the detroit tribune. (detroit, mich.) 1938-04-02 [p page five] · 2018. 1. 1. · 1146 & aotou»«...

1146 & Aotou»« Street, Corner Columbia Clifford 2924 THE DETROIT TRIBUNE - - SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1938 GLIMPSES -™' rs ~ SYLVIA PENN The ‘*><‘o* wblfh claimed the ut tent ion «r the local folk ti , the (Vntral Regional Open Fair bridge tournament, held at the frogs'Hub last Saturday and Sunday nights, under the sponsorship of nr anti Mi s lames Goggins and the Ot.gginettes. The high scores were nude by M«> J. B Ooggtns and Dr Otis O Sweet, of Detroit; second rankinc score. I J Joseph and John Hunter. Chicago; third ranking ifof*. A J I'' rnigan and Cl G. Folk. Chicago. The trophy, a handsome gold punch bowl, was donated by Joe Louis It went to the two high contestants and will be retained by them for one year. The next open tournament will he held In Cleveland. Detroiters who participated in ,l,e recent tournament were: Mrs. Lydia Coggins. Mrs Hazel Lyman Mrs Adele Wayner. Louis White. Mr H . H W M. Johnson. I)r and Mm Ted Whitt Mrs. Selina Smith. Mrs. Helen Hicks. Mr and Mrs j || Mosley. Mr and Mrs. Roy Clements. Mrs. Edith Watson Mrs I owe 11 Biker. Mrs Scott Lewis. Mr. and Mrs Fred Jones. Dr and Mrs. M v Morton. M Hazel ( are). Eddie Tolan. Eddie Eubanks. Dr O() Sweet Dr E A Carter. Mrs. Marjorie Hackett. French Johnson. Mrs Diggs’ Mr» Anna Itoane. Mrs Frances Langford. Orville Foote. Mrs Elaine Conway. (' F Feck. John Stevens. Emmet Carter. Robert Hill Clarence Jackson. Mr. and Mrs F. D. Upshaw. Franklin Lett. Mrs Ethel An- drew*, Mrs B.madine Baker Jordan. Miss Melinda Well*. Dr George West. G. S Cook. William Smith, and George Sorsby Ont.of.tnMtiers who attended the bridge tournament from Clove. lind included Miss Manola Smith. Miss Marion Smith. William I anmm Mamie Znher. Stanley Jones. Jasper Zuber, Edgar Moore. Dr and Mrs’ Rjmsey. Hen Harding. ,Dr. Murrell. M. Gleason, and George D Hill From Chicago came Alonzo J. Jernlgan. Cornelius Polk Ernest Single ton. David Andrews. I. J. Joseph. O. A. Price. John Hunter. Robert Chao" man. Mrs Odessa Logan. Raymond Hall. Mrs T [) Lawsche. Frank Fail. Eugene Wood, Henry Hoffman. Henry Petersou. Henry Freeman Roger Margerum. Z. H. Brooks. J. G. Driver. Claud Patterson. Curtis Patterson. James Lee. J. P. Holt. Andrew Hill. Porter Davis Leo Ben- son \nd l>. V. Allen. A near the local phjslclans who are planning to go to Tuskegee. AD . to attend the annual John A Andrew's Memorial Clinic are Dr Alt Thom.-*', Sr. and Dr. E. A. Carter. They will make the trip together The Junior League of Plymouth Congregational <Wch enjoyed i dancing party last Friday night, and everyone who attended reported having had a delightful time. Dance music was furnished by the pho- nographic recordings of George Dunbar. Among those seen swinging were Margie Dunbar. Kermlt Bailer, Rob Douglass. Howard Tandy. Jean Johnson. James Duncan. Frances Horner. Charles Russell. Boh and Carlysle Johnson. Shirley Turner. Todd Cleage. Henry Cleage. Alice Stanton. Maiv Virginia and Doriß Graham. Bertram i)rew. Horace Evans. Oliver Daniels. Helen Wilson. Ted Williams. Myrtle Tiller. Mac Simpson. William Sexton. Arthur George. Tubby Cain. Theodore Wood- son. Theodore Washington. A. J. Davis. Peggy Hall. Berney Coker. Lucy Thomas. Hank and Rill Jason. George and Puul Payne. Vera lee Fisher. Charles and Preston Powell, and Jack Barthwell Mr-. Carmen Mnrphy and Infant sen have returned horn* from Parksid* Hospital Dr. and Mrs Murphy have named their little son Robert Caver The Premier Home-Makers (lib, of the Lucy Thurman V W c. \ Invite all to enjoy an hour of fellowship with them. Sunday. April in. a: t p m . at a Tea which they will sponsor at the Y. W. C. A Dr. (. T. Whitby and Fred Hart Williams entertained about forty mrmbeis of Detroit Alumni and Alpha Beta Chapter of Kapp«. last Sat- urday evening, in the commodious home of Dr and Mrs Whitby. 358 Josephine avenue. At this meeting of Kappas. Mr Williams was elected chairman of the Convention Committee, which will have in charge ar- nngements for the 28th Grand Chapter conclave of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, which will convene in Detroit. December. IR3S. A-delighltnl lime was spent at the home of Miss Winifred Hickson at 11 o'clock last Thursday morning, when she was hostess at an ela- borate breakfast. The guests present Included Mrs Louise Rowe. Mrs. Lillian Grey, Mrs. Hereue Knox, and Misses Ruth Smith and Louis? Thrower r* - * ** «r * Dr. Herman Alvin Stephens, who Is majoring in surgery at the Tuskeg»> Hospital, visited in Detroit last week, and was guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Edgar Stephens, of Vinewood avenue. l)r Steph- ens left b> plane Sunday night, for Tuskegee Institute. Mr-. Mattie Newby, of Alfred street, left last Sunday for Hot Springs Ark., in Interest of her health. She plans to be there for a month Before returning to Detroit, however. Mrs Newby will visit Rlohniond. where her son resides. Other Detroiters who left this week (or Hot Springs were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kimbrough, of Parker avenue. They left Wednesday and plan to bask in the sunshine of that South- ern resort for a month. It I- announced that little* Hose Campbell, daughter of Mr and Mrs J H. Campbell. 6308 Twenty-Eighth street. Is ill at Ford's Hospi- tal where she was taken last Saturday. Rose Is very well known for her outstanding talent in dancing We all wish her a prompt recovery. The National Negro Congress tendered Miss Luverta Harvey a re- caption at Lucy Thurman Y. W. C. A. Tuesday evening. March 29. Miss Harris went as a delegate from the local branch of the Congress, to the Anti-Lynching Conference which was recetly held (n Washington The (Ity Association of Women’s Clubs will honor Miss Nunnie H. Burroughs, of Washington. D. C.. with a reception at the Lucy Thur- man Y. W. 0. A.. Sunday. April 3. from 4 to 7 p m Mrs. Sadie Lindsay president of the Association. A -mall number of Junior Leaguers went out to the home of Misses Vera and Harriet Pate, last Sunday evening, for a social evening. The evening was immesely enjoyed. Those participating were: Carlysle Johnson. Shirley and Wendell Turner, Doris and Mary Virginia Graham. Roger Canfield, BUI Miller. A. J. Davis, and T. Washington He are hearing splendid reports from several of our local young (oik enrolled in out-of-town schools. Eleanor Boykin will graduate from Ypsilantl Teachers College this June. Esther Randall also will complete her A. B. course at Talladega College with high honors, while *ord reaches us that William Patrick. Jr,, has made the debating team «t West Virginia State College and his team Is scheduled soon to de- bate against teams at Lincoln U- and Howard U. The -ocalled “recession** apparently has meant nothing *o members of Kappa Alpha P*i Fraternity. The brothers have been turning out as never before since return of delegates from last Grand (Adapter Con- clave. held in December of last year, at Cleveland, O The March meet- •“* at the residence of L. C. Blount. Chandler avenue, brought out 4u in addition about 20 ladles of the Silhouette club, made up of Kappa men's wives, sistera and sweethearts, were the guestß or Mr* Blount, the name evening. During the first meeting in April at the notne nf Gene Collins. Beech wood avenue. 35 men were In attendance An< * *o it has gone on. Among those of oldtlmers the “recession" brought out were; Urs. Terrell Boddle. O. H. Sweet, Alf. Thomas. E A ( artet . Judson Powell. Fred Jones, Gurley. J. McDonald Dr. Dawson. Dr I. « Martin and others. There ia a fine spirit of co-operation existing be- :ween thf» Alumni and Undergrate chapter*. Thl* is manifest in ° 1 chapter, and committee meetings where both covene These Kappa* are determined to see the program of Kappa go over "recession or no recession." The next meeting of Kappas I" a call meeting and w til he hp l<( In apartment of Fred Hart Williams. General Chairman. East war- fen avenue, its purpose Is to have chairmen of various convention j ° * fttittees named, and committees appointed. All Kappas ate in' * (his meeting D < "-alive arts produced by children’s group* at Lucy ™“rman Branch Y W C. A will be .presented In a Junior Matinee program on Sunday afternoon. April 2. at 3 o'clock at the Branch. The program Includes a play by the Junior f ,ay‘‘ r * ' r‘‘ nd M, »* Edith Muskln, dances by Miss Betty Cain s 1 or dance group a * demonstration by Mrs. Irgne Graves' French t R Admission Is free to children up to 18 years of ag turner, as guest artist will present, a trumpet solo. Thep* have been lots of banquets, dinners and parties given by »« r members of the other group, during the <pnst few ' * f r M H should be There wss s banquet for M * yor I . l ,ld '"J £J£ Dcll {pressman Dlngel. Prosecutors MoCrea and DowUn *' n . d of th " SES*"* Jeffries Last Saturday evening, bowewwr. off»ci• 1n of tls• differ Brewing Company took their turn In throwing a big atrsir in ° nor of Henry Armstrong, a fistic star of our ownn group Its. Emma Topp, a farmer Detroiter who has been residing In n *eiea for several years, la visiting In our city, »» house gue < n<l Mrs M L. Walker, on St. Joan avenue. These ter A. M. E. (knreh will bold an etoborate fahlon ■how aMho May n - ln vrhlch models from various other locsl church Wrtlcipst#. the Lenten season has leaded somewhat to iiWj “Jher of local aoclal activities, still, wo wore able to »««il around and »D the item, ln this column, which wn hope you will llnd Inter I** Ofotlnuo to seud In jonr tm'al note, and kt J* Wiling for your home p*p*r. tho Trtbuue; snfl now. urn lfn off with brightest and bont wtthaa to all. Committee Raises Funds For Opera Aida ; ,1 fearty wilt b, ,pon,or. ed i»y the Jolly »5 Sophis'o K.»ts cm April 1, a’l th*- rcsldeiic** of Mr and Mrs T Davis. 3151 Denton street Tin* Motor City Club. Happy Hour Club, and Merry Four Boy* will be* represented Everybody is invited j Mrs. Edna Moore j- club repor- ter. LIVE WIKKS ( LI B The Live Wires Club held their recent meeting at the home of Jimmy Wheeler. The vice prsident, Emerson Knox, presided. All mem- bers were present. The club sponsored a kiddles party. Friday night. March 25. at the residence of Mrs. P. Cunning, ham. 25320 Lawn Boulevard Some of those present were; Emma Lee Hamilton. Kay Jones. Nellie Tho- mas, Reese Washington. Ruth Green. Harris L. Fulton. Rheunet Blount. Horace Me Kendrick, Mat- thew Blount, and Jerry Ware. The prize was won by Nellie Thomas, who was dressed In a green and white romper suit and wore a large green ribbon. The dub will meet next week, with Elizabeth Blount. 25325 Pine- hurst avenue. PKKHLKNS ART (M B Ih-spPe the chilly rain Thursday a lurge crowd fillet! the home of Mrs Ola Smith. 3331 K. Vernor Highway to attend the meeting of the Peerless Art Club. After the l»ri**f devotion the various com- mittee- made their reports Many plans were offered for the! financial benefit of the club, but. an individual popularity contest suggested by Mrs Pearl Collins was unanimously accepted by all' th*- members. It will tie held dur- I lug the spring season. Congratulations were extended to Mrs. Eugie West for her reappoint- ment as county supervisor by May- or Richard W. Reading Mrs. Chaney Landsay of Ten- nessee avenue was able to be pre- sent again after a long absence due to Illness M*-nit>ei> were glad To have her'batV The hostess served an elaborate and delicious luncheon Mrs Sadie Lindsay is president; Mrs Elizabeth Glass Is reporter. EASTENDNEWS (Coatlaied from pact S) The president. General McDuffie, Is art editor of the Franklin News; Secretary William Jones, sports editor; James Lerence. dramatic editor Many Vikings were repre- sentatives of the club at the Older Boys and Girls conference. Traipsing about the beautiful and spacious Franklin auditorium, we- discovered (ialeatha Dickerson and John Evans talking. Instead of "cutting a little rug " Gertrude Brown was dancing a lot with Boots, and liking It Ogle William* looked very lonesome for Gertrude l-andors. Bear nice Hart was "play- ing them hard" with John Brooks Why was Dewev sitting out so much? We noticed Roseanns. was absence. Probably that was enough. Elaln Dudley was -sporting them back" with William M'ealy. Willie Merchant was certainly having a pleasant time with Geretha and Maybell NVas Clarence Hall look- ing sad because of Gertrude Brown- ing? Perry and Estella. Marie B. and Ernest P Elma NVallet. and Advephus Starks, were certainly breaking It up James Smith was doing good with most of the youn« women T W.’s downtown friend was very disgusted and angry to learn about the East End girl friend. G B refused to dance with Hugh. <Jharle* Lisle, a popular young- athlete. won in the league meet 34 Central High School, as a repre- sentative of Southeastern High School. Who Is J T day dreaming about these days? Can It be that she's in love? W o m e n’* Day A t Metropoliton Baptist By < hurch Reporter An exceptional lai g*- (rowd <»f Detroiters was excited alnioto to 'he point of a riot, a' the initial celebration of Woman's Day Do not think however, that th*- hub- bub was stirred by recent develop- ments In Europe It is happily true 'hat excitement, even in this age. may be non political and unrelat. ed to national boundary lines Oth- er thing* than threat of war are able to release emotions. Woman's day clamors aroused In Metropo- litan Church Sunday, and the mov- ing presences were Mesdame* Beulah Whitby, Blackburn, and Harold E Bledsoe. The best way. to describe the oc- casion would be to pick up the dic- tionary and agitate it like a salt *hak*-r allowing the adjectives to fall at random on the pages Or perhaps to borrow from another artistic field and simply say "sup- er colossal " Music for the program wa< fur- nished by the Nathaniel !>ett Uhor- al Choir under the direction of Mrs L M Williams. From a technical vi»-w. the choir was well trained and well directed It's diction and attiack were pre- cise it* intonation splendid aud it* general virtuosity a plea-ure t , hear From the expte**ion >n every oneface it appeared little short of a miracle to hear that group of young people, sing so splendidly Well, music Is a miracle a mira- cle indispensable to ’he Inner life of mankind as life itself 1* a mira- *!e For most of u* brought up to h»-ar the hymns of <*ne church, it was a revelation to discover the range and wealth of sacred music A demonstration of 'hi* 'tuism was shown by the NDr C. Sunday IK was »hat kind of Woman ■» l*»> Sunday. "Mrs Whitby *poke on the »uh- jec* The rhurch a* A S-K-ial Force ' He: addr*-#s wa* well pre- pared and d*-!ivered a* if it were coming front an aulhori'> a* *h* pr- ved hei self to be one She pic- tured th** Uhurpb from It* infancy up to the pre-ekt and tiieii delved into the field of prog nostlcation showed what is expected of the future « hurch She brought out the fact that »h* church cave to u* t rich spiritual heritage that »> are fortunate to have. Also the church has been used as a means to keep ua satisfied Tlie speaker brought to our mind 'he fact that freedom is a conquest and not a gift. Mr* Bledsoe spoke on the sub- ject. Looking For A Job She »how-ed how neces*ary appearances and speech are in getting a Job Mr* Bledsoe brought out the fact •hat preparediie«> i* the most* es- sential thing in getting a Job She Illustrated ihi* by «i»eriflc exampl- es Mrs. Blackburn, representing the Mission Circle of the Greater Metropolitan Baptist Church, gave an address that wa» food for thought t> everyone present We hope that Woman s Day will be an annual affair at the Metro- politan Baptist Church Our hats are off to :he Women of Metropo- litan. and e*P*‘i»H> to Mrs L M Williams who was the originator of thl* Womans Day celebration. POUR TEA FOR 40 GUEST AT GRAGG ROME operu ‘•Altln" I rider way The ( ititeu*’ (luDunilU'*' of ihe Detroit Negro Opera headed by Mis* Nellie Watts prominent teacher and member of the Alpha Kftppa Sorority. sponsoi *-<j a “Music al Tea" on Sunday after- noon March 2b. at the home of Mr. and Mr* J Robert Qragg. 459 E Kerry. The purpose of the affair was to raised initial funds for presenting Verdi's Opera "Aida' on May 2b and 21 at the Art Institute. The Opera has an all-colored cast com. prised of outstanding local talerr It is being directed by Stuart Pig- gins and managed by Carl Cox who have had a wealth of exper- ience in the operatic field Th»* beau’ilul Gragg home was a perfect -etting for the occasion Mr* O Smith looked very charm- ing as she poured tea amid the yellow and green table decorations As *om<- forty odd guests sipped tea the following delightful num- bers were rendered: several «<■- lections by PhiHlngane* Lyric String Wuarette: vocal solo by Miss Lulcerta Wood fork, reading by Miss Lavlnia Bright vocal so- lo by Carl Turner. piano solos by Mrs Patty Wheeler reading bv Mrs Sadie Johnson, and a v teal solo by Emerson Crai* Mr> Millie Hynson. president >•. the le-lroit Musicians Association end the la-troi* Negro Opera gracefully accompanied the -Mo- ist* Mis- Nel lie Watt.- gave ar. In- spiring pep talk on the wonder- ful progress that the Opera .Aida i.« making and urged all to*support this first attempt. Mrs Isola Graham mistress of ceremonies, lifted the silver offer- ing after Mrs Hynson explained | the purpose of the Tea " The Entertainment t’ommi!'*- headed by Mis- Fannie Bethel ar- ranged the Tea Th,. other 'aithfui*-; of her committee ure Misses Mary Ham*. Luberta Woodfork. Mr* Millie Hynson. Mrs. Isola Graham and Mr Emerson Craig Mr* Rosa Gragg spoke words welcome to the guests Some of the other guest* present were Mt and Mrs H M R >d- gers. Mr and Mrs. Albert Somer- ville. Mr and Mrs Hill Dr and Mrs D J Graham Mrs Addie 0 Miller. Mr* Nina Collins Mrs Ele- ise Mann Mr* Jerenc* Macklin Misses Marie Alexander. Anni? Mae Cro<*kett, Mrs Alfred Thoma* Mr. and Mrs Wm Johnson Mr Tames R Gragg. Mr Sidney Grif- fin. Mr and Mrs Win Washing- ton and Atty R Martinet Application* For Marriage Licenses Bd Holley. 23. Callle Peterson. 23; Levell Conly. 18. Mary Long. 18; Joseph Stovall. 49. Tina K Baker. 22: James B Milliken Jr . 21. Pearlle Mae Persdb If*. Allen Thomas. Jr. 23. Mildred Cunntug- ham. 19; David Clowney. 27. Julia Grier. 27. Watson Smith. 22. Pris- cilla Bush. 19. I I tm jllll |j|| .■t v H I frl I M JU?. jjLJr’ ij fir Leonard Procter. Anita Mark. MarrLon Washington. (larlssa Arnold. Henry Anderson. Por- ter Dillard. Helen Bankhead. Juanita Jackson. Sylvester Williams, and Pernell Shelton. Kmm left to right (bark tow). Hunt Taylor, Julian Kodgers. Jr., John (ague, tiarrol Kvaiis. Thi* group of young |»eople represents Jnst a small n uni tier of the man) guests who attend, ed the Narlrema (Tub’s annual spring ball, at Mayfair Ball- room, Kriday evening. March K Reading front left to right, (front row), Dorothy Miller, Photo Bv McKnight Bernice Hicks, and Billy Nlpirts. Many of the guests in- tending the ball journeyed to Detroit from Toledo, Ohio tpsilantl. Ann \rbor. Birm- ingham. Pontiac, Lansing. Michigan: as well as Windsor. Ontario. Bulletin OARD.. (By ULYSSES W. BOYKIN) SPRING l* here ill a big way and everyone seems to be taking to 'he out-of-doors for as much activity as possible.... The streets are fill- ed daily with youngsters bicycling, rollerskating, and playing games.. Th*- birds are singing and the poli- ticians are beginning to get up steam l'/I - the fail State and Couu- ty election The L<ent season is always a little dull, but we can expect many so- cial goings-on after Easter and when the Spring Vacation sets in.. It has started for the students at Ypsilantl Teachers <allege, but R will be a few days before the local schools close their doors for a few days breathing spell From the social calendar of the season many formal and sport affairs are being planned which brings to our at- tention the age old wir over s he subject of men's evening clothes. We ran across an article released by the Associated Press a few days ago. which cleared up the subject a great deal ...We are going to pass it along to you .--We often hear someone yelling, "you aren’t r**ally dressed up In a tux (dinner Jacket)—you gotta wear tails t full dress i. ... “Fiddle sticks" yells somebody else, “tuxes are outselling tails two to one In New York. The facts of the situation, a fairly comprehensive survey shows are these: “A man I* well dressed neaily any place In a_ dinner Jacket It you want to be a little fancier, you can have tails" So. thats that.. We note that Lang.ston Hughes, the famous poet, will speak at Ply- mouth Congregational Church on Wednesday April 6 .. .I-angston has recently returned from and should be up on a few nf the happenings abroad Th** last time 'hat the celebrated writer was our guest In the Motor City was when he attended the presentation of his play Drums of Haiti by the Roxanne Players. ...Those were very enjoyable days... and Mar- garet Bonds came over from CLi* loago via plane to attend the show and enjoy the hospitality of De- troit's smart set...,And Mr* John W. Roxborough had a dinner in honor of Langston at their swanky apartment ...And Earl and Thel- ma Hutchins had us up to their place Just before the Blue Hour.. Then Earl Walton would read of the names of the visitors at th- Blue Hour. . .We did get a lots of enjoyment out of It all I-angston returns to anew De- troit A Detroit Ju*t getting over the sit-down strikes... A Detrou with many problems The R->x- anne Players are no nioi? Elsie i* In NVw York City and w are trying to adjust si*m- of «>u social problem*.. A Personal)" of the week 1* Freddie Guinyard Why is Freddie a personality. Well. w> call him the friend of Ilia Famous. He ha* been a frienu to many of the farfious c eleb* of the stage, screen and boxing...He has been coast-to-coas' and knows a lot- of people. When in Detroi you can always find Freddie at the t’llicken Shack where he pinch hi.s as a *ort of host He prefeis t> travel by air and is a very inter- esting story teller The Nacirema Club s presentation to the entertainment world thi* season will be of serious drama- tic presentation "Death Takes a Holiday".. Nimrod Oarney Geor- ge Higgin*. and Julia Cole Hunt**,! play leading role* —The drama presented <>n ’be stage o»' the Detroit Inst., of Art* in a cou- ple of month* and will he worth vour while to see We bet Grayce L (Local social writeri Sadler has given ur th a idea of going to Pittsburgh to write for the tiourler. Reuben Patton "mayor" of Para- dise Valley i* not a resident of Ox- ford Hall Hi* charming little wife i* visiting her mother way out in Arizona Pythian* To Hear Annual Sermon The Knight* of Pythias Annual Sermon Committee met Saturday night March 19. and selected Sec- ond Baptist Church as the place where their annual sermon will o«* preached, on the first Sunday it May The orgalxatlon 1* making elaborate preparations for that oc- casion The public 1* cordially In- vited The U R K of P will be out ln full form and 'he Nurse* Corpa will he represented In large num- bers. also the D O K 0 The member* of the commlttej are: Sir Henry Harding thairmau; Mr* Itelia Gulley. Sir Allen Wash- ington. and Mrs Winslow, secre- tary. The Supreme laidge will be gues. of the local K of P's during the week of August 16. 1939 Other girls HR—w* can have 1 lighter ||(jp®SKlN, too! don't print my name, salves. Demand |enuin* Nadi- but if my story can help other noU. tried and trusted far two girls, here it is! I was unpopular, generations. never asked out on account of my YOU Gtt RtSUitS, Os MOWy B«Ck ugly, blotchy dark skin! I tried so Por KOnd dru< m twt > many I grew discouraged. 50c mxui sl. Every jar of I saul 'IH try just one more. Luck Nadinola contains fuU instructnn. By it was Nsdiools. Now my skin and poaitive money-back guaran is lighter, softer snd feels smooth If your druuut doeMl t a. silk Men say I’m alluring. Nadinola. don't aooapf a sub- What YOU Cill Do afftuta—write direct to Nadinola. Tonight, smooth a little of this enclosing 50c or $1 for postpaid fragrant cream on your face; no package Address Nadinola. Dept, rubbing or massaging. Usually in 41. Paris, Tennessee. 5 to 10 days you begin to see smoother Cowrtenrs* and ugly (■.■lll I I I I B HB «hmt arc impro veil «t ihr »»mc B V l*|ll|k 1| I BAULABm^^3AB Nadinola is Suif and Safe |»f . r.i hb h< K . I VI ’a" NOTICE! Detroit’* MOST OUTSTANDING ESSAY CONTEST All Hlfrh School nenlom and IMS January rraduate* who hare not received entry rard«, will pHtane contact the committee at once. Subject of Ennayt “Why we nhoald nupport the Booker T. ffaahlnrtnn Trade Annoclatlou and Houaewlve* Leaaue." Limited to 1000 word*. Elrnt prlae, fUM®. Second. lIWUm. Third. WM. All Btaay** mart be In the hand* of the committee not later than lift p. m. Saturday* April Id* WtA Datu •f content, April BS-4®, ut Bethel A. M. E. Church. ESSAY CONTEST OOMWITTBE Mr* Martha K Bacon. Chairman; Mra Helen M Toodlo. Secretary; Mr a. Beanie Morton. Mr*. Jennie Tonne. Mr* Brneetlne Poetl**: Mr*. Iren* A. Orar**. Chairman of Publicity A Tribune In Every Home Our Slogan FLEMMING’S BEAUTY SHOPPE BEAUTY SCHOOL Hluunpeo .?» We not ealy prepare yen t# Harrell 4# pass the Mkhhran Stole Board, rreqnbreol* 7* hat we prepare yon to Wi Mas Ira re 44 living. ■** Expert Instmrtor* Hot on (Halllwell Stenmer) 44 Enroll at any tt»*. Dy** " *■** Terms reasonable fltoaß •••• 4744 Xcflrnw Tyler 4-Mtt MW Woedrew Tyler 4404 Our Motto “Live And Let Live" Club To Hear Health Lecture The EHittorlan Business Wo. l men's Club will have as guest speaker Mi- M Old. of Wayne U Health Department, at their next meeting. Tuesday evening. April 5.' at St Autoin Y M. C. A- Mrs Old. who is also a nurse of. the Department of Health, is lec-1 turing on health topics to various audiences in the city. o Citizens Plan Mass Meeting Th®,Detroit. Council the Na- tional Negro Congress m coopera- tion with the Detroit Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People are planning a monster mass meeting and demonstration Satur- day. April 9th. at 2:ufi o’clock The Joint committee is petition- ing the city council for the use of Alexandrine street, between Hast- ings and Rivard for this event which seeks the mobilization of the forces of every Negro and pro- gressive white person for the pas- sage of thJ Wagner-Van Nuys Anti- Lvnching bill in this session of Congress Sponsors have sent letter- and calls to all local ministers urging them to preach Sunday in Interest of the passage of the Oavagan. M'agner Anti-Lynch Bill Artists To Appear In Joint Recital Yolande Maddox, soprano, and Dolly Brown, contralto, will l>e presented In Joint recital at Lucy Thurman Y. W C. A . Monday evening. April 4. at 8:30 o'clock Millie Hynson will be accompanist The public is invited to attend Women’s Council Sponsors Banquet The Woman's Council of Second Baptist Church sponsored a suc- cessful banquet, Thursday. March 24. at the church. 441 Monroe ave- nue. An luteresting program was ren- dered. the chief address being by Attorney J A Craigeu There were also a number of solos and read- ings. while remarks were made by Pastor R L. Bradby and the pre- sident. Mrs Elizabeth Terrell. Music was furnished during tht entire dinner, by a string ensem- ble The twelve committees of the Council each had a table of twenty- five guests. The decorations *'»■* lovely and the entire affair piovei a great auccess. ' The lateat committee working with the Council was the Acquain- tance Committee, composed of young ladles of the church They made a fine showing with their table Their color scheme was ye* low and white napkins and mlnu. yellow daffodils as a centerpiece and four graceful yellow candle* The young people were all In even- ing dreaa. which added to the dis- tinction of the group Mrs. Terrell, the president, wav presented with a coraage of gai denlaa, from Johnson'* Floral Shoppe, and a large bouquet from Undertaker McFall. The proceed! from the banquet will be used to provide clothing i >f the needy, through the work of th* Council PAGE FIVE

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  • 1146 & Aotou»« Street, Corner Columbia Clifford 2924 THE DETROIT TRIBUNE - - SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1938


    The ‘*> a* *h*pr- ved hei self to be one She pic-tured th** Uhurpb from It* infancyup to the pre-ekt and tiieii delvedinto the field of prog nostlcationshowed what is expected of thefuture « hurch She brought out thefact that »h* church cave to u* trich spiritual heritage that »> arefortunate to have. Also the churchhas been used as a means to keepua satisfied Tlie speaker broughtto our mind 'he fact that freedomis a conquest and not a gift.

    Mr* Bledsoe spoke on the sub-ject. Looking For A Job She»how-ed how neces*ary appearancesand speech are in getting a JobMr* Bledsoe brought out the fact•hat preparediie«> i* the most* es-sential thing in getting a Job SheIllustrated ihi* by «i»eriflc exampl-es

    Mrs. Blackburn, representing theMission Circle of the GreaterMetropolitan Baptist Church, gavean address that wa» food forthought t> everyone present

    We hope that Woman s Day willbe an annual affair at the Metro-politan Baptist Church Our hatsare off to :he Women of Metropo-litan. and e*P*‘i»H> to Mrs L MWilliams who was the originatorof thl* Womans Day celebration.


    GRAGG ROMEoperu ‘•Altln" I rider way

    The ( ititeu*’ (luDunilU'*' of iheDetroit Negro Opera headed byMis* Nellie Watts prominentteacher and member of the AlphaKftppa Sorority. sponsoi *-travel by air and is a very inter-esting story tellerThe Nacirema Club s presentationto the entertainment world thi*season will be of serious drama-tic presentation "Death Takes aHoliday".. Nimrod Oarney Geor-ge Higgin*. and Julia Cole Hunt**,!play leading role* —The presented n ’be stage o»'the Detroit Inst., of Art* in a cou-ple of month* and will he worthvour while to see

    We bet Grayce L (Local socialwriteri Sadler has given ur thaidea of going to Pittsburgh towrite for the tiourler. —Reuben Patton "mayor" of Para-

    dise Valley i* not a resident of Ox-ford Hall Hi* charming littlewife i* visiting her mother way outin Arizona

    Pythian* To HearAnnual Sermon

    The Knight* of Pythias AnnualSermon Committee met Saturdaynight March 19. and selected Sec-ond Baptist Church as the placewhere their annual sermon will o«*preached, on the first Sunday itMay The orgalxatlon 1* makingelaborate preparations for that oc-casion The public 1* cordially In-vited

    The U R K of P will be out lnfull form and 'he Nurse* Corpawill he represented In large num-bers. also the D O K 0

    The member* of the commlttejare: Sir Henry Harding thairmau;Mr* Itelia Gulley. Sir Allen Wash-ington. and Mrs Winslow, secre-tary.

    The Supreme laidge will be gues.of the local K of P's during theweek of August 16. 1939

    Other girlsHR—w* can have1 lighter||(jp®SKlN, too!

    don't print my name, salves. Demand |enuin* Nadi-but if my story can help other noU. tried and trusted far two

    girls, here it is! I was unpopular, generations.never asked out on account of my YOU Gtt RtSUitS, Os MOWy B«Ckugly, blotchy dark skin! I tried so Por KOnd dru< m twt>many I grew discouraged. 50c mxui sl. Every jar ofI saul 'IH try justone more. Luck Nadinola contains fuU instructnn.By it was Nsdiools. Now my skin and poaitive money-back guaranis lighter, softer snd feels smooth If your druuut doeMl ta. silk Men say I’m alluring. Nadinola. don't aooapf a sub-

    What YOU Cill Do afftuta—write direct to Nadinola.Tonight, smooth a little of this enclosing 50c or $1 for postpaidfragrant cream on your face; no package Address Nadinola. Dept,rubbing or massaging. Usually in 41. Paris, Tennessee.5 to 10 days you begin to see

    smoother Cowrtenrs* and ugly (■.■lll I I I I B HB«hmt arc impro veil «t ihr »»mc B V l*|ll|k 1| BAULABm^^3AB

    Nadinola is Suif and Safe

    |»f . r.i hb h< K . I VI ’a"



    All Hlfrh School nenlom andIMS January rraduate* who harenot received entry rard«, willpHtane contact the committee atonce. Subject of Ennayt “Why wenhoald nupport the Booker T.ffaahlnrtnn Trade Annoclatlou andHouaewlve* Leaaue." Limited to1000 word*. Elrnt prlae, fUM®.

    Second. lIWUm. Third. WM. AllBtaay** mart be In the hand* ofthe committee not later than liftp. m. Saturday* April Id* WtA Datu•f content, April BS-4®, ut BethelA. M. E. Church.ESSAY CONTEST OOMWITTBE

    Mr* Martha K Bacon. Chairman;Mra Helen M Toodlo. Secretary;Mra. Beanie Morton. Mr*. JennieTonne. Mr* Brneetlne Poetl**:Mr*. Iren* A. Orar**. Chairman ofPublicity

    A Tribune InEvery Home I»Our Slogan


    Hluunpeo • .?» We not ealy prepare yen t#Harrell 4# pass the Mkhhran Stole Board,rreqnbreol* 7* hat we prepare yon to Wi •Mas Irare 44 living.

    ■** Expert Instmrtor*Hot on(Halllwell Stenmer) .. 44 Enroll at any tt»*.

    Dy** " *■** Terms reasonablefltoaß• • • •

    4744 Xcflrnw Tyler 4-Mtt MW Woedrew Tyler 4404

    Our Motto “Live And Let Live"

    Club To Hear HealthLecture

    The EHittorlan Business Wo. lmen's Club will have as guestspeaker Mi- M Old. of Wayne UHealth Department, at their nextmeeting. Tuesday evening. April 5.'at St Autoin Y M. C. A-

    Mrs Old. who is also a nurse of.the Department of Health, is lec-1turing on health topics to variousaudiences in the city.


    Citizens Plan MassMeeting

    Th®,Detroit. Council the Na-tional Negro Congress m coopera-tion with the Detroit Branch ofthe National Association for theAdvancement of Colored Peopleare planning a monster massmeeting and demonstration Satur-day. April 9th. at 2:ufi o’clock

    The Joint committee is petition-ing the city council for the use ofAlexandrine street, between Hast-ings and Rivard for this eventwhich seeks the mobilization of theforces of every Negro and pro-gressive white person for the pas-sage of thJ Wagner-Van Nuys Anti-Lvnching bill in this session ofCongress

    Sponsors have sent letter- andcalls to all local ministers urgingthem to preach Sunday in Interestof the passage of the Oavagan.M'agner Anti-Lynch Bill

    Artists To Appear InJoint Recital

    Yolande Maddox, soprano, andDolly Brown, contralto, will l>epresented In Joint recital at LucyThurman Y. W C. A . Mondayevening. April 4. at 8:30 o'clockMillie Hynson will be accompanist

    The public is invited to attend

    Women’s CouncilSponsors Banquet

    The Woman's Council of SecondBaptist Church sponsored a suc-cessful banquet, Thursday. March24. at the church. 441 Monroe ave-nue.

    An luteresting program was ren-dered. the chief address being byAttorney J A Craigeu There werealso a number of solos and read-ings. while remarks were made byPastor R L. Bradby and the pre-sident. Mrs Elizabeth Terrell.

    Music was furnished during thtentire dinner, by a string ensem-ble

    The twelve committees of theCouncil each had a table of twenty-five guests. The decorations *'»■*lovely and the entire affair pioveia great auccess.' The lateat committee workingwith the Council was the Acquain-tance Committee, composed ofyoung ladles of the church Theymade a fine showing with theirtable Their color scheme was ye*low and white napkins and mlnu.yellow daffodils as a centerpieceand four graceful yellow candle*The young people were all In even-ing dreaa. which added to the dis-tinction of the group

    Mrs. Terrell, the president, wavpresented with a coraage of gaidenlaa, from Johnson'* FloralShoppe, and a large bouquet fromUndertaker McFall.

    The proceed! from the banquetwill be used to provide clothing i >fthe needy, through the work of th*Council