the decadent eighties 1980s. slang (what we said) dude guy: also used as a conversation filler. the...

Download The Decadent Eighties 1980s. Slang (What We Said) DUDE Guy: also used as a conversation filler. The term was widely used in such 1980s movies as Fast

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  • The Decadent Eighties 1980s
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  • Slang (What We Said) DUDE Guy: also used as a conversation filler. The term was widely used in such 1980s movies as Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Bill and Teds Excellent Adventure, Waynes World.
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  • Diss To insult someone; this term was one of many of urban hip-hop culture.
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  • Fresh A term from hip-hop culture, used to express approval, as in That tune is fresh
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  • Glass Ceiling The term glass ceiling refers to situations where the advancement of a person within the hierarchy of an organization is limited. This limitation is normally based upon some form of discrimination, most commonly being gender and race. This situation is referred to as a "ceiling" as there is a limitation blocking upward advancement, and "glass" (transparent) because the limitation is not immediately apparent and is normally an unwritten and unofficial policy. The "glass ceiling" is distinguished from formal barriers to advancement, such as education or experience requirements.
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  • Go ahead-make my day "Go ahead, make my day" is a phrase said by the character Harry Callahan from the 1983 film Sudden Impact. Harry's statement in the movie implies a number of meanings, any one or more of which can be implied in common usage of this phrase: That the robber's "threat" does not scare Harry, that the robber's action would be exactly the excuse Harry needs to retaliate, that whatever harm the man causes to the waitress would not compare to the harm Harry causes to him, that Harry would enjoy the revenge/retaliation. This phrase is commonly used in the same situations, though probably not anywhere near as dramatic, as in the film. Person A would threaten to do something, and Person B would respond, "Go ahead, make my day."
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  • Just Say No "Just Say No" was a television advertising campaign, part of the US "War on Drugs" and prevalent during the 1980s and early 1990s, to discourage children from engaging in recreational drug use by offering various ways of saying '"NO". Eventually, this also expanded the realm of '"Just say no'" to violence, premarital sex, and any other vices that young people might try. The slogan was created and championed by former First Lady Nancy Reagan.
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  • PC The abbreviation for politically correct
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  • Reach Out and Touch Someone AT&T slogan-Catch tune
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  • SUCKS Inadequate or undesirable.
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  • Wheres the Beef? Wendys advertisement
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  • Yuppies Young Urban professionals
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  • What We Read Cosmos-published by Random House, is a book by Carl Sagan based on his TV series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. It is similarly structured to the TV series and contains most of the information from the series (though the book often explores the information more deeply), and some information not found in it. The book is still in print as of 2007, and is the best-selling science book ever published in the English language. The sequel to Cosmos is Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space (1994).
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  • The Far Side was a popular one-panel syndicated comic created by Gary Larson. Its surrealistic humor is often based on uncomfortable social situations, improbable events, an anthropomorphic view of the world, logical fallacies, impending bizarre disasters, or the search for meaning in life. The strip ran from January 1, 1980, to January 1, 1995, when it was retired (there were a few sabbaticals and vacations along the way). Reruns are still printed in many newspapers. Around the world, The Far Side is perhaps better known for the compilation books and merchandise (especially calendars, T-shirts and mugs) than it is for its original incarnation as a daily newspaper feature.
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  • A Light in the Attic is a book by the American poet and children's writer Shel Silverstein, published by HarperCollins in 1981. It is a collection of poems for children, accompanied by illustrations also created by Shel Silverstein. The book has been banned from some libraries for its attitude towards child behavior (at times encouraging messiness and disobedience). People claim that it "encourages" children to break dishes in order to get out of having to dry them. One of the reasons this book was banned was its mention of pirates. Also, one of the verses describes the death of a girl after her parents refused to buy her a pony. She became so sad that she withered away and died, causing her parents to regret not buying her the ponysome people thought that it was considering or recommending children to commit suicide. It is number 51 on the American Library Association's list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 1990-2000.It is also charged as promoting themes to young children about horror, violence, suicide, drug use, and cannibalsim
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  • Jane Fondas Workout Book The book and videos that followed captured a popular exercise craze at its very height. Women, mostly, hopped around the house doing Fondas workout and hoped to sculpt their bodies to look like the gracefully aging movie stars.
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  • USA Today 1982-The Gannet Companys bodly- colored paper offered itself as the first national newspaper. Critics called the paper superficial and labeled it McPaper, but its innovations were soon copied by countless newspapers.
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  • Iacocca 1984-The best selling nonfiction book of the decade was the biography of Lee Iacocca, the auto executive who, with the help of the federal government, helped revive the nations number three automaker, Chrysler.
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  • Fatherhood 1986-This humorous collection of anecdotes by Americas favorite comedian, Bill Cosby, was helped along by the fact that Cosby played Americas favorite father on the sitcom, The Cosby Show.
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  • All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten is a book of short essays by Robert Fulghum, first published in 1986. The title of the book is taken from the first essay in the volume, in which Fulghum lists lessons normally learned in American kindergarten classrooms and explains how the world would be improved if adults adhered to the same basic rules as children, i.e. sharing, being kind to one another, cleaning up after themselves, and living "a balanced life" of work, play, and learning. The book contains fifty short essays, ranging in length from approximately 200 to approximately 1,000 words, which are ruminations on topics ranging from surprises, holidays, childhood, death, and the lives of interesting people including Mother Teresa. In his introduction, Fulghum describes these as having been "written over many years and addressed to friends, family, a religious community, and myself, with no thought of publication in book form."Mother Teresa Although amazingly popular, some critics found Fulghum's essays (especially the title piece) to be trite and saccharine. Fulghum addresses this in an essay in his subsequent book, It Was On Fire When I Lay Down On It wherein he mentions "grown-up" subjects such as sexuality.
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  • Clear and Present Danger is a novel by Tom Clancy, written in 1989, and is a story about the governments war on drugs. In the novel, Ryan is thrown into the position of CIA Acting Deputy Director and discovers that he is being kept in the dark by his colleagues who are conducting a covert war against the Medelln Cartel based in Colombia. The title of the book is based on the legal phrase "clear and present danger". The novel sold 1,625,544 hardcover copies, making it the #1 bestselling novel of the 1980s.
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  • Anything by Stephen King or Danielle Steel Horror writer King and romance neovelist Steel were the top two authors of the decade, as judged by the numer of books they placed at the top of the New York Times best-seller list. King-12 Steel-8
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  • Sports NBA Magic Johnson-LA Lakers Larry Byrd-Boston Celtics Michel Jordon-Chicago Bulls NBA was the first to put a cap on a players salary-This helped keep teams on a somewhat even keel. 1986 The three point line was established.
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  • NFL The San Francisco 49ers dominated the sport. They won four Super Bowl Championships. Largely due to Joe Montana Who invidently was # 82 in the draft.
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  • Hockey Wayne Gretzky 1. Played for the Edmonton Oilers -helped them gain 4 Stanley Cups. 84, 85, 87, 88 2. He won 8MVP awards during the 80s.
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  • Baseball There were no dynasties or dominate teams during the 1980s. Scandal-Pete Rose kicked out for gambling. 1989-He was managing the Cincinnati Reds.
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  • Olympics The Dream Team-1980-USA beats Russia in hockey. 1984 Russia boycotts the LA Olympics claiming lacks security. Carl Lewis-1984 4 medals in track Florence Griffin Joyner FLOJO-was an American track and field athlete. She is best known for her media flamboyance and setting World Records in the 100 m and 200 m, which still stand as of 2007. However, her career was also dogged by allegations of drug use, which was speculated to have caused her premature death. She was the wife of track star Al Joyner and the sister-in-law of Jackie Joyner-Kersee. 3 gold in 1988.
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  • Female Fashions Donna Karan Ralph Lauren Wore velour and velvet jogging suits and matching headbands. Spandex shorts Lots of Make up Bulky sweaters Ripped sweatshirts-Flash Dance look
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  • Mens Fashions Tailored Suits Izod Polo Shirts More Casual dress as well
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  • Movies Adventure: Raider of the Lost Arc Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
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  • Groundbreakers Tron Who Framed Roger Rabbit
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  • Science Fiction Blade Runner ET Back To The Future Aliens II The Terminator The Abyss
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  • Saturday Night Live Stars who Make it in the Movies Eddie Murphy Beverly Hills Cop I and II Bill Murray Ghost Busters Chevy Chase Steve Martin
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  • Movies that reflect the political climate of the day Reagans aggressive foreign policy set the tone for the following movies: Rambo Rocky IV Die Hard Lethal Weapon Top Gun
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  • Music Video Killed the Radio Star-The Buggles The 1 st video shown on MTV Pat Benatar had the second video shown Now the public could see their favorite artist daily.
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  • Michael Jackson is the King of Pop Thriller Biggest selling record in the world. It spent two consecutive years on Billboards top 10. Most #1 singles from an album. MTV help launch his solo career.
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  • Thriller
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  • Madonna
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  • Madonna She is the most successful female vocalist of the 1980s.
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  • Cyndi Lauper
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  • Paula Abdul
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  • Whitney Houston
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  • Bruce Springsteen Well known for giving his fans their monies worth at concerts. Represented blue collar America. Hit Album-Born in The USA
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  • Springsteen
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  • Billy Joel
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  • Rap is a style of music which came into existence in the United States during the mid-1970s, and became a large part of modern pop culture during the 1980s. It consists of two main components: rapping (MCing) and DJing (production and scratching). Along with hip hop dance (notably breakdancing) and urban inspired art, or notably graffiti, these compose the four elements of hip hop, a cultural movement that was initiated by inner-city youth, mostly Blacks and Latinos in New York City, in the early 1970s.
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  • Rap Artists of the 1980s The Sugar Hill Gang Grand Master Flash and The Furious Five Run DMC MC Hammer
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  • Events in the United States Reagan serves two terms as President 1980, 1984. Reagan was a hugely popular president who couldnt seem to do anything wrong. 1. Liked by many Democrats 2. Best known for Reagonomics-huge tax cuts 3. We had a huge national debt 4. He increased military spending.
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  • NEWS! Mark David Chapman kills John Lennon The Challenger explodes Mount Saint Helens explodes Nancy Reagan became famous for her war on drugs just say no San Francisco Earthquake George Bush elected in 1988
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  • Television Companies learn that the right time slot for commercials on television would pay off.
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  • Sitcoms Roseanne-1988-97
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  • 'Roseanne' is the story of a working class family struggling with life's essential problems: Marriage, Children, Money and Parent's in Law. A classic sitcom, the story circles around the Connor family - a family of five (DJ, Darlene, Becky, Roseanne and Dan). The household's mother, Roseanne, is being accompanied in her quest to keep the family together by her sister Jackie and various friends over the years
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  • Growing Pains 1985-92
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  • It's hard enough to raise a kid nowadays but when you have to cope with THESE kids, things tend to get out of hand! Dr Seaver, a psychologist and his wife Maggie Seaver, a journalist, try to do their best raising their family and although their kids, Mike, Ben, Carol and Crissie, cause them endless problems, they manage to keep the family close together. As long as they got each other, nothing else matters...
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  • Alf 1986-90
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  • The Tanner family is an average American family. One day, they discover that they have a visitor. He's small, he's furry, he's arrogant, and he's an alien from the planet Melmac. Unsure what to do, they name him ALF: Alien Life Form. Alf soon decides that as much as he misses his home planet, there's a lot to be said for Earth: the Tanners are willing to concede anything as long as he doesn't announce his presence. Oh yeah, the the Tanners also have a cat, which looks rather tasty...
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  • The Wonder Years 1988-93
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  • This 1988-1993 period dramedy takes place during the turbulent times of the late 1960s and 1970s. The show focuses on Kevin Arnold (Fred Savage), a young teenager living in a quiet middle-class suburb, and his family and friends. Throughout the series' 5-year run, Kevin deals with middle and high school, encounters puberty, has ups and downs with childhood sweetheart Winnie Cooper (Danica McKellar), deals with annoying older brother Wayne, and hangs out with geeky-but- lovable Paul (Josh Saviano). The series is told from Kevin's point-of-view through the narration of Daniel Stern.
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  • Night Court 1984-92
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  • Judge Harold T. Stone presides over "Night Court", a court which deals with petty crimes which can be dealt with in a dime-a-dozen manner. Invariably, the cases appearing before the court are bizarre, but that's ok because Judge Stone is not your regular judge. He's assisted by a motley crew of clerks and District Attorneys who often create as much chaos as the criminals they bring in for trial.
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  • The Cosby Show 1984-92
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  • Long-running popular comedy television series about the Huxtable family. Doctor Heathcliff Huxtable and Clair Huxtable, a happily married couple, are raising their children (Sondra, Denise, Theodore, Vanessa, and Rudy). The two oldest daughters eventually live successful adult lives and get married (Sondra to Elvin and Denise to Martin). As the children get older, the family gets larger and, to the chagrin of Cliff, keep on coming back home when he wants them to move out and live on their own for good.
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  • The Golden Girls 1985-92
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  • The Golden Girls is based on the lives and interactions of four older women whom have all been divorced/widowed, and are now roommates. Dorothy's main goal during the series is to find a companion she can relate to while her mother Sophia adds her comical outlook and frequents "Picture This" stories. Rose's St. Olaf-ness makes her a little corny but lovable. One thing that changes nearly every episode is whom Blanche is courting.
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  • Murphy Brown 1988-98
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  • Murphy Brown is a very selfish, stubborn, extremely hot-tempered but also talented, resourceful, clever and caring middle-aged reporter who works for FYI News Network and at the same time tries to raise her child as an unmarried, working woman. Her friends and co- workers, Corky, Jim, Frank and Miles, try to balance between her outbursts of anger and her family, personality or even financial crises. It's a difficult life for Murphy but she's got the guts to live it...
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  • Family Matters 1989-98
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  • Originally, "Family Matters" a spin-off series of the successful "Perfect Strangers" was conceived to focus on the Winslows, a middle-class suburban Chicago black family. Harriet was the sarcastic elevator operator at the Chicago Chronicle newspaper while her portly husband, Carl, was a Chicago police sergeant; they had three children Eddie (14), Laura (12) and Judy (9). While somewhat successful in its early months on the air, "Family Matters" didn't become a true hit until the appearance of the Winslow's next door neighbor kid, Steve Urkel.
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  • Full House 1987-1995
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  • This is a story about a sports broadcaster later turned morning talk show host Danny Tanner and his three little girls, D.J. (Donna Jo), Stephanie and Michelle Tanner. Before the show begins, Danny Tanner's wife is killed by a drunk driver. So he needs help raising his three little girls. He asks his rock musician brother-in-law, Jesse Katsopolis and his comedian best friend, Joey Gladstone to move in with them. As the show goes on, Jesse gets married to Rebecca Donaldson, Danny's co host of the talk show. The two have kids of their own, who are twins, Alexander and Nicholas Katsopolis. However, the show is about what happens as the story is going on.
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  • Miami Vice 1984-89
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  • Detective James "Sonny" Crockett and detective Ricardo "Rico" Tubbs, of the Miami-Dade police department's organized crime bureau vice unit, work deep undercover as seedy criminals to infiltrate and bring down the various criminal enterprises of southern Florida.
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  • Dallas 1978-91
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  • The saga of the wealthy Ewing family - patriarch Jock Ewing, who started Ewing Oil, the family corporation; Miss Ellie, his wife who properly managed Southfork Ranch, the family home; and their three sons - J.R., the ruthless CEO of Ewing Oil, married to former Miss Texas Sue Ellen Shepard; Bobby, the nice guy, who married Pamela Barnes, daughter of the Ewing's chief business rival; and Gary, considered an outcast by his father, who eventually moved to California with his wife Valene.
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  • Magnum PI 1980-88
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  • Thomas Magnum is employed on the Hawaiian estate of a wealthy absentee owner name Robin Masters. The estate is run by Jonathan Higgins who mostly tolerates Magnum's presence as head of security on the estate. Magnum is also a private detective whose cases frequently have a humorous overtone and always just enough danger.
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  • Dynasty 1981-89
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  • Dynasty The saga of a wealthy Denver family in the oil business: Blake Carrington, the patriarch; Krystle his former secretary and wife; his children: Adam, lost in childhood after a kidnapping; Fallon, pampered and spoiled; Steven, openly gay; and Amanda, hidden from him by his ex-wife, the conniving Alexis. Most of the show features the conflict between 2 large corporations, Blake's Denver Carrington and Alexis' ColbyCo.
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  • Simon and Simon 1981-89
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  • Simon and Simon A.J. Simon is a polished fellow with a taste for classic cars and tailored suits. Rick Simon is his less refined (but still pleasant) older brother who has a taste for cowboy boots and four-wheel drive pickups. The two of them live in San Diego, where they own a private detective agency. The series chronicles their exploits.
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  • The Greatest American Hero 1981-83
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  • A pair of strangers, liberal high-school teacher Ralph Hinkley and right-wing FBI agent Bill Maxwell, have a close encounter in the Southern California desert one night with "little green men", who give our heroes a red superhero suit. The suit works only for Ralph, and the two, accompanied by Ralph's cute lawyer girlfriend Pam, reluctantly team up to battle criminals. Problems ensue when Ralph loses the suit's instruction book, so he had to master the suit's powers on his own.
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  • Moonlighting 1985-89
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  • Moonlighting The series revolved around cases investigated by Blue Moon Detective Agency and its two partners, Madeline "Maddie" Hayes (Cybill Shepherd) and David Addison (Bruce Willis). The show, with a mix of mystery, sharp dialogue and sexual tension between its two leads, introduced Bruce Willis to the world and brought Cybill Shepherd back into the spotlight after nearly a decade-long absence. The characters were first introduced in a two-hour TV movie which preceded the show.
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  • Murder She Wrote-1984-1996
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  • Murder She Wrote The show revolved around the day-to-day life of a retired English teacher who, after being widowed in her early fifties, becomes a very successful mystery writer. Despite fame and fortune, Jessica remains a resident of Cabot Cove, a cozy coastal town in Maine, and maintains her links with all of her old friends, never letting her success go to her head.
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  • Murder She Wrote In most episodes, Jessica somehow becomes entangled in a murder investigation. The police are almost always willing to arrest the most likely suspect, but Jessica invariably feels that the so- called guilty party is innocent. Carefully and methodically piecing the clues together and asking astute questions, she always manages to trap the real murderer, who, given the series' "special guest star" policy, was often played by a famous film or TV personality.
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  • Knight Rider-1982-1986
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  • Knight Rider Self-made billionaire Wilton Knight rescues police detective Michael Long after a near fatal shot to the face, giving him a new identity (via plastic surgery) and a new name: Michael Knight. Wilton selects Michael to be the muscle in the pilot program of his Knight Foundation- funded public justice organization, the Foundation for Law and Government (FLAG). The other half of this pilot program is the Knight Industries Two Thousand (KITT), a Pontiac Trans Am controlled by a computer with artificial intelligence. Michael and KITT are brought in during situations where "direct action might provide the only feasible solution".
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  • Life in the 1980s: Women make huge strides in the workplace. Accepted in roles that they had rarely if ever held in society. 1. They headed corporations 2. Went into space-Sally Ride 3. Supreme Court justice-Sandra Day OConnor 4. Ran as Vice President-Geraldine Ferraro
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  • This led to changes in American Family: In 1989 87% of women were in the American workforce. Women 1. Married later in life and had kids later in life. 2. Kept their maiden name after marriage or hyphenated it. American jobs go from being largely blue collar to white collar. Factories struggle while corporations thrive.
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  • Computers become smaller and more affordable: 1.There is a huge technology boom in the 1980s. Video recorders and games make their first appearance as do CD players.
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  • Controversial Heart Transplants Two men are given artificial hearts. A 15 day old baby was given a baboons heart and dies shortly after. Human heart transplants are more successful than the previous decade.
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  • The Cold War 1. Americans still fear attacks from The Soviet Union. U.S and Russia discuss limiting weapons. The U.S and Russia talk and communism collapeses in Eastern Europe.
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  • Buzzwords Safe Sex AIDS Cutting Edge Technological progress Video recorder Elvis sightings Oat bran Cholesterol Tabloid television Fax machines Hamster-college students-a flat beer Praying to the porcelain gods
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  • Fads Rubiks Cube
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  • Wacky Wall Walkers
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  • Slap Wrap bracelets
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  • Wrestle Mania
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  • Deely Boppers
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  • Strawberry Shortcake
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  • Trivial Pursuit
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  • Teddy Ruckspin
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  • Cabbage Patch Kids
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  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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  • The Flash Dance Look
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  • Michael Jacksons Glove??!! The famous glove
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  • Garbage Pail Kids
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  • Dance Crazes Sidestep Dancing (Line Dancing) Country From the Film URBAN COWBOY Slam Dancing Break Dancing Vouging Lambada
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  • Billboard #1 songs of the year
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  • 1980
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  • 1981
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  • 1982
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  • 1983
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  • 1984
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  • 1985
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  • 1986
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  • 1987
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  • 1988
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  • 1989
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  • Billboard Top Hit Singles
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  • Billboard Hot 100 1980 CALL ME-BLONDIE
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  • Blondie
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  • 1981 Bette Davis Eyes Kim Carnes
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  • 1982 Olivia Newton-John Physical
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  • Physical
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  • 1983 The Police Every Breath You Take
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  • The Police
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  • 1985 Wham Careless Whisper
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  • Wham
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  • 1986 Stevie Wonder, Dionne Warwick, Elton John and Gladys Knight Thats What Friends Are For
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  • Thats What Friends Are For
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  • 1987 The Bangles Walk Like an Egyptian
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  • 1988 Faith George Michael
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  • 1989 Chicago Look Away
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  • Other Musical Acts
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  • Bon Jovi
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  • Bonnie Tyler
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  • Men At Work
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  • Christopher Cross
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  • Debby Gibson
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  • The Eurhythmics
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  • Dolly Parton
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  • WHAM
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  • Janet Jackson
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  • Hall and Oates
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  • Huey Lewis and the News
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  • Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton
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  • Kenny Rogers and Sheena Easton
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  • Paul McCartney and Wings
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  • Rick Astley
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  • CHER
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  • U2
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  • Van Halen
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  • Duran Duran
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  • Tina Turner
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  • John Waite
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  • New Kids on the Block
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  • Phil Collins
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  • Queen
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  • R.E.M