the chronological sequence of events that happened in b

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  • 8/7/2019 The chronological sequence of events that happened in B




    Date 21/03/11

    The chronological sequence of events/activities of L#143 is given below:

    Date Activity/events Remarks

    26/11/10 Annulus pressure recorded as 36.5 kg/cm2(WOR needed).

    Annulus pressure under observation

    20/12/10 Annulus pressure recorded as 40kg/cm2 (WORneeded).

    Annulus pressure under observation

    26/12/10 WOR reported, for packer resetting job. -------------

    10/01/11 While carrying out mud displacement after

    packer setup coil tube got stuck up


    17/01/11 Coil tube of CTU pulled out successfully. Wellcompletion job in progress

    Injectivity recorded is 220LPM @600psi

    26/01/11 Well completed and A/I started started at 0100hrs@ 10000m3/day

    Well not taking air.Well handed overto WOR for improving the injectivity.

    27/01/11 Injected 235m3 water, thereafter injected air Well not taking air at 98kg/cm2

    header pressure30/01/11 Introducedwater @ 15m3/hr for 24 hrs.

    Introduced air.Well not taking air@ 100 kg/cm2.wellunder observation

    31/01/11 Well not taking air @105 kg/cm2

    04/02/11 Well is not taking air @ 110kg/cm2 Well closed as there is NIL injectivity@110kg/cm2

    05/02/11 Chemical job proposed by Asset Manager forimproving the injectivity

    Job to be taken up soon.

    08/02/11 1st

    Chemical injection( 1.4m3) carried out withthe help of pumping unit.Well kept closed for 24hrs for soaking time.

    Injected chemical mixture consistsof the following:-

    Demulsifier (0.185MT) EGMBEEthylene Glycol

    Monobutyl(1.080MT) WaxDispersant&Asphalt

    dispersant (0.500MT) Xylene(200 L)

    09/02/11 Checked injectivity of the well 230 LPMat 600psi

    At 400 LPM @ 700 psi Well is under observation. Resumed A/I

    at 100kg/cm2

    Well not taking air

    10/02/11 Well taking air @ 15000 m3/day at 110 kg/cm2header pressure

    Well is under observation

    12/02/11 Well taking air @ 18000 m3/day at 105 kg/cm2header pressure

    Back pressure recorded as 104kg/cm2

    20/02/11 Well taking air @ 30000 m3/day at 99.5 kg/cm2header pressure(Gradually the injectivityimproved)

    Back pressure 98 kg/cm2

    23/02/11 Well taking air @ 30000 m3/day at 101.5 kg/cm2header pressure

    Back pressure 96 kg/cm2

    25/02/11 Suddenly well stopped taking air(Headerpressure:- 105.5 kg/cm2)Started W/I at 20.30 hrs

    Injected water @ 200m3 of water withback pressure 61 kg/cm2.Stopped W/Iat 09 hrs on 27/2/11

    27/02/11 After water injection stopped at 09.00 hrsresumed A/I .Well taking @ 8500m3/day @ 104kg/cm2 header pressuer

    Back pressure 103 kg/cm2. Wellunder observation

    03/03/11 Well taking air @ 7500 m3/day at 99 kg/cm2header pressure

    Well under observation

  • 8/7/2019 The chronological sequence of events that happened in B


    04/03/11 Well taking air @ 9000 m3/day at 107 kg/cm2header pressure

    Well under observation

    11/03/11 y Again well stopped taking air at headerpressure of 105 kg/cm2

    y Tried to inject water at 118 kg/cm2 waterheader pressure.No success.

    Well didnt accept water even at ahigh pressure of 118 Kg/Cm2.

    14/03/11 Chemical job carried out .Chemical details given

    aside.Job details at the time of chemical job:- Injected 1.6 m3 of water at 130 kg/cm2 Injected 1.4 m3 of


    Again injected 4m3 of water Well kept closed for 24 hrs chemical

    soaking .

    Injected chemical mixture

    Demulsifier (0.185MT) Ethylene Glycol

    Monobutyl(1.080MT) Wax Dispersant/asphalt

    dispersant(0.500MT) Xylene(200 L)

    15/03/11 Checked injectivity after chemical job. Injectivity recorded as 250 LPM at 900

    psi. Water injection started @ 4.0 m3/hr at

    104 kg/cm2. Slowly the water injection pressure

    dropped to 60 Kg/Cm2 in 10-12 hrs

    Well under observation

    16/03/11 Stopped W/I at 1800 hrs and started A/I Well taking air @ 9000m3/day approx

    17/03/111 Well taking air @9000m3/day at 97.7 kg/cm2 Back pressure is 96 kg/cm2

    21/03/11 Well taking air @18000 m3/day at 98 Kg/Cm2header pressure.

    Well under observation

    For information to all concerned

    D Rajkumar SE (P)

    Balol Main In Charge


    In-Charge;SST/Balol Area