the definitive guide to voice-based marketing automation


Post on 14-Sep-2014




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Are Phone Calls an Important Part of Your Business? Few companies could survive without the phone. They generate leads and close business over the phone. They grow accounts and support customers over the phone. It’s the backbone of their entire organization. Voice-based marketing automation is the technology that enables businesses to manage, measure, and automate sales and support calls. Marketers, salespeople, and support professionals use it to generate and track leads, close business faster, and provide better customer service. This guide is designed to introduce you to voice- based marketing automation. It will explain what voice-based marketing automation is and how businesses are using it to generate revenue, improve efficiency, and cut costs. It provides tips for selecting the right system and answers questions such as: • Why is voice-based marketing automation becoming so popular? • How is it different from traditional marketing automation? • What features make up a voice-based marketing automation system? • What value do businesses get from using voice- based marketing automation? Hopefully this guide will help you decide if voice- based marketing automation is a good fit for your business.


Page 1: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation



Page 2: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 286-7684 | | |

Table of Contents

Copyright © Ifbyphone, Inc.

All rights reserved

ISBN 978-0-615-79676-5

3 Introduction

4 Section 1: What Is Voice-Based Marketing Automation?

11 Industry Spotlight: Marketing Agencies

12 Section 2: Trends Driving Voice-Based Marketing Automation

15 Media Spotlight: Mobile Marketing

16 Section 3: How Is Voice-Based Marketing Automation Different From…

20 Section 4: Voice-Based Marketing Automation Features

41 Success Story: Sotheby’s

42 Success Story: Go Configure7

43 Section 5: Business Case for Voice-Based Marketing Automation

52 Success Story: FundNET Systems

53 Success Story: Pel Hughes

54 Conclusion

Page 3: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Voice-based marketing automation is the

technology that enables businesses to manage,

measure, and automate sales and support

calls. Marketers, salespeople, and support

professionals use it to generate and track

leads, close business faster, and provide better

customer service.

This guide is designed to introduce you to voice-

based marketing automation. It will explain what

voice-based marketing automation is and how

businesses are using it to generate revenue, improve

efficiency, and cut costs. It provides tips for selecting

the right system and answers questions such as:

• Whyisvoice-basedmarketingautomationbecoming so popular?

• Howisitdifferentfromtraditionalmarketingautomation?

• Whatfeaturesmakeupavoice-basedmarketingautomation system?

• Whatvaluedobusinessesgetfromusingvoice-based marketing automation?


based marketing automation is a good fit for your


Are Phone Calls an Important Part of Your Business?

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |


Few companies could survive without the phone. They generate leads and close business over the phone. They grow accounts and support customers over the phone. It’s the backbone of their entire organization.

Page 4: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |



Page 5: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

To start, ask yourself a few questions.

If you work in marketing, do you spend money

on advertising to generate sales leads? Could be any

type of ad: TV, radio, print, billboard, Google search,

mobile, social media…even sky writing.

If yes, is it valuable for you to know which ads drive

calls to sales and which don’t? Would it be helpful to

reinvest only in strategies that work?

And what about being able to tell which ads

generated calls that turned into revenue?

Would you benefit from being able to prove to execs

or clients how your marketing is impacting their


Now if you work in sales, do you or your reps

spend time fielding calls from leads that aren’t

interested in buying?

Would your team be more effective if these calls were

screened out so that only sales-ready leads were

passed to reps?

And would your team benefit if you could route calls

to the right rep, no matter where they were?

What about lead response time? Would being able to

get hot web leads on the phone in seconds instead

of days make it easier to close business?

Could you increase sales if you had a system that

called customers automatically to process reorders

and confirm appointments?

If you work in support, would your company

benefit from a call center that didn’t require

expensive hardware to run or programmers to


Would you be more efficient if your support staff

could answer calls on any device from anywhere,

even at home?

Would your service levels improve if you had a

system that could ask callers questions and provide

answers before sending them to an agent?

Would being able to record support calls help you

train agents to provide better service?

Would your customers appreciate receiving a brief

phone survey to rate the service they received from

your support team?


If you’re unsure if voice-based marketing automation can help your business, let’s find out.

If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, voice-based marketing automation may be for you.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 6: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

What: Voice-based marketing automation is a type of cloud-based software.

How: It enables businesses to manage, measure, and automate sales and support calls.

Why: So marketers, salespeople, and support professionals can generate and track leads, close business faster, and provide better customer service.

Who: Voice-based marketing automation is used by companies of all sizes, from local businesses with less than 5 workers to Fortune 500 enterprises with large marketing, sales, and support teams. Early adopters were B2C organizations and marketing agencies, but today you will find businesses across all industries taking advantage of the technology.

Voice-Based Marketing Automation Defined 6WHAT IS VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION?

Learn the what, how, why, and who of voice-based marketing automation.

Voice-based marketing automation facilitates and automates many activities, including:

•Lead generation•Call tracking & reporting•Call scoring & filtering•Lead nurturing•Call routing & recording•Phone surveys•Voice broadcasts

Without voice-based marketing automation, these activities are either impossible to do manually or require a significant investment in time and employee resources.

If sales calls with prospects and voice conversations with customers are important to your business, you may benefit from voice-based marketing automation.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 7: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Lead Generation

• Voicebroadcasting

• HostedIVR

• SMSmessaging

• Webformcalling

Lead Tracking

• Calltracking

• Dynamicnumberinsertion

API Integration

• CRMintegration


Lead Nurturing

• Phonesurveys

• Voicebroadcasting

• SMSmessaging

Call Scoring

• InboundIVR


• Calltrackingreports

• GoogleAdWords,GoogleAnalytics,&UniversalAnalyticsintegration

• Callrecordingandtranscription

Virtual Call Center

• Virtualreceptionist

• Intelligentcallrouting

• Storelocator

• Agentpanel

• Managerdashboards

• Callrecordingandtranscription

Upselling & Cross-Selling

• Voicebroadcasting

• OutboundIVR

• SMSmessaging

• Over-the-phonepaymentprocessing

CRM Integration

• Salesforce.comintegration

• APIIntegration

Virtual Call Center

• Virtualreceptionist

• Intelligentcallrouting

• Callforwarding

• Agentpanel

• Managerdashboards

• Phonesurveys

• Voicebroadcasts


• Calltrackingreports

• CRMintegration

• Callrecordingandtranscription

Help Desk Integration

• Zendeskintegration

• APIintegration

Voice-Based Marketing Automation Features7WHAT IS VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION?

One platform to better connect and align marketing, sales, and support.


Pass qualified phone leads to


Monitor how leads progress through sales


Better retain customers

with first-rate support

Share customer interaction

data to improve upselling and cross-selling

Connect and align marketing programs, sales efforts, and customer support services with shared call data and call automation functionality.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 8: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Prove (and Improve) Marketing ROI with Call Tracking

Using voice-based marketing automation, you can

track inbound calls back to their marketing source.

You can attribute phone leads (and the pipeline and

revenue they generate) to specific ads, campaigns,

keyword searches, referring web sites, or any

other marketing source. This means you can prove

conclusively to your execs or clients exactly how you

are impacting the business. Plus you can use call

tracking data to pinpoint which activities are working

– and which aren’t – and make improvements.

Generate More Phone Leads (and Revenue)

By reinvesting only in marketing that generates leads

and revenue, you can grow your business without

increasing your spend. It’s a great benefit of call

tracking. Plus voice-based marketing automation

also provides tools like automated phone surveys,

voice broadcasts, SMS texts, and web form call

triggering to drive additional leads.

Increase Efficiency by Filtering Sales and Support Calls

Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy to

filter sales and support calls automatically using an

IVR. For sales, IVRs can qualify callers upfront and

determine if they are truly ready to engage with a

rep. Now reps don’t have to waste time answering

calls that aren’t sales-ready. Instead they’re free to

focus on closing business. For support, it means that

customers have access to an auto-attendant 24/7

that can answer basic questions and enable self-

service. Your business saves on personnel costs,

and callers with complex issues won’t have to wait

as long for a live agent.

What Voice-Based Marketing Automation Does for You8WHAT IS VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION?

How does voice-based marketing automation enable businesses to generate more leads and revenue, cut costs, and improve operational efficiencies? Here are some of the ways.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 9: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Cut Costs with a Virtual Call Center

Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy

for businesses to cost-effectively deploy a virtual

call center for sales and support teams. There’s

no hardware to buy, no software to install, and no

implementation or maintenance team to hire. It’s

extremely flexible, so your agents can work from

home or an office location while still operating

seamlessly as one team. It’s also scalable, so you

can easily accommodate extra agents during peak

seasons. Plus you can even extend your hours of

availability without paying overtime by employing

agents in multiple time zones.

Improve Customer Loyalty with Voice Broadcasts

The best customer service isn’t just reactive; it

reaches out to customers proactively. Voice-based

marketing automation enables you to deliver

automated phone messages (voice broadcasts)

to confirm appointments or deliveries, process

payments, conduct satisfaction surveys, and more.

It’s also an effective way to relay vital information,

such as changes to a customer’s account or travel

itinerary. These services keep people up to date and

make their lives easier, and that builds loyalty.

Connect and Align Marketing, Sales, and Support

You can see how voice-based marketing automation

helps marketing, sales, and support individually. But

by integrating with your CRM, help desk, and other

systems, it also connects all three groups together

and helps keep them aligned. Marketing can pass

lead source data to sales when they get an inbound

call, sales can pass lead lifecycle data back to

marketing to optimize programs, support can access

complete customers histories (including answers to

phone surveys) and sales call recordings to improve

service. All groups not only work better, but they

work better together.

What Voice-Based Marketing Automation Does for You9WHAT IS VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION?

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Page 10: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Is Voice-Based Marketing Automation Right for You?10WHAT IS VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION?

Take this brief survey to see if you’re ready to benefit from voice-based marketing automation.

STATEMENT Strongly Disagree Neutral Strongly Agree

My company uses the phone to close business and provide customer support.

An important percentage of our customers required a phone conversation before purchasing.

My company allocates an important percentage of our marketing budget to advertising.

Our marketing team spends a significant amount of time on driving traffic to our web site using email, social media, and content marketing.

Not every call that comes in is ready to make a purchase from sales. Some require nurturing.

Our marketing team uses data to make decisions on programs.

It would be difficult for our staff to call every lead and customer in our database in a timely fashion.

It’s important that we understand how our advertising is impacting sales.

Our call center would benefit from having some agents work from home.

Sometimes hot leads call in but can’t reach a sales manager because they are travelling.

Our sales team assigns leads based on the caller’s geographic location, company type, or product interest.

Our marketing team has lead generation and revenue goals they must hit.

If your total score adds up to mosre than 42, you’re so ready for voice-based marketing automation!

If you scored between 25 and 42, you’re definitely in the neighborhood. You would benefit from learning more about voice-based marketing automation.

If you scored less than 25, you might not be ready at this time. But perhaps as you read on it may change your mind!


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Page 11: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

How Does Your Agency Drive Leads?

Marketing agencies use a wide range of tactics to

drive leads for clients. TV, radio, PPC, SEO, direct

mail, social media, mobile, print, email…you name it.

And it’s critical that you can show your clients your

true worth. That means being able to track every

single lead you generate back to your marketing

efforts. It’s easy with web leads, but what about

phone leads? Can you get credit for every inbound

call you generate? Can you tell which Google paid

search or SEO terms are driving leads?

Get Credit (and Get Paid) for Every Lead

That’s why agencies are adding voice-based

marketing automation to their services. With voice-

based marketing automation, you can track every

inbound call you generate back to your specific

marketing source – and through to revenue. No

longer can clients claim that a phone lead “wasn’t

one of yours” – you have concrete proof. So you can

get credit (and get paid) for every lead you generate,

not matter how you generated it. Many agencies

even sell call tracking as part of their offering to

generate extra revenue. It’s a win-win.

More than Call Tracking

And agencies are finding value in voice-based

marketing automation beyond the benefits of call

tracking. Many are using voice-based marketing

automation to do things like:

• Deliverinteractivevoicebroadcastsforclientstogenerate leads and drive revenue.

• Captureleadsbyincentivizingthemtocallyouand take a custom IVR phone survey.

• QualifycallersautomaticallyusinganIVR,thenroute only the high-scoring ones to your clients.

• Useintelligentcallroutingtosendcallersfromyour campaigns to the right sales agent, or to the right store location, or to a custom voicemail box

to hear a message and leave one of their own.

To learn more about how marketing agencies are

using voice-based marketing automation, you can

visit the Ifbyphone web site and download the white

paper “Manage and Track Phone Leads with

Voice-Based Marketing Automation for Direct




Voice-based marketing automation helps marketing agencies prove their value to clients.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 12: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation



© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 13: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Trend #1: Marketers Now Focus on Growing Revenue

Gone are the days when marketing could focus

solely on building brand equity. Today’s CEOs

aren’t concerned with building brand; they

care about revenue. They want marketers to

demonstrate how campaigns will help generate

business, not brand awareness. Marketers must

now go beyond metrics that simply show opens

and clicks by measuring leads, opportunities,

pipeline, and earnings. To do so, they must be

able to accurately measure the full business

impact of their campaigns – and that includes

inbound phone leads. Tools like voice-based

marketing automation now play an important

role in measuring marketing ROI.

Trend #2: The Importance of Phone Leads

Not all leads are created equal. While white

paper downloads and webinar registrations

are excellent vehicles for generating leads,

those prospects are often just beginning their

research. Inbound phone leads are different.

Someone who calls you is usually further

along the buying process. They have specific

questions they need answered in order to make

their decision and need to engage with a sales

rep (and usually won’t purchase without that

conversation). The high value of phone leads

makes technology for generating and tracking

them very attractive.

Why Has Voice-Based Marketing Automation Become Popular?13TRENDS DRIVING VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION

A number of trends have made voice-based marketing automation an attractive solution for businesses.

Why Are Phone Calls so Important in Sales?

77% of online adults say they would be interested in getting help from a real person before making certain online purchases.

82% say there have been times when they have not been able to get help from a real person.

58% have a question that cannot be answered by information on the web site.

52% of those who have not always been able to get the help they needed from a real person say it has affected their decision to not purchase the product.

Source: IMShopping and Harris Interactive Survey, August 2009

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Page 14: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Trend #3: The Popularity of Smartphones

There were over a billion smartphone users in

2012, and that number is expected to double

in the next three years. In the U.S. alone over

135 million people have smartphones, and

that figure is expected to grow 40% to reach

192 million by 2016. The rising popularity of

smartphones has changed the way businesses

market and advertise. Because smartphone

users would rather call a business than fill

out a web form, mobile marketing strategies

are focusing on how to generate, track, and

manage inbound calls. Voice-based marketing

automation has technology that is perfectly

suited to assist.

Trend #4: The Benefits of Moving Software to the Cloud

The software as a service (SaaS) or cloud

delivery model has changed the way businesses

purchase software. It is very easy for marketing

departments to purchase cloud-based software

like voice-based marketing automation and

get it up and running. First, it doesn’t require

IT support to deploy and maintain. Second,

because SaaS software is licensed as a

subscription with no hardware to purchase, it is

not a capital investment. Marketing departments

can therefore charge it to their discretionary

operating budget, like they would a tradeshow

or print ad. By making voice-based marketing

automation both easily available and affordable

to marketers, the SaaS model eliminated the

largest impediments to adoption.

Why Has Voice-Based Marketing Automation Become Popular?14TRENDS DRIVING VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION

A number of trends have made voice-based marketing automation an attractive solution for businesses.

Projected U.S. Smartphone Adoption• 2010: 62.2 million users (20.2% of population)• 2011: 93.1 million users (29.7%)• 2012: 115.8 million users (36.6%)• 2013: 137.5 million users (43.1%)• 2014: 157.7 million users (48.9%)• 2015: 176.3 million users (54.2%)• 2016: 192.4 million users (58.5%)

Source: eMarketer report, May 2012

2012 U.S. Smartphone Penetration by Age

• 18-23 years old: 64% have a smartphone• 24-32 years old: 72% have a smartphone• 33-46 years old: 61% have a smartphone• 47-56 years old: 39% have a smartphone• 57-67 years old: 28% have a smartphone• 68-88 years old: 16% have a smartphone

Source: Forrester report, May 2012

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 15: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Why You Should Consider Mobile Marketing

These days, it seems like everyone

has a smartphone. People spend a

significant amount of time each day

on their mobile devices, and that

includes time searching for and calling

businesses. If you aren’t making it easy

for them to find and call you – and if

you aren’t advertising your business on

mobile – you are missing a potentially

lucrative marketing opportunity.

How Mobile Differs from Other Marketing

If you decide to build a mobile

marketing strategy, keep this in

mind: When people are searching for

businesses on their smartphones,

they often prefer to call the company

rather than fill out a web form. It’s

easier and more natural. And it’s also

great news for marketers – inbound

calls are usually more valuable to sales

managers than web downloads. So

as you devise your mobile marketing

strategy, be sure to focus on driving

phone leads.

Some Tips for Driving Phone Leads from Mobile Marketing

• Haveamobile-friendlyversionofyour web site with a clickable phone number(amobileclick-to-calllink) prominently displayed. When clicked, it will automatically trigger a call to your business from that smartphone.

• TestoutdifferentGooglemobilepaid search ads. Include a clickable phone number for people to call your business straight from the ad. Be sure the mobile landing page for each ad also displays a clickable number prominently.

• Testoutafewbanneradswithacall to action of “Tap to Call”. You can run these with display networks targeting mobile sites and mobile apps.

• Besureallyouremailsaremobile-friendly. Chances are a good percentage of your audience is reading your email on their smartphones. Include a clickable phone number prominently in each one.

Some Ways Voice-Based Marketing Automation Can Help

• InserttrackablephonenumbersinyourGooglemobilepaidsearchads.Whether a lead calls you from the ad or from your landing page, you can track the call back to the originating ad source.

• Determinewhichmobilebannerads are either generating immediate phone calls (if the call to action is “Tap to Call”) or driving visitors to your mobile site who ultimately call you.

• DeliverSMStextmessageblaststo smartphone users. Include a clickable (and trackable) phone number in the messages to drive inbound calls.

• SendcallerstoanIVRtobeinitiallyqualified before going to sales. Or send them to a store locator to be routed automatically to the nearest store location.

• Recordsalescallstorefineyourmarketing messages by hearing how prospects describe their pains and needs.



Voice-based marketing automation helps business get the most value from their mobile marketing.

To learn more about how voice-based marketing automation improves mobile marketing, you can visit the Ifbyphone web site and download the white paper

“Marketing to Smartphone Users:

New Mobile Strategies for Driving

Sales Calls”.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

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© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 17: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


How does voice-based marketing automation differ from traditional marketing automation tools? If you already have a marketing automation tool, why would you need a voice-based marketing automation solution?

Activity Traditional Marketing Automation

Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Lead Generation Uses emails and web forms to generate web leads Uses voice broadcasts, phone surveys, and SMS

texts to generate phone leads

Lead Tracking Tracks email success, web downloads, and web site activity

Tracks voice broadcast success and inbound phone leads

Lead Scoring Uses web forms to score web leads Uses inbound IVR to score phone leads

Priority Lead Alerts Sends sales an email when high-scoring web leads come in

Calls the right sales rep immediately when high-scoring web leads come in and then calls the lead to connect the two in conversation

Lead Routing Routes web leads to sales Routes phone leads to sales

Lead Nurturing Uses emails to nurture leads Uses voice broadcasts, phone surveys, and SMS texts to nurture leads

Lead Reporting Generates real-time reports on web leads Generates real-time reports on phone leads

CRM Integration Shares data with CRM tools like Shares data with CRM tools like


value from traditional marketing automation. When

implemented and used correctly, these tools like Marketo,

Eloqua, and HubSpot enable marketing teams to:

• Handoffmorequalifiedleadstosalesrepsatalowercost

• Betterunderstandwhichcampaignsareworking,soyoucanoptimizespending

• Getcreditfortheimpactyourcampaignshaveonpipeline

But while traditional marketing automation tools can

track leads from web forms, they simply don’t work if

a lead picks up the phone and calls you. Your web site,

emails, and advertisements could be driving high-quality

sales calls, but how would you know? These phone

leads won’t show up in traditional marketing automation


That’s where voice-based marketing automation

comes in. Using voice-based marketing automation to

complement your traditional marketing automation tool,

you can create closed-loop marketing where every lead

is captured, responded to properly, scored, nurtured, and

tracked through the sales process. You get a complete

understanding of which campaigns are working and how

they are impacting pipeline and revenue.

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Page 18: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Some vendors only offer call tracking capability. How is that different than voice-based marketing automation?

Activity Call Tracking Only Voice-Based Marketing AutomationBasic Call Tracking Get unique phone numbers for use in your

adsGet unique phone numbers for use in your ads

Advanced Call Tracking -- Dynamically generate phone numbers to track calls back to SEO keywords, Google paid search ads, social media, and other sites

Phone Lead Reporting Generate basic reports on call quantity for each unique number

Generate basic reports plus advanced reports on call quality, which cities callers called from, which call sources are driving revenue, and much more

Lead Generation -- Generate phone leads with voice broadcasts, phone surveys, and SMS texts

Lead Scoring -- Automatically qualify and filter callers so only sales-ready leads get sent to sales

Lead Routing -- Route sales-ready callers to the best rep no matter where they are

Appointment and Delivery Confirmation

-- Cut costs and improve customer service by using voice broadcasts to confirm appointments and deliveries

Reorder Notification and Processing

-- Send phone messages that prompt customers to order more products and process payment over the phone

Store Locator -- Route calls to the nearest store location

Phone Surveys -- Automatically deliver phone surveys to measure customer feedback on your marketing and customer service

Call Recording -- Gather invaluable marketing data and improve customer service by recording your sales and support calls

Some vendors only offer ad hoc call tracking capabilities without all the other abilities you get with voice-based marketing automation. And while call tracking is an important part of voice-based marketing automation, using it in a silo robs you of the value of integrating it with the other lead generation, scoring, routing, and nurturing tools.

Voice-based marketing automation delivers all the benefits of call tracking along with integrated capabilities that you would otherwise have to cobble together using different standalone technologies. This can be a problem for marketing teams trying to reduce complexity and streamline operations.

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Page 19: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Some IVR and call center solutions are on-premise, which means they require hardware to be installed at your office. How does that differ from the hosted IVR and virtual call center options in voice-based marketing automation?

Activity On-Premise Solutions Voice-Based Marketing AutomationHardware Installed at your office No special hardware to install

Cost to Deploy Expensive Inexpensive – pay for what you useTime to Deploy Weeks or months HoursDifficulty of Updating Very – requires programmers None – updates are installed automaticallyFlexibility Improvements can take weeks and

require extensive codingImprovements can be made on the fly by anyone

Supports Work-from-Home Agents

No Yes

Works with Any Phone No Yes, including landlines, mobile, softphones, and even Skype

Traditionally, IVR (interactive voice response) and call center solutions were all hosted on-premise. A business would have to purchase the equipment, deploy it at their own office, and maintain it throughout its lifecycle. That normally meant high setup, maintenance, and hardware costs, as well as lengthy deployment and update times. You would need to hire programmers skilled in IVR development and maintenance to keep things running and make improvements.

Voice-based marketing automation changed all that. Because it is a cloud-based solution, you don’t need to purchase and install expensive hardware. In fact, you don’t need any programmer assistance at all. Your IVR and call center can be up and running in minutes, and changes can be made on the fly by marketing, sales, and support personnel without any technical background.

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Page 21: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Voice-based marketing automation provides a wide range of functionality, including call tracking and reporting, hosted IVR, voice broadcasting, advanced call routing, virtual call centers, custom call forwarding, agent panels and manager dashboards, web form call triggering, SMS messaging, and CRM integration, Zendesk and help desk integration, API integration, analytics, and more.

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Page 22: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Whether you do marketing for your company or

generate leads for clients, you know how important

it is to track every lead back to its source. Not just to

understand what’s working, but also to get credit for

every lead you generate. Most marketers can do this

for web leads, but struggle when it comes to tracking

the source of inbound sales calls. And phone calls

are often the most valuable lead type.

Using voice-based marketing automation, you can

create closed-loop marketing where every phone

lead is captured and tracked back to its source:

your work. You no longer have to guess which

campaigns are really driving sales calls – and you

no longer have to bicker with sales or with clients

about which phone leads you brought in. Instead,

you get a complete, detailed understanding of which

campaigns are generating phone leads and how

those leads are impacting pipeline and revenue.

Track Calls from TV, Radio, Mobile, Billboards, Print, Direct Mail, and Other Advertising

Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy to

attribute phone leads (and the pipeline and revenue

they generate) to specific marketing ads. Here’s

how it works: the solution lets you insert unique

trackable phone numbers (local, toll-free, or vanity)

in your marketing material. When someone calls that

number, the solution knows exactly what source

they’re calling from. What’s more, if instead of calling

you right away, the lead first visits your site and and

then calls you after browsing around, the solution will

attribute that call to the source that originally sent

them there. You will still get credit for the lead.


Track inbound calls back to their specific marketing source to prove and improve marketing ROI.

“Call tracking is the critical next evolution of measurement. It gives businesses a better understanding of the overall attribution model, enabling marketers to truly understand where leads originate and budget accordingly.”

- Brad Henry, Beacon Technologies

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Page 23: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Track Calls from SEO, PPC ads, Social Media, and Referring Web Sites

Voice-based marketing automation can also track phone leads back to

specific keyword searches, pay-per-click ads, social media sites, or referring

web domains. It will automatically display a unique phone number on your

site based on where each visitor came from. If a visitor calls the number,

voice-based marketing automation will attribute the call to the proper source.

Imagine being able to understand what Google paid search ads generated

the most phone leads and revenue, for example. It’s easy with voice-based

marketing automation.

To learn more about the benefits of call tracking, visit the Ifbyphone web site

and download the white paper “Tracking Phone Leads: The Missing Piece

of Marketing Automation”.

Inbound phone calls are considered by many marketers to be the most valuable lead type (data taken from 2013 Ifbyphone survey)

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 24: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Build your own IVRs in minutes to route calls, qualify callers, process payments, and survey customers – no programmers needed.

IVR stands for interactive voice response. It’s an automated phone menu

that recognizes human interaction, either by telephone keypad or by

speech recognition. Voice-based marketing automation enables marketers,

salespeople, and support professionals to build and modify their own IVRs in

minutes without having to hire a programmer.

Use an Inbound IVR as Your Auto-Attendant

Build your own IVR to answer incoming calls with professionally recorded

greetings and route callers using interactive phone menus. Auto-attendants

can replace live receptionists, helping your business cut costs and increase

efficiency by automating routine business functions, like providing account

balances or relaying business hours. Auto-attendants are also available 24/7,

giving your customer around-the-clock service. You can make changes to

your auto-attendant anytime in minutes without any technical expertise.

Process Orders and Payments without a Live Operator

PCI-compliant IVRs can also be used to automate order processing and

payments securely without a live operator. For inbound callers, the IVR can

answer the call, collect caller information, process the purchase or payment

via credit card, and provide customers with additional order information. And

if you sell products that require reordering, automating the reminder process

with an outbound IVR can be a real cost-saver. The IVR automates an

otherwise manual process, taking the customer’s order and inputting it directly

into your CRM. If the call goes to voicemail, the IVR can leave a customized

message or put the number back in the queue to call later.


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Page 25: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Automatically Qualify Phone Leads before Passing to Sales

Depending on the nature of your marketing

campaigns, not every inbound call you generate will

be ready to engage with a sales rep. Many might

not be. And you don’t want to waste a sales rep’s

time by having them field incoming calls from leads

that aren’t sales-ready. Voice-based marketing

automation makes it easy to filter your inbound calls

automatically using an IVR. The IVR can answer calls

and ask callers the questions you determine work

best to qualify them. Leads that score high enough

are passed from the IVR directly to sales for an

immediate conversation. Others can hear a custom

marketing message, be given the option of leaving a

voicemail for sales, or even be sent to a second IVR.

Transfer Callers to the Closest Store Location

Does your business have multiple locations

or franchises? Using voice-based marketing

automation, you can advertise one phone number for

your franchise and route calls to the nearest location

based on area code or zip code.

Conduct Phone Surveys for Lead Generation and Customer Service

For marketers, phone surveys are an excellent

way to capture leads. You can create campaigns

that drive people to take your phone survey for the

chance to win a prize. You can also configure the

survey to function as an ROI calculator or conduct a

needs analysis, The survey will capture their contact

information and give them the option of being

transferred to a sales rep.

For support professionals, phone surveys are an

invaluable tool for measuring support effectiveness.

Customers can be sent to a quick survey after

speaking to a support agent, or you can have the IVR

call them to take a survey right away or several days


To learn more about how marketers are using IVR,

you can visit the Ifbyphone web site and download

the white paper “IVR for B2B Marketing: New

Strategies for Lead Generation, Scoring, and



“I am really so blown away by the response we got on the IVR today. This blows email marketing right out of the water, results wise. My head is spinning with different ways to test this technology for other clients. I’m truly amazed.”

-Tresa N. Veitia, inktank LLC

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Page 26: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Generate leads, grow revenue, and improve customer service cost-effectively with personalized, interactive voice broadcasts.

Voice broadcasts are a way to deliver prerecorded

phone messages or IVRs to thousands of people

at once. They can be a powerful business tool to

automate phone calls for appointment reminders,

delivery confirmations, event promotions, reorders,

accounts receivable collection, phone surveys, and

much more.

Many businesses today use voice broadcasting as

an effective alternative to email. People may receive

a hundred or more emails in a day, and having your

message stand out can be difficult. Voice broadcasts

cut through the email clutter by calling your audience


Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy

for marketing, sales, and support to send out their


simply use the cloud-based software to create your

message or IVR, upload a spreadsheet with the phone

numbers you wish to target, and let the system to do

the rest. It also brings together a wealth of features to

make voice broadcasting easier and more effective,


• Message personalization with text-to-speech: Personalizeyourvoicebroadcastsforeachrecipient by having the text-to-speech feature insert their name, company, account balance, or any other information you want into their message.

• Interaction with IVR: Use outbound IVR to add interactive functionality to your calls to collect information or tailor specific messages based on responses.

• Complete scheduling control: Get complete control over when to schedule broadcasts, how quickly to send out messages, and when to pause your voice broadcast campaigns.

• Live transfers: Give voice broadcast recipients the option to be transferred directly to a live agent to confirm or update an appointment, place an order, or any other activity.

• Voicemail detection:Customizeyourbroadcastswith two messages: one for when a live person answers the phone, and an alternative for when the call goes to voicemail.

• Credit card processing: Process credit card payments over the phone without the need of a live agent.

• Real-time reporting: Why wait to receive reports from an account manager? Access real-time broadcast reports on your voice broadcast campaigns online whenever you want.

• API integration: Integrate voice broadcasting with your company’s software to trigger phone calls based on events in your database or to collect information and pass it back to your CRM system.

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Page 27: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

There is a wealth of ways businesses use voice

broadcasting to cost-effectively generate leads, grow

revenue, and improve customer service:

• Lead generation: Deliver your messaging straight to leads and enable them to register for an event, schedule a meeting with your business, connect directly with a live agent right away., and much more.

• Upselling and cross-selling: Grow revenue from your accounts by delivering upselling and cross-selling messages.

• Promotions and discounts: Keep your contact base aware of your latest promotions and sales.

• Reminders and confirmations: Remind customers and patients of upcoming appointments, confirm or reschedule important deliveries before you send out your crew, and much more.

• Reorders and collections: Proactively solicit and process customer reorders or due payments without the need of a live agent.

• Alerts: Ensure customers are always aware of important changes to their accounts and itineraries or advise employees or community members of big news or emergency warnings. Businesses also use alerts internally to notify employees at home or in the field of important information.

• Fundraising: Deliver your political, charity, or other fundraising messages to a large audience and process donations over the phone.

• Recalls: Keep customers in the loop on important product recalls.

• Phone surveys: Gather valuable data on your customer base or measure their satisfaction with

your products, services, or support.

To learn more about the benefits of voice

broadcasting, you can visit the Ifbyphone web

site and download the white paper “New Ways to

Integrate Intelligent Voice Broadcasting into Your

Marketing and Sales Strategy”.


“We have been able to reach out to customers quickly and efficiently by using Ifbyphone. This improved customer responsiveness has lead to increased business and marketing ROI.”

- Kevin P. Fitzgerald,

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Page 28: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Automatically route calls to the right person at the right time no matter where they are based on your business needs.

Voice-based marketing automation has advanced call

routing technology that enables your business to route


can be easily set up and updated on the fly as needed.

Some call routing options include:

• Route by schedule: Create custom routing basedonyourofficehours,thetimezonesofyourcustomers, weekends, holidays, and more.

• Route by agent: Want your best agents to receive the highest call volume? Ensure that your best performing sales reps or customer service reps receive the most calls by routing a certain percentage to specific agents.

• Route by geography: If your business has multiple locations in various geographical regions, set up incoming phone calls to be routed to the nearest location.Bydetectingtheareacodeorzipcodeof the caller, the call can be routed to the closest location.

• Route between multiple call centers: Set up multiple call centers and route call flow based on caller information, distribution schedules, and location.

• Route by number: Screen incoming calls and set up custom routing and queuing rules for specific phone numbers.

• Route by marketing source: Because voice-based marketing automation can tell which ad, marketing campaign, or other source a person is calling from, you can set up rules to route those calls to the best place based on that source. That place may be a particular agent, store location, IVR, voicemail box, call group, or other option you feel works best.

• Route based on IVR responses: Have callers answer qualifying questions and route them based on those responses.

Reach Agents Anywhere on Any Phone


by implementing conditional and selective call routing.

Use this type of forwarding to route incoming calls

to different types of phones (cell phone, work phone,

home phone, Skype, etc.) and agents based on

various schedules, including:

• Simultaneous ringing: Ring an agent’s home, work, and cell phone simultaneously to ensure that the call is answered, whether the agent is working from home or travelling.

• Specific ring order: Ring agent phones in a specific order, such as work phone first, cell phone second, home phone third, etc.

• Multi-agent ringing: Ring several agent phone numbers at the same time; the first agent who answers gets the call, even if they are working from home.

• Office schedule: Forward calls to various agents

based on your office schedule.

To learn more about the benefits of call routing for

sales calls, you can visit the Ifbyphone web site and

download the white paper “How Sales Teams Use

Integrated Virtual Call Centers to Close More


“Ifbyphone has enabled us to take control. We can now manage our complex routing needs along very specific parameters...And all the tools we use with Ifbyphone are hosted in one efficient platform. Our business and customer acquisition has increased now that we can track and respond to leads—we love this technology.”

-Greg Smith Equipment Sales

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Page 29: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Any sized business can rapidly deploy a flexible virtual call center for sales and support that cuts costs and improves operational efficiency.

Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy for


a virtual call center for sales and support teams and

help desks. There’s no hardware to buy, no software

to install, and no implementation or maintenance team

to hire. You can set up an IVR auto-attendant and your

custom call routing rules in minutes, and you’re on

your way.

It’s extremely flexible, so your agents can work from

home or any office location using any phone while still

operating seamlessly as one team. It’s also scalable,

so you can easily accommodate extra agents during

peak seasons.

Control Your Call Queuing Experience

When callers are placed on hold, you want full

control over their experience. Voice-based marketing

automation lets you select the music or promotional

messages they hear, the maximum amount of time

they’ll have to wait, the number of callers in your

queue, and much more.

You can also set up priority queuing to speed VIP

customers to the front of the line.

Integrate with Your CRM and Help Desk Systems

Voice-based marketing automation integrates with

CRM and held desk systems like

and Zendesk. For sales leads, this means that every

incoming call gets logged automatically in your CRM

either as a new lead or as part of an existing record,

along with data on the caller and the marketing

source that lead them to call. For support calls, it

means that every call gets automatically turned into


your agents time and enabling them to serve more


Record and Transcribe Calls to Improve Marketing, Sales, and Support

Voice-based marketing automation can also record

and transcribe every call for future review. Call

recordings and transcription can provide a wealth

of information from your leads and customers for

marketing and sales to mine. What terminology do

prospects use? How do they describe their pain

points? What are the sticking points sales have

to overcome? Use this knowledge to build more

effective marketing campaigns and sales pitches.

For support calls, you can also monitor the service

levels of each agent to ensure your customers are

getting first-class support.

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View Real-Time and Historical Call Reports

Monitoring call center activity is easy using web-

based real-time and historical reports. How many did

each agent handle in a given time? How long did calls

last? What was the average time a customer waited

to speak with an agent? How many hours a day does

each agent spend on incoming calls, outbound calls,

and break? What time do agents first log in and last

log out? All this data is at your fingertips.

To learn more about the benefits of deploying a virtual

call center, you can visit the Ifbyphone web site and

download the white paper “The Next Generation of

Virtual Call Centers: Beyond the Cloud”.

“We’ve successfully eliminated our reliance on our physical call center by using Ifbyphone to dynamically route and record thousands of phone calls to staff working on their own schedule, with their own phone, from remote locations. The technology and cost savings has already helped us build a local presence in four new markets.”

- Steve Peris, AIM Attendance

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Page 31: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

About Ifbyphone

Ifbyphone manages, measures, and automates voice

conversations with your customers and prospects.

These conversations cannot be managed using marketing

automation or CRM software alone. Without Ifbyphone’s

voice-based marketing automation platform, catching

these interactions is like fishing with a hole in the bottom

of your net – leads and information fall out.

The Ifbyphone suite is a set of software-as-a-service

applications including ad tracking, lead distribution,

hosted IVR, and voice broadcasting. Companies of all


direct response, health care, real estate, home services, and

lead generation. Learn more at



(855) 882-5441

300 West Adams Street, 9th Floor

Chicago, IL 60606


Never miss an important customer or conference call with custom call forwarding.

Ensure that important calls to you or your agents are

never missed, no matter where you are. Voice-based

marketing automation has call forwarding technology

that enables your hot leads and important customers

to reach your sales and support agents wherever they

are. It’s a great service if you have sales staff travelling

in the field or support agents who work from home

or at client sites. Businesses also use it to proactively

alert and connect groups for conference calls.

• Screen calls before accepting: Screen calls by listening to the caller’s announcement before choosing to accept.

• Forward calls based on your office schedule: Forward calls to different phones (office, cell, home, etc.) or a group of phones, based on your business hours.

• Forward calls in sequence or simultaneously: Ring several phones at once, in a specific order, or in a random order.

• Record calls: Keep a record of every conversation by recording phone calls.

• Receive emails with transcribed voice messages: Transfer missed or declined calls to voice mail and receive emails with both the voice recording and transcribed message.

• Connect groups for conference calls: Schedule the system to call each attendee and instantly connect them to the conference call. No more dial-in numbers or access codes to remember. Attendees can be proactively connected from their office, home, car, airport, or anywhere else they may be.

“As always . . . YOU’RE AWESOME!! Direct transfer of a client’s call to either our personal cell phone or voice mail depending on the business hours has eliminated human errors in routing calls.”

- Gary Millard,

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Page 32: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Arm your sales and support agents with valuable data on each inbound call before they answer the phone. Centrally monitor and communicate with them in real time.

Know Who Is Calling Before Taking the Call

The more information sales and support agents have

upfront about inbound callers, the more successful

the call will be. So voice-based marketing automation

provides a web-based agent panel that displays on

each rep’s computer screen. Before taking a call, the

sales rep can see who is calling and what ad, Google

search term, referring web site, or other source led

them to call. If the caller has a record in your CRM

system, the panel provides one-click access to that

record. If not, that same click can create a new record

with pre-populated data.

Transfer Calls When You Are Working from Home

This panel can display on any computer, no matter

if the rep is working in your office or at home. If an

agent is working from home using their cell phone

and wants to transfer a caller to someone in another

location, the agent panel makes it easy.

Monitor and Message Your Agents

Voice-based marketing automation also has manager

dashboards that you can use to monitor agents. The

dashboard displays all data for agents, including the

open/busy/closed status, answered calls, outbound

calls, average hold and talk times, and more.

Additionally, managers can send messages to agents

via the dashboard.

“Good technology and excellent customer service – this is the way software-as-a-service is supposed to work!”

- Darren Kincaid, WSI Full Spectrum Web Solutions

Agent panels arm reps with valuable data on incoming callers

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 33: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Convert more web visitors into instant phone calls and close more business.

Prospects are browsing your web site all the time.

They may have specific questions that, if answered

right away, could be the difference between a sale

and the visitor leaving for a competitor’s site. To

get answers, they often fill out a web form to have

someone in sales contact them, with that lead being

emailed to a rep or logged in a CRM system.

But how long will it take for a sales rep to respond

and get the lead on the phone? If they don’t call right

away, it could be hours, maybe even days. Research

shows that a sale is 22 times more likely to happen

when you make contact within the first five minutes.

Waiting even ten minutes dramatically decreases your

chances of converting that lead to a sale.

Convert Web Leads to Instant Sales Calls

Voice-based marketing automation has tools that

make it easy for prospects on your site to talk to

the right sales rep right away. Using voice-based

marketing automation, you can generate immediate

connections from any online form, including “contact

us,” “call me now,” demo request, and content

download forms.

Here’s how it works: Whenever a prospect completes

your form and clicks submit, the system will

immediately call your sales rep and “whisper” the

lead’s information in their ear. This can include the

name of the form that was downloaded, the lead’s

name, and their phone number. If the rep decides

to accept the call, the system will call the lead and

connect both parties over the phone. It can be a very

effective strategy for reducing web site abandonment,

decreasing lead contact time, and increasing lead


Recover Lost Revenue from Shopping Cart Abandonment

If you have an online store, you probably worry

about shoppers that abandon their carts before


big problem. But with voice-based marketing

automation, you can trigger a call to an agent

whenever a potential customer abandons their

cart. The system will “whisper” to the agent the

customer’s name and what is in their cart. With a

simple voice command, the agent can have the

system call the customer to see if they can save the


Trigger calls to your sales agents whenever someone fills out a web form

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

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Communicate effectively with your audience by delivering notifications, reminders, and promotional offers via SMS text message.

Do you know anyone without a mobile phone? With

the overwhelming popularity of cell phones today,

text messaging has become an effective way for

businesses to communicate with a large audience.

Text message open rates and read rates are extremely

high, and studies have shown that most texts are read

within 15 minutes of being received, making them an

attractive delivery option for marketers.

Voice-based marketing automation makes it easy to

schedule and deliver SMS texts message blasts to

your target audience. Of course, text messages should

always be a permission-based vehicle, with recipients

opting in to receive your messages.

Here are a few ways to use SMS messaging to

communication with your customers:

• Appointment notifications and confirmations: Text your clients appointment reminders 24 hours before an appointment, asking for a “yes,” “no,” or

“reschedule” confirmation.

• Phone number verification: If a flight, truck, or bus is delayed, deliver a schedule notification to those affected by the delay, or provide a number your audience can text to request schedule updates.

• Travel and inventory confirmations: Your customers could text you asking, “when is my appointment?” or “where is the closest store to 60077?” or “is this product in stock?” and then you can automatically respond with the correct answer via text message.

• Promotional offers: Build your marketing database by inviting customers to text you to receive texts with discount codes.

• Clickable phone numbers: Drive calls to your business by including clickable phone numbers in your text messages.

Sending SMS messages with clickable phone numbers can trigger inbound sales calls

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Page 35: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

Google Analytics and Universal Analytics Integration35VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION FEATURES

Include phone call data alongside your other online and offline data to better understand what’s driving customer activity.

For years businesses have been using Google

Analytics to better understand activity on their web

site. In 2013 Google took their analytics platform

to the next level with the release of Universal

Analytics, which gives businesses the ability to track

and compare not just web activity, but also offline

interactions like phone calls and in-store visits, mobile

app traffic, and other sources – all in the same


Voice-based marketing automation integrates with

Google Analytics and Universal Analytics to add the

critical call tracking data piece to Google’s marketing



understand how web visitors and callers find your

business and better measure campaign ROI.

Universal Analytics users can view rich, context-

specific call tracking data alongside their other online

and offline marketing analytics, so you can:

• Seewhichads,searchkeywords,orsocialmediaplatforms are driving web visits and phone calls to your business

• Comparewebvisitsandphonecallsfromorganicvs. paid search on one screen

• Seewhichofyourwebpagesorvideosapersonviewed before and after calling you

• Seewhichofyourcontenttheydownloadedoritems they purchased before and after calling you

• UsephonecalldatainyourwebpageA/Bteststohelp determine a winner

• Accessacolor-codedmaptoseewherepeopleare calling you from

Including call tracking data in Universal Analytics helps marketers create meaningful customer profiles

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 36: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation and CRM Integration36VOICE-BASED MARKETING AUTOMATION FEATURES

Track revenue from phone leads and improve sales team efficiency by integrating voice-based marketing automation with and other CRM systems.

Voice-based marketing automation is designed to be a

standalone platform. But it also integrates easily with

CRM systems like, giving businesses

additional value. CRM integration enables you to:

• Have customer information at sales’ fingertips before every call: When a call comes in from an existing customer or prospect, voice-based marketing automation instantly triggers a screen-pop with information on the lead, contact, and organization.Notimeiswastedsearchingforthecorrect CRM record.

• Boost agent productivity and reduce input errors: When a new lead calls your business, voice-based marketing automation creates a lead record in your CRM and auto-populates the contact number, lead source, and other information. This keeps your agents productive and improves the quality of your data.

• Track which activities generate phone leads and revenue: Voice-based marketing automation tracks which ad, search term, referring domain, or other source drove the lead to call your business. It’s recorded in your CRM so you can generate reports detailing how your marketing is driving leads and how those leads are turning into revenue.

• Never miss a phone lead: If a call from a new

lead goes unanswered, voice-based marketing automation creates a new lead record for you with an open case to ensure proper follow up. If the number is associated with an existing CRM contact, a new case is automatically added to the record.

• Gather extra demographic data for callers: Oftentimes you want more data on a phone lead than you were able to capture initially. Using

“reverse lookup” you can quickly retrieve the associated name, city, and state for a given phone number and populate it in your CRM lead record.

• Trigger voice broadcasts based on CRM events: By integrating voice-based marketing automation and CRM systems, you can schedule voice broadcasts to occur automatically based on events in your database. For example, have the system call customers and offer them a discount on their birthday. Or call customers to remind them that their annual subscription will run out in 30 days.

• Enable customers to access and update their records: Don’t waste an agent’s time answering routine questions from callers. Instead, callers can use your IVR to access account information from your CRM. Give them the power to access and reset passwords, look up their order status, view account balances, and much more.

• Record IVR responses in each lead record: Inbound and outbound IVR surveys collect a wealth of information that sales can use to close more business. Through CRM integration this data can be automatically added to each contact’s record.

DPS Uses IVR to Drive Revenue for their Clients

Dealer Product Services, Inc. is a provider of marketing solutions to over 1,600 automotive retail clients. DPS wanted to integrate voice broadcasting into its clients’ CRM systems to automate phone calls to advertise warranty renewals, oil changes, and other services.

“We chose Ifbyphone due to their flexibility and their programming expertise,” said Tim O’Neal, President and CEO of DPS. “They have helped us integrate our systems, streamline processes, and automate all of our call delivery.”

Using Ifbyphone, DPS was able to generate more revenue to their clients while realizing a cost savings of 20%.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 37: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Improve customer support and help desk agent productivity by integrating voice-based marketing automation with help desk systems like Zendesk.

Your business may handle hundreds or even thousands of support calls each week.

But even if you only get a handful a day, each call is important. If your support team

is taking too long to respond, customers get frustrated, their satisfaction level drops,

and your churn rate goes up.

By integrating voice-based marketing automation’s virtual call center technology with

your customer support help desk system like Zendesk, you make customer support


• Turn voice messages into support tickets: Ensure customer voicemails are automatically captured and acknowledged. When a customer leaves a voicemail, your agents will automatically receive an email with both the transcribed text message as well as the recorded file. The system will automatically open a support ticket for the caller in your help desk system, and the caller will receive an email acknowledging receipt of their ticket.

• Enable your own virtual call center: Many help desk systems like Zendesk don’t include a phone component. By integrating them with voice-based marketing automation, you can implement a professional call center in minutes without any expensive hardware.

• Manage calls and tickets on one platform: Agents simply sign in to their Zendesk account and they are automatically logged into the call center. They can then make and receive calls without leaving the Zendesk system.

• Enable agents to work from anywhere: If you have agents that work remotely, now you can enable them to make and receive customer support calls on any phone, even Skype. All agent activity can still be monitored centrally by their manager.

“We’ve successfully helped ourselves and helped our clients through this automated integration. I highly recommend Zendesk customers consider Ifbyphone as their phone solution!”

-Jonathan Hunt, FundNET Systems Inc.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 38: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Add voice-based marketing automation to your business applications quickly and easily using API integration.

You want flexibility when running your business. The flexibility to choose the

applications that work best for you and the flexibility to use those applications

so they return the most value. That’s why voice-based marketing automation is

designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing systems with a full suite of

APIs, including:

• Call Initiation APIs: Establish conditions in your other applications that automatically trigger voice broadcasts. For example, send a delivery notification one day in advance and another the day of a service call with the option to reschedule if necessary.

• Account Management APIs: Forward calls in real time based on responses to automated questions. For example, a customer that needs a taxi can be automatically routed to the right dispatcher based on answers to simple questions such as location and destination.

• Reporting APIs: Take all the real-time reports from the voice-based marketing automation platform and integrate them into your other reporting applications.

• The NetGet APIs: Enable call data to be pushed into your other systems in real time as a call progresses. The data can be stored in your own database, used to look up info in your database, and then sent back as a simple XML-formatted response.

• Post-Call Action APIs: Send data to your web server as soon as a call is completed. The data can include such things as the date and time of the call, call duration, caller ID, actions taken, and more.

Voice-based marketing automation platforms are also compatible with white label,

co-branded, or reseller solutions that wish to manage multiple client campaigns

through one reseller portal.

“I had a critical need to add voice services to some internal tools. With very little effort, (less than an hour start to finish,) I was able to tie together our phone list with our groupware’s calendaring system and have a powerful and dynamic system that’s been 100% reliable.”

-Joshua Barratt, CTO, Media Temple

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Page 39: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Use real-time web-based reports to understand and improve marketing ROI, monitor call center activity, measure voice broadcast success, and much more.

Reporting and analytics play an essential role in

helping businesses measure, monitor, and improve

their processes. Voice-based marketing automation

has a wide range of reports you can view and


your business’s inbound and outbound calls. This

detailed data can be used to better understand how

marketing is generating leads, how sales is closing

business, and how support is helping customers.

Reports can be viewed in real-time via the online

portal. Alternatively, you can schedule ad hoc or

daily/weekly/monthly reports to be emailed to key

stakeholders or clients automatically. Plus, you can

integrate call report data into you existing applications

(such as, Google Analytics and

Universal Analytics, Google AdWords, or other

business software) using API integration.

Marketing Analytics

To make better decisions, it’s important to constantly

measure your marketing effectiveness. Voice-based

marketing automation analytics enable you to

determine which activities – online, offline, and mobile

– are generating phone leads, so you can adjust your

strategy and increase marketing ROI. And because

voice-based marketing automation integrates with

your CRM system, you can see which activities are

not just driving phone leads, but revenue as well.

SEO and Paid Search Analytics

Tying a phone lead to a search keyword gives you

unique insight into how leads are finding you, what

they care about, and the phrases they are using.

Voice-based automation reports show you exactly

which search terms are driving inbound calls. Also,

if a lead called you after clicking on a paid search

ad, you can include that data as part of your Google

AdWords reports to fully understand ad conversion


Lead Funnel Analytics

Tracking the marketing source of phone leads is only

the first step. Voice-based marketing automation also

enables you to generate reports that follow phone

leads through each stage of your lead funnel. For

example, you can generate reports on which ads

converted phone leads to opportunities and revenue

at the highest rate. Or which ad sources generate the

best ROI.

Call Geography Analytics

Understanding which geographic areas generate the

most leads helps marketers better plan their local

programs. Voice-based marketing can generate

graphic reports showing you exactly which area

codes, cities, and states are calling you the most.

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Call Center Analytics

How many calls did each sales or support agent

handle in a given time? How long did each call last?

What was the average time a customer spent on hold?

How many hours a day does each agent spend on

calls? What time do agents first log in and last log

out? You can monitor activity in real-time via the online

portal or generate historical reports to understand

each agent’s effectiveness.

Voice Broadcast Analytics

Access detailed reports on the success of each

broadcast. Data is updated in real-time so you

can pause campaigns mid-broadcast to make

adjustments. If your voice broadcast is an IVR that

requests and collects data, you can view reports on

each recipient’s responses and pass that data to your

CRM system or other business applications.

Inbound IVR Analytics

Businesses use inbound IVRs to route callers to

the right agent, qualify and score leads, survey

customers after interacting with an agent, and much

more. You can generate reports showing the number

of callers to each IVR, their answers to IVR questions,

where they sent based on their responses, and other


“As a marketing firm, we are committed to providing transparency to our clients. Ifbyphone allows us to present a call detail report that shows the effectiveness of our campaigns.”

-Bobby Vickers, VRB Analytics

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 41: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Sotheby’s International Realty

specializes in selling luxury properties.

They were spending millions of

dollars on print advertising without

having a clear understanding of its

effectiveness. They needed a way to

measure what ad programs were really



1. First, using Ifbyphone’s call tracking, Sotheby’s was able to understand exactly which ads were driving phone calls.

2. Second, by setting up call routing, they directed every phone lead from their ads directly to the listing agent’s primary phone. If the agent didn’t answer, Ifbyphone “finds” them by calling a progression of their other numbers (desk phone, mobile phone, home phone, etc.).

3. When the agent answers, Ifbyphone “whispers” the phone number and the newspaper in which the ad appeared. For example, a whisper from a Connecticut ad would say, “Call from The New York Times for 120 Peacock Rd.”


Using Ifbyphone’s call tracking,

Sotheby’s reduced their newspaper

advertising spend by 30% without

affecting lead flow. In some cases,

they were able to use Ifbyphone data

to renegotiate advertising rates. “We

used Ifbyphone to get print ads in line

with where they should be,” said Brad

Nelson, VP of Marketing of Sotheby’s.

“We reinvested these dollars into other

advertising mediums that increased our

listing’s total exposure.”

Not only did Ifbyphone help measure

ad effectiveness, but it also helped

Sotheby’s office in Sarasota increase

sales by 25 percent. Agents were now

missing fewer calls: “We realized our

agents were missing calls because

of poor cell reception,” said Nelson.

“Ifbyphone call reports gave our agents

the opportunity to see what calls they

missed and call those leads back.”

“Our agents also get excited about

the ‘whisper.’ When agents know

where the call is coming from, they

immediately know the quality of that

lead,” said Nelson. “I believe these

added benefits keep our agents happy

and productive, which ultimately helps




Luxury realtor uses voice-based marketing automation to reinvest 30% of budget in better-performing ads and boost sales by 25%.

“We used Ifbyphone to get print ads in line with where they should be. We reinvested these dollars into other advertising mediums that increased our listing’s total exposure.”

-Brad Nelson, Sotheby’s

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 42: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Go Configure, Inc. is an outdoor

products delivery and installation

company with over $14 million in sales.

While the company sought growth

opportunities, they were constrained by

staffing expenses. Go Configure saw

an opportunity to increase efficiency

while also reducing expenses by

automating the five phone calls their

in-house staff was making for each



Using Ifbyphone’s outbound IVR

technology, Go Configure was able

to automate voice broadcast calls

to suppliers, drivers, and customers

regarding each delivery. As a result of

using voice broadcasting to automate

the notification and confirmation

process, “we have had the opportunity

to grow our business without

increasing our staffing expense,” said

Dawn Rivera, Director of Operations for

Go Configure.


Overall, Ifbyphone provided an easy

and reliable outbound IVR service that

positively impacted Go Configure’s

daily business operations, while saving

the company over $70,000 per year.

Go Configure42


Voice-based marketing automation saves delivery company $70,000 per year.

“We have been able to double the efficiency of our staff and reduced the cost of staff and overtime by 60%. Without this technology, we would not have had the opportunity to grow our business without increasing our staffing expense.”

- Dawn Rivera, Go Configure, Inc.

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Page 44: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


There are three main benefits to using voice-based marketing automation:

1. Measure and Optimize Marketing Spend

John Wanamaker has a famous quote: “Half the money I spend on advertising

is wasted…the trouble is, I don’t know which half.” It’s never been more critical

for marketing teams to track the full ROI of every dollar you spend. That means

knowing exactly how many leads – and revenue – each program generates.

• Track phone leads back to your marketing: Most businesses find that inbound calls are the best type of lead, yet few have the ability to track where they came from. Voice-based marketing automation enables you to understand exactly which marketing programs are driving phone leads. It lets you generate truly closed-loop reporting where every lead is captured, tracked, and reported on.

• Prove to execs and clients how you are impacting revenue: Get credit for every lead – and revenue dollar – your marketing helps generate. Be able to

stand in front of your executive team with concrete proof of how your programs are driving revenue. Or if you do lead gen for clients, get paid for every single call you generate.

• Renew campaigns that work, cancel those that don’t: Make intelligent campaign decisions based on what’s really working. You can stop wasting money on advertising that isn’t generating leads and instead funnel that money into proven performers. It’s an easy way to grow lead volumes without extra budget.

“Call tracking has really opened our eyes

and helped us close a big loop in providing

marketing optimization tactics in a multi-

channel manner.”

-Paul Stackpole, Pel Hughes

1. Measure and optimize marketing spend2. Grow revenue faster3. Save time and money

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2. Grow Revenue Faster

At the end of the day, growing revenue is really what matters. Voice-based

marketing automation helps businesses grow revenue by improving lead

generation, converting more web leads into phone leads, and delivering automated

voice broadcasts.

• Better leads = more revenue: Voice-based marketing automation helps marketers pinpoint what campaigns are really bringing in revenue. You can then reinvest in the most successful programs and give sales the high-quality leads they need to close more business.

• Faster lead response = more revenue: Research shows that a sale is 22 times more likely to happen when you make contact within the first five minutes. Voice-based marketing automation has tools that make it easy for prospects on your web site who fill out a form to get a sales call in seconds. It also has intelligent call routing that gets inbound calls to the right sales agent faster – and no phone leads gets missed.

• Automate upselling /cross-selling calls and reorder reminders: Maximizethe revenue you receive from every customer with automated voice broadcasts. They are an effective way to promote the value of upgrading to a higher-tiered product or purchasing additional services. They also help remind customers when it time to reorder or renew.

3. Save time and money

Beacon Technologies Sees Over 400% Higher ROI with Call Tracking

Beacon Technologies is a web technology and marketing agency. Beacon uses Ifbyphone as the critical link between online marketing spend and offline phone call conversions.

For one client, Beacon used unique phone numbers from Ifbyphone to track call activity from sites like,, Google Local, and social media outlets. They now understood which channels were working and adjusted spending accordingly. The end result was a significant increase in ROI.

“A lot of companies don’t just get leads that take place on the web. Consumers often pick up the phone and call,” said Brad Henry, Director of Web Marketing at Beacon. “It’s important to know where that lead originated, particularly if the web is involved, in order to optimize marketing initiatives moving forward.”

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3. Save Time and Money

Making your business more efficient while reducing costs are two benefits near and

dear to your CFO’s heart. Here’s how voice-based marketing automation does it:

• Cut staffing costs: Voice-based marketing automation has technology that handles tasks previously requiring head count. For example, you can use an IVR as your business’s virtual receptionist to answer phones, provide information, and qualify and route callers 24/7. Or you can deliver thousands of voice broadcasts, IVR surveys, and SMS messaging blasts to large groups in minutes

– something that would take a team of agents days to accomplish.

• Make staff more efficient: Each time a sales rep answers a call from a customer who isn’t ready to buy, it costs you money. Each time a support agent has to spend time helping a customer locate their password or account balance, it costs you money. By filtering out these calls and automating manual processes, voice-based marketing automation frees your sales and support teams to focus on what really matters: closing business and better servicing customers.

• Cut equipment costs: Installing and maintaining call center equipment is extremely expensive. By using voice-based marketing automation to deploy a virtual call center, you can eliminate your hardware and maintenance costs while enabling your agents to work from anywhere.

• Reduce no-shows: Customer no-shows can be costly. If your business relies on customers keeping their appointments or being present for deliveries, voice-based marketing automation can handle the reminding, confirming, and rescheduling for you automatically.

3. Save time and money

“I love the flexibility and wide range of features offered by Ifbyphone. We’ve only been using it a few months so far, but have designed all sorts of backend programming that allows us to reduce our dependence on live inbound call centers. What a money saver!”

- Kirsti Hegg, Gorilla Marketing

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Page 47: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


Unlike on-premise solutions that are sold as software licenses or per-user “seats,”

voice-based marketing automation is delivered via the cloud and sold as a

recurring subscription. Most subscriptions are monthly and can be cancelled at any

time, though some larger deals can be sold as an annual contract with many built-

in discounts. Subscriptions can start as low as $49.95 a month and scale up based

on your call volume.

The main factors determining the cost of a subscription are:

• The functionality you require: Not all the features discussed in this guide are available in the basic editions of voice-based marketing automation. For some advanced functionality, you must select a higher product tier.

• Phone numbers and usage minutes: Most packages include a certain number of phone numbers and calling minutes per month and then charge extra when you exceed that amount.

• Extras: Some functionality, like SMS text messages and call recording, are extra charges each month based on usage.

• Customer support: Some voice-based marketing automation providers have

free customer support, but others will charge you extra.

No matter what package you choose, most voice-based marketing automation

users find tremendous value in the solution. For sample pricing, please visit the

Ifbyphone web site at

Once you decide that voice-based marketing automation is a good fit for your business, you should understand what factors influence pricing.

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Page 48: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


We won’t lie – we think Ifbyphone is the best voice-based marketing automation

solution provider. But here are a few things to consider when selecting the right

vendor for you:

1. Determine Your Goals

What are you looking to achieve by implementing voice-based marketing

automation? Establishing your goals upfront will help you select the vendor that

best fits your needs. For example:

• Areyoulookingtotrackphoneleadsbacktoyourmarketingactivities?

• Areyoulookingtodelivervoicebroadcasts?

• Areyoulookingtoconductphonesurveys?

• Areyoulookingtoestablishavirtualcallcenter?

Not every vendor can do everything you will want to do, so be sure to determine

your goals and priorities upfront so you aren’t having to select multiple ad hoc

vendors later.

So you’ve decided you’re ready for voice-based marketing automation. How do you select the right vendor?

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2. Ask the Right Questions

Once you know what you want to

accomplish, first be sure to ask

prospective vendors the most

important question: can you do them?

Some will be able to, and some won’t.

If that question helps you narrow the

field, you can then ask some other

goal-specific questions.

If you are interest in call tracking, for

example, you may wish to ask:

• Doyouspecializeinmobileoronlinecall tracking?

• CanyouintegratewithGoogleAnalytics and Universal Analytics?

• DoyouhaveGoogle-certifiedspecialist on staff to assist?

• Doyouoffer“whisper”messagestoannounce each caller to agents?

• Doyouofferacallrecordingoption?

• Doyouoffercustomcallroutingoptions?

• Doyouofferbothtoll-freeandlocalphone numbers? Do I own these numbers?

• Whattoolsareavailableforanagency managing call tracking for multiple clients?

• Doyouhaveaphonenumbercleansing process to make sure the ones you give weren’t recently used and aren’t already receiving calls?

When evaluating IVR technology, you

may wish to ask each vendor if they


• Onlineconfigurationwithnoprogramming needed?

• Speechrecognition?

• Real-timeanalytics?

• TheabilitytoupdateIVRsinreal-time?

• Voice-to-texttranscriptionservices?

• Intelligentcallrouting?

• Answeringmachineandhumandetection?

• Theabilitytointegratewithyour

CRM and servers?

For voice broadcasting, you can

inquire about the following:

• Doestheproviderhaveanon-timedelivery guarantee?

• Canyoumanageandscheduleyourown broadcasts, or will you need to rely on a middleman?

• Dotheychargeextraforatransfer?

• Whataretheirextraorhiddenfees?

• Dotheyofferyourcustomersan“unsubscribe” or “opt-out” option?

• Canyoupauseacampaignmid-blast?

• Cantheydetectwhetheraliveperson or voicemail answers your call?

• DotheysupportIVRcapabilities?

• Cantheyroutecustomersbacktoyou during the call? To the nearest store? To an available sales agent? To your office, cell, and home phone simultaneously?

• Cantheyrecordcallsthatgettransferred to an agent?

• Doyougetinstantaccesstoreports? Can you download them

into multiple formats?

Finally, if you are interested in

implementing a virtual call center,

you can ask:

• CanIcustomizetheon-holdexperience?

• Canmyagentsreceivecallsatanylocation on any type of phone? Even softphones and Skype?

• CanIsetupschedulesbasedonmyindividual agents?

• Howcanmyagentsreceivecallerinformation before answering?

• CanIaccesscallreportsandrecords online?

• Doesyourserviceoffercallrecording and transcription?

• Arethereanysetupfeesorcontracts?

• AmIabletotransfercallerstoanother agent, department, or IVR?

• Doyouchargeper-agentorper-seatfees?

• Doesitintegratewithapplicationslike Salesforce and Zendesk?

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3. Consider a Few Non-Technical Factors

After looking at the technology, you may wish to consider a few other things before

making your final decision.

• What kind of support do they offer? Will you be able to get them on the phone and get help when you need it? Does support cost extra? Are the people you talk to pleasant to deal with and helpful?

• Do they have references? What other businesses in your industry are using their solution? How are they using it? What results have they experienced? Are theretipsyoucanusetohelpmaximizeROI?

• Will they help you get started? If you decide to go with a vendor, do they have programs in place to help you get started? How long will it take to get up and running?

“I have never worked with a company that gave so much value for the money. Our requirements from Ifbyphone were not standard. These guys took the extra mile and made sure that whatever I needed I received the same day. And that’s really what impressed me. I work with a lot of people and I don’t see this type of commitment and service.”

- Leo Nov, RestorationSOS

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Page 51: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


A Complete Solution

Ifbyphone is the only vendor with a truly complete voice-based marketing

automation solution. Others may be able to help with a piece here and a piece

there, but only Ifbyphone offers a comprehensive suite of applications that

covers everything in a single platform.

Connects with Your Business

Voice-based marketing automation works best when it is integrated with your

business applications. Ifbyphone comes with pre-built integrations for a wide

variety of applications, like, HubSpot, Google Analytics and

Universal Analytics, and Zendesk. It also has a full suite of APIs for you to

easily integrate Ifbyphone with your existing applications.

What Makes Ifbyphone Different?

Easy to Get Started, Easy to Use

Ifbyphone is cloud-based, so there is no hardware to buy or software to install

and maintain. And our platform was built for marketers, salespeople, and

support professionals, so you know it is easy to use. You don’t need to hire

developers or programmers to assist you.

Our People

Ifbyphone has great technology, but our customers tell us our greatest asset

is our people. We have helpful experts to get you up and running quickly and

to answer your phone calls whenever you have questions down the road.

Ifbyphone’s Integrated Platform

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Page 52: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


FundNET Systems provides web-

based communication software for

financial services professionals. They

wanted an automated way to increase

support for FundNET’s advisor clients.

They also needed to ensure that all

support requests received via phone

were automatically entered and tracked

in Zendesk, the company’s help desk

ticketing software. At the time, their

existing phone company charged

FundNET high rates for basic phone,

voicemail and toll-free services – which

did little to help either the company

or its clients. FundNET knew there

had to be a better, more cost-effective



Ifbyphone helped FundNET setup the

following solution:

1. When financial advisors call FundNET for support, their support question is recorded and transcribed.

2. The transcription, along with an attachment of the audio recording, is then automatically entered as a support ticket in Zendesk.

3. The advisor then receives an email confirming their support request that includes the transcription and a link to the audio recording.


By using Ifbyphone, FundNET reduced

their phone costs by almost 80% while

adding substantial functionality to their

system. Now, all of FundNET’s phone

support requests are automatically

logged in Zendesk. Because Zendesk

is also integrated with Solve360, the

CRM system FundNET uses, they

now have end-to-end visibility of client


“Before Ifbyphone, a client would

leave a voicemail and we’d have to

listen to the whole message, then

open Zendesk and enter the request

manually,” said FundNET President

Jonathan Hunt. “Plus, the client

didn’t know the voice message was

received nor did they have any tracking

on it. This integration of Ifbyphone,

Zendesk, and Solve360 has enabled

us to automate support, keep clients

informed, save administrative time, and

reduce telco costs.”

FundNET Systems

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 324-3600 | | |


Software provider uses voice-based marketing automation to cut support costs and better serve customers.

“The Ifbyphone-Zendesk integration reduces our firm’s phone costs by 80%, ensures our clients receive high-quality customer service, and saves our support team time by aggregating all support inquiries, via phone, email, and web, in one place.”

-Jonathan Hunt, FundNET Systems Inc.

Page 53: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation


We hope you found this guide helpful as you explore whether voice-based marketing automation is right for your business. If the phone plays an important role in how you acquire and support customers, voice-based marketing automation has a lot to offer you.

Voice-based marketing automation is an exciting technology that continues to evolve. If you wish to stay on top of the latest news and best practices, you can visit the Ifbyphone blog and resource section of our web site at

And please give us a call at 855-290-4190 if you wish to speak to an Ifbyphone representative or schedule a demo.

© 2013 Ifbyphone, Inc. | (855) 290-4190 | | |

Page 54: The Definitive Guide to Voice-Based Marketing Automation

About Ifbyphone

Ifbyphone manages, measures, and automates voice

conversations with your customers and prospects.

These conversations cannot be managed using marketing

automation or CRM software alone. Without Ifbyphone’s

voice-based marketing automation platform, catching

these interactions is like fishing with a hole in the bottom

of your net – leads and information fall out.

The Ifbyphone suite is a set of software-as-a-service

applications including ad tracking, lead distribution,

hosted IVR, and voice broadcasting. Companies of all


direct response, health care, real estate, home services, and

lead generation. Learn more at



(855) 290-4190

300 West Adams Street, 9th Floor

Chicago, IL 60606