the flame - amazon january 2016 the flame...

1 JANUARY 2016 The Flame The Flame Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow in their relationship with God through our worship, service, and fellowship. Christmas Eve Choir and Band Our Advent and Christmas celebrations reached their climax on Christmas Eve with a beautiful and blessed gathering. Even with all the snow we had early on Christmas Eve, it was still one of the most highly attended Christmas Eve's in the last eight years. This may have been due to the many post cards we sent out this year inviting friends and neighbors to join us, the anticipation of a great sermon (okay, this one may be a stretch), or maybe it was the grandeur of the celebration we of- fered. A band of 12 volunteers (that include both youth and adults from CHS and youth from St. Luke's, Plattsmouth) started both the 5 and 7 pm services with a wonderfully orchestrated performance written and directed by Mary Slowminski, a former high school band teacher and one of Howard Tarleton's daughters. The hard work they undertook to practice and prepare was a real blessing for those who were present. Add to the band, another outstanding offering by our choir, accompanied by our organist, we could not have asked for a more blessed worship experience. While the band, nor choir, joined us at 10pm, we did use our Rite I liturgy, which many were thankful for due to its poetic language and deeply inspiring theology. Thanks to all who worked hard to make this year’s celebration of the Lord’s birth such a blessed and enjoyable experience.

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Page 1: The Flame - Amazon JANUARY 2016 The Flame The Flame Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow



The Flame

The Flame

Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow in their relationship with God through our worship, service, and fellowship.

Christmas Eve Choir and Band

Our Advent and Christmas celebrations reached their climax on Christmas Eve with a beautiful and blessed gathering. Even with all the snow we had early on Christmas Eve, it was still one of the most highly attended Christmas Eve's in the last eight years. This may have been due to the many post cards we sent out this year inviting friends and neighbors to join us, the anticipation of a great sermon (okay, this one may be a stretch), or maybe it was the grandeur of the celebration we of-fered.

A band of 12 volunteers (that include both youth and adults from CHS and youth from St. Luke's, Plattsmouth) started both the 5 and 7 pm services with a wonderfully orchestrated performance written and directed by Mary Slowminski, a former high school band teacher and one of Howard Tarleton's daughters. The hard work they undertook to practice and prepare was a real blessing for those who were present. Add to the band, another outstanding offering by our choir, accompanied by our organist, we could not have asked for a more blessed worship experience. While the band, nor choir, joined us at 10pm, we did use our Rite I liturgy, which many were thankful for due to its poetic language and deeply inspiring theology.

Thanks to all who worked hard to make this year’s celebration of the Lord’s birth such a blessed and enjoyable experience.

Page 2: The Flame - Amazon JANUARY 2016 The Flame The Flame Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow



It is hard to believe that 2015 is behind us and that 2016 is already here. Time sure has flown by. Overall, 2015 was a very good year for the parish. We made it through the year without any major facilities issues, we managed to set aside a little more into the contingency fund, we completed phase one of our landscaping project, we welcomed our new deacon, and we enjoyed the largest growth spurt in membership since I arrived in November of 2008. As you will see in our upcoming annual parish report, our ministries are healthy and active; we continue to broaden our efforts to meet the growing needs in the surrounding community; and our youth are doing their part in sharing the good news through their work locally, regionally, and internationally.

This is not to say everything was as wonderful as we had hoped for. We said good bye to a few long time members of our family, some who passed and some who moved away, we had to put off a few projects we hoped to have completed last year, and we had to make some changes in the organizations we support that do valuable work in the community around us. Still, the outlook for 2016 is promising. We have new members becoming involved, new leaders in the parish emerging, and coming close to the number of pledges we had hoped for, we are going to be able to do pretty much everything we talked about during our fall dinners with the rector.

There will be a few challenges ahead, such as when I go on sabbatical later this summer; but working together I believe there is nothing we can’t do (with a little of God’s help).

Advent Plays

This Advent we did something a little different. Each week we had a short skit performed that helped us not only understand the Advent Wreath candles but to help prepare us for Christmas. Special thanks to all of our performers who helped share the story and to Cindy Pekarek for helping coordinate the youth and staging used at the 10:30 service. Individual and combined videos of the youth may be found on our website on the scrapbook page under the What’s Happening Tab.

Page 3: The Flame - Amazon JANUARY 2016 The Flame The Flame Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow



The Light

Like many people, I become a little sad, maybe even a little depressed when the long and glorious days of summer begin to shorten and then grow darker as winter approaches. Today the sky is filled with dark clouds and it looks like the sun isn’t going to break though today...again. So in order to combat today’s darkness, the lights on my upstairs and downstairs Christmas trees are blazing brightly, while I eagerly await December 22, when the days officially become longer, minute by welcome minute. I bank on the promise that the hours of sunlight will indeed lengthen.

I trust in the promise of the lengthening of the days just as I trust in the promise of Christmas, the birth of Christ, God incarnate. And twelve days after Christmas our church will continue the celebration with The Epiphany.

In the first centuries of the early church The Epiphany, January 6, was a day to celebrate the Son of God, when light returned to the world. Nowadays we celebrate The Epiphany as the day that Jesus was made manifest to the Magi as Christ. The day the Light, the hope, appeared to the world.

Therefore just before Christmas the light returns as it always does and just after Christmas the hope of The Epiphany returns, as it always does. The poet Jay Emerson Johnson, I think, says it best with these words: “ Light comes back with a promise silent as the stars/…revealed as a divine gift/ for this world/ indeed, an epiphany.” And I shall continue to trust in the light and the hope.

Mobile Pantries

Since our last newsletter, we have hosted two mobile pantry events. The first with the help of our Cub Pack and Boy Scout Troop, and the second in partnership with the Airmen Leadership School (ALS) out of Offutt. Both events were huge successes. Between the two events, we served over 280 households and impacted the lives of over 800 people. Our dates for next year are already scheduled and the ALS is planning to join us for three more events next year. Coordinating with local parishes who are also working to provide pantry events, Bellevue will have a pantry event at least 9 out of 12 months next year. Thank you to all who make this ministry possible. Do you know other needs in the local community? If so, let Deacon Joan know.

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Bishop’s Visit

Last month, our Journey's group had a special visitor. Bishop Barker joined our youth for dinner and to celebrate a special Eucharist during which youth from both St. Luke's and CHS were either baptized, confirmed, or received. As a show of support, the rest of our youth group joined in and renewed their own baptismal promises. The bishop said it was the first time he had an entire youth group show such a sign of solidarity with those making a commitment to Christ. After a beautiful service, the bishop visited with both youth and adults over desert before heading out. All together, we had THREE baptisms, five confirmations, four received into the Episcopal Church and 20 who renewed their baptismal promises.

Journey’s at Richmont

Our annual Journey’s Christmas Caroling at Richmont Village was once again warmly received. With residents filling the entry foyer, our youth took their place on the stairway. Led by Jennifer Moffett, with the help of Cindy Pekarek on piano, our youth sang several songs to the applause of the crowd gathered. Once our youth began singing, several residents in the dining area came to check things out and we found very quickly there was standing room only. I think our youth look forward to this event as much as the residents.

Thanksgiving Pie and Greening

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we once again gathered to hold our annual service of Thanksgiving. Afterwards, the altar guild prepared the chancel area for the Advent season and those present quickly hung our Advent and Christmas decorations knowing that the quicker they did, the quicker they could enjoy the wide variety of pies that always accompany this service. This is always a wonderful event in the life of our parish and a tradition that will be with us for some time. If you were not able to join us this year, please mark your calendars and plan to join us in 2016.

Page 5: The Flame - Amazon JANUARY 2016 The Flame The Flame Our Mission is to be a welcoming place where people meet Christ and grow



It all started in the 1970’s when for many years the ladies at Church of the Holy Spirit gathered regularly to craft items for the Holly Fair. Trips were made to the cemetery to gather pinecones for wreath making, needlepoint and other creative tree ornaments were made, papier-mâché vegetables and fruits formed on wood to hang in the kitchen, and many other wonderful items. Also the Holly Fair served lunch and of course tables of cookies, cakes, pies, candy and other delicious items were for sale.

Flash forward to 2007 and fundraising for a new kitchen. Time for a cookie bake sale! The cookies were baked and a few tables were set up for any member who had something to sell. The Holiday Craft and Bake Sale is formed. The kitchen is completed, but new projects are identified and it continues to grow each year. 2015 finds the ladies setting up the CHS Christmas Flea Market and Bake Sale tables and the Undercroft full of 15 to 20 vendors from Bellevue and the surrounding area offering a great variety of treasures. The Christmas spirit is shared with new and old friends from the community as we wish them a Merry Christmas and invite them to join us for Lessons and Carols on December 18


Lessons and Carols

Our third annual service of Lessons and Carols had a bit of a facelift this year. With new readings and new hymnody, it offered those who attended a bit of the sacred in the midst of the craziness of commercialism this time of year often invokes. Special thanks to our choir who worked hard to put together such an amazing performance; Jolene, for her continued commitment to the worship of our parish, and the many readers who came out to share the story of salvation we celebrate during what is becoming an Advent tradition here at CHS.

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DOK Christmas Cards and Calendars

At the end of last year, the Daughters of the King (DOK), with the help of the parish, provided both the Veteran’s Home and Mable Rose Assisted Living with a wide assortment of Christmas cards for the residents to send to family and friends. They also collected calendars that would be donated to Veteran’s Home. The DOK would like to thank all who helped make these donations possible.

Re-Enroll for Baker’s Community Rewards Program

The Dillons Stores, which includes Baker’s, is going to give away up to $2 million again in 2016 to non-profit organizations. Thanks to all who were registered for this “fundraiser” in 2015. The numbers for the last quarter of the year are not in yet, but from June through September, CHS received around $200. This money was just our cut, or percentage, of all the people who are enrolled in the program in the Dillons region of stores (NE, MO, KS), and the amount they spent on qualifying purchases. So CHS made money just for our members buying their normal amount of groceries in the Baker’s stores. In order to continue receiving this free money from Baker’s, everyone who was registered before needs to re-enroll into the Community Rewards Program. For returning members, if you opted-in to receive digital communications, you should have received an email about re-enrolling, just select "Keep Current Organization." If you did not receive an email then you will need to log into your account at, click on Community, then Community Rewards and choose #29634, Church of the Holy Spirit, Bellevue as their designated non-profit. For those who haven’t registered into the Community Rewards program yet, you must have an online Baker’s account. If you don’t have a Baker’s account, go to to register and create one. Once a Baker’s account has been created, you may then enroll in the Community Rewards Program. Sharon Jones will be available after and between services for the next few Sundays to help enroll and re-enroll anyone who needs assistance.

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CHS Dinner Groups Forming

In November’s issue of the Flame, we announced the restart of a once popular fellowship program at CHS. Amy Smith is helping organize what was once known as Foyer Groups into a modified CHS Dinner Group. The idea is to build multi-generational groups of 8-10 people who will gather every other month in each other’s homes, or at the church, to share in a pot luck style meal. Those interested in being part of this fellowship opportunity can sign up at the parish Annual Meeting or by contacting the office. Amy, with the help of a few other parishioners, will then form teams and post the lists on the chapel hallway bulletin board in time for our Valentine’s Bingo party. At the end of 2016, there will be another sign-up opportunity and new teams will be formed so that new relationships are strengthened. Teams will form throughout the year as needed. If you would like to help Amy with this ministry, please contact the church office.

Cantoring of Psalm

Based on the many inputs our choir received, beginning on the first Sunday of Epiphany, they will resume cantoring the psalms and inviting the parish to join them in the refrain. They will continue to do so through Pentecost Sunday (the bishop’s next visit). You will also note they will be adding a few choir anthems in the coming year and occasionally adding descants during some of our hymns. The choir is always looking for new members. If you enjoy singing, join us on Thursday evenings at 6pm or Sunday mornings at 9:30am to practice and prepare for worship.

Epiphany Sermon Series

During our Christmas celebration, we were reminded that of the good news proclaimed one night in a little town called Bethlehem; that God’s promise to once again dwell among God’s people had come to fruition in the birth of a child, given the name Emmanuel, which means “God with us”. During the season of Epiphany, our preachers will share messages that help us recognize God with us…

…in our tough decisions (Jan 10)

…when we feel lost (Jan 17)

…in our grief (Jan 24)

…when things are overwhelming (Jan 31)

…in our joy (Feb 7)

Epiphany Play

On Sunday, January 3rd

, at the 10:30 am service, we will hold our first Epiphany Pageant. Much like the Christmas pageants we have enjoyed over the years, our youth will share the story of Jesus’ birth and the arrival of the three wise men. We are glad to announce a returning favorite member of the cast, Clovis. As usual, Clovis will remain after the service to pose for pictures in the entry foyer.

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Annual Reports

It is that time of year again when we ask each Ministry team to submit a report of the previous year’s accomplishments and the new year’s goals for inclusion in the Parish Annual Report. This historical document offers parish members an in depth look at what we as a parish did over the last year. Reports should be turned into, or emailed to, Karen Ferrymen in the office by Sunday, January 10

th. Our goal is for Karen will compile the annual report and have a draft copy for parish

review on January 17th.

Annual Meeting

Mark your calendars… Sunday, January 31, 2016 we will hold our annual parish meeting. During this meeting we will elect new Vestry members and delegates to Annual Council; we will review the finances of 2015 and look ahead to the aspirations of 2016; and we will acknowledge the efforts by members of our parish to spread the good news and to help build relationships. The meeting will begin following the 10:30 service with lunch provided by the Vestry. Please plan to attend. This meeting is usually over by 1:30 pm.

Vestry Nominations

As Dave Conley and Terri Storm complete their terms on the Vestry, we are once again looking to fill a couple of Vestry positions. If you feel called to help empower, enable, and support our parish ministries and their efforts to share the good news and build relationships, then the Vestry invites you to place your name in nomination for one of the two positions we have opening. For more details, contact Dave, Terri, Judy Darrell or Linda Blinston.

CHS Book Club

After a most welcome holiday break, the CHS Book Club returns, rearing to go. And the book selection for this month promises to be a good one! It’s a good one because not only does it have a catchy title, Songs My Grandma Sang, it’s written by our own Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry.

A reviewer wrote about this book, “I have been singing most of the hymns in this book all my life and never realized they came from scripture. Michael Curry wrote a book that is engaging, informative, endearing and interesting all in one. Totally readable. Snippets into his Grandmother 's life make the hymns personal to her and to me.”

The Book Club will meet on Saturday, January 23, at 12:30 at CHS to discuss the book and to share a potluck lunch. For more information, please contact Deacon Joan Wood.

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VESTRY MINUTES December 17, 2015

Unavailable at time of publishing


This year, Fr. Tom will be taking what is known as a sabbatical. This is a time of spiritual, physical, and emotional renewal. Fr. Tom should have taken his sabbatical in 2014, but in an effort to acquire a grant to cover the costs for both Fr. Tom and the parish, he delayed doing so until 2016. Unfortunately, we did not get the grant. However, Fr. Tom and the Vestry are moving forward with the planning process. The Vestry has already identified funding to cover a little over one-half the parish cost for supply clergy in Fr. Tom’s absence and hopes to source the remainder by Easter. Fr. Tom has confirmed commitments for regular clergy coverage to assist Deacon Joan while he is gone thereby ensuring we will have communion each week. Fr. Tom begins his sabbatical after returning from the Rosebud Mission Trip and will return the weekend of our annual picnic. Watch next month’s issue of The Flame for more information about his sabbatical plans and some of the things the parish will need while he is gone.

Financial Report as of November 30, 2015

Actual Budgeted YTD Actual YTD Budget

Pledged $ 28,772.00 $ 16,970.00 $ 181,888.00 $ 186,670.00 Other Inc. $ 2,594.75 $ 2,166.25 $ 15,985.65 $ 23,828.75

Total Inc $ 31,366.75 $ 19,136.25 $ 197,873.65 $ 210,498.75 Expenses $ 20,079.53 $ 18,925.17 $ 191,667.80 $ 208,176.83

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Please submit articles for the FEBRUARY 2016 issue of The FLAME to the church office by

January 15th. Thank you!


Epiphany Play - Jan 3 @ 10:30 am service Sunday School Resumes - Jan 10 @ 9:30am Finance Committee - Jan 10 @ 9:30am Vestry Meeting - Jan 14 @ 6:30pm Annual Church Meeting - Jan 31 after 10:30 service Youth Group Roller Skating - Feb 3 @ 6:30pm Ash Wednesday Services - Feb 10, 9:30am, noon, 7pm Valentine’s Bingo Night - Feb 12 @ 7:00pm Vestry Retreat - Feb 13 @ 8:30am Lenten Soup & Study - Feb 14 @ 5:30pm

Ministries January 3 January 10 January 17 January 24 January 31

VPOD L Blinston J Darrell C Hagen T Storm D Conley

Coffee Hour 8am



Team 1


Team 2


Team 3


Team 4


Team 5

Greeters Sat 5pm

Sun 8am

10:30 am

J Wood

S & J Wood

G & K Gray

Fr Tom

D Adams/S Wood

D & J Olander

Fr Tom

S & J Wood

T Wingert

J Herring

Fr Tom

S & J Wood

J & P Parsons

Fr Tom

S & J Wood

T Wingert

J Herring

Ushers 10:30 am B Wilson

V Culp

J & P Strecker G & K Gray C Darrell

D Olander

V Cummings

V Cummings, Jr

Altar Guild J Wood

K Culp

S Jones

S Scarbrough

L Blinston

T Wingert

K Smith

C Austin

J Sinram

M Kunkel

K Leigh

J Mellor

S Vassar

J Olander

L Nutting

J Wood

K Culp

S Jones

S Scarbrough

Altar Bread T Storm T Storm T Storm T Storm T Storm

LEVs K Culp

J Wood

J Marshburn

T Wingert

C Austin

J Sinram

K Gomeringer

D & G McVey K Culp

J Wood

J Marshburn

LEM Sat 5pm A Yäger K Smith A Yäger K Smith A Yäger

8:00am Lessons


D Adams

K Gomeringer

R Sanders

J Smith

H Tarleton

D Adams

T Storm

R Sanders

J Smith

S Howard

10:30am Lessons


R Tussey

T Storm

J Wilson

V Cummings

C Austin

R Tussey

K Culp

J Sinram

C Austin

M Hagen

Acolytes 8am



Team 4

K Culp - C

M Storm

C Marks

R Marks


Team 5

D Hagen - C

D Hagen

L Smith

I Hagen


Team 6

S Chisam - C

B Richter

W Richter


Team 3

D Wilson - C

G Wilson

E Wilson

E Sword


Team 4

K Culp - C

M Storm

C Marks

R Marks

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The Flame Newsletter of The Church of the Holy Spirit - Episcopal 1305 Thomas Drive Bellevue, NE 68005-2973


The Flame is a monthly production of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Episcopal, in Bellevue, Nebraska. We welcome all stories, pictures, and suggestions, but must reserve the right to choose what we can print. Please send articles and pictures to CHS Admin at [email protected]. The next deadline for submitting news is January 15th.


Office Hours:

Rector’s Day Off:

Webpage: Email: [email protected]

Regular Services:

Saturday: 5:00 pm Holy Eucharist (chapel)

Sunday: 8:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite 1 (church)

Nursery from 9:00–11:30 am

10:30 am Holy Eucharist (church)

Wednesday: 9:30 am Holy Eucharist / Morning Prayer (chapel)

Sunday: 9:30 am Sunday School

Wednesday: 10:15 am Adult Formation

Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am–3:00 pm

Friday: 9:00 am–Noon
