the changing of the tide journey through the bible · overview and history of some of the major...

1 The Changing of the Tide Journey Through The Bible Take a journey from the creation of this world to the future establishment of God's kingdom on this earth. This book provides a systematic overview of some of the major themes of the Bible, giving you foundational teachings on which you can build as you engage in your own personal Bible study. Today, there are a lot of things being said by a lot of people-some of whom are very prominent in religious ministries-about the things of God. It is up to you to grab hold of the Godly knowledge you glean from the bible and apply it to your own Life's Journey. Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from King James version of the Bible. ISBN-10: 1721151052 ISBN-13: 978-1721151059 Author: Velyn Cooper VC Productions [email protected]

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Page 1: The Changing of the Tide Journey Through The Bible · overview and history of some of the major topics in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, with the hope that it will create a


The Changing of the Tide –

Journey Through The Bible

Take a journey from the creation of this world to the future

establishment of God's kingdom on this earth. This book provides a

systematic overview of some of the major themes of the Bible,

giving you foundational teachings on which you can build as you

engage in your own personal Bible study. Today, there are a lot of

things being said by a lot of people-some of whom are very

prominent in religious ministries-about the things of God. It is up to

you to grab hold of the Godly knowledge you glean from the bible

and apply it to your own Life's Journey.

Unless otherwise indicated, Bible quotations are taken from King

James version of the Bible.

ISBN-10: 1721151052

ISBN-13: 978-1721151059 Author: Velyn Cooper VC Productions [email protected]

Page 2: The Changing of the Tide Journey Through The Bible · overview and history of some of the major topics in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, with the hope that it will create a



Introduction ……………………………………….…..6

1. Adam and Eve……………..…..…………………..10

2. Noah ………..….………..………………………19

3 Abraham……………………………………………25

4. Moses ……………………………………………29

5. Joshua and Judges ………………………………...33

6. Kings ...……………..…………………………….36

7. The Birth and Death of Christ ..………………….39

8. The Resurrection of Jesus ..……………………..42

9. The Return of Christ For His People ……………..49

10 The New Jerusalem……………………………….51

Page 3: The Changing of the Tide Journey Through The Bible · overview and history of some of the major topics in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, with the hope that it will create a



Something to Think About

Many people live and die without ever knowing and

understanding their purpose for being on earth.

Many people live and die knowing their purpose but not

having had the boldness to seek to understand it and to

pursue it.

A few people live knowing and understanding their

purpose and spend their entire life time seeking to fulfill


In which category are you?

What is Purpose?

According to Encarta online dictionary, purpose involves

three things:

1) The first is twofold and includes

a) the reason for which something exists and

b) the reason for which something is done

If you don’t understand the reason for your existence and

why you do the things you do, you cannot and will not

understand the true purpose of your life

2) The second involves the goal or intended

outcome of something

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If you do not understand the true purpose of your life,

you cannot establish effective goals and as a result, you

cannot live your life to its fullest potential. (Please

understand that living your life to its fullest potential

does not necessarily include you ever obtaining great

financial wealth. Many persons have gained great

financial wealth but still have not fulfilled their


39) The third involves desire or resolve necessary to

accomplish a goal.

When you understand the true purpose of your life, it

will give you the courage and resolve necessary to

accomplish your goals, in spite of the difficulties you

may face in doing so.

If you do not understand the purpose of your life, you

will live your life just like the waves in the ocean – they

go wherever the wind blows. Sometimes it’s a gentle

breeze that makes them sound like music when they flow

to the shore and other times, they are like angry

monsters, looking for the next prey to destroy.

I grew up on an island and I am amazed that even now,

after so many angry winds and hurricanes have sent

tremendous waves crashing onto our rocky shores, the

waves are always destroyed but the rocks remain firm.

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It is as if the rocks understand their purpose. They were

placed where they are as a barrier of protection for the

people and the land and they have served their purpose

and continue to serve their purpose well. Even when they

are overcome by the storms, they don’t crumble and fall.

Instead, they stand firm as they wait for the waters to

recede. Once this happens, they don’t disappear in

shame; instead, they remain and continue to protect the


Unlike the waves that go wherever the wind carries

them, we have to fight against the waves of the negative

circumstances of life. Instead of allowing them to crush

us and destroy us on the rocks and shores of life, we

have to learn how to use their powerful force to mold us

to accomplish the purpose for which we were created.

The Purpose of This Book

The purpose of this book is to provide a general

overview and history of some of the major topics in the

Bible from Genesis to Revelation, with the hope that it

will create a desire within you to search the scriptures

further and learn more on your own.

This book does not cover all of the topics in the Bible

nor does it go in depth into any topic. It is a compilation

of a selection of personal Bible studies completed by an

ordinary person interested in learning more about God

through His word.

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The Destructive Power of Self Will

According to the Bible (Genesis 1-2), God created order

out of chaos and made a world that could perfectly

sustain human, animal (land, sea and air) and plant life.

Conditions were perfect for survival until the man He

created forgot his purpose- which was to take care of the

garden; made a decision to exercise his freedom of

choice and chose to disobey an instruction from God.

Just in case you are not familiar with the story of the

creation of the world, in six days, God created the world.

On each day He created a new thing. On the sixth day he

created beasts (land animals) and man.

Day 1 - Light

Day 2 – The Firmament (sky)

Day 3 – The Earth and Seas

Day 4 – Sun, Moon and Stars

Day 5 – Birds and Fish

Day 6 – Beasts (Land Animals and Man)

Day 7 – God Rested

Every creature that God had created thus far had the

ability to reproduce or create others that were just like

them. God even told them to be fruitful and multiply and

fill the waters and the seas and the earth with their kind.

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This lets us know, that God created everything in pairs,

male and female, so that they could reproduce after their


The difference between the man and everything else that

God created is that God breathed His breath, which is the

breath of life, into his nostrils and it was only after God

breathed the breath of life into the nostrils of the man,

that he became a living soul.

Becoming a living soul means that unlike the animals,

who were not given life by the breath of God, man was

given an intellect and had the ability to think, reason,

make choices and have a personal relationship with God.

After a while, the man whom God named Adam was

lonely because even though there were lots of animals

around, there was no one like him that he could talk to

and build a relationship with. There was no one that he

could be paired with and eventually produce others after

his kind. God recognized this and decided that He

would make another human being that would be

compatible to Adam. This human being was a woman

whom Adam called Eve. She was extra special because

God took a part of Adam (his rib) and used that rib to

make Eve.

Just how God made the animals male and female so that

they could complement each other and reproduce after

their kind, He made human beings male and female to

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complement each other and reproduce after their kind.

Eve was not just a woman to Adam- God gave her to

Adam as his wife. It was at this point that marriage

between a male and female was instituted by God.

Unlike the animals, God made human beings with the

ability to receive instruction and make informed choices.

Before God made Eve, He placed Adam in a beautiful

Garden called Eden and explained to him what his

purpose in the Garden entailed. There was only one rule

or law that Adam was to obey and that law was that he

was not to eat of a particular tree in the Garden. This

tree contained the fruit of the knowledge of good and

evil. He did really well obeying this law until Eve came

along. After a while, she could not resist the desire or

the temptation to taste the fruit of that particular tree and

experience the knowledge it had to offer. She ate it and

nothing happened to her. Why? The responsibility for

the fruit on the tree was not given to her, it was given to

Adam and it was his responsibility to make certain that

she understood and followed the rules. After all, the

rules were handed to him directly from God.

Adam did his part but Eve focused on the one thing they

were told not to do. Eventually she ate the fruit. Nothing

happened to her so she went and gave some to Adam.

He, seeing that Eve ate it and nothing happened to her,

disregarded the law that God had given to him and ate

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some of it also. That‘s when the world as he knew it

came crashing down all around him.

As soon as he ate the fruit, his world view became

drastically different. Nothing was the same anymore.

Whereas he and his wife were naked and unashamed,

they were now aware of their nakedness and they were

ashamed. Where they once welcomed the presence of

God when He came to spend time with them in the

garden, they now hid themselves when they heard His

voice. Their worldview was changed forever and they

set in motion a changing of the tides of life that will not

cease, until the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God,

returns to set up His kingdom on earth.

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Chapter 1

The First Changing of the Tide

The first changing of the tide shuts the door on

what was and brings you into the reality of what is.

Adam and Eve (Genesis 3)

We read about the first changing of the tide in the life

of Adam and Eve in Genesis chapter 3.

Everything was perfect in the Garden of Eden, until

the tide changed. They had a perfect relationship with

God and a perfect relationship with each other – until

they caused a change in the tide, through the choice

they made.

How did the tide change?

The tide changed through their sin of disobedience to

God. This sin was not a haphazard sin but a sin of a

well informed choice. They knew what God had

instructed them to do, but they chose to exercise their

right to freedom of choice, go against His instructions

and do their own thing.

What were the effects of this changing of the tide?

As a result of their choice to disobey God, they

experienced a permanent changing of the tide in many

ways. They lost their perfect, intimate relationship

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with God; they lost their perfect, intimate relationship

with each other; and they were forced out of the only

perfect home they would ever know- the Garden of

Eden- never to return again.

A word of wisdom to the young and young at heart

When you are young or young at heart and are living

at home with your parents or with others who help to

support you, you can’t wait to be in a position to live

on your own so that you can do your own thing. You

can’t wait to go when you want to, come back when

you want to and not have to answer to anyone. You

just want your independence.

What you must remember is that independence comes

with a price – you are solely responsible for the

decisions that you make and each decision has

consequences that you will have to deal with.

Adam and Eve wanted what you want, they wanted

their independence but instead of finding this

fantabulous life of independence outside of God, they

found themselves in the worst possible position they

could ever find themselves in – they found themselves

outside of the perfect will of God.

The Perfect Will of God

God’s perfect will is for us to live our lives in

obedience to the instructions He has given in His

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word. For us today, it is the Bible, for Adam, it was

the instruction he got directly from God.

The tide changed, not by the will of God but by the

choice of the man, the effects of which passed on to

every one of his descendants – which includes you

and me.

Do you understand the damage that Adam’s choice of

disobedience caused to the entire human race?

When Eve disobeyed God, she was the only one

infected by sin but when Adam disobeyed, we were

all infected because he is the one through whom we

all came.

Romans 5: 12

Wherefore as by one man sin entered in to the world

and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men

for that all have sinned.

Have you ever heard an announcement on TV asking

people who bought cars of a certain year, make and

model to take them back to the dealership where they

got them from because there was a defect in some part

that was put in all of those vehicles? Well, just how

that batch of parts was defective and affected all of

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the vehicles that they were put into, that’s how we

were affected by the disobedience of Adam. He is the

original from which we came and therefore whatever

he inherited was passed on to us. We did not commit

his sin but since he and Eve had children after his sin

nature came to life, everyone who was born into this

world inherited his sin nature. This means that unlike

Adam who was created perfect with a direct

relationship to God, we were born imperfect and must

now establish our relationship with God through His

Son, Jesus Christ, as outlined in His written word, the


After Adam and Eve sinned and were removed from

the Garden of Eden, they became parents. Their

purpose now was to reconnect to God as best they

could, re-establish their relationship with him and

train their children to grow up in the knowledge of

God. Unfortunately, they would never have a prefect

relationship with God again because once they

became aware of sin through their disobedience of the

one law God gave them, that perfect relationship was

gone forever.

Everyone on earth has or had parents. Unfortunately,

as with all things, over time as Adam and Eve had

children, things continued to change and sin began to

really spread on the earth.

The first act of disobedience took place in the Garden

of Eden when Adam ate of the tree from which God

told him not to eat.

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The first murder took place after Adam and Eve left

the Garden of Eden and had children. Their oldest son

Cain killed their youngest son, Abel. Things escalated

from there and the more the population grew, the

more sin increased.

God gave us all parents and our parents were to train

us in the things of God. Unfortunately, after sin

entered the world, it escalated to a point where people

started worshipping other gods that they had made or

they started to worship things that God had created to

benefit them – like the sun and the moon.

Some people stuck to training their children about the

things of God while others formed new societies and

cultures where they promoted new beliefs and new

teachings that were different from the teachings of


If you were raised in a home or society that did not

promote the teachings of the God of the Bible, you are

still without excuse for not recognizing Him. I say

this because the existence of God is evident in

everything that He has made.

Romans 1: 20

For the invisible things of Him (God) from the creation

of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the

things that are made, even His eternal power and

Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

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Romans 1: 20 (NIRV)

Ever since the world was created it has been possible to

see the qualities of God that are not seen. I’m talking

about His eternal power and about the fact that He is

God. Those things can be seen in what He has made. So

people have no excuse for what they do.

If we had followed God’s word in rearing our children

and lived the example of His word before our children,

the world would not be in the state that it is in today.

What do you see when you travel throughout your

daily life? What do you see at school, the mall, down

town, on your job or even when you travel the world

through your television set, the internet, a cruise ship

or a plane?

I don’t know what you see but I see people that are

lost, confused, lonely, spiritually hungry and with no

sense of purpose. They are just here. The tide hasn’t

changed in their lives as yet. They are caught in an

undercurrent and don’t know how to free themselves.

That’s where we as children of God come in and must

spend time sharing the word of God with them. We

are to show them the love of God by our actions and

attitude toward them, and explain to them that it is

only in Jesus Christ, the Son of God that we are made

free from all that hinders us.

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John 8: 36

If the Son (of God) therefore shall make you free, ye

shall be free indeed.

Those of you whose parents took you to church or still

take you to church and teach you about the things of

God as outlined in His word, are so blest because

your parents are working to give you the best. They

are making sure that when the tide changes in your

life, and you must move away from them and begin

life on your own, that it will be a good change. They

want you to be a positive contributor to the up

building of your own families as well as to those other

people with whom you come in contact. Don’t fight

the process, work with them and in the end you will

be forever grateful.

Don’t be like Adam and Eve. When they were put out

of the Garden of Eden, the door as it were, was shut

by God and the tide was forever changed. They were

never allowed to enter again.

Make sure that when your time comes to leave home,

it will be voluntary; with the blessings of your parents

and with an understanding that it is always your home

and you are always welcomed.

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The Power of Choice

The choice we make sets a course for our lives.

Sometimes this course can be changed and sometimes

it cannot.

Judas, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ, made a

choice to betray Jesus. This set him on a course which

he could not change, due to the guilt that

overwhelmed him as a result of his betrayal. (Matthew

26:14-16, 47-50; 27:1-10)

The remaining eleven disciples made a choice to

abandon Jesus after He was arrested (Matthew 26:

56b) but also made a choice to return to Him after His

resurrection. (Matthew 28: 16-20)

Guilt and shame could have kept them away but they

chose to forgive themselves, abandon their guilt and

shame and return to their Saviour.

Peter, the disciple who stated the foundational

principle upon which Christ said that He would build

His church (Matthew 16: 16-18), made a choice to

deny Jesus at a time when Jesus could have really

used a friend. (Matthew 26: 69-75). He could have

been like Judas and chosen a path of destruction after

he betrayed Jesus by denying Him, but he repented of

his wrong, abandoned the guilt and shame that came

as a result of his wrong and returned to His Saviour.

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He ended up being one of Jesus’ most precious


The difference Between a Disciple and an Apostle

A Disciple is a student and an Apostle is a Disciple

who has learned his lessons, graduated and is now

able to be sent out to teach others.

If you are a churchgoer, how long have you been a

disciple? Do you think you are now ready to graduate

and become an apostle? If you aren’t, do you think it

was God’s purpose that you say a disciple forever?

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Chapter 2

The Second Changing of the Tide


The tide changed again during the time of Noah, when

the wickedness of man was very great. (Genesis 6-8)

After Cain killed his brother Abel, he was banished

from living with his family and moved to another

place. The Bible does not give details as to the

population at the time and how people got to be in the

place where Cain went, but if we can watch a movie

and fill in all of the gaps that are left out so that the

movie would run for a certain length of time, why

can’t we fill in the gaps that that are left out in the


It is obvious that every detail is not recorded in the

Bible that we use nor in any other version of the Bible

that has been written. This in no way cancels the

validity of the Bible as prophecies that were made

long before this generation of people were even

thinking of being born are now being fulfilled.

Besides, you can find many others prophecies and

their fulfillment all through the Bible. You just need

to take your time and read it.

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What is Prophecy?

Unlike a prediction of future things which may or may

not come true, prophecy is a promise of future things

that will come true.


After Cain was banished another man had a role to

play. His name is Noah.

Genesis 6: 5

And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in

the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of

his heart was only evil continually.

Man had now moved so far from God and His original

relationship with Adam. In fact, they were so bad that

there was only one man and his family who were

actually living according to the teachings of God. This

man was Noah. In the midst of this great wickedness

of the people, he found grace or favour in the eyes of

God because he was a just man; perfect in his

generations, and he walked with God. (Genesis 9; 6b)

In other words, he did what God wanted him to do; he

lived a life that represented the example of the life

God expected him to live before his family and his

neighbours and he had a great relationship with God.

As the people did what was right in their own eyes

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and blatantly showed God that they would exercise

absolutely no restraints regarding sin, there was Noah,

living according to what thus saith the Lord. This

lifestyle of Noah resulted in him finding grace or

favour in the eyes of God and being spared the

destruction God planned to bring on the people of that

time, with the changing of the next tide.

God told Noah to prepare for the changing of the tide.

The preparation involved the building of a big boat

called “The Ark”. It took 120 years for The Ark to be

completed and during that time, God used Noah to

speak to the people about their lack of relationship

with Him. Unfortunately, they ignored Him.

It had never rained before so when Noah told them

that he was building The Ark so that he and his family

could be saved from the coming flood, they didn’t

take him seriously. By the time the rain started to fall

and they realized that what he was saying was true,

Noah, his family and all that God told him to carry

was safely locked away in The Ark. God Himself

locked the door, so even if Noah wanted to let

someone else in, he wasn’t able to.

1st Peter 3: 21

…once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of

Noah, while The Ark was a preparing, wherein few,

that is eight souls were saved by water.

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At the changing of this tide, only Noah and his family

were saved. The other people were so busy focusing

on everything else but God, that the word of God had

no effect on them. By the time they realized that the

word of God was true, it was too late. The tide had

already changed and they were forever lost.

Right now, we are living in the modern version of the

days of Noah. The same things that were happening

then are happening now. Just as the word of God was

going forth then it is going forth now. In fact, it is

going forth on an even greater magnitude than it was

then because of the advancement of modern


If you observe the events of today closely, you will

discover that the attitude of the people and the mood

of the atmosphere are just as they were during the

days of Noah and are just as they would be, according

to Jesus, as He taught His disciples the importance of

being ready for His return.

Matthew 24: 36- 38

36) But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not

the angles of heaven, but my Father only.

37) But as the days of Noe (Noah) were, so shall the

coming of the Son of man be.

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38) For as in the days that were before the flood they

were eating and drinking and giving in marriage, until

the day that Noe entered into the ark

39) And knew not until the flood came and took them

all away; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.

As with Adam and Eve and the Garden of Eden, the

door to the world that was, closed at the changing of

the tide and Noah and his family embarked on a new

life in God.

Preparing for Change

As the Lord told Noah to warn the people of the world

of his day about the upcoming changing of the tide, so

the Lord is using His people today to warn of the final

changing of the tide that will take place when Christ

returns for His church –those who follow the

teachings outlined in the Bible.

The people of Noah’s day paid absolutely no attention

to his warnings and lived as if there would be no end

to their lives and their world. By the time they

realized that the message Noah was preaching was the

true message of God, it was too late and they were

forever destroyed.

The message of Christ’s return for His church is being

preached daily via the radio, television, the internet,

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print media, word of mouth and other forms of

communication. Yet many are not heeding the

warnings. As with the people in the days of Noah,

they are not making any preparations for His return.

Do you think that the image the world has of the

church today is because of the lack of concern by

many, regarding the second coming of Christ, when

He returns for His church? Why? Why not? As a born

again believer in Jesus Christ, what role can you play

in sharing this most important message of the return

of Christ for His church?

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Chapter 3

The Third Changing of the Tide

Abraham (Genesis 12: 1-4)

God called Abram (later called Abraham) out of a

place called Haran and told him to go to a place that

he had never been to before but a place that God

would take him to. All of the blessings that God had

for Abraham were in this place and through

Abraham’s obedience, all of the families of the earth

who accepted the God of Abraham and lived their

lives according to His instructions, would be blessed.

Abraham left Haran and the life he knew and stepped

out in faith into the life that God had called him to.

He never went back to Haran. When the tide changed

in his life, he stepped out in faith in obedience to the

call of God and the world that he knew was left

behind, never to be returned to again.

That is how we should be when God calls us and the

tide changes in our lives. We are to forget those

things that are behind, and we should press toward the

mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

(Philippians 3: 14)

In other words, when we come into a right

relationship with God, we should forgot about our

past life style, whatever it may be, focus on the word

of God and our new life in Him and live our lives

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according to His teachings, as outlined in the Bible.

(This does not mean that God might not send you

back to the physical place where you came from in

order for you to help bring others out).

The only problem that I saw with Abraham’s move is

that God called him but he carried Lot with all of his

flocks, herds and tents along as well. If you read

Genesis chapters 13 – 14, you will see the problems

Abraham went through because of Lot. They had to

eventually separate because Abraham’s herdsmen and

Lot’s herdsmen were forever arguing, to the point

where separation was necessary in order for both of

them and their flock to survive.

That’s what happens to us sometimes. God gives us

specific instructions but we add our own two cents to

it and then the trouble starts.

Whenever God gives you something to do, you are to

do only what He instructs you to do. If you add or

take away from His instructions, no matter how good

your intentions may be, you will be the one to have to

go through all of the unnecessary stress that comes

along with the choice that you made.

Abraham suffered much because of Lot. Even after

their separation, when Lot was captured by the

confederacy of Kings who joined forces against

Sodom (where Lot chose to live) and the surrounding

cities, Abraham had to go and rescue him.

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When the tide changes in our lives and we try to hold

on to things or people that God is trying to separate us

from, they will be like a thorn in our flesh. This thorn

in the flesh will serve as a constant reminder that we

are to be completely obedient to God when He speaks

to us, as any deviation from His instructions will

result in us suffering the consequences of the actions

we choose to take. We need to learn to let go of

everything and allow God to fulfill His perfect will in

our lives.

Stepping Out in Faith

God told Abraham to leave the only place he ever

knew and go to a place where he had never been

before. This move of faith resulting in his receiving

blessings he could not fully imagine nor would he

personally experience, as they were to be manifested

during the time of his descendants.

Abraham believed God, moved forward in faith and

his descendants inherited the promises God made to


A lot of times we want blessing from God, but we are

so shortsighted and selfish, that we only see the

present and have no concerns about our future

generations. God wants to bless us, but not with

blessings that are going to die with us. He wants to

bless us with blessings that will outlive us and live on

in our descendants for generations to come.

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How has this story of Abraham changed your outlook

regarding the blessings of God for your life? Have

you been selfish in seeking the Lord’s blessing or

have you been generous by asking Him to extend your

blessings into the lives of your generations to come?

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Chapter 4

The Fourth Changing of the Tide

Moses (Exodus – Deuteronomy)

In Exodus chapter 2, Moses was born. During this

time, Pharaoh, the leader of Egypt, had instructed the

midwives that they were to kill all of the male

children. The Israelites were multiplying too much for

his liking and he was concerned that with too many

males, there would eventually be an uprising among

the Israelites – due to the unfair treatment they were

receiving – and his government would be destroyed.

Fortunately, the midwives were God-fearing women

and the life of Moses was spared. He was put in an

ark of bulrushes which was placed in the river and

was rescued by the daughter of Pharaoh herself. (Do

you remember Noah? God saved him in an ark as


Moses grew up knowing his family history, but was

privileged to enjoy the best of everything living in

Pharaoh’s house could offer. Unknown to him, the

tide was about to change and the life of luxury that he

had become accustomed to was about to be left

behind. God had other plans for him.

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One day, Moses saw an Egyptian mistreating one of

his fellow men and after checking to make sure that

no one else was around, he killed him. This started the

changing of the tide in his life and tells us that even

though Moses was living the lifestyle of the rich and

famous, he did not forget where he came from. He

remembered his people; loved them and defended


After this act of murder, Moses had to run away from

his life of luxury and he ended up alone in the

wilderness. Here, he was separated unto God for a

season, as Noah was separated unto God in the ark.

During this time, God dealt with him and he learned

from God. After his season with God was over, God

sent him back to his fellow men so that he could now

help them to become a part of the changing of the tide

that had already taken place in his life.

Sometimes, we forget where we have come from. We

must remember that we were not always saved. God

delivered us out of our sinful lives. He separated us

from the lives we used to live and made us new

creatures in Christ. (2nd

Corinthians 5: 17) Once we

have spent time in His word and grown in the

knowledge of Him, we are not to keep it to ourselves.

We have a responsibility to take the word back to our

family and friends who have not yet accepted Jesus

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Christ as their personal Saviour, so that they too can

be given the opportunity to accept Him into their


Moses had experienced both the physical and the

spiritual changing of the tide. Physically, the palace

would never be his home again and spiritually, he

envisioned the life that God had shown him on the

other side of the Red Sea, which would forever

separate him and the children of Israel from the land

of Egypt.

It was a journey through a wilderness where God met

all of their daily needs. Once the children of Israel

crossed the Red Sea, Egypt was forever left behind.

The tide changed forever on that part of their lives

and they moved on in a new direction, under the hand

of God.

Going Back

When some people get saved, they get the notion that

they are no longer to have any association with

anyone from their past, who is not saved. This was not

so in the life of Moses. God separated him for a

season from his people and placed him in the enemy

camp. During this time, he was well trained in the

wisdom and knowledge of the finer things of life.

After this season of training was over, God then took

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him into the wilderness where He instructed him in

the wisdom and knowledge of God. When his time of

training was over, God sent Moses back to his people

as the one who would deliver them from the hands of

the Egyptians. Moses had an audience with Pharaoh

because God had already established a relationship

between Moses and the royalty of Egypt.




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Chapter 5

The Fifth Changing of the Tide


Joshua 1-4

After the death of Moses, Joshua became the leader of

the Israelites and had the awesome task of leading

them across the Jordan River. This was yet another

changing of the tide in the lives of the children of

Israel. Once they crossed over the Jordan River, they

were on their way to possessing the land of Canaan,

which God had promised to their forefather, Abraham.

If God has revealed something to you, ask Him to

give you the courage to work towards its fulfillment

even in the midst of discouragement; the patience to

wait for its fulfillment, when you cannot see the end

in sight and the fortitude to bear what you must as you

await the fulfillment of the vision.

Joshua had all of these qualities and as a result, he

witnessed the manifestation of the vision that God had

given to his forefather Abraham, hundreds of years

before he was born.

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The Sixth Changing of the Tide


After the death of Joshua, the children of Israel

experienced another changing of the tide, when the

period of the judges came into effect. The first judge

of Israel was Othniel and he ruled for forty years.

There was no king and everyone did what was right in

his own eyes.

Judges 21: 25

In those days there was no king in Israel: and every

man did what was right in his own eyes.

Passing on the Baton

Joshua was Moses’ right hand man. He stayed with

him; was obedient unto him and was well trained by

him. As a result, when Moses died, he was able to

step up to the plate as the new leader of the children

of Israel.

Wherever we are in our lives is a training process for

something else. Unfortunately, some of us are so busy

complaining about where we are that we don’t learn

what we need to know, in order to get to the place

where God wants us to be.

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David was anointed King when he was but a boy (1st

Samuel 16: 7, 13). Yet, he did not assume this role

until many years later, after the death of Saul, when

he was anointed King of Judah (2nd

Samuel 2: 4).

David had to exercise extreme patience during this

waiting period but it was also during this time that he

was being prepared for his role as King.




This period of preparation is not a time of do nothing

but a time when you will be going through all sorts of

developmental changes, as God prepares you for your

new role.

From outer appearances, the world may see you as a

mess and someone who just doesn’t know what they

are doing or what they want. You don’t mind them.

You just keep your focus on God and what He has

revealed to you and when the time is right, He will

condemn every tongue that rises against you in

judgment. (Isaiah 54: 17)

Whatever situation you find yourself in, use your

preparation time well because opportunity is

beneficial only to those who are prepared for its


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Chapter 6

The Seventh Changing of the Tide


When the children of Israel were in Mizpeh, Samuel

was their judge. When he became too old to handle

the responsibilities of being a judge, he made his sons

judges over Israel. Unfortunately, they did not rule

like him. They turned aside after filthy lucre- earning

money in illegal ways; they took bribes and they

perverted judgment. The elders of Israel got together

and told Samuel that he was old and his children were

not following his example of leadership, so they

wanted a king to judge them like the other nations

around them. (1st Samuel 7: 6b; 8: 1-5)

Samuel was so disappointed when he heard the

request of the people, but he did what any Godly

leader should do – he prayed to God about the request

of the people. God told him to honour the request of

the people because they were not rejecting Samuel as

judge – they were rejecting God as their king.

This decision to have a king rule over them resulted in

yet another changing of the tide in the lives of the

children of Israel. Never again would they experience

God as their King in this world – they would not

experience this again until Jesus Christ rules from

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Jerusalem during His Millennial or one thousand year


The Eighth Changing of the Tide

Nebuchadnezzar’s Great Image (Daniel 2)

Another changing of the tide came during the reign of

Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. He had a dream of

a great image but he had no idea what the dream

meant. This image had a head of gold; breast and arms

of silver; belly and thighs of brass; legs of iron and

feet part of iron and part of clay.

The only person who could interpret his dream for

him was Daniel. Daniel was a Godly Israelite who

was brought to Babylon from Jerusalem as a captive

and who continuously sought and worshipped the

Lord of his forefathers – Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This dream of Nebuchadnezzar represented the

kingdoms of this world that would exist, prior to the

establishment of God’s eternal kingdom on earth.

The head was of gold and represented Babylon, which

was the kingdom that Nebuchadnezzar ruled. The

breast and arms of silver represented Medo – Persia

and the rule of Darius the Mede and Cyrus of Persia.

The belly and thighs of brass represented Greece and

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was ruled by Alexander the Great. The legs of iron

represented Rome and the toes of iron and clay

represented the divided nation of Europe.

Nebuchadnezzar saw a stone cut out without hands

which struck the image on its feet and broke them into

pieces. When this happened, all of the parts of the

image broke into pieces and became like chaff and

disappeared into thin air. The stone that struck the

image became a great mountain and filled the whole


Each kingdom grew weaker and weaker as

represented by the various strengths of the materials

seen in Nebuchadnezzar’s great image, until the

image was finally destroyed by the stone that was cut

out of the mountain without hands. This stone that

was cut out without hands represents the final

changing of the tide that will take place on this earth

and transport those who are ready for the change into

eternity with God. (This is the time when those who

have made the decision to live for Christ will be

gathered unto Him for all of eternity – the end of

earthly rule by men).

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Chapter 7

The Ninth Changing of The Tide

The Birth of Jesus Christ – also known as the First

Advent of Christ, which is His first coming to

earth. (Matt.1; Luke 1)

The birth of Jesus Christ resulted in another changing

of the tide and a repeat of what happened during the

time of the birth of Moses. Just as Pharaoh decreed

that all of the male children were to be killed in order

for him to ensure that his throne was secure, so did

Herod issue a decree that all of the male children born

during the time of the birth of Christ were to be killed,

in order for him to ensure that his throne was secure.

What Pharaoh and Herod both seemed to have

misunderstood or just chose to overlook was the fact

that in Genesis 3: 15, God had promised a seed or an

off-spring to Eve, who would bruise the head of the

serpent, destroying him forever, while the serpent

would only bruise His heel, causing Him temporary


In their limited thinking, they thought that they could

prevent the changing of the tide, which resulted in the

ushering in of Christ, our Saviour.

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The Tenth Changing of the Tide

The Death of Jesus

Matthew 27: 31-34

The tenth changing of the tide came at the death of

Jesus, when He was crucified on the cross; His death

marking the end of the handwriting of ordinances (the

law of Moses) that was against us, which was also

contrary to us. (More details in Chapter 14)

Colossians 2: 14

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was

against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of

the way, nailing it to His cross.

Galatians 3: 13

Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law,

being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is

everyone that hangeth on a tree.

The Law of Moses

The Law of Moses is the laws which God gave him to

give to the Israelites so that they would know how to

worship Him correctly; how to make correct sacrifices

and how to live justly or fairly with each other. These

laws consisted of a lot of rules and regulations that

were impossible for anyone to keep.

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These laws were actually in place only until a perfect

sacrifice was available. This perfect sacrifice was

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who had never

committed one sinful act in his entire life. Once He

died on the cross as the sacrifice for the sins of all

mankind, there was no need to offer any more animal

sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins.

Why did Christ do this for us?

Galatians 3: 14

...That the blessings of Abraham might come on the

Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive

the promise of the Spirit through faith.

The Blessings of Abraham

The blessings of Abraham can be found in the

following scripture passages:

Genesis 12: 1-7; Genesis 13: 14-16; Genesis 15: 5-6;

Genesis 17: 6.

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Chapter 8

The Eleventh Changing of the Tide

The Resurrection of Jesus

(Matthew 28: 1-6)

1) In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn

toward the first day of the week, came Mary

Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher


2) And behold, there was a great earthquake: for the

angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came

and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon


3) His countenance was like lightning and his raiment

white as snow:

4) And for fear of him, the keepers did shake and

became as dead men.

5) And the angel answered and said unto the women,

fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was


6) He is not here for He is risen as He said. Come, see

the place where the Lord lay.

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At this eleventh changing of the tide, Jesus arose

victorious over death, with the keys or the authority

over hell (the grave) and death. (Revelation 1: 18)

Matthew 28: 18 (Jesus is speaking)

All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.

Jesus delegated this power unto His apostles

Matthew 28: 19-20

19) Go ye into all the world and teach all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Ghost:

20) Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I

have commanded you: and lo I am with you always,

even unto the end of the world.

The Twelfth Changing of the Tide

The Power of the Holy Ghost

The Birth of the Church

(Acts 1: 8: 2: 1-4)

The twelfth changing of the tide took place in the

book of Acts.

In Acts 1: 8, the apostles were told by Jesus that they

would receive power after the Holy Ghost came upon


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“But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost

is come upon you: and ye shall be witness unto me

both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and unto the

uttermost part of the earth”.

This power came upon the apostles in Acts 2: 1-4

1) And when the day of Pentecost was fully come,

they were all with one accord in one place

2) And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as

of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house

where they were sitting

3) And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like

as of fire, and it sat upon each of them

4) And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and

began to speak with other tongues (languages) as the

Spirit gave them utterance.

After this empowerment by the Holy Ghost, Peter

preached such a powerful, God inspired message that

about three thousand souls received the word, were

baptized and were added to their number. (Read Acts


This was the beginning of the age of the Church.

Unfortunately, many of us need to go back to Bible

basics to discover God’s teachings regarding His


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Who or What Is The Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the power of God and the agent

through whom He accomplishes His will.

Luke 1: 35

And the angel answered and said unto her (Mary), the

Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of

the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that

holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called

the Son of God.

Where did the Holy Spirit come from?

The Holy Spirit came from heaven.

1st Peter 1: 12

According to 1st Peter 1: 12, the Holy Spirit came

from heaven

Why did the Holy Spirit come to earth?

…To teach us the truth as He receives it from Jesus.

John 16: 13 –15 NIV (Jesus is speaking)

13) But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will

guide you into all truth. He will not speak on His

own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will

tell you what is yet to come.

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14) He will bring glory to me by taking from what is

Mine and making it known to you.

15) All that belongs to the Father is Mine. That is why

I said the Spirit will take from what is Mine and make

it known to you.

What truth does the Holy Spirit teach us?

John 16: 8

The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth about sin,

righteousness and judgment.

Why does the Holy Spirit teach us about Sin?

John 16: 9

The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth about sin because

we didn’t believe on Jesus.

Romans 3: 23

The Holy spirit also teaches us about sin because all

of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

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Why does the Holy Spirit teach us the truth about


John 16: 10

The Holy Spirit teaches us the truth about

righteousness because righteousness is doing what is

right according to God and not man and Jesus-our

living example is now in heaven.

Why does the Holy Spirit teach us the truth about


John 16: 11

The Holy spirit teaches us the truth about judgment

because the prince of this world will be judged.

Grieving the Holy Spirit

Ephesians 4: 30

And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are

sealed unto the day of redemption. Let all bitterness,

and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from

you, with all malice.

How do we Grieve the Holy Spirit?

We grieve the Holy Spirit when we are convicted us

of our sins but continue to live our lives without

turning from our sins and accepting Jesus Christ as

our Saviour.

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The Holy Spirit is also grieved when people who have

accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour hold on to

ungodly acts.

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Chapter 9

The Thirteenth Changing of the Tide

The Return of Christ for His People

1st Thessalonians 4: 13-18

The thirteenth changing of the tide will usher in the

return of Christ for all who have accepted His gift of

salvation and lived according to His Word.

There is coming a day that will usher in the final

changing of the tide for mankind. Anyone who is not

prepared, as with those in the days of Noah will find

themselves on the wrong side of the change with no

hope of ever crossing over.

Matthew 24: 36- 38

36) But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not

the angles of heaven, but my Father only.

37) But as the days of Noe were, so shall the coming

of the Son of man be.

38) For as in the days that were before the flood they

were eating and drinking and giving in marriage, until

the day that Noe entered into the ark

39) And knew not until the flood came and took them

all away; so shall the coming of the Son of man be.

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Look around you. Things haven’t changed much.

Everything that was going on during the time of Noah

is going on right now. So many people didn’t heed the

warning signs then and the people today are not

heeding the warning signs now.

When Christ returns for those who have committed

their lives unto Him, many will be caught unawares

and left behind. All who are dead in Christ will rise

first to meet Him in the air and those who are alive at

His return and prepared for His coming will be caught

up in the clouds (commonly referred to as the

Rapture) to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we

ever be with the Lord. (1st Thessalonians 4: 13-17)

If you have not yet accepted Christ as your personal

Lord and Saviour and been baptized for the remission

of your sins, you are not a part of His Church and

therefore will not be going with Him when he comes

for those who are His own.

The only way to become a part of His Church is

through the channel that He has provided for salvation

– belief in Him, repentance and baptism for the

remission of sins. (See Acts 2: 38, 41)

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Chapter 10

The Fourteenth and Final Changing of the Tide

The New Jerusalem – The Eternal Kingdom of God

(Revelation 21-22)

Revelation 21: 1-4 (Apostle John is speaking)

Read all of Revelation 21-22 so that you can get an

idea of the new heaven and the new earth that God has

planned for those who choose to worship Him.

The exact location of this kingdom is not known.

The Bible tells us that it descends out of heaven

from God, after Christ’s 1000 years reign on earth

(Revelation 20) but it never states exactly where

the kingdom is located.

According to Galatians 4: 26, this New Jerusalem is

above which tells us that it will not be established on


I don’t know your spiritual location and you don’t

know mine. I can only know what you show me and

you can only know what I show you. God knows your

heart and He knows mine. He is the Righteous Judge

and as such, must punish and will punish all sin.

I cannot speak for you and you cannot speak for me. I

cannot defend you before God and you cannot defend

me. The attitude of our hearts toward God will

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determine where we will end up at this final changing

of the tide.

When the tide changed for Adam and Eve and they

were put out of the Garden of Eden; that was a

permanent change.

When the tide changed for Abraham and he was

obedient to God and left Haran to go to a place that he

had never been to before; that was a permanent


When the tide changed for the children of Israel and

they left Egypt and crossed the Red sea; that was a

permanent change.

The signs are evident that the tide is going to change

again but the changing of the tide will take place

without warning and the effects of the change are

again going to be permanent.

At this final changing of the tide, you will either be on

the side of the Lord or you won’t. You will either be

going to heaven or you won’t. The choice is yours.

Just remember that once the tide changes, the choice

you made will be permanent.

There is a spiritual changing of the tide that is taking

place right now. God wants to separate us so that He

can prepare us for the work that He has called us unto

– that of winning souls for the kingdom. He cannot do

the separating unless we make ourselves available to

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Allow Him to separate you for a season and prepare

you for His work, as He separated Noah in The Ark

and prepared him. This is the only way that He can

take you from where you are; perfect His work in you

and place you where He needs you to be, in order for

you to create new life in others through His Son, Jesus

Christ. With this, the changing of the tide will result

in a great harvest of souls for God’s eternal kingdom.

If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your

personal Lord and Savior, why not make Him your

choice right now? This is the only way that you will

be prepared for His return and not miss the last

changing of the tide.

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Velyn Cooper

P. O. Box F42524

Freeport, Grand Bahama


[email protected]


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