the importance of training and employee motivation

American English Solutions THE IMPORTANCE OF TRAINING AND EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION [email protected]

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Page 1: The importance of training and employee motivation

American English Solutions



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Page 2: The importance of training and employee motivation


• Understanding the importance of training managers, supervisors and employees.

• Understanding the advantages of training.

• The importance of motivating employees.

• How to motivate employees.

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Training and motivation have always been the private sector’s greatest tools to impact the “corporate bottom line.” A productive work environment exists

only if the individuals in that environment are trained and


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Training will help your company get your management staff in the best possible shape and ready to lead your


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A properly trained management staff means your employees will be led and directed to be in the best working environment possible.

Management is the main place to begin training.

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Managers must have training to have an extensive set of skills from planning and delegation to propercommunication and motivation.

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Train managers and supervisors to be positive role models.

There's an old saying that 'the example you set is the example you get'.

Management sets the culture of the company, if managers treat their supervisors with respect then this will teach supervisors to treat employees with respect.

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If a supervisor or employee comes to work everyday and the manager yells at him/her on a continuing basis, this teaches the supervisor that it´s the company's culture to use the fear tactic to get results.

This is the worst practice any company can permit. If this is happening in your company you need to address this issue immediately.

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Effective employee training results in a more knowledgeable staff. A more knowledgeable staff will make it easier for a company to compete as a single entity. When the employees become more successful, the company becomes successful.


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Employees are the support and backbone of any successful company. While those in leadership make all of the big decisions, the employees are the ones that get the labor required to get the work done. Without good employees, a company could not function properly.

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Importance of training

Organization Culture – Training helps to develop and improve the organizational culture and effectiveness. It helps in creating the training and learning culture within the organization.

Quality – Training helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life.

Morale – Training helps to build a more effective, efficient and highly motivated workforce, which boosts employees’ morale and sense of pride in the company.

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Importance of training

Healthy work environment – Training helps in creating the healthy working environment. It helps to build good employee relationships so that individual goals aligns with organizational goals.

Health and Safety – Training an employee reduces the chances of an employee committing accidents on the job and the more proficient the employee becomes.

Profitability – Training leads to improved profitability and more positive attitudes towards profit orientation.

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As the business world is continuously changing, organizations will need to provide their employees with training throughout their careers. If they choose not to provide continuous training they will find it difficult to stay ahead of the competition.

Another advantage of training is that it will keep your employees motivated. It also demonstrates to the employee that they are valuable enough for the employer to invest in them and their development.

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• The employee will achieve goals;

• Gain a positive perspective of the company and themselves;

• Creates teamwork and a positive environment;

• Build self-esteem and capability, thus increasing production

• Training can save the organization money, as the employee becomes more efficient.

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• Reduced employee turnover

• Increased productivity

• Decreased need for supervision

• Increased efficiency that translates to an increase in financial gains

• Employees with a greater feeling of dignity, self-worth and well-being as their value within the company and society increase

• Increased productivity and financial rewards as employees satisfy company and personal goals

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In a fully participating workplace, the HR department will fully support the training and motivation programs in the company

and try to find ways to avoid actions that

appear to show a toxic climate.

Let´s look at some ways this can be achieved:

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• Train your employees.

• Cross train all employees.

• Create a positive environment.

• Encourage employee input.

• Survey the organization periodically to find strengths and areas for improvement.

• Encourage managers and supervisors to be positive role models.

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• Conduct exit interviews to find out the real reasons for individuals to leave.

• Conduct stay interviews to find out why individuals like working at your company.

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Train your managers and supervisors.

Managers and supervisors should be trained


• Motivate employees.

• Show a positive and respectful attitude

toward employees.

• Be open to employee input.

• Act on employee input.

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Train your managers and supervisors.

Training should be conducted by professionals with knowledge and expertise in the given subject area, period.

Nothing is worse than being trained by an instructor who has no knowledge of what they are supposed to be teaching!

Managers should know how to do every operation that his/her supervisors do and supervisors should know how to do every operation in all departments.

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Cross Train all employees.

The most common purpose of cross training is for several people to have knowledge of other coworkers jobs. This will solve coverage problems like days off and vacations. This technique will benefit the employees by increasing skills learned, possible advancement and job security.

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Cross Train all employees.

When you cross train employees to be proficient in many aspects of your business, it reduces -- or eliminates -- responses like, "It's not my job" or, "I don't know how" when asked to help co-workers.

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Create a positive work environment.

It’s important to build a solid foundation for your employees starting from their first day of work, so they feel welcomed in the company. Tell them about the history of the business and your vision for the future. Ask them about their expectations and career goals, as well as how you can help them feel part of the team. When any new employee starts, make sure he or she receives a thorough welcome orientation.

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Create a positive work environment.bradfordPromote a workplace atmosphere that makes all employees feel worthwhile and important. Don’t play favorites with your staff. Keep office doors open and let employees know they can always approach you with questions or concerns. A happy workenvironment is a productive work environment.

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Create a positive work environment.

What are some ways to create a positive work environment?

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Build Trust

Trust is the basic tenant for all relationships, so building an environment of trust is one of the most important things you can do to create a positive work environment. It's a philosophy that must be demonstrated in everything you and your staff does. Trust is about doing what you say you are going to do and being who you say you are.

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Create Team Spirit

One of our basic human needs is to feel we belong to something bigger than ourselves, and for many people that need is met by being part of a supportive work group. As a manager/supervisor, part of your job is to create a feeling of unity among your staff. This unity will help your team members feel valued and that they belong.

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Give Recognition and Appreciation

Whenever you can, “catch people being good” and make sure they and others know about it. Give recognition and appreciation to everyone when an opportunity arises.

Recognizing excellent job performance and attitude, and showing appreciation for things will go a long way towards making your staff members feel that they are a valued and respected part of the team.

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Encourage employee input.

• Organizations grow and prosper when they encourage -- and act upon -- employee input.

• Your employees -- the people who make the product, serve the customer, and perform all those other essential functions -- often have valuable insights into ways to save money, improve your operations, and enhance your competitive advantage.

Listen to them and act!!!!

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Encourage employee input.

• No organization can afford to ignore the valuable experience and ideas of its employees. Each employee has special knowledge, experience, and perspective to offer -- if you ask for it.

• Most employees know their jobs better than anyone else. Tap into that knowledge for a rich source of ideas and suggestions for improvements of all kinds.

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Survey the organization periodically to find strengths and areas for


Keep current on programs that worked and didn´t work

for the company. This will help you during your improvement and growing process.

How often do you survey your organization?

[email protected]

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Encourage managers and supervisors to be positive

role models.• Managers should treat supervisors with

respect and help them when a problem arises.

• Supervisors should treat employees with respect and help them when a problem arises.

• A respectful workplace starts at the top and works it´s way down.

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H.R. Should conduct exit interviews to find out the real reasons individuals


There are many reasons employees leave a company.

• Pay is too low.

• They have a better job offer.

• They feel they need to grow and at the current company there isn´t room.

• They feel they are being treated unfairly and not part of the team.

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Why should you conduct exit interviews?

• You can make peace with disgruntled employees.

• You send a positive message to those still working for you.

• You get reasonable knowledge transfer.

• You get feedback on your company and what people think of it.

• You improve employee retention.

• You find out where improvements need to be made.

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What are some questions you should ask during an exit interview?

• What is your main reason(s) for leaving?

• How would you have preferred the situation(s) to have been handled?

• What can you say about the way you were managed?... On a day to day basis?

• What would you say about how you were motivated, and how that could have been improved?

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What are some questions you should ask during an exit interview?

• What things did the organization or management do to make your job more difficult/frustrating/non-productive?

• How would you describe the culture or 'feel' of the organization?

• How well do think your training and development needs were assessed and met?

• What has been frustrating/difficult/upsetting to you in your time with us?

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The importance of motivating employees.

No matter the size of your company, having a team of motivated, hard-working employees is crucial to your business success. When people lose their motivation, however, their job performance suffers they become less productive, less creative, less of an asset to the company.

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Understand The People

Why are some people easier to motivate than others?

Because people are different, different factors motivate them.

Many managers and supervisors, however, expect all employees to react in a similar manner.

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Know Why

People do things for a reason

– The reason must be identified before you can understand a person’s behavior.

– Too often, an employee’s reason is disregarded.

– Managers/supervisors who do this will never understand employee behavior.

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What Can Management Do?

Treat employees as individuals:

– Different people have different needs

– There is an increasing tendency to treat employees like computer numbers

– It gives employees self-esteem and makes them feel like part of the organization

– It results in more frequent and candid interaction between supervisors and employees

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What Can Management Do?

Provide valued rewards:

– Management tends to think of pay as the only reward at their disposal

– A common myth is that rewards are only set by upper management

– Employees may value rewards other than pay, such as being assigned to a certain project or receiving new equipment

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What Can Management Do?

Provide accurate and timely feedback:

– No one likes to be in the dark about his/her performance

– Lack of feedback produces frustration, which negatively impacts performance

– Give feedback on a regular basis

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What Can Management Do?

Improperly used criticism can negatively affect motivation:

– Criticism should be communicated in private

– Feedback should contain both positive and negative happenings

– The goal is for the employee to know at all times where he/she stands

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What Can Management Do?

Relate rewards to performance:

– Many supervisors are reluctant to do this: Giving equal pay raises is easier; union contract restrictions; organization policy

– Failing to do so means low performers are not motivated to do more and high performers are motivated to do less

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What Can Management Do?

Honor your promises:

Getting people to give their all requires following through on promises. If you tell an employee that he or she will be considered for a bonus if numbers improve or productivity increases, you’d better put your money where your mouth is. Failure to follow through on promises will result in a loss of trust -- not only that person’s trust, but the trust of every employee that hears the story.

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Provide incentives.

Offer people incentives to perform well, either with something small like a gift certificate or something more substantial such as a performance-based bonus or salary increase. Give out “Employee of the Month” awards. Such tokens of appreciation will go far in motivating employees. Know their favorite past time, movies, shopping, sports and give certificates, tickets to games of their favorite teams.

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Put people on the right path.

Most employees are looking for advancement opportunities within their own company. Work with each of them to develop a career growth plan that takes into consideration both their current skills and future goals. If employees become excited about their future, they will become more engaged in their present work.

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Try the human approach

Ask employees if there is anything you can do to help them better perform their job.

Take the time to ask employees how and where they think the company could improve.

Ask employees about their family and about life in general.

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Don’t forget the fun.

Once in a while you have to put work aside and do something nice for the people who work for you. Treat the workplace to a pizza lunch and tell them you appreciate all of the hard work they are doing.

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What are some ways you motivate your employees in your company?

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• Keep a record of every employee’s birthday and give them a birthday card, wish them a happy birthday and tell them you appreciate their hard work and dedication this year. Keep up the good work.

• Join in and help an employee who is under pressure. Ask what can be done and help complete the task side-by-side.

• Add a note to an employee's paycheck highlighting something great he/she did that week.

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Have a coffee/juice morning to acknowledge accomplishments

Thank somebody that contributes ideas, regardless of whether you use it

Always give others credit when due

Create group awards to recognize teamwork

Ask the employees how they want to be recognized

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Fire people when needed.

The final technique for motivating your team is to fire people when needed. Underperformers can kill an organization; they can become cancers. When other employees see these individuals getting away with underperformance, then they start to underperform. Therefore, firing--as long as you explain to your team why people were fired--can actually motivate your employees.

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The bottom line

If you want your company to be successful then help make your employees successful.

Training and motivation is the key to any company's success.

Create an environment that people want to work for your company.

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Page 55: The importance of training and employee motivation

Please ask about our other American English Solutions PowerPoint

presentations and management training courses

• Continuous improvement presentations

• Leadership tips

• How to communicate with employees

• Motivation tips

• Management training courses

• Customer service excellence and Many, many more.

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I hope you have enjoyed this power point presentation and I would like to thank you for your time and attention.

Donald Saylor.

Donald Saylor

Director American English Solutions.

E-mail us at

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We have the answers to all your English/management needs

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