the evening star.(washington, dc) 1893-02-08 [p...

LO('A1, MENTI. Tlb. Wesiwv Silt- *er 11.. 't r'. *1. tUr'Ii&?a. r~ t:- i-ast w'. ' il'.nabia. MarviaaJ and T1 neseso f .r --tl.*. i-orsherlw ortadlo. shift- spar t.- Ismathe-b w Stitie-a.c . %1-1: -" '"r 13 r.I T011enenerate aft .l co nt& 4.f water at 9 a.. t; I A.. S_ n'-ure. 32: conidition. 4 Ilwe.uing e-e r. '. tspra!YrP. K. Cn- iese, as ,.,th e, ,.Tee,.). 7 0onu1ition me seenth enamerts. ti r.rl -tanX reserrvtoir, -l . ...n i t &I adissat gaoe, belv iK uolvert gat. hu'uW. l4 High ..t LOw litte. O a W~e I I-- '. r. 7 1'3 a&r. ''0 p.N. s % rM i- .R ja a" A i'. --or. 71h and I). - AI.ltM 4I,. A nT.esorth tritbt.1- to the ieceti-malmerit of tb:. a .. . ,nrott- a. th adi.,pton .-f ta or E- eja.soe nwat Iiahe r.ecen hall o th 3 "Mstic rj.,- .n Mada-mn *. len. Nee I rk. . As% ra e an.1 t - .Atters. t:reAt redtiaction. Peek A Ant-ter 0 4m.t-rwtn 41'ub. former ftirWe. $3ao t.. .u. the m t. ,I, . lAdle.' Rumet J., iher-et1-e a .it. A. fo.rnar price. *1.50: to eJi a. in .1. or. :all aii arnunL. ttrrls' .*.d I..., I u t C ot. Its' a F. Hot- it- A v * al I-.P. liFr'rri.y. 43 Pa. aVe. .01 R &1 it! 6aras'. A Bra Ibatala. Ita ir.a a . - ,. tor. 7th auid tr. 4 a Pw '. il' Hie s'.' 1 v sr. large amsertment. A . -t.- 1.4 .. anic Teemple.Fs. omn th I a . RPaait L6M. a~n enredl to suit the Mst .f e. .. -10 r.0e a.krtermenlt page 4. to. i 4.0.1. Irter. :ns Pa. avs. n. w. ratning:ae.. 'yec..-b. and Israef. 0'*Uprrq E't F,"V aD the Elima. C'ARisrr eaan. 31 . sa .-. -.. Tw.. are niade moth- proof tree of ch..rjg-. s. ptant UJ5 2. r1TV ANiT 1ITHIC. 4t.agn3- Hor.r. -Medi.-ha in \w \ri.-m t.* w lTi. Mrl. F. A. tothern a ..p,'. lu-tI': bIr. ia. i at :d'I T. t. .Sabrooke in owl be 1-je "1f Illn.1t- ass :..; fIt arlit. "The Palwe Pa- liot R 1 Y. Pr', rtrz % . oins Hals. 111 rl of \ te.. Tur Barri ., 4 r. it rs... 5Ath street owew. r, ,h a- -m -ft tr ,~F ~' Ito V',.. Ha- :i . --ra Srmr p.?.. - Faitr .an.rS a ...e b." antn N.. ~.. P. M. . I. it. 4 %.erltm.wa,4ese '4r. .j. r 1-nraett- . . motm eI at the l1;rig-ht- o...1 ywer bou-t. meit a ith a very Persons and puanfiul It. ia 4.1-:tio:g %ome man to rats. oIe I. aT. abi't the aeaohc.tack tbe fiub. r ab.e ga . any and strue. Mr. Sur- det with great f.rce. kstocking him seneorle. w, --f ha, rib., w lpr'..-n and it to feareI he Is injured anter.i.y. lie onse co-ed fo~r at the mer houen a.I tLa ni r nt t. hi, hme. NL 2X . .evotna avenne sTontheat. where hi.i ;bakcan. lDr. I F. .Iohnsion. was summoned. bMrca who wta...t the crmah ay it was a seacle he Was not instantly killed. Sa idast M4atewr. Dorey Clagott et al., truateer. have bought of F. 40. New for *5.00 sub 133. square 240 16 et Ai nche- b 95 fe o ot C'aCrcoran street be- twee n 13th and I 1th steeto northwest. Thoma 1. Prauk,. has purchased for 0:0.91'k.5 of J. H. Addition ab lots 7 to 11. re 4 460 721110 feet ton F between 6th and .:reets nrth:ea-t. and subs 91 to 96. do. IW'4i1 feet on the corner of G and 6th ftreete naorthea. W. E Lawtu'n baa bought of C. E. Spaliag 4 al. for #22.rt r.ou. 12" to 136. equare 174- 34 feet a ta.hew b% IOU ton 13th between T and U streets morthwest. C Xand-r has bought for 08.000 of A. B. Coppee part 9. 'qua. 4~. 2o feet ' inches on 3lmAhuseotto aenue betureI 6th and 7th aret morthwet. The Cattle Market. At the cattle market at the Washiagton rasaa StArs I ard at henning. D. C.. yesterday 36 cattle were on the market and ool as foI- law* Itbet wAik from 4e. to 5;-c. per pound: gond .I-1 from 4- -. to 5c. per pound; medium et-id frt."u le. !o 4-1, e. per pound; eommna sold frees 2 c. 1-, .6- per poaAd. 100 sheep and lambe sip and "old as fullow,: ttheip from 4c. to "e. p pus.laanmba from 5c. to &ec. per o t w hcal.e sol from *25 to 459 earb. State of the market for all hinds of Stock, At a t.eet:ng -,f the sunidav echool board be Imat night the iutlowing weere elected uff- cen for tlhe r:.u:ng .rar Stiperintenden.t. E. O. Wt.-tt, a,*:bta..t -u! .t.nt. F. 4. Lager r A i. L olr: treaourer. A. ). l.i~ee brarian. 'It W. Ferrnanlex; swistant hb-r.6rwA, 1. Mearr: chorister. Dor. thns. t..o, .eset. lrene Me1.1ie. asmataaut .'rga e . .- V.ker. at a congre- gatto..aI eia- :i,.; tu. '.: enm contrinatedl *l30 tao ...na1at. I I. a * a::. we-r a lisa director of & paresat masn..o&ary ..,setv.- Vete.rne Weitawer Firegmee. A -eguabar mne.-ting ..f the Vete-a$ Volunteer *'rme a e.-tto was beid a t-venng at Lthe hall. !"th anid I! -treet :rthawest. Mr. Jan. iarsr. pre ...It and )t-.Wma.Smith nere- tary piru tenl. Mr. Johlsi .f. P.'ennedy. the secrre- ory . san :absent: * n ac,. un* if mcknesse fo~r the lrst tsn.-- the anwocaation wa formed,si 'apu~a s four nsernabrship by Imac Little and I..b I-, I I \. hol-. -n of the .kaacastr were rereaa..-t *',4 ref. ired. Kr. 46au i. fr. a the conimtiittee om eatertain- ament saut ntop. a.e I.itles Armory ow Thure- eaa, fthe '*i'h ina'1not. re-p..rd that they hbed ab.astr ..zaa iete-t be. prograta arsal that if the ase'abere . 1l ,p hine~a LataA if the committee the e'.teraawun g woiald p.r.oe an unbounded A n tnm'at.t.on to lii bette fair ouf I'anto. Pe- tea-. at 'Iaa V~r mid i la-o ue' Hall from the 6th t.. th 'va- receu'ed1 and accepted. The memoratrion des.. a.I ita in- mt tin Tuesday neat *Ileth in I dI n;uaf..rm and attnd the fair. Nat irmunai- .1 the. Iinuar Haose af Itmading. Pa.. anet *,u..- Will Enin of Phlhdelphia freen I?. H. I'eto. were reLsised fromn Mr. H. H. Mr John W Lkeoso callued attention to th e a..e. .f 1r A. .1. Jiakion., daaring the ewteriaaa.-nt a year ago. and masd thaa he was cv.e- to :. mu-re as to. U:.- entertainewet nest week. f.-r h.- a.... b~esade. hi. tame. conftibutag the prinatiu.g. On ha. nua.son Mr. Dosmalaleo a. ele-se.. 'a litfe a-emir. t''m,al-nt It.ahae rea..rated that the Thirdt Auti'lea~ hsur bi at been engaged f orthe~~. eln the 'thi uin~-et IH.- rem.. erted h badt or-sere- If..- tihe a..ra..tsun the metal but- a -e-...te b -he Weterra. asocatnmethrough- Ousi the c.:.r. Mr. I. h'. Ih..:-, on snae osf the pra~e ante by th.- isarn.e a...atei., vino hae Lbhe 'w *or mmn. with the eviception the w..r i - tr-or ..ppetar. au lbe-It im plac of"e- erat Thae .4ataretmieostewt 'arlety. Thresnw terre atten-aance at the meeting of ma.. la tro..>. .ga..aIl aocarry held lat even- bag at the- a aumanm t'isab. Prof. Maeon. Prof. W. H. Me....- asl aI r. 4'lifoot Howard read pupera lTh- thes,,.. .f Prof. Mlaeaa paper was **0-ap.eationu an Aathar.polougi--a Work"' and that af mr..f . enge ''arly Man ii. the Upner Msmnseuet Mtr. Ho'ward disruermed o -h Ph vi=h .f 5sa. ini reachedl the co4,ain s ae th-ru. amna. esatt oaute of ature, ha- ma e- meer-s itnat he an eafermity with maws. anet hence the ades sket the hman race to eajabte ofr dai an, at ta -ologia er intraet mea mets ay a *uyertaaona. T Ea A n r s r ao of b imoe e andl in- 9eesea. amlcal ton the reeseer's sale of mabja- Sb les-eadI property on 7th steeS mee D., "Wa e1 aid startd." Se he sad eersew at ame .m aseeadet. e Lamiw~am' ata et iable veal eema, in- ~ed by a barig briek heeme ad fea r iame sgaed erere of and Caa meset sebemtale. Wail be meld tsmmsse afterama at am e eerk by er der eq Them N. 1iel. a. -trpis he.. -s the aaseeas, Em. Deear & t'e. - .eder. Base Saa.a at la r Smm' & e 90145 011 DARTMOUTN. The amnai Aomwin ssba or Thie city mom Their Annual Rmpsrt. LASt night the loyal sons of Dartmouth Cel- lege gatiserd around Uhe banquet table and ate &not talked and mug to the glory of their hm, siate-r. It was the eighteenth annual dinner of the alumni asoneation. and over fity men who received their diplomas from the old New Hiampshire coUge were on hand last night. The dinner itself was an unusually handsome afair and wa followed by some excellent after- dinner speaking. At the business meeting of the asormation earlier in the evening (en. Veazey. the president. occupied the chair. Gsen. Veaey was re-elected to the presideney and William Quinby, '83, was also re-elected as secretary. Representative Nelon Dingler. '56, and 'rof. J. It Eastman were chosen as vice presidents: J. It. Reynolds. '90, was elected historian. and William V. Hatch, '86. chorister. 'In 5K33PEllaf. After the members of the assnciation had gone through a long and elaborate menu came the time for the cigars and oratory. The presi- dent delivered an eloquent inaugural address, after which he withdrew in favor of the tast- meeter. Mr. It. 4. tapbell, '8. The first apeaker ealled upon wee Mir. Imee F. Paul. '78, of Boetoa. secretary of the executive commit- tee of the alumni asnociation. He brought en- couragg repopV concerning the old college, which included 975.001 in improvements, a new athletic department and an energetie new pree- ident. Dr. Tucker, late of Andover Seminary. The following telegram was aent to Dr. Tucker: "basrtmouth Alumni Association of Washing- toa. in banquet assembled, send cordial greet- InP to the new president and pledge hearty the speakers of the evening were Rep- reeentative Nelson Dingley of Maine, Repre- seatatives Cogawell and Stevens of Measachu- metts: Prof. J. R. Eastman. '62: Dr. H. M.Wells, '57; Rev. G. t. Patch. '62; Judge C. . Corn- ing and J. B. Reynolds. '30. I 11or w rarNTPATrD. Among the other guests of the evening were the following: Vice President Morton. Senator Morrill of Vermont. Senator Chandler of New Hanpabire, 'ougreasman Cogswell of Mams- chusette. J. R. Dodge. Judge Carles R. Corning. Gardiner G. Hubbard. '41: Moses Kelly,'43; 31. IU Stevena. '46; bamuel 1. Wilcoz, '47: 4 Oliver Miller. '48; Dr. Nathan S. Ineoln. '50: J Ormonet Wilson. 'Z0; John 1. Pierce. '51: Redtield lroctor. '1; Gen. Charles E. Hover, 52; Win. V. French. '54; Gen. John Eatou. '84; Nelson Dingley. jr.. '54: Thomas A. Cushing. ;. Ir. H. M. Wells. 57: (apt. Arial W. Fisher. .: George A. Lyon.'58: Wheelock G. Veazey. 39; sen. J. N. Patt.erson. '60; James P. Allen, 02: 4 Alvin A. Brown. '62; Horace I. Cummings, 62: -John I. Entnian, '62; Nathaniel P. Gage. R2: e. G eorge B. Patch, '62; J. J. Pan- borns. '6J; Henry X. Baker. '63; Edward '. .lohnson. '63; Stephen W. Band. *63: N. C. irackett. '4: 1. 4'. Hobbe. '4: Dr. E. C. cMer- rim. '64: Prof. George J. tummings. '69; Jas. W. i bey. '70: John F. Pratt. '71; ieorge I reolerick Williams. 72: 'larence Johnson. '72; fenry M. ul. '73: Jases Campbell. '73: Wi. Twombly.'76: F.. H. Fowler. '78; Winfield . Mnntgomery. *7M: P hilip, Walker. '80: C. S. Moyane. *0: .rthnr 1. Brown. '81: Nathan D. tramp. 's: F. . Kimball. '81: John T. Free- man. '12; W. t. 'ntter,.on. 8: Was. Quinby, '3Stephen 31. Ryder. '83; W. E. Burleigh. '84: Richard lfovey.'43: H. L. 'arker. '95; R. V. ( Rabbell. 'MR: John French. '86: W. M. Hatch, '86: 31. T. Higgins. '86: 0. E. Fletcher. '86; H. H. HIannon. ',,: 1. X. Hildreth. '87; W. A. Johnston. '88: H. P. Blair. '89: C. D. Hazen, 'S9: Gi. H. Hitchcock. '89: A. B. Vearey. 893 Frank Randolph. '89; R. K. Tyler. '90; J. B. Lieynolds. '90: C. M. Smith, '91, and D. L. Smith. '91. A3t1RMENTS. Mrrrraorr HALL was filled last night with e delighted audience, as is always the case on the occasion of a Boston Symphony Orchestra. The work of the orchestra was fully up to the high standard that has given it the reputation of the best hand of musicians in this country, and the applause that followed each number was richly deserved. Although Mr. Nikiach's rule is against encores he was twice last night obliged to break it to satisfy the emplhatie de- mands of the audience for repetition. The next concert will be March 14, when the soloist will be Ignece Paderewski. Miss CLnA' HasP BncITAL.-Tomorrow night Mine Anita Clues will give a harp recital at the Universalist Church. She will presenta mamu that will meet popular tasteas as aford an opportunity of displaying the wonderful beauty of the harp. Miss Cluss will be aasted by Mrs. Nellie Wilson Shir-Cliff and Mr. Herndon Morsell. Seats may be secured at Metzerott's or Droop's music stores. Mas. Anaza BaaAT will lecture on Sunday evening next at the Academy of Music on "Death and After." Mrs. Besant is a woman of brains. bas been a close student of theosophical subjects ard id one of the most attractive speak- ers on the lecture platform. She has teen heard here before, and should attract a large audience. "Tux OLD Homasinan," that famous home- hke play that loses nothing by repetition, will again be seen at Albaugh's next week, with Wedneeday and Saturday matinees. Presented during this engagement by Denman Thompson as I'm# It Josh aa and his entire original com- pany, who gave him such excellent support during his long run in New York city. "3asTan AND MaN."- -A scenic production of the exciting melodrama. "Master and Man," will be the attraction at Harris' Bijou Theater next week. Among the effects introduced will be a repreentation of a mammoth iron- working rlant in full blast at night. A good east is promised. TUB (niw,', or7 NORaNDYt.-The rehearsals for the "Chimes of Normandy," which is to be given on the evening of February 14 at the National. are now held at Metzerott Hall. There wall be a rehearsal each evening this week at Metzerot's at 7:30. The patronesses of the affair entertain the highest hopes of its socess. fhe efforts of rof. Cloward are proving most effectuaL. Prof. Jamee H. Ver- milya is personally directing the dancing of the chorus and many costumnes have been furnished hr friends in business. Nmazra Oto CoN.-Aa amateur per- formance will be given at the Academy of Music on Friday afternoon next for the benefit of the Home for Incurabhs, under the anspaees of the Washington Ladies' Aid Society. An eriganalcommedv in three acts, entitled "Mere- dith's Old Coat.'' will be the attractioni, and as thg eas includes several who po--e== decided dramatic ability and as the reheareals have been carefully attended to. an enjoyable performance maay be anticipated. Siaanxa.--On Monday evein next the great pianist, Xayer Scharwenka, wil appear at Uceerott Music Hall in a recital of romantic piano music that should attract a large audience. As this will he his only appearance this season the desire to hear him wilundoubtedly create a brisk demand for tickets at Metzerott'a. Turn Scuraxar Masa QmaTETr. -On Wednes- day evening. February 15, the Schubert Male Quartet of (Chicago will give one of its enoy able concerts at the Univerealist Church. Ti quartet is comapoeed of Messrs. Scott. Battle, arris and Tyler, and wuil be assisted by Miss Clark. violintt, and Mims MacCorkle. reader and whistler. Seats on eel, at Metserott's music store. Tn, Boevon IoZAL Cixa. -The Boston Ideal Banjo. Mandolin and Guitar Club will apparat Netserott Music Mall Friday evening, euar 17. The composr of the "Darkies' Dresam.' Mr. G. L.. Lansing, and Messrs. Shattuck. U;aiencia and (Grover, all of whom are known as writers of banjo musse, are maembers of this elub. The program for Frida'y eveng con- taine new music and many of the club's odsuc- cesses. tieats en sale at Metzerott's music FlELse Ann hanson's Dgawimo Cans wil appear for the secosid tisme thie sea-on at Ker- nan's Theater next week, presenting an entirely new program calculated to aford as mauch eat.- infection as the former entertainment. Mxtrzanrr Mesirc Haia.-Tomsorrow n' t there will ha held at Messerott Musie Haa eomplimentar, manied soiree by the District of I 'olum..a bivision of the Lague of Anmari- een Wheelmen. An attractive program has been preuared and an eajoyable evening many he anticipated. NoOK SA at Iatimer A Slen's this evening at 7:30 o'clock. -Adet. A W3 Van "-t ettrbmm,..abi.wes m..db. ,ballet. Ths womi his esused ame seest eagertar. teeble et a astbls esse esrvmseva Phs'a mass twe ampuagess At tes my bleed beseems sebeeed am esre skse est ali eer my lesseed bee. Me diSe seed abest see's Sessstlla and dse ta try ee my wage. ha aseam my l@., set b weemed toebed betee anei stew m .ba 6m5n, ames lI ever may bes' besee aese sem tae., hews neversbeua aar .1g et speisa." 030. 3. sNsAMasaW. gi am~.. bmee Whmba ether auees88 mew's 9m. -g pae --ssghi a d T3 DEBT PATENS' senutx. The following ordinace is now proposed as a means of releving le publc school houses of the city from the mortgages which have been made in order to buy lots and erect school buildings: Be it ordained by the city council of Alexan- dria that wheuever,during an year, there shall have been paid to the Ireasurer-of the city of Alexandria 02,00, arising or accruing as ines. penalties or forfeiture& under any law of the city council. all additional or further suia of money arising or accruing as afore- said shall be set apart and held by the mid treasurer as the moneys of the school board of the city of Alexandria: provided, however, that sadd moneys shall be used or expended for no purpose other than to pay the obligations of said school board, which are secured by deeds of trust or mortgages on the public school property of the city of Alexandria. A RNS coMPANT'S NOMINATION. Forty members of the Hydreulion Steam Fire Engine Company attended its meeting last night and thirty-eight took part in the vote recommending to the fire wardens a candidate for driver of the coming home wagon of the Hydraulion company under the new system. Messrs. Wi. Kell. Geo. Ward and Ernest langley were placed in nomination and the vote stood: K , 20: Ward, 14, and Langley. 4, so Mr. Kell was declared the nominee of the company for driver. The successful candidate entertained the tiremen at an oyster supper after the close of the meeting. TaE ALEXANDRIA COURTs. The corporation court, Judge Norton, will open its term next Monday. The county court was adjourned yesterday evening by Judge Chichester. Before it closed Wayland Brooks was fined 9100 or required to serve two months in jail on conviction of gambling. It is under- itood that other gaming cases will be taken up at the next term of the Court. AX ALEXAXDEIAN nAILED. Capt George W. Davis of this city, charged in Baltimore with assault, has been bailed in P300. and will return to his home. Capt. Davis was mate of the steam tug Templar, now tmployed in the Potomme ice Beet. While that iteamer lay in Baltimore he broke the skull of I colored man named Hall, who attempted to rorce his way on board the tug, and Hall soon afterward fell overboard and was drowned. NOTES. The Knights of Honor had a pleasant reunion It their hall on Columbus street last night. rlosing with one of Brengle's tine banquets. rhe occasion was a pleasant one and will long :o remembered. The letter carriers of the city are preparing a lirectory for postal use. The police report last night to have been an anusually quiet one. %Y HAI WAS FALLING. ICALP SCALY AND CRUSTY. TERRIBLE ITCH. INu. THREE OTHER REMEDIES FAIL. CURED BY CUTICURA FOR *1.75. I have used the CUTICURA REMEDIER for scalp iiseas.. My hair was falline badly, my foretop be- oming crusty or scaly, and itched so badly that I enId not keen my hands off my head. If I combed Ethose scalesantiky or rummy substance would ose out of the skin and foumn another crnst. After rying two or three remedies I sent to you for your olok, and after reading it I used one box of CUTI- !URA. one cake of CUTIcURA SOAP and took one nittle of the CUTICURA REBOLVENT. which ured me. I feel grateful to you for the remedisa and tave recommended them to my friends. 1. 8. TURNER, Sorrento, Lake county, Fla. BAD ECZEMA CURED. Three years ago my little boy had a terrible more a his chest. four inches across. besides other forms sI eczema. His doctor bad tried several remedies ith no effect, so I beeen to use the CUTICURA EIMEDIE. In two weeks his chest was healed. ad the skin white and smooth again. I continued he CUTICURA RESOLVENT some time longer. ntn he was quite well, and even now give it o him once in a while If he has any blood trouble. I am never without CUTICURA REMEDIES. all three. Mrs. M. A. CHENEY. Kauanba Falls, Fayette county. W. Va. CUTICURA RESOLVENT rhe new Blod and Skin Purifier and greatest of minor remedies. internally, cleanses the blood of 1 impurities and roisonous elements. while CUTI- 'URA. the great skin cure. and CUTICURA SOAP. a exquisite skin pufifner and beautifer. externally, ,lear the skin of every trace of disee. Hence the XUTICURA REMEDIES cure every species of Sching. burning, scaly and pimply diseases and iumors of the skin. scslp and blood. with loss of tair, from infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula. Roldeverywhuere. Price. CUTICURA. .Wne.; ROAP. !5r. : RESOLVENT. S1. Prepared by the POTTER )RUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. Boston. W-'How to Cure Skin Diseases." 64 pages. 50 ilustrations and 100 testimonials. mailed free. LOVELIEST. Whitest, Clearest Skin end Softest lands produced by CU fICURA SOAP. WEAK. PAINFUL KIDNETS, gith their weary, dull, aching. lifeless. all-Oone sen- ation. relieved in one minute by the CUTICURA LNTI-PAIN PLASTER. the only pain-killing plaster. feS-wAs CITY ITEMS. "Delays Are Dangerous!" The sooner you order new Furniture the more certain yon will be to get it in time for rour expected visitors. Remember the freight blockades of the past. Ao~e is the time to nake your selection from the goods in stock. Don't wait until everything has been picked aver. Come to me for "time" payments and bottom p rices, JOHN RUDDEN. The Accommodator. 1t 513 7th street northwest. Do. You Remnember the sensation I created with the prices for fireworks? My Valentine prices will cauise as great a furore. Tao-r-r. L602 14th street north west. It -Cheap Derbies In every had--but none so cheap-and so good-as ours at SL.19. It Banax Faasc & Sox,. cor. 7th and D. Hotel Johnson Cafe. The oysters now are up to the standard. Choice Lynn Haven Bays and three-year-old rork river Plants received today, aolid fat; also lid Natural Growth Cove. (Mobujsck bays) for ineat in shell, broiled on toast, single fried. &c. Ladies' and Gents' cafe, 18th at. front. (Ele- rator). Stairway E at. High grade only. Life time experience. Fine trade solicited, it For this week only best California Sau- lerne 98.75 per gal. reduced from 94.50, very beat. 6 bottles Catawba, 91. Other fine Winee t low pries for this week. Bauiosoil's, 120 Pa. ave. fe-2t Poliee Equipments, Officers' Badges, Nip- pers, Handcuffs, &c. ~WA.roan's, 477 Pa. Ave. A Cordial Imaitation is extended to all to rist my factory and see for themselves just how the famous Yucatan Gum is made, W. J. WarrE, Cleveland. Ohio, U. S. A. fe6-6 Telephone 1200,Domnestic Sewing Ma- ehine Co.,7 and H, for repairing and renting. dlSeeImt L.=dneet Buy th Old Baelable, Tine-teeted Each year brings It new laurels. Yoar grandmothers ussd one, and the most progressve mechamecal expert of today pro- nounes the best in the world to he the New Bigh Arm, No. 9. Omee, 437 9th si. nw., one lleer eth of E.L d21-ti S. Nefler, 7M 7th at. anw., isa g a deity In Ind-ies and Chtdaen' Ouit mad Mh=mpaoe==; ase eares Deadraf. ec7-tr Elixi' Debek eeres all imalarial disesaes AMUSEMENTS. pEOPA.b'S CRURCH MUSICAL AND LITERARY ENTERTAINMENTr. Usle =iy tae=g at TTVOBRAPUICAL EALL. FI~dfi li.~eT~l f La 5) K33A m ' S. t~s~am essbg.j addm , (abs New SammessmeM -n..nU.s inbUAagmaanma AMUSEMENTS. ALBAI'S3 GRAND OPERA 3OUSE. TUIR WEEK-SATURDAY MATINEE ONLY. -NOBJSKA, MR. ovi " M AND HER OWN COMPANY OF PLAYERS. _OXn leT AT S AND SATURDAY MATINEE, A meanitcent revival of HENRY VIlI. Not week -Denms. Thomnpaonin " The Old M- Shot Cut Language. TEE FOLLOWING LETTERS EXPLAIN TEEM.- SELVES: January M W 1 1. PROF. LUCIEN E. C. COLLIERE. Teacher of the ranci Language. Briterinug tat year' ,sethed of teaching languagesai. the correc one,. and that the public ought to bE better acquainred 'i~ at, s e sugget. your friendM. hat e- Lirer a lecture a pen the subjct ate an ealy date. YOURS TRULY. SBiened: Patenore Minletre de RJ.r J aetA 1D Un Ale.. Mellvile Bell. Ca aero at. 5 Avocat Ceaeia agen. JgaNtlon de Franc. Win . B. Gr1oy,. 3. Boapate.Jaenur1.SM PO. V. BenetF(U. i. A. V. C.Rn.M.'. v as Rich-r Of. roeg (orgetour i. John Joy Fdan Joe. K. eCammnon. paller di r: tn Cas. B France. Prn. E meraon institute. 1011 Conn. ave.. Waahingtcn. D). C.. Feb. 4. 1893. Tn Son Excellence M. Jules Patrenotre. Ministre de France, the Rt. Rev. J. J. Eeane. Ales 0. Melville Bell. Calderon Carlisle and others. * Gentlemnent I thank you for your kind invitation If January ce0. expressing belief in my method of teaching language., and aug. resting that, at an early date. I de Iver a lecture on the subject, in order that the Public may be made better acquainted with the method. I will therefore gladly avail myself of your kind invitation and nam Wednesday. February 15. as the date, and the NA- TIONAL RIFLES' ARtMORYaatheplace of n'eeting. The subject of my lecture will be "The Phjileel k of .'qe cA as llusetrted by the EnJles and the Fenc Voice.' and I will endeavor to demonstrate that B a man Is born to speak-not any one particular Ian- guare. but any language--therefore what French speeck reauty Vs and hot. to learn to eakc in Frenek Ia very largely a question of principles, of systematic drill, f method and of training. and does not depend solely on innate apti- tude for languages or on theyouthor ag of the learner. In the latter css, one language having already been mastered. the diltifty to be overcome io rtneipaly a mechanical ose. Again thanking you. gentemen. for the honor you do me. and for your friendly in tereat. I remain yours. Very reopectfully, L. E. C. COLLIERE, Native Paris. France. All are eordially Invited. No charge for admission. New clases will he formed at the close of the lecture. Those wishing to join cla'es being formed prior to the lecture can do ao. L. E. C. COLLIERE. LA. .A. M., fe-dt 1011 Conn. ave. n. w. U 'NI VERSALIST CRURCH. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 15. THE SCHUBERT MALE QUARTET OF CHICAGO. to.l H. Iott. William Harris. Samuel T. Battle, John N. Tyler. Asaaited by BERTHA L. CLARK. Violinist. LAURA B. Mac CORKLE. Reae and Whistler. EVELYN U. ELLIS. Accompanist. Prices. 50c. and 7e. eals on sale at Meterott' music store. fe-7 E~jTEEROTT HALL. NORDICA. SCALCIIL. THURSDAY EVENING. F BRUARY 16.AT . NN O0 RER DD II COO0 N rN 0 0 N n ' Iu OA N NN 00 RNR DDD II 000 A A Unery thediectionlofy.A.EL. Min F LI CoCE. CO A Ei. Louie En'. I. Ca tein i. s Puate. E or. c. ektone, mual dio.c rsnti pite from "Lucia" and extensive aelections from E~acaui~.ALLERIA RUSTICANA " N Itlan In concert form, with the collowngre- thrabe latm ANTUZA............. .......Mne. Nordcs. orme Mrne. to hsleturhcnio. LOLA............................... meScalchni. A O... - ... ......0.B. nd - e Ticet with Conrndmas. . Sand IL .a E Aopens Monday Fbr at Everyo Evemnfongj Andu THEISLET MALE QAR Alayd hb OPERTA .CLYAKD Vilt NAUR B.kJa MarKLEin Reater f Whslr NEW NATIONAL THEATRE. EPery Evening and Sat rday atinee. SIcTH ANNUAL TOUR O MR. E H. SOTIHEL RN, CAPT. LIETTARILADR. GOOD WIN THTTRSAY EVE INF RAY1.T& NNA itDED FTOL N - Seats e INn t inirow. TE E.S vMAE -TATNCALS. **Tellow *. onGss the Beoy S LEAGU OW assmAR WomaAPN . msh i e huba DvMhima MUUO*ag AND ag A M M SI be admSe Mah ci W ANUBLIE12M~ 13U. ANNES MOANi T Of Landen. England. a-afted Oratr and Theosoplist. Wil lecture am DEATH AND AFTER, At Academy of Music, MUNDAT XVENIXG. February 12. at 8 p.m. Aerved 80K 7. General admlsoie'. a&. Tickets for ale at Theceophical Soetoty's rooms. 4h9 F st.. usetairs. until February 8. after that date 4 Academy of Moste. fed-71 ADMNMUBIC MATINEE FRIDAY. FEUARY 10. 2 P. I. Amateur Performance for the benet of the HOME FOR INCURABLES. Udar the auspices of the WAURINOTON LADIEq- AID SOCIETY, An or'ginal Comedy in three mete. MEREDITH'S OLD COAT. Tiekes for sale at the box o-e. fe*4-r Bl85Rp E. J 1%*t.exis qT, the eifi-e6.' A -- e Uerumeaiee of Niatery' aaeWmyof Mask. T o'clock. for O. beet of the ER T CoUs tickets. SL Reserved . extaNmte admissi o (to be ad at oor. s.Course Uckels and tenerve sats ca be lEllte' =*Wei sims mA J. IL Fremen'.. 612 )D ERfiltMARIEfk _1T S.NELL Wi L ike lllure fen2 TREPRIOSPHYOFDOCRSE. A~j'NTOMAC. No. 3t. 1. 0. 0. F. _!: = A~eningatS 94& 11.74w 4ETZZROTT1 MUSIC HALL. NeztSunday at 4 p.F.. MERWI14-MARIE SMELL Will lecture oa THE PHILOSOPHY OF DOCTRINE. W~ssblect for thefollowingr Sunday, February 9. il be*Ye Philosophy of kthcL.' fee EW NATIONAL THEATRE. ST. VALENTINE'S DAY MATINEE. FEB. 14. AT 2 P.M CHIMES OF NORMANDY. "neit of the National Hoineopthic Hospital Train- ing 8cho;ol for Niurses. In the cast are the following well-known artists: Miss Berths Lincoln. Miss Alice johnson. Mr. Hierodo M.sel Mr. Theo,. Friebu. 4,r.. Mr. Oliver 'Nie And a gr-nd chorus of.5O voit--s. Mr. N. Du Shane 'lovard leader. Tickets. Including reerved seats. t. 75c. c. ow on m&le at MetxerotteR. -7 rHE PURE FOOD EXPOSITION, . L. I. ARMORY. OPENS FEB. 13. MRS. BORER'S COOKING LESSONS. FOOD EXHIBITS. c. MARINE BAND CONCERTS AFTERNOON AND EVENING. J64-3w qEZZEROTT MUSIC HALL. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17. HE BOSTON IDEAL BANJO. MANDOLIN AND GUITAR CLUB. SEVENTH SEASON. 0. L. LANSING. A. D. GROVERL B. E. SHATTUCE L H. GALENCIA. A. C. ROBINSON. Reserved meats. 50c. a sale Tuesday morningr at Metserott's Music Store. VfETROTT~MUSIC HALL. MONDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 13. Im. ONLY APPEARANCE THIS SEASON OF HER 0AYER, IN A RECITAL OF ROMANTIC PIANO MUSIC. Tickets. 30c.. 75c. and 4L On sale at Mezsrott's. fed-St NONiREGATIONAL CHURCH. FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 10. [HIRD BHSCHOFF CONCERT. THE SCHUBERT QUARTET. LEXANDER MOSHER, J HENRY KAISER. Assiated by bnn ,ir . mu Dr. Blschof. in oca Imd nsiu- Tiks. SO ents. seat. without extra charire. on saat jARRIR' BIJOU THEATER, ir..F HARRIS.B. LBRTTONad T. F. DEAN. Y. PEARSOS BIG REALIBTfC PRODCTION. THE IPOLIICE PATROL. Next week-Master and Man. fd-at WILLAamn HALL.- THURSDAY. FEB. 23. 1893. Oosnplmentary Entertainment tendered to MISS CLARA ROSAFY By vars.musical..nd lterary,.,...latio. rof. Bischof and other prminent local telent will l'ickets. 50 and 25 esnts. f9. ELECT FRENC RESS BANDMSUR GIVEN BYLL'UN 1N F RRELLE DR FEDNESDAY EVERFebrGar ,i 1i, At Bulders' Exchange7Hall.n.w. Esadmane ulseto the pretiset etue~ Jseim nthi touris parties ve the Subr LNIVERBALIST CHURCIL.COR. 13TH AND L GRAND HARP RECITAL By MISS ANITA CLUM,. HRIDAT EVENING, February 9, at S e'elook. Aedated by ERS. NELLtIE WILSON BHIE-CLIJ'F. espaon. MB. HERNDON M0ORS'LL. Tenor. het. including Reserved Seats. 61, new en eele at DROOP'S. 95 PennsylvanIa ave.. METEEROTT'S.I1110 Fsat. 1an-11S VALENL~MadRS. FAVORS FR THEGEB- BATTLE ON .E RSS The seedest bats et THE WAR. Ub at.. Sue tees buew U. S. Tmesa. cUa21 t. Abe,. New Takse. AUCTION BATaM TlE A3YW3R 1L____. DUNCANSO!I BROIL. Auctasem. TRUSTEE' SALE OF D AND LOT ON NEW E EAI NEAR N STRERT NON By virtue of a ded of tra lv uleerded in Ler No. 17Ne. foio 40 et see.. ae 4k land reralid of the I~iitof I ~biawN .U~ Ylu~ lei5. mn AD AI' at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CL K'X P.M., part0 rur a arigllas iprvermewt A s. ui e n. a? m,. iemt~ Evening ews. fe6-dds CLEF ENOWARD. TEItE EVENING. LA'MER & SLOAN. Amedemsera. 147 0 St. a. v. CATALOGUE SALE OF MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. AND BY ORDER OF FILLMORE BEALL. ASSIGNEE. Tb. stask of B..k. of W. a. MORRISON OF WABUINGTON. Embracing a large colleotiom at VALUABLE LAW BOKS. To be sold at our auction rooms. NO. 1407 G T. N. W., SECOND FLOOR. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. FEBRUARY EIGBTH. NINTH AND TENT,1mL COMMENCING AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLCK EACH EVENING. f.2-dte LATIMER & SLOAN. Auctieaeers. WORTH OF DIAMONDS. GOLD 82.Wwatches, Sie silver ware n te vch from arston ioan . ce. Troy. N. Y. R uctioneer. 611 Pa. ave., under Metro'n Hotel FUTURE 041S. __ THOMAS DOWLING & SON. Andte.. 612E s. .w. VALUABLE BUILDING LOTSON WATERST.ET BET WEEN TwI-NTYI IRST AND TWENTa- 14 CoND STIEETS NORTHWEST AT AUC- TIN. On 'I HURDAY. FEBRU Y 8IXTEENST. 1@. at HALF-PAST FOUR O'C CL P1L wuil ell in front of the prenuise.. lots .0 end 3L' square i. imeroved by uall tenement houses. Term: One-third --ash. balance in one and two years. with interest. secured by a deed of trust un the property, or all csh, at the optic of te purchaser. A deposat of $JOB n pork let at time at sale. Con vevancin and recording at cI op h s. felt-dAd. THOS. DOWLING A0O . Aut. ATCLIFFE. DARR & CO.. AuXteeers. TRUSTEES' SALE OF DESIRABLE TWO-STORY AND BASEMFNT FRAME HOUM NO. 314 L STREET 'OUTHEAST. BY AVCT1OX. By tiriT of a deed of trust given to us duly re- corded in Liber No. 13iY. folio 26 et see.. one of the land re, ords of the DIetrict of Columbia. and at the reqnest of the party secured thereby. we will oell by ruicauction in tront of the prem'iseeon MONDAY FrBRUACR TWEN'IlETH. Ii. AT HALF-PARt FOU OCLOCK P.M.. all that certain iesce or parcel of land and rweintles lying and being In the city of Washinagon. District of Colunbia. to wit: Lot numbered twenty-two (221 in the subdivision made W Wieelo andThomas. trustees in equity came o. 7919. Doc 21. wherein John Corne9ne et als. were complainants and John De Vaugna et als. do- fendanta of the real estate mentioned in -aid cause, being in equare number.d even hundred and minsty- nine C 99,. as recorded in the eurveyer's ales of said District. in an division book eleven 411). page one hundred and two vp and one-half (lIM2). towsther with the Imp-ovements. ways, easements ad appur- tenances thereto belongsino. Terms of sale: One-third of the ouachase money to be paid in cab. the balance in two equa installments at one and two years from the day of sale with noes hearing interest from the day of sale at tie rate of 6 cent per annum payabe semi-anaually. and to -secured by deed of trust open the premises sold, or all cash. at option of the purehasse. A deposit of 4200 reuitred at time of sale. Terms bbe complied with in 15 days from the day of sale. otherwise the trustees reerve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purebaser after 5 days' advertisement of such resale in some newspaper pab- lisbe-i in Washington. D. C. Al conveyancing. re- cording. hc. at h eost xOI H. GREEN 02J7 and 629&s... J. WALTER CO Y. Trustem. feS-dede 3"4 D Rt. n.w. DUNCANSON BROI.. Anets. Oth ad Datn. .w. TRUqTEES' SALE OF A HANDWONE fIVE- STORY BRICK DWELLING 1'SED AS AN APARTMENT HOUSE LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEA T NER OF SEYJTEENTH tEsU0TITFISZEUV N~E5E 1309 r 5iffNOR TR WET. Dy M of a erotain deed of trmt. bearing date August 16. 155. recr ed in Lror 170. folio o et see * of the land receors of the of Columbia, and at the request of the prse secured thereby. we will sell at ble auction tn beat of tbeft-wn a TURSDA. TRE TWE*TT-FIRST DA OF FE UAR. A. D. 1 6. at HALF-FANT FOt R O'CLOCK P. W. %be followitw piece or c of land, situate in the cirof Washingo. biig lot numbered 3D. in Meack's subdiviskas of lots in square 181, as per plat recorded in book W. F.. 17.of thegeorde of the surveyor'semceethe DhaI of Colum a. said lot having a frosts" of 86 feet om 17th atret by a depth of - togethr with the Ina veuen thereon, coni a stT y brick dwellig Terms of. sale: One-third t the purchas money in cash; balance in ea. two ve and eighteen months. with inerest at 6 per cent per annum. payable seml-annually. sered by deed of trust on the property sold. or all cash, at option of the purchaser. ALU conerancing ad re- cordinr at purchaser's cost, A dot osit of two bun- dred dollars (i2001 wil be required at time of sale. Terms of sale to be comjlied with in ten days from date of sale. otberwise trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the default- ing purchaser or purchasers, 0. H. ILIMON ense W. E. LDMONSYON. . feS-tds Omew S0 lith st. I. w. F. WARREN JOHNSON. Actioner. AUCTION SALE OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES. I will sell by public auction at the store of H. K. Fulton. 1218 Pennsylvania avenue uerthweet. com- mencing TUESDAY. FEBRUARY FOURTEENTH. at TEN O'CLOCK A. M., all the unredeemed pledges in his store upon which the interest is due one year or more, consisting of Gold. Silver end Metal Cased Watches. Chains. Charms, Lockets. Cut Buttons. Collar Buttons. Scarf Pine. Studs. Plain (Gold and Set Rings. Pins. Earrings, Set Jewelry. Beareleta. Coins. Printers' Sticks. Silver Warm. Diamonds and other Precione Stones, loose end onted. Guns, Diie., Revolvers. Canes, Umbrellas, acns. CRippers, Val~es, Knives. Opera and Plid (theses, Plated Ware. Dress Goods, Hteal Coats. hr. Sale to sostinne morning at 10 o'c-ock, evenings at 2 and -:0 o'eock until all the lota are sold. Ticket holdere ples take notice. H. K. FULTON. Pawnhroker. F. WARREN JOHNSON. Auctioneer. fe7-'t* WALL PAPERS! WALL PAPERS!! AT AUCTION. On FRIDAY end SATUEDAY MORNINGS OS this week we willsellat ourrteem 5.000 ROLLS OF MANUFACTURER'S CEOICE GILT PAPERM. Eamseheepees, new is yoar chasee to Sn ap yom roame for imaauration. Deelie, newiste ppetamditb hr Inaearbm steh Dea't mine this sale WALTER B. WUIEIABO01. SiTe UthS3ec AUCTION BALE 'samow. W. lasa sv. . FINE IAbT FtAXITrR FOR Orn RSB1AR THURSDAT SALE. FErASARr NINTH. AT WE A.M. Several 1ine Dook tases. to ash; aerwi Fine Parlor ""tt., e Room n-en Wardenbe. "dseaIs. BunvA~ Wambeata 16owy WI,. Aw-no,m Heir MWi Kharh Matee, pit am-. a"d Dosw. Baet. "aeds. Isaw lot Xam4 Ur'od-hand Nod" Drafti. ma I=j carrot-. Lot Shelving. Counter. Tahd. c. It Horses 1,2 Anim dm WARHINGTON NORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR 940 LA. AVE, N. W Estraordiaryeste W more" an04 Mae tenroerw. We hae. .uet recdved a snmeut of '0 head of m'- and Mare. whteh we will sell at the Baamr. I 1UNDAV MORNING, FEBBCARY s lNTW. at TEN o'elock. In this lot will be found auimalasettd In all purpoes. Dea't mies It-if you want a hes. a. UNIeMsi0ger, hmoik., 040 ILe. ave. om. S. BENSINCER, WASSINGTON HORSE AND CARRIAGE RAZAAR. 90 LA. A% E. XW. TrI'SDAT MORNING. at EIEVEN O'CIAJCK. we will sell at the Bar bay Horee. i years old. 16 hands hit6 kind and gentle in ay harenmee and van %tand %it: out hitching. Great rhaue to get a ''*V0ton~ - S swill also sel the well-known trottig hore. 'Dixie." which has & record of !!. ON41 can trot todar in t.4 if rives a goed day and good track. He Is a bright bay. L hands high and can be driven byL the meet timid person. Are you looking for gnod trttmre This is your chanve. Don't mtis. it. -tAnetineer. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. Auctioer. CONSIONE'S HALE OF A LABOE AND WELI ASStORTED STOCK or lN()S ~E SO KRE OF ltE VERY T MAV. ItEMOY El TO Ora SALE" Room FOR q(O% VENIENCE OF SALE BEWNoINGI TtI DIALER LAND TO Dr.: SOLD ON AI'COUINTOF NI ,h IN THE FAMILY. BALE TO TAKE PLACE WEFtNERDAYT AND THTIRSDAV FEBRUARY EIGMTH Nilo NINTI. AT HALF.I'ART TEN O"CAICK. AT OUR BALFN ROOM, CORNER TENe AND D "TREETS NORTHWEST. FACING PENNUrL, VANIA AVENUE. The following partially enmepam the odmto be offerd and are out of the mual run of aut a fur- nitures The description fails to do any of the article- lust cM do a mner paefftlspc* will PMov artcle i ofhe e ad in god =ao The sale e are olportualty to pW Chasers So funish their husses with new SU,,daaa LIRR.CVIANER mnd DIWING ROILOM RITULE f1 L*I tV DFSCr TAIN. HALL RACER. V'OIDING BFIM WARDROBE CA"INETS. 2o) FANcy LOCKERU %TI POLTEF ED5 IN PLURH EASY CH AIR 4. - E TEN sION TABLES AND DINING BOOM v'IAIRI5 OOI'OHR AND MAN% OTHER ART CLi FOR HOl4KKIING 168-31 WALTER B. WILLIAMS & 0M.. Anet.. LATIMERs " WAN. Aetlamo.a. 1W/ BRILL.ANT AND ATTRACTIVE CrU 2TION OF VALUABLE OIL PA.NTINGS OF THE FRENCH. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SCHOOLS By favorite mnd etstemed mder armite, beg the atire collection selected by a well-known oan--esecr frm art centersduring the last two reasm foerol a very desirable assemblage of works of art. .... natly framed. to be sold at auction on WEDNESDAY. THUBSDAY AND FBIDAY. FEBRUARY EIGHTH. NINTH AND TENTH. COMMENCING AT ELEVEN A. X. AND THREE P. W. EAOR DAT. AT OCR GALLERT. 147 0 GTREET. ONEfl 0N ON6W AFER U4 TJ LI MT. 1A IVP3S OF THE FINE ARTSI ARE' OET FULLY INVITED TO VISIT THIS OLLEIM LATIMER 6 LOAN. f34A Auctimeem. GEO. w. STICENEY, Auneoeer. 10-M Fet. TRSTRW RALE OF VALUADLE IMPUOVED PROPERTY ON IVING STRtEET BETWEEN SEVENTH AND NINTH TREEE EXTENDED. By virtue of a certain deed of trust ecorded in Ube, No. 13W folio 443 at ".q. ~ n thde land records for the bistrict of Columba. ad as the w. quest of the erty macwed themsby. we will ofer for memufrn of the pemee. an MONDAY. FEB- RIARY SIXTH IMM at HALF-PART FOUR OCLOCK P.M. Dthe TollowiC dee per to the county of Waehinane. Dutriet of Columta. tv wit: Te west 10 feet front on Irving a est ba the fulldert of lt unmto te (1t ip ale mum- bere one (1). t: Todd & Brwn'. cedivis tof f part ot Mount Piass't mod Plesat Plans a mwd ab- d'l. In rcordeosa the ofe. of Te aryg tobef the District of Columba. with the ppemias rigt tom the wert.% feet front y the full depth of aid lt a a lleyway oL od subjert to& ded of tr toFeaUe the sum of 4,5% with Interet at par c tram lep- tem7-er T O M. TemL Fale: AU ash in eess ofnid deEad of tmwst 01tOOdepomft at tiaauot sale. Terimsgoble com-I plied witi In too days or the property wilt he esed eel rimSk and cotof deftlaw putchaver after live dayse readveartieseiet. JOHN R . ARY L. U PoVEd THAN . IL WAGGAMANL asTTF. ONTHE ABOVE SAE IS POTPONED ON AC- JTRET NOT.W BARMN, TR E f7ANdeTH UL T. WAGMA. BM AND OO A AANAD-OO DWL.GA ONEOFXT SITREA N STREETN NON WEST AD FOR FRAME HOUSES ON UNION Dyvirtue ot two deeds of esmenamit muroeded in ONAY FEBRUARY SIXTH HALF. PAST PO R O'CLOCE P. K., at et.1oi leos i:i. 14. 15. 1t6 I and ISi aewSE ghl parteef nl~eeoaseeeer~ Iteets, ssad .ban heme snon g deiabondiis ae of es ee ndmetenwneme ei Trs ftooty balnein i. 2m em3 ["atr.. ...hi tm'.e a ell a 6dataly ln tee tefemreten ere.e .t.. uitmt oTix er pat tar Jam. sak oulv AIN OENOEOEtJs~ a6flk9EWIens.e ~WMSDOWU . SSN Ameem.,u st~n~ wed.h M.d lsun etu AUCTION(_SALE. RAM ~ r~rm us trs. .W ASjkIWVW ^1TALE I-I AT THit 4-14 40111 lI-. FaTT? ITANDI Ar ITVMTI %W:111! TAlFT. l VtoLG SV 4 WFMI4 ANl Is Aft % THE PaITOUAc. 1% lINt ISTIelt to& t0- Pa." 0, l. tUNTI.i kL.1IL P[111 A111111111 LKA11111POLi ONX Tat_ TWO-SRT1[T Vmn p114% i04l111CIOWN14, 4§101. 1%K FAIN All' ..# 0 STRIPETA0 1t'1h4 0tK Dy rfrt..e a .tmvat .. &awo,rmlo amss!t,* *'ant de li rded her mmlewwe.. a-3ut -11 vlt ?,, 0'- i., ftft 4 tbO eN It%.1I. I tv..*,3, ll' #-i- sw-rtics. rik Tl a'.jrip 131 i & TrN4. 'i a% sk& The f,l.l'-Mn atet-stlod fete ealtat.. lnluate mad tonv.d Is taiIty of Waasvlts. Itvatrbt sit A',-: A ,s. wit: LAISI ONE it). two (i. TWuar :to Attl'" it 7rtmt 1 far- On. Ethi 4. a M au mdss .,4 141 foostlliissts. an In eq twevoruv..d ""e-rI 'aMs be~lldhm &" san.4.. and hIbona s I .5 .. .mhk- d %anie q ts. UW awlt .411s' tblur sonaWa faw fft LA1' eam,ll V... ttsr -Aa"soft (01lipt lea Atmo .4 treat f.. *1. -4111. all hemebhi afttat 11u " d a44 cmI- vte of mes. Absolae54 ralk.sea owthe sates m s .'tm iaM VANN*"sui Gro orITrek 64uui m~wot'e CT I jkoCtSw. aii r..ttv I "v LOT tit.K Ai 1,t 114 CIA ,lo Will Ss q mttaas ei ..* K. Arm ltielm at ao, i 0a .6pr 4,M~ Pet aot- t,,. tav abke.sami 4oftsemb Teero. ("wt sill above. the timt )tea. i d* -..". BSaroqatad at the it,. .4 avok. (IN MOVD&! jkTcR3Wsq F.3SIAUT T~iFS. IUrT,. 11L At iv t L. to tes .1 tam LWT All IIt 3141(5 LE P1301 PAIE. Frost in .%. feet b) a -teot" "t 06 bet. I he . ,- wilt 1 0.4a .:ttbj" to a. *deed..f twoimtf- Sdwith int.reat at All.. is ofTpe.-vs le- Team.itsu f a: ."'.r MW y &be I a. thN,*.e,- 11'. aist vatiar litar-at a s a..i* inflisimba ~ MAI Sb,.. itth ...- -0sial smd*~ * ut.E. A lervt 411110 vqtstred at 14-t as.. . q~ ON u~t A1,11,1 TTIAT AsSocow 33100, E rAtt TWFN1T-FIRST. Nlm. ATl 1001171 4uviAlM. WIEWII.1 %EAL. I 3iF TUE PItt rh- t, msatad otal .. t~sG. Tee- co; 01al. All -m"d deI~et ci *M "island at a, The tevaq. 4 We' a the, ap" Al1 *.1i ea.-4 land. tsr1mt Pa and ls-boii ld a~ 11.4011 I-~rsa With in ".4, "'A,, I, at. tat-a ta so 0- day"f &I" Otorl We weemr.. lbsa richs' 1.a ewll t.. Imierti -Cr Ietalph.Iat ituhsdsafteN To. LA.A t,,ade at iti. rilit,t ,f Awi dmaftu. h ial-sw . 3tew"Pa'.- mPall-d1 in Va'ist is i l a. "57mm-tvw r-,-A'.nttu. h.. .t.. he a le osa. .'g ine psarclmaer or Purhks-ri in each of the m~asm aleS WM. 111-WIFID R&I 0TAIL rATA Is N PAft THIRD ANI 16 1 11TWELTH kitlET IMr w-Tinas- d.f.-.. 1,1ilt 4 ros. N.. 14t?- in it,@ 'Uprooess Cpna4la .ttvq ' .4 almi.l, will askS at tjsbl6-@Amctas n 'rotst #,j ia ON ieeWFlioFiAtII 1 lIt flT V the e j tweet) h 119we mastiof temtht as arhAltir- lt. h &raa-to.. ve!b w alkdslii frs-nts a I- or 1.4 t~beTobgo bdwiw trf i .1 vainlt. Good eabe-m-4of also wmmmg lot It" low. ~ at maid fram.le goa. UrTjE SAMV DAY, at a QfIAUTFE 0U. . lARUK Il. M , the ..utha leta" f-e OuNt oaI ~S- aftkwr' of kot wwvo log =11a' No. aaW1o 1 pb. Iehtv feet. tills"tl k boom.. "t"4 301 allowt IMstbwet.ah Aime a fi. Istiding.-a the, i. a am" swreusoo TON-Ue .4sale tims-ils~od et thpwmess*sey. eal etet eas-a ml thuo yw.r.dAl lTs... 01 Gmds. wifh Interva. wow" las 46" of great to~.a t- *. Wu'agaKt. or al tbs. apisfe of tke smntbmueim. All aesveurtgmd i.r--in, at I~ Cains", reet. A duspam t 'n SIWIta. b W. )1.r Sr- usiratti Ta miim f a ad* ut a~- s, !Mue fer as fveo t lieloo tin usit m as...,. .1 the maltE sity at beun aa eve 4& ag-a.: Trmme*. 410Pkm myb ~i TROMAS DOWLS90a30O. Aca .tt D 3CNS0 OI. *Aetsmq TICTIC111' SALE OF 101T AND IBIcae piWli.. INGl SIT1ATE 0 NORT1111otD VsP I:LM MTMT 1.TWEEJU na&rwoogs- A ~vi r AND LIC 35411 WA AVW.NL. IS $A. BY 1111t1 Of a Allie Of tre ar-awduad in l.bmr i.. fali. 343 of the mai varvrsi at wle bpaau A., , a. land". A"d madu amn .01 bo t ofm use lt pagessd IN 4111ty Cause No.. LIUSM in thr Stuas. ..e1' am Distttat of tdueaba*W =a;Fv=1x5AUWSFat, 110 well. at wiebs lr ~SA il F .LTH PlAT OF ftF.3111A k%. A. 0 ta MALV-PA1n I' ItlMl 41IiAbtklep X - ins trust . c wo. Ue sull. 7,1 sirt hT tie i.11 aWtb ar rw ( *). is Iarav Al Ibusall's. u-wd -ample dietmiow ae IuAM three. -to must to,,? 4 1. iso Wos* we (14"1 IN IA -iSPskae1. ndsaaatnS- ;;-M"ss in cotse lttia.a nusm3t.thS. C.,=mDtoi On 14W -4 a". Ie be -n:,- hatin a KISt~Mutie" at I~~T . ad 1-as. X.. ~. Toglas. o~f sale 7te o-thbd or prr@ts ",a isToo e itaid lusta. This ristwau. ins eqtsil ssulsssat a @o4 twv=-isau fronti imp.4 as.v w ehs* tbe Im q*M al on,# WfiwTS~t Vitl.. ts-ani* stlo,". fIts 444 Of M'. At the rats. Of toI S-r fit*aiess TASA absle wel~-tltui) and qvlspa. ." 1=1-t q .1 tmt 4-11 thoepwst aPa!.t "M n &: a-u at lb.. ahtls ao! the p-erkamer. A dewisat -t VM111 . 1- mmd. whoee. 1.1 Ia msoprted. sad tortss oal .I. ,,I-...loasp.e salk a to"t daym fn" esa da as Ri.s or araste..- isse We The INth the usail at rink MAd rAt of detasltiria, t-es-.-a'. Je~~d tt.S .5 L.b ci. ii. WALTER IL WILLIA1 I(T~ e411m. i 1th aned I0.. Will mush O" rols~i U111. 0011t Mall Palr rK rlAT ad SATURDAY. 110INOXU. 11.% 14 .x.fe- WA.LTER 3L WILLIA1M IT C0.. Awqma-Itsme '.ALEAULX PROPERTYrAT AXAjCOSTI Aj. "WAU rFIL COTTAGE NoMam AT Attclbos. Ia.s u 4etaeiaattuS ejamua-

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Post on 31-Mar-2018




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LO('A1, MENTI.Tlb. Wesiwv

Silt- *er 11.. 't r'. *1. tUr'Ii&?a.r~ t:- i-ast w'. ' il'.nabia. MarviaaJ and

T1 neseso f .r --tl.*. i-orsherlw ortadlo. shift-spar t.- Ismathe-b w Stitie-a.c

. %1-1: -" '"r 1 3 r.IT011enenerate aft .l co nt& 4.f water at 9

a.. t; I A.. S_ n'-ure. 32: conidition.4 Ilwe.uing e-e r. '. tspra!YrP. K. Cn-

iese, as ,.,the, ,.Tee,.). 7 0onu1itionme

seenth enamerts. ti r.rl -tanX reserrvtoir, -l . ...n i t &I adissatgaoe,

belv iK uolvert gat. hu'uW. l4

High ..t LOw litte.O a W~e I I-- '. r. 7 1'3 a&r. ''0 p.N.

s % rM

i- .R ja a" A i'. --or. 71h and I).

- AI.ltM 4I,.A nT.esorth tritbt.1- to the ieceti-malmerit

of tb:. a .. . ,nrott- a. th adi.,pton .-f ta or E-

eja.soe nwat Iiahe r.ecen hall o th 3 "Msticrj.,- .n Mada-mn *. len. Nee I rk.

. As% ra e an.1 t - .Atters. t:reAt redtiaction.Peek A Ant-ter 0 4m.t-rwtn 41'ub. former ftirWe.

$3ao t.. .u. the m t. ,I, . lAdle.' RumetJ., iher-et1-e a .it. A. fo.rnar price. *1.50: to

eJi a. in .1. or. :all aii arnunL. ttrrls'.*.d I..., I u t C ot. Its' a F. Hot-

it-Av * al I-.P. liFr'rri.y. 43 Pa. aVe.

.01 R &1 it! 6aras'. A Bra Ibatala.

Ita ir.a a . - ,. tor. 7th auid tr.

4 a Pw '. il' Hie s'.' 1 v sr. large amsertment.A . -t.- 1.4 .. anic Teemple.Fs.

omn th I a . RPaait L6M. a~n enredl to suitthe Mst .f e. .. -10

r.0e a.krtermenlt page 4.

to. i 4.0.1. Irter. :ns Pa. avs. n. w.

ratning:ae.. 'yec..-b. and Israef.

0'*Uprrq E't F,"V aD the Elima. C'ARisrreaan. 31 . sa .-. -.. Tw.. are niade moth-proof tree of ch..rjg-. s. ptant UJ5 2.


4t.agn3- Hor.r. -Medi.-ha in

\w\ri.-m t.* w lTi. Mrl. F. A. totherna ..p,'. lu-tI': bIr.

ia. i at :d'I T. t. .Sabrooke inowl be 1-je "1f Illn.1t-

ass :..; fIt arlit. "The Palwe Pa-

liot R 1 Y. Pr', rtrz % . oins Hals.111 rl of \ te..

Tur Barri ., 4 r. it rs... 5Ath street

owew. r,,ha--m -ft tr ,~F ~'Ito V',.. Ha- :i . --ra Srmr p.?.. -

Faitr .an.rS a ...e b." antn N.. ~.. P. M. . I. it.

4 %.erltm.wa,4ese'4r. .j. r 1-nraett- . . motm eI at the l1;rig-ht-o...1 ywer bou-t. meit a ith a very Persons and

puanfiul It. ia 4.1-:tio:g %ome man torats. oIe I. aT. abi't the aeaohc.tacktbe fiub. r ab.e ga . any and strue. Mr. Sur-

det with great f.rce. kstocking him seneorle.w, --f ha, rib., w lpr'..-n and it to feareI he

Is injured anter.i.y. lie onse co-ed fo~r at themer houen a.I tLa ni r nt t. hi, hme. NL 2X. .evotna avenne sTontheat. where hi.i

;bakcan. lDr. I F. .Iohnsion. was summoned.bMrca who wta...t the crmah ay it was a

seacle he Was not instantly killed.

Sa idast M4atewr.

Dorey Clagott et al., truateer. have boughtof F. 40. New for *5.00 sub 133. square 240 16

et Ai nche- b 95 feo ot C'aCrcoran street be-tween 13th and I 1th steeto northwest.Thoma 1. Prauk,. has purchased for0:0.91'k.5 of J. H. Addition ab lots 7 to 11.

re 4 460 721110 feet ton F between 6th and.:reets nrth:ea-t. and subs 91 to 96. do.

IW'4i1 feet on the corner of G and 6thftreete naorthea.

W. E Lawtu'n baa bought of C. E. Spaliag4 al. for #22.rt r.ou. 12" to 136. equare 174-34 feet a ta.hew b% IOU ton 13th between T and

U streets morthwest.C Xand-r has bought for 08.000 of A. B.

Coppee part 9. 'qua. 4~. 2o feet ' inches on3lmAhuseotto aenue betureI 6th and 7th

aret morthwet.

The Cattle Market.At the cattle market at the Washiagton

rasaa StArs I ard at henning. D. C.. yesterday36 cattle were on the market and ool as foI-law* Itbet wAik from 4e. to 5;-c. per pound:gond .I-1 from 4- -. to 5c. per pound; mediumet-id frt."u le. !o 4-1, e. per pound; eommna soldfrees 2 c. 1-, .6- per poaAd. 100 sheep andlambe sip and "old as fullow,: ttheip from 4c. to

"e. p pus.laanmba from 5c. to &ec. pero t w hcal.e sol from *25 to 459

earb. State of the market for all hinds of Stock,

At a t.eet:ng -,f the sunidav echool boardbe Imat night the iutlowing weere elected uff-

cen for tlhe r:.u:ng .rar Stiperintenden.t. E.O. Wt.-tt, a,*:bta..t -u! .t.nt.F. 4.Lager r A i. L olr: treaourer. A.

). l.i~ee brarian. 'It W. Ferrnanlex;swistant hb-r.6rwA, 1. Mearr: chorister.

Dor. thns. t..o, .eset. lrene Me1.1ie.asmataaut .'rga e . .- V.ker. at a congre-

gatto..aI eia- :i,.; tu. '.: enm contrinatedl *l30tao ...na1at. I I. a * a::. we-r a lisa director of& paresat masn..o&ary ..,setv.-

Vete.rne Weitawer Firegmee.A -eguabar mne.-ting ..f the Vete-a$ Volunteer

*'rme a e.-tto was beid a t-venng atLthe hall. !"th anid I! -treet :rthawest. Mr. iarsr. pre ...It and )t-.Wma.Smith nere-tary piru tenl. Mr. Johlsi .f. P.'ennedy. the secrre-ory . san :absent: * n ac,. un* if mcknesse fo~r thelrst tsn.-- the anwocaation wa formed,si

'apu~a s four nsernabrship by Imac Littleand I..b I-, I I \. hol-. -n of the .kaacastr wererereaa..-t *',4 ref. ired.

Kr. 46au i. fr. a the conimtiittee om eatertain-ament saut ntop. a.e I.itles Armory ow Thure-eaa, fthe '*i'h ina'1not. re-p..rd that they hbed

ab.astr ..zaa iete-t be. prograta arsal that if thease'abere .1l ,p hine~a LataA if the committeethe e'.teraawun g woiald p.r.oe an unbounded

A n tnm'at.t.on to lii bette fair ouf I'anto. Pe-tea-. at 'Iaa V~r mid i la-o ue' Hall from the6th t.. th 'va- receu'ed1 and accepted. Thememoratrion des.. a.I ita in- mt tin Tuesday neat*Ileth in I dI n;uaf..rm and attnd the fair.

Nat irmunai- .1 the. Iinuar Haose af Itmading.Pa.. anet *,u..- Will Enin of Phlhdelphiafreen I?. H. I'eto. were reLsised fromn Mr. H. H.

Mr John W Lkeoso callued attention toth e a..e. .f 1r A. .1. Jiakion., daaring the

ewteriaaa.-nt a year ago. and masd thaa he wascv.e- to :. mu-re as to. U:.- entertainewet nestweek. f.-r h.- a.... b~esade. hi. tame. conftibutagthe prinatiu.g. On ha. nua.son Mr. Dosmalaleo

a. ele-se.. 'a litfe a-emir.t''m,al-nt It.ahae rea..rated that the Thirdt

Auti'lea~ hsur bi at been engaged f orthe~~.eln the 'thi uin~-et IH.- rem.. erted h

badt or-sere- If..- tihe a..ra..tsun the metal but-a -e-...te b -he Weterra. asocatnmethrough-

Ousi the c.:.r.Mr. I. h'. Ih..:-, on snae osf the pra~eante by th.- isarn.e a...atei., vino hae Lbhe 'w *or mmn. with the eviception thew..r i - tr-or ..ppetar. au lbe-It im placof"e-erat

Thae .4ataretmieostewt 'arlety.Thresnw terre atten-aance at the meeting

of ma.. la tro..>. .ga..aIl aocarry held lat even-bag at the- a aumanm t'isab. Prof. Maeon. Prof.W. H. Me....- asl aI r. 4'lifoot Howard readpupera lTh-thes,,.. .f Prof. Mlaeaa paper was

**0-ap.eationuan Aathar.polougi--a Work"' andthat af mr..f . enge ''arly Man ii. the Upner

Msmnseuet Mtr. Ho'ward disruermed o -hPh vi=h .f 5sa. ini reachedl the co4,ain

s ae th-ru. amna. esatt oaute of ature, ha-ma e- meer-s itnat he an eafermity withmaws. anet hence the ades sket the hman race

to eajabte ofr dai an, at ta -ologia er intraetmea mets ay a *uyertaaona.

T Ea A n r s r ao of b imoe e andl in-9eesea. amlcal ton the reeseer'ssale of mabja-

Sb les-eadI property on 7th steeS mee D.,"Wa e1 aid startd." Se he sad eersew at

ame .m aseeadet. e

Lamiw~am' ata et iable veal eema, in-~ed by a barig briek heeme ad fea r iamesgaed erere of and Caa meset

sebemtale. Wail be meld tsmmsse afterama atam e eerk by er der eq Them N. 1iel. a.

-trpis he.. -s the aaseeas, Em.Deear & t'e. - .eder.

Base Saa.a atla r Smm' & e

90145 011 DARTMOUTN.The amnai Aomwin ssba or Thie city mom

Their Annual Rmpsrt.LASt night the loyal sons of Dartmouth Cel-

lege gatiserd around Uhe banquet table and ate&not talked and mug to the glory of their hm,siate-r. It was the eighteenth annual dinner ofthe alumni asoneation. and over fity men whoreceived their diplomas from the old NewHiampshire coUge were on hand last night.The dinner itself was an unusually handsome

afair and wa followed by some excellent after-dinner speaking. At the business meeting ofthe asormation earlier in the evening (en.Veazey. the president. occupied the chair.Gsen. Veaey was re-elected to the presideney

and William Quinby, '83, was also re-elected assecretary. Representative Nelon Dingler. '56,and 'rof. J. It Eastman were chosen as vicepresidents: J. It. Reynolds. '90, was electedhistorian. and William V. Hatch, '86. chorister.

'In 5K33PEllaf.After the members of the assnciation had

gone through a long and elaborate menu camethe time for the cigars and oratory. The presi-dent delivered an eloquent inaugural address,after which he withdrew in favor of the tast-meeter. Mr. It. 4. tapbell, '8. The firstapeaker ealled upon wee Mir. Imee F. Paul. '78,of Boetoa. secretary of the executive commit-tee of the alumni asnociation. He brought en-couragg repopV concerning the old college,which included 975.001 in improvements, a newathletic department and an energetie new pree-ident. Dr. Tucker, late of Andover Seminary.The following telegram was aent to Dr.

Tucker:"basrtmouth Alumni Association of Washing-

toa. in banquet assembled, send cordial greet-InP to the new president and pledge hearty

the speakers of the evening were Rep-reeentative Nelson Dingley of Maine, Repre-seatatives Cogawell and Stevens of Measachu-metts: Prof. J. R. Eastman. '62: Dr. H. M.Wells,'57; Rev. G. t. Patch. '62; Judge C. . Corn-ing and J. B. Reynolds. '30.

I 11or w rarNTPATrD.Among the other guests of the evening were

the following: Vice President Morton. SenatorMorrill of Vermont. Senator Chandler of NewHanpabire, 'ougreasman Cogswell of Mams-chusette. J. R. Dodge. Judge Carles R. Corning.Gardiner G. Hubbard. '41: Moses Kelly,'43;31. IU Stevena. '46; bamuel 1. Wilcoz, '47:4 Oliver Miller. '48; Dr. Nathan S. Ineoln. '50:J Ormonet Wilson. 'Z0; John 1. Pierce. '51:Redtield lroctor. '1; Gen. Charles E. Hover,52; Win. V. French. '54; Gen. John Eatou. '84;Nelson Dingley. jr.. '54: Thomas A. Cushing.

;. Ir. H. M. Wells. 57: (apt. Arial W. Fisher..: George A. Lyon.'58: Wheelock G. Veazey.39; sen. J. N. Patt.erson. '60; James P. Allen,02: 4 Alvin A. Brown. '62; Horace I. Cummings,62: -John I. Entnian, '62; Nathaniel P. Gage.R2:e. George B. Patch, '62; J. J. Pan-

borns. '6J; Henry X. Baker. '63; Edward'. .lohnson. '63; Stephen W. Band. *63: N. C.irackett. '4: 1. 4'. Hobbe. '4: Dr. E. C. cMer-rim. '64: Prof. George J. tummings. '69; Jas.W. i bey. '70: John F. Pratt. '71; ieorgeI reolerick Williams. 72: 'larence Johnson. '72;fenry M. ul. '73: Jases Campbell. '73: Wi.Twombly.'76: F.. H. Fowler. '78; Winfield .

Mnntgomery. *7M: Philip, Walker. '80: C. S.Moyane. *0:.rthnr 1. Brown. '81: Nathan D.tramp. 's: F. . Kimball. '81: John T. Free-man. '12; W. t. 'ntter,.on. 8: Was. Quinby,'3Stephen 31. Ryder. '83; W. E. Burleigh. '84:Richard lfovey.'43: H. L. 'arker. '95; R. V.( Rabbell. 'MR: John French. '86: W. M. Hatch,'86: 31. T. Higgins. '86: 0. E. Fletcher. '86; H.H. HIannon. ',,: 1. X. Hildreth. '87; W. A.Johnston. '88: H. P. Blair. '89: C. D. Hazen,'S9: Gi. H. Hitchcock. '89: A. B. Vearey. 893Frank Randolph. '89; R. K. Tyler. '90; J. B.Lieynolds. '90: C. M. Smith, '91, and D. L.Smith. '91.


Mrrrraorr HALL was filled last night withe delighted audience, as is always the case onthe occasion of a Boston Symphony Orchestra.The work of the orchestra was fully up to thehigh standard that has given it the reputationof the best hand of musicians in this country,and the applause that followed each numberwas richly deserved. Although Mr. Nikiach'srule is against encores he was twice last nightobliged to break it to satisfy the emplhatie de-mands of the audience for repetition. Thenext concert will be March 14, when the soloistwill be Ignece Paderewski.Miss CLnA' HasPBncITAL.-Tomorrow night

Mine Anita Clues will give a harp recital at theUniversalist Church. She will presentamamu that will meet popular tasteas asaford an opportunity of displaying thewonderful beauty of the harp. Miss Cluss willbe aasted by Mrs. Nellie Wilson Shir-Cliff andMr. Herndon Morsell. Seats may be secured atMetzerott's or Droop's music stores.Mas. Anaza BaaAT will lecture on Sunday

evening next at the Academy of Music on"Death and After." Mrs. Besant is a woman ofbrains. bas been a close student of theosophicalsubjects ard id one of the most attractive speak-ers on the lecture platform. She has teenheard here before, and should attract a largeaudience.

"Tux OLD Homasinan," that famous home-hke play that loses nothing by repetition, willagain be seen at Albaugh's next week, withWedneeday and Saturday matinees. Presentedduring this engagement by Denman Thompsonas I'm# It Josh aa and his entire original com-pany, who gave him such excellent supportduring his long run in New York city."3asTan AND MaN."- -A scenic production

of the exciting melodrama. "Master and Man,"will be the attraction at Harris' Bijou Theaternext week. Among the effects introducedwill be a repreentation of a mammoth iron-working rlant in full blast at night. A goodeast is promised.TUB (niw,', or7 NORaNDYt.-The rehearsals

for the "Chimes of Normandy," which is to begiven on the evening of February 14 at theNational. are now held at Metzerott Hall.There wall be a rehearsal each evening thisweek at Metzerot's at 7:30. The patronesses ofthe affair entertain the highest hopes of itssocess. fhe efforts of rof. Cloward areproving most effectuaL. Prof. Jamee H. Ver-milya is personally directing the dancing of thechorus and many costumnes have been furnishedhr friends in business.Nmazra Oto CoN.-Aa amateur per-

formance will be given at the Academy ofMusic on Friday afternoon next for the benefitof the Home for Incurabhs, under the anspaeesof the Washington Ladies' Aid Society. Aneriganalcommedv in three acts, entitled "Mere-dith's Old Coat.'' will be the attractioni, and asthg eas includes several who po--e== decideddramatic ability and as the reheareals have beencarefully attended to. an enjoyable performancemaay be anticipated.Siaanxa.--On Monday evein next the

great pianist, Xayer Scharwenka, wil appearat Uceerott Music Hall in a recital of romanticpiano music that should attract a large audience.As this will he his only appearance this seasonthe desire to hear him wilundoubtedly createa brisk demand for tickets at Metzerott'a.

Turn Scuraxar Masa QmaTETr.-On Wednes-day evening. February 15, the Schubert MaleQuartet of (Chicago will give one of its enoyable concerts at the Univerealist Church. Tiquartet is comapoeed of Messrs. Scott. Battle,arris and Tyler, and wuil be assisted by MissClark. violintt, and Mims MacCorkle. readerand whistler. Seats on eel, at Metserott's musicstore.Tn, Boevon IoZAL Cixa.-The Boston Ideal

Banjo. Mandolin and Guitar Club will apparatNetserott Music Mall Friday evening, euar17. The composr of the "Darkies' Dresam.'Mr. G. L.. Lansing, and Messrs. Shattuck.U;aiencia and (Grover, all of whom are known aswriters of banjo musse, are maembers of thiselub. The program for Frida'y eveng con-taine new music and many of the club's odsuc-cesses. tieats en sale at Metzerott's music

FlELse Ann hanson's Dgawimo Cans wilappear for the secosid tisme thie sea-on at Ker-nan's Theater next week, presenting an entirelynew program calculated to aford as mauch eat.-infection as the former entertainment.Mxtrzanrr Mesirc Haia.-Tomsorrow n' t

there will ha held at Messerott Musie Haaeomplimentar, manied soiree by the Districtof I 'olum..a bivision of the Lague of Anmari-een Wheelmen. An attractive program hasbeen preuared and an eajoyable evening manyhe anticipated.NoOK SA at Iatimer A Slen's this evening

at 7:30 o'clock. -Adet.

A W3 Van"-t ettrbmm,..abi.wes m..db. ,ballet.Ths womi his esused ame seest eagertar. teebleet a astbls esse esrvmseva Phs'a masstwe ampuagess At tes my bleed beseems sebeeedam esre skse est ali eer my lesseed bee. Me

diSe seed abest see's Sessstlla and dse tatry ee my wage. ha aseam my l@., set bweemed toebed beteeanei stewm .ba 6m5n,ames lI ever may bes' besee aese semtae., hews neversbeua aar .1get speisa."030. 3. sNsAMasaW. gi am~.. bmee

Whmba etherauees88mew's 9m. -g pae --ssghi a d

T3 DEBT PATENS' senutx.The following ordinace is now proposed as a

means of releving le publc school houses ofthe city from the mortgages which have beenmade in order to buy lots and erect schoolbuildings:Be it ordained by the city council of Alexan-

dria that wheuever,during an year, thereshall have been paid to the Ireasurer-of thecity of Alexandria 02,00, arising or accruingas ines. penalties or forfeiture& under any lawof the city council. all additional or furthersuia of money arising or accruing as afore-said shall be set apart and held by the midtreasurer as the moneys of the school board ofthe city of Alexandria: provided, however, thatsadd moneys shall be used or expended for nopurpose other than to pay the obligations ofsaid school board, which are secured by deedsof trust or mortgages on the public schoolproperty of the city of Alexandria.

A RNS coMPANT'S NOMINATION.Forty members of the Hydreulion Steam Fire

Engine Company attended its meeting lastnight and thirty-eight took part in the voterecommending to the fire wardens a candidatefor driver of the coming home wagon of theHydraulion company under the new system.Messrs. Wi. Kell. Geo. Ward and Ernestlangley were placed in nomination and thevote stood: K , 20: Ward, 14, and Langley. 4,so Mr. Kell was declared the nominee of thecompany for driver. The successful candidateentertained the tiremen at an oyster supperafter the close of the meeting.

TaE ALEXANDRIA COURTs.The corporation court, Judge Norton, will

open its term next Monday. The county courtwas adjourned yesterday evening by JudgeChichester. Before it closed Wayland Brookswas fined 9100 or required to serve two monthsin jail on conviction of gambling. It is under-itood that other gaming cases will be taken upat the next term of the Court.

AX ALEXAXDEIAN nAILED.Capt George W. Davis of this city, charged

in Baltimore with assault, has been bailed inP300. and will return to his home. Capt.Davis was mate of the steam tug Templar, nowtmployed in the Potomme ice Beet. While thatiteamer lay in Baltimore he broke the skull ofI colored man named Hall, who attempted tororce his way on board the tug, and Hall soonafterward fell overboard and was drowned.

NOTES.The Knights of Honor had a pleasant reunion

It their hall on Columbus street last night.rlosing with one of Brengle's tine banquets.rhe occasion was a pleasant one and will long:o remembered.The letter carriers of the city are preparing a

lirectory for postal use.The police report last night to have been an

anusually quiet one.



FOR *1.75.

I have used the CUTICURA REMEDIER for scalpiiseas.. My hair was falline badly, my foretop be-oming crusty or scaly, and itched so badly that IenId not keenmy hands off my head. If I combedEthose scalesantiky or rummy substance wouldose out of the skin and foumn another crnst. Afterrying two or three remedies I sent to you for your

olok, and after reading it I used one box of CUTI-!URA. one cake of CUTIcURA SOAP and took onenittle of the CUTICURA REBOLVENT. whichured me. I feel grateful to you for the remedisa andtave recommended them to my friends.

1. 8. TURNER,Sorrento, Lake county, Fla.

BAD ECZEMA CURED.Three years ago my little boy had a terrible morea his chest. four inches across. besides other formssI eczema. His doctor bad tried several remediesith no effect, so I beeen to use the CUTICURAEIMEDIE. In two weeks his chest was the skin white and smooth again. I continuedhe CUTICURA RESOLVENT some time longer.ntn he was quite well, and even now give it

o him once in a while If he has any blood trouble. Iam never without CUTICURA REMEDIES. all three.

Mrs. M. A. CHENEY.Kauanba Falls, Fayette county. W. Va.

CUTICURA RESOLVENTrhe new Blod and Skin Purifier and greatest ofminor remedies. internally, cleanses the blood of1 impurities and roisonous elements. while CUTI-'URA. the great skin cure. and CUTICURA SOAP.a exquisite skin pufifner and beautifer. externally,,lear the skin of every trace of disee. Hence theXUTICURA REMEDIES cure every species ofSching. burning, scaly and pimply diseases andiumors of the skin. scslp and blood. with loss oftair, from infancy to age, from pimples to scrofula.

Roldeverywhuere. Price. CUTICURA. .Wne.; ROAP.!5r. : RESOLVENT. S1. Prepared by the POTTER)RUG AND CHEMICAL CORPORATION. Boston.W-'How to Cure Skin Diseases." 64 pages. 50

ilustrations and 100 testimonials. mailed free.

LOVELIEST. Whitest, Clearest Skin end Softestlands produced by CU fICURA SOAP.

WEAK. PAINFUL KIDNETS,gith their weary, dull, aching. lifeless. all-Oone sen-ation. relieved in one minute by the CUTICURALNTI-PAIN PLASTER. the only pain-killing plaster.feS-wAs

CITY ITEMS."Delays Are Dangerous!"

The sooner you order new Furniture themore certain yon will be to get it in time forrour expected visitors. Remember the freightblockades of the past. Ao~e is the time tonake your selection from the goods in stock.Don't wait until everything has been pickedaver. Come to me for "time" payments andbottom prices,

JOHN RUDDEN. The Accommodator.1t 513 7th street northwest.

Do. You Remnember the sensation I createdwith the prices for fireworks? My Valentineprices will cauise as great a furore. Tao-r-r.L602 14th street north west. It

-Cheap DerbiesIn every had--but none so cheap-and sogood-as ours at SL.19.It Banax Faasc & Sox,. cor. 7th and D.

Hotel Johnson Cafe.The oysters now are up to the standard.

Choice Lynn Haven Bays and three-year-oldrork river Plants received today, aolid fat; alsolid Natural Growth Cove. (Mobujsck bays) forineat in shell, broiled on toast, single fried. &c.Ladies' and Gents' cafe, 18th at. front. (Ele-rator). Stairway E at. High grade only. Lifetime experience. Fine trade solicited, it

For this week only best California Sau-lerne 98.75 per gal. reduced from 94.50, verybeat. 6 bottles Catawba, 91. Other fine Wineet low pries for this week. Bauiosoil's, 120Pa. ave. fe-2tPoliee Equipments, Officers' Badges, Nip-

pers, Handcuffs, &c. ~WA.roan's, 477 Pa. Ave.

A Cordial Imaitation is extended to all torist my factory and see for themselves just

how the famous Yucatan Gum is made, W. J.WarrE, Cleveland. Ohio, U. S. A. fe6-6

Telephone 1200,Domnestic Sewing Ma-ehine Co.,7 and H,for repairing and renting.dlSeeImtL.=dneet Buy th Old Baelable, Tine-teeted

Each year brings It new laurels.Yoar grandmothers ussd one, and the most

progressve mechamecal expert of today pro-

nounes the best in the world to he the NewBigh Arm, No. 9. Omee, 437 9th si. nw., one

lleer eth of E.L d21-ti

S. Nefler, 7M7th at. anw., isa g a

deity In Ind-ies and Chtdaen' Ouitmad Mh=mpaoe==; ase eares Deadraf. ec7-tr

Elixi' Debek eeres all imalarial disesaes



FI~dfili.~eT~l f La 5)

K33Am ' S.t~s~am essbg.j addm ,

(abs New SammessmeM-n..nU.s inbUAagmaanma


-NOBJSKA,MR. ovi " M


AND SATURDAY MATINEE,A meanitcent revival of


Not week-Denms. Thomnpaonin " The Old M-

Shot Cut


SELVES:January M W1 1.

PROF. LUCIEN E. C. COLLIERE.Teacher of the ranci Language.

Briterinug tat year' ,sethed of teachinglanguagesai. the correc one,. and that thepublic ought to bE better acquainred 'i~ at,s e sugget. your friendM. hat e-Lirer a lecture a pen the subjct ate an ealydate.


Patenore Minletre de RJ.r J aetA 1D UnAle.. Mellvile Bell. Ca aero at.5

Avocat Ceaeia agen.JgaNtlon de Franc. Win . B. Gr1oy,.

3. Boapate.Jaenur1.SM

PO. V. BenetF(U. i. A. V. C.Rn.M.'.v as Rich-r Of. roeg(orgetour i.

John Joy Fdan Joe. K. eCammnon.

pallerdi r: tn Cas. BFrance. Prn. E meraon institute.

1011 Conn. ave.. Waahingtcn. D). C..Feb. 4. 1893.

Tn Son Excellence M. Jules Patrenotre.Ministre de France, the Rt. Rev. J. J.Eeane. Ales 0. Melville Bell. CalderonCarlisle and others. *

GentlemnentI thank you for your kind invitation If

January ce0. expressing belief in mymethod of teaching language., and aug.resting that, at an early date. I de Iver alecture on the subject, in order that thePublic may be made better acquainted withthe method.

I will therefore gladly avail myself ofyour kind invitation and nam Wednesday.February 15. as the date, and the NA-TIONAL RIFLES' ARtMORYaatheplace ofn'eeting.The subject of my lecture will be "The

Phjileel k of .'qe cA as llusetrted by theEnJles and the Fenc Voice.' and I will

endeavor to demonstrate that B a man Isborn to speak-not any one particular Ian-guare. but any language--therefore whatFrench speeck reauty Vs and learn to eakc in Frenek Ia verylargely a question of principles, ofsystematic drill, f method and of training.and does not depend solely on innate apti-tude for languages or on theyouthoragof the learner.In the latter css, one language having

already been mastered. the diltifty to beovercome io rtneipaly a mechanical ose.Again thanking you. gentemen. for the

honor you do me. and for your friendlyintereat. I remain yours.

Very reopectfully,L. E. C. COLLIERE,

Native Paris. France.

All are eordially Invited.No charge for admission.New clases will he formed at the close of

the lecture.

Those wishing to join cla'es beingformed prior to the lecture can do ao.


fe-dt 1011 Conn. ave. n. w.




to.l H. Iott. William Harris.Samuel T. Battle, John N. Tyler.

Asaaited byBERTHA L. CLARK. Violinist.

LAURA B. Mac CORKLE. Reae and Whistler.EVELYN U. ELLIS. Accompanist.

Prices. 50c. and 7e. eals on sale at Meterott'

music store. fe-7E~jTEEROTT HALL.


NN O0 RER DD II COO0NrN 0 0 N n'

Iu O A

N NN 00 RNR DDD II 000 A A

Unery thediectionlofy.A.EL.


LouieEn'. I. Ca tein i. s Puate. E

or. c. ektone, mual dio.c rsnti

pite from "Lucia" and extensive aelections fromE~acaui~.ALLERIA RUSTICANA "

N Itlan In concertform, with the collowngre-

thrabe latm

ANTUZA............. .......Mne. Nordcs.

orme Mrne. to hsleturhcnio.

LOLA............................... meScalchni.A O... - ... ......0.B. nd-e

Ticet with Conrndmas. . Sand IL.a

E Aopens MondayFbr at

Everyo Evemnfongj AnduTHEISLET MALE QAR



NAUR B.kJa MarKLEin Reater f Whslr

NEW NATIONAL THEATRE.EPery Evening and Sat rday atinee.SIcTH ANNUAL TOUR O MR. EH.



NNA itDED FTOLN - Seats e INn t inirow.TE E.S vMAE -TATNCALS.**Tellow *. onGssthe Beoy S

LEAGU OW assmAR WomaAPN. msh i e huba DvMhima

MUUO*ag AND agA M M SI be admSe Mah ci W


Of Landen. England.a-afted Oratr and Theosoplist.

Wil lecture am

DEATH AND AFTER,At Academy of Music,

MUNDAT XVENIXG. February 12. at 8 p.m.Aerved 80K 7. General admlsoie'. a&.Tickets for ale at Theceophical Soetoty's rooms.4h9F st.. usetairs. until February 8. after that date4 Academy of Moste. fed-71

ADMNMUBICMATINEE FRIDAY. FEUARY 10. 2 P. I.Amateur Performance for the benet of the

HOME FOR INCURABLES.Udar the auspices of the


Tiekes for sale at the box o-e. fe*4-r

Bl85RpE.J 1%*t.exisqT, theeifi-e6.'A -- e Uerumeaiee of Niatery'aaeWmyof Mask.T o'clock. for O. beet of the

ER T CoUs tickets. SL Reserved .

extaNmte admissi o (to be ad at oor.

s.Course Uckels and tenerve sats ca belEllte' =*Wei sims mA J. IL Fremen'.. 612


WiL ikelllurefen2


A~j'NTOMAC. No. 3t. 1. 0. 0. F._!:=A~eningatS94& 11.74w


NeztSunday at 4 p.F..

MERWI14-MARIE SMELLWill lecture oa

THE PHILOSOPHY OF DOCTRINE.W~ssblect for thefollowingr Sunday, February9. il be*Ye Philosophy of kthcL.' fee



"neit of the National Hoineopthic Hospital Train-ing 8cho;ol for Niurses.In the cast are the following well-known artists:Miss Berths Lincoln.

Miss Alice johnson.Mr. HierodoM.selMr. Theo,. Friebu. 4,r..Mr. Oliver 'Nie

And a gr-nd chorus of.5O voit--s.Mr. N. Du Shane 'lovard leader.Tickets. Including reerved seats. t. 75c. c.

ow on m&le at MetxerotteR. -7














Reserved meats. 50c.

asale Tuesday morningr at Metserott's Music Store.





Tickets. 30c.. 75c. and 4LOn sale at Mezsrott's. fed-StNONiREGATIONAL CHURCH.




Assiated by

bnn,ir .mu Dr. Blschof. in oca Imd nsiu-

Tiks. seat. without extra charire. on saat



Next week-Master and Man. fd-atWILLAamn HALL.-

THURSDAY. FEB. 23. 1893.Oosnplmentary Entertainment tendered to

MISS CLARA ROSAFYBy vars.musical..nd lterary,.,...latio.

rof. Bischof and other prminent local telent will

l'ickets. 50 and 25 esnts. f9. FRENC RESSBANDMSURGIVEN BYLL'UN 1N F RRELLE DRFEDNESDAY EVERFebrGar ,i 1i,At Bulders' Exchange7Hall.n.w.

Esadmane ulseto the pretiset etue~

Jseim nthi touris parties ve the Subr



HRIDAT EVENING, February 9, at S e'elook.Aedated by



het. including Reserved Seats. 61, new en eele atDROOP'S. 95 PennsylvanIa ave..


BATTLE ON .E RSSThe seedest bats etTHE WAR.

Ub at.. Sue teesbuew U. S.Tmesa.

cUa21 t. Abe,. New Takse.



AND LOT ON NEW E EAINEAR N STRERT NONBy virtue of a ded of tra lv uleerded in Ler

No. 17Ne. foio 40 et see.. ae4k land reralid of theI~iitof I ~biawN .U~ Ylu~lei5. mn AD AI'at HALF-PAST FOUR O'CL K'X P.M., part0


aarigllas iprvermewt A

s. ui e n.a? m,. iemt~Evening ews.


LA'MER & SLOAN. Amedemsera. 147 0 St. a. v.




Tb. stask of B..k. of

W. a. MORRISON OF WABUINGTON.Embracing a large colleotiom at


To be sold at ourauction rooms.

NO. 1407 G T. N. W., SECOND FLOOR.




f.2-dte LATIMER & SLOAN. Auctieaeers.WORTH OF DIAMONDS. GOLD82.Wwatches, Sie silver ware n tevch from arston ioan . ce. Troy. N. Y.

R uctioneer. 611 Pa. ave., under Metro'n Hotel

FUTURE 041S. __

THOMAS DOWLING & SON. Andte.. 612E s. .w.

VALUABLE BUILDING LOTSON WATERST.ETBET WEEN TwI-NTYI IRST AND TWENTa-14 CoND STIEETS NORTHWEST AT AUC-TIN.On 'I HURDAY. FEBRU Y 8IXTEENST. [email protected] HALF-PAST FOUR O'C CL P1L wuil ellin front of the prenuise.. lots .0 end 3L' square i.imeroved by uall tenement houses.Term: One-third --ash. balance in one and two

years. with interest. secured by a deed of trust un theproperty, or all csh, at the optic of te purchaser.A deposat of $JOB n pork let at time at sale.Convevancin and recording at cI op h s.felt-dAd. THOS. DOWLING A0O.Aut.

ATCLIFFE. DARR & CO.. AuXteeers.TRUSTEES' SALE OF DESIRABLE TWO-STORYAND BASEMFNT FRAME HOUM NO. 314 LSTREET 'OUTHEAST. BY AVCT1OX.By tiriT of a deed of trust given to us duly re-corded in Liber No. 13iY. folio 26 et see.. one of theland re, ords of the DIetrict of Columbia. and at thereqnest of the party secured thereby. we will oell byruicauction in tront of the prem'iseeon MONDAYFrBRUACR TWEN'IlETH. Ii. AT HALF-PARtFOU OCLOCK P.M.. all that certain iesce orparcel of land and rweintles lying and being In thecity of Washinagon. District of Colunbia. to wit: Lotnumbered twenty-two (221 in the subdivision made

W Wieelo andThomas. trustees in equity cameo. 7919. Doc 21. wherein John Corne9ne et als.were complainants and John De Vaugna et als. do-fendanta of the real estate mentioned in -aid cause,

being in equare number.d even hundred and minsty-nine C 99,. as recorded in the eurveyer's ales of saidDistrict. in an division book eleven 411). page onehundred and two vp and one-half (lIM2). towstherwith the Imp-ovements. ways, easementsad appur-tenances thereto belongsino.Terms of sale: One-third of the ouachase money tobe paid in cab. the balance in two equa installmentsat one and two years from the day of sale with noeshearing interest from the day of sale at tie rate of 6cent per annum payabe semi-anaually. and to-secured by deed of trust open the premises sold, orall cash. at option of the purehasse. A deposit of4200 reuitred at time of sale. Terms bbe compliedwith in 15 days from the day of sale. otherwise thetrustees reerve the right to resell the property at therisk and cost of the defaulting purebaser after 5 days'advertisement of such resale in some newspaper pab-lisbe-i in Washington. D. C. Al conveyancing. re-cording. hc. at h eost

xOI H. GREEN02J7 and 629&s...

J. WALTER CO Y. Trustem.feS-dede 3"4 D Rt.n.w.

DUNCANSON BROI.. Anets. Oth ad Datn. .w.


date August 16. 155. recr ed in Lror 170.folio o et see * of the land receors of the ofColumbia, and at the request of the prse securedthereby. we will sell at ble auction tn beat oftbeft-wn a TURSDA. TRE TWE*TT-FIRSTDA OF FE UAR. A. D. 1 6. at HALF-FANTFOt R O'CLOCK P. W. %be followitw piece or cof land, situate in the cirof Washingo. biiglot numbered 3D. in Meack's subdiviskas of lots insquare 181, as per plat recorded in book W. F..17.of thegeorde of the surveyor'semceethe DhaIof Colum a. said lot having a frosts" of 86 feet om17th atret by a depth of - togethr with theIna veuen thereon, coni astT ybrick dwelligTerms of. sale: One-third t the purchas

money in cash; balance in ea. two ve andeighteen months. with inerest at 6 per centper annum. payable seml-annually. sered bydeed of trust on the property sold. or all cash, atoption of the purchaser. ALU conerancing ad re-cordinr at purchaser's cost, A dot osit of two bun-dred dollars (i2001 wil be required at time of sale.Terms of sale to be comjlied with in ten days fromdate of sale. otberwise trustees reserve the right toresell the property at the risk and cost of the default-ing purchaser or purchasers,


feS-tds OmewS0 lith st. I.w.


I will sell by public auction at the store of H. K.Fulton. 1218 Pennsylvania avenue uerthweet. com-mencing TUESDAY. FEBRUARY TEN O'CLOCK A. M., all the unredeemed pledgesin his store upon which the interest is due one year ormore, consisting of Gold. Silver end Metal CasedWatches. Chains. Charms, Lockets. Cut Buttons.Collar Buttons. Scarf Pine. Studs. Plain (Gold and SetRings. Pins. Earrings, Set Jewelry. Beareleta. Coins.Printers' Sticks. Silver Warm. Diamonds and otherPrecione Stones, loose end onted. Guns, Diie.,Revolvers. Canes, Umbrellas, acns. CRippers,Val~es, Knives. Opera and Plid (theses, PlatedWare. Dress Goods, Hteal Coats. hr. Sale to sostinnemorning at 10 o'c-ock, evenings at 2 and -:0 o'eockuntil all the lota are sold. Ticket holdere ples takenotice.

H. K. FULTON. Pawnhroker.F. WARREN JOHNSON. Auctioneer. fe7-'t*





week we willsellat ourrteem



Eamseheepees, new is yoar chasee to Sn ap yom

roame for imaauration.

Deelie, newiste ppetamditb hr Inaearbm


Dea't mine thissale


SiTe UthS3ec


W. lasa sv. .


FErASARr NINTH. AT WE A.M.Several 1ine Dook tases. to ash; aerwi Fine Parlor

""tt., e Room n-en Wardenbe. "dseaIs.BunvA~ Wambeata 16owy WI,. Aw-no,m HeirMWi Kharh Matee, pit am-. a"d Dosw.Baet. "aeds. Isaw lot Xam4 Ur'od-hand

Nod" Drafti. ma I=j carrot-. Its.anLot Shelving. Counter. Tahd. c. It


940 LA. AVE, N. W

Estraordiaryeste W more" an04 Mae tenroerw.

We hae. .uet recdved a snmeutof '0 head of m'- and Mare. whtehwe will sell at the Baamr. I 1UNDAVMORNING, FEBBCARY s lNTW. atTEN o'elock. In this lot will be foundauimalasettd In all purpoes. Dea'tmies It-if you want a hes.

a. UNIeMsi0ger, hmoik.,040 ILe. ave. om.


90 LA. A%E.XW.

TrI'SDAT MORNING. at EIEVENO'CIAJCK. we will sell at the Barbay Horee. i years old. 16 hands hit6

kind and gentle in ay harenmee and van%tand %it: out hitching.

Great rhaue to get a ''*V0ton~ -

S swill also sel the well-known trottighore. 'Dixie." which has & record of !!.

ON41 can trot todar in t.4 if rives a goedday and good track. He Is a bright bay. Lhands high and can be driven byL the meettimid person.Are you looking for gnod trttmre This

is your chanve. Don't mtis. it.

-tAnetineer.WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. Auctioer.





offerd and are out of the mual run of aut a fur-nitures The description fails to do any of the article-lust cM do a mner paefftlspc* will PMov

artcle i ofhe e ad in god=ao The sale e are olportualty to pWChasers So funish their husses with new SU,,daaa




By favorite mnd etstemed mder armite, beg theatire collection selected by a well-known oan--esecrfrm art centersduring the last two reasm foerol avery desirable assemblage of works of art. ....

natly framed. to be sold at auction onWEDNESDAY. THUBSDAY AND FBIDAY.





By virtue of a certain deed of trust ecorded inUbe, No. 13W folio 443 at ".q. ~ n thde landrecords for the bistrict of Columba. ad as the of the erty macwed themsby. we will oferformemufrn of the pemee. an MONDAY. FEB-RIARY SIXTH IMM at HALF-PART FOUROCLOCK P.M. Dthe TollowiC dee per tothe county of Waehinane. Dutriet of Columta.tvwit: Te west 10 feet front on Irving a est ba thefulldert of lt unmto te(1tipale mum-bere one (1). t: Todd & Brwn'. cedivis tof f partot Mount Piass't mod Plesat Plans a mwd ab-

d'l. In rcordeosa the ofe. of Te aryg tobef theDistrict of Columba. with the ppemias rigt tomthe wert.% feet front y the full depth of aid lt a alleyway oL od subjert to& ded of tr toFeaUe

the sum of 4,5% with Interet at par c tram lep-tem7-er T O M.TemL Fale: AU ash in eess ofnid deEad oftmwst 01tOOdepomft at tiaauot sale. Terimsgoble com-Iplied witi In too days or the property wilt he esed eelrimSk and cotof deftlaw putchaver after live daysereadveartieseiet.




WEST AD FOR FRAME HOUSES ON UNIONDyvirtue ot two deeds of esmenamit muroeded in

ONAY FEBRUARY SIXTH HALF.PAST PO R O'CLOCE P. K., at et.1oi leos i:i.14. 15. 1t6 I and ISi aewSE ghl

parteef nl~eeoaseeeer~

Iteets, ssad .ban heme snon g et.andeiabondiis ae of es ee ndmetenwnemeei

Trs ftooty balnein i. 2m em3["atr.. ...hi tm'.e

a ella 6dataly ln tee

tefemreten ere.e .t.. uitmtoTix er pat tar Jam. sak oulv



~WMSDOWU . SSN Ameem.,u

st~n~wed.h M.d lsunetu

AUCTION(_SALE.RAM ~ r~rm ustrs..W

ASjkIWVW ^1TALE I-I ATTHit 4-14 40111lI-.FaTT? ITANDI Ar ITVMTI %W:111!TAlFT. l VtoLG SV 4WFMI4 ANl Is Aft%

THE PaITOUAc. 1% lINt ISTIelt to& t0-

Pa." 0, l. tUNTI.i kL.1IL P[111 A111111111

LKA11111POLi ONX Tat_ TWO-SRT1[T Vmn p114%i04l111CIOWN14, 4§101. 1%K FAIN All' ..#0 STRIPETA0 1t'1h4 0tK

Dy rfrt..e a .tmvat .. &awo,rmlo amss!t,* *'antde li rded her mmlewwe.. a-3ut -11 vlt?,,0'- i., ftft 4 tbO eN It%.1I. I tv..*,3, ll'#-i-sw-rtics.rik Tl a'.jrip 131 i

& TrN4.'ia% sk&The f,l.l'-Mn atet-stlod fete ealtat.. lnluate mad tonv.dIs taiIty of Waasvlts. Itvatrbt sit A',-: A ,s.wit:LAISI ONE it). two (i. TWuar :to Attl'" it

7rtmt 1 far- On. Ethi 4. a M au mdss .,4 141foostlliissts. an In eq twevoruv..d ""e-rI 'aMsbe~lldhm &" san.4.. and hIbona s I .5 .. .mhk-

d %anie q ts. UW awlt .411s'.tblur sonaWa faw fft LA1' eam,ll V...

ttsr -Aa"soft (01lipt lea Atmo .4 treat f..*1. -4111. all hemebhi afttat 11u " d a44 cmI-

vte of mes. Absolae54ralk.sea owthe sates m s .'tm

iaM VANN*"sui Gro orITrek 64uui m~wot'e

CT I jkoCtSw. aii r..ttv I "vLOT tit.K Ai 1,t 114 CIA

,lo Will Ss q mttaas ei ..* K.Arm ltielm at ao, i 0a .6pr 4,M~ Pet aot- t,,.tavabke.sami 4oftsembTeero. ("wt sill above. the timt )tea. i d* -..".

BSaroqatad at the it,. .4 avok.(IN MOVD&! jkTcR3Wsq F.3SIAUT T~iFS.IUrT,. 11L At iv t L. to tes .1 tam

LWT All IIt 3141(5LE P1301 PAIE.

Frost in .%. feet b) a -teot" "t 06 bet.I he . ,- wilt 1 0.4a .:ttbj" to a. *deed..f twoimtf-

Sdwith int.reat at All.. is ofTpe.-vs le-

Team.itsuf a: ."'.r MWy

&be Ia.thN,*.e,-

11'. aist vatiar litar-at a s a..i*inflisimba ~ MAI Sb,.. itth ...- -0sial smd*~ *

ut.E. A lervt 411110 vqtstred at 14-t as.. .

q~ ON u~t A1,11,1TTIAT AsSocow 33100, E rAttTWFN1T-FIRST. Nlm. ATl 1001171 4uviAlM.WIEWII.1 %EAL. I 3iF TUE PIttrh-

t, msatad otal .. t~sG.Tee- co; 01al. All -m"d deI~et ci *M "islandat a, The tevaq. 4 We' a the, ap" Al1 *.1i ea.-4land. tsr1mt Pa and ls-boii ld a~ 11.4011I-~rsa With in ".4, "'A,, I, at. tat-a ta so 0-day"f &I" Otorl We weemr.. lbsa richs' 1.a ewllt..Imierti -Cr Ietalph.Iat ituhsdsafteN To. LA.At,,ade at iti. rilit,t ,f Awi dmaftu. h ial-sw .

3tew"Pa'.- mPall-d1 in Va'ist is i la."57mm-tvw r-,-A'.nttu. h.. .t.. he a le osa. .'g ine

psarclmaer or Purhks-ri in each of the m~asm aleSWM. 111-WIFID

R&I 0TAILrATA Is NPAftTHIRD ANI 16111TWELTH kitlETIMr w-Tinas- d.f.-.. 1,1ilt 4 ros. N.. 14t?-

in it,@ 'Uprooess Cpna4la .ttvq ' .4 almi.l,will askS at tjsbl6-@Amctas n 'rotst #,j ia

ON ieeWFlioFiAtII 1 lIt flTV the e j tweet) h 119we mastiof

temtht as arhAltir- lt. h &raa-to..

ve!b w alkdslii frs-nts a I- or 1.4t~beTobgo bdwiw trf i .1 vainlt. Goodeabe-m-4of also wmmmg lot It" low. ~ at maid fram.le

goa. UrTjE SAMV DAY, at a QfIAUTFE 0U.. lARUK Il. M , the ..utha leta" f-eOuNt oaI ~S- aftkwr' of kot wwvo log =11a'No. aaW1o 1 pb. Iehtv feet. tills"tl k

boom.. "t"4 301 allowt IMstbwet.ahAime a fi. Istiding.-a the, i. a am" swreusooTON-Ue .4sale tims-ils~od et thpwmess*sey.ealetet eas-a ml thuo yw.r.dAl lTs...01 Gmds. wifh Interva. wow" las 46" of great to~.a t- *.

Wu'agaKt. or al tbs. apisfe of tke qpneA.resmntbmueim. All aesveurtgmd i.r--in, at I~Cains", reet. A duspam t 'n SIWIta. b W. )1.rSr-usiratti Ta miim f a ad* ut a~- s,

!Mue fer as fveo t lieloo tin usit m as...,. .1the maltE sity at beun aa eve 4& ag-a.:

Trmme*. 410Pkm myb~iTROMAS DOWLS90a30O. Aca .tt

D 3CNS0 OI. *AetsmqTICTIC111' SALE OF 101T AND IBIcaepiWli..INGl SIT1ATE 0 NORT1111otD VsP I:LMMTMT 1.TWEEJU na&rwoogs- A ~vi rAND LIC 35411 WA AVW.NL. IS $A.BY 1111t1 Of a Allie Of tre ar-awduad in l.bmr i..fali. 343 of the mai varvrsi at wle bpaau A., , a.

land". A"d madu amn .01 bo t ofm use lt pagessd IN4111ty Cause No.. LIUSM in thr Stuas. ..e1' amDistttat of tdueaba*W =a;Fv=1x5AUWSFat, 110well. at wiebs lr ~SAilF .LTH PlAT OF ftF.3111A k%. A. 0taMALV-PA1n I' ItlMl 41IiAbtklep X - ins trust .

c wo. Ue sull. 7,1 sirt hT tie i.11 aWtb arrw ( *). is Iarav Al Ibusall's. u-wd -ampledietmiow ae IuAM three. -to must to,,? 4 1. iso Wos*we(14"1 IN IA -iSPskae1. ndsaaatnS-

;;-M"ss in cotse lttia.a nusm3t.thS.

C.,=mDtoi On 14W -4 a". Ie be -n:,- hatinaKISt~Mutie" at I~~T . ad 1-as. X.. ~.

Toglas. o~f sale 7te o-thbd or prr@ts ",a isToo eitaid lusta. This ristwau. ins eqtsil ssulsssat a@o4 twv=-isau fronti imp.4 as.v w ehs* tbe Im

q*M al on,# WfiwTS~t Vitl.. ts-ani* stlo,".fIts 444 Of M'. At the rats. Of toIS-r fit*aiessTASA absle wel~-tltui) and qvlspa. ." 1=1-t q.1tmt 4-11 thoepwst aPa!.t "M n &: a-u at lb.. ahtls ao!the p-erkamer. A dewisat -t VM111 . 1- mmd. whoee. 1.1

Ia msoprted. sad tortss oal .I. ,,I-...loasp.e salkato"t daym fn" esa da as Ri.s or araste..- isse We TheINththe usail at rink MAd rAt of detasltiria, t-es-.-a'.

Je~~d tt.S.5L.b ci. ii.

WALTER IL WILLIA1 I(T~ e411m. i1th aned I0..Will mush O" rols~i U111. 0011t Mall Palr rK rlATad SATURDAY. 110INOXU. 11.%14 .x.fe-

WA.LTER 3L WILLIA1M IT C0.. Awqma-Itsme'.ALEAULX PROPERTYrAT AXAjCOSTI Aj."WAU rFIL COTTAGE NoMam AT Attclbos.Ia.s u 4etaeiaattuS ejamua-