the chocolate war

The Chocolate War Tabreya Ryan

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The Chocolate War. Tabreya Ryan. Lassitude. Benevolently. Languidly. Surreptitiously. Contemptuous. Ingratiating. Feigning. Audacity. Irrevocable. Inscrutable . Bewilderment. Nemesis. Sacrilegious. Wistful. Bedlam. Edifice. Tumultuous. Rangy. Adulation. Simonizing . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: The Chocolate War

The Chocolate WarTabreya Ryan

Page 2: The Chocolate War

LassitudeDefinition:Weariness of body or mind from strain (noun)

Evidence from novel:“He was unwilling to abandon this lovely lassitude but he had to, of course.” page 3

My sentence:Slowly rising, his lassitude was taking over.


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BenevolentlyDefinition:Characterized by or expressing goodwill or kindly feelings (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Archie turned and smiled at him benevolently, like a king passing out favors.” page 7

My sentence:Smile benevolent, was the one thing that helped me fake the way through my day.


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LanguidlyDefinition:Lacking in spirit or interest(adjective)

Evidence from novel:“He moved with a subtle rhythm, languidly, the walk of an athlete although he hated all sports and had nothing but contempt for athletes.”

My sentence:Energy evaporated, he languidly cheered one more time for the team.


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SurreptitiouslyDefinition:Secret or unauthorized (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“He studied the photograph surreptitiously and then closed the magazine and put it back where it belonged, on the top shelf.” page 17

My sentence:Feet tapping, I surreptitiously look at the note under my desk.


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ContemptuousDefinition:Scornful (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“The guy’s voice was contemptuous.” page 20

My sentence:Face contemptuous, we look at the badly treated animals.


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IngratiatingDefinition:Charming; agreeable; pleasing (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“On the surface he was one of those pale, ingratiating kind of men who tiptoe through life on small quick feet.” page 24

My sentence:Ingratiating face, no one thought of going against her.


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FeigningDefinition:To make a show or pretense of something (Verb)

Evidence from novel:“ ‘My help?’ Archie asked , feigning surprise, trying to keep any trace of mockery out of his voice.” page 26

My sentence:Heart pounding, face marked with feigning horror, I look at the creature.


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AudacityDefinition:daring or willingness to challenge assumptions or conventions or tackle something difficult or dangerous (Noun)

Evidence from novel:“Archie was surprised by Leon’s audacity, know his connection with The Vigils, and bringing him here this way.” pg. 27

My sentence:Heart racing, I allowed my audacity to take over me.


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IrrevocableDefinition:impossible to revoke, undo, or change (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Archie said, a command in his voice, no nonsense, final, irrevocable.” Pg. 36

My sentence:Eyes shutting, they told me not to make the irrevocable decision.


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Inscrutable Definition:not expressing anything clearly and thus hard to interpret (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Archie said, keeping his face expressionless, inscrutable as usual, even though he felt a bead of perspiration trace a cold path from his armpit to his rib.” pg. 37

My sentence:Eyes closed, he worked to keep his face inscrutable.


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BewildermentDefinition:to confuse or puzzle somebody completely (verb)

Evidence from novel:“He looked at the kid Goober who stood there in bewilderment, looking as if he were going to cry.” pg. 38

My sentence:Face confused, he stood there in bewilderment.


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NemesisDefinition:In Greek mythology, the goddess of just punishment or vengeance (noun)

Evidence from novel:“The black box was his nemesis.” pg. 37

My sentence:Mouth opening, the nemesis tried to attack me.


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SacrilegiousDefinition:The violation, desecration, or theft of something considered holy or sacred (noun)

Evidence from novel:“I know you wouldn’t consider anything so sacrilegious.” Pg. 45

My sentence:Mouth running, she couldn’t even tell that she was being sacrilegious.


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WistfulDefinition:Deep in sad thoughts, especially thoughts of something yearned for or lost, or expressing this sad yearning (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Emile smiled at Archie, suddenly wistful.” pg. 51

My sentence:Tears dripping, her face looked wistful.


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BedlamDefinition:A place or situation full of noise, frenzied activity, and confusion (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Brother Eugene cried as he entered the classroom and beheld the bedlam.” pg. 70

My sentence:Head pounding, I sat in the bedlam.


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EdificeDefinition:A building, especially a large or impressive one (noun)

Evidence from novel:“He poured it on like Niagra- school spirit, the traditional sale that had never failed, the Headmaster lying sick in the hospital, the brother hood of Trinity, the need for funds to keep this magnificent edifice of education operating on all gears.” pg. 68

My sentence:Feet stomping, I yelled into the edifice.


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TumultuousDefinition:Noisy and unrestrained in a way that shows excitement or great happiness (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“He was watching Leon storming away, pushing his way through the tumultuous corridor, disappearing through the swarming stream of boys.” pg.74

My sentence:Door swinging, it made a tumultuous sound.


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RangyDefinition:tall and lean, with long legs (adjective)

Evidence from Novel:“He continued to fade, fade, easy, easy stalling until he could spot the Goober, tall and rangy, downfield where he’d be waiting if he had managed to elude the safetyman.” pg. 77

My sentence:He leaned, tall and rangy, over me.


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AdulationDefinition: excessive flattery or admiration (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Despite the adulation of the guys at school, he felt as if there were some kind of distance between him and the fellows.” pg. 80

My sentence:I stared, in adulation, at the man in front of me.


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Simonizing Definition: polishing (verb)

Evidence from novel:“And good ole reliable uncle Louie who was always simonizing his car although simonizing cars seemed part of the Dark Ages these days.” pg.89

My sentence:It shined, because my grandpa simonized it.


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Commiseration Definition:a feeling of sympathy for and understanding of the troubles of somebody else (noun)

Evidence from novel:“ ‘I know,’ the teacher said, shaking his head sorrowfully, in commiseration.” pg. 107

My sentence:She cried, showing her commiseration for her best friend.


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Buoyant Definition:tending to float or rise to the surface of a liquid or upward in a gas (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Brother Leon was buoyant today and his mood had spread throughout the class.” pg. 117

My sentence:Body shifting, his buoyant mood spread like a wildfire.


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Pandemonium Definition:Hell, or any place of chaos or torment (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Suddenly, pandemonium reigned.” pg. 132

My sentence:I live in a pandemonium, she giggled.


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Calisthenics Definition: vigorous physical exercises for improving fitness and muscle tone, including pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Even though the place was deserted, the aftermath of that final period of calisthenics lingered, the stink of boy sweat; armpits and feet.” pg. 143

My sentence:Tired of calisthenics, I called the quits.


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Farce Definition: a ridiculous situation in which everything goes wrong or becomes a sham (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Nobody wants to sell the chocolates in the first place and it’s turned into some kind of farce in some classes.” pg. 147

My sentence:This was farce, everyone complained.


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Quota Definition:a proportional share of something that somebody should contribute or receive (noun)

Evidence from novel:“And last year, the quota was half of what has to be sod this year.” pg. 152

My sentence:I reached my quota, I sighed.


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ScapegoatDefinition:somebody who is made to take the blame for others (noun)

Evidence from novel:“He had the feeling that Brother Leon was that kind of character, that he would need a scapegoat and Brian would be closest at hand.” pg. 151

My sentence:Mission accomplished, it was time to look for a scapegoat.


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Sibilant Definition:describes consonants that are pronounced with a hissing sound (adjective)

Evidence form novel:“Brother Leon said, is voice a sibilant whisper.” pg. 155

My sentence:Ears ringing, every word sounded sibilant.


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Apathy Definition:lack of interest in anything, or the absence of any wish to do anything (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Infected by a disease we call apathy.” pg. 155

My sentence:She slept, because she was full of apathy.


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Bellows Definition:a device or piece of equipment with a chamber that can be expanded to draw air in and compressed to force the air out (noun)

Evidence from novel:“His chest rose and fell like a human bellows.” pg. 158

My sentence:She gasped, and fell like a broken bellow.


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Disembodied Definition:coming from somebody who cannot be seen in a way that may be eerie or frightening (adjective)

Evidence form novel:“He had never talked to Brother Leon over the phone before, and the disembodied voice at the other end of the line had caught him off balance.” pg. 161

My sentence:Shriveling body, her voice was disembodied.


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PrecariousDefinition:dangerously unstable, unsteady, uncertain, or insecure (adjective)

Evidence in novel:“Funny, he knew Brother Leon was in a precarious position and yet there was always the danger of underestimating him.” pg. 165

My sentence:Mind determined, I walked into the precarious cave.


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MalingerersDefinition:to pretend to be ill, especially in order to avoid work (verb)

Evidence from novel:“The malingerers, the malcontent– they always rally around a rebel.” Pg. 165

My sentence:The ballerina malingered, she didn’t feel like doing anything.


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MalcontentDefinition:somebody who is discontented or dissatisfied, especially somebody who seems continually or chronically discontented (noun)

Evidence from novel:“The malingerers, the malcontent– they always rally around a rebel.” Pg. 165

My sentence:She gazed, not listening, it was obvious that she was malcontent.


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ExultancyDefinition:to be extremely happy or joyful about something (verb)

Evidence from novel:“For the first time, the word brought exultancy to him, a lifting of the spirit.” pg.177

My sentence:Showing exultancy, she smiled.


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DerisionDefinition:contempt and mockery (noun)

Evidence from novel:“The chuckle turned into a hoot of derision.” pg. 192

My sentence:Derision raged, nobody cared to hide it.


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CamaraderieDefinition:a feeling of close friendship and trust among a group of people (noun)

Evidence from novel:“Jerry felt a rush of camaraderie for the teacher.” pg. 195

My sentence:Birds sang, the camaraderie feeling rose.


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MaverickDefinition:an independent thinker who refuses to conform to the accepted views on a subject (noun)

Evidence from novel:“He shuffled to the back of the bus, grateful that it wasn’t one of the crowded school buses but a maverick bus that appeared at odd hours.” pg. 216

My sentence:Maverick people are so yesterday, she thought.


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LuminousDefinition:emitting or reflecting light (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Instantly awake, he glanced at the alarm clock’s luminous face.” pg. 218

My sentence:Molly waving, she looked luminous.


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DisheveledDefinition:with messed-up hair or clothes (adjective)

Evidence: from novel:“The harassment had taken a toll on his father’s face, his hair disheveled, purple crescents under his eyes.” pg. 219

My sentence:He walked, looking disheveled.


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WaylayingDefinition: to lie in wait for somebody, especially as part of an attack or ambush (verb)

Evidence from novel:“However, he’d seen more of the prominent Vigil members waylaying kids in the corridors, checking on their sales, whispering menacingly to those who had only sold a few boxes.” pg. 198

My sentence:He waylaid, as he waited for her to leave the building.


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DesecratedDefinition:to damage something sacred, or do something that is offensive to the religious nature of something (verb)

Evidence from novel:“The desecrated poster had been removed and the wall scrubbed clean.” pg. 224

My sentence:My brain desecrated, I went on with my day never the same.


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TabulationDefinition:to arrange information systematically in a table or in columns and rows (verb)

Evidence from novel:“Brother Leon entered the office at the moment Brian Cochran finished his final tabulation.” pg. 226

My sentence:Papers destroyed, my tabulation was gone.


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RancidDefinition:having the strong disagreeable smell or taste of decomposing fats or oils (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“Leon’s rancid breath.” pg.226

My sentence:Breath kicking, I thought of how rancid it was.


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SanctimoniouslyDefinition:making an exaggerated show of holiness or moral superiority (adjective)

Evidence from Novel:“Ah, the hell with it, Brian thought as Leon’s voice droned on sanctimoniously.” pg.228

My sentence:Looking sanctimonious, she screamed.


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CajolingDefinition:to persuade somebody to do something by flattery or gentle but persistent argument (verb)

Evidence from novel:“Archie pressed on, cajoling his voice.” pg. 232

My sentence:Cajoling commercial, I continued to watch.


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SubmissivenessDefinition:giving in or tending to give in to the demands or authority of others (adverb)

Evidence from Novel:“The kid was quick to comply and Archie was pleased with his submissiveness.” Pg. 239

My sentence:Being submissive, she looked away.


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ElementalDefinition: basic and essential (adjective)

Evidence from novel:“The power pulsing through his body like some elemental force.” pg. 250

My sentence:Being elemental was hard, she thought.


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PremeditatedDefinition:transitive verb to plan or devise something, especially a crime, in advance (verb)

Evidence from novel:“He had never struck anyone like that before, in fury, premeditated, and he enjoyed catapulting all his power towards the target.” pg. 251

My sentence:Plan premeditated, I walked away.


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CatapultingDefinition:arms history a large heavy war machine used in medieval times to hurl large stones at an enemy (noun)

Evidence from Novel:“He had never struck anyone like that before, in fury, premeditated, and he enjoyed catapulting all his power towards the target.” pg. 251

My sentence:Energy pumping, I let the catapult go.
