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Research Paper

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in English Department















The research aims at analyzing the depiction of the Islamic princess books from

Dar! Mizan. It focuses on how the types of process, participant, and circumstance

reveal the characterization of the princess as well as the main female character in

relation to the narrative structure. This study is a descriptive qualitative one

applying transitivity analysis. The data for this study are in the forms of clauses

taken from the five stories. From the 205 clauses found, there are five types of

processes occurred i.e.: verbal (26,341%), mental (25,366%), relational

(24,390%), material (20,976%), and existential (2,927%). In addition, the process

initiated by the main female characters are Princess Majidina, Princess Muqita,

Princess Haqqiya, Princess Bashira, and Princess Raqiibina in relation to the

narrative structure, the most occurrence of process types are: in orientation is

relational process; in evaluation is verbal process; in complication is verbal

process; in resolution is mental process; and in re-orientation is mental process.

To sum up, the transitivity processes are to reveal that the princess in Islamic

princess books are represented as a doer that have many ideas, initiatives, good

attitude and positive activities.

Keyword: transitivity, Islamic princess, children’s book


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penggambaran tokoh utama Putri

dalam buku Islam yang diterbitkan oleh Dar! Mizan. Fokus penelitian ini pada

tipe-tipe proses, pelaku, dan keterangan yang menerangkan karakter dari tokoh

utama seorang Putri pada setiap unsur teks narasi. Metode analisis data yang

digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengaplikasikan analisis

transitivitas. Data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan klausa yang

dikumpulkan melalui metode dokumentasi dari lima buku cerita Putri Islam. Dari

205 klausa yang ditemukan, terdapat 5 tipe proses yang muncul, seperti: verbal

(26,341%), mental (25,366%), relational (24,390%), material (20,976%), dan

existential (2,927%). Selain itu, terdapat tipe proses yang dilakukan tokoh utama,

seperti Putri Majidina, Putri Muqita, Putri Haqqiya, Putri Bashira, dan Putri

Raqiibina pada unsur-unsur teks narasi, tipe proses dengan kemunculan terbanyak

pada tiap unsur yaitu: pada orientation yaitu proses relational; pada evaluation

yaitu proses verbal; pada complication yaitu proses verbal; pada resolution yaitu

proses mental, dan pada re-orientation yaitu proses mental. Lebih ringkasnya,

proses transitivitas merupakan proses untuk mengungkapkan bahwa tokoh utama


dalam buku putri Islam digambarkan sebagai pelaku yang memiliki banyak ide,

inisiatif, perilaku yang baik dan aktivitas yang positif.

Kata Kunci: transitifiti, puteri Islam, buku anak


Children’s books in Indonesia have long been part of Indonesian

publishing industry (Taryadi 1999). It gets its flourishing period especially

after reformasi. In addition to its entertaining features, children’s books are

often used as the media for education. Therefore, children’s books always

become the demand of parents, and educator in Indonesia.

Children’s books have various genres which refers to the kind or type of

literature that has a common set of characteristics such as fiction, science,

history, biography Lukens (2002:30-34).

In the genre of fiction, girls as main characters in children’s books are

numerous including those depicting princess which resemble with the

canonical western fairy tales. Many of those canonical fairy tales, especially

the ones popularized by Disney, are retold, translated and republished in

Indonesia. We can find the stories like Cinderella, Snow White or Rapunzel in

Indonesia children’s book. Unfortunately, the depiction of the main girl

character in those stories is usually shows their weaknesses.

Along with the booming of children books publishing, several Islamic

book publishers such as DAR! Mizan, Gema Insani Press (GIP), and Tiga

Serangkai also publish books for children with Islamic feature. One of the

book series is Islamic princess, with the purpose of presenting the different

character of girl especially Moslem girls.

In those books the moslem princess are presented differently from the

Disney princess. This can be seen, for example from the outfit. In which

Islamic Princess wears modest gowns with veils. Moreover, the Islamic

Princess has more positive character. In the story of Gaun-Gaun Princess

Majidina, the main girl character named Majidina has strong character, such

as she builds an ordinary idea and gives her gowns to those who need them. In


another story, Princess Zhahira dan Selendang Biru, the main girl character

has good manners such as like to help the less fortune people, she is

trustworthy and responsible princess.

The seemingly different presentation of a princess with Islamic

characters is an interesting site to study. This study, investigates the

characterization of the main female characters in those stories. By deploying

transitivity analysis. Transitivity is used to reveal the depiction of Islamic

Princess characterization considering that how participants are depicted in

texts can shape the way that we perceive them. In other words, our perception

can be shaped by the representation of transitivity in which a system of the

clause affects not only the verb serving as process but also participants and

circumstances and can help to promote certain discourses and certain

ideologies (Halliday, 2004).

Studies on the female characterization by using transitivity analysis have

been done by previous researchers. Suryatini (2014) in her study entitled

Analysis of English Transitivity Process with Reference to “The Witch of

Portobello” by Paulo Coelho analyze the process of transitivity in the story

and find out that the most frequent occurrence is Material Process (up to

46,2%), while Non-Material Process is up to 53,8%. of all process types in

the data. Another study is by Maity (2014) in her research entitled Damsels in

Distress: A Textual Analysis of Gender roles in Disney Princess Films. This

study, aiming to describe the gender identity and gender roles in Disney

movies and to see how identity is transformed through long term virtues and

ideals that are set forth by the Disney movies results in conclusion that Disney

movies for children are relatively unhealthy because of the identity of

characters that seems to be capable of suffering in silence. The character of

princess is also studied by Febriyanti in her research Penggambaran Tokoh

Putri (Princess) dalam Film Kartun Disney (Analisis Komparasi Era Klasik

VS Era Kontemporer). Her study investigated the depiction of Disney princess

by using qualitative and quantitative method analysis. This study shows that

any shifting of the princess character from the classical era to the


contemporary era. In addition, this research also finds out the princess’s

characterization. Nguyen (2012) in her research entitled Transitivity Analysis

of “Heroic Mother” by Hoa Pham identifies and explains how the main

character’s personality is portrayed and represented through language used in

Hoa Pham’s “Heroic Mother”. The result is to show how linguistics analysis

together with observations about the next enables a better understanding of the

main character, known as a “heroic mother”. The last previous study is by

Anggraheni and Tyas (2014) entitled Constructing Women’s Identity Through

Javanese Folktale “How the Queen of the Sea Punished Greed”: A

Transitivity Analysis, which explicates how folktales contribute to construct

women’s identity through material and mental processes, and the participants.

Although having similar area of study i.e. on transitivity analysis in

literary work, this study is different from the previous studies. To the best of

author’s knowledge, the study focusing on the depiction of Islamic princess

has not been done. The previous researchers generally explore general fiction

or princess in general, while this study discusses Islamic princess. Hence, this

study on the depiction of Islamic princess in children’s books by using a

transitivity analysis is valuable to be conducted. This research contributes in

the area of children’s books, children’s literature as well as to encourage the

other linguistic researches in transitivity.


This research belongs to descriptive qualitative method. The data for

this study are in the forms of clauses taken from 5 stories of Islamic Princess

published by a well-known national Islamic national publisher (DAR! Mizan)

that uses trustworthy editor namely Gaun-Gaun Princess Majidina, Princess

Haqqiya dan Guci Kesayangan Ratu, Princess Bashira dan Kuda

Kesayangan, Princess Muqita dan Cincin Kerajaan, and Princess Raqiibina

dan Teleskop Ajaib. In addition. The data validity is made by confirming the

data to a language expert.


A transitivity analysis proposed by Halliday (1994:167) is used to

reveal the depiction of Islamic princess by scrutinizing the process initiated by

the characters, the typical process initiated by the main female character as

well as its relation to the narrative structure. Thus, transitivity analysis helps

understanding the characterization of Islamic princess which is perceived

based on its linguistic representation. The steps in analyzing the data include:

reading the stories, collecting the clauses in the stories, identifying and

classifying the types of participants, process, and circumstance, and

interpreting the analysis.


3.1 Finding

The analysis of the study answers the questions of this study

concerning of typical process initiated by all the characters, typical process

initiated by the main female character and the typical process in relation to

the narrative structure. In the end, the analysis will lead to the

understanding on the characterization of Islamic Princess based on

linguistic representation.

3.1.1 Typical process initiated by all the characters

a. Types of Process

By using transitivity under the framework of Halliday’s

SFL, the writer finds 205 clauses. The distribution table of

processes that characterize the text can be seen as follow:

Table a.1. Process Types of Narrative Text in Islamic Princess


Process Types Frequency of

Occurrence Percentage (%)

Material 43 20,976%

Mental 52 25,366%

Relational 50 24,390%

Verbal 54 26,341%


Behavioral 0 0%

Existential 6 2,927%

Meteorological 0 0%

Total 205 100%

b. Types of Participant

Based on the analysis, the writer finds 205 participants in

this text. The result of participants by transitivity analysis can be

seen in the table as follow:

Table b.1. Participants of Narrative Text in Islamic Princess Series

Participants Frequency of

Occurrence Percentage (%)

Actor 43 20,976%

Senser 52 25,366%%

Carrier 41 20%

Token 9 4,390%

Sayer 54 26,341%

Behaver 0 0%

Existential 6 2,927%

Subject 0 0%

Total 205 100%

c. Types of Circumstance

From seven types of circumstances, the writer finds 5 types

of circumstance appearing in Islamic Princess Series. Those are

circumstance of place, manner, role, cause, and time. The table of

circumstance distribution can be seen as follow:

Table c.1: Circumstances of Islamic Princess Series


Circumstance Frequency of

Occurrence Percentage (%)

Time 17 26,5625%

Place 22 34,375%

Manner 20 31,25%

Cause 2 3,125%

Accompaniment 1 1,5625%

Matter 1 1,5625%

Role 1 1,5625%

Total 64 100%

3.1.2 The typical process initiated by the main female character

In the data, the typical process initiated by the main female

character are totally 76 processes. The orders from the dominant

occurrence to the least are as follow: mental process (up to 28,947%),

verbal process (26,316%), relational process (23,684%), material

process (18,421%), and existential process (2,632%).

3.1.3 The typical process in relation to the narrative structure

Referring to generic structure of narrative (Gerot & Wignell,

1994:204), the typical processes initiated by the main female character

in relation to the narrative structure are as follow:

a. Orientation; a part of the narrative structure which sets the scene

and introduces the participants.

In the data, the total process occurred is 21 occurrences. The

processes are dominated by the process types of relational

(42,857%) and mental (23,809%).

The detail occurrence of the typical process initiated by the

main female character in orientation shows the dominant

occurrence of relational process. It shows the correlation between


the function of relational process as a process which shows

possession, self-identity; and process of being something and the

function of orientation to introduce the scene and the characters.

By using relational process, the author introduces the name of the

main female character and the setting in which the main female

character lives.

b. Evaluation: a stepping back to evaluate the plight

In this generic structure of narrative text the total types of

process occurred is 12 occurrences which are dominated by verbal

process (33,333%) and mental process (25%).

In evaluation, the process initiated by the main female

character is more various which comprises the verbal, material,

mental, and though least in occurrence, relational process. This

could indicate more involvement and the more active role of the

main female character in the story plot.

c. Complication: a crisis arises

In this part of narrative text, the total types of process

occurred is 22 occurrences with the most dominant process types

are verbal process (42,857%) and mental process (33,333%).

In complication, the types of process initiated by the main

female character is more or less similar to those in evaluation

comprising the verbal, mental, material and occurrence, relational

process. However, the dominant of verbal process indicates that in

this part of the narrative structure, the main female characters

actively interact verbally with other characters in the stories,

expressing her thought. In addition, the frequent mental process

occurred also indicates that the main female character is also

mentally active.


d. Resolution: the crisis is resolved, for better or for worse.

In resolution, the types of processes have a total occurrence is

19 occurrences and the most are dominated by mental process

(33,333%) and verbal process (33,333%).

Similar to complication, in resolution, the types of process

initiated by the main female character include the verbal, mental,

material and occurrence, relational process. The dominant of verbal

process and the frequent mental process indicates that in this part

of the narrative structure, the main female characters is active both

verbally and mentally.

e. Re-orientation: optional

Total types of process in this narrative structure is 4

occurrences which has the dominant of process types of mental

process (50%) and material process (25%).

As this narrative structure is optional, it is not necessarily

occurs in every narrative text. In the data, there are four out of five

story books which contain reorientation, and the types of mental,

material and relational process used in reorientation function as a


3.2 Discussion

The result of the analysis has demonstrated that the characteristic of

the main female character of Islamic Princess book series can be perceived

by transitivity analysis. The analysis reveals the depiction the

characteristic of main female characters as more active than other female

characters, shown in the way the main female characters have their own

ideas, show their initiatives, and are able to express feelings. It can be seen

for example in the clause uttered by the main female character of Princess

Majidina after her friend asked about what would Majidina do to her

beautiful dresses, then Majidina replied that she would give her beautiful

dresses to people who need it “I (Princess Majidina) want to give some to

those”. In this utterance the clause contains a mental process which shows


Princess Majidina who has an idea to give something to others and this

proves that she is a mentally active character. Another example can be

seen in the clause uttered by Princess Raqiibina in Princess Raqiibina and

Teleskop Ajaib when Princess Raqiibina watched to the space and saw an

object like a fire ball toward to the earth, so Princess Raqiibina took a

“then, she told her father” in which the clause contains a verbal process

initiated by the princess and it proves that Princess Raqiibina has initiative

to tell her father. It also indicates that Princess Raqiibina is mentally


Moreover, the typical processes initiated by the main female character

shows how the main female character is portrayed in a good or positive

way, meaning that the main female character is depicted in non-traditional

portrayal of a girl. This is shown by the depiction of the princesses as

being assertive and having initiative. In other words, they are depicted as

being able to express their thought and have the chance to realize their

ideas. In addition, the princesses are also depicted as smart, kind,

beautiful, helpful and wise. This seems different from canonical Princess

stories from western countries. Most of those Princess stories, especially

those that are adopted by Disney belong to traditional portrayal of a

princess as weak, passive but beautiful girl. It can be seen for example in

the story of Cinderella which tells about a beautiful girl who is weak and

passive, needs helpers to solve her problem. Similarly, in Snow White, the

main female character lives sadly because of the cruelty of the wicked

queen, feeling sorrowful and waiting for the helper. The depiction of the

princess in Islamic Princess series are more positive and therefore

interesting and are useful for teaching character building to children


In general the stories in Islamic Princess shows the appropriateness

with the narrative features are stated by Gerot & Wignell (1994) such as

the sentences use past tense, there are some temporal conjunction and

temporal circumstance, and the stories focus on individualized


participants. Also, there are parts of narrative text that suitable with Gerot

& Wignell (1994) i.e. the orientation, evaluation, complication, resolution

and reorientation.


This research has answered the formulated research questions covering

how the types of process, participant, and circumstance reveal the

characterization of the princess as well as the main female characterization in

relation to the narrative structure of the stories.

From 5 stories of Islamic princess, there are 205 clauses found,

containing material process (43 occurrences), mental process (52

occurrences), relational process (50 occurrences), verbal process (54

occurrences), and existential process (6 occurrences). In addition, there are

found types of participants i.e. actor (43 occurrences), senser (52 occurrences),

carrier (41 occurrences), token (9 occurrences), sayer (54 occurrences), and

existential (6 occurrences). Besides, in regard to circumstance, the writer finds

five types of circumstance. Those are circumstance of time 17 times,

circumstance of place 22 times, circumstance of manner 20 times,

circumstance of cause two times, circumstance of accompaniment one time,

circumstance of matter one time, and circumstance of role one time.

In addition to the process initiated by all characters, there are typical

processes initiated by the main female characters i.e. mental (22 occurrences),

verbal (20 occurrences), relational (18 occurrences), material (14 occurrences)

and existential (2 occurrences).

In relation to the generic structure of narrative text, the typical

processes initiated by the main female character can be said appropriate.

Furthermore, it support other elements of the narrative generic structure as

what is stated by Gerot & Wignell (1994). The dominant types of process are

occurred i.e. first, in orientation: relational process (9 occurrences) and mental

process (5 occurrences). Second, in evaluation: verbal process (4 occurrences)

and mental process (3 occurrences). Third, in complication: verbal process (9


occurrences) and mental process (7 occurrences). Fourth, in resolution: mental

process (5 occurrences) and verbal process (5 occurrences). Fifth, in re-

orientation: mental process (2 occurrences) and material process (1


To sum up, the transitivity analysis on Islamic princess series can reveal

how the Islamic princesses are depicted in the stories. This depiction

represents the characterization of the main female character, the Islamic

princess, as a kind hearted, wise, and smart girl who is active as well as has

initiatives and good attitude. This positive depiction of the Islamic girl is a

valuable source of teaching character education for children readers.


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