the demonic bible and other works by rob hay - with inspiration from the love for life work of...

 Page 1 The Demonic Bible and Other Works The Bible is a Demonic piece of work which is intended to condition those indoctrinated into it, to give away their life force energy to Demonic Entities. The Bible is not based upon enlightening people to their free will and therefore exercising their free will, but to encourage them to bow down to dead unloving parasitical entities of which have only want to consume the life in the dream of life. That said let us look at the word Demon. In the Greek Language, Demon has its roots in the word Knowledge. This would be akin to the Tree of Knowledge o f which Adam and Eve ate the fruit from upon which LORD God told them not to. Lord God placed Adam into the Garden as he was his property and where upon Lord God claimed that he was the creator of the Heavens plural and the earth. Plural meaning that there was no longer oneness and there were other dimensions to the Universe. Lord God questioned Adam and Eve as to why they took of the Tree of Knowledge yet not the Tree o f Life. This suggests that the Tree of Life is the way out of the Hell called Eden. Baal, Bael  - (Hebrew) devil. Means " the lord." The Canaanites worshipped Baal and held rituals at which children were burned for sacrifice. According to Wierius, this demon is the first monarch of hell and appears as a three headed beast. Bael is cited in the Grand Grimiore as commanding general of infernal armies. Crown of Ba'al As I mentioned in my book and other articles when you see the word Lord you are not talking about God our creator as per the Bible, but talking about Satan. Satan is the same force with many faces using Demons as those faces. Considering that the entire Legal system is based upon Baal Courts and Baal worship, which should give you some indication of why it is so knowledge intensive. Demons are in command of knowledge that those they subjugate are not, or at least that is the illusion that they like to put forward as it is all base d in fraud. You see we are the creators and when we miscreate that energy must go somewhere and well here it is. It is not something we ought to run from, but to become aware of it so we simply stop doing it, which is a huge challenge at the moment. Putting the pieces together such as the Holy Koran you will see in the first book, second line it states that Allah is the Lord o f the Worlds. Hence to say, not the ea rths as the worlds are imaginary things and thus lord does mean Demon. Because Demons are not really alive they are thought field constructs of information, they have to suck life from us, LIFE as to maintain their illusions over us, LIFE. Also interesting how Islam emphasizes that everyone learn as

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Page 1: The Demonic Bible and Other Works by Rob Hay - With Inspiration From The Love For Life Work Of Arthur & Fiona Cristian - 3oth January 2011

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The Demonic Bible and Other Works

The Bible is a Demonic piece of work which is intended to condition those

indoctrinated into it, to give away their life force energy to Demonic Entities.

The Bible is not based upon enlightening people to their free will and therefore

exercising their free will, but to encourage them to bow down to dead unloving

parasitical entities of which have only want to consume the life in the dream of


That said let us look at the word Demon. In the Greek Language, Demon has its roots in the

word Knowledge. This would be akin to the Tree of Knowledge of which Adam and Eve ate the

fruit from upon which LORD God told them not to. Lord God placed Adam into the Garden as

he was his property and where upon Lord God claimed that he was the creator of the Heavens

plural and the earth. Plural meaning that there was no longer oneness and there were other

dimensions to the Universe. Lord God questioned Adam and Eve as to why they took of the

Tree of Knowledge yet not the Tree of Life. This suggests that the Tree of Life is the way out of

the Hell called Eden.

Baal, Bael  - (Hebrew) devil. Means "the lord." The

Canaanites worshipped Baal and held rituals at which children

were burned for sacrifice. According to Wierius, this demon is

the first monarch of hell and appears as a three headed beast.

Bael is cited in the Grand Grimiore as commanding general of

infernal armies.

Crown of Ba'al 

As I mentioned in my book and other articles when you see

the word Lord you are not talking about God our creator as per

the Bible, but talking about Satan. Satan is the same force

with many faces using Demons as those faces. Considering

that the entire Legal system is based upon Baal Courts and

Baal worship, which should give you some indication of why it is

so knowledge intensive. Demons are in command of knowledge that those they subjugate are

not, or at least that is the illusion that they like to put forward as it is all based in fraud. You see

we are the creators and when we miscreate that energy must go somewhere and well here it is.

It is not something we ought to run from, but to become aware of it so we simply stop doing it,

which is a huge challenge at the moment.

Putting the pieces together such as the Holy Koran you will see in the first book, second line it

states that Allah is the Lord of the Worlds. Hence to say, not the earths as the worlds are

imaginary things and thus lord does mean Demon. Because Demons are not really alive they

are thought field constructs of information, they have to suck life from us, LIFE as to maintain

their illusions over us, LIFE. Also interesting how Islam emphasizes that everyone learn as

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much as possible and to excel in gaining knowledge? This is simply done I think to distract you

from becoming aware of how you are connected to all of life and creation rather than learning

how you are so completely separate from it.

The Lord Jesus Christ is yet another Demon, but the PTB fight against Christianity only to

deflect people into thinking that JESUS their Lord, will save them. So they got people coming

and going. People rally behind Lord Jesus Christ and worship him, yet he is not present in

LIFE, he is a in fact a FICTION. Thus we have people worshiping Saints and other people who

are dead, giving away their LIFE force to the dead, more importantly to a NAME, where as the

consciousness spirit lives forever and has no need for worship or power over you or anything.

This is because love has no boundaries we are all one in love and truth always leads to healing

and love. FICTION on the other hand leads to chaos and destruction of life. It is the Luciferian

aspect of Satanism that Good and Evil exist, both being different branches of the same tree; the

Tree of Knowledge (Tree of Demonology FICTION) that sucks LIFE from the Dream of Life.

Of course in order to keep the illusion working, there must be great many laws created to

confuse MAN in their belief that that someone or something of FICTION has authority over

them. In truth there are no laws there is only oneness with all LIFE, in that there are no

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numbers just trees, animals and all forms of life of which we dance in the song of life together.

Hence the term Song Lines on the earth or also called Leigh Lines, upon which attunes us and

all Life to the song of life in knowing who we are as being one.

All Religious text is about you giving away your authority to some kind of deity or being owned

by some kind of deity in which you worship. God gave you dominion over all the earth, hence

he gave you authority to have dominion and thus you are not equal with God as God a deity,

has granted you he slave a privilege. Slaves have no rights, just privileges.

What is self evident is that we all have free will and anyone interfering with that free will is

causing an imbalance to LIFE which always works to keep itself in balance. Hence what is

happening now is that there is an awakening taking place to recover our Free Will, although

some of us are absolutely screaming for it, others are still very much asleep or are still looking

towards FICTION the Demon of Knowledge to solve their issues for them. This is just how I

keep trying to underscore why we must turn our backs on the SYSTEM and expose their fraud

and move along on our own. Nope not easy, but together it is possible.

So it would seem that our entire way of Life has been completely inundated with Demonology.

They use Religion as the means to justify that some God created everything and they,

particularly the Pope, is the Vicar of God/Christ and can make rulings and laws upon God’s

behalf, because God owns you and all that exists. To be owned is to be a slave. To say that

you own something is to enslave a part of you because all is consciousness all is LIFE, so what

you sow you reap.

The New World Order and much of the UFO stuff we

are seeing are based upon this pluralism reality of

the heavens. There is only one Universe, the other

dimensions I am assuming are FICTION basedthought forms that feed off the true Universe and the

LIFE there in, to animate the demonic aspects of

control over us. The New World Order Religion is

about making us believe that we are all Gods. Again

that is nice to have the power of God, but it really

means feeding the FICTION more from the

perspective of us being separate from all of creation

and not part of it, wherein we Co create with each

other in our ever expanding awareness of who we

are. I suspect that our DNA has been altered to give us a watered down perception of what we

are capable of. However when we meditate and become one with all life and open to love andtruth, laws disappear and DNA can be overwritten as DNA is merely an illusion within the Dream

of LIFE, as what is the only constant is LIFE.

The serpent beings seem to be the primary instigators behind all the stories of the creation of

MAN as they interbred with the daughters of MAN to create the Giants etc. I suspect that was

the DNA manipulation and the Possession aspects of ownership by demonic entities that seek

to feed off of us as life and to direct our creation in ways that support the FICTION and not LIFE.

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Their magic clouds the minds of MAN with the understanding of a materialistic world based

upon the fear of death, which is where we withdraw our consciousness from the illusion. What

happens after this is we are told that there is a “Spirit World” or Heaven (Hell) which we go to

and experience life ever after. After what exactly, we are infinite beings. We take with us a

false paradigm in which the SYSTEM encourages us to keep coming back in incarnations to

feed the demonic entities and play their games of knowledge.

Again the SYSTEM is truly and overlaid world on the real substantive LIFE. Land is dissected

into Countries, Provinces/States, Cities, Towns, Roads with numbers and names, Buildings with

names and all kinds of other various structures, all owned and usually named. It is a

manufactured reality overlaid upon natural creation and because someone sticks a sign in the

ground naming something, they call it theirs and charge taxes for others using it etc. Yet they

have no claim from the creator of earth saying that they can take what is not theirs and enslave

their fellow man for making use of it. It is because something is given a name or assigned a

number from the world of fiction that the fraudsters claim ownership over it and possess it. This

is why Adam was created by the LORD God so he and his demonic minions could possess him

and all those that followed. The Bibleis not going to tell you the truth about

anything, because it is a book based

upon fiction and is designed to feed

the knowledge (demonic) will into the

people, making them good subjects

for the demons to rule over.

I suspect this is about to come to an

abrupt end, but again it is realizing

that we are one and that within the

illusion we experience all we see is

life of ourselves being expressed in

different forms of life all of which has

free will. I am sure I still don’t know

the entire picture of what is going on,

but as I move forward I learn a little more here and there that seems to fit in the right ways. My

assertion that all Religious texts are based upon ownership and thus create slavery and bring

about the sow what you reap scenario is an accurate observation. It happens because we are

all one and the only way to have free will is to not interfere with the free will of others; again

easier said than done. Exposing the fraud of the system would also go a long way in bringing

about change, but not everyone is ready to learn how deep the rabbit hole goes and there isalso a lot of disinfo out there designed to keep you away from the awareness of who you are.

When a dispute arises we the living sit down and talk it through. We know the law written in our

hearts and we find the most just way to resolve the issues before us. We don’t need to go to a

Court of Fiction and have Fiction tell us how to resolve our issues, who are third parties and

have no presence to life. Truth always leads to love and love always heals. The system writes

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it’s laws on paper because their law is dead, it has no life to it. Our hearts have life and we are

present to all LIFE and are the LIFE within the Dream of Life. January 30, 2011