the creative writings of an (a)narchist by adi cox

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Creative WritingsOf An

(A)narchistWritten By

Adi Cox CONTENTSA Call For Moderation. Une Demande de la Modration.Class War Guerre de Classe Dark Matter Thoughts Down With The Government An Old Gandma Head Turns I Have Caught Myself Out Je Me suis Pris Sur le fait I Remember Many Times The Hang Of Life The Whistle Has Been Blown Trouble For 2011

A Call For Moderation.

Governments are the bane of so many people in everyday life. Government agents such as politicians are self serving. They manage to award themselves unreasonable amounts of payments of tax payers hard earned money for their dubious work. Governments are out to control. They seek to use the general public for their own ends and so as we are outraged we are PUNK.

All governments by their nature tend to be corrupt, some more than others. When governments wage wars between each other for their dubious causes then innocent bystanders die caught up in a senseless power struggle that is government based. So when you see the protests of (A)narchists and the reflections of dissidents as graffiti, we are moderate in comparison.

Une Demande de la Modration.

Les gouvernements sont le flau de tant de personnes dans la vie quotidienne. Les agents gouvernementaux comme les politiciens sont moi la portion. Ils

russissez se dcerner des quantits draisonnables de paiements des payeurs fiscaux a durement gagn de l'argent pour leur travail douteux. Les gouvernements sont sortis pour contrler. Ils cherchent utiliser le gnral le public pour leurs fins propres et afin de nous sommes outrags nous sommes PUNK.

Tous les gouvernements leur nature ont tendance tre corrompus, certains plus que d'autres. Quand les guerres de salaire de gouvernements l'un entre l'autre pour leurs causes douteuses les spectateurs alors innocents meurent attraps en haut dans une lutte pour le pouvoir insense qui est le gouvernement bas. Ainsi quand vous voyez les protestations d'Anarchistes et le les rflexions de dissidents comme le graffiti, nous sommes modrs dans comparaison.

Class War

The rising The rising I want to, I am the underclass. This is class war!

This is for the thought, class war. We got no time We got no one We got nothing at all We got a class war.

We got nothing at all We've got to fight for it all We've got to fight for it all, fight for it all.

We work all our lives, We work all our lives to get no more. We are the underclass, We are the underclass we work for nothing, We get nothing. This is class war!

Why is it all the goods against us? It's not a good existence. This is class war! Oh yeah! This is class war for sure. This is class war for sure.

Guerre de Classe

Le fait de monter Le fait de monter Je veux , Je suis l'underclass.

C'est la guerre de classe!

C'est pour la pense, la guerre de classe. Nous n'avons reu aucun temps Nous n'avons reu personne Nous n'avons reu rien du tout Nous avons reu une guerre de classe. Nous n'avons reu rien du tout Nous devons lutter pour tout cela Nous devons lutter pour tout cela, lutte pour tout cela.

Nous travaillons toutes nos vies, Nous travaillons toutes nos vies pour arriver pas plus. Nous sommes l'underclass, Nous sommes l'underclass nous ne travaillons pour rien, Nous ne recevons rien. C'est la guerre de classe!

Pourquoi c'est toutes les marchandises contre nous ? Ce n'est pas une bonne existence. C'est la guerre de classe! Oh vraiment! C'est la guerre de classe mais srement. C'est la guerre de classe mais srement.

Dark Matter Thoughts

In a place so remote infinitesimally small our minds go to this place.

Paradoxically the hyper dimensionality of the infinitesimally small has more room than the heavens above, and generate Our thoughts that we share as spontaneous creations from the dark matter that is space.

Quantum objects appear from the dark matter space, these quantum objects are our thoughts. Thinking becomes sub atomic particles that create and die.

Maybe my thoughts one day can create an object that will not die.

Down With The Government

down with the government politiians and the like we caught you steeling our money we caught you and now you will pay

down with the government for all that has been done to control us

down down down with the government

I want a good life not controlled by idiots i want a great life not this life

we have been controlled for too long we have been ruined

down down down with the government

en bas avec le gouvernement

en bas avec le gouvernement politiians et autres de ce genre nous vous avons attraps steeling notre argent nous vous avons attraps et maintenant vous paierez

en bas avec le gouvernement pour tout ce qui a t fait pour nous contrler

en bas en bas en bas avec le gouvernement

Je veux une bonne vie non contrl par les idiots je veux une grande vie pas cette vie

nous avons t contrls trop longtemps nous avons t ruins

en bas en bas en bas avec le gouvernement

et en bas avec ceux qui nous possdent le starter et meurt c'est une guerre de classe le starter et meurt les gens ont parl les gens tueront car l'injustice a t faite vous ne pouvez pas nous traiter comme cela

en bas en bas en bas avec le gouvernement et tout qu'il reprsente

pour ceux qui marchent sur les gens pour ceux qui contrlent les gens

pour ces parasites qui mangent des gens nous prdominerons et vous vous toufferez et mourrez le starter et meurt le starter et meurt

en bas en bas en bas avec le gouvernement

en bas en bas en bas avec le gouvernement

by Ceil Bleu X

An Old Gandma

An old grandma sits uncomfortably in an arm chair. So thin and frail with wrinkly skin this old lady I go round to visit.

Within a loving family, born to an old school, brought up in a town of long ago, this old lady:

As a young girl could sow, play piano, paint and draw. Now through disability this lady cannot do anything.

This lady is in hospital now I go and visit again. Sitting in an arm chair laughing and joking with nursing staff this old lady laughs and lights up our day, raising our spirits with good humour, wit fully taking us all along, stoically laughing at things that most of us would complain about. This old lady.

but that was long ago.

Head Turns

Her icy thoughts hang,

as a pendulum of indecision:

Cold crystal jewelry dangles.

I Have Caught Myself Out

I cannot find myself. Like a robot I stand alone. I have lost myself somewhere in my past. How much more can I do to sort this out?

Dreams come to me at night but in the daylight I examine myself to a meticulous degree and the piercing of my sight has destroyed the human in me.

This self analysis has reduced me into a demented shell that is washed up in a sea of a turbulent mind and the salt of my thoughts, the brine of fishiness has caught me out.

The window of opportunity still shines its sunshine rays

into my house of dreams,

but the window is behind me. A place in time that is unreachable.

Je Me suis Pris Sur le fait

Je ne peux pas me trouver. Comme un robot je me tiens debout seul. Je me suis perdu quelque part dans mon pass. Encore combien peut je faire le rgler ?

Les rves me viennent la nuit mais dans la lumire du jour Je m'examine un degr mticuleux et la pntration de ma vue a dtruit l'humain dans moi.

Cela moi analyse m'a rduit dans une coquille dmente c'est nettoy dans une mer d'un esprit turbulent et le sel de mes penses,

la saumure de fait d'tre douteux m'a pris sur le fait.

La fentre d'opportunit toujours brille ses rayons de soleil dans ma maison de rves,

mais la fentre est derrire moi. Un endroit temps qui est inaccessible.

I Remember

Oh yeah you tell me right and I do come from and all the memories that we had all the times that we spent all the days that we had and all the thimgs that we said

I remember times like it was just yesterday I remember all the things that we did and I remember all so many different ways all so many different times

I can remember those things that we said so true and I remember all those people that go down I remember.

Many Times

I've been here many times, many times before and I don't know what I can do any more.

Hope is eternal, but I don't know no more. I've seen it setting in the dusk, I've seen it through the floor.

I've had so many chances I decided not to take and now I sit here skulking for fuck sake.

The Hang Of Life

We're looking around and we're trying to find a way. Just what it is like we don't know what to say.

And all the people go through their lives just looking for something, Anything, To get a hold of.

And I never got the hang of life. I never really got to know what it's all about. Just learning to sing and shout and watch the people as they go by their business.

Don't know what to say. Don't know what to do. And I tried my best to make my way. And I tried my best to make my way.

The Whistle Has Been Blown

this world should be for everyone but some will steal it because they can

in a sick society where trauma is found A government plunders its people and the ruling class divides

meanwhile as power goes to corruption corruption becomes the law the wage slaves work like robots and subjects go to war

this world is not for everyone but the privilaged make it for themselves.

Trouble For 2011

Something has been bugging me. Just lately the government, governments have been talking about austerity, talking about tightening the belt. Obviously that is not good, not happy about it at all. There is always plenty of money for wars. There is always plenty of money for politicians who get a big, big wage. They get alot of money and that is without expenses. With the expenses on top they have a rediculous amount of money. Just their wages alone is about five times more than mine, but with the purks they get on top, it's obscene, it's wrong. "We are all in it together" rubbish! We are not all in it together. Some of us are in it and some of us are not. Most of us: The general hard working people are going to have some problems if these austerity measures take a hold, because it is the poorest people who get hit the hardest and I am sick of the government, politicians, talking about the unemployed taking tax payers money. It is not a happy life to be unemployed, when politicians take tax payers money and their lives are vastly improved because they get such alot of money. And they keep calling themselves honourable, the right honourable this, the right honourable that. Well just how honourable are politicians? In my book they are parasites. And as for the government what does it do for the people, anymore? Governments look after themselves. They argue amongst themselves, they

fight each other (one government against another government) but what about the real people in this world? They get dragged along pushed into battles, power struggles. There is alot of trouble and alot of it is caused by governments, not the people in the street, by governments, And there is alot of organised trouble caused by governments, who like to divide and conquer. I know how this works, they cause the trouble, then they sort it out and then they say you need us to sort this trouble out and the governments start the trouble in the first place.

What has happened to civil rights? I have noticed what little rights people have now as to what they used to have. The way people are treated, people are gradually accepting less. Little things turn into big things. let's make an instance. Let's take the hourly rate: So you do your job and you get your hourly rate, but what about unsociable hours? What about working nights, weekends? We used to get more money. We used to get time and a half, we used to get double time. Now we don't get anything more it is flat rate all the way through. That is all we get, but it is acceptable now people accept it. I have this idea that, if you cannot make a full time job pay, then there is something wrong, desperately somewhere. We all need time off, a break from the responsabilities of work. If you put an extra days work in into the week then you have

also lost a days free time and you are not going to get it back. If you think about it, that is good grounds for getting double pay, because not only to you gain extra working time, you lose your free time. So if you think about it all overtime should be double time. These employers should pay for that. They go on about competition. Who are we competing against? Governments can print money. Why are they being so mean? Quantitative easing It is something you say as a kid: Why don't they print more money? And I know I've been told "Well there will be inflation, don't be silly, that's daft!" Well it seems to be a good idea, now. For some reason, suddenly it seems a good idea, quantitative easing, print more money. So why is it a good idea now? I don't think these economists know what's what. I don't think they know what they are doing. Just a load of rubbish. They expect us to believe what they tell us and they don't know. They are guessing. That is all they do just guess and these politicians making out that they know what they are doing, but they don't. They are guessing and they are no better than anybody else. So don't believe the hype. What a load of rubbish this government is. What a load of rubbish the people in charge are, telling us and they don't know what they are doing. What a load of idiots!