the christ church oberlin communicator february edition...

The Christ Church Oberlin Communicator February Edition 2016 Prayer Z Fasting Z Almsgiving “In the name of the Church, you are invited to observe a holy Lent.” Ash Wednesday February 10, 2016 Lent begins with the imposition of ashes, for those who desire it, and celebrations of the Holy Eucharist at: 7:15 a.m. Church 12:15 p.m. Church 4:00 p.m. Kendal Health Center 7:00 p.m. Church This liturgy enables us to “make a right beginning in our Lenten Journey.” If you cannot make it to one of these services please arrange for the sacrament to be brought to you by calling Mary in the parish office at 440.775.2501 For the 7 year running people worldwide are th gearing up for Lent Madness. Log onto for more details! OACM Wednesday Lenten Series Pope Francis' Encyclical "Laudato Si' On Care for Our Common Home." Noon - 1 p.m. Discussion lead by the Rev. John Elder Bring a brown bag lunch, beverages provided. Feb. 17 at First Church, UCC; Feb. 24 at Peace Community Church; March 2 at Rust United Methodist Church; and March 9 at First United Methodist Church. March 16, AJ Lewis Center on the Campus of Oberlin College. A Prayer for Lent Look with compassion, O Lord, upon this your people; that rightly observing this holy season, they may know you more fully, and serve you with a more perfect will; through Jesus Christ Our Saviour. Amen a All Parish Lenten Program Six Part Series - Growing a Rule of Life Join one of these small groups Sundays 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Anderson Parlor Facilitators: Barbara & Bob Pierce Mondays Noon-1:00 p.m. 151 Forest St. Facilitators: Midge Brittingham, Fr. Brian Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m. Parish Hall Facilitator: DeSales Harrison Pick up one of the free workbooks on the welcoming table at the entrance to the church or in the parish office. Log on to to sign up for the daily videos which will be delivered to you email address. (You can also download an electronic pdf file of the workbook.) Childcare will be available on Sundays and Wednesdays. Lunch will be provided on Mondays and a light soup/salad dinner will be provided on Wednesdays. Whether you do this series as an individual or with one of the groups offered know that we are among 4000 plus members of our diocese participating in this spiritual formation process. Fr. Brian K. Wilbert a

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The Christ Church Oberlin Communicator February Edition

2016Prayer Z Fasting Z Almsgiving

“In the name of the Church, you are invited to observe a holy Lent.”

Ash Wednesday

February 10, 2016Lent begins with the

imposition of ashes, for those

who desire it, and celebrations

of the Holy Eucharist at:

7:15 a.m. Church

12:15 p.m. Church

4:00 p.m. Kendal Health Center

7:00 p.m. Church

This liturgy enables us to “make a right

beginning in our Lenten Journey.” If you

cannot make it to one of these services please

arrange for the sacrament to be brought to you

by calling Mary in the parish office at


For the 7 year running people worldwide areth

gearing up for Lent Madness. Log for more details!

OACM Wednesday Lenten Series

Pope Francis' Encyclical "Laudato Si'

On Care for Our Common Home."

Noon - 1 p.m.

Discussion lead by the Rev. John Elder

Bring a brown bag lunch, beverages provided.

Feb. 17 at First Church, UCC; Feb. 24 atPeace Community Church; March 2 at RustUnited Methodist Church; and March 9 atFirst United Methodist Church. March 16, AJLewis Center on the Campus of OberlinCollege.

A Prayer for LentLook with compassion, O Lord, upon this yourpeople; that rightly observing this holy season, they mayknow you more fully, and serve you with a more perfectwill; through Jesus Christ Our Saviour. Amen a

All Parish LentenProgram

Six Part Series -Growing a Rule of LifeJoin one of these small


Sundays 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Anderson ParlorFacilitators: Barbara & Bob Pierce

Mondays Noon-1:00 p.m. 151 Forest St.Facilitators: Midge Brittingham, Fr. Brian

Wednesdays 6:00-7:00 p.m. Parish HallFacilitator: DeSales Harrison

Pick up one of the free workbooks on thewelcoming table at the entrance to thechurch or in the parish office. Log on to to sign up for the daily videos which will bedelivered to you email address. (You canalso download an electronic pdf file of theworkbook.) Childcare will be available on Sundaysand Wednesdays. Lunch will be provided onMondays and a light soup/salad dinner willbe provided on Wednesdays. Whether you do this series as anindividual or with one of the groups offeredknow that we are among 4000 plus membersof our diocese participating in this spiritualformation process. Fr. Brian K. Wilbert a

“Tails from the Church Mouse”

February 2016

The 160 Annual Meeting is inth

the Books–Thanks be! And wehad 60 members and friends inattendance! Thank you forbeing present and accountedfor...we are grateful. And Ourgratitude is expressed to those“outgoing” members of ourparish who have served inthese leadership positions for

the past year, three years (or more!) From thevestry: Jonathon Field (served as SeniorWarden during 2015), Kelly Carney andAlison Ricker. From the MissionEndowment Board: Del Mason (served aschair during 2015 and 2014), and NickiMemmott. We’re grateful to Carrie Amiri,Alison Ricker, Mary McGill who served asour delegates to the 199 Diocesanth

Convention in November of 2015 and toKelly Carney who served as our alternatedelegate. And we thank Carrie Amiri andAlison Ricker for their service as ourrepresentatives to the North Central AreaMission Council (NCMAC). At the 160th

Annual Meeting we also elected the followingmembers of Christ Church into the followingleadership positions: Diane Follet, BarbaraPierce and Katy Reid were elected to thevestry. Dorothy Carney was elected to a twoyear unexpired term on the MissionEndowment Board. Daria Grimes and NickiMemmott were elected to three year terms onthe Mission Endowment Board. Ourconvention delegates to the 200 Conventionth

of the Episcopal Diocese of Ohio are CarrieAmiri (alternate), Jean Gardner, Davis S.G.Kazimir and Alison Ricker. Carrie Amiriand Alison Ricker remain our representativesto the North Central Area MissionCouncil–where Alison serves a term asAssistant Chair. Many thanks to DianneHaley who slid onto the organ bench for ourworship services on Sunday January 30 . Theth

Church Mouse knows of three couples whoare away on wonderful winter trips but will

not reveal who they are until after they arrivehome next month! In the mean time youthree, and you know who you are, pleaseknow that the church mouse has green eyes!The CM can report that Nicki and JohnMemmott had a lovely weekend awayrecently. It is great to have our young adultOberlin College faculty familes back fromwinter term and we mean you: Becky andBrad and Leah Carter, Angela, David,Asher and Damien Heetderks, DrewWilburn, Maureen Peters, Patrick andClaire, Meghan and Charles Lockwardand Charlie . It is also great to have ourcollege students back– J.T. Minor and DanielOrsen made it back to Oberlin for the AnnualMeeting before the Oberlin Orchestra left fortheir concert in Chicago. Alison Ricker andRay English traveled to Chicago to supportthe orchestra in this concert series celebratingthe 150 Anniversary of the Oberlinth

Conservatory. Christopher Kennedy arrivedback from a very successful trip to ElSalvador. Congratulations to YorkiEncalada who had an article published inPolifonia, the Academic Journal of HispanicStudies, Vol. V Issue 1 2015. Carrie Amiri,Jean Gardner, Bob Graves, DeSalesHarrison, Bill Yockey and Fr. Brianattended the 2015 Winter Convocation at theend of January along with 400 other membersof the Diocese of Ohio. In part thisconvocation focused preparing for ourdiocesan-wide Lenten program “Growing aRule of Life”. The CM was sorry to hear thatRalph Shaw has had a hospital fall due to afall recently and joins the other members ofour parish family praying for a speedyrecovery. The CM knows how grateful Fr.Brian Wilbert and Yorki Encalada are toeveryone who reached out at the time of their16 ½ year old Jack Russell Terrier, Viktor’sdeath on the Saturday beforethe annual meeting. He had agood run through life and agentle death and we givethanks for all things brightand beautiful, all creaturesgreat and small.

Souper Bowl Sunday - February 7, 2016 Souper Bowl of Caring is dedicated to tackling all of the issues thatexist in your communities, including poverty, hunger andhomelessness. Did you know? 48 million Americans live in poverty?[1] 1 in 7 Americans face hunger every day? [1] More than630,000 people in the United States are homeless? [2] 23% of thosestruggling went to college? [1] Or that 16 million children live in

food insecure households? [1] (References available on the Souper Bowl of Caring Website: Bring your change, your dollar bills or you checkbooks to church on Sunday February 7th. (MakeChecks payable to OACM and memo them 2016 SouperBowl of Caring. There will be a soup potat the entrance to the church. Please deposit your contribution there. All monies raised will stay inour local community and be split between the Oberlin Weekday Community Meals program at ChristChurch and the Oberlin Community Services Center.

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

February 9 5 - 7

St. Andrew’s Parish Hall Auditorium.

300 Third Street, Elyria, Ohio

Join the Acolytes of St. Andrew’s as they host

this Fat Tuesday tradition. We will feast together

with Cub Scout Pack 110, friends and neighbors

The Oberlin Area Cooperating Ministries (OACM) offers a Lentennoontime series for five Wednesdays in Lent on themes in Pope Francis'Encyclical "Laudato Si' - On Care for Our Common Home." The Rev.John Elder will lead the first four one-hour sessions on "TheImplications of Climate Change", "The Connectedness of All Things","Technoscience and the Common Good", and "Ecological Conversion." A fifth session, a field trip on "Environmental Sustainability in Action,"will be held on March 16 in Oberlin College's A.J.Lewis Center.Locations for the first four sessions, at which a light lunch will beprovided, are: Feb. 17 at First Church, UCC; Feb. 24 at PeaceCommunity Church; March 2 at Rust United Methodist Church; andMarch 9 at First United Methodist Church. The encyclical can bed o w n l o a d e d w i t h t h i s l i n k :

Worship Notes for Lent 2016from Fr. Brian and the members of the Christ Church Worship Commission

During the Season of Lent we will begin our 10:30 a.m. Worship Service with the ringing of oursteeple bell. This will take place after the prelude music and our morning announcements. Thepurpose for ringing the bell is to call us into the time and space for worship. A few moments ofsilence will follow the sounding of the bell before the beginning of the processional hymn. Pleaseenter into this spiritual practice with open hearts and minds.

Also at the 10:30 a.m. Eucharists on Sundays our choir will offer the psalm appointed for the dayset to authentic Anglican chant. Because most of us are not versed or practiced in the singing ofAnglican chant, the choir will offer the psalm as gift to God and us. We are invited to sit duringthe chanting of the psalm and be in the moment in reflective prayerful praise.

Finally, as we will be singing John Merebecke’s 1550 setting of the Mass (Kyrie, Sanctus &Benedictus and Agnus dei) John Merbecke (c. 1510 – c. 1585) was an English theological writerand musician who produced a standard setting of the Anglican liturgy and is known today for hissetting of the Mass, Missa Per arma justitiae. In keeping with this musical style we will be usingRite One of the Eucharist from the Book of Common Prayer at both Sunday Masses during Lent.

During the Easter Season the adult Sunday school class will discuss AtulGawande’s book Being Mortal during the regular Sunday school time,Sunday morning from 9:15 a.m. - 10:15 along with refreshments and coffeeor tea. The book, for nearly a year on the bestseller list, is a thoughtful andreadable discussion of nursing homes, retirement communities, geriatricmedicine, and in general how we do and should treat older people. Everyone is welcome for these classes. If you would like the Pierces toorder a copy of the book for you please notify one of us by February 15. The class discussions will begin the Sunday after Easter. The cost of thebook should be about $18. If you want an e-book, you can order a copysomewhat more cheaply from

February Birthdays2/13/59 William Robertson2/16/85 Mona Almobayyed Xamba2/21/51 Pat Price2/26/09 Braiden Hicks2/27/76 Elizabeth Pruitt2/28/27 Mary Louise VanDyke2/28/70 Steven Knapp

Celebrating New Life in Christ2/19/56 Marty Lancaster2/26/84 Barbara Pierce2/29/76 Butch Jones

Christ Church Necrologyd. 2/4/12 Mohammed Amirid. 2/5/15 Molly Andersond. 2/6/94 Fran Reversd. 2/11/84 Russell Foxd. 2/14/07 Joan McFarlandd. 2/19/14 Paulie Evansd. 2/21/97 Jeanne Buttsd. 2/21/99 Jeanne Lopez Forsytd. 2/21/12 Henry “Jack” Freasd. 2/24/02 Emma Laymand. 2/24/95 Mary Barton Hancockd. 2/25/99 Janet Lindsay Hancockd. 2/25/04 Heidi Licklider

St. Andrew's

Lenten Fish


will be served from 5:00-7:00 pm starting February 12 and continuing every Friday during Lent (except Good Friday.)Fish or shrimp dinners will include Frenchfries and coleslaw, coffee, tea, or milk.Half-dinners, fish sandwich combos, cheesepizza, and mac and cheese will also be on themenu. Pop will be available from thevending machine.

Family Promise of Lorain County

and Sterks of Oberlin

invites you to

Shower Homeless Families

with Love

When: Sunday February 21, 2016

Time: 2 - 4 p.m.

Place: Sterks of Oberlin

580 W. Lorain Street

Provide our IHN guests with household itemsfor their new homes.

RSVP by February 12 to Nancy (440-774-6703)

Please note we are registered at the Oberlin BenFranklin, Target and Walmart.

Morning Prayer is read in the choir of the churchon Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.The service runs from 8 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. and is ledby Worship Leaders: Midge Brittingham, DeSalesHarrison, Robert Pierce and Alison Ricker. Duringthis Lenten season why not take this opportunity tojoin with the small but faithful congregation whichgathers daily to offer praise to God and pray for theneeds of each other, Christ Church, and the world?

Oberlin Community Services

Volunteer Appreciation Event

Sunday February 14, 2016

2 - 4 p.m.

OCS Community Room

285 South Professor Street

R.S.V.P. 440-774-6579

or [email protected]

FARMROOTSFebruary 19, 7-8 p.m.

Peace Community Church44 E. Lorain Street, Oberlin, Ohio

Folk/Bluegrass/Old Time Music along withAgricultural Sustainability Activism

Absalom Jones FestivalSunday February 14, 2016

4 p.m. Christ Church, Shaker Heights.

The Wilma Ruth Combs Chapter of the Union of BlackEpiscopalians and The Diocese of Ohio announce the 2016Absalom Jones Celebration. The event will be held on Sunday,February 14 at 4:00 p.m. at Christ Church, 3445 WarrensvilleCenter Rd, Shaker Heights, OH 44122. Reception to follow. Thisis a diocesan-wide event and all are welcome to attend. The VeryReverend Will H. Mebane, Jr., Interim Dean at St. Paul'sCathedral, Buffalo, NY will be the preacher. The Right ReverendArthur B. Williams, Jr., Assisting Bishop of Ohio, will be theCelebrant. This year there will be an Absalom Jones volunteerchoir. Participants should plan to attend rehearsal at 2:45 p.m. onFebruary 14. If you are interested in joining the volunteer choir,please contact Sallye Miyara at [email protected]

or 1.419.878.0945 by February 4.

The Celebration commemorates the life and witness of Absalom Jones, an African-American whogained his freedom in the post-Revolutionary War era. Bishop William White of Pennsylvaniaordained Absalom Jones as deacon in 1795 and as priest on September 21, 1802, making him thefirst priest in America of African descent.

More on “Growing a Rule of Life.” Lenten Spiritual Formation Series

What is a Rule of Life? As Brother Mark Brown explained to us at the Winter Convocation theword “Rule” comes from a Latin word meaning to regulate. So a Rule of Life is the means whicha person or group of people regulate/shape/order their lives.

Many of us might be familiar with the fact that most if not all monastic communities of monks ornuns operate under specific rules of life.

You and I operate under a rule of life too–the Baptismal covenant found on pages 304 and 305 ofthe Book of Common prayer. To live our lives under the rule of the baptismal covenant is awonderful way to regulate our living.

During Lent 2016 we have a wonderful oppotunity to use this tool tool from monastic spiritualitycalled a ‘Rule of Life’ to explore and cultivate our relationships with God, Self, Others, andCreation. We will be joining 4000 other brothers and sisters in our diocese and over 30,000people across our Episcopal Church who will use this opportunity to connect and reconnect withourselves, God, our neighbors and all Creation.

I hope you will grab a workbook, avail yourselves of the “on line” resources and join with yoursisters and brothers at Christ Church in one of the small groups who will work through thisspiritual formation process as part of our Lenten Journey!

Photos from the 160 Annual Meeting of Christ Church, Oberlinth

Christ Episcopal Church162 South Main StreetOberlin, OH 44074Phone: 440-775-2501 Fax: 440-774-9991email: [email protected] the web:

Christ Church Clergy:The Most Rev. Michael Bruce Curry, Presiding BishopThe Right Rev. Mark Hollingsworth, Jr., Bishop of OhioThe Rev. Dr. Brian K. Wilbert, RectorThe Rev. Dr. Nancy Roth, Assisting PriestThe Rev. Jane Trager, Deacon

Christ Church Vestry: Jim Howsmon, Senior WardenTBD - Junior Warden Dawn Yorko, TreasurerDiane Follet, vestry memberLindsay Graves, vestry member DeSales Harrison, vestry memberBarbara Pierce, vestry member Katy Reid, vestry memberKay Rider, vestry memberBill Yockey, vestry member

Others who serve in our parish: Katherine Plank, Minister of MusicDavid S. G. Kazimir, OrganistMary McGill, Parish AdministratorSandy Martin, Nursery CaregiverAlison Ricker, SacristanTBD, Chair of Mission Endowment BoardKrista Long and Brian Wilbert, co-Chairs of Oberlin Weekday Community Meals BoardMidge Brittingham College Student Ministry CoordinatorMarty Lancaster, Sexton Emerita

Worship and Events in February 2016Sundays: 8:00 and 10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist 9:15 Spiritual Formation; 9:30 Choir Warm Up, 11:45 Coffee Hour; 11:45-12:30 Fowler Library openMon. Tues. Thurs. Fri. 8 a.m. Morning PrayerMonday - Friday 5 p.m. Oberlin Weekday Community Meals served in the parish hall. Wednesdays mid-week Eucharist at 8 a.m. Mondays: 10 a.m. Kendal Bible Study Mondays: Noon Student Lunch at Brittingham’s Home 151 Forest St.Fridays: Fr. Brian’s Sabbath day; the office is closed.

Other Events: Sundays 9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Growing a Rule of Life, Anderson Parlor (child care available).Mondays Noon-1 p.m. Growing a Rule of Life, 151 Forest Street (Lunch included).Wednesdays 6 - 7 p.m. Growing a Rule of Life, lower level of the Jones Parish Hall light supper

provided, child care available. .Feb. 09 Properties Commission, 7:15 p.m.Feb. 10 Ash Wednesday Services at 7:15 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 4 p.m. (Kendal) and 7:00 p.m.Feb. 11 “Lent Madness” begins...Feb. 16 Vestry Meeting, 7:00 p.m. Lower level of the Jones Parish Hall. Feb. 23 Mission Endowment Board Meeting, 7:30 p.m. Parish Library.