the community garden

My Name: Hung A I’m from Vietnam in Central land. I am in 10 th grade I want completed my Education. I have been studying English as a third language. I wise that I can wise in dream. My class like to share some community Garden benefits.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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My Name: Hung A

I’m from Vietnam in Central land. I am in 10th grade I want completed my Education. I have been studying English as a third

language. I wise that I can wise in dream. My class like to share some community

Garden benefits.

Welcome everyone enjoinYour time in the garden palace.

Garinger High School

Community Garden

Garden for Growing Healthy CommunityCommunity Garden Benefit Students at Garinger high School.

BY: Reducing Stress, teaching Leadership and improving Social


Beauty advance for the community health and appreciation for the living thing.

Students learn to cooperate with people of diverse point of view.To foster respect for generation and develop emotional spiritual connections. For participants and neighborhood residents to experience beauty.

The Urban Farm at

Gariger High School

The Community Garden outside of the palace


Sidronio is build scarecrow.Scarecrow will scare the crow.The crow won’t eat the Swiss char.

Shreejana and saru pick pepper.They want to take pepper home.And to cook in garden.

He is putted the tiller in noon.For planting tomato and egg plant.In summer day planting will grow

They clean the Swiss chard.

In the garinger garden.

For fresh to eat.

We plant the Sw

iss chardIin spring.We get from the pots.

We plant more the Swiss chardso have swiss chard to eat.And for garden community.

This how it look.Beautiful arched rods.And arched sticks.

And arched rods for protect

We choice the vegetable.

For winter planting.

In the rods beds.

They shove the soil.Good for health and growingAnd strong brand and vine.

the pods for grow tomato.

For to survive in protect .

And the plant will remore.

When it grow some flower.

The b

uild a

bed fo

r the



We are in the Garinger High Garden

Last year we build the bed for the vegetable.

We build a bed for the plants. And pretect from damage.So grow stronger.

We planting onions.In the bed on 2013.It grow right now.

Swiss chard.Grow in summer

This how it start.Grow in the pots.Litter one first.

Beautiful lettuce on water pots.

The litter brother Swisschard is start to plotting.

For a month of wasting.So we cook out pumpkin. on the blessing day.

After cook out we have success.Then we share for the hard we bless. AMEN!

Today, The geese proud to be Crane. It can be one direction.