the emergence of conflict between indonesia and china...

Oscar Radyan Danar B4KD1014 Consumable Resources and Social Conflict Subject International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security Department of International Resource Policy Graduate School of International Cultural Studies The Emergence of Conflict Between Indonesia and China: China Claims in Indonesia’s Natuna Waters

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  • Oscar Radyan Danar B4KD1014

    Consumable Resources and Social Conflict Subject

    International Post-Graduate Program in Human Security Department of International Resource Policy

    Graduate School of International Cultural Studies

    The Emergence of Conflict Between Indonesia and China: China Claims in Indonesia’s Natuna Waters

  • Outline of Presentation

    • China-South East Asian Nations Dispute in the South China Sea and The Position of Indonesia

    • The Change of Indonesia Position and its Reasons

    • The Importance of Natuna Area • Statements of Indonesia High Rank Officials

    and Chinese Ambassador • The Scenarios of Indonesia-China Relation • My Own Conclusion


  • China-South East Asian Nations Dispute in the South China Sea

    The South China Sea dispute became a key

    strategic issue between China and South East Asian Nations in the


    Particularly significant after

    China's 1994 occupation of

    Spratly Islands.


    Image courtesy of:

  • 4 Image of flags, courtesy of:

  • The Position of Indonesia in South China Sea Disputes

    For over two decades, Indonesia has positioned itself as an independent mediator in the South

    China Sea disputes.

    Indonesia and China have no overlapping claims to islands.

    In Jakarta's view, therefore, Indonesia and China should have no disputes over waters.

    5 Image of flag: courtesy of

  • Recently the Situation is Different

    In recent years, China has taken a series of actions

    that Indonesia perceives as undermining UNCLOS

    (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) and threatening

    regional stability.

    There was China's 2009 publication of its nine-dash

    line map, which includes parts of the Indonesia’s Natuna Island EEZ in its

    southernmost area (Murphy, 2014).


  • 7


  • Extent of China Claims in Natuna Waters

    8 Source:

    China claims in Indonesia

    nautical mile Exclusive

    Economic Zone (Natuna Waters)

  • New Chinese e-passport includes nine-dash line map


    Source: Chubb, A. 2012.

    New PRC e-passport and old version

    Close-up of nine-dash line depiction in new People’s Republic of China passport

    New Chinese passport with nine-dash-line map in top-left (Reuters via Guardian)

  • Chinese illegal fishing and the confrontation

    On 26 March 2013, the Indonesian vessel Hiu Macan 001 of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries encountered a Chinese fishing boat 58081 GT.150 operating illegally in the northeast of Natuna waters. Indonesian Officials arrested and transferred chinese fisherman to Indonesia officials boat to be taken to Natuna island.


    Source: Bentley, 2013.

    Image courtesy of:

  • China’s Yuzeng 311


    China Yuzheng 311, the country's largest fishery patrol ship. Image courtesy of:

    Concerned with the safety of its crew, the Indonesian officials complied that


    Before reaching land, Chinese armed vessels (Yuzeng 311) confronted the Indonesian boat, and demanded the

    release of the Chinese fisherman.

    Source: Bentley, 2013.

  • Indonesia Kept Quiet

    Indonesia has kept such incidents quiet in part due to its preference for quiet diplomacy and in part to retain its position as mediator.

    Indonesia had also hoped that China valued Jakarta's regional leadership -in ASEAN- role and would accommodate Indonesia's interest in the Natuna area issue in order not to jeopardize the relationship.

    12 Source: Murphy, 2014

  • China has taken a series of assertive actions in another area. It sent China's aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, on a

    mission in the South China Sea and declared indisputable sovereignty over James Shoal, only 50 miles, or 80 kilometers, off the coast of Malaysia.


    Picture courtesy of:

    Picture courtesy of :

  • AND FINALLY… (Official Public Announcement from Indonesian Government)


    “China has claimed Natuna waters as their

    territorial waters.”

    March 13, 2014 Commodore Fahru Zaini, assistant deputy to the chief security minister for defense strategic doctrine

  • Natuna Gas Reserves is the largest in Indonesia


    Natural Gas Reserves in Natuna is 51,46 TCF, is the largest in Indonesia. One

    third Indonesia’s Gas Reserve.

    Natural Gas Reserves in Indonesia is 157, 14 TCF spreads in Aceh, East

    Kalimantan and Papua

    Natural Gas Reserves in Natuna Block

  • Producers of natural gas in the world (in bcm-billion cubic meters-)

    Indonesia Rank 9




    160 151 149 106 103

    92 92




    Russian Federation (1)

    United States (2)

    Canada (3)

    Qatar (4)

    Iran (5)

    Norway (6)

    China (7)

    Saudi Arabia (8)

    Indonesia (9)

    Netherlands (10)

    Rest of The World Source: prepared by author based on Key World Energy Statistics, 2012

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Statement

    Firstly, there is no territorial dispute between Indonesia and China, especially about the Natuna. In fact, we are cooperating with China in possibly bringing about foreign direct investment plans in

    the Natunas.

    Second, we are not a claimant state in the South China Sea.

    Third, on the nine-dash line, it is true that we do not accept that. This is why we have asked for a formal explanation from China regarding their claims’ legal basis and background.

    March 19, 2014

    Marty Natalegawa. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Source:

  • 18

    Moeldoko, National Defense Forces (TNI) Chief Writing in the Wall Street Journal

    Picture courtesy of :

  • 19

    “…The exercise will focus on naval capabilities in disaster relief, but we will also pay attention to the aggressive

    stance of the Chinese government by entering the

    Natuna area…”

    June 15, 2014

    Commodore Amarullah O., Sea Combat Task Force chief of the Indonesian Navy Western Fleet

    High Rank Indonesian Navy Statement

  • Chinese Ambassador Statement


    NATUNA ISLAND Is Owned by Indonesia.

    It is a good statement, but the problem IS NOT THE ISLAND but

    the WATERS

    Natural resources rich area located in the Waters not in the


  • The Simple Scenarios of Indonesia-China Relation over Natuna Area

    Worst Scenario

    China’s claim following by assertive actions. Indonesian Government

    will not give up Natuna area, since it is very important area; natural

    resources-rich area, particularly natural gas. The tension of conflict

    will higher.

    Best Scenario

    China clarify their actions and acknowledge Indonesia sovereignty

    over Natuna area (islands and waters).

    This clarification followed by written agreement between Indonesian and

    Chinese Government.


  • If the worst Scenario Happen…

    Worst Scenario

    Threaten Human Security

    Threaten State



    Source: Moeldoko, 2014

  • My Own Conclusion…

    For over two decades, Indonesia has positioned itself as an independent mediator in South China Sea disputes, since its position as “ASEAN Leader”.

    Some China actions in Indonesia’s Natuna area changed this position. Currently, Indonesia and China have a higher tension. It is also stated by high rank officials in Ministry of Politic, Law and Security (Polhukam) and TNI Chief.

    But Indonesian Government, particularly Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seems being very careful to respond this issue by giving a neutral statement.


    Natuna Waters is very important due to it contains natural resources abundance particularly natural gas.

    If the worst scenario happened; it will jeopardize the relation between Indonesia-China, threaten the state as well as human security.

  • References

    • 2014. Indonesia pernah sampaikan keberatan atas peta natuna. (01.07.2014).

    • 2014. China includes part of Natuna waters in its map. (01.07.2014).

    • Bentley, S., 2013. (04.07.2014)

    • Chubb, A. 2012. You cannot not support this”: the passport saga impresses China’s online nationalists. (03.07.2014)

    • HaluanKepri. 2014. Natuna Gas Potential is the Largest in Indonesia. <> (Accessed on 30 June 2014).

    • International energy agency. 2012. Key World Energy Statistics. (Accessed on 30 June 2014).


  • References

    • International energy agency. 2012. Key World Energy Statistics. (Accessed on 30 June 2014).

    • Jakartagreater. China claims Natuna area. (Accessed on 30 June 2014)

    • Mi2g. 2012. China Sows New Seeds of Conflict With Neighbours: Lays Claim Over Energy-Rich Territories in Asia-Pacific. (Accessed on 30 June 2014).

    • Moeldoko. 2014. China’s dismaying new claims in the South China Sea. (03.07.2004).

    • Murphy, Marie A. 2014. The end of strategic ambiguity: Indonesia formally announces its dispute with china in the South China Sea. (03.07.2014).

    • The Jakarta Post. Batam to host Komodo naval joint exercise. (Accessed on 01 July 2014).


  • 26

    The Emergence of Conflict Between Indonesia and China: China’s Claim in Indonesia’s Natuna Waters


    Image of flags, courtesy of:;