velciu cristian

THE ROLE OF COMMUNICATION IN BUISNESS Velciu Marius- Cristian Grupa 8220

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Post on 03-Aug-2015




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Velciu Marius-CristianGrupa 8220

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Imagine trying to run a business where no one of your staff communicates with each other. Departments would be out of sync, no one would be quite certain what was going on, and it would be impossible to work together on group projects. In other words, a lack of communication would cause serious efficiency problems, and at the end of the day that’s money out of the company’s pockets. Taking the time to keep everyone in the loop fixes all these issues, and for that reason it’s absolutely essential for every company to stress communication.

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UnityA company that works to develop strong communication with each other is a united company. Each team member shares the same goals in this case, and everyone knows what their co-workers have on their plate. By simply keeping in touch on a regular basis, everyone remains united and working together. This instills a cooperative atmosphere rather than encouraging the idea of having a bunch of individual people only looking out for themselves. All companies have a vision for their success, and through communication, that vision spreads to everyone. The result is a happier, healthier workplace where things get done more efficiently and a bigger likelihood of retaining the top talent.

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FeedbackWhen communication is stressed, it creates an open environment where everyone feels comfortable talking with each other. When that level of comfort is present in a business, employees feel confident that they can express their ideas about the work process to each other and even to management. Feedback is a vital component of communication, and it works both ways. Management give feedback to the employees in regards to how well they’re faring at their duties, and employees feel safe giving feedback on how well the company’s policies and procedures are working. Communication is not communication if it only comes from one direction.

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Improves Customer RelationshipsNo business would succeed without customers, and every company exists to serve them. Communicating with customers is every bit as important as communication within the workplace. Thankfully, this is easier today that it’s ever been, as there are a wide variety of ways to keep in touch with your customer base.Furthermore, this type of communication also ensures your customers remain happy with you, since they can share their needs with you and make suggestions on what you can do to better serve them. When customers feel they are listened to and that their suggestions are implemented accordingly, the reputation of your business will grow and you will find yourself generating additional profit, not to mention that you will have more and more customers to communicate with.

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Improves Employee Relationships

No friendship is ever formed without a good level of communication. The more a company’s employees communicate with each other, the closer they will become naturally over time. Bear in mind that much of communication takes place without the need for words, so it’s important to master both verbal and non-verbal communication, both in the written form as well as body language.

 Regardless of the type of communication in question, as long as the employees in a business are understanding each other’s motivations and on the same page regarding the main goals, you will have a team that is happy to work together. Enhanced levels of cooperation will exhibit itself in increased areas of productivity throughout a company, and that will itself show up when looking at your company’s bottom line.

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Enforcing RulesEvery business must have a code of policies and procedures that must be followed in order for everyone to succeed. Maybe there is a specific process for a task, for example, or maybe there are certain consequences for underperforming. Either way, you want to make all this very clear to your employees, and it isn’t possible to do this without strong communication skills.

This kind of communication requires more than simply writing out a company manual and issuing it to each of the new hires on their first day. Any company knows that rules are always needing to be altered as things change and evolve over time, and it’s important to revisit how all of these changes affect your employees regularly. Even if the general company guidelines never shift, continually communicating expectations and policies is a good practice that will never fail. The outline for your business must be followed at all times, and without communicating about that outline, a company can’t expect the employees to stay within the lines on their own.

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Enhanced InnovationNo matter how skilled and talented the people at the top of your company are, you can never have too many ideas. By encouraging everyone at your business, whether big or small, to openly share their thoughts without fear of being shut down, you will quickly notice the employees that have the most to add. Your best employees have ideas on how you can make your business run even better, and it’s wise to give them a chance to speak. A business can become more innovative overnight just by working together to be good communicators, and that’s bad news for your competition and good news for your revenue.Clearly, the benefits of communication in a business are plentiful, and in fact it’s hard to imagine any kind of success at all without it. No matter what kind of business you have, and whether it’s big or small, one of the single most important determinants of success is communication. If you feel your business does not have the quality of communication it should, don’t wait another day to address that issue. There is no need for your company to suffer from something that can be so easily fixed with a little effort.

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