the daily bulletin - · r' m?r"--w'im rc the daily...

M?r"- - w'im r' rc THE DAILY BULLETIN is JLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa ?.i Vol. V. No. 70.'). HONOLULU, ILL, MONDAY EVENING, AUCJUST 18, 1881. GO CENTO OUBOORIPTION PER MOUTH M vs. m m- - &&.. ; i'jIE S& .. fc k a S. -' VI B & rajt1 T.J T. 'fL&r I 0 MW-- r 1 f, v m as. 't V i . u 'k ' THE DAILY BULLETIN STEAM PRINTING OFflCE. Tin; Daily IltM.MvriN in printed ami published ovcry evening ami circulated throughout tho town liy millers, anil forwarded to tho oilier Islands by ovcry opportunity. Subscription, GO cents por Month. All hiisinosscommumratlons to bond, dressed. Milliliter Daily ISullctin, Post Oilico Box No. 14. Telephone Soli, onire, .... Unpen Htreet, Oppoalto Went'o Cnrtlago Factory. .T. Q. Clkvioh, Manager W. H. PAGE, HI CARRIAGE MUFMOBV, NOS.123 mid 180, FORT STREET (opposite Pantheon Stables) Honolulu, ir. r. Carriage Manufacturer, Wheelwright ami General Blacksmith. Tho Manufactory contains a complete Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, I'uint Shop, and Trimming Shop. FAMILY CARRIAGES, EXPRESSES, BUGGIES, PHAETONS, OMNIBUSSES, DRAYS AND TRUCKS, BREAKING CARTS, PLANTATION WAGONS, HAND CARTS, &C, &C, Made to Order on most favorable terms and all work guaranteed. The CIoNCHt Attention k1viii to re- pair work of all UIiiiIh. Having been in business on the Island for u number of years employing none but the most Skillful of Mechanics, and using only Al Material, 1 can strictly guarantee all won; leaving my Manu- factory. Givo me a call bofore purchasing elsewhere. Don't i'orget tho place. 128 and 130 FORT STREET. orrosm: noun's stautj:s. W. H. Page, GUI 0m PROPRIETOR. Hawaiian Garriao MfeCo. j 204SL JUST K.J3CEIV13r A FINE LOT OF Second Growth. Ash and Oak For sile at lowest market rates. Also ii complete stock of Carriage & Wagon Material constantly kept on hand, and 740 for sale. 3m JOHN NOTT, Tin, Copner and Sheet Iron Worker Plumber, Gua Fitter, &c. Stoves and Ranges of nil kinds. Plumbers' stock and metals, House Furnishing Goods, 77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c. WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker And Upholsterer, No. 03 Hotel street, Opposite International Hotel, Canes and Walking Sticks, Made of overy kind of NATIVE WOODS Brackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c., mauu oe mo uuesi ueaiguu. XTEOKGE LUCAS, Aim.&. V-- A Contractor WStk and Builder, Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla nade, lionouuti. Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work finish. Turning, Scroll mid Band Sawing. All kinds ot Sawing and Plan- ing, Morticing and Tenanting. Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other. Is- - amis solicited ' r E"' VERY CliASS OF JOB PRINTING executed at Tin: Daily Bum.ktin B. F. EHLERS & Go., DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer FORT STREET. 3 mi a 104 Fort Street, Stupendous IAC&S WHICH WILL BE CONTINUED, OFFERING New Bargains at Astonishing Prices ! JCSTOwiiig to the departure of MISS IIIRSIIBERG to the Coast For New Goods, The entire stock of Millinery Goods will be cleared out at Reduced Prices, giving the Ladies of Honolulu a opportunity of SECURING POSBTBVE BARGAINS. 781 GoodM Sold Ibi CtiHli Only. A. -- X.. JL. TIME CLEARANCE OF Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c As an inducement, all purchasers oC Clothing, Furnishing- - Goods, or otherwise, to the amount of Twenty Dollars, will receive, as a Gift, Handsome Nickle Silver Watch AND PRETTY GILT CHAIN. The watch is known as the " Watorbiny," and is an . excellent time-keep- er. BSr Prices will remain the same, the reduction will he in the Watch and Chain. PCr Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 11 days only 1 Corner Niiuanu and Queen Sts. 535 Cm A. GARTENBERG, Proprietor. ii. jr. jienson, a. vr. M. ij 115 FORT STREET, for The Common & Queen Bill Ball Programs Bills of Business Cards Book Work Certificates Circulars Concert Progr'ms Draft Books Delivery Books Envelopes Hand Bills Invoices " - rTSI )b (SUCCESSOR TO A. MELLIS.) uccess Clearing SALE - i.imf axBMmmunmi. smith, 1). M'CAllTNl'.V, Jit. ITIEfi Honolulu. Letter Headings Labels Law Reports, Nolo Headings Plantation Books Pamphlets Posters Reports Show Cards Shipping Rece'ts Statements Visiting Cards Way.Bllls BENSON, SMITH & CO.. laifactMi k Dispsii Pliamacists, 113 Si HONOLULU, Depot Boericke & Schreck's Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's Perfumes And Toilet Requisites, Sense Nursing Bottles, And Allaire Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products. DJJLYBULL Street, Heads Briefs Lading Tugs ET1N JOB PUB immmmwMmumm lfmW'l (e&Vj.Z And every description of Job Printing EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Honolulu. W H Vf m WILLIAM AULD, to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor for tho District of Kona, Island of Oaliu. at tho office of the Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuu aim street. 181) i JOHN A. HASSINGER, Agout to tako Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. T O. AKANA, tt Chinese and Hawaiian Translator and Interpreter, No. 48 King street, Honolulu. Translations of cither of tho abov languages mado with accuracy and dis patch, and on reasonable terms. 20'J H. S. TREGLOAN, TAILOR, 201 FORT ST. CHR. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, Importer ami Dealer in Gent's. Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers . FRITZ WILHELM, CARPENTER & BUILDER, Shop on King street, In rear of New Odd Fellow's Hall King street. Telephone 112. 521) Cm 1?D.O ROWB, AND SIGN PAINTER. I'Ai-n- Hanokii, etc., No. 107 KiNciSrnnivr, - Honolulu. 525 Telephone, 1H. ly BROWN Si PHILLIPS, Plumbeis, Gas Fitters and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St., Honolulu. S3T IIouso and Ship Job Work promptly executed. 17 J. 31. OAT A. CO., HAII.IIAIU'.US, Loft in A. F. Cookcs New Fire.Proof lluihllng, foot of Niiuanu Street. Honolulu, II. I. Flag) of all descriptions made and repaired. ly b P II0LLI8TER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 69 Niiuauu Street, Honolulu, ami Cor., 007 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b HONOLULU IRON WORKS, S. Mliuflstn-ii- uncincs, sugar mills, boil ers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast- ings; machinery of every description made to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe. cutcd nt short notice. 1 Prussian National Insurance Comp'y i:staiimsiii: 1815, Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks, rpiIE undersigned, having been up JL nolntcd acent of tho abovo Comnanv for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, rrouiico, sugar Mills etc., on the most Favorable Terms. Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. 11. R1EMENSCHNEIDER, G70 ly b at Wilder & Co's. Aioticc. TO BUTCHERS, GRAZIERS and all whom It may concern. fMT;emc Tho undersigned having fljT'tKiStiiiindo alterations, additions, nriSSi11111 improvements in his fcCtW.i.-u- ) SOAP FACTOKY, h now prepared to givo The Highest Cash Value for any quantity of TATOW, And will furnish containers for tlio sumo flee of cost to any one who may desire. TIION. W: ItAWIilNS. Honolulu Soap Works. Office in Brick Building, Klnt; street, Leleo. 483 ly Commission Moi'ohants. 0. BREWER (Limited) & COMPANY, GUNUHAI. M KltfANI II,K AM) Commission Aoknts. mstopowicoir: P. C. Jonks, .lr. . .President & Manager J.O. Cautkii... ..Trciisuier & Secretary ninutnoits: Hon. 0. It. llisnor. Hon. II. A. P. Cautkh 338 ly Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Macfarlane. Q. W. MACFARLANE & Co. IMPORTERS, COMMISSION MER-CHANT- S and Sitfar JPactors, Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen Blicct, Honolulu. II. I. aoknts for The Wtiikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul, Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, The llecin Sugar Plantation, Ouliu, Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui, Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui, Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii, J. Fowler fc Co. Steam Plow and Port- able Tramway Works, Leeds, Mirrlces, Watson & Co'a Sugar Machin cry, Glasgow, Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets. 185 j. lyons, l. j. i.uvky. Lyons & Levey, Auctioneers and General Commission Merchants, Beaver Block, Queen st., - .. Honolulu. Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate and General Merchandise promptly at-- tended to. Solo Agents for American and Euro-pca- n merchandise. 318 MS. GRINBAUM & CO., Importers of General Mer chandise atid Commission Merchants, Honolulu. i MS. GRINBAUM St CO., Commission Merchants, 124 California street, 1 San Francisco, Cal. Clans Srrcckcls. 'm. U. Irwlu. TXT g. Irwin & Company, YV Sugar Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. l AS. CLEGHORN & CO. Importers and Commission Merchants, dealers in Gcnctal Merchan- dise, Queen and Kaahumauti sis., Hono- lulu. 78 MA. GONSALVES & CO., No. 57 Hotel Sticct. Honolulu. Importers and Dealers in Dry and Fancy Goods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery, 289 &c, &c, &c JOHN T. Waterhouse, Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 BROWN ii CO., Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants, No. M Merchant St., Honolulu. 330 Iijl T. LENEHAN & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants, Nuunnu St., Honolulu. 1 S. N. C'mtle. j, ii. Athcrton. C1ASTLE Si COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers mid Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King st., Honolulu. 1 WING WO TAI & CO., T Y Importers and General Dealers in English, American and Chinese Pro- visions. Plantation Teas mill General Supplies. Also, White & Colored Con. tract Matting, all qualities and prices. No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposltu Mr. C. Afong's. C23 Oni A Good Pasture for Horses, .$r$ NEAR TOWN. Inquire to M A. A. MONTANO. 577 Om A. rX XJAIC13K, J5K) HKSK HOCTOlt it in euru ojck or Lame Horses. ro Cure, IS'o3ii-- , furnish all medicine. orders toCapt Cluney's stables Queen & Punchbowl sts. 420 ly Telephone No. SCO. II. BAKER, M. R. C. V. S. London, Fellow Royal V. M. Association, (us per Diploma in my office.) Treats all Diseases ofjllorscs, Mules and Horned Cattle. SSyOffico over Turner's Jewelry shop, King Street. 712 tf W3I. IHcOAKHLESS, No. (t Queen street. Fish Market, Dealer in choicest lleer, Voal, Mutton, I'IhIi, A.c, &e. Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Llvo stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly PIONEER STEAM AND BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confoctioncr, Pastry Cook and 13akor. No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74. Professionals. 'I lf GROSSMAN. iVI . DENTIST, Has opened his office in Hotel st., next to the Y. M. O. A. building, where he is prepared to perform all operations in dentistry. 3m 501. DR. EMERSON, Residence and consultation rooms nt No. 'J Kukul st., corner of Fort. Telephone No. 140. C3 2rc T M. DAVIDSON, V . ATTORNEY AT LAW. COl No. 13 Kaahumanu street. A ROSA, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, And Notary Public, Office with tho Attorney General, Alllo lani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly TOHN RUSSELL. T O ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office, on Merchant street, (next door to Dr. Stangcnwald.) 405 ly I7RANCIS M. HATCH Attorney nt Law, 23 1C Kaahumanu st EICHARD P. BIOKERTON, and Counsellor nt Law. Money to lend on Mortgages of Free, holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1 BROWN, Attorucr and Counsellor at Law. Notary Public, and Agent for taking Ac knowledgments of Instruments for tho Island ot Oaliu. No. 8 Kaahumanu st Honolulu. i JM. MONSARRAT, ATTORNEY AT LAW mid Notary Public. Rwil Estate m any part of tho Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans negotin ted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27 Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands 190 " O. BERGER, KAAHUMANU STREET. General Agent for The N. Y. Lifo Insuranco Company, The City of London Firo In. Co(limlt'd Macncalo & Urbau Safes, Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures or Mitchell, Vance & Co 238 Lew ore, o. St. Cooke. EWERS Sc COOKE, (successors to Lowers &. Dlck6on,) Importers and Dealers in Liimbor and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, Honolulu j WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st-- ., Honolulu. i PASTURAGE. GOOD PASTURE for Horses in Kallhi Valley 50 ocres in ono paddock all fenced, with an abundance of fresh grass, a living stream of water running through the land. Horses allied for and delivered at 50 cents per head, if so desired. Reasonable good caro taken of stock but no responsibility from acci- dent. Positively none but healthy am. mills taken. Address or enquire of ALLEN HERBERT, Office on Queen street, with Hamilton Johnson. 7G-- tf J. M. HERINC, T7IIO hasbceii foreman with the late i Ay. Wcnner for many years, begs tp infoim his many friends and the pub- lic generally, that he Has Commenced Business on his own account at S1 IIO'JPEJL, STREET, near the Astor House, hero ho is in a position to make and re- - pair every description of Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, etc., etc. 7G3 2m at reasonable prices. Watch Repairing and Engraving a specially KiiMtern Pine .Snyrar KegH, In Shooks or Set up, also Eastorn Pine Barrels for Molasses, Hoops Iron a.f, Ji, lln., 2x 1.10, 2x K, 2 x 3.10. For Sale by CSO 3m b J. II. BRUNS, Senior. Water Notice. Office Sup't Water Works, Honolulu, July 3, 1882. ALL persons having Wnter Privileges notified that their Water Rates are payable semi-annuall- in advance, at tho office of tho Superintendent of "Wnlpr Wnrba fmt tF Mimntin .t.n., upon tlio 1st day of January and July ot! each year. CHAS. B. WILSON, Sup't Aator Works B. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201 Hull l'roifi'uiniueH ! NEW DESIGNS, just received from Francisco, at Tint Daily Bui,-i.kti- Officii ALFRED S. HARTWELL, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Onice-.ov- cr thu Bank of Bishop & Co. wj am u nonoinlu. A ii 5 t I "A '4 a . v iIeih ''I ijiMwowfc'iji(ipp;BMIHMBiPPF'P

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Page 1: THE DAILY BULLETIN - · r' M?r"--w'im rc THE DAILY BULLETIN is JLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa?.i Vol. V. No. 70.'). HONOLULU,

M?r"- - w'im

r'rc THE DAILY BULLETIN isJLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa



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Tin; Daily IltM.MvriN in printed amipublished ovcry evening ami circulatedthroughout tho town liy millers, anilforwarded to tho oilier Islands by ovcryopportunity.Subscription, GO cents por Month.

All hiisinosscommumratlons to bond,dressed. Milliliter Daily ISullctin, PostOilico Box No. 14. Telephone Soli,

onire, .... Unpen Htreet,Oppoalto Went'o Cnrtlago Factory.

.T. Q. Clkvioh, Manager



NOS.123 mid 180, FORT STREET

(opposite Pantheon Stables)

Honolulu, ir. r.

Carriage Manufacturer,Wheelwright ami

General Blacksmith.Tho Manufactory contains a complete

Carriage Shop, Blacksmith Shop, I'uintShop, and Trimming Shop.








Made to Order on most favorable termsand all work guaranteed.The CIoNCHt Attention k1viii to re-

pair work of all UIiiiIh.Having been in business on the Island

for u number of years employing nonebut the most Skillful of Mechanics, andusing only Al Material, 1 can strictlyguarantee all won; leaving my Manu-factory.

Givo me a call bofore purchasingelsewhere.

Don't i'orget tho place.128 and 130 FORT STREET.

orrosm: noun's stautj:s.


Hawaiian Garriao MfeCo.



Second Growth. Ash and Oak

For sile at lowest market rates.Also ii complete stock of

Carriage & Wagon Materialconstantly kept on hand, and

740 for sale. 3m

JOHN NOTT,Tin, Copner and Sheet Iron Worker

Plumber, Gua Fitter, &c.

Stoves and Rangesof nil kinds.

Plumbers' stock and metals,

House Furnishing Goods,

77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.



And Upholsterer,No. 03 Hotel street,

Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and Walking Sticks,Made of overy kind of

NATIVE WOODSBrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &c.,

mauu oe mo uuesi ueaiguu.


A Contractor WStkand Builder,

Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Esplanade, lionouuti.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings,Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds,

Sashes. Doors, and all kinds of Wood-

work finish. Turning, Scroll mid BandSawing. All kinds ot Sawing and Plan-

ing, Morticing and Tenanting.Orders promptly attended to and work

guaranteed. Orders from tho other. Is- -

amis solicited 'r

E"'VERY CliASS OF JOB PRINTINGexecuted at Tin: Daily Bum.ktin

B. F. EHLERS & Go.,

DRY GOODS IMPORTERS,All tho Latest Novelties in Fancy Goods Received by every steamer FORT STREET.

3mi a

104 Fort Street,




New Bargains at Astonishing Prices !

JCSTOwiiig to the departure of MISS IIIRSIIBERG to the Coast For New Goods,The entire stock of Millinery Goods will be cleared out at Reduced Prices, giving the Ladies ofHonolulu a opportunity of


A.--X.. JL.


Clothing, Furnishing Goods, Trunks,Embroideries, Dry Goods, &c

As an inducement, all purchasers oC Clothing, Furnishing--

Goods, or otherwise, to the amount of TwentyDollars, will receive, as a Gift,

HandsomeNickle Silver WatchAND PRETTY GILT CHAIN.

The watch is known as the " Watorbiny," and is an. excellent time-keep- er.

BSr Prices will remain the same, the reduction will hein the Watch and Chain.

PCr Remember, this is a Clearance Sale for 11 days only 1

Corner Niiuanu and Queen Sts.535 Cm A. GARTENBERG, Proprietor.

ii. jr. jienson, a. vr.





The Common&



Ball Programs

Bills of

Business Cards

Book Work



Concert Progr'ms

Draft Books

Delivery Books


Hand Bills

Invoices "







i.imf axBMmmunmi.

smith, 1). M'CAllTNl'.V, Jit.


Letter Headings


Law Reports,

Nolo Headings

Plantation Books




Show Cards

Shipping Rece'ts


Visiting Cards


BENSON, SMITH & CO..laifactMi k Dispsii Pliamacists,


Depot Boericke & Schreck's

Homoepathic Medicines, Ricksecker's PerfumesAnd Toilet Requisites, Sense Nursing Bottles,

And Allaire Woodward Go's Pharmaceutical Products.








immmmwMmummlfmW'l (e&Vj.Z

And every description of Job PrintingEXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH.


W H Vf m

WILLIAM AULD,to take Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor for tho Districtof Kona, Island of Oaliu. at tho office ofthe Honolulu Water Works, foot of Nuuaim street. 181) i

JOHN A. HASSINGER,Agout to tako Acknowledgments

to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.

T O. AKANA,t t Chinese and Hawaiian Translator

and Interpreter,No. 48 King street, Honolulu.

Translations of cither of tho abovlanguages mado with accuracy and dispatch, and on reasonable terms. 20'J


201 FORT ST.

CHR. GERTZ,No. 80 Fort street, Honolul,

Importer ami Dealer in Gent's. Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers .


Shop on King street, In rear of NewOdd Fellow's Hall King street.

Telephone 112. 521) Cm


I'Ai-n- Hanokii, etc.,No. 107 KiNciSrnnivr, - Honolulu.

525 Telephone, 1H. ly

BROWN Si PHILLIPS,Plumbeis, Gas Fitters

and Copper-smith- s, No. 71 King St.,Honolulu. S3T IIouso and Ship JobWork promptly executed. 17

J. 31. OAT A. CO., HAII.IIAIU'.US,Loft in A. F. Cookcs New Fire.Proof

lluihllng, foot of Niiuanu Street.Honolulu, II. I.

Flag) of all descriptions made andrepaired. ly b P


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

69 Niiuauu Street, Honolulu, ami Cor.,007 Fort and Merchant streets, tf b

HONOLULU IRON WORKS,S. Mliuflstn-ii- uncincs, sugar mills, boilers, coolers; iron, brass and lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe.cutcd nt short notice. 1

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y

i:staiimsiii: 1815,

Capital 9,000,000 Relchsmarks,

rpiIE undersigned, having been upJL nolntcd acent of tho abovo Comnanv

for the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, rrouiico, sugarMills etc., on the most Favorable Terms.

Losses Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in


G70 ly b at Wilder & Co's.


and all whom It may concern.fMT;emc Tho undersigned having

fljT'tKiStiiiindo alterations, additions,nriSSi11111 improvements in hisfcCtW.i.-u-) SOAP FACTOKY,h now prepared to givo

The Highest Cash Valuefor any quantity of

TATOW,And will furnish containers for tlio sumoflee of cost to any one who may desire.

TIION. W: ItAWIilNS.Honolulu Soap Works.

Office in Brick Building,Klnt; street, Leleo. 483 ly

Commission Moi'ohants.

0. BREWER(Limited)



Commission Aoknts.

mstopowicoir:P. C. Jonks, .lr. . .President & ManagerJ.O. Cautkii... ..Trciisuier & Secretary

ninutnoits:Hon. 0. It. llisnor. Hon. II. A. P. Cautkh

338 ly

Geo. W. Macfarlane. II. It. Macfarlane.




Sitfar JPactors,Firc-Proo- f Building, 52 Queen Blicct,

Honolulu. II. I.

aoknts forThe Wtiikapu Sugar Plantation, Maul,Tho Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii,The llecin Sugar Plantation, Ouliu,Huelo Sugar Mill, Maui,Huclo Sugar Plantation, Maui,Puuloa Sheep Ranch Co., Hawaii,J. Fowler fc Co. Steam Plow and Port-

able Tramway Works, Leeds,Mirrlces, Watson & Co'a Sugar Machin

cry, Glasgow,Glasgow and Honolulu Lino of Packets.


j. lyons, l. j. i.uvky.Lyons & Levey,

Auctioneers and GeneralCommission Merchants,

Beaver Block, Queen st., - . . Honolulu.Sales of Furniture, Stock, Real Estate

and General Merchandise promptly at--tended to.

Solo Agents for American and Euro-pca- n

merchandise. 318

MS. GRINBAUM & CO.,Importers of General Mer

chandise atid Commission Merchants,Honolulu. i

MS. GRINBAUM St CO.,Commission Merchants,

124 California street,1 San Francisco, Cal.

Clans Srrcckcls. 'm. U. Irwlu.TXT g. Irwin & Company,

YV Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. l

AS. CLEGHORN & CO.Importers and Commission

Merchants, dealers in Gcnctal Merchan-dise, Queen and Kaahumauti sis., Hono-lulu. 78

MA. GONSALVES & CO.,No. 57 Hotel Sticct. Honolulu.

Importers and Dealers in Dry and FancyGoods, Inlaid Work, Embroidery,

289 &c, &c, &c

JOHN T. Waterhouse,Importer and Dealer in General

Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

BROWN ii CO.,Wholesale Wine and Spirit

Merchants, No. M Merchant St.,Honolulu. 330

Iijl T. LENEHAN & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants, Nuunnu St., Honolulu. 1

S. N. C'mtle. j, ii. Athcrton.

C1ASTLE Si COOKE,Shipping and Commission

Merchants. Importers mid Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King st.,Honolulu. 1

WING WO TAI & CO.,T Y Importers and General Dealers

in English, American and Chinese Pro-visions. Plantation Teas mill GeneralSupplies. Also, White & Colored Con.tract Matting, all qualities and prices.

No. 24 Nuuanu street, opposltu Mr. C.Afong's. C23 Oni

A Good Pasture for Horses,.$r$ NEAR TOWN.

Inquire toM A. A. MONTANO.577 Om


it in euru ojck orLame Horses.

ro Cure, IS'o3ii-- ,

furnish all medicine.orders toCapt Cluney's stables

Queen & Punchbowl sts. 420 lyTelephone No. SCO.

II. BAKER,M. R. C. V. S. London,

Fellow Royal V. M. Association,

(us per Diploma in my office.)

Treats all Diseases ofjllorscs, Mules andHorned Cattle.

SSyOffico over Turner's Jewelry shop,King Street. 712 tf

W3I. IHcOAKHLESS,No. (t Queen street. Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestlleer, Voal, Mutton, I'IhIi, A.c, &e.

Family and Shipping Orders carefullyattended to. Llvo stock furnished tovessels at short notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 340 ly


AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confoctioncr,

Pastry Cook and 13akor.No. 71 Hotel st. Telephone 74.




Has opened his office in Hotel st., nextto the Y. M. O. A. building, where he isprepared to perform all operations indentistry. 3m 501.

DR. EMERSON,Residence and consultation rooms

nt No. 'J Kukul st., corner of Fort.Telephone No. 140. C3 2rc

T M. DAVIDSON,V . ATTORNEY AT LAW.COl No. 13 Kaahumanu street.


And Notary Public,Office with tho Attorney General, Alllolani Hale, Honolulu. 342 ly

TOHN RUSSELL. TO ATTORNEY AT LAW.Office, on Merchant street, (next door

to Dr. Stangcnwald.) 405 ly

I7RANCIS M. HATCHAttorney nt Law,

23 1C Kaahumanu st

EICHARD P. BIOKERTON,and Counsellor nt Law.

Money to lend on Mortgages of Free,holds. Office, No. 41 Merchant st. 1

BROWN,Attorucr and Counsellor at Law.

Notary Public, and Agent for taking Acknowledgments of Instruments for thoIsland ot Oaliu. No. 8 Kaahumanu stHonolulu. i


mid Notary Public. Rwil Estate m anypart of tho Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotinted, Logal Documents Drawn. No. 27Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands 190


KAAHUMANU STREET.General Agent for

The N. Y. Lifo Insuranco Company,

The City of London Firo In. Co(limlt'dMacncalo & Urbau Safes,

Tho Celebrated Springfield Gas MachineGas Fixtures or Mitchell, Vance & Co


Lew ore, o. St. Cooke.EWERS Sc COOKE,

(successors to Lowers &. Dlck6on,)Importers and Dealers in Liimbor and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,Honolulu j

WILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen st-- .,

Honolulu. i

PASTURAGE.GOOD PASTURE forHorses in Kallhi Valley50 ocres in ono paddockall fenced, with anabundance of fresh

grass, a living stream of water runningthrough the land. Horses allied forand delivered at 50 cents per head, if sodesired. Reasonable good caro taken ofstock but no responsibility from acci-dent. Positively none but healthy am.mills taken. Address or enquire of

ALLEN HERBERT,Office on Queen street, with HamiltonJohnson. 7G-- tf


T7IIO hasbceii foreman with the latei Ay. Wcnner for many years, begs

tp infoim his many friends and the pub-lic generally, that heHas Commenced Business

on his own account atS1 IIO'JPEJL, STREET,

near the Astor House,hero ho is in a position to make and re- -

pair every description of

Bracelets, Necklets, Pins,Lockets, etc., etc.

7G3 2m at reasonable prices.Watch Repairing and Engraving a specially

KiiMtern Pine .Snyrar KegH,In Shooks or Set up, also

Eastorn Pine Barrels forMolasses,

Hoops Iron a.f, Ji, lln., 2 x 1.10, 2 x K,2 x 3.10.

For Sale byCSO 3m b J. II. BRUNS, Senior.

Water Notice.Office Sup't Water Works,

Honolulu, July 3, 1882.

ALL persons having Wnter Privilegesnotified that their Water Rates

are payable semi-annuall- in advance,at tho office of tho Superintendent of"Wnlpr Wnrba fmt tF Mimntin .t.n.,upon tlio 1st day of January and July ot!

each year. CHAS. B. WILSON,Sup't Aator Works

B. K. Kaai, Minister of Interior. 201

Hull l'roifi'uiniueH !

NEW DESIGNS, just received fromFrancisco, at Tint Daily Bui,-i.kti-



Onice-.ov- cr thu Bank of Bishop & Co.wj am u nonoinlu.











Page 2: THE DAILY BULLETIN - · r' M?r"--w'im rc THE DAILY BULLETIN is JLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa?.i Vol. V. No. 70.'). HONOLULU,

pISHOP & Co., BANKERS,Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchaugc on theiBivult ol'Oulilbrnlu, f3. IT.

And Ihcir agents In


jjjMews. N. M. Rothschild &SJon, London.Ifrhe Commercial Hank Co.. of Sydney,

lf ' Lond6n,(The Commercial Hank Co., of Sydney,K Sydney.&Tho Hank of Now Zealand: Auckland,17 Plii'lafftltiifnl. ......tittil Wnlllnirtmi.wjr v....m......v,.., ..- - b.S1TI10 Hank of British Columbia, ;vic

lorm, l. u. una roitinmi, ur.A.SIJ

"'1'r.ius.icl 11 Uoiiuinl Uiinkliij: HuMiiw0(i!l ly I)

THE DAILY BUJLliETIXcan be had trout

int. M..Oat, Jr., & Co Merchant st.T. 0. Thrum Merchant St.


'. Wu 5iljj gMlUtin.flcdjoJ to neither Sect nor Fatty.But O3t.ibllshoi for tho onrSt of All .



Bund, Emma Square, 7:90.Algaroba Lodge, T.O.G.T., .. t ,i r r n w r .injf lllliuiunj jjuiigu, i.w. w.i' ., 1 ii'i.

kS Hnnlf.lfi.miintT nlnss 1 AT. i!. A.ty-- sharp.


MOnNINd.Legislature, 10.


Saturday's proceedings in the As.scmbly, put u different phatc upon

K' ;(the street railway enterprises. Thesituation is as follows- Mr. Kaulukou introduced a billasking that a franchise be grantedto W. It. Austin. Mr. Dole iutro- -

kv duccd u similar bill in favor of C. B.Wilson. The two bills were referred

Eft 4 to a special uoramittcc or winch iir.Isenbcrg was chairman. The Com-

mittee reported adversely to bothbills, and introduced a substitute

jbill, embodying the same generalprovisions contained in the other

sr .hiltq hut.... nmviflimr. fni- -.... Hio... flicmncnl...w, 1.w .v....0 ...1wv...$, of the franchise at auction to the

.highest bidder. The substitute billwas rejected on Saturday, and the

..' nucstion LliGii arose as to which ofw . ,,.... ,.,. ......,.; . '....:.,me uii"in;u imis siiuum uc acicutin l'Pn- - The sentiment of tlic Asscm- -Kl . . .....tay w"s manucstiy 111 lavor of thei Wilson bill, and consideration of

L that bill Tvas bcinji proceeded with,K; when the Attorney General arose

! ami mauc a remaiKaolc statement.He said that he himself was tho au-

thor of the Austin bill, and thathe had!jgiven it to, Kaulukou to introduce,;

latitat W. . Austin was not the realj$&'party in

' interest, but that he wasm simply the attorney for William

vMowcrilcw, the gcnpenian who wasput to great loss by the unauthorized

faction of Mr. Gibson and Mr. Bushf'last year. The Attorney Generali, further stated that- - this bill wab in-- F

tended to right the wrongs and inju

ries done to Mr. Flowerdew in thefiniffm . Ariflinnt.. . intnmmitinrr mtnii....V. ....w..V WW W..V... .IJ.V.Istlie propriety' of the' Law adviser offtho Crown acting as the chief pro- -

inotcr of a bill to grant a valuableirancnisc io, a private lniitviunai, thequestion now presented for decision

jis, sliall this franchise be granted toa foreign capatalist, or shall it begranted to'onc of our own, citizens.

IWithrnifvhrtrfrfl In KmiliniPiit. in tlm-- - -.- .-'Hmatter, the latter is manifestly the

scourso to bo pursued most advau- -

tageotis, to the community In theformer case, new capital will be

linvested here, but all the profits willbe sent out of the country, and the

tcpun'try as a whole will be thepoorer, , tho more propcrous the

Enterprise is. In the latter case, allitho profits wiH and re-

invested here. When homo capitalKlocs not sufllce to carry out neededenterprises, it is well to encourage

ithe investment of foreign .capital.jBut the preference should never be(given to the foreign over the homecapital, for the reason above given.

S)Mr. Wilson is backed by wcll- -

jknown members of the community,iwupse every interest is 111 tins coun-Rr- y,

i and by granting him tho fran- -

chiso asked for, a needed improve- -

Enent will bo instituted, with theleast loss to the public at large.



"Vianr sin tuli nun linnnrnrl nntunjRI

n its day it has been tho leadingpaper in this community, and tho

Sexponont of its best thought. Itjwflrepresentect various eiuei) in the

politics of the nation, and In recentyears has been politically opposedto the views of a majority of thebest clement among tho pcoplo ; ithas championed men and measureswho were inconsistent with the bestinterests of the country ; but, how-

ever, much the paper has differedfrom the general sense, it was therepresentative of the views of atleast a small portion of the commu-

nity and as such was taken andread as an exponent of those senti-

ments ; but at no time in years pasthas the lone of the paper beenlowered, so that it was not a paperwhich could be safely taken intoone's family. It has been reservedto the present' management of thatjournal to drag its old and honoredname in the dust, and turn it into asynonym for vulgarity, indecencyand blasphemy. The paper, as atpresent conducted is on a par withthe Poller. Gazette, and other dis-

reputable publications of that ilk,and is unlit to appear in the homeof a respectable person. The senseof decency of the community habeen violated, and the numbers oforders to stop subscriptions whichthat paper has received within thelast few days is evidence thereof.It is a lit commentary upon the pre-

sent Cabinet that the Advertiser isits only advocate and defender.


The Steamer Likclike arrived at10 o'clock yesterday morning fromMahukona, which place she left theprevious day about 8 o'clock in theevening. A very large crowd of allclasses were down on the wharfawaiting her arrival. As the steamerdrew near to the dock it soon becameknown that II. M. Queen Emma wason hoard, and a thrill of joy wentthrough the crowd when it was

further known, that Her Majesty,though still in a critical conditionwas not any worse. With HerMajesty came Dr. Robert McKibbin,Mr. A. J. Cartwright, Right Rev.Bishop Willis, Albeit Kuuuinkca anda large number of attendants. Onthe wharf were the Hon. and Mrs.C. It. Bishop, His Ex. GovernorDominis, Hon. A. H. Clcghorn, Hon.S. G. Wilder, Hon. C. II. Judd,etc., etc. Her Majesty who waslying on a stretcher was lowereddown from the steamer and thencarried slowly up Fort btrcet to herresidence, followed by a great manysympathizing friends. Towardsevening there was a slight sign ofimprovement, still Her Majesty liesin a critical condition. There was agreat rcsponsibilit' resting on Dr.McKibbin in bringing his patientfrom Kohala, but he accepted it,and is rewarded by his great careand attention, in seeing Her Majestysafe in her own homo and surroundedwith every comfort. The Doctorhas been Her Majesty's faithfulmedical adviser for many years. Inconversation with the Doctor, hespeaks in the highest terms of theKohala people, who did everythingthat could be possibly done. Thoarrangements made by the Hon. S.G. Wilder with regard to the steamerand railway journeys we're perfect,and shows how reliable is the com-

pany of which he is the head. Thospeedy recovery of Her Majesty iswhat everyone wishes.


Satuiiday, Auhiist 10.

The House met at 10 a. m.

After prayer by the Chaplain, theminutes of the preceding day wereread and adopted.

Mr. Knncalii moved a resolutionthat the Minister of tho Interior borequested to order tho l'ostmnster-Genei- al

to furnish this House witha list of the mail routes on the variousIslands for the carriers of which820,500 has been appropriated.Ordered to bo laid on table.

Mr. G. Brown moved a resolutionthat the bill to amend certain sec-

tions of Chapter 18, Session Laws of1882, relating to the tax law, bemade tho special order of the dayfor the 18th inst. Carried.

Mr. Richardson presented tho re-

port of the Select Committee ap-

pointed to wait on Ills Majesty toinform him that the House would boready for prorogation on tho 23rdinst., stating they had performedthat duty and His Maiestv had replied that ho would bo pleased to J

h" (. Jlfr . . J i.!j'itfejiui;

prorogue the House at 12 o'clock onthat clay.

Mr. Dole presented reports fromtho Judiciary Committee, as follows:

On the bill to provide for tho pre-

servation of Hawaiian archives, thattho bill would not result in good andis therefore recommended to be in-

definitely postponed.Mr. Aholo dissented in a minority

report.On motion of Mr. W. O. Smith

tho majority report was adopted overmotions to la' both repoils on thetable and to adopt the minority rc-po- il,

and a motion Io iccotisidcr thequestion made by the same gentle-man was lost.

On the bill to amend and consoli-

date the laws relating to commis-

sioners of private ways and waterrights, the Committee recommendedits passage with certain amendments.Report adopted, and the third read-

ing of the bill appointed for Tuesday.On motion of Mr. Dole the Military

Bill was ordered to be referred tothe Printing Committee, to be re-

turned with the best possible des-

patch.On motion of Mr. Kanealii the bill

to abolish tuition fees in pertainschools was ordered to be takenfrom the table and placed on theorder for Tuesday.


Consideration of an Act to facili-

tate the right to construct andoperate 11 street railroad upon certainstreets of the city of Honolulu, wastaken up.

Minister Neumann moved to sub-

stitute the first section, providing tooffer the right nt public auction, witha section granting the right to Win.It. Austin, his associates and assigns,with the privilege of using as a motivepower, horses, steam cables, electri-

city or compressed air.Mr. Dole moved a similar amend-

ment, except that Chas. B. AVilson's

name appears instead of Austin's.Mr. G. Brown moved the indefi-

nite postponement of the first sectionof the bill.

Mr. Nawahi moved that the firstsection pass. He said if one mangot tho right he could do nothingand keep those who would do some-

thing out of the way. According torumor these private franchises weredesired for purposes of speculation.In small matters, such as lettingmarket stalls, the principle givingthe boon to the highest bidder wasadopted, and why not in a largematter like this?

Mr. Dole spoke against the bill onaccount of the largo powers itgranted the Minister of the Interior,and because, as he alleged, it al-

lowed the use of steam locomotion.Mr. Widemann thought tho two

private bills were six of one and halfa dozen of the other. He consideredthe bill before the House superior tothe others, but the matter had as-

sumed such a complexit' in theHouse that he believed nothing wouldconic of cither scheme. Accordingly,he moved the indefinite postpone-ment of tho first sections of all threebills.

Mr. Rowcll supported the bill, andspoke of the necessity of havingstreet railways here. The honorablemember, be held, was mistaken insaying the bill authorized steamlocomotives. Anyhow the use ofcondensed steam would be much lessnoisy than compressed air, that isauthorized by the rival sections. Anydefects in the bill could be remediedby amendments, and the fairestsolution of the situation would be tooffer the franchise at auction.

Minister Neumann deprecated theattempt to excite prejudice againstthe private franchises by shakingthe red rag of monopoly, and recur-ring to this point afterward, askedif the monopoly would be nny betterif bought at auction than granted bytho Legislature. To show thesincerity underlying tho Austin bill,he recited its history, which was inbrief that an English capitalist, Mr.Flowerdew, coming here inbecame, by the common experienceof all strangers, appiiscd of thoshameless robbery practised upontho public by the hackmen, witlvery few exceptions, and madecertain proposals with a view to in-

vesting his means in street railwayin this town. The project fellthrough because the franchise wassought through tho Department ofthe Interior, which hnd not authorityto give it. Mr. Austin in the present instance, was attorney in fact, I

MgpPmawMaaniumwia"HMnii mimnand the' speaker assured tho Housethat there was no intention on thopart of the applicant to sell the fran-chise for 850,000 (as insinuated byMr. Nawahi) or other Amount. Honamed several substantial citizenswho took a sincere interest in thoproject, and if the estimated cost of8204,000 could not be providqd hereit was forthcoming from abroad. Inadvocating the necessity of streetcars hero, the' Minister incidentallyremarked that during the first monthof his residence here it had cost him875 a month to send his children toschool. Ho concluded his speech bysaying that if the franchise were ex-

posed upon the auction block, therewould be no street railway hero fortwenty years.

Mr. Smith moved the previousquestion, remarking Hint he thoughtthe first section had been fully dis-

cussed.The question being put upon in-

definite postponement, the motioncarried, whereupon the point wasraised by Mr. Aholo that the motionsto substitute sections fell with theindefinite postponement of the sec-

tion. Tho discussion of this pointended in a motion being carried tosubmit the bald motions to theHouse. ,

Mr. Dole wishing to ypealc uponhis amendment, the chair ruled thathe must have special leave of theHouse. That was asked and granted,when

Mr. Bishop' appealed from thedecision of the chair, claiming thatall the members had a right to speak,as the motions to substitute sectionswon- - new questions.

V discussion of this appeal wascut short by a successful motion toadjourn at 12:30 till 1 :30 v. m.

After recess consideration of thestreet railway bill was resumed.

Mr. J. Molt Smith said ho did notknow the respective merits of theAustin and Wilson bills, but decidedto support the former. (OuV reporterwas absent during the first part ofhis snecch.)

Mr. Dole moved that the first sec-

tion of tho Wilson bill pass. Itauthorized the Minister of the In-

terior to issue the charter, but wasnot burdened with minor details,leaving them largely to the discre-tion of the Minister and PrivyCouncil. It asked the franchiseonhy for Nuuaiiu, King and Queenstreets, leaving a large paitofthotown to the competition of othercompanies.' The other bill takes upnearly all the streets. This one didnot propose to do more than can boreasonably supposed would be carriedout. Those three streets furnishedwith a railway would yield thegreatest accommodation to the pub-lic, especially the vagt number ofpeople who lived in the suburbs.The objection urged by the Hon.noble (Smith) to the Austin bill,that it compelled the laying a doubletracks, was a valid one. There wasno single street named in it wideenough for a double track. A streetcovered with tracks was not fit forcarriage driving. Another greatobjection to that bill was that itprovided that the track should belaid in the middle of the street. Theonly way in which a track could belaid on any Honolulu street was tolay it on one side. It was left en-

tirely with the Minister of the Inte-rior in the Wilson bill to say wheretho track should be laid, and theMinister may compel the company towiden the streets where they arc toonarrow, so that the public interestsare carefully watched. Moreover,the Austin bill had the same fataldefect as the Isenbcrg bill, in autho-rizing tho Minister to introduce nowand unknown provisions. If theypassed a bill with a section in it likethat, no one would oyer bo found tobuild tho railway. As for tho At-torney General's explanation of Mr.Flowcrdew's connection with theproject, that gentleman was in Italy,and why should they place tho fran-chise in the hands of a foreigner whowas away in the antipodes? Allknow Mr. Wilson as an enterprisingman, who had introduced tho matterat this session. lie saw the oppor-tunity for the enterprise two yearsago, and now all those other partieshave followed him. Ho (Mr. D.)understood that Mr. Wilson and hisassociates had mado arrangementsand weru ready to begin work when-ever tho charter was granted.

Mr, W. O. Smith was inclined to

feel sorry for these persons notbelieving tho enterprise would paybut that was not his affair. TheWilson bill he thought, on the wholewas the best. Tho othor man wasnot on tho ground, while Wilsonwas well and favorably known toeverybody. If Mr. Flowerdew wasa innn of his word, he would neverundertake the work whilo the presentMinister of Foreign Affairs wai in

office. (Minister Gibson smiled.)lie supposed the Minister of ForeignAffairs would remain in olllccanother two years, so that thewould bo without a railway for thatperiod. They were not there to lookat tho matter in the interests of Mr.Flowerdew, Mr. Austin or Mr.Wilson. He thought the bill intro-

duced by the Committee wouldrequire too many amendments forthem to attempt to doctor it up. Hedid not approvo of that provisionfor selling the right at auction.

Mr. Bishop thought there waslittle use in discussing the section in

the old, bill which had been disposedof. He was certainly not opposedto a railway in streets suitable for it

and where it would be for tho ad-

vantage of the public to have one.They ought not to consider thenames of the gentlemen in thosebills. Certainly he had nothingagainst Mr. Flowerdew, investing hismoney in the railway, but he wouldnot vote specially to accommodatehim. Mr. Flowerdew may not havebeen well treated here, but yet hedid not know that the communityowed him anything. One thing infavor of giving him tho right wasthat he had means to build the road.There was no guarantee that Mr.Austin and his associates or Mr.Wilson and his associates wouldbuild it they might sell out. Andas a railway was necessarily amonoply so far as it extends on thestreets, they might say it wasmonoply, but that was no particularobjection. They might claim thatthe Austin bill was not a monoplybecause it allowed cars to run uponit for a certain distance, but itcover so much ground that therewould be no chance for anothercompany. The Austin bill allowsthe companj' to build a double track-o-n

a great many of our narrow streets,and that was a very objectionablefeature. It mentions a number ofstreets on which it would not beconvenient to have even a singletrack. For his part, he should bevery sorry to see a single track onFort street. Even the necessarytraffic on that street now was hardlysafe. Neither of those bills shouldbe passed without suitable amend-ments. That idea of selling atauction having been disposed of, itseemed to him that if those two billscould be referred to a committee anew and really good bill couldbe made up from them. Thenthe only remaining question wouldbe whether it should be Austin orWilson and their respective asso-

ciates. He moved that the bills bereferred to a special committee.

Minister Neumann did not thinkhis friends could accuse him of notbeing persistent when he thought hewas in tho right. An objection torecommitting, those bill was that thotime was short. There had been anutterance from the Hon. member forLilmo (Mr. Dole) that tho Austinbill should not be passed becausehe (Atty's-Genl.- ) had stated totho House that a stranger and aforeigner would be interested in it.If such a sentiment prevailed in thatHouse, he was much mistaken in it.It made no difference whether theman who wants to put his moneyinto those improvements was aforeigner or a citizen. Ho hadmentioned the names of sufficientgentlemen right from this town,known to tho members of thatAssembly, who had as much to dowith tho enterprise as Mr. Flower-dew, except, perhaps, as to theamount of money to be put into it.Tho community had better open itseyes to thejad vantage of men from out-

side putting their money into enter-prises hero, as long as that moneywas efficiently employed. Ho hadnothing to say lagainst Mr. Wilson,bcciuso ho was a personal friend ofhis, and he would bid him godspeedif ho got tho franchiso and carriedit out. It must bo borne in mind,however, that tho work would costin the neighborhood of 8200,000. Itstruck him ns strango that the Hon.

member for Lihue refrained from

informing tho House who was behind

his bill. Ho thought proper, him-

self, not to keep behind tho door in

respect to anything of which ho

could inform the House, in thatdesiring to set a good example to

the member for Lihue. But when

it came to the point of hearing who

that gentleman's promoters of thework were, they had nothing butbrilliant flashes of silence. Theobjection he'had to the Wilson bill,

however, did not lie in the name.

All that ho could do was to advocate

a bill coming in good faith before thehouse to give certain persons the

right. The objection he had was in

the bill itself, and when the Hon.

member said the first section of theAustin bill should not be there, for

the first time since he knew him he

thought ho showed a remarkablewant of sound sommon sense. (Herothe Ministdr quoted the section, to

show that its provisions were for theprotection of the public, in not out-giving them the benefit of tho res-

trictions contained in the Act itself,but binding the companj' to subjec-

tion to any future legislation thatmight be found necessary.) Referr-ing to Mr. Bishop's objection to adouble track, he said the railway tothe Pali could not be built .exceptwith a double track, as horses couldnot be used, and there was no pro-

position to lay any double track butthat one. Doublo tracks elsewherewere left to the discretion of theMinister of the Interior, and thosame held with reference to layingtracks in the middle of the street.It had been suggested that Mr.Austin might sell out, but if he didso to anyone who should build thelino that would be satisfactory.


Ewtou Buixktin: In view ofthe Advertiser's statement that Chi-

nese Gordon "went among a peopleto kick up a bobbery, totally unau-

thorized by the British Govern-

ment," and considering the deepinterest taken in the matter by manypeople here, the following brief ex-

tracts from tho Home News will beacceptable to some of your readers.For the information of any whomay not know, I would add that thoHome News is a highly respectableweekly journal, containing an epit-ome of English and General Eu-

ropean intelligence, printed in Lon-don for transmission abroad.

January 25, 188 L 'It was knownthroughout the world on Saturday,January 19, that General Gordonhad been recalled from Brussels,that he had spent the previous dayin interviews with Cabinet Ministers,and that he was already on his wayto the Soudan. Yesterday he reach-ed Port Said, where he was met bySir Evelyn Wood, and abandoninghis original intention to proceeddirect to Suakim, went to Cairo.

Khartoum is his goal, but theroute he will pursue to reach it hasnot yet been decided. The instruc-tions given to him are secret." Thesame issue says, "The most inter-esting portion of Sir Charles Dilke'sremarkes was devoted to Egypt andtho Soudan. Ten days ago, he said,Ministers were not quite certainwhether Chinese Gordon would care,to accept his present mission. Bydegrees they ascertained that hewould, and so he was sent."

February 1, 1884. "GeneralGordon is due at Khartoum someday between Feb. 11 and 17. Hois travelling with no troops, noescort, but with 40,000 in hard cashin his nockets. wimt. !

General Gordon's mission? That isa question which is exercising manyminds. First, having declared him-self opposed to tho evacuation ofKhartoum, he goes, as is officiallystated, to assist in and organize theevacuation. Secondly, whilo ourMinisters declare that they willundertake no responsibility for theSoudan, Gordon, who proceedsthither as their servant, and not thoservant of the Khedive, with whomho has renounced any connection, isofficially called Governor-Gener- al oftho Soudan."

From the foregoing it appearsthat General Gordon was sent to thoSoudan by the British Government,but that tho precise nature of fitsinstructions was-no- t made public;nor, so far "ns I have been able tolearn from the English papers, hasit been revealed up to tho presenttime. A journal that can assert, inthe face of this, that Gordon "wentamong a people to kick up a bob-bing, totally unauthorized by theBritish Government,"., musfc citherlack correct information or be awilful perverter of tho truth.

R. L..


aill fJ


jf-- y

11 A



Page 3: THE DAILY BULLETIN - · r' M?r"--w'im rc THE DAILY BULLETIN is JLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa?.i Vol. V. No. 70.'). HONOLULU,




aJ ?

, X i.,(

ti vit:


Bit SUi gaitUita.MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1881.


Augu-- 1 I".Slim- - Likullku from Mnlinkod.-- i

Stnir hvnlanl from KiuialH It M S C'o!ilanco from S V

August 18Sclir Uaterina from llunalel.


August 18

Sehr Llliollho for WnlnicaSehr Leahl forlvoholaleloSclir TChttkal for WalaluuSehr Ncttlo Merrill for LnlmlnnSclir Wnloli for lianaSchr Wiilehn for Koolau

VESSELS LEAVINCStinrLlkcllkc for KahululStnir Lcliiui for Wlndwnrd portSclir Mnnttokawat for KoolauStmr Ktiinu for Windward portStnir Iwnlanl for KintalSclir Catorlna for Nanalol


From Kauai, pur Iwalanl, Aug. 17 FConradt, F Z HtQltzl, .los 31 l'ocpou,Mrn Gucrcro and child, A Rleard, W OWood, Louis Tltooiuh and 181! deck.

FroiiiMahukona, per LlkcllkcAug. 18Her Majesty Queen Dowager Kiiiuia,

Prince Albert K Kuuulakea, lit JtevIlishop of Honolulu, Ur It MeKbbtn, AJ Cnrtwrlght, Sr., Charles Stilluiun,MUs Lucy Pcaliody, Mrs MLewui, MissStella Keomailaiil, Miss Jennie A Stlll-mai- i,

Mis Kmma Markham, Mis GraceWnhlnclklll. Miss Helen Stillman, MissFanny Marklmin, Miss Clio Stuait, MUsFany Molulani, Mls Lizzie JlCeuhllala-po- ll

and 07 pages.

SHIPPING NOTES.Stun: Iwalanl brought 720 bags of

sugar, 11I0 bags of paddy, 10 bags oftaro, :13 bags of pla, 'JO bags of rlco and20 hides.

The Llkcllkc Halls this even hi ir at 0o'clock taking passengers and mall onlyfor Pukoo and height for Kahulul,Kcanae, Huclo, liana, Kipahuln, andNun returning she will stop at all theabove ports.

Sehr Catcrlna brought 20."i bags ofsugar and 1118 hags of paddy.

The Lclniii balls tills evening at (i

o'clock for Paauhau, Koholalclc, Ilaka-ln.1- 1,

and Ouomea.The dredge Is at work digging out the

place to bo occupied by the HonoluluY and R Club house.


Aktists materials, pino and ebonycnscls, at King Bros. 701 .)t

On. Paintings, by foreign amilacal artists, at King Bros. 791 3t

Fiust class masons arc wanted byII. Hackfcld & Co.

Tun Kawaiahao Church clock isabout seven minutes to fast.

The Oceanic S. S. Alameda is

due on Friday, from San Francisco.

Some tree trimming needs beingdone 011 Nuuauu Street, just maukaof Kukui Street.

II. R. II. Piiincess Likelikc ,is atMana, Hawaii, but will return bythe Kinau, on Saturday.

The Board of Managers of the Y.M. C. Association will hold a meet-

ing ht at 7.30 O'clock..a.

Special prayers wcro offctcd in

St. Andrews Cathedral yesterday forHer Majesty Queen Dowager Emma.


Life would be a burden in theTropics were it not for Ginger Ale.Telephone 298 and have a case sentto you. 701 3t

That pile of lumber on NuuanuStreet, which we called attention toin last Wednesday's edition, wasremoved the same evening,

o .

11. B. M. S. Heroine arrived at,Callao July 23d, eighty three claysfrom Victoria B. C. It will be re-

membered doubts were entertainedas ,to her safety,


The Rev. George Wallace preached

an eloquent sermon at St. Andrews

Church last evening, taking his textfrom tho 18th Chapter of St John,

3i and 37th verses.

Remekyi's third concert will bo

given Friday evening. The boxoffice is now open at Wiseman's. Up

to tho time of going to press aboutsixty seats have already being taken.

The Marionettes gave a matineeperformance Saturday afternoon, forchildren, which was well attended.A calabash would have covered thoaudienco present in the evening.

Between fifty and sixty of ourGerman residents attended tho ser-

vice at tho Y. M. C. A, Hall yester-

day forenoon. The' sermon was

preached by Pastor Ricluer, of LihucKauai.

At Reinenyi's Concert on Fridayevening the sestetto "Chi mi Frena"from Lucia di Lammcrmoor, will be

roudered by the following ladies andgentlemen; Mms Downing, Mrs.Simmons, Messrs. R. Ilimmcr, D. C.Nesilold, Ilassclmann & "Miehicls."

Ik the Police Court this morning,two Clilnnincn were charged withwith having opium in possession,and fined 850 with twenty days im-

prisonment at hard Inbor. CaptMchrtcns made the nrrcil.

His Honor Judgo Bickcrlon, in I

Court this morning, asked a China-

man how long hu had been in Hono-

lulu. The celestial replied, "seventenths of a year". He evidently be-

lieved in being exact.

lNanothcr column will be foundthe advertisement of Messrs. Frccth& Peacock. Wine and spirit, andgeneral commission merchants. Theyoffer for sale at low prices a verylarge stock of choicest brand's ofales and spirits. They fill all orderspromptly, so when you are wantinganything in their line, all you haveto do ring up telephone No 46.

llcallli ofH. M. (liiccn Emma

Bulletin-No-. 1.

.Monday 0.30 a. m. Queen pass-ed a quiet night. Was rather better.

Koiip.ut McKinui.v, M.l).

ltULT.KTIN' No. 2.11 a. m. Symptoms remain un-

changed.IloiiKKT McKiunix, M.D.

Bulletin No. J).

!J i m. Queen quiet. Symptomsrather improved.

UouKitT McKiniiiN, M.T).


The Band will play at KmmaSquare, this evening, at 7:30. Thefollowing is the programme:

taht 1.

Overture French Comedy... Keler RclaWalt. Southern Rreeo MclslerDuet Troubadour VerdiSelection Adclla Donizetti

l'AKT 11. ,

Selection Nnlnteco VerdiGavotte Stephanie CzlbulkaQuadrille The Times Cootc

Malanail Hawaii Ponol.


MASONS. Apply to70:i nt II. HACKFELD & Co.

Card to the Public.

AT. RAKER, Horse Doctor, ihohas resided at Capt. Cluney's

for the last 10 months, wishes to Informhis many friends and tho public gene-rally, that ho IS NOT tho II. Raker thathas been arrested for common nuisance.

703 lw

0. d. rnEETii. W. C. PEACOCK



Gonoral Commission Morohants,


At the Lowest Market Itatcn4

a large and well selected stock ofthe Choicest and most Favorite

Brands of







&c, tc., &c,

All Goods Guarantoed.

and orders filled promptly.

Telephone 40. P. O. Rox 300.70:i 0m.

Corporation Notice.THE ANNUAL MEETING of theX Stock.holdcrs of tho PAIA PLAN

TATION will bu held at the office oftho Company, at Pala, Maul, at 10o'clock a.m. on Thursday, August 21st,1884, for tho election of officers andother important business. Stock-holder- s

who can not bo present are requested tosupply pi oxlcs. W. It. Castle,79J 2t ' Secretary of Pala Plantatlpn.

WANTED.YOUNG Miurled Couple, GermanA or English must understand cook.

Ing, good place and good wages.Apply to J. E. WISEMAN,

lid Merchant St. Gen. Business Ag't.702 8t

Situation Wanted.A YOUNG married woman nathoBY or Azores. No children willing to

.lnmiv if ilmni'stlr-- . work liv tlinduy, or will stay altogether If her bus.lihml la tnl.'mi nlnni. with tier to iln llfflitwork. Terms very reasonable. Apply

M.A. GONSALVE3 & Co.790 lw 07 Hotel st.

.Wanted,WOMAN to help In the care ofA children and do housowork in a

family of three. Cal 1 No. !1 Judd streetbefore 3 :30 p.m. 701 !lt


A SUIT OF FRONT ROOMS, nicelyfurnished. Apply at Iso. u kukui

street. I IU M


II. B. M. S. Constance, CaptainF. P. Doughty, arrived off port lastevening about C o'clock, 1C daysfrom San Francisco. She had lightwinds nnd fair weather, and camounder sail all but the first throe days.The Constance will remain here aweek or 10 days, will convey H. B.M.'s Commissioner Major Wode-hous- e,

to different parts of the otherIslands. After leaving here, she willproceed southwards visiting all theIslands of the Pacific and finallyarrive at Coquimbo. She is 225 feetlong, 15 feet beam, 2,590 horsepower and 2,380 tons burden. Shehas 27C men, Armstrong guns, 4

Nordenfeldt and 2 Gardiner guns.She also has two torpedo steamboatsand is built of steel and iron casedwith wood.Captain Frederic P. Doughty.Lieutenant Henry T. Smith-Dorrlc- n,

Reginald It. Neeld, Leicester F. G.Tlppluge, Henry L. Retlnme, OeorgoF. O. Purvis.

Xav. Meat. James R. II. .Macfailanc.Chaplain and Xav. Inst. Rev. David

Xevln, R. A. r.Fleet Surgeon. Robert Hay, M.D.Paymaster. Charles J. Curgenvan.Ch. Eng. Charles E. Utllndell.Sub-Llcu- t. Alfred II. Tarleton.Assist. Paymaster. harles S. Jloore.Engineer. (1) Isaac J. Alexander.Assist. Em:. John A. Murray.Gunner. William G. Jordan.Roatswain. Charles Stuart.Carpenter. Edward J. Main.Midshipman Harold C. Scroggs, Robert

A. L. Ruslic, Charles L. Vaughan-Le- c,

Henry F. G. Do la Fosse, Ed-mund, P. F. G. Grant, Peroy W.Rlmlugton, Crawford Maelachlan.

Intending callers on the Rev. Mr.and Mrs. Oggcl, will find them .dur-

ing tliis week, at the residence ofMr. S. M. Damon, Nuuanu Valley.


,!OUX A. FAIRIESWill attend to the collection of

bills, rents, &c. Ktep account,diaw legal documents. Lease andsell property. Rent rooms, amitransact general business. He willalso attend to orders and coinmls.sions of every sort from the other

.Island'. Patronage solicited.Office ;

No. CO Hotel Street, Honolulu.Telephone, 293. P. O. Bo., 397.


J. S. OAT Jr. & Co.Dealers In all kinds of

The Latccst Foreign Papers always onhand at tho Gazette Block, MerchantStreet lyb

Furnished Rooms.TO LET, at the new Rulldmg No- - 38

Alakea Street, nearly opposite theY. M. C- - A. Ruildtng. Apply on thepremUes. 725 3m

To Rent.A SMALL unfurnished Cottage, in

the centre of towivsuitablo for ayoung man. Address "Cottage" JJulictin Office. t

"SPECIALJOTICE.npiIE Undersigned Pioprietor of the



desires to inform his patrons and the publie generally that notwithstanding thorecent DISASTROUS FIRE, has erected


On n much more Extensive Scale whichIs now, in Fuli. Operation, and whichwill bo in complete working order by anEarly Arrival of new Machinery andTools; and Is now ngain prepmed to



and will always have on hand his deli-cious Fresh Mndo



CREAM CANDIES of great variety oftMARSH-MALLOW- S.

Gum Drops, and Gum FruitjSon Bons

Of all descriptions. All those HomeMade Fresh anil Pure Confections, I sellat 00 cents PER POUND.

RICH WEDDING CAICEOf the Finest Flavor, in all sizes always

on hand and ornamented In themost artistic style.


always fresh, as also

Home Made Mince Meatfor hulc at SO cents per pound.

Will receive per Consuelo the balanceat my new machinery of tho newest de.Blgns forinanufactming all descriptionsof plain Candies; thanking tho publicfor previous liberal patronage mid so.llciting a continuance of same.

Very respectfully,F. IIOItN,

Practical Confectioner and P.isfy Cook.

uu:4OMbT.VNi). 71 Ilolid btrnel

P. O. Rox No. 70;. . . ..Telephone No. 74

073 ly

rr"TT'M.iiWiiiyi niwiiTuwiynJunMiiM.Tiyinirirciii wiwiiOT'iwgwromnryniiiiwirTtaqgMti



A Large Mew Stock-- OF-

Lais' Guts' &CM1M




riTTTT ATI n flUMAf run OHM


703 lm

A Good Chance for a Live Man

account of I want to sellON cut my RAGGAGE EXPRESS,consisting ot

Two WoKon.'JCSVO SotW IISll'llCSH,

Xliree Good IIorHCHI am doing a good business, but have tolc.ixc tliu'i-ounlr- on account of mvhealth. None liiit cash buyers need an- -'

plv. r lurtlicr particulars call on u.Ilummcr, corner King and Fort sts.

7711 ni P. SMITH.

c. j. McCarthy(Lite ot the "Old Corner.")



connected with theAslor Houbc.-i- a

Iced Drinks & the Best Cigarswill always be found on hand.


Beaver k Saloon

Tho Bost Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at All HoursTho finest Rrands of Cigars and

Tobacco, always on hand.


IS OPEN EVERY DAY.CSTTlie only sea-sld- resort in the

Kingdom. 11. J. XOLTE,Proprietor.

FRANK HUSTACE,Di'ivviiiaii.

fit(Successor lo C. P. Ward.)

All oiders for cartage promptly at.tended to, at tho lowest rates. Also forsale:

KaUnako Halt,Fire Wood,

IVkltu and Itluclc Handin quantities to suit, at lowest prices.

CGS ly


S. M. GARTER & 00.RhTAIL Dkalkhs in

Fire Wood,Goal and Feed.

y aiiid. Oats,iritisia DELIVERY

to all pans of (he city.

Remember, 82 King street,078 r?T.nd Telephone No. 181.



Rook Binding of all detcVlpilon neatlyand promptly executed.

Gazette Building . . Merchant street723 ly


lllOUrfU, eleven rooms, eachiliivliigconvcnlent closets, pan

try, u.ith room, kitchen, poultry yard,ivc. wtuer lam on. I'our minuteswalk from Piiniilum College. Termseasy. A pply to S. F. Graham, at S. M.Carter CVs, 82 King st. 708 lm

Building: Lots For Sale.100 feet, ormoie, frontage

on Rlngham.'Dolo and Metcalfbtrccts. Also, 3 deep lots, 10jfeet frontage on Heckwilh St.,with water rlahts : thickly

covered with Algarob.t trees. Termscaw. Apply to b. F. Graham, at S. M.C trier is CoV, 82 King 3t. 087 lm


or unfurnished, forgentleman and wlfo, or two

Kliiglu gentlemen. Centrallv located.For particulars apply ni 160 Fort street,near cornor of Rerttanla, 780 lw

THE " TEMPLE OF FASHION,"3 Tort Street, (Cunnboll's Block.)

-- o

Low Prices IVliist Rule !

330 BOY'S LINEN SUlTd, Best Quality ONLY $1 70330 ROY'S LINEN SUITS, Rest Quality ONLY 1 70330 ROY'S LINEN SUITS, Rest Quality ONLY $1 70

.IIJHT 3taJC13IVJdJ75 doz. Gont's Percale Shirts, 2 collars and 1 pr cuffs, at $1:

Gent's Unlauiulcrcd While Shirts, No. 1 quality, at $1.25; or 812 per doz.

earCJroiit Iturguins ! (Si-ou-t Jtni-guiii- ! iirvnl ItnrguiiiH I- -l

A largo assortment of

Boy's Sailor Hats, In all colors, only CO Cents.Arrived by the last steamer one of the Largest Invoices of

25 G-KIXT'- S HOSIERY SSlEver imported into this Kingdom.

180 dozen Gtnt's Slater Stockings (something now) seamless and perfectflJ'nB.llircr.i1y heels at 23 cts pair

Gent's Suptr Stout British Hose, seamless $4 pCr dozenGcnt'x Cardinal Hoe, silk clocked xr cts pair

Roy's PERCALE SHIRTS, bestlquality, at tl.00.

Just KecBiveQ New Stiles of Gent's Dress SlitsA Large Assortment of

gJcs13 Cpreiif Boots and lioos, s3Latest Styles and Lowest Prices.

741 0m

DILLINGHAM &CaImporters & Dealers in Hardware & Agricultural Implements,

Stcol Plows,


Ets.. Etc., Etc.

Fence Vire and Staples,I'jlillts!. Yill-lliuli- TmviwkH !,.. "i

House Furnishing Goods,

Selling at Cost for 30 Days !

To multo room llur a I,ni'cc Mtoek or

New G-ood- s to Arrive SoonFrom London, New York, and San Francisco.

All stock on hand during (ho next 30 days will bo sold for cash,consisting in part of

Pianos, Organs, Accordeons, Guitars,AND ALL KINDS OF MUSIC GOODS.

Parlor Sots, Bedroom Sots, Centre Tables,Chairs, Lounges, Paintings, Engravings, Ohromos,

And a Largo Variety of Fancy Goods.

725 1m



AtA. S.


King St.


Etc., Etc., Etc.

Oil a

Plated Ware, &c, &c.

--Sc Co.


DAY MYin tlio of SUN

WO, No. 72, Nuuanu Street,said Alain liabilities audwill accounts.

YOUNG.Honolulu, 1831.


Grocorios and Provisionsby 'Steamer.

P.O. Box 130, Tclophono 349.



7(sucenssona to kukxpdy & cc.) '

Family Grocers, &

Just Received ex S S Mariposa,

KcM Spicftl Pieklcd Ifci-ringN-,

of .Soused Fee.SwIms CIiccnc, Smoked

Ficklcd Itollcd Butter,a full FiohIi Staple rotei-IcH- .

Ordeis solicited. Telephone No. 210. P. O. Rox 297. (702

A Large Assortment

-- OF-

& Colored Mattiiiffu


tho Lowest PricoB

'at Clogliorn & Co's.731 lm

&75, 77


Kerosene specialty.





to Alam,all

collect allTUCK

July 10, 7C0 lm

Wolfe & Edwardsand Foed Store,

Corner King Nuuanu streets.Fresh received



B5 75, and 81


67 69 Hotel St.

ofKeys I'Ic'h

IIcrringH,Cal. Fresh

And line ofIsland

Pioneer Carriage Manufactory,')-- J

and i8P"xS


WHITMAN & WRIGHT,(T-u- to 3t. .T. TIOS33.)

All orders for Wlieel-vchlelc- s of every description tilled with proraptno'sa antidispatch. First-clas- s Jlcchnnics employed all tho year round.

- FINE CARRIAGE WORK A SPECIALTY, -- aNothing too hot or too heavy for u. TRAM OARS, OMNIRUSSES, PLANTX.

TION WAGONS, MULL & OX CARTS, mado to order, altered or repaired.

Our llorso Shoeing DepartmentIs under the supervision of a practical man a mechanic second to none. Wehave no use for boahlng scalds or rot tuba. All work guaranteed. ,

K20hargcs moderate. ' WHITMAN & WRIGHT,409 ly 75. 77 and 81 King Street.


t ,i.ui .











i ns


., vlFi


Page 4: THE DAILY BULLETIN - · r' M?r"--w'im rc THE DAILY BULLETIN is JLJi:t.,u'wuiL:j,rar.raJ3 t a)wiwj.jiwiwjMwinwwpawu!'A'mwfa?.i Vol. V. No. 70.'). HONOLULU,





crvr-- i

MONDAY, AUGUST 18, 1881.


AUGUST lltllC.J. Ilardco vs U. II. Redwood

'hssunipstt for $100. continued byconsent until the 18th inst.

, C. J. Nardec vs K. Oakley ns- -

vsutnpsilt for S;2.!10 continued byconsent uii)il the 18th inst.

C. J. Fishcl vs A. K. Ivunninken"uontinuod from tlic 7(h inst wns con-

tinued until the inst.F. 11. Redwood vs A. K. Kuniiia-keansstiinp-

for Sl'JO.'Jf) continuedby consent until the 21st tnst.

A. W. Ilichnrdson & Co. vs A.K. Kutminkcu continued from the7th inst. was continued by consentuntil the 2 1st inst. vs Kaili Ivnuaawn fortresspass damages $.")(). continued byconsent until the 18tli inst.

Kam Pan vs Sing Nee IIopp actionon pnnissory note for (J9.7G judg-

ment confessed.


August 11thWm. Dunsford, remanded from

the 13th lust, was fined So. fordrunkenes.

Jons Akina, for assault with a gunon Awaawa and J. Caman on the12th inst. was lined 20. and sent-

enced to 0 months imprisonment athard labor. Appeated to the Sup-uem- e

Court. Costs SIJ.UO

August lflth.Ah Pa, remanded from the 12th

inst., for having opium in posses-

sion, was lined $50 and 15 days im-

prisonment al hard labor.Lakalo, an old offender, for drunk-

enness, was sentenced to C daj's im-

prisonment at hard labor.Joe, for drunkenness, fined $5.Samuels and Aki, for an affray,

the former was sentenced to 18 hoursimprisonment at hard labor, and thelatter was discharged.

A new material for coating boilers,&c., for preventing radiation of heat,is described by Mr. Edward Stand-for- d,

F. C. S., as made of charcoalcemented by the new substances al-ci- n.

which he has succeeded inseparating from the commoner sortsof seaweed. Charcoal has long beenknown as one of the best of solid

rs of heat. It wouldhave been employed for this purpose

, before now but for the didlculty ofagglutinating it. Mr. Standford's"carbon cement" consists of ninety-seve- n

per cent, of charcoal and tlirceper cent, of algin, which is quitesufficient to make it cohere. As thecharcoal itself is made from seaweed,it is a somewhat remarkable factthat the whole covering is thus madefrom the one material. The solutionof algin is also described, on theauthority of Mr. Spillcr, as the bestthing yet discovered for arresting orpreventing incrustation in steam-boiler- s.

The algin solution is saidto be highly efficacious in precipitat-ing the lime in such a line state ofdivision that it can be easily blownout. It follows therefore that sea-

weed, in one form or another, is pro-

posed as an cxcllcnt internal andexternal application for steam-boiler- s.

The latest agent introduced for therelief of neuralgia is asolution of hypcrosmic acid, adminis-

tered by subcutaneous injection. Ithas been employed in Billroth'sclinic in a few cases. One of thepatients had been a martyr to sciaticafor years, and had tried innumerableremedies, including the applicationof electricity no fewer than two hun-

dred times, while for a whole yearhe had adopted vegetarianism. 15111-rot- h,

injected the above remedy be-- ,tween the tuber ischii and trochantc,and within a day or two the pain was

;grcatiy relieved, and eventually quitedisappeared. It would bo rash, saysthe fAincet, to conclude too muchfrom these results, in the face of theintractability of neuralgia to medica-tion ; but, if it really prove to be asefficacious as considered, hypcrosmicacid will be a therapeutic agent of nomean value.


To make a filter with a wine-barre- l,

j. procure a piece of fine brass wireze of a size sutucicni to inane a

jiartition across the barrel. SupportW 'this wire gauze with a coarser wire

cauze under it, and also a light frame5?V n4 nnl." 1r l.'nnn tlin wirn,,.. iffiiiyn frnni

,, " !, HJ MJ. WW f, w -- ....keaKCiiiK. Fill in upon tlic wire gauzerabout thro inches in depth of clear

sharp sand, then two inches of char-- 5

coal broken finely, but no dust, thenSon the charcoal four Inches of clearjsharp sand. Fill up the barrel withIjvateryand draw from the bottom.

Who is wise? he that learns fromrevery one. wno is powcriuir neItliat governs his passions. Who is

frich? lie that is content. Miscellanies,


ujvyiT' .1?


Like a thief al night It steals in uponus unawares. Many persons have painsabout llio chest and siiU's anil lotncllmcsIn llic luck. They feci dull and hlccpy i

the lnuulli has u nail lalc, especially inIntho iiiurnliitf. A sorter slioky slimecollects about the teeth. The appetite ispoor. There is a feeling lllto n heavyfond oh the stomach; sometimes a faintall.goup sensation at the pit of thestomach which food does not satisfy.The ryes aro sunken, the linmls and fivtbecome cold and feel clammy. After awhile a cough sets in at ilrsl diy, hutafter a few months it is attended with agieenlali colotucd expectoration. Theallllctcd one feels tired all the while, andsleep does not seem to affonl any lest.After a lime ho becomes neivous, in lia-

ble, and gloomy, and has evilThere is u giddiness, a suit of

whirling sensation In the head whenrising up suddenly. The bowels becomecostive; the skin is dry and hot at times;the blood becomes thJck and stagnant;tin- - wldtcs of the eyes become tingedwith yellow, tho urine is scanty and high-colour-

depositing a sediment afterstanding. There is tremicntly a spittingup of the food, sometimes with a tourtaste, and sometimes with a sweetishtaste; this is frequently attended withpalpitation of tho heart; the visionbecomes impaired with spots before theuoj; thero is a feeling ol great pronat-ion and weakness. All ol lhc3o symp-toms are in turn present. It Is thoughtthat nearly oncthiid of our populationhas this "disease in some of its variedforms. It has been found that medicalmen have mistaken the nature of thisdisease. Some have treated it for a livercomplaint, others for kidney disease, etc.,but none of tlic various kinds of treat-ment havo been attended with success,because the rcmcdv should be such as toact harmoniously upon each one of theseoigans, and upon the stomach as well;for in Dyspepsia (for this is really whatthe disease Is) all of these organs pnrtakoof this disease and requite a remedythat will act upon all at the same time.Scigel's Curative Syrup acts like a charmin lids class of complaints, giving almostinnnedialed relief. The following lettersfrom chemists of standing in tho com.inunity whcie they live show in whatestimation the article is held.

John Archer, llarthill, near Sheffield:I can coulldentlv lccomniend it to all

who may bo sulVering from liver orstomach complaints, having the tcstbmony of my customer, who have dci 1 veil

great benefit ftom the Syrup and Pills.The sale is increasing woadcrhilly.

Geo. A. Webb, 111, Yoik Street,Belfast: I havo told a large quantity,and tho parties have testified to its beingwhat you rcpic-entit- .

J. S. .Metcalfe, 53, lligbgate, Kcmlid:I havo always great pleasure in recom.

mending tho Curative Syrup, for I havenever known a caso In which it has notrelieved or cured, and 1 have sold manygiosscs.

Robt. G. Gould, 27, High Street,Andover: I havo always take a greatIntciest in your medicines and I haverecommended them, as 1 have foundnumeious eases of cure from their use.

Thomas Chapman, West Auckland:I find that the tratlo steadily inci cases.I bull more of your medicines than anyother kind.

X. Dai roll, Chin, Salop: All who buyit arc pleased, and letommenti It.

Jos. Bilkwill, A. P. S., Klugsbridgo:Tho public M'um to appreciate their

great value.A.Aunstcad, .Market Street, Dalton-in-Furncs-

11 is needless for me to saythat your valuable medicines havo greatsale in this district greater than anyother I know of, giving great satisfaction.

Robt. Laine, Mclksham; I can wellrecommend the Curative Syiup fromhaving proved its eflicncy for indlgc3tlonmyself.

Frlockhcim, Arbroath, Forfarshire,Sept. 2U, 18S2. Dear Sir Last year Isent you a letter icenmmcndini; MotherSclgel's Syrup. I have cry muchpleasure In stili bearing testimony to thovery satisfactory results of the famedSyrup and Pills, .Most patent medicinesdie out with me, but Mother Seigcl hashad a steady sale ever since I

and is still in as great demandas when I first began to sell the medi-cine. The cures which have como undermy noticp are cliictly those of livercomplaint and general debility.

A certain minister in my neighbour,hood says It is the only thing wkicli hasbenefited him and restored him to hisnormal condition of health after beingunable to nicach for a considerablelength of time. I could mention also agreat many other cases, but space wouldnot allow. A near friend of mine, whoIs very much addicted to costiveness, orconstipation, finds that Mother Scigel'sPills aro tho only pills which suit hiscomplaint. All other pills cause aicactlon which is very annoying.Mother Seigcl's Pills do not leave a badafter.efi'ect. I havo much plcnsuto incommending again to sulVering human,ity Mother Seigcl's medicines, whicharc no bhum. If this letter is of anyservice you can publish it.

Yours very truly.(Signed) William S. Glass, Chemist.

A. J. White, Esq.

lDth August, 1883.

Dear Sir, I write to tell you that Mr.Henry Hillicr, of Yatcsbury, Wilts,

mo that he suffered from a sevcre-fon- n

of Indigestion for upwards of fouryears, and tuok no end ol doctor's medl.ciuo without the slightest benefit, anddeclares Mother Seigcl's Syrup which hogot from nic has saved his Hie.

Yours truly,(Signed) N. Webb,

Mr. White. Chemist, Calne.705 ly 2

Furnished Rooms.IOR GENTLEMEN' ONLY. Apply

MRS. TURNER, &2 King Sticct,nearly opposite tho Windsor Rojtnurant,

000 ly b

GEO. E. SHERMAN.No. 8 Mau.nakua St.

Trees and Saddles of all kinds made tomder and repairing Harness, etc., donuin snort notico. ah orucrs promptly attended to. DU3 ly

Charcoal.&UAVA WOOD CHARCOAL, in any

from 1 to 100 bag?,FOK SALE BY ,

Frank Ilustticc,704 Queen Street.




The American Ambassador at Vienna,Mr. Kasson, has lately forwarded to hisGovernment an interesting account of aremarkable surgical operation burlyperformed by Piofessor llillioth, ofVienna, which, wonderful In tell, con-

sisted in the lemoval of a portionof the human stomach, Involvingnearly one-thir- d of tho organ and.strange to say, the patient recovered

the only successful operation of thekind ever performed. The disease forwhich this opeiatlon was performedwas cancer of Hie stomach, attended withthe following symptoms: Tho apjietlteis quite pom. There Is a peculiar fiules.crlhablc distress In the stomach, u feci,lug that has been described as a faint"atlgwie" sensation; a sticky sllmc col-

lects about the teeth, especially In themorning, accompanied by an unpleasanttaste. Food falls to satisfy this peculiarfaint semallon; but, on thecoutiniv.ilappears to aggiaato the feeling. Theejes are sunken, tinged wilh yellow; thohands and feet become cold and stickya cold perspiration. The sull'ercis J eeltired nil the time, and sleep does notseem to give rest. After a time the pa.tlcnt becomes nervous and irritable,gloomy, his mind piled with evil fore,uodlugs. When rising suddenly fromn recumbent position there Is a dizziness,a whistling sensation, and he Is obligedto gi asp something Jlim to keep fromfalling. Tho bowels costive, the skindry and hot al times; tho blood thick and stagnant, and does notclieulate properly. After a time thepatient spits up food soon after citing,sometimes in a sour and fermented con-

dition, sometimes sweetish to the taste.Oftentimes there Is a palpitation of theheart, and tho patient fears lie may havoheart disease. Towards tho lust thepatient is unable to letaln any foodwhatever, as tho opening in the lutes,lines becomes closed, or nearly so. Al.though this disease is indeed alarming,sufferers with tho above named symp-toms should not feel nervous, for ninebundled and ninety-nin- e cases out of athousand have no cancer, but simplydyspepsia, a disease easily removed iftreated in n proper manner. Tho safestand best remedy for tho disease Is

Seigcl's Curative Syiup, a vegetablesold by all chemists and medl-cin- e

vendors throughout tho world, andby tho proprietois, A. J. AVIdto (Limit-ed)- ,

17, Faningddn-ioad- , London, E. C.This Syrup strikes al the very founda-tlo- n

of tho disease, and diives it, rootand bianch, out of tho system.

St. Mary-stiec- t, Peterborough,November, 20th, 1SS1.

Sir, It gives mo gieat pleasure tovou of tlic benefit I have received

from Seigcl's Syrup. I have been troub-le- d

for years with dyspepsia j but aftera few doses of the syrup, I found relief,and after taking two bottles of It 1 feelquite cured.

I am, Sir, yours truly,Mr. A. J. White. William IJrcnt.

September 8th, 1S3XDear Sir. 1 find tlic sale of Seigcl's

Syrup steadily increasing. All who havotried it speak very highly of its medl-cin-

vhtiics: one customer describes itas a "God-sen- to dyspeptic people." 1

always recommend it with confidence.Faithfully yours,

(Signed) Vincent A. Wills,Chemist-dentis- t, Mcrthyr Tydvll.

To Mr. A. .1. White,Seigcl's Operating Pills arc the best

familv physic that has ever been'They cleanse Ihe bowels fiom

all Irritating substances, and leave themin a healthy condition. They cure cos-


lionsingh.uu, Whitehaven, Oct. 10,188:.'.Mr. A. .1. White. Dear Sir, I was

for some time allllctcd with piles, andwas advised to give Mother Seigcl'sSvrup a trial, which 1 did. I am now-happ-

to stale that it lias icstoied meto complete health. 1 lcnialu, yoursrespectfully,

(Signed) John 1L Lightfoot.705 ly a

Spanish Town, Jamaica, Wcstljliulies,Oet.SI,lS8-J- .

Dear Sir, I write to infoim you thatI have derived great bencllt from"Seigcl's Syrup." For some years, I havemi tiered from liver complaint, with iUmany and varied concomitant evils, sothat my life was a perpetual misery.Twelve months ago I was induced to trySeicel's Svrui). and although rathersceptical, having tried so many leputedinfallible remedies, I determined to giveit at least a fair dial, in two or threedays I felt considerably belter, and nowat the end of twelve months (havingcontinued taking it) l am glad to saythat I am a ditlcrcn! being altogether.It is said of certain pens Hint they "comoas a boon and a blessing to men" and I

havo no reason to doubt tho truthfulnessof the statement. I can truly say, how.ever, that Scigel's Syrup has come as a"boon and a blessing" to me. 1 have

It to several fellow-sufferer- s

from this dlstiesslng complaint, andtheir testimony is quite in accordancewith my e for tho benellt1 havo derived from the excellent

prompts mo to furnish youwllh this unsolicited testimonial.

I am dear Sir,Youis ever gratefully,

(Signed) Carey 11. llerry,A. J. White, Esq. llaptist Missionary.

Preston, Sept. L'lst, 188:1.

My Dear Sli, Your Syrup and Pillsare btill very popular with my customers,many snylug they nro tho best familymedicines possibly.

Tho other day a customer came fortwo bottles of Syrup and bald "MotherSeigcl" had saved tho life of his wife,and lie added, "one of these bottles 1

nm sending fifteen miles away to a friendwho Is very 111. I havo much fatli ju It."

The sale keeps up wonderfully, In fact,one would fancy almost that the peoplewere boginnliiK to breakfast, dine, andsup on. Mother Seigcl's Syrup, tho

is so constant and the satisfactionso great.

1 am, dear Sir, yours faithfully,(Signed) W. ISowkcr.

To A. J. White, Esq.,


General EngraverUegs to inform tho public generally

that lie has opened an establishment ut

Sir Iviiifi-- Si rue 1.

Engraving of every dcsciiptlon.

Monograms a Specialty 1

Lato cinployo of "W. Wcnncr. Allwork guaranteed satisfactory. 707 lm

MImWMUilWIMB(M minimriiiiifm


Business DirectoryAtH'lluiirrrH.

E. P. Adams, Queen stLyons & Levey, Queen st


Alvln II. Haomnnn.... Gazette Buildinglliinttri'H.

V.Hiop & Co., Men-hun-t stItiiti'lii-i'- ,

W. Mt'Cindless, Fmb MarketHoot mill HI h.

Uhr. Ceil., ....1-orts- t

IXLStore Nuuanu stClollllllK.

n,.n..nlni-ii- ' 1 N L. Store Nuunnu stii a m,m. Kings!Gousalves&llo..- - ,.. Hotel si

CnliliiH MnWi-iH- .

W. Miller 1,I,"cUCrowley & Cc "g ULycan&Oo 1'orlnt

t'lii-rln- am'"-- .

W II Page,--- ' Foil stHawaiian Caniage Co., Queen at

t'ltftiri unit Tnlmi-i-o- .

Hart, Eros. Old Coiner, Queen stNollcs Heaver Saloon, i oit st

'litci-- ,

rMioi'8 Champagne Cider Llllhasl('unity ami iiiiiii-i-y- .

F. ilorn, I'tul 8t

('aipi-nti-i-- mill milliter.F. Wilhelm King stG. Lucas,. . . Fort st

!!' Sllll I'jllU-- ("OlMlM.

X.S. Sachs y01J.T. AValeihouse Qncen st.1. T. Waterhouse, King at

J.T. Waleihouse, ....l-oils- t

IXL Store Miuanu s

It. F. Elder i & Co l'or s

M . A. Gonsal vos iS Co Hotel siP.A.Dlas Kiugbt

llmwmi. Mlllllh & CO l'or! St

llolllster & Co Nuunnu t

Ilollister & Co ' t ttH'lltlHtM.

M. Grossman, Hotel stOnrlaso.

S. M. Cailer A; Co .Kingst.Frank llustace Queen stG.ltobinson 0.ueen ht

rurnislicil Km-iiiN- .

Mis. Tin ner King stliiNiu-niir- i Aisi'iit". Wilder to Go's.

CO. liergcr, Merclunt stUeilt'M Illl-llNllli- llll!.

Eldeis&Co 01s'X. S. Sachs, ....I-ovis- t

IXL. Store JNUianii biGonsalvcs & Co Hotel stP.A.Dlas Kingbl

nmlA. S. Clcghorn & Co Queen siKennedy A; Co., Hotel hiWolfe Ai Ed wards,..- - Fort A;Xuuanu stt

Horse ttlHM-inr- ; Slnli.Wilson Pros., Fort st

Hay ni nl Klnrt"..S.M. Carter A; Cc KingstUnion Feed Co., Queen stLaino As Co t'Oit st

llai'iu'MM 3Iukor fG. E. Sherman, Kingst

llnrilwiii-c- .

Dillingham A: Co., Fort st.1. T. v'aterhouse, (Juccn st

Iiiipoi'lei-- A. C'om.aicn-linMtM- .

G. W. Macfarlane & Co., Fort btO. UiewcrAsOo Queen stLyons it Levey, Queen stM. S. Grlnhaum & Co., Queen stW. G. Irwin A, Co 1-- ort stA. S. Clcghorn & Co Queen stJ.T. Waleihouse, Queen stF. T. Lcnehan A: Co., Nuunnu stCastle A: Cooke, King stWingWoT.ii ii Co., NuuanustC. O. lleiger Meichantstllyinan llios Merchant st

lillliui- - AuciitH.W. Auld Water Works OlUce

J. A. Ilassinger, Interior OlllcoW. C. Akana King btS.M. Carter, King fit

Lumber Ilcnlei-M- .

Lowers & Cooke, for! bi

Wilder is Co i ort sinjllliiiiryniid Dii'mh niiiUini;.

Mis. A. M. Mollis Fortst

Dr. Emerson, Ktikul st

Siavs llfiilci-M- .

J. M. Oat .Ti. &, Co., Merchant stlMumlii-ri- s anil 1'aliiU-rn- .

13. C. Howe KingstHi own As Phillips, King stJ. Nott, Knnhumnnu stMax Kolun,... Foils!

PlioloKi-aiilu-rn- .

Williams As Co For! btA. A. l'ort st

Tailing & Miihli-a- l liiHtriiini-iitH- .

Lycan & Co st

1 lart, lii os. Old Corner, Queen stNoltes Heaver Saloon,Windsor Ucstaurant King btCasino, Kaplolaul ParkTourist's ltetreat,.IIimuapo, Kau, Hawaii

Heal INlute Agi'iitH.J. E. WIsema Meiclianl bt

, Solli-Itm-H- .

M. Thompson, For! stA. K. llartweli, over HankJ . M . D.i idbo Knaliuinnnu btA. Hosa Gov't HuildlngW. A. Whiting, Kaahumanu stJ. Hussell Merchant stS. H. Dole Kuabuinanti stF. M. 1 Intel Kaaliumuun siH. F. Hickerton Merchanl btCecil Hi own ... .Merchant stJ. M., Merchant st

Simp l''!U'toi-y- .

T. W. HaWlius King bt, Leleo

MlatloniTH.J- - M.Oat Jr. Aj Co Merchant st

Sail .lluUtTH.J. M- - Oat & Co.,. . . .'. Queen si

Ship Chandlery.Pioici) Av Co., Queen bt

TillNlllItllM.J, Nott, Kaahunianu st

Tnlloi-N- .

U.S. Ticglo'in ' Pm t stTinvol.

Inter.IblandS. N. Co EsplauadoWilder's S. S. Co., Fort A; Queen stsO. S. S. Co Foi t & Queen btPacltlo Navigation Co., Queen st

Wood nml CoalFrank llustace Queen biH. M. Carter it Co King st

WlncH mill Spirit h,G. W, Maofnrlano & Co.,.Kimhumann stF. T. Leueliaii A: Uo., wuuanu btDrown & Co., , .Mcichaut bt

IVlllt-l- l MlllUTH.Wcnncr A; Co . . .Fort st

tMtmitmsmmiiwiuMnntuitimnimimimmmmmmmtmammMmmmmintammrii iwiiwimhi nnj

J. E. WBSIgftflANCuuilcll'M New Uloclc Mcrchnnt SLrccl,

Telephone, 172. P. O. Uox, fll5.

X& IS .A. JL. EJJS'Jr.A-Ti- JA.O-33IVT- ,

Employment A gout, Custom Houso Broker,Fire and Life Insurnnco Agent,

and General Business Agent

The onlyGcncial Ilitslncss Agent in (lie Hawaiian Islands.080 ly Orders of Every Kind and Nature Solicited fiom the Vailous Islands.

UNION FEEDCorner of Queen and

rX,oIci)Hoo,.to Inform their friends and the public generally that they aio eontlnu.

BEG business nt tho above stand, and havo made complete arrangements fora continuous supply of

Fresh Goods of the very Best Quality .which we will oiler for sale

AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PJtICES.We hopes, by giving our best attention to please the public, to merit a part oftheir patronage. A largo stock ofWheat and Oat Hay, Wholo and ground Barley,

California and Oregon Oats, Bran, Middlings, &c,now on hand. Orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, or no pay asked.


WlX.D13ri,S S. S. CO.J.iniKid.

Stoamet Kinau,LlJLa TF I t r Mln n till !togat&BI iviiiB, uuiiiuuiuui,

Jveiive.s Honolulu encn Tuesday m4 p.m., toiicbing nt Lahalna, Mna-Inc- n

Hay, Inkcnn, SlnUukonn, c,

Lnupaboelioe and HUo.Iteturnlng, will touch at nil the

tiloc ports, arriving at Uonolulueach Satuiday afternoon.


To the Volcano and Back.

fes& r M.vo.T1IHOUGII TICKETS to. the Volcano,and lettirn, can now bo had at tho officeof the ilntcr.lsland S. N. Co. Touristsleaving Honolulu per time table of tho" PLANTEU," will bo landed at Puna-bin- ,

thenco byHailroad to Pahala, whereHorses.anii Guides will be In attendance.

Hy this rout. Tourists can make thoround trip in 7 dajs, giving 1 days tovisit the Volcano.

TICKETS FOK THE HOUND TRIP,Including Horses, Guide, Hoard andLodging, $00.

For further particulars enquire at thoolllce of the

liiior-Isltuu- l S. S, Co.,Honolulu,

or J. F. JORDAN, Volcano House.711 tf


The Clipper SchoonerWAIMALU,

F. Kibbling, ... - Master,

Will run regularly to the ports ofKOLOA, 1IANAPEPE A: WAIMEA,KAUAI. For freight or passage applyto the Captain on board, or to the

Pacific Navigation- - Co.,732 8in Cor. Nuuami is Queen sis.


jmj Schooner Ehukaiwill run icgularly

TO WAIALUA EVERY MONDAY,Returning on Thursday, weather

permitting.For freight or passage apply to the

Captain on board, or toPacific Navigation Co.,

181 Agents

IE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the


CJ-rai- DEtc,Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices

AND-Deliv- ered

Free to any part of tho City

AGENTS FOS THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co.


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

Commissioner of Deedsfor CaliforniaTelephone No. 147. 700

Tourists Retreat.Honuapo, Kau, Hawaii.

IS NOW OPEN for Travelers, wheroFitst class accomodation can bo had

at all Times. Tho climnto of Honuapois recommended for invalids.

HOUSES AND GUIDESProvided for tho Volcano.

ESTFor Terms, etc., Sco CARDS atHotels and Streets.

J. W. SMITHIES,07a ly Proprietor.




REVERAGE,Accoidlng to the highest and best medi-

cal testimony.Manufactory, : : : No.lU Llliha St:'

P. O. Box, 870, Telephone, 28 L

BgyAll orders receive prompt attention,

COMPANYEdinburg Stroota. .N(. I'


Offer for Salo tho Cargo of tho




Light Kxprcss Wagons,Ex Top Carriages.

STEAM C OAL.Cumberland Coal,

Com. Wood Chairs,


Fine Molasses Shoolcs,Rosin, Soap,

Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 3. and fi,Hoc Handles,Lobsters, lib tns ; Beans, 311tns

Spruce Plank.

Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.

Axle Grease,Fairbanks Scales, N03. 7,8,10&U

Leather IJelting,Centrifuc lining, 14 inch;

Comp. Nails, 1, 144 inch.

MAMMOTH ROCKEKS,Bales Excelsior,

Manila Cordage, Assorted:Excelsior Mattresses,

Galvanized Fence Staples,


Sisal Rope, Assorted,Ash Plank,

Dump Barrows,Ames' Shovels,

Y. "METAL SHEATHING10, 18, 20, 22, 2 1 and 20 o.j

Hair Mattresses !

Grindstones, Rubber Hose,IIlilo Poison, Barbed

Wire, Refined Iron,

ANNEALED FENCE WIRE,Galvanized Screws and Washers.


COMMOTIONl in run '

ROPE MARKET!Yes, and we sell

A.H Loav iih Llio JL.o-vew- t !

and don't auybody forget it.

We sell New Bedford Hope, and anyretailer knows how It will hold oul innet weight.

Wo also have the mojt varied assort,men! of

SHIP CHANDLERYkept by any house this side of tho RockyMountains, such as

Hemp and Manila Cordage, all sizes,Artesian Well Boring Ropes,Manila Hawsers, Wire Rope,Cotton and Hemp Duck and Twine,Galvanized Marino Hardware,

PAINTS AND OILS,Pure Copper Sheathing, 14, 10 A: 18 ozYellow Metal and Nails, 14 to 28 oz.Copper Paint (Tarr As Wonsin's)Whale Boats, Boat Stocks,Gal. Boat Nails, all kinds and sizes,And 1001 other things too numerous

to mention Also, agents for

l'erry Bavin' l'nin Killer,Brand & Pierce's Bomb Guns and

Bomb Lances, An., &c,All of which wo will soil at tho

Lowest Rates.390 ly A. W. I'eii-c- & Co.


DPIiotog'i'aplievs,Have Secured tho Servic?s of


One of the Best ArtistsFrom Bau Francisco, His Coloring Is

Unequalled.Views of tho Volcano,

Also on llaud, Come and See Them. '

E31 tf



tmimmmt ii fflWIW ! imwi ririwiwir i riiiiwn imirrrn rriinrriiFiiWTif n iiMinwwn runwiiiiiiMiii mi iiiiTTWwiyiiMWBWMiMiiniMinwnriMf wiiwi iiimiimiiiiiiimiiiii iiiiiw iihwii yi imn muhii



