the coinage of pisidian antioch / [g.f. hill]

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]




    (SeePlateXIX.)The coins heredescribedbelongto three groups.

    (1) Duringjourneysmadein connexionwith the AsiaMinorExplorationFund through he regionofPisidianAntiochduring the last thirty twoyears,small sets ofcoins have been

    purchasedin the villages and towns

    from time to time and carefullypreserved. Many ofthemwere n a verybad condition, nd this is naturallyalso the case withmany of those whichbelong to thenext group.

    (2) During the recent excavationsat the Hieron ofMênAskaenos,near PisidianAntioch, certainnumberof coinshavebeenfound, nd manynot actuallyfoundin excavation,but comingfrom heneighbourhood,ave

    been shown to the excavators. By the courtesyofSir William KamsayI have been allowedto examinepractically ll these coins and make full lists of themfrom ime to time. The bearing of these coinson thedates of occupationof the site excavated will be dis-cussedafter the excavationof the city, whichmaylastfor everalyearsyet, s completed.

    (3) Somecoinsbelongingto the British Museum,butnot publishedin the Cataloguef Pisidia, are included.

    The object of the present paper is to describe a

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


    300 G. F. HILL.

    selection of coinswhich re of interest to numismatistsprimarily. In oneor two casesthe provenanceenablesus to attribute o the Pisidiancolonycoinsof whichtheattributionwould otherwise euncertain.

    Babelon1 and Imhoof-Blumer have restored toPisidian Antiochthe autonomouscoins,with a bust ofMênon the obverseand a humpedbull with antioxeand variousmagistrates'names on the reverse,whichhad usually been ascribed to the Carian city of thesamename. In confirmationf this change, t maybementioned that there were at least four of these coinsamongthose submitted to me. Unfortunately ll werequite illegible, except one which appears to readAPAKON.

    The newevidencealsoconfirms,

    f further onfirmationwerenecessary,mhoof's ttribution o PisidianAntiochof the groupof coinswitheagleon obverseand star onreverse.3

    Three specimensof the kind without magistrates'names, wowith the eagleto right, ne with the eagletoleft, re recorded n the lists which I have made. ToImhoof list maybe added another,with eagleto righton obverse,nd the magistrate'sname[0]PAZYon the

    reverse M. 13mm.),whichhas longbeenin the BritishMuseum. [Pl.XIX.1.]It may be noted that the magistrates' names

    APAKO[N]nd MENANAPO[Y]ccuron both this series andon the serieswiththe bust of Mênand the humpedbullmentioned bove,showingthat the twoseriesbelongtothe sameplace and period.

    1 nvent.WaddingtonNos.566-70.2Kleinasiatischeiinzeny.357.3Revueuissexiv.1908),.141.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]



    The small coins of the' Colonywithout Emperors'heads,or at least without heir names, re represented ythe followingvarieties

    Types Obv. Bust of Hermes,with caduceusbehindshoulder.

    Bev Modiuscontaining orn. Cp. B. M. C.}No.2.

    1. Obv. ANT .,OCHr. Bust r.Bev, COLO1.,NIAE.

    JE. 14mm.

    2. Obv ANTIO.,Cr., Hbelow. Bust 1.Bev AICO



    (i.e.COLONIAl).M. 12mm. [Pl. XIX. 4.]

    Types Obv. Bust of Hermes,with caduceusbehindshoulder.Bev- Bullstanding. Cp. mhoof-Blumer,leinas

    Münzen,. 358,No.6.

    3. Obv. [AN]T|.,OÇHr. ?). Bustr.

    Bev ANTabove,OCr. Bull r.JE. 13mm.

    Types Obv Bust ofHermes,aduceusbehind houlder.Bev Winged caduceus. Cp. Imhoof-Blumer,KleinasMünzenp. 358,No.7.

    4. Obv. ANTIO.,C - - r. Bust 1.Bev. COLO1.,NIA .

    M. 13mm. [Pl.XIX. 2.]

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    302 G. F. HILL.

    Types Obv. BustofHermes,aduceusbehind houlder.Rev.-Cock. Cp.B. M.G No.1.

    5. Obv. ANTI1.,CHIAr. Bust1.Bev. CO1.,LONr., below. Cockr.

    M. 12-5mm. [Pl. XIX. 3.] SamediesasB. M.G,No.1.

    6. Obv. A1.,NTIOCr. Bust r.Bev CO1.,LON?)r. Cockr.

    JE. 12*5mm.

    Types Obv BustofMen oncrescent.Bev. Cock. Cp.B M.G.fNo.3.

    7. Obv. ANTI1.,CHIAr. Bust 1.

    Bev. COLOr., - 1. Cockr.M. 13mm.8. Obv. ANTI.,OCHI1. Bust r.

    Bev. Inscr. llegible.Cockr.M. 14mm.

    Thebustson these smallcoinsseem to me to beassimi-lated to variousemperors. Thus the Hermeson Nos.1,

    4,and 5 seem to

    resembleHadrian,whilethat on No.2

    maybe meantfor he youngCaracalla. On the follow-ing coinweseem tohavebustsof Pius and Marcus

    9. Obv. ANT. Beardedbustr. (Pius?).Bev. COLO1. Beardless bust 1.(MarcusasHermes)with aduceus ver houlder.

    iE. 13 mm. [Pl.XIX. 5.]Imhoof- lumer, however,4 onsiders that these and


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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]



    other small copper coins of the same class probablybelong to the time of Severus. However,the re-semblanceswhich I have pointedout seemto indicatea longerperiod for he issue of these coins and indeedit is not probablethat so manyvarietiesofsmallchangeshouldhavebeenissuedduringso short period.

    The following ssues (with the possibleexceptionofNo.10) belongto the time of Augustusand Tiberius

    10.Obv. ÇÇANabove. Founderploughing . withyokeof cattle.

    jRev. Q in middle. Four military tandards twowith agles).

    M. 18mm. [Pl.XIX. 6.]

    11. Obv. CAESAR nr. HeadofAugustus.,bare.Rev. COLCAESabove AV GVSTVSin middle,betweenourmilitary tandards s on pre-ceding.

    M. 22mm. [Pl. XIX. 7.] Cp. mhoof-Blumer,KleinasMünzenp. 358,No.9.

    Thenewspecimenwaspoorlypreserved that whichis here llustratedwasalreadyin the British Museum

    12.Obv. V • AVG F • AVGVSTIMPVIII HeadofTiberius .,bare.Rev. C C(large)across field. Statueof the Julia

    Gens,seatedr., restingwith1.on sceptre,holding atera n r.

    M. 22mm. [Pl. XIX. 8.]

    The type of the reverse s found not onlyon Romancoinsof the period Cohen2,Tiberius17)but at Corinth


    Gardner,Num. Comm. E


    atCaesaraugustain Spain(Heiss,PL xxv. 27).

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


    304 G. F. HILL.

    Underthe latter mint, n the British Museumtrays,the followingcoin has long been placed; but in itsfabric and style it is distinctly not Spanish,and DonAntonioVivesinformsme that nothing similar to it isfamiliar o him in his experienceof Spanishcoins. Itmay just possiblybe of Antioch,although it does notseemto bearany indicationof the mint

    12a.Obv. TI 1., TVS r. Head of Tiberius.,bare. Plainborder.

    Bev. IVLIAA1., - - TAr. Similar igureothaton No.12. Plain border.M. 24mm. [Pl.XIX. 9.]

    À propos f the coin ofAugustus,mhoofremarks hat

    on this earliest coin the colonybears only the titleColoniaCaesarea. The coin of Tiberius No. 12)showsthat it still bore that title in his reign; whereasthecoin No. 10 seems,if my reading of the obverse iscorrect, o mark the transition o the new name. Un-fortunately ecannotdate it exactly.

    A coin of Tiberius mentionedby Babelon,5readingCAEANTIOCOL•S•R■ s describedas retouched thiswe may well believe,since the letters S■R do notnormally ppear on Antiochiancoinsuntil a much laterperiod, nd the sizeof the piece(34mm.)is also a signof lateness.6

    5 nvent. addingtonj580.*Cp.Mionnet,ii.p.492,No.2,whichppearsobe tooledoin fGordianII. SirW. M.Ramsayrites: Thename f hecolonyappearsimplys n inscriptionhich elongsotheperiodabout0 .D. The evivalf he ldname ntiochiasanadjunctotheRomanitle oloniaaesareaay robablyaveakenlacender

    Vespasian,r perhapsero andcoinseading. C. ANmay edatedccordingly."

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]



    Betweenthe earliestperiodofthe colony nd the reignof Vespasianthere seems to be a gap in the coinage.Hithertocoinsof Titus but none of his father havebeenattributed o the colony. But amongthe new coinsarethree of Vespasian,all extremely badly worn. Thegreater part of the legends can, however,be restoredwith the help of a similar coin at Berlin (from theImhoof-Blumerollection),the descriptionof whichIowe toDr. Imhoof-Blumer's indness

    13. Obv.- MPVESPASIANOAESAR AVGCOS VIIP PBust ofVespasian., aureate.

    Bev. LEGV on1. upwards,CC (?) on r.upwards eagletanding, ithwingspread,betweenwomilitary tandards.

    JE. 26*5-24mm. Threepecimens.

    woof them re countermarkedn the obversewith a figure f Mên,standingto front,crescent t shoulders, estingon sceptrewithr., holding ictory n 1.

    [Pl.XIX. 10.]

    These coinsdate from the year 76, when Vespasianwasconsulfor he seventh ime.

    Indications of the presenceof veterans of the fifth

    legion(Gallica7)at Antioch are alreadyknownin four

    tombstonesfrom Antioch (C I. L., iii. 293, 294; cp.Le Bas-Wadding on, 1823 and two others of whichSir W. M.Ramsayinformsme). One at least of thesemust belongto quite the earliestperiodof the colony.Otherwiset wouldhave been tempting to supposethat,sincethe name of the fifth egiondoes not occuron the

    7ThedentityfGallicaith laudaesnot ertain,houghssumedbyearlieruthoritiesithno evidence.DessauIndex o nscrLat.¿^¿.^distinguisheshem.Thename laudaesneversed ntheAntiochiannscriptions.[W.M.B.]


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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


    306 G. F. HILL.

    coinsuntil the year 76, it may have been veteransofthe fifth Macedonica(whichservedin the Jewishwar),rather han of the Gallica,whoweresettledat Antioch.8Sucha veteranmayhave broughtwith him the coin ofTitus commemoratinghe subjectionofJudaea which smentioned elow.


    Thiscountermark ccurs011 number f coins,all butone unfortunately orn o smooththat it is impossibleto determine their date with certainty. Three wereamongthe coinssubmitted ome. A fourth Pl.XIX.12],which camefrom he samedistrictmanyyears ago,is aGreekcoinof Titus, commemoratinghe suppressionfthe First Eevolt of the Jews, nd doubtless struck inJudaea.9 Oneof three others Pl. XIX.11]is counter-marked on the oppositeside with a bust of Menon acrescentto right, ndicating a further onnexionwithAntioch. The letters of the countermark an hardlybe read as anything but CRAS,although on somespecimensthere seemsto be no horizontalbar to the R.It is

    highly improbablethat it was


    authority of Sulpicius Crassus,who was proconsulofAsia towards he end of the reign of Oommodus10forby what authority hould a proconsulof Asia counter-mark coinsin Antioch? Whateverbe the meaningofthe mark, heextremelyworn onditionof all the coinsshowsthat the originalsmay have been in circulation

    8Severalther eterans,ho ad ervednSyrianegions,remen-tionedn nscriptionsfAntioch.[W.M.R.]

    9B.M. G. PalestinePI.xxxi.-5.10Waddington,asteses rovincessiatiques,.243, No.59.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


    308 G.F. HILL.

    19.Obv. 1.,^TASCAEr. Bust ofGetai', wearingpaludamentumnd cuirass.

    Rev ANT[I].,OCHCOLr. Eagleto front, ingsopen.

    JE. 19 mm. Cp.Babelon,nventWad-dington, 595, and Mionnet, ii. p. 498,No.40.

    20. Obv. ANTONNVSPjVSFELAVGround. Bust ofElagabalusr., aureate.

    Rev. ANTIOCHCOabove,ONIn exergue. Wolfr. and twins.

    JE. 17mm. Cp. mhoof-Blumer,leinas.Münzenp.361,No.21.

    21. Obv. SEVER1., ALEXAND- r. Bust ofSeverusAlexander., aureate.

    Rev.-COLCE1.,SANTIOCHIA. BustofMenr.JE. 22mm.

    22. Obv. IMPCMIVLPHILIPPVSPFAVGround. Bust ofPhilip Jun. r., laureate,wearingpaluda-mentumnd cuirass.

    Rev. ANTICHCOLON- - in arc below, eginningon r. in field,S R. Twocornuacopiaecrossed,with aduceusetweenhem.

    JE. 19 mm. [Pl. XIX. 14.]23.Obv. IMPCAESGMSSQDECIOTRIAVround.Bust

    of TrajanDeciusr., radiate,wearing alu-damentumndcuirass.Rev. ANTIOCHICOLCAround,S R in exergue.

    River-godAnthiosreclining ., r. holdingcornucopiae,. resting n overturned rnfromwhichwater lows.

    JE. 23mm. Sameobv.dieas B. M.C.,

    No. 124. Op.Babelon,nvent.

    Waddington3614 Mionnet,upp.>ii.p. 107,No.10.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


    310 G. F. HILL.

    ApameaCibofcus.29. Obv. Headof Athena r., helmeted countermark,

    Bev Inscriptionllegible. Eaglewith preadwingsonmaeander,etweenapsofDioscuri.JE. 23mm.

    Philomeliura.30. Obv. IOYAIA., MAMÉAC6B .Bustof Mamaear.


    Bev. IAOMH€UN€niMOYAI1AYAGIround, ndin centre P Q R

    JE. 34 mm.

    31. Obv.AYKMAN[TQ]rOPAIANOround. Bust ofGordianII r., aureate, ndraped.

    Bev. 4>IAOM., HA€ON . Eagleto front,wingsspread.

    JE. 17mm.

    32.33.Two coinsof TrajanDecius,as B. M. 0., 39and43.


    34. Obv. IMPCAESMANGORDIANVSAVGround. Bustof GordianII r., aureate,wearingaluda-mentumnd cuirass.

    Bev COCELIHAD1.,ICONHSr., S Rin exergue;Roma,helmeted,eated1.,holdingVictoryin r., restingwith1.on spear,at foot ofwhich hield.

    JE. 34 mm. [Pl.XIX. 16.]

    The blunderedinscription n the reverse s intendedfor ColoniaAeliaHadriana(Augusta)Ieonensium.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]



    Parlais.35. Obv. [IM]PLAVR.,COMMO- - r. Bustof Com-

    modus ., aureate, ndraped?).Rev. IVLAVGHA.,COLPARLA .Menstandingo

    front, eadr. resting n sceptre, .holdingpine-coneat his feetr. a cock?).

    iE. 21mm. Cp.Imhoof-lumer n Rev.Suisse,1908,p. 88, No.3, where t is re-marked hat HAforHadriana)s not ther-wisefound n coins f thecolony.

    Adana.36. Obv Bust of Gordian II and inscriptions onB M.G, No. 19(samedie).

    Rev, CABGINTPANKYAA6INAC[AAAN6]ndin inner ircle ON. BustofTranquillina.

    M. 30mm.

    Seleuciad Calycadnum.37. Obv. QTAKIAC6YHPAN6Y- around. Bust ofOtaciliar. '

    Rev.- CGA€YK[€Q]TONnPKAAYK€Around,€V0Gin field .,PAC n field . Nike1., arryingwreath nd palm-branch.

    2&.31 mm. Cp.Mionnet, ii. p. 607,No.326 Supp., ii.p. 244,No. 347.

    Another specimenin the British Museumhas the

    samereversetype with a different rrangement f thelegend.Tarsus.

    38.Obv. [A]YT- A[Y]PC HP OCC6Baround.Bust ofCaracallar., aureate,wearing alu-damentumnd cuirass in field, [l~l]

    Rev. [ANTflNJIANHCC., 6Y- - r. in field 1.A|MK|rBThegodSandanstanding . onlion.

    M. 35 mm. Cp. Dresselin Z. f. Nxxiv.p.84.

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    312 G. F. HILL.

    39.Obv C€YHPOCAN- around; in field, Tl][IH]?) Bust of Caracallar., laureate, n-draped.

    Rev. [T]APCO[Y]M[T]POOIN0B|[0]YAI0Nn ex-ergueinfield,~B. TheEmperor ith pearstanding .,confronted y a femalefigurecarryingNike on globe,who crownsthe

    Emperor.JE. 34mm.UncertainGreekmperial.

    40. Obv. IMPA- r., TR POT1. Head ofAugustus.Rev. Inscription bliterated founder loughing.withyoke f oxen.

    M. 27 mm.

    In fabric, n the style of the head on the obverse,ndin the obverse



    coins of the Syrian Antioch. On the other hand,thecolonial reversetype does not occur there. In somelights the letters n the exergueof this specimenseemto suggestANTI- , but perhapsthe wish s father o thethought.

    A wordmaybe added here about the sourcesof coinsother than those struck at Antiochitself which occuramong those examinedand identifiedby me. In the

    following ist all coins are of Imperial times and ofbronzeunlessotherwise tated

    Macedón.Thessalonica,(lateautonomous,fter 8b.c.,asB. M.0.,No.32).

    Bithynia. Nicaea,1.Caria. Aphrodisias,.Phrygia. Apamea, (autonomous,33-48b.c.).

    „ Philomelium,.Cappadocia.Caesarea,1

    Lycaonia.Iconium,.„ Parlais,2.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]



    Pisidia. Apollonia,.„ Baris,1.„ PappaTiberia, .„ Sagalassus,.„ Selge,1 (iE. 4thcent.b.c.).

    Pamphylia. Aspendus, (autonomous,d.-lst cent.B.c.).„ Attaleia?),1 (lateautonomous).

    Cilicia. Adana,1.,, Seleucia dCalycadnum,.„ Tarsus, .

    Syria. Antiochus (?),1.„ SeleucusV, 1.„ Antioch, .

    Judaea. JudaeaCapta,1.It willbe observedthat veryfewcoinshavetravelled

    far, and that coins of neighbouring cities, such as

    Philomeliumand those in Pisidiaand Lycaonia,are inthe great majority. Provenance is thus shown,asalwaysin the caseof bronzecoins,to be goodevidencefor ttribution.

    It is a curiousfact that not one of the large coinsofsestertius ize issuedat Antiochfrom eptimiusSeverusto Gordian II has passedthrough my hands,althoughthey are, comparatively peaking,not rare.11 On theother hand, coins of apparently he samedenominationfrom mints ike Iconium,Philomelium, nd Tarsus werenot wanting.

    Gr.F. Hill.11 irW.M.Bamsayas ince hown e specimenf heGordian,B. M.C.,No. 5, cquiredn he istrict. e adds hat ehas bserved

    veryarge umbersfAntiochianoins nthehands f hopkeeperstIconium.Coins f hecolonyvidentlyirculatedngreat umbersaboutconiumswell s intherest f theregionndtownsroundAntioch. sregardsheargeoins,heiromparativecarcitynthespotmay edueto the fact hat heyrethoughtobevaluable,othatwhen iscoveredheypeedilyindheir ay omoremportantcommercialentres.

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  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]


  • 8/20/2019 The coinage of Pisidian Antioch / [G.F. Hill]
