIter in poundR. The figur('s in oolumn H, howover, wCI'e obtaill"" by dividing t.he weekly c"rbon-dioxide ]lCrcontllf(e in U,e cropper[ Hoil by the weekly loss of witter wit,hollt HrHt suhtracting tllO cadmn dioxide in t.he bal'c soil from tllf,t in cropped ,oil.

TIle rollltiollHhip between the C[U'bOIl clioxirlc prorhlCcd ill the eroppe" soil (from \Vhiell has bOOl1 subtmctcd t,he carbon llioxiclo in j,h" hal'e Hoil), ftnrl the watOl' t.mnRpil'Od by j,he crop, i~ shown {(mphi cally ill figllJ'{'S 18 fmd '19. 1'11(\]'0 scems 1.0 be a rclationship betlVOOll ti,e flnlOlmt of wllter tl'flnspil'ecl :lIId the o"roon dioxide produced by pllmts, as is indicat.ed

PcrC\!llt POlluclll orcO!j-__________________ ;:-___ ___:o~rwalcr 21}

:u ~.~\ 2_2 2.1 ~.O 1.0 u; 1.7 1.6-Ui 1..1 I.:I L2-1.1 1.0 0,0 O.~ 0.7' 0.0 0.0 0. 1 0.:1 •• ' 0.2 0.1





.. 10

......... ~ ".

.... 20

/Yal'er 1'Tt7n:.rplfcYT __ '; n C(.t,obon o'kM'lai;" ••••••• • J191?

--- --,-- ----June Jul/

FlO. <IR. mJLATION lH!'l'WlmN WATfm 'rnANBI'Tlnlh ANb O.AHllON DTOXITni PrWDUCgU tty AN OAT eHOI' mit 'l'JlIol 'rEN WBflKS OUllIN(J \\'111(;1( I'M ORm\"l'l[ WAS MOS'I' VIO­OROUfi, HH7

by tallIes a and 4 flilri by figtll'OH'l8 and 19. Tho iIlustmi.iolls show i hilt tho curves for j,he wat,ol' tl'flllSpircd oach weok, fLllrl for Lho nfl,rbon c1i()xicie obtll.ined by subl,metilll; the em'bon dioxi(lc ill tho barc Roil from j,hat ill tho cl'Oppcd soil, follow (),1Gh other closely. The d"ta given in tho

TJlY,1 CAlWON DIOXlnJl Db' 'l'IIFl SalT, AlU 333

l.ltblos n.lld plot.tod ill t l", eUl'VI1S :UP lor tho Iwriod of tOil weeles during which tho plnntR wnre gl'owing mORt, lLct.ivoly. B(,foro '''Hl Ilftm- tl(is ]lol'iod no 1'l'lnt,ionshil' WILS foulld to exist b(ltwo"'t tlto " mount, of WaiN' tl'!lllspil'od lInt! the etll'boll (lioxido pl'oduecd by I,ho plflllts,

reT I'rn~ J'()lIlI,l .

of wah ~ CifCD2

:LIl 2[1

2,\ 2,3 ' ,., ~ . 1 20 ( 0

................ ;/1.0 ..•••• • ••••• • /...... 00

" ( 7 ( ('

I , 10

( . 1

1.:1 (2 l.1 · ( 0 0.0 n.x 20 07 (I.1i " 0.5 0..1" (0

0.:1 0.' O. (

-:_--.---::y---=:=T\-=====----v-- __ :J L:=-V-==-).~ !\rdl I.Jlril .\~ny

J!'m. ,10. ltI~ I,A'I'ln N JH;'J'\\,~:I'lN' WA'N;Il 'l'llANfll'llmn ANI) CAlmON lllOXIIl)': I'RODUOEI) BY At; UA'r eHOl' FOR'I'UJ,: 'rJJN wmlKB IHHUNCI WHlen I'l'1{ (mOW1'}l \VAIl I\!()WJ' VIG­OiWUS, [DIS

It is Rl10tt ill column" G lind II of tfJ.hlcs :l fJ.1lr11 tit 111. til" IWI'c('niltg<' of cal'hon dioxide Jll'o(lLicod to Oltch pound of wfltel' LI'fJ.llBVil'od, fl]ll,}'o'leilcs 1\ COltsl.lLnt 11111011 more nc1ItI'ly when the carbon dioxidf' in j,he nncroppI'CI Roi l is sllh~mclod f('Om t,hal; in the cropped soil. The sInn110r codlicicntK of v<\I·i"hilit.y of 22.5 ± :1.7<1 flS comparee[ with 37.4 ±i3.65 in HJJ7, ,,"r1 15,1 ± 2.:12 ns ng;l';nsj, lil.17 ± ;3.12 in 1918, b('ing 0111. t],;s het fail'iy olen!'!y. If it is IlRslIIllm\ tlmt j,lw fllllCl1mt of carboll dioxide prOlitl<'cd D.lld Lite mnolllll, of W:'(.OI' 1,I':tllSpil'Od It ... ) in<liClLtiOJlH of lif(\ 'Ictivity, l.ltrn the t'ol:Li.ionships found bnt.wl'cn the oarbon dioxide in tho soil, lWrl tIlt' ..v;ltCl' tl'flllHpircd, would hold only when (,110 oarbon dioxide is pl'ociut:(,ci

II. W. Tum'lN

hy Ih" crop :tlOl\,'. WI"," IllI' ('arboll ,lioxi,l" ill the 111l('I'OP1Wcl Hail was ; lIbh~rlcd frolll I hr' ,'"rboll dioxid" foulld ill IIw erOPI)('(1 ""il, IL1HI Ihi" figure WfCS eli vi,loe[ by tho :1I11OUllt of water I.rnllkpil'ud, ;1,I)(,rt' ",'"ulted nJljlr()ximat,!'I.I' it "onnLttnl, of 0.02·1 ± .OOIZ (COIUIlIIl (i) Ivitll 'L !:odfi(·j(·lIt of v,\ritchilily,of 22.5 ± :l.n for 1017, ami [L "01lStl111t of O.04:l ± .011[4 with a t:odfici('llt of variability of '15.1 ± 2.:12 for 1918. WI",n I.ho "arhon dioxi,k ill th" 1l1\Cl'OPI,,',1 soil, which "1:1.1' bo :1ttriblltnl to h"t:I"rinl Hetivily, was !Joi subtrack" ((;01 III 11 11 JI), 1,1",1''' ,.,'sulil'ri a COIlS(,lIlt, of 0,0'),2 =1= ,oo:n wif,h n ('(JefIi('iolll, of '''lI·i"hilit.\'of :;7.-} ± 5.(;5 for In17, Hil(I [\ consiant. (}f(),();i;~ ± ,1)()~3 wilh ""o"fli',il'lIt of v''''i,d,i lityo[ JO,17 ±:3 .J2f",· HllK

This sholl'~ lhal. Ihe l'onstanl" in the IlLiteI' caseS "I'e lHot ll"'l1'ly so ,!<open,hbI,. as those in tit" formel', illdi("1I,in~ that the carbun dioxide pl'o(hl~\',1 hy I he ('l'tlP if) prulmhly the difference J)('twcen tI,e em'hon dioxide in th" "I'oPI",,1 soil "Ilil t.hat in the bam Rnil. Thnt the values ohLltill('d ,C('[' not pel'f(,ot const!LlIts Cllll hmclly be won,krcd :LI, when it is l'''cl\lI,·<I tht1t lhe eru'uon dioxide as det('I'millml W[lS not absolute, but J'clai i \Tl~.

III this COlllleeliol1 it. "'f'r b" poillt,:C[ ont. Uml; 1110)'(' S('(,IllH 10110 ;:0]11(' gl'Ollll!1 for ""n.,t\l(lillp; that Ihe"" is a rclaliomhip hel,\\'('''11 tho 11':<1,·1' tmll"pil'ecl by tIt" phnt 111\,111,0 l'>IJ'bon-dioxidc ('Olll,t'nt o[ Ihe soil.

Whil" it i;: noL dis]l!lt,·,t t1mt [J", I11cthoJlislll by whic]J tho wa(,1' is lw(,u"lIy lost [I'''!rl t im 1"''''0" of tho plant is purcly physical "uri llOI. nt ,til associated wilh vilat pl:lIli ueiiviij", yet Ihe prorcos hy Wl,i('h tho W<LI!'!' i, bl'(\ughl, illto LIl(> 1,,:1"'" anll into ,t "ontlll,iOll to he 1('ilJ1Rpirc,tI nwy weM b" ('ollsi(kr('t! '" beill!" "~"''''il1i('d with the life actiyiti('s (II tIll' plant. Mltlly inv(,.c;tig;:llcll·S 1:""" maintain",l I.h:l\; tlH'rc is a di sl.incl. l'l'i:Ltionship l)['tIV('"n(l", li fe .,,;I,i vilieA u[ pl:llll R :lnel th" ",,,1.,,,. tral1SpilC(l. Fur exalllple, It; ('''1'11' as J84\1 Lawes (WoO) cOllsi(kr('(1 thltL tho cOln.pamtive rllt.(· of I.I'>lll"pi"[\l,i(lll of wate!' to "Oll\" extent illcli('"i.e(1 tho !'('[al.iYe activity of j,l", Pl'OC(l"('~ or th" planl.. IIe drow Uwsc cnllcilis inns fl'olll studi,," with whpat, b:1J'lt~y, bcans, peHs, and dover) in whieh he compftl'N11bo alnOl1l\t

Df ash nwl dry mallcl' ob1.nincd from th" IlI,mt.q IVit.1! th" IVatl'(' 1;[l'('n (1ft' I)y tll(1m. l[e fOll",1 thaI. the lc\('glll' tho [tmounl; of dry nmtl.!',., Ih" grOt,\.or was 11", ([l1:1u\.il,), of w>tl"r t.r:tllspirl'd. Thl'Ho ViCWH firc sUI'P,"1l(1 by Ow illl'('stig:1t:iolls ur SOI'il"() I' (Hl78, '1880), Illll, iJw worl, of \,\,,,]1, l' WoUny (18[18) lmds 10 an oPPoHil.<l condusion, In lnOr, J,i"illgH\'OIl (1905) work"d with wI"'ttl. He",Uin~" ILllll ('onph,,1I'd tlmt t(rl"Il.rllnspiml,i(Jll is us good 1\ criterioll for cOlllplI!'ing U(() rclu.tivc growth of planl,s in


Ilil'f(,),I'I11, mediI, tl~ iR tho wright of I,il(, phnl, ils('lf. Il1tH"olbl'illg (J9H), hIlIVI'V('J', aftor growing pltenl;H under cheeRee)!}( h and ill tho Opl'll, shl cd th,,!. tho mere pa~Sf\gc of wid I'!, UlI'l1 the plnn(, had llO influellt'" 011 n1l' ftssimiblol'Y aCI,ivity of 1,11Il pbnt, ]1J'ovirkd th" WII(-.r'l' supply did not [nil Imlow :1 ccrt,ltill minillllltn l'nquil'l'd to maintail1 \\11'1';01' of lh" cdls, Stoldasa !Hld El'Ilcst (H)OD) llPl.crminl'r! the ("'l'holl dioxide given oIl' Ily dill'ol'Ont plants I()'(Jwn in vl",ions nllll'iellt sollli ioltS, Hllfl obillilli'r! iJl!' r('sull,s prcsenter! in table 5 (Ilppendix, pagc :158), 'l'h""o 1i1-(1l1'''R show Utal, {here is a dcfillil,c !'chi,ionship between ih" loin) dry "'rigId of tliff<ol'cnt crops "nel (ho carhon dioxid(' produced, Th" aY"mgc of 0.037 mil1i~l'i1m of ('(Irhon dioxide to 011(']1 milligram of dry matter Kcem~ to IJ(' independenl, of tho kind of p]:ml, URNi in the teRt,

iJlt'Olll the short, ]'(~vicw givl'll, ii, would Berm 1,11.:11, the Gvid('ll{'P iR ill fnvOI' of tho assumption thai, (I'flns)1irntion iR rr'ittt.rr) II) lifn Oll'tivily of l'i:mh "H inrlicaLPll hy " J'oJ!1liOJlHhil' betw('cil lhe dry mal!.r mid ilw Wltl,('r il'allspil'cel, Tho work of St,oklasl1 and 1~J'll('~t (WOO) \\'ould point 10 It cOl'J'dalion between tho ('al'bon dioxide ]ll'OChICl'd and the dry mutter in tho plnnt,

]~O'('('t oj Icmpcmtul'c 111)(/ atmospheric press1lre The 1'I'biionRhil' 1.ll'lwCI'll thc (('mp('1'tI1,urc and Ihe ,,1 mosphr'l'ic PIWSI1I'1'

1],1. the t ime of slLlllpling, lind I.h" carbon dioxidl' in 111<'' of i hI' Iln('I'olljJ('() Hoil, iB sllOwn I':l'ILphi""lly in f'rgurcs 50 aud fl I for tIll' ",'Ilsons ot H) 17 :I,llrl 1\)18, l'c~]lcetiyoly, Tho 1('lIlPCl'Hl.llI'C Ilt (,Ilrh tim" of ~nll'lJlli"p; \I'll. fOll1\rl to ho "pproximately J'epr(,Bcni.niiyc of the tr'1l1IK'1'HllIl'(' for ih" j)l'('l'<'dinf, tw('lvp-huul's [,(,l'iorl. The pl'e~Slll'O also II'olilel probnbly l'ollll$cnt the avera!!:" of several hO(II'" pre('eding the sampling,

On l,ho whole (,h" fil':IIITS In'1111': out. only n frw st.l'iking facis, nigh t,,'mperal,lIr('s worc lI"",dly flr"'Olllpnnied by a high 1'('I'I,t",1 tl~" of em·bon dioxidtl, while high r<1,lYlosph('l'ie 1"'essUl'es W('l'O nm",lly 118sociat('c1 wilh H low em'hrJll-diuxido e(llli.rlll" High pr"SS(Jl'(,H I1long wit.h high t.enl­peratures gave fttirly hi~h ('on!.t'nts of ,'arbon dioxirk, indicnting 1.hnl. tl'llIpol':d,llr(' ha" a Jl)(J)'() JnarkPd rll'('ot. Ihan 1""'S,"llm, \\,J!(>Jl 'Ille loll1{Jcr­::<1,UI'(' :Inti I.he l"'I'SSlm' wero I""dillill (,lu'I'I' "Plll':LI'(l(1 to 1"'"0 I'd ,,1 iOIlHhip \Vil,h (,)tI, 1':tr)lIlll-dil)xitlo ,'onlra1'.. VI'I'Y low 1('1111)('1'0.1111'('8 WL're "IWHYS '''iI'olllp,mir:d by it lllw COIIUmj, of ""('),011 dioxid,,; but., while 1\ vpry low ]J1'(lHHUI'(l did nol. 1tr.t:r'sHal'ily )lll'l1l1 " hif(h ('"rbOIl-dioxide eonicnl;, iL wus IIHUlllly "HIloci"tcd with Hllt:h a (:rlllcliLion.

hrcrnt (lfec';...' ____ _






. April M(lY



TCfil]},.\ (C.) (inrh~s)




:12° ~O.'l



:!!1.2 :!Go

N(I no


· 20' :~.Ii

I h~

lti" ~g.o

II '

FIo. 50. nm .. A.1'£ON ur,'rwm';N 'l'lm T}~Ml'EIlA'l'UH~J 0).' 'l'Ul~ SOtT, 1.'1' '1':1': 1'fMN OP ~Al\tI'I'lNGI 'run A'l'MOSl'lmmC l'm~ssUlU:, AND TUB CAnnON' U10xmf~ IN T!TB Aut 01' 'rJlll UNCilOl'l',FlD f!OTfJ, 11117

rl'r c:rnt IIrc(\;-, ______ _ 'l'ClnJ) At:n'llt. «(:.) (inche'l)


Swnmarll of experiment 1

The l'OHults of thc first expcriment may be SlIlI11YllLl'iz('<i ns follows: 1. Soils ol'opped to oats always eontained 11 gl'nlttCI' (1mOlllt! of cluoon

dioxide than did tho COl'l'llsponc1ing bal'e soilK. 2. The crop hnd a I'csicilu.l offoct" inOl'ensillg tl", clLl'boll-clioxiLle "onlont

(,bove that ill the uncl'opped soil. 3. The diffol'cncll bet,ween tho amount of "arbon dioxide ill Ilw ol'opPC'c1

'Doil and thai, in t,h" 1II1c)'oppeLl Hoilat tho period of most :wtive erop growt]" divi(led by tho amount of water transpired by the el'Op, gave an apparcnt const:mt whi"h val'iod wi!'h the season.

'L The fact just st!Lkd lUay indicate that the diO·.,ronee IJcLWCCIl t,hc nm01l111 of enrhon dioJtido producecl in t,he CI'OP])(,r1 soil [md tlULt in the uncropped soil m]Jrcscntcd the amollnt produced by tlte crop.

ii, r t is thus evident that tho ClLriJon dioxide from plants antI from soil organisms lICCUlllllb(,crl indo]l(JlIdont,ly.

(j, Fluctuations in the amount 01 carbon dioxide ill the uncropped soil WOl'e (lllO 11Hgely to tmnpcl'IItul'e and pressure variations. High Pl'CSSlll'CS

pl'odu(1Crl low cont;onts of clLrbon dioxide, while high tcmpel'flt.ul'cs cltllscd high pl'oduetion of clIrbon dioxi(lo, Md vice vel'~a.

K~l':t!~nlMI~N'l\ 2

The object, of the se<:OlHJ experiment 'vas to detcrmine the influen(,e of HOme crop othOl' t,han OILts on the production of Cflrbon dioxidc', 'I'he crop used ill this case WllS common millet (80Im;ct ilalica).

I mmccliatcly afto)' the harvesting of trw H)IS o"t crop, millet, waS piluMd on the RltmO soil and in t.ho salilC) oylillllC<'s itS wore nsccl in OX])(1l'illlCllt J. Yo]' exp~riment 2 tho smlncc hyol' of ~alld WfiS entirely rC'lllovcd from the soil, which was then thol'oly st.iI'I'()d to a depth of [,bout three illdlCS, Tho millet was seeded on fOlll' (If the soils, of which (.11'0 had ]ll'<wiollsly boon ill OI,\S :tn(1 two had been ba!'e, Tho obj('o\ in uRinp; those two diff<ll'llIlt Hots IVI" to try to prolineo SOIllO dilTonmcm; ill 1 ho two Grops of millet. It waS thnup;ht, that pOfJsibly tho mind ~!'O\\'i(l~ on tIl(' soil which had been l)l'oviollSly cropped twico to CllLt,s, mij.\ht, 1l01, g!'ow wall, ILnd ill suoh " C,,8(1 11 comparison eould be marie betweell n. good ami a pOOl' emp 01 millot.

H, W. TIlRl'IN

].']0, 5'2. i\1J(.[.t;'1' ("nOI'8 SIX WEt:KS A\'1'I'lll f»<lF)1)ll'fO, ON 'r1Il1 'l'WO HOIl.S HAVING lHUI( ANU LQW IHI1'IAL CONTF1NTS O~· CAJUJON nTQXll)EJ m:SPJ,JC'I'rvELY

Close viow, !>howinJ.( d~I,f1ilK

The I'I'OP was phnt.erl on July L Wi(,hin t.hroe weekH nftol' plfLnting, (ill" ('I'DI' on e,wh mil had beoll thinned out. fOI'Ly plant.s remained, 'I'hc' n;1111bC'1' of plan!.s !.o n, ]lot was rcduccd in t.he Itext. week !.o (,hil'liy, A (, fir"t. (,he slImpl('s WOl'(] taken t.wice it wook, ns in (,ho "aso of (1)\pori­Inent. 1; hut, 1,,1.01" - f!'Om tho micldle of Angusl, - when t.he crop was IMking vel'y l'ilpid gl'owth, SlItnplc's wm'o t.:Iken eve'IOY dtlY, Tow!1J',l tho unci of August t,he slunpleH 11'01'0 taken OVOl'Y o(,hOl' day. As in expol'i­Il)ent 1, (,he moisturo ill tho soil was mnint.llitwll fIt 00 pOl' cont (ovon­dry basis).

At the timo when the exp~riment was discontinued, 1.11" plants were cOIll]llclPly hellded, In the ease of series I (soil previously CI'OppCU to oats) the 11litnts wClI'e beginning to show signs of IWlt,ming; in smiea 2 (soil PI'OVioIlSly bal'e) , however, the gmin was still beLwlwu the milk ;;ta!!;(, and tho dongh stagc.

Tlte CI'OpS on series I !l.Tltl 2 wore idcntienl in all de(ails nnW II folV days heading. This Illay be seen in figlll'cs 52 to !is. Thereafter (,IIC plants in series 2 IUlLintaincd theil' tlarl< green color, while j,hose in


11'ltJ. 5~1. MILI,}<J'l' (;!WPfi !->IX WEr.KS AI'''fl:n In~J.l Ill NO, ON' "'lIFJ TWO ROl l':; Un'ING UlOll ANI) I.OW IN1'l'JAI~ CON'l'jjN'l';; 01>' C.\I'lIlON DI{)Xlm:, IU]HI't)C'l'H'l;;]'Y

S:l(111) u!! fiJ(lu'o 1i~ , but ahowing cylil\dcr~

"mi,," I ~l'1LdlllLl1l' """ame lil(llI, gl'mn, Ilnlil finnl1y, when 1 It" rXj1Nil1lrnL waS RtoP))"" in :;"p1,ClnbOl', th" !tlttOI' WOJ'O bnginning tn mat.ul'c wltilo tlW"" in Bo)'ies 2 hllll not ,Vot b"glln to show signs of ripf'lIiJlg,


The m",ltR of expel'iment 2 !lI'O RllllllllI,,'ir,od in btblo Ii (appmlriix, jlage 350), in whil'h each (igIU'" l'epmsnnls the I.wcnt~(' o[ 1wo ,Illplim(c samplings frOlll each of 1,IVQ pots, all l1Y0l'age of [0111' samplings in :til.

:140 H. W, TUIll'TN

[1'1(1. ;i-\. M.],J.!".. ',' cn:>l'.1 H!·!V]·!:-l .\~I) Om!-U,\U' Wl-:J,:Kl AJI"J'!.;!t RBI.:nINO, ON rI'JI~J 'I'wn ~Olr.!-l

I1AVINU mOll ANn J.OW INI'l'JAI. CON'Pk:N'!'S OJ.' CAltnON IHOXIln<:, HI':SI'IW'J'I\'~~I.\'

('IOHO vi(l\', ~hflWinJ~ d!,tnitll-

Thl1R(~ drL1.n :tl'n )1l'fRmtied riia,f};I'!1IUJUaj.j(·ally in HJ,!;Il1'<'s 50, 117, fLlld !JR, tho first 1,\\'0 I'npl'<,s('nt,ill~ the rlaLa for 5(,l'i('s 1 nnd 2, I'cfipcr:1,iwly, and 1.ho third ~il'ing Lhese two Rcis of (Jurvp, on one 511('('1..

It will be noticed that t,j,n wrhOIl dioxide ill t],o croPP('ri soils flllri t,]",t ill Lho uncl'opped soil~ I'cmnined Lho same fol' t,he fil'st, fOlll' w('eks n(t,ol' Reerling, Thel'caftol' the ellrvcs fol' the c)'opped soils S(,pll1'ftted fairly l':\pidly from those fOl'the bare Roils, JI\ this I'CSPOr:t thoro is no diffol'cl\cO botw()cn lhe orLl,g rll;d t.ho milld, It will be obsel'Yed, hOlV<'V(l1',

t.hat whol'cas Ihe two 0>11; el'Ops "t,t'lincd thoil' point. of m'lxil1l111ll <'ill'holl­dioxido production shortly before lIllllllillP;, t.he millet. crops bot 11 p;fW(\

thc most e!1l'bon dioxillo JURI. tOIl days "fl,rl' IWlHlinp;, In ord<'!' t.o bring out tllis point more clearly, curves sbowing (,he rllhtionship bC(,\V(\('ll the alllount of carbon dioxide in the oat, soil (l!)17) lind that in t.he millot soil (sm-ios 2) ]ulVn been plotted togother ill figlll'e 50, in such a lI1!Ulllllr

I,hat the Cl1I'bon dioxide pl'odlH:ed at the pm'jod of hcu(ling of each of the lwo crops is on the same ordinato, with the datil for a fow weeks

Trrn CAn DON DIOXIDE O~' 'fIn: SOIL Am 341

li'lO, fiG. MII,I,);;'J.' CItOl'tl ftl"lVt~N .... ND ON1HIAI.1<' \\'I,~t:l\S )'b",mn fu:t~nJNGI ON 'J'ln: TWO BOILS UJ\,VINO Hl(U[ AN]) LOW INI'r!AI, CON',('J:;N't'a OF CAltU(},N DlOXIVE, In;SI'a:;C'l'I\'EI,\'

8!UWl M fisum .'H, llUL showing QyJindll1'8

before find n. few wreks aftor j,he hel\ding period plot;t,cd to the left llnd to 1,1\0 righi, of LhiR point, rc~pct:Livcly,

Sin('o tho c:-.:pol'imcllt WRS clisCOJ\tinl1(~d beforo tho millet Cl'0PS IllI\(,Ul'cd, it is Hot pOSR\blo to SI>Y whethel' 01' not tho ClU'VC COl' tho hltOl' pUl'iod of



, I"

i:! .j,0

3.8 :1.6 :1,1


:\.0 ~.S 2.6

" ~ ~,~ ~

!;."~~ ! 0 >~ (/.!01 • (1,0

1).·1 0.2 ~--~--

If. W. ' l'lTI"'I'"

..... .. .. .

r ,111v' .• _.--' - " ,,~!jr, CAl""" . - - --==-::::::-,\\1('1, ,,)n,\! 1)10''''1, IN Am ",,", -= " t ItOll''''' t" ]ROM IJt 'rKmK ' '-;-v--') "," "",' "', "" ,""" ,,,","" '''''' .'" "" " , ltl II " ",If, HO Il I UOI,Y 1"1I00'!'1 , ,I!' r HAiti.! lUi", ,I

. . ... ,' .. -"_ .......... . ..... .

FIG. ;J7.

P('r"(!I)t or (;0:

" DIOXID rrll l'-: (~AnBO"

.... -------4..1 .J.:!-4.0-3.8 :1 G­:!.l a.:!­:\.0

] 1) 01'< 'I'Tm ROlfJ Aut 313

.'. ~~. '0. ., ....

....... .: ..... ..,

II. W. Tunrlll'

gJ'owt.h of millet. wOlild J'f'~rmhl" in p;clI(1ral t.h"l. for the Ofl.t 01'OpR.

Tlw p;f'1l0nd 1 ~lltl('ll('Y tlf thc ' ('m·ve l1fl ('I' A up;w·d 2:') \Y:W to fnll [IS i.ll(\ phntR ndv~lIl1'('(l 10wnrd nmlnr]t,y, :lR in 1]1(' ('nRe of l.h(' oni, ('l'OpH. f1, win hn

noticf'd fl'OIlI figlll'(~!lD that f,l1(' ndual :l.1ll0lmt, of (,llrhon dioxide prodl1('(·d

Oil t,hn Roil (Topped 10 millet W:W l111l<·h t.ll<' Rallln "s I.h:l1. pl'o<i"e,'d Oll t.ho OfIt Ho il. The maxima ior t,l\() t.wo uat; (:!'OP' of J 0Ji n,nel ](J] R IVI'!'C,

l'oR]JI'cli\,,,ly, 2.03l PI'1' ce"t and :,.:143 pur cont, whilo t.he COJTPRponrling figurc~ fOl' I.hp, IHill('t rl'Op~ in H(':1'i('~ 'I. [mel 2 WtWO ;i.;~.Jr; pOl' emrt alld 2.71 [I pOl' (:PtlL. ft, Inm;t ho I'f"membnmd, ho'v('v('I', Uw-{; 1.1H'l'o wero but fifteen oat plnllt~ ns ('omp:l.J'(·d wilh lrhirty ml1l('f" planls; flO (; hf~,t i1, nmy ho <'on­cluded t.ha,t :til individnni o:~t, pla.nt eall~('8 thf' pI'nrllH'! ion of about twieo fi:i much ea .. l'hOll dioxide :w i:.; prodncf'd hy fI 1l1illl,t plant.

SU.J1IlIlflJ'!I !~( (',i'jJNil1lf'lIl 2

Frolll 1,\w 1'I':,-(lIlis of j IH' :';('('011(1 l'xpI'rilllf'Ht j1. may 1)(' (\olwlll(kd thai; n. soil Cl'opp!'tl to Illilh'l, (':LI1S('H aJ)(lu1,· s;tllll' Ilu<'lliaiiolls jn ('[lrh011-

diox;(le product-ioll a:i nj'(~ found in n ~()i l gl'owinl-( ;~n oat C'l'Op. In g('JH'rn 1, howcy(lI', t.he O;lt crop Mivc!'l tbe p;l'eart(·~t protill('{,ioll uf ('Hl'}loH dioxide pn'viotl1'l 1,0 hrrlJrling, whiln th(~ millnt, hafi i1.H lllOS!. mnrkc'd ('HeeL It w('pk 01' two art,!!· headini!:. l(, wou!cl ,,'mil :d"o I,h:lt. 1m individunl millet. ]lblli. en.lls('s t.h(~ l)!'(}dlldi1)Jl of :1.pJll'oximakly half :IS I1lIt( h ('arhon diox[(l(~

as an indivithld .. i 001.1, phil!, From 1.110 (']osp n.[!,Tt'CI1H'JlL JldW('Pll lhe t\\ 0

'cunruB: RhoWII in rig ([]'('S ./)(l, G7, Hlld [lS, fol' :-;('l'j(,~; J II l id ~~I it il.:'Y J)(. ,1n,lm:t d in spite of slig;llI, dirr:'J'I'lle(':i in tho p"('violls tJ't~:d llll'llt of the f.;oii the CXI~f'f'S en.l'holl dioxide d\l(~ to j,llo (~]'op wa~ fllirly Hilllihl' where tll(,

crops gl'(lwill~ sitow('ci no :t.pp:ln'nL difl't'J'( 'H('('K ill \"igoJ'. Tllif'. iK indi(,llicd nlso iu Jigllt'<':4 ;12 to !>!i, wlli('h g}low Uw t.wo ('1'011" :~t. un. (':I1'ly a.l1d ItL a later r-;i"lgl' of growLh, (hn ('l'Op 011 1,h(~ r-;oi l pt\'viondy ("'upped l.WiCll i () Ofl.ts b('inp; d('I·;jgnaLt'd HR :\. high .. en.l'h(ln-dioxid(~ C'l'Ojl alHl that on the fioi l tlul.t wa.'i Pl'I'\·iOllsly hfU(.\ lwil\~ ('(tl1Pt! :l IOW-('IU'hull-dit,\xid0. croll.

};X.Pl'lnfMl':N'r a As is }1oilltc{l onl". in thn J'('Vi~w or li1.Ul'atllJ'r, it. is ]loti clf':I I' wlw1,lv,l' Ot'

not the iIlDl'(~fl.s{'d 11 moullt of em'bon dioxidp ol)St'ITed jll a Cll'opl'l'(l Hoi1 is chm 10 t.he nxc}'d.iOIl of .eal'boll clioxici(l by plant ]'OUlri (plnnt :t,t'Livily) 01' to the dct':I.y of 1'001. pllrtici<'s fl'(Il'n Lite :~I'owin~~ ('rop (ba<:(orinl :wt.ivil,y), Data obt.aillud in cXJll'l'"inH'nt a HeClH t.o 1,I11"oW n lilt.J<o light, 0]1 thi, qlll',(.ioll.

In t.hh cxperhncllt, cans l, 2,:1, and L1, which Jmtl Pl'()ViOllHly gl'owH_Lwo

TIlN CAHTlON ])lOXJlHi~ (.)\<' 'J'lm ROIl. Am 3,1!)

ern!)' or O[l,1,R, h;t(l rt cOllRi,lorn,hly high"I' rnnl.,·n1, of "fLJ'holl dioxid(', even nft."J' tho l'mnovltl of I,ll<' crop "nd ("I)(,('i;dl.\' for :thou I, I.IVO m()1l1hs nf1N h:Ll'VeHi., th'tIl did "nllH ii, Ii, 7, n,11(1 Fl, whi('11 l'rillnin('ri 11ll('1'Ol'Jl('ci foJ'1.I", two li('ll~onH.

An,OJ' Cite oat. 01'0[1 from r,nllS :1, 2, ~, nm]1 waS h'llvrRll'cl, on ,htly 1, lillR, ell,ns 2 ,md a, n,ll(] tit" llJlf'l'opperl cam' fl fill(] il, \VOl''' ",,(',led 10 I1lilld, CallR 1, 2, ~, rmd -, are Il(~rn ,1c:-;ign:1t.Pd n~ !lw bilJ,h-f~at'h(ln·dio:xirle F;('ri('t1, whilo caIns il, 0, 7, :wrl 8 are {~al1(~II thn l()w-r~:uholl-dio'Xidf' ~('I'il \~';' 'J'hwIP, in !.1m high-f~:1l'h(ln-(lk'xido xnl'ipf-l, (':1.11[0; I :11 Lrl ·1 'l/I'l'n b:ll'P [\..11(1 ('nns 2 nllrl :~

worD CI'OPPPr] to mill(\t; ill i 1:(, low-('!ll'hon-dillxidf'l :,,;pl'i('~~ cnmj !) :llHI 7 W!~l'n hu,)'c ll.n(l (\1b1tH G t1nd 8 \Vrl'(~ (,J'oP}1('(l. .I\ll IJwf'i(~ ('an!" 'V('l'(~ srnnl'lC'd in the? llt-itlfl,l W:ly fo1' (,ll,}'boll. dioxitl(" and Ilw dat~l, oh1 ninl'~l tno p;i"('ll in t,tIt1(,7 (IIPIWlldix, pttge 3(iO), 'I' ll() ~Htlll' l('R \l'me iakmt twicll a w('('l< at til'~I;, and Inll'l' i;l",y woro I "imIl r!"il:v, '1'1", 'l,oi"I,'lr<l ill l1t" soil 1\'IL,9

lTIn.intainnd ttL 01' nf~nl' at) JlCI' '~cIl1, ((,ven-dry bp."-:i:-;). Wilhin II tnon1,h of 9"(',lilll~, Iho no" \V"s Ihinl1('d to thirty pl:l1It,s to

" c:tn; SO th"t "t. I]", I,illl(l ",h"1l tit" pf[,,,,I. of 1,] Ie p]n1t1R (m th" ('arhon dioxi,lo beo,mlO 1I<,1.i('('"b1" (II month "HCI' "c"dinl_~), t.h" 1l1llnht'J' of plnlttH wus the sume [or IIll flans,


J n ttl],]" 7 ii, is "how]\ th"t i he ,liff"I'I'lI""," 111'1 Woc'n i.he ;>Pl'rf'lIin,gcH d ('al'­ilem di(Jxide in 1,/", ('/'OF!,,'d Noi! :11111 Illo,'-' in I he 1111('1'(1/'1'('(1 floil j" j he liiiil!­(,H,rhoJI ... (lioxide f;('l'it'f-\, \Y{'t!' npproxjula!c1y 1111; H;lU1C ,'1S tile ('o1T('R.pondiug

(hffol'onccH ill 1.11<' lO\\'-"lll'holl-,]in,i,]<' ~"I'i('", .11' ,,,h1<, R (appen dix, P9[\C :3(;1) it. is 8(~PH tit! [. Illajority or 1 hp (liH'C'l'l l lIe('S in eal'hOll-dioxi.Jp pJ'olluc1i(Jll lJY Uw ~I'ofl in tlj(j l,H'oH~'J'i('s (ns dd('l'lilirl(~d hy !lH: diff(\I'('!W(l helW('('1l 01(1 wl"lounLof (':lrholl dit)xid" )'l'od\1('(I!l hy !h0 f'l"oppcd f10i l ahd 111u! )ll'odn('('~d

hy i Iw 111)('I'OP]lf'd :-;l)i1) wn1"i Wt,n wit.hill 1l\(~ iilllil :-; of Ill<' pxpp]'ii1wul:ll enol".

)I, H<'m"s, 1.]11'1'..£01'<', t,",ti, I hI: ('['1)1" I'l'od"'''',1 1"11'110" din,id" <]lIi1e illdql(,1Id, <1llt.]y, "1Id that t,his 1'l'udll('\,ion \1',,, "01, al1'""t,('d hy I,h" nl11oulI1, of ":ll'bon dioxide ill 1.Iw Hoil, a1, ]':11,1, 1101, \\'il,h ill I,h" ]il1li1 H "do h:y this oX[1()]';ml'n1"

llow "loH"I), the dilfpJ't'Iw" ht'tW(,l'll the ('W'VI'H for 11i!) l'l'opped Roils cor­l'nsponlim] wi\." t ,hoel' [01' '\'h" ham Ho ilK iN 9ho\\'11 ill fi~lll'O 5H (page 3<13),

The ]'(']:t1,iol1ship ",,1.11'('('11 11", 1'''"'l'el'll,('ul'o of tit .. Roil 111. tho time of ""llIplil1p;, "",I II\{' "",'holl dio~idl: ill 1IH' 1>""0 Hoi l :\I\(! :liKO t1 (111. clue to 1]". crop On Lho low··r'nl'IJult~dioxidn H(,l'i(IH (d('t(~rlllilled hy llw differ(,ll(:c :tH


explainrd abovc), is shown in table \) (appendix, pap;r 302) and in UgllrC (l0. It will 110 Ilol.ic,'tl I.h,,(, incrcl"es in lemjlPmlure ,,'rw mOl'e fl'l'(jllPIl(,ly!cl hy riseR in oHl'hon dinxillp in Mw bare Roi l (ill( li,cl1il jn ~~ H, J'ob!.iollsltip bct.lveoll bl1ej,cl'i,,] 'Hllivil.y nll,l curbon-dioxitl" pl'odueLioll), than hy rises in the cr.rboll llioxido pl'oduced by tho CI'Op. In tho 10.1. (,,1'






1. 2



o_o . ".


5 J2 l~ ---- [f)---~~------26

.----_.-----------_ .. -- - ..



Fro. no. m :r.A'I'JON llt,;'rW~~I;."i 'm}] c.\nU();\I DIOX[lH; l'ltOf)\J('fm BY A M(J,J,l'YI' CROI', 1'IW CARnON ulOX II)ll J:{ ,\_ 1I.\lU: flO Jj .. AND 'un: 'l'F)"~II' ~: llA'rtllW In' '1'111': !-lOl l, A1\ '1'f1l1 'l'l:\ti: OF fl A:"lI'l,I N('; , Hll$

case Itoouchelo"" rcb(,iollHhip ap(l"aJ'('rl, 1ml, th" carboll rlioxitl(, ill('l'Pu"(,(j gntctlllllly a~ the lli\(' of tho plallt mlv1lnecri I.Iw puinl, of Hl1txillllllYl cn.1'bon-tlioxjd~ produeLion, nft(\r whi('h tht'I'(' was a tl(ldjw\. Tliitl in('t'('fi.-'(' in cal'hon dioxide "c('nt~ to h:"V(: kcpt P"C',O wit]' lit(' m.te of growt,1i of 1.1,0 plrmk At t.he time when the plm1t" ccnsod to gJ'ow "c:(.ivdy ("amp, (,itlll'

vitOl' heading), the em-bOil-dioxide lll'l)duction ftl~o fell off. If the exl'c"s

('fll'ho]l (lil)xi"" in ill(' ('1'oPJll'd soil is d'l(> 10 1Iw dC('Olllposi(ioJ1 hy bfit­li"i~ of 1'001, pn.ri,ir.l!'s l.liJ'OWll olf fJ'OIll 1.1", J.(J'Owinll ('1'01', i.lwll one wonkl ('xP()('t to Lind t.hnt. thoRe f"etms which l)1'o,ln(',' nnd.lllt(ions in i.he carLon dioxide in t.he hal'e Roil would 1'1'0<1"('1' eon'esjJOI1Ll ing, but more lrlltgni­Ii"", Iltwtual.ionR in (,Ite (ll'Op]ied HQi1. 13ui" >lR is poin!.cd ont, ahov", a f:wll)1' such as 1.(llI1j)('mtur(l [1i(lllot. prodllce ('urn'sponding ('ha]lgc~ in (he two soik

AWlill, if 1.hl) IlceOHl]lOsil.ioll ()f J'I)()J 1'1l1't.iI'1"" f)'Om 0)(' wowing crop g:~l,ve l'iKO to tlw ill(']'CflHO of ('l1l'bDll dioxid(l in tilt, i'I'OPl1<'d 'Roi l, it iH l'(lnS011-

ablo j.o Kllppn~n t.hat, thpl'o won\(1 he a Illueh 1n1'P_;('I' illc\,C':lsn in cnl'l)()n

dioxide lOt It limo whell UlO rool.s lV('('I' hq.;i"ning; 10 die oil' rnpidly, Umt is, towfll'(1 tho ripening poriod, SUell, hownvm, was not. tllo casc,

/iulllnlm'l/ of e.1'7Ierimel1/ 3

It. is pl'Ohnilk, I.]wr( fOl'(', Jhnl.1 [1" larJ;('l' pari of Ilw rXCekS enrlioll dioxide )1rodul'('(\ in :L cropp"'\ Roil is due 10 Tl'spimtol'Y ndivit.ies oJ LItO plant 1'001" , Hnd I hnL t.ho HlitOnnt. rosult illg from 1,110 d(wny of root p!lJ'tielos from t.he growing el'''p is BlOnll-"ll,h() "Hcl'the (;1'Oj) hM J"tH:tilll'cd, nlly exc,('," of Ml'bon dioxide fonnel is nnclolliltmlly clllO to the d"CfLY of tho tl1u:" of )'001 K HI ill tit" soil. This exccss, Itowevc'l', is wry KlIlall when cmnp:Lrr,,1 wit.h I,h" vory I"I'~" ItlllOlln(s of ('Inboll dioxide: fonnel in the c),lll'l','d Roil :\1. 1,lw 1,i 1I111 of 1tl'lIdill~, fo]' (,,,tlllpl,,,

In 8111'POl'I. "I' II", eUlletuRioll t.lml, l.1te 1>11'1;1'1' pl'Oc\llI't.iol1 of ('ill'bon dioxide ill I.h" "'""1'1'''<] Hn il is dun I,D ],(!Hpimt.ol'Y :(('I.iviti('s of th" plant roots, tho dn1.fl pn'Ktlllt.N1 in ('Xp,,,·iIllOIl.i, I. Hhow (,fn'l. 1.11(']'" "('pinS to b" 0. conchttion bllt.WCCIl t.he wa,j.,t' ]'c([llit'cmcntH 'J[ 1 he plant llml the lIlllouut; of carbon dioxiclo produued,

m:NERAL Sl'~IMJ\ It)'

TIII~ results of U,,! work ]'''\10),\",1 ill Ihis pa]l(')' wil.h I'I'gal'c\ t.o the di"ct of crop Itnd ot.hlll' [lu:I.ors on t.h" ]l"OdlU:I.ioll of carbon dioxide in n. Dunki!'!c d:lJ' JO!tln ll1:1illtnincd nl. n ('OIlHi.:mt lJlojsi.lII'o uont.ent of 30 pCI' COllI. (01'011-

dr,l' baRiH), tUny b" Rummed up fiS follows: I, All on! ('1'0[1 int:l'Olls"d the [ll'Odlldinll of l:m'llllll dioxidn ill the Hoil.

This illCl'''''"(' Iwmlllt: lrw.l'k(:t1 "fl.e,' I.he nl',ll, 1I1ollt.h f,,01n tlie time of Hcmling, n .. nd in(lrelU'3ed to a llla~illH1Ill jm;L IJl'pviollti to 01' after the plnnts hmlt\od, 'IHo]' wllicll I heJ't) wa" ::t gl':ltiu:ll declillO,

J1. 11', '1'1 HPJN

2. }\n\lt~t 11rI)(11l('(~tl ahout, till' :-,llIJW inl'n':l:-;(~ ill (\arho\i dioxide it:-\ did o",i,;, but Hw prothtdicm of ('1trhon dill':\id(~ hy P:1.{'1t mil1nt. l)lmd, WaB

:lppl'oximatl'ly hn)J' :IS llJlWit :Is I,IIP 1)I'''Ihwl,iull I)y ",,('Ii 0:1t, plant. 'I'h" llifJ:-iL lUitr)ced ri~'i(' in til(; earbOlH!j(lxidl' ('Olti,(,llt. of Ult' Hoi 1 O{"{fWTCd nt ,I 1,,1.,,1' pcr;ud of gl'owLI, in 1)." "miO of til" l11illot, 1,I1IIll in the case of j,h" O:lts,

3. 'llH~ (\J'oppn( 1 ~~(Jill :tf"t.N the erop was h:'Lnrp~j,(~tl., JTmiHl,ained tt, higlwl' v"dHHHlimid" (,Oll(PIlI, 1,1 I: III lI'tlS f01l1lrl ill I he ha,.., Roil. TI,i;; WilS ,Iuo pmba}'l.\' to (1)(, d,'c'llol""ili"" III' plnnt I'<)ols lefl, ill I.IK' ~oil,

,1. (I. lVould 0<'1'1\\ th,,!, inl'I''''' '''I I pl:1I11. aeli"ily (i',I'(lwl h) ix :l1"'Olllpa]lll'd hy lnCl'L'a:"'md cal'ho[\-(Hoxidt~ productioll. 'ehis theo}'y i:; ~ujJpo l' tl:d hy the f:Let l,h,,1 :I l'llbli()ll,hip was ~hllWIl hdw""1l I."" ":II'liun tii{)xi,le )11'0-dll<'''II I"'l'';lllll:tbly II}' tho "I'Op, :\I}( 1 II." \1',11<'1' Il'IlllHpi l"'il.

;"j. Ii'lllt·tlla,tillll~ in (,Iw con{,ptrt of carhon c.l ioxidn ill tho ba,J'(: so il Wl~re ''''I'llilipimil''[ hy ~iJnilm flue! lIat,iuBK in 1.[", CI'OllP(l,1 Hoil Oldy aft.e l' the ""lrlOI'''[ of ihe C'I'l))l "ml bl'ful'(! L11e [,I'Op had 1\"1<10 mll<:h J!:l'owih ,

ll, '1')"'1'[' "I'lli'm',," 10 he Jilllc' )'I'ifltil)]"hip ]>"[,lI'l'l'll lill' Il'nJllI'mtul'l' uf ilw soil 'It I.lw lilil" of ,,""pli lll<, ;1"d th" carboll rlioxi<i" ill 1110 C1'OP!'('([ 8u; I Or Lh,d. "'o"llll1ntl l,u he lll'()(htced hy th" no )' (de1el'lJlincrl by H"b­l,l'iLul,il\~ 1Iw 1':,I'i)()1\ llinxidn lit 11\1' h,,,,,, H(lil f.'ott< Ihai; in t.he cl'opped Koi l).

7, h \1[(, ]Jnn, Huil 1.[,,, "arhun diuxi<i" \\'11, llxll :tlly high dm;lIg W>1l'l11

we"I.11I 'j' '''H1 lo\\' ",lll'" the i"lllpl'rallll'l' ,kerl'''"J'(1. R.. Yl\l'Y II)\\' nt lflOSph<'!'ic Pt'(""l~Ut'(',') \'/('1'0 uSllally U(:(,()lUj)Hl1il>d } 'Y t..m

LJl('W:)."I(' ilt tllt' ('(IIt( t'll( oi' (':1r! 'llIl di(Jxi«i(' ill j,I\t' b:ll'P ~oil.

D. The <'uri>oH dioxide pl'od lle('(l })]'I'Smlluh1y hy the )llHld waH about. t,h<: 8aH l(' in :-l()ihl havlllg n .. higll illi(lnl ('ar-l)()u-lliuxidli L'ulIkni at-> ill (,110:-:0 low in uarbotJ (lio"ilk, 11l11il'aljllp; 11", pr(J\)n\)jlil), 1»"1. pluniB :wd ~{)il org-;11 1i"nnx ad, illdq1t)rld(, in pl'odn('j!l:~ c;ll'lJou di(Jxido.

lIl, It is l'Illl('ill<i"d {mill t.hin work I,b,d, 1,11\! phnt ib"lf , alld ""il Ol'g:J..llit:.llli'{, l)J'odlu'{_\ tHOHt uf til{\ (~:tl'l)(Hl (tif)xiLl(l ill tIl(' Koi l ; tl\:t.t t lw 1)h-U1 L oncil prodlLt.'{·~ al, the pnrilHl of il~ 1l1O~t. l\,l'I ,ivt' gl'o\\'ih lnany timps a~ lllllL:h f'arImll djox i dl~ as j,'-l, pl'odul'rd by Hoi l OI'p;nUiHIIlH; nnd that Uw e:XI'(I,~::l (':tJ'bWl di(J~i(ln in Ow t)(J iI v;rowitlg tt Ul'(Jp ilo; <lno to J'('~ jJi ratOl'Y

"d ivily III (,),e plants l'llthcr than 1.0 jill! d"I:lIY of l'uol. l'ftl'tiele~ frolll lito em!, gl'owillg OJ! the ~oil ai (,!te Lillie of llJltllYiiis,


.1\ IIBlISf)N, ,J_ J r. Ij~ill Hl'hl'llg' Zlll' r\omJi,nis .1('1' Nnl.lIl' do)' 'VllI'Z('hHl~schcj­,JIIJlg"". "hlu'lt wi,;,s. 130t.ll'i'illg,,]Joimj47: ,Jl-G0. l\)JO.

g,'Jl,\IWV, 1'. Th" (·/.I'I)Oll ,jiox;,! eOIlt.clli, or HfJib <llll'illg diO'el'f'!lt stnf);OR oj' !;l'owt.ll of plnnlH. Ciled ',:n l~x Jl" sin. ree. 23(1\)10):52::1. lUJ1. From Zhtll'. opiutn. "gron. n:;1Z1-:i,l:.L 1910.

111"ZICf,L, J. A., ANJ) I'YON, T. L. Thl) ()Jl'e"j, oj' G'lJ't,lIill het.or, Oil tIle clIrbon­tli"xitl" ()l)JJI"nt of soi l ail'. Amer. Soe. Ag1'oll. JOlll'h, 10: D7-] 12" 1\)18.

Dm,;:inAIN. 1'.-1'., "N il j)1<1~IOU SSY, K Rul' l'oxYl]:Lj,ion de It, 111!LticI.'C ol'g:Lni(juo elu sol. Aun. "V;I·f)Jl. 22::i05-:I:17. [HUt;.

Jo'or)OH, OJ. V. DUl' l\(lhkl.siilll·cgohaIL <leI' Bor!ongliso. Vl'tljsel11'. ijfT"nLl. (:CHlIm!. 7: 2·05. H;75.

1L\lun80N, W. H., AN]) AJY1nn, P. A. RUIIllAMANIA. The P;USI'S of SWllln[1 ricl' ~oik thei.· I'omposition HIld rl!}tttiouship to the crop. hIli" 1)('pt. AgI·. MOlnoi!'", Chcm. SOl'. 3 :65-106. 1913.

IL\sm'JLlJltlNIi, lIJ,INllWII. Tho rt'bl,i()TJ boLwl1cn tho tJ'fLllRpiratioll streit\)) n)Id tho ab"oJ'[>l.ioll of "lIlt~. Boj" gil". 57: 72-7:3. H)I-±.

HWi'('WNSON. C. M. napol't 01 thn Impori,d AgI'ieult1ll'nl Ihctm'iolog;ist. Illilin llgl·. Hcselll'd, II1Hi.ltwl Cull., PUStl. 1{opt. 19II-12 :78-~3. 1012.

J(Os8owl'rclI, P. [rlll",~iilll tij,]c.j Tho qllllTlt.itntivn dclol'JIlin:ltion of clllhm dioxide jlmril",ed by the mol,R of pllLll\" dllring j,l1l) j)(;rio(1 of j.lwil· d"vn]ol'mollt. ZhllL opuitn. "groll. 5 : 482-'l!J:l. (.I) /)dmcierl VII .r. DlIvidsOJI.) IDOl

Tum, K nl'i1.ri(!\o 1.111' Kmll1tnis del' Zllsl\m\l,cl\s"j."un~ cl(~J' ill) 1\oko['­boden bcfimllic:hell Lu[1.. ltlltug. ])iss., Itos\ouk. IUOu.

]'i\ WJ'~S, .1. JJ, ]i~xpL'J'imen1,al invDBLiga.~,ion jn10 Ule :unOlllli. of wa.ter i(iVl'll of!' by phillis I",,·i,,/.\ t.lwil' gl'Owt.h; cspucillliy in ""Inti(l]) 1.0 tho film1i()n tUld ."'W·ell of 1,1IOil' VI11'i()lm cDl]s1.itnont.s" Hol't.. Soc. J_,olldon. JOUJIl. 1): as-1m. U:!50.

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L1VrrilOS'['o~', BI1ll'l'ON RJ)\v,\])J). HolnLion of t.l'lIllspimtion t.o growt.h ill wheat. BoL. ga~. 40: 178- 1!J5. 1905.

MOf"TSCll, IL\N~. UbOl' WW'zcinllsRdlcidllllgen !lad oeren Eillwirkullg allf Ol't';lLlIiReiU) ~uTJ"tmw"'. K. Aktul. VViSH. l ViCllllU], Maih.-Nu\ul'w. C1. i:lit7-bol'. 96 (1887): 84-109. 1888.

350 II. W. '['UUPIN

NJ,]J~I,I~H, ,J. U. RtudioH 011 lhe ,'ol'J'('lalion bol,ween Iho ]lJ'()[lIL<>1.ion of enrhon ciioxj,]" nne[ tho u"mlllllllal,ioll of aJllmoni" i>y soil orgallisms. Hoil bei. 5 :225-241. J D18.

PE'!"I'P,NKOI"fllt, M. Vo]ul1HMin "stim:ltiol\ of ntmoRpheJ'ie Cal'bOllie flcill, Chcm, floc. [LOllLloIiJ. Qual·1. joUI'Jl, Io:21)2-207, 1858,

11<·1)('1' den l (ohlcn~ii.IJl'(;gcll:\]I, del' Gl'IlIldlllft ill! G<'l'o11-i>oden \'011 iVIlilwlwn in vl'I',,·hiccloll(ln Ticfcn lind Z\I YcrH('hiecl()1l011 Zeit "II. ZI"o/lI'. BioI. 7::lfJ5-U7. 1871.

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11VElJ.'V111H, 'T'n., AND I3LAN('K, K Dil' RiiU\'('HIISH('hnidung dUl' '\'Vlll'z('ln 1111<1 din I.6,iidlkcit d01' 13o(jelllliUu','lofl'<l ill kolti(lIlsiiw'c)ttlWgcm Wnssot'. L~llLlw. Vel's. SLat. 77:217-2iiS, 1912,

T'LllMMI'lH , .J. Ie ROl!1e rff.wlH of oxygell and !'arbon dioxide all nitl'if;(':t­I,ioll lUl(i :lInmoniiil',tI.iun ill soib. Come'll Vnil'. Agl'. Exp. Sin. BilL 384::301-3~lO. lOW.

l'O'J~']"', 11. S., AND i:lNYIlEll,.R S. Cltl'bon dioxide prodll~tioll ill fioilfi And en,l'iJOll a.nd nitl'O,f.!;(,ll Chnn,l!;l'R in soils V:1l'iOLlS!Y tl'lmtod, Iowa Agl'. Exp, Htlt, l{usC!II'ch bul. :39: 249-:1U9, lOW,

.RUHSJolLT" .K ,J. Hecon!. inv"sl,i~lttionB on the ]lJ'odudion of plal\l, food ill the Hoil.- 1. Hoy, Hor!" i:loc. ,) olll'n , 4,:173-l87. 1!J1.5:c.

8aI110,-I1. Roy, IIor!" Sao. JOl1l'll. 4': 188-1DO, 1915 b. n.Uf}SI~r.Tl, En\YAIW .10l1N, AND .Al'P[,J"YAnD, AT~l~IUlD. The {dnlO~l>horc

of the soil: its ('olllposit.iou and the C!LU~C8 of va"riu.j,jon. ,J011I'I1. ngl'. s('i, 7: 1-48. 191;'.

----. The influl"l('<' of Roil conditiolls on tho ticcompnsitioJl ()f organic m'tttol' ill Uw Roil. ,luul'l1. "III', Roi. 8:385~1l7, 1\)17.

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STOK[,ASA, .J UJ,IUR. MdhociOil ~1Il' Bestimtnllng; del' AtmIlIlIY'illl,(JJ1sit.iit tim nnkl (,I'ioa im Jl(}(lell. Ztscill'. 1m,,1w. "(",mehslV. 0"81.0I'1'('i<:l1 14-: 12'13-127\). lOll.

STOl(r~ASA, Jllf~lUS, AND J\[[NNS'l', Allor,I". Unbol' elm UI'SPI'Wlg, di" l\1oUg0, lind die RodolJ(,I.IJ1g; des l(ohlclldioxycls im Boden, Ccntbl. Baltt, 2:14 : 723-73(i, 1005,

---- Beitl'LiJ,!;p ZlIl' T.l'Hmng do)' Fl':lf.;P dPl' . chl'lnixdlPI\ Naj,lu' dOH WlIl'y.eI~chctcR . .Iulu·h. wiss. not. tl'l'illK,/wimj 4/).'.r,j-J02. 1 !1(1).

::;"""'I'I"Lfolev, P. II. J li<:;-;AJoII.INK YA N. Olll'l' di" :>1","1111[,; d"l' Ldwll-'iiitiv,keit d,·,. :,iiro"ioliseh"" ]3a1dr:ri(,1l illl Bod':Jl dlll'f:h ,lic 1\oh1"",;,"­,·opI'o(lnktjon. Cantbl. Hakt. :!: 28:-15-80. .I OJO.

WOLLNY, K UII(,"l'R<I"h1lnw'" lih.·'· ,1m T1:in(!u" d('r PI'l"I,"PlHj"d<" und lin B,'s"h,,1.\.llllP; :III[ ,kn hohl""Kilul'<'gchult (lei' 130dt·nlllft.. [,'ol'"ciL (leb . .Igl'.-Physik 3.' 1- 1-1. JSHOn.

- ---- Ulllcl'"<I"h'lllp;C;n iihol' (lell l{ohlcmlt<ll'egoh:llt del' n",\,'nl"rl .. j ,amlw. Vcrs. HtaL. 25: :>7:j-:10 l. 1880 iI.

----- Die Z(' ,-,;ctY.lI11g (IeI' ol'!~'Ulischclt foHol1e und flie. JTnmll s­i>i1dullgC'lI, p. J ~17!). tsm.

\VOL1"NY, W ,Il:1'lolH. Ulltm'sIlI:hllllgo" iilJul' dOll Einlluss del' LufUcuchlig­)(I,j1 lvd tiltS Wllc!m1Jllllll dol' l'llllllZ{'JI, p. 1.-'14. 1)]ltlll';. DiBS., lIilllo, 1808,

.JJl!il' of

HltwJllill J.(

~\I :~I'('h :~O l\ll'i\ 13 ,i"~'Til Jij Airil II) Apl'i122 .\111'11 :?(i '\Wil :~O MIlY I .\b\· 7 )ll':" II

~;;~;: ;~ iL~~' 21 )'b~' 2r, 11:,:'1' :?:-; • , 111;\ ~ 1 .I t!ll.l' I .' Ultt:" S .hllll.! 11 ." lIIe I,j .JlUH· IX . 'l! W_~ :!2 .fllII!' 2:, Jml\) ~n .hlly:2 .July ij ,J uly !) .JlIly la .July Iii .Ill!Y 20 .fllly 2:~ .lui,. 27 .Jllly :lO I\UIl:UtI ( ;{

A\lgu~t. (i Allf:!;UIlt. 11) AUI-nu-li I" Aligns! 17 Au~uijl 20 A\lgu:;L 2-1

C.\IIIlON I'> ' O:\.[IH: (1)1-J1t CI:WI' In Vor,uw) I JIi C ltoI'PI': ll \;oW 1 :01 lTN('RO)'Pl<:P

)-lOIJ. (()i~.'jij, l!UT)

'l'(' III !lt'I'- Atnu)s atul'(' pJu'rla ( l'{ 'nti ~ ])n';;~

J.',rmlo) SIITf" (incltl's)

~m.O!i 2S.7S 2(tD8 2f) 22 20 . 12 20.0n ~!)_()2

2D. l r~ 2f1 . W ~~Y2 :.?S.)-1S 2\1. 01} 2r1.0,) 2>{.7S 2Q.'17 '2!)_()7 2!) '27 "8.K~ 2~.'li~ ~!).(r,~

2\I. J7 :2~. ].i

20 i1i'i 2S.1)\ :?S. ~J2 2\ .. 1(\ 2R.H;-) 2,'<,,1)2 ~\).11 2D :~t 2!).0,',) 2S,!lH 2K.n:i ~)'()7

29.22 ~n.O:i 2n.:H 21J.(JO 28.\17 2871

\Vul!l" nlld.'l( to IllnintlLill lHuisllll'{' ('l1I1((\111

ut :'m Ill'!' l:t'lLt (~m ll l:{)

1 .7;'3 2.75 3.00 ,1,tiO ;~ F) 2."0 5.7fi 7 .21j

Il.OO Ill. 7" 11.00 11. 20 11 .. ;0 20.25 J;' 7;') 2:~. 7;j 20,7;" 27.0{) 20.;iO a[ .2;, 27.00 :19 riO 2 •. 00


20.01) 11>.00 7.00 S.O!) l) .lIO :) .fIO (U)U a,GO \.l>O 2.7ri 1.2,)

C'rOjlpt·,[ /luil (.\)

(l .:?,.):J: .oon O.IJI)!H.1117 O.5:W±.lm7 () 711±. 01O (I .G!I.~c'" .017 O .~ I:l±. IH:l I) 7:t7el, .0 1·1 O.OIO~_ .01:1 o fll:1clc O~7 o .1):11 L, il:17 1.1 2~± .018 l.IO"]' .017 l.O'!I±.037 1.:lOH, .010 I 21l7±. O:11 :] Oll ±. I(l2 I 7IlS±. 0::O 1.!I:\1,[, .101 I..!~ (j:;;.k .012 1.2!i:!±.Oll 1.:i l:J±.035!Y.I±.O:lO 1.11 2c1.,.O:IJ I .S W± .()2S 1.77X± .032

I) .7nO l.liI4±.OJ.! 1.l;n(),L.OI .q 1.7~J±.O,;2 1.1I1±.OIG 1,Jj9['±.O:m 1.21i 1±.OI·1 1.17.j, 1.1i1O±.O:12 I.02H"e. M,q o .'lOli± .Im o ,;-.;7(i± .0 12 o .'H I :::i~ ,01\) o lX19 ,Um O.765±.OI:1

f i l l('j'\)P1J~d !lui i (ll)

0.2"11+ .onn U. 7T! J". OII O.IP,q,L.OOD li.n:i)o.()O:1 1l .O.')'U:: .Ol1l O. 711 ±.OO' 1l . li',H, !l07 0 .;,,\)j, 007 O. 7ifi·_t: . (Jon O.n:!2:l:. ()OG o S7Hc\" .01:; O. j7:H::.oon 0. -lri2 cL.on:! 0.1 1.;.1, .0111 0 . 177,1,. 1I1l2 O.GI S,I,. l~)7 o !)D,'kt·. I) JJ 0 .5::1110 .<Xl2 0 . \,'):2'1:; ,O()!) O.llIi±. (I02 O. ,1l!1 ·.t. II07 O. ·l oO .I,. OIl!~ 1)..f (j( j.l ,. (1Oi O. ·I!lIi ~e. 0(1:1 O.li211 _L (IOS O.:!!J:I .• I=.002 O . .JI!I±. I)IlS O.:J1Jl_I=. ()()\ o G:J:l~~ .007 O.·I~I± 00r. O.!l5 j±. OI,; O. (,~I;,], 007 O.\)f)\)±. 007 O .I\I:l,~. (J07 O.(i2! J± .007 lI. ·I2,;± .00:1 o [iSI::L.OOfi U ·j7,q± .003 0 .701 t . OO~ O.:l:2G±.OOi·

1 liO'L'rclU!IJ (A - H)

1) .1l0H. UII O . I :I~"- .022 o 02~cr..OII O.OOii± 0111 0 .0 15± .017 a.DnO-c. OI.; o Il RI,I. OIU (J.o xt r. . (1 IT, Q.IG7._c O:!g O .2 !~ll cl, 0:17 a .5 1·i±.O:;O O.G!Jl-t .Ot7 O.i;S2,1,. 0:!7 O.~D2 ,10. ()!O 0 .><20", O:\b 1.!1S:1± .102 1.010," .0IiO l, '1521 .. lIl[ O.!JI:l ~,. OI:l 0.87(;'{, .021 O.Rl)(i ± .O:!(", 1:12\)01,. 0:12 ().fiJ(j ,r.. O:lI J:1r,o± 02~ 1.158±. O:I:~

1. WIi ± .Olll 1.;I05±. OJl{ 1. H~:l::. O[j2 O.(i20± 017 n·. 6/1 ± 03;$ o.mGJ::. OH o 51IH,.n:l() o. :.107±.U:J2 O. :Ml±.n2!l 0281 ,]'. 012 o 2!)[i±.OJ:j II :lO:l±.Ol!) O,205± 012 O. 2311L015

:l,; I H. W. 'l'CIU'JN

TARLI': I (collciud('(i)

Wn.ter ('flt'bon llioxidtl)lrodIWl'ri ill

Atm03-nddcd jl)

1\lfl~PCl'- Ilulintain Ditto atlll'l'

plH'rir: n'lOir;tlll'll I )iJi"rr 'n(:~' of (I·(,nli- P!'1,_',\I- content Cropped U ncrollpml. (A-B) I'-mupling grarJr-)

IlUt'P, at 30 Boil HoiI (iIlC,hI'S) per cent (A) (ll) (\!_;t'atlls)

August '27 ::m.5" 2:1.211 O.729±.OOO O. 53R,L .00.; O.101 ~,. OJO AllgllS\. ;11 I ~.Oo 2n.:l7 0.:ll5±.OO7 O .2ll~, .001 () .101 le.008 Pep! . ;) 2:;.()' 20.21 O.G:ifJ±.015 OA88~, .f)01 O.17L,L OI5 Sept. 7 11.0' 20.2'\ 0.37G±.OO7 O.25G±.OIl:l O.l20d,. OOg Rept. III j! .5° 20.:H O.2S9± .OOI O.lD5~,. OO;1 O.OOI ± .005 S(~}lt. ].I 1.-1.5<1 20.'11 O.385±.010 O.2f"H,.1I07 O.l~O," .013 SClll. l7 2;'.OQ 2!J.:11 0.5.J1±.OO8 O.:l7H±.OOI O.10fi±.OOO H"pt. 21 lR.O' 29.06 O.MI±.010 o . 3,IR± .005 o 20G±.OIl Sell\. "'2.\ 21.0' 29.·10 0.11:\± .OO:~ O.2(i(\± .00:\ O.I·I\\±. llill ~1·I't. 2~ lR.O' 2S.03 O.105±.OJ2 O.32S±.OO:l O.lli7±.OJ:J Or't. ,) 1(1.0' 2R.~O O.30D±.OlO O.211 ± .001 O.OO~j, .011 Oct. 10 ~J.O° 28.92 O.dOH.O IO 0.28S±.OOG O.lHH.OJ l Nov. 2 17.00 20.·10 0.382±.OOS O.2iiO±.OOI 0. ·i2:l±. IlO9 )J(JY. 10 10.0' 20.0~ O.424±.OJ3 0.301 ± .010 0.12;\± .()2l r\(nr, ao '17.0' 20.15 O.230±.OOR o .192±. 00,) O.OR.~,J,. OIO D;'o. 1·1 17.iio 2S,C,9 0,350±.O20 0,21(\± ,007 O. I·IO± .021

'I'm: CA..llnON DIOX1!Jr.: 01' ~'ml Son, Am 355

'J.j\.J3LB 2. CAnnoN DrOXIJ)H (PJ.ll~ C~:N'l' 111" VOINM1;) IN CnOl'l'HD .AND IN UNORf>l'l'fJ1) ROJl. (O,\',·s. 1918)

Dato of


Jan. 3 ,/un. iii ,Tun, :ll Frb. 7 F('!>. II T!'e-b. H 1'ob.18 Fob. 21 li'l'b.2.,} 1"'0.2, Ivlarrh ·f J\.l'l~rch 7 M .. ~h II Moreh H A111!"ciJ 18 li[Hrril 2t lfnl'ch 2.1 ~rln'ch 2'3 April 1 AJlril4 April 8 April 11 April]!) April 18 April 22 April 25 April 29 lIf"y 2 ".M:ll)' G ~I"y 0 }.["Y 13 May Hi May 20 :Ul~:V 23 j\[I\Y 27 MIll':IO .Tullc :~ JUlltJ G Jlml) 10 .111110 1:1 Juno 17 .lune 20 JUIlO ZI

']'1)111111'1'· nturr (ccmli­~~I'ltde)

Ig.O" lfi,/io lX.O<:'l 21J.O' 20 0' 22.5'l 18.0° 20.0<:1 20.i,o 20.0" Hi.O' 20.0' W.O' 20 .0'l 1».00 25.0"' IX .Oo 2l.(}O 2l.0'l 20.0' tn.O° 20.6' 20.G(I !H.W 21.0c 2:Lfi" 22.!J° :?:JJl 2:1.()" 27.11' 23.0" 27.r{J 22.0° 21.1)' 21./)0 ~;{.;).:>

20.5° 22.5" J7 . .riO 21.{) ' J!) _,,' 210 11.0'

Alrnos­phC'l'ic jll'es­Jo'lIl'l'


20.21 21.SI 20 .~{2 2!J.20 28.0R 23.07 2!1.I;S 28.75 28.8:1 20.25 2!).:J'1 28.00 2f1,r"t 2S. ,18 2r:l. J5 28.S8 28.81 20,:19 28.81 20.0S 20.aO 2!}.2n 20.22 28.Ail 2S.IN 2!).2~

23.07 20.20 2!).07 28.U:1 23.92 20.·1l 2!).12 2!).30 20.05 20.17 20.19 20.10 2!).11 2~:17 20.01) 20.21 2!).00

ttlr Wa ndlIe HULin Illoi:-. cout

,£1 to lain tur(! Cllt 30 cent

!I.t. p<'r (gr!\ IIlfl)

"" ... ... ... ... 5.00 :1.'15 5.00 5.75 3.25 9.75 9.75 4.2,!) 1

I 24 1 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 a 2 :l !l 2 2 2 1 j

0.75 .00

7.50 0.7;; 7.00 3.2;; J.OO 2.25 0.7[; 'L25 ;;.{)O 8.50 1.00 1.00 0.25 L2.1 1.00 3.00 7.75 7.25 0.75 ,.(]() R.25

'1 2 I I 1 I

7.75 0.7;' ,j.50

tJ .7fi 5,\iO


Carhon diO\ido 11roducf'd ill

DiITt:-"'Jrcur.o Cropped UnCrOlll)ccl (A-il)

floiL tioil (A) (Il)

--------- - -------O.B73±.020 0.229:f: .oor; O.111±.O21. ().~IIi±.Oll O.1t;2±.m~ O.l:lI-c 011 O.:115±.OUf) O.:22il± .oon O.O!Jj± 011 O.!lJ.~±.OIO O.2211±.OO2 O.O!J2o!o.OJl) O.310± .Ol[) 0.21!J,~.01)!l O.O!lI±.OI:1 OAUl±.OIIl 0.2:'5±.OO!) (J.lll! , ,, .011{ O.:l70±.OlO O.221±.OOH ().ll~oI,.IH2 0.50!J±.01·1 0.258±.(1)8 0.2[,1 ± .0111 O.'l45±.OOO O.100± .OOti Q.2,jO± .011 0.5U5± .010 O.ZIO± .mlS O.;{;j:) :i:.OI2 O.6%±.Olli±.GOS O.'l.lO±.Olg O.G30±.[)1"{ 0.205± .007 O.!11L~.()IS i).S31± 010 O.231l±.OOI) 0.50'1± .020 0.DOO±.020 0.225,1, .OOG O.71:l± 020 1.1IS8±.027 O.2IH,.OOI) 1.403±.02~ 2.2DO±.OnO 0.471± .012 1.8lD±.OllZ 2.103±.OaO o . 259± .01)0 l.S11±.O:1I 2.221±.O55 0.310±.0I0 1.1)0" ±. ~)Gl; 2.514±.1I:111 0.B~I±.010 2.1Jl3,J=.OII. 2.311±.O:13 O.:lIs±.ooa 1.9Duol,.O:n 1.S0!'i±.025 0.170± .000 1.(i\)5:I::.02(l 3.120,.<0.0:1:1 o .1S~,k . Of)! 2.\111,1,.011 2.701±.072 0.820," .0011 2. !l~l ± .072 2.580±.OS5 O.311,h.OlH 2.2aO±.(JS5 2.120±.OSIl 0.21l ,b.005 1.\)18±.0';o 2. 078± . 0.;" 0.:10:10},.01)0 2.~i7IH.::.Olj7 2.·11H,.<o.0 10 O.2:IO± .01)5 2.1R2±.OI1 2.000±.01l1 O.211±.01)~j 1."\~±.OI(; 3 .3t:l± .02V IU1~*·003 2. !l5H,.029 2.7H±.Oll 0.3 n,t.OIH 2.:10l>±.01l. 2.G13±.0Ifj O.200±.00! 2.:117±.01" Z:r58±.071 0.2:1a± .001 2.1'7,~.071 2.GOO±.OSI O.27ILl,.OOl 2. :l21± .00,1 2.\)ol±.OIl Q,205::1:..OaH 2. a~\)~J= .011 2.153±.OM 0.250,10 .arM 1. SOU, .(105 1.518±.018 O.2i)i±.O()) 1. 2" IJ, .018 Z.OJ5±.OIt 0.31 I-t .OtH 1. '1010" .(ll:? 1.:)1;[01, .015 0.2\)1),(,.OD\ I OI)2~, .Uli; 1.120±.1)17 O.W!)±.ODI O.931±.OJ7 I.070±.017 0.220± 001 OX,001o.Ol8 1.170," .007 0.271± .00l O.Rnn± .0119 I Ollt± .000 0.210±.003 O.7Iio± ODD 0.5l!J± .007 O.HO±.OO~ O.37Uo1o.007

:l!jl, II. W. '1'''f(J'lN

Wat~'I' C!~rhrm lli()xid(' fll'lHlncl'd ill At,Ulok~

added 10

D:lto T('mp{!r~ plwric: Uluilll:lin

01 ntUl'I' llloi-.tlll'l' I)iff('j'I' II('P

(('('11 1 i-pl'l'fl~

['(I!lt!'111 ( 'rnppod UHrrOllj1('U (A·-B) BlIlllpliug grnd(1)

Sllrf] "t, aD flOil lioi l (inciH':;)

I'('t' f'el1t (A) (11) (1!:l'IHI1H1 ___ - -- --_._-

Juue 27 2~.O' 2H.OO (i.00 I. JnD:1:: .O!!) o :1!J(\j,. 003 0 'I7:U OI!J .11I1y I :~O.S~ 2~';_~1 t). ~~il I WIl± 011 I). ;{fin I ~. OO() 1.1:;U IIII .Iul\·-l 2~J)o ~(t .:;:~ I O:lli", III I· O. ~~G::f:; .00,'; o.ono ± ()1:)

Jul)' R 17 0' 2.'i.HO 07.;1,.1=,(111) o ~lr)l-:.OO2 o &IS;l:: 010 .JlIl)' 11 21.Go :20. 12 0.71;):1:; .011 t) :~!1:H::. 007 o I.'IH 0:!.1 .fll[\r If • I!I.O' ~J. 1 2 1.02''', .IIlK 0 :n:I±.Otll O.(i\)ti~j~ .n!~t

Jnl\' IS 30.0' 21{.n l 1.,I:lll± (Jill o 57,~.J, 011 0 R,,2j, I)I~

.ltd;' 22 23,0' 2tL:H ], 77N,~ ,lllll o '{.iO J, O~ I lO2KL,O:!1

.I\lly 2~ 3(J,0" 21').2:2 1 liIS.± (1:1,\ o ,'\0.,,)·1.: ,01'7 I) 7'-I:U: U:\H

.JUI)1 2ft 21.0' 2\) II ]''iSS," ,011 1 O.\):.:!O-l: ,O~l O.S()S--~ O:.!J AILl!l1sl 1 :J(LO· 20 07 I ,o:m+. O:N o . !i~:O:.L .o:!\) O,<[·IO.t OIK AUj!II:'lt 5 21,0· 2S.n~,i:l±.lllili o .:f/5.1, .(l17 o .2{?:H-: IIIK Aup;Il:-li 8 3r;,on 2(1,0:\ 1.~)(j:~±.1l1:{ (I O:lllJ., .O:Ui O.Ii(:U,.O:N A\lgu-l'it 12 2:~.rt 2D.Hi 1.O'-II..!::l:: .O2--l. O,I):ii),,L ,012 o ·I~:H: O:IIJ AUg:II.~t, 11 2~.0" 2(1.0/ 1,:)1.;), .1107 (I .7ml.!· . Mil I) r):~;) :cl 0'27 AlIg\l:S~ 1:i :H.D" 20.21 () .s..~fi:t .021 O.!I:2.i:i: .n:!1 I) ;;I>O! I): ~:~

J\ug1i.',t, lC, S2 .0° 21),[(', O.;;:1t; 1,.I)](i O.50;i:1: .OZI 0:\::0,1 tun AUl!u:;t 17 2n .;lo 20,.;1) o 7(()L02l o.n:--;:·L,/):!:: I), ~'~2,±: Itl[

Au~ullt HI 2(; . .1'" 2\).fi :~ O.(\jL~± .~)Ufj 1),IOI)± 01·1 I) ~(i.\) l-:: Ill:) AU~Uflt. 2 1 3:1 .0· 2t).21 O.·jl;"J:!-: .02(; 0. rilU ,0 10 O. :~S.):l O:!'i Auv,uHl 32 :13.0· 2)1 .17 O.SS~:L.Ol:i O.fiS:'-I.t::.UIN I) :100·1 Il:!:~ J'\ll~ll:,\t 2:1 3:1.0' 29 10 ().I)~~·c 001 O.n:1:~:1:- ,Ol·~ o ;l1i;it 1)1 '~1

Al,lgusl, 2·1 :JJ.O' 2i1,O~ I . J\.)J;:.I)05 ().Ii\).i;t O(l( o ·1,,0'(' ()I)1l Allf.(lIst 20 :m . .1'l- :l'-l-.Uli O.iS~±:.Olli 1I Hl)O{-;{:: O(IH II :t!O 1 .(lI~ AII~lIf:t 27 :10 O· :liJ.2~ 0.0'1\"'·'.: Ol}!,) O.11~·l.Il~O II ~\(H ,O~I

I ~,;__-=-=-=---:=.::=---===::.=...~:- ~

')W '_' ... ),

Tl\HT,l~ :1 . Tb:J,A'I ' [OX HE']'Wl:l:l: 'I'llI': C.\llTtON Ihox m [,] IN" 'lin: ('U:Il'I'J:ll NOli, 1111i(I."(l '1'111': -PEHlOl} O~' i\IIJ~1' ./\ ("JiVJ; PI,,\ N'l' (r]{(IW'I'U , .\\' [) 'l'1I1~ \\·,\.'I'l:ll 'J'H.·\NI'41·JIt~:n E,\clI WI;m.: (OA'fs,1!)17)

May It:' MIIY i\IIIY II" May IS. :\[ny:!l. !l11I.\':.!.i .. Mil}' :!~ .. ./UII1' 1 ,11l1\(' 1 .fILl\{' ~ ,)111\· ·11 ,hili ' 1 ,1\111 ' I~ ,lUll( :!.!, ,1\11111 ~.i.

.1\111(' ~.n.

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.. ----~,,J Ilrrh I ~l:lI'rh 7 ~fral'('h \I J\larrh \I ;\hf(h J' ))tlreh :!1 }.hl·th ;1:' )'i:tl'('h :]1\ \plil1 .\rll jJ,l APlii 8 .. \pril 11 !'pril Iii Arli\ lR Arril ::!3 Arlril25

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]JpJ'cC'ni.ofl'!ll"iWIl ,tiu')[i<i!' 10 (':I(·1t

1I<)ll1ul l,f w'ltl'r - .. -.. --------~ - ~;il~~;~'l::;;;' -~------

.\v~·tllgf' \\'('rnge dinxitlo

f'!III!,m (l;l~~t:~ ('.ml!mt :iil~~ll)tl\' ()-J<;

~;~;)~:~;;~) l~~; ~l;" (;::;Jx:i:~) f~~,.~{~D (V)

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-- .---- ---.--- --_. o.m).) o .I~(r{ g:~~i~ } 0.2011 (I.,lOt O.(JIr. 0.07-1 o.n:1O O.H:1-J U.!}(f.l

o """j 0.2:\1 O.O7l 0.0:11 0.0111 O.!I/Ifl O.2':,m I.I)'if-: 1,\)S\I U.:1Il,j 0.:178 1.01l 0.1117 O.IJ[iH 2.:!OfI tl.-17J :!.If):J 2.WI O.2i'i!t O.::!SO LR7ii O_OIIi O.O[);) '!. 2~ 1 0.:11\) 2,;;\-1 ::!.IH

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n.a:;1) 0.:111\ 2.32(', 0.01:; O.{\[il 2,/)"{) 0.311 ~.12f1 2.·101 fl.211 0.2:'17 2.].17 O.O;j!'i O.(WI 3 .1i7.'~ 0.30:1 :~ .. 1I& 2.21-1 o.2:W 0.2:':·1 2.0:.:!O (I,oat ~.()fJ\l O,~l1 ;~. :1\:1 a,012 O,H'\,) O.:m·' 2.i17,'j U,Oll U. ~;;';i,) :t.7J I IUlJ5

- - --------- .. -- _-1\1,·:(\1 .... . .. (1.0 1:~ O.Or.:1

·l::-.Otlll _j·.O():"2 i-it!H1tlard ll,·vilttioll .. O.OOI\!i 0.011)2

:lc_UOlf) -L.[)Ol1j ('1l,·HiI~il'llt {If Vill inhiIHy._ 1. •. 1 10.17

;l:3.:tl '1-:1.12


'1'AJ.ILg 5. lhr.ATION l\T-:1'\\'um 'l'IU-: Dl~YWmml'l' (Jlo"I1rt-: enOl' ANti '11T1-1 CAntlON' lJroxlllB ClIn;N On' u'\' Pl,;\l'i'l' Hom',.,

B.ri<,y RJ'o. , OHt.-I .. Wllea.t.

( f.'rom R~okll\!ll\ and gL'n(:::I~, 1000)

'1'ob1 dry nmi(c[' prOduC(:d in 8 1 cln.YH


:ll,m:1 27,OIU 2J.2]5 1~,:375

'rolal cnrhuH dioxide

J1rochlt·('(1 in HI day8



l\Iilti1-;l'lllnH ()!'

('lu'hon dioxide pl'()dllt:!~d 1,0

melt ruillijJ;n:m or drYllll'I.UCl'

0.0::'1!1 0.0;:0 0 .01:1


TUN CAnnON D'OXlDl<J 0 1" '£[1m SOl), Am 359

rrABLE 6. CAll-liON DrOXlIHl (l)}~lt CI~N'l' BY VOJ,U~ff:) I N CnO PI'Jm AND IN" UNCl101'I' JoJD

~{)II' (M I[,r;I<;'l', 1918) ========

Cltrboll dinxirlll prodllCcd ill

l)l1tnof sll lilpliug 8(,1' i(·;.1 "I (high co;! t;oil) Sc'r im.; 2 (lnw co:! soil)

Cr()I)IH'LI B.'H'C CrclpPNi Bnre (per tout.) (r)(}l'Cf'nt) (pur con ~) (pCl' cent)

------._ ,Til ly H .. O.7Ia,~. 0111 O.7G:J,~.OIO 0.210±.002 O. 215 ± .002 .Jllly 11. 0.71i'1 ,~.OI):1 O. 7·15,~ . 07.·~ 0.2P.:l±.OO I O. 295± .007 July 15 1.01,;,,, .031 I.02S,L.OJ8 O.3r.8± .001 O. 333± .00·1 .llIly IR .. I A,i~:l":.OilO I A·lO,i,. 010 0.5·IS", .001 0 .57S± .001 .JlIly:12. l.>'O:l±. O: :Z 1.7»'4, 00) 0.7D.S,Io.OH O. 750± .021 .I u1 y 25. 2.0J;'i±.OTO I IHK±.O:lo 0.908±.050 0 .895±.017 JlIly 2!J. UI~\±. 101 1.7SS±,.OOI l.008± .05 ! O. 020± .021 AU~Il:lt I. ,. I . :10fi:L~ .0;;5 l.020cI, . U:I~ 0.708± .030 O. 580± .029 Aup;lIst r~ .. 1 .]:l:~±.00'\ I) .1}1:1±. 00(1 O. 7liOd:::. 052 O. 375± .017 A ngllHt S" . . 2 jl ;H:::. (l~7 1.5113,,, .01:1 1.028± .161 0 .920± .036 August 12 .. . 2.02.)±:.O~1 l.OSS±.02S 1.223". 018 0.fJ65±.012 Alignst 14 .. 2.'lIS± .02'{ 1.3![',1o. 01l7 1.71O±.0~a 0 .700"-, .O21l J\ugllst 15 ... 1.80[,1, .01:1 O.R'l.'i±.021 1..405± .012 O. 525± .021 Altgust IG .. J .O.iO± .OLD O.815±.O IG l.d80± .033 0.505 ± .02 1 AllgUfit. 17 .. 2.1O~± .1)18 O.7W,~.021 l. OO3±. 019 0.478± .02:1 August 19 ... 2.010"-, .Ot8 O. (ins::!:. OO ~ i I.GS:I±. Ol2 0 . 400± .014 AllgUHl2 1. . 2.28S±.OJII O. 711i± .02(\ l.O'18± .010 0.'!30", .010 Allgw~t2;! ... :l.O:>R±.O:!'J O.S'I8,~ .()I :J 2.(J:jii±. O[}lj O.588± .018 August 2:1 .. 3.0%"-, .01:0 O.(ISH,Io .OOI 2.715±. 074 0.G3:1± .01,1 AlIJ!:IIRt ~ I ... 3.:3Hi±.O:!.'i I. HR± .Q(}5 2.GOO",.0(j(J 0.li95± .007 A\IV;\\~t,'2\)'. 2.4():w)±.(}I)~) O.7llH±.OIC, 2.275± .OM 0.'1118"-,.00(; AUJ!: IlRt 27 ... 2.108± .000 O.(NU,.OO:l 2. 13:1±.075 0,418±. 020 All,!!;\I~L 2~ •. 2.2Ii3± .oal O. "oo~' . 0:16 1.95S±: .OuG o .318± .OOJ lI.lJglllit,2f)'. 2.ona:b .oan l).m:l", .OOI 2.]20±.088 0 . 358±.000 August'S!.. . l.OX;J,Io. UII 0.fiO() ,j,.(XJ7 2.245± .114 0 .:;70"-, .010 HeptQI))IJl'r :~ .. 1.770±.02 1 0.":1:1±.01l 2 .]·13± .0"8 0.310±.OOa


~~~~~~§~~§~~g~~~~~~~~~~ ii~ii~~~~-\i~ ii~·~~~·~~~~·~ii~ ~ ~ §~~§~~8~~~~E~8~~~~~~~~ l~ 1 ~ 9~? _f'i'~ 'f ii#:t~~-t+;~~+~ i:-t

---4------ -II

~8238§~88g838B§8§§§8S~8 ~~~+~~4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~i@~~~~~~~~~~~D~~~~~~~~ i~·~~~#ic;iii-iiiiiiiii'f. T

TIm CAUlJON DroXIlJE OF 'l'IIl' Sorr, Ant 301

1'ABLE 8. CAnnON DmxlJu] ( P Elt C11N'l' uY V{)L1JM!~) Plt01Hf(1].ill AI·l'.nn:N'N.Y ny 'pm; ~II[JJ,";'(' CH01'. 1\11:'\. lh1't'l<nm:'u;\) II\' HUIJ'I' IU\("I'INH 'I'lli': A!l.fOL'N'l' iW ("'d~!hl:-l D10Xllll: IN 'l.'JH! BAlm SOli. IiRvM '1'11..1.'1' IN 1'llh CnOl'I'lW :SO.l.L

DJdc of sam1lling

July 8. July II . . Jllly 15. , July IR. .,uly 22 ,July 25 Jllly 2n .. AUgUHt, 1.. Aup;u,;t, [, .. /ltlll:!l~t S .. AllgU"t 12 ... AIl~u!1t 1·1. AUJJ;lIfiL 15. Au~u~t, In, August 17. AUgUfiL 10 .. Au~tlf{t, :>'1 .. AU~lI!~1 22.. AU).!;(J~{. 2:1.. Augu!'!! 2\. August 20, AUV:I1~t '1,7. AUj,(UKI :lk ..

Cnrimll dinxid(' a.pplIn'lIlly PI"I)· dm.:c{l by millet Cl"llP ill

High CU:! Hoil (I)

o Of>O±,.OI3 H11IIH,.(12r. +n 1)17±.O:jl) -l' O.{)1tl±- .Ol).j

f-O. O:l,)~+'::.O:~2 I-O.:i(i),1 .ONII I-O.laii± .. 101 I-O.2Hii±.OG7

+().ISO±.(IOS +O.:i.""I2';;I::.O:2! HI 01i~,.085 + L I:i:i±. 020 ,-1)'07!1O.,.011 +1 1I5:±;.OHl \ 1.:11~±.O:18 +1.,'\n±.OI~ + 1.,;7:l-~.O:H +2 2l0J~.O~r. -1,:1 107,1".OIl2 +2.?OO+.O lR I i.(177J".1IIX 1- 1.5111 .","0 11

+ 1.r"H-!. IlIQ

LUWC02f!uiI (II)

o .oor'_t 00:1 o 012J, 007

-j-O.02JJ± OOJ (I OllOJ, .OIG

+0.01.')+ .02ri -l-O.Ol:l ± .onl +0.088J, .m~ -I 0.2IS", .010 +0 . :~7r) :l;: .O.i:) -\-0. 70S,". 170 + o .r;riR::1:.: .022 + (),f)20±.O[lO + O. MO±. 02-1 -1-0. ~75j, .03!J +l.20,1-I,.0:' 1 ·1-/.2S:U, 011 + I .. '.18± .010 +2 OIli ± .UI;~

'-f-2.01{2,,, .07;' +l.~I{)il:-i;.Of)()

-1- 1 R07 -1, (II; I +l.ll~;i_l .077 .. ! I lilO,+ .0,,0

lJiITen'ut;C (I -ll)

0.OI.iJ,.OI3 +0.0:10 L ()21i

O. OO.~ +. O:lf1 +0 (J2ilt (JIIII

o Q21J-t 011 \ O.:J;i(±,.IOij

+O.017J,.ilfi -\-0.OG7 c .0'2 +O.lO!) L .u.35

O. !;iH _,l:,. j/i7 -HI.:l7!1±.O II -1-0 ZJ:l J, . DoS 10 10."l± .018

-\-0.1-10,1=.017 +O . 14~± DOl -1- O.OkH::1::. ,OW; -I-O.f).;.; 1,.0:lU -j-O. I I:H;.lllil -1· 0 .02r.l .0!1G -1-0.20[.+ (ln3

-r) ,I:m±,()(i7 o 17;'-10, 07S 0.0,);)+ Oil


'l'ABr~l~ 0. CAnnON 1)IOXTfm (P!::R ('t;~<T 1IY '-Oi,l;lIn;) I N CltOl'l'm) A!'-JO TN liNCnOl'l'Ef)

~ou, 01' Low banAl, CAltBIJ:-:-])roXWt: CUN'rm{'l' (~IIl.U:'I'. 1!Jl3)

'j\'Ul- AtllLIIS- C;l.rbl)u dioxido Pl:otiu('cd in D:\to lJl'fllturn phC.·l'ic nifJcL'('lleO

of Hl\UlpJiuV; (cl·nti- I)r('~~ul'(, (I-II) gmde) (in("hc~) Cropped soil OnCl"l)tlf)'d Imil


July s .. l7,f)° 2~.!1~1 () 2 10", .Oll2 O.2Ifi±.OO2 Q,QOid (10:\ July II 11.;) 2\J. l~ 0. 2,~3J,.O(l 1 O.2-IJ5:i::.OO7 o 0I2,L 007 .Jllty It) 10.00 :W. I :2 () :158", .DOI O.:{:13± .()OI +0 O~5± .1101 ,[uly js :W n' 2H.OI OJ.7SLOOI [) .r,7S,j, .001 0 (lQ{)±. OlO .July :u 2::.0 20.:11 [).70;;,,, .01" O.7fJ(I±.021 +0 Olfl:i:.02:,) .Iuly :!t) :100 29.22 O.nO~±.05D (I. Rn5±.O I7 +11 Ola±.Util .J ~Il'y 2~l 21,0' Z9.1·1 1.00~", .0; I 0.1120",. 021 +0 OHS± .05R AUP;ll~t. L :!O.O~ 20.m o .7[).~J, .0~9 0_580± .02f1 +O.218::f::;.().W 1\11 ~u~(, ii. ZI.O" 28.02 {) 7:;O± .0:')3 O.375±. OI7 -/·().37;'i±.USr. AIl;.!;!\,;,j. R. :~,-, .0" ~9.m 1 . (i2~:.l:. l(n 0.921)+ .lJ:IG +0 70;';±. 170 J\111~l.hl I ~ .. 2:3 .i)~ :.l!1.1G l 22:lJ, .OlR O.lili.j~,.012 +0, :"if'18±. 022 l\lU~U·L II .. 2S.{f 29.07 l.7In± .ola O.7i10±.OZII +0 i120±. O;'O Allgll: t 1;)" 31.0' 20.21 l .'IO.')±.OI~ O.52;-l::!: .021 +0. &~(),t .O2{ I\((gu~t l(j" .1:1.0'" 29. r<; [.·180,10 .O:J:I a.50:)±.021 +0, mii± .0710 .. \ \tgllliL 17 .. 29.i)<I 20.5() 1.M:I± .Om o . .J78~, .028 + 1 .205:±:.O[)l .\Il)tlll;j I!)" 26.5" 20.Sa 1.1»:H .OI2 0.400± .01,1 +1.2S:I±.OlH Altkll»t ~ I .. 3:1.0' Z\I.21 1.91~± .ow OA30± .010 +1.518±.Ol!) AI1~I'i--)t ~.) a;).o' 20.17 2.rJ5fJ± .0;')5 0.588,,,. 018 +2.0117,,,.0;18 ,\UgUcft. :~:;, . 3'1.0" 20.10 2 71!H; .07.1 O.(ia,'1;.i:; .(lU +2.082±.O70 AllgUn.t 21., 31.()" 2H.02 2.HOtl± .Of)() o . 005,1, .007 + 1.D!Jo::!::.O(iO AUj.!;u!':>t 2(i .. :30.1P 2~.!I0 ~.'275::1: .on·! OAlk~±.OOO +l.IlU7±.O('l

", .,t;:~/)l~:ll;, J:~/i';:' ltr:" I~:~::i~~ :;?';'~:{lifc,~ii:~~:;, '~,jl:~ }I~ ~Ltf;~\t:~~r.] ~I~~~~;I/~b~~~r ~l~ ,tl S~;."·iO'II!1 FlmNr, tlu~ tllil'd prYi-

11111/11/11/ i~~IuQIIIIIIII