the covey call · these will be installed in place of the original teak benches the stewarts ......

President’s Message Our 2018 Year Went Out With a Bang! Our 35 th year of Christmas at the Hollow was our best year yet! Many, many thanks goes to everyone who helped in any way at all! Bobbie Marsh and her creave team did a bang up job on the decoraons! Every year is more beauful and magical as each year passes. THANK YOU BOBBIE! Of course, this all wouldn’t be possible without our wonderful sponsors (listed elsewhere in this issue), our QHVA volunteers and assistance from our Stark Park volunteers and staff. Our profit this year dramacally increased to put toward the QHVA projects that we choose each year, allowing us to help with the preservaon and legacy of the Stewart Family. Our new projects for 2019 include an Ohio History Marker and a Quail Hollow/Stewart Estate video. The marker applicaon will be submied as soon as we get approval from Stark Parks. The wording and locaon of placement will be determined once we get approval. This is different than our place on the Naonal Register of Historic Places, this marker is the large bronze colored marker you see at other historical sites. This project is being completely funded by QHVA. The video project is one that that is being funded jointly by QHVA and Stark Parks. This will be provided for use in the Visitor Center for those whom cannot get to the second floor. We hope to have a clip from Bonnie Stewart Mickelson at the beginning welcoming our guests to the property and house. The equipment can also be used for programs in the library. Our connued projects from previous years include our ongoing work in the Rock Garden, the Memorial Elm Grove and the Crabapple Propagaon of the original tree between the Herb and Rock Garden. In the spring, you will see two addional benches in “The Mall” facing the Herb Garden in memory of our dear friends Chuck Gamble and LaVera Moore. These will be installed in place of the original teak benches the Stewarts had to sit and watch the croquet games. We welcome Gerald Schaefer and Tiffany LoCoco to our board this year! Tiffany will be our new secretary and Gerald will serve as an at-large member. As our aging membership diminishes, please talk to your friends about joining us. I don’t believe our acve membership has been so low and we need people to connue our mission of preserving the Stewart Legacy while offering opportunies for the public to discover the natural and cultural history of the area. With that said, I want to THANK again our volunteers and Stark Parks, we couldn’t have done Christmas without Stark Parks help! Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy Happy New Year!! Gloria Schreiber The January, February, March 2019 Covey Call Volume 31, Issue 1 Officers: Gloria Schreiber – President Marilyn Mangly – Vice President Tiffany LoCoco – Secretary John Severa – Treasurer At-Large: John M. Bozick Marie O’Brien Bobbie L. Marsh Gary Miller Gerald Schaefer Quail Hollow Volunteer Associaon Board of Directors In this issue: Page 1 - President’s message Page 2 – Membership Memo Volunteer Recognion Page 3 – Contribuons & Memorials Page 4 – Historical Tidbits Page 5 & 6 Commiee News Page 7 & 8 – Calendar of Events Page 9 – Membership Form for 2019

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Page 1: The Covey Call · These will be installed in place of the original teak benches the Stewarts ... from an interview taped by Viola R. eltz in 1983 the following story was related to

President’s Message Our 2018 Year Went Out With a Bang! Our 35th year of Christmas at the Hollow was our best year yet! Many, many thanks goes to everyone who helped in any way at all! Bobbie Marsh and her creative team did a bang up job on the decorations! Every year is more beautiful and magical as each year passes. THANK YOU BOBBIE! Of course, this all wouldn’t be possible

without our wonderful sponsors (listed elsewhere in this issue), our QHVA volunteers and assistance from our Stark Park volunteers and staff. Our profit this year dramatically increased to put toward the QHVA projects that we choose each year, allowing us to help with the preservation and legacy of the Stewart Family. Our new projects for 2019 include an Ohio History Marker and a Quail Hollow/Stewart Estate video. The marker application will be submitted as soon as we get approval from Stark Parks. The wording and location of placement will be determined once we get approval. This is different than our place on the National Register of Historic Places, this marker is the large bronze colored marker you see at other historical sites. This project is being completely funded by QHVA. The video project is one that that is being funded jointly by QHVA and Stark Parks. This will be provided for use in the Visitor Center for those whom cannot get to the second floor. We hope to have a clip from Bonnie Stewart Mickelson at the beginning welcoming our guests to the property and house. The equipment can also be used for programs in the library. Our continued projects from previous years include our ongoing work in the Rock Garden, the Memorial Elm Grove and the Crabapple Propagation of the original tree between the Herb and Rock Garden. In the spring, you will see two additional benches in “The Mall” facing the Herb Garden in memory of our dear friends Chuck Gamble and LaVera Moore. These will be installed in place of the original teak benches the Stewarts had to sit and watch the croquet games. We welcome Gerald Schaefer and Tiffany LoCoco to our board this year! Tiffany will be our new secretary and Gerald will serve as an at-large member. As our aging membership diminishes, please talk to your friends about joining us. I don’t believe our active membership has been so low and we need people to continue our mission of preserving the Stewart Legacy while offering opportunities for the public to discover the natural and cultural history of the area. With that said, I want to THANK again our volunteers and Stark Parks, we couldn’t have done Christmas without Stark Parks help! Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy Happy New Year!!

Gloria Schreiber

The January, February, March 2019

Covey Call Volume 31, Issue 1


Gloria Schreiber – President

Marilyn Mattingly – Vice President

Tiffany LoCoco – Secretary

John Severa – Treasurer


John M. Bozick

Marie O’Brien

Bobbie L. Marsh

Gary Miller

Gerald Schaefer

Quail Hollow

Volunteer Association

Board of Directors

In this issue:

Page 1 - President’s message

Page 2 – Membership Memo

Volunteer Recognition

Page 3 – Contributions & Memorials

Page 4 – Historical Tidbits

Page 5 & 6 Committee News

Page 7 & 8 – Calendar of Events

Page 9 – Membership Form for 2019

Page 2: The Covey Call · These will be installed in place of the original teak benches the Stewarts ... from an interview taped by Viola R. eltz in 1983 the following story was related to

Page 2 of 10 The Covey Call

MEMBERSHIP MEMO Pamela Severa, Chair

Let it be said that 2018 was a great year for the QHVA and Quail Hollow Park! We added new members and friends, gained new board and committee members, enjoyed great weather for the Art, Craft and Herb Fair, had a successful Bird Seed Sale and celebrated Christmas at the Hollow with unprecedented community support and involvement. A big shout out goes to Stark Parks for scheduling more educational programs, house tours and special events at the park! Although the total number of hours is still being finalized, QHVA volunteer hours have surpassed expectations. However, now is not only a time to look back but also a time to look forward to what we can accomplish together in the next year. For 2019 it is still just $10 to become a QHVA Member! Members help to determine the direction of the association as we volunteer to serve on a committee or maybe in the Quail’s Nest Gift Shop. Perhaps your best time is during snow season in the Ski Shop or you might prefer helping out on a Thursday from June to November during Music Nights. Our two biggest fundraising events occur in May and December and certainly need a great many helping hands to be successful. And for 2019, it is now just $10 to become a QHVA Friend! One can never have too many friends and so we lowered the cost to just $10! For those who want to support or know more about the QHVA but are unable to be a Stark Parks volunteer at this time, becoming a QHVA Friend is the answer! Please send in the 2019 Member/Friend Form included on page 9 in this issue of The Covey Call. If you need more information, more forms, have a question or want to share a comment, please send me an email or give me a call. It is my hope that you will respond to the opportunity to be a part of the QHVA at Quail Hollow Park in 2019! Contact information: Email - [email protected]

Phone - 440.897.0348


In November at the Stark Parks’ Volunteer Dinner, QHVA Member LEE RINEHART

received the Lifetime Achievement Award for

his outstanding commitment to Stark Parks as

a docent in the Canalway Center at the

Exploration Gateway and at Quail Hollow Park.

Lee was praised for his above and beyond

approach to research, creativity, and portrayal of living history characters.

Lee Rinehart, the QHVA honors you for all you give to Quail Hollow Park!

Handsomely dressed in butler attire, Lee fascinates visitors of all

ages, leading them on a fun and fact filled tour of the Manor


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CHRISTMAS AT THE HOLLOW -2018 In Memory of Clifford ‘Bud’ Allen

Platinum Sponsors Bonnie Stewart Mickelson Tim Dewick & Bonnie Stewart Mickelson Landmark Construction Marsh & Mittas Law Office, LLC Operation Flags of Freedom, Steve Toohey Varner Insurance Group Waikem Ford

Gold Sponsors

Nilges Draher LLC Moore’s Tree Farm A.Jim Tsangeos, Attorney at Law, LLC

Silver Sponsors

Judge Mary Falvey James P. Holl Edward Jones- Nathan Hershman Pam & Joe Martuccio Victoria & Terrance McGonegal The Shear Shop Shine Salon and Spa Wayside Furniture


Hartville Elevator – Craig Wellspring Hartville Giant Eagle Hartville Hardware Linda Heath Marilyn Mattingly Denise Obrien Linda Petz Quick Print Tony Rossi

Heath Vaughn

Thank you to our Sponsors & Donors for their support of QHVA.

Please patronize the businesses whenever possible and acknowledge their contribution.

Editor’s Note: We are looking for contributors to The Covey Call. Do you have a favorite memory to share of a person or event? Have you seen something at Quail Hollow that is interesting? Have you done some research and discovered a fact we may not know? Photos are also good. There is often room for a long article or a short snippet. Consider sharing information with all of us. Send to Ginny Miller – [email protected] or even by USPS (call me if you do not have my address (330.493.3125. You don’t need to wait for an issue deadline; anytime is fine,

Page 4: The Covey Call · These will be installed in place of the original teak benches the Stewarts ... from an interview taped by Viola R. eltz in 1983 the following story was related to

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Historical Tidbits Dealing With a Full House By Connie Michaels, Historical Committee Chairman Those of us who have been involved in events at Quail Hollow Park over a period of many years, have had on occasion to deal with very large crowds and the traffic problems they create, along with less than perfect weather. In a transcript from an interview taped by Viola R. Beltz in 1983 the following story was related to her by Catherine Seiberling Stewart about an event that nearly overwhelmed the Manor House on January 26, 1941:

Catherine and Bart Stewart decided to honor her father, Charles W. Seiberling, (co-founder of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.) with a party for his 80th birthday. People were all important to him and he was encouraged to make up a list of those whom he wished to attend. He feared his list might be too long, but in October gave them one for from 1200 to 1400 people. The invitations were mailed on a Saturday. Sunday, while the family was relaxing in the living room, it hit Catherine that there weren’t 1400 people coming; there were more like 2500 people coming! They had counted invitations, not couples. All furniture was removed from the house except the dining room table and some large chests. The food was prepared in the laundry room; all finger food and punch. The entire driveway was wired so there could be a telephone at both ends. The radio nurse was used

to summon and keep the chauffeurs moving. At 10:00 a.m. that day, deep fluffy snow came down, which kept some people away, but looked beautiful because of the railroad flares that lined the driveway and circled the house. The invitations stated either 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., but as it worked out there was no interim, as planned. The men guests checked in their coats in the basement reception room; the women were channeled to upstairs bedrooms. Mr. Seiberling, the Stewarts, and some others formed a reception line. The last guest left somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30 p.m.

Catherine admitted that she had shed her shoes two hours before that time. The birthday Father seemed as eager for his last guest as for his first. After all were gone, Mr. Seiberling was asked whether he was not very tired. He replied, “Well, there is a little spot in my back that feels tired!” Later they counted the coat checks and found 2000 had been used.

Charles W. Seiberling

The Quail Hollow Volunteer Association Historical Committee meets the second Thursday of each month at 1pm in the Quail Hollow Volunteer office in the Manor House. Anyone who is interested in research, organizing materials or in any way wants to help add to the historical record of the park is welcome to attend. The first three meetings of 2019 will be January 10, February 14 and March 14. For more information call Connie Michaels at 330-604-4364.

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CHRISTMAS AT THE HOLLOW – 2018 Bobbie L. Marsh, Coordinator

Christmas at the Hollow -2018 was truly a winter wonderland with the spirit of Christmas in the air. I am proud to report that this Christmas event was a huge success in every way. We had many new guests, volunteers and sponsors this year. I want to thank all the dedicated and hardworking volunteers that helped make this event a success. Specifically, “ A BIG THANK YOU” to the Christmas at the Hollow Committee, the Decorating Committee, QHVA volunteers, Stark Park employees, Stark Park volunteers, the entertainers, school choirs, wagon MC’s, the reindeer-dogs and their handlers, and the Santa who saved Christmas this year. Thank you all for taking our event from great to spectacular. Last, but not least, we couldn’t do it without our sponsors. Without our sponsors we would not be able to meet many of our goals of providing this wonderful family event and assisting Stark Parks in maintaining the historical sites as well as improving the park and gardens of Quail Hollow. A sincere thank you from the Quail Hollow Volunteer Association to the sponsors acknowledged on page 3.

Art. Craft and Herb Fair - 2019 Meeting Marilyn Mattingly, Coordinator

I can’t believe that we are scheduling the first meeting for the Art, Craft and Herb Fair - 2019. Where did 2018 go?

Any volunteer interested in assisting with this event, please try to attend: January 8, 2019 at 4 PM. The meeting will be held in the VIP office. Thank You.



Cross-country ski season is here. All we have to do is wait for Mother Nature to give us some snow. We truly could use some help with the rentals. When we are busy, it takes three of us to sign in skiers, hand out the equipment, maintain the equipment, and put it away. If you have some time this winter, we sure could use your help. We are open on the weekends. On Saturday, there is a Stark Parks class from 9am – 11am and we are open to the public from 11am – 4pm. On Sunday, we are open to the public from Noon – 4pm. Please contact Rich Keslar, 330-877-1166 for more information or to volunteer.

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Gardens at Quail Hollow 2019 Gloria Schreiber, Chair

The Rock Garden gained a few more plants including some perennials this past year. Our core group of volunteers are not as young as we used to be and are becoming limited in the physical work some of us can do, myself included, so with help of Stark Parks we will be amending some areas of soil in 2019. They will also be helping to plant more elms and possibly evergreens in the Memorial Elm Grove along the drive in front of the Big House to resemble the original 1928 planting by Warren H. Manning. We will be planting more shrubs and perennials in the Rock Garden as well. We are in need of volunteers to help us to maintain the Rock Garden on a bi-weekly basis. A couple hours of volunteering to weed will go a long way to help us keep the garden in better shape. If you are interested in helping please let me know at [email protected] or call me at 330-322-3488. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Our next meeting is scheduled for March 16 at 9:00 AM in the volunteer office. If you love to garden, please join us.


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January 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 5

Fine Furnishings Mtg. 1PM

6 7 8 Craft & Herb

Fair Mtg. 4PM/VO

9 10 Gift Shop

Inventory 9AM

History Mtg. 1PM/VO

11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Membership Mtg.


27 28 29 30 31

February 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fine Furnishings Mtg. 1PM/ VO

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

History Mtg.


17 18 19 20 21 22 23

24 25 26 27 28

Soup & Salad Membership

Mtg. 2PM/MH

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March 2019

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Fine Furnishings

Mtg. 1PM/VO

CATH Critique Mtg. 3PM/MH

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Board Mtg. 5PM/VO

History Mtg. 1PM/VO

Garden Planning Mtg. 9AM/ VO

17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Concession Mtg. 10AM/SR

24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Membership Mtg. 3PM/MH

Room Legend:

MH – Manor House SR – Ski Room VO – Volunteer Office

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Quail Hollow Volunteer Association Member/Friend Form

The Quail Hollow Volunteer Association was founded in 1982 for the purpose of promoting and enhancing the park

facilities and providing services to the community and offering opportunities for the public to discover the natural and cultural history of the park and Hartville area. The QHVA acts as a base of support for Quail Hollow Park by assisting the park staff, raising funds, accepting donations to aid park operations, and acting as a link between the park and the surrounding community.

Quail Hollow Volunteer Association Members are all current and active Stark Parks volunteers with a special commitment and involvement to Quail Hollow Park. Members receive the quarterly newsletter, The Covey Call, and a 10% discount on purchases at the Quail’s Nest. Membership status enables a person to vote at QHVA monthly meetings and to accept leadership positions in the association. We are thankful for those who volunteer time and talent as a QHVA Member.

Quail Hollow Volunteer Association Friends are not Stark Park volunteers but want to support the efforts of the Association and Quail Hollow Park. Friends receive the quarterly newsletter, The Covey Call, and a 10% discount on purchases at the Quail’s Nest gift shop. Friends are welcome at all monthly meetings and are able to volunteer at events by signing a Stark Parks short-term volunteer waiver. We are thankful for those who provide this level of support and want to be recognized as a QHVA Friend.

Members and Friends join the Association on an annual basis to make a difference at Quail Hollow Park. Your support as a QHVA member or friend will serve to strengthen the Association’s efforts for people of all ages to discover and enjoy Quail Hollow Park!





Home phone____________________________ Cell phone__________________________________

E-mail address___________________________________________________

I would like to become a QHVA Member and have included the $10 annual fee. I am a current Stark Parks Volunteer. I want to become a Stark Parks Volunteer.

I am renewing my QHVA Membership and have included the $10 annual fee.

I would like to become a QHVA Friend and have included the $10 annual fee.

I am renewing as a QHVA Friend and have included the $10 annual fee.

I am including an additional donation of $___________ in support of Quail Hollow Park.

Make check payable to: Quail Hollow Volunteer Association Attn: Membership Chair 13480 Congress Lake Avenue Hartville, OH 44632

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The Covey Call

is a quarterly publication of the Quail Hollow

Volunteer Association.

Address all correspondence to:

Quail Hollow Volunteer Association

Covey Call Editor

13480 Congress Lake Avenue

Hartville, OH 44632


Covey Call Editor - Ginny Miller

Production Staff: Julie & Rich Keslar Marilyn Mattingly Gloria Schreiber

Quail Hollow Volunteer Association

13480 Congress Lake Ave.

Hartville, OH 44632