the in ter – relationship b etween profitability and gro...

Interna The In Iranian Seyed Ba Seyed Baba Hooman Ab Ali Farman KEYWOR Iranian finan Firm growth Firm profita System-GM The high c environmen means that their custo which a fi indicative f Organizatio growth ar Although Correspondin * Email: b_ebrah Received 29 J December 2016 Internationa ational Jour nter – n Marke abak Ebra ak Ebrahimi, bdollahi, Depa ni, Departmen RDS ncial market, h, ability, MM 1. Intro competitiven nt, added to t industries m omers [1]. In irm achieves factor accord onal theorist re firms' pursuing ng author: Seyed June 2016; revis 6 al Journal of Ind nal of Indus Relation t ahimi * , Ho Department o artment of Ind t of MBA ,Iran A O e m p p c f d o a i o b m p ( © R oduction1 ness of today o effects of must find w n so doing, s profit and ding to tradit ts believe th two compe g both d Babak Ebrahim sed 3 December dustrial Enginee strial Engin Septemb htt nship B ooman Abd of Industrial E dustrial Engin n University o ABSTRACT Owing to th engaging fo market of t present st profitability consisting o firms. For during2005 order to und and profitab is employed obtained in between p manufactur positive im (profit) is st © 2016 IU Reserved y’s economic globalizatio ways to satis the extent growth is tional theorie hat profit a eting targe objectiv mi 2016; accepted ering & Producti eering & Pr ber 2016, Volu pp. 209 -2 tp://IJIEPR. etween dollahi, Al Engineering, K neering, Karaj of Science and T he attractive or investor these econo tudy exam y and gro of Tehran S r the purp 5-2014 perio derstand th bility, syste d to estimate ndicate that profitability ring firms. mpact of cu tronger than UST Publica cal on, sfy to an es. nd ets. ves 11 si ei in pr an co re 6, ha de fr in m re ion Research, Se roduction Re me 27, Numbe 217 Profitab li Farman K. N. Toosi Un j Branch, Isla d Technology eness of dev rs, studying omies seem mines the owth in Ir Stock Mark pose of th od constitu e direction em GMM (G e growth an t there is a and grow Also, the e urrent prof n the impac ation, IJIEP imultaneousl ither profit o nteraction rofitability. nd profitab ontroversial esults reporte , 7, 8, 9, 10, ave provide eveloped cou rom a develo nvestigate manufacturing elationship eptember 2016, V esearch (201 er 3 bility a i niversity of Te amic Azad Uni veloping eco g cardinal s importan relationsh ranian ma ket listed be he study, uted the sam of causality Generalized nd profit re a positive wth in th empirical an fit (growth) ct of the prio PR. Vol. 2 y is difficu or growth, b occurs be The relatio ility has b issue in fina ed in empiri 11, 12, 13]. ed evidence untries, this oping's. In so the data g firms to between p Vol. 27, No. 3 16) nd Gro echnology iversity onomies, wh features of t and nece hip betwe anufacturing etween man firms' ann mple of the y between fi d Method of egressions. T bilateral re he case o nalysis find ) on curre or's year.. 27, No. 3, ult, manage but not both etween gro nship betwe been a str ance due to i cal findings While prev e from adv paper inves o doing, the of Irani fathom w profit and owth in hich seems f financial essary. The een firm's g industry nufacturing nual data e paper. In irm growth f Moments) The results elationship of Iranian ds that the ent growth All Rights ers opt for h. Thus, an owth and een growth riking and inconsistent [2, 3, 4, 5, ious studies vanced and stigates data researchers ian listed whether the growth is

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Page 1: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


The InIranian

Seyed Ba

Seyed BabaHooman AbAli Farman KEYWORIranian finan Firm growth Firm profitaSystem-GM

The high cenvironmenmeans thattheir custowhich a fiindicative fOrganizatiogrowth arAlthough


Email: b_ebrahReceived 29 JDecember 2016


ational Jour

nter – n Marke

abak Ebra

ak Ebrahimi, bdollahi, Depani, Departmen

RDS ncial market, h, ability,


1. Introcompetitivennt, added tot industries m

omers [1]. Inirm achievesfactor accordonal theoristre firms'


ng author: Seyed

[email protected] June 2016; revis6

al Journal of Ind

nal of Indus


ahimi*, Ho

Department oartment of Indt of MBA ,Iran




oduction1 ness of todayo effects of must find wn so doing, s profit and ding to traditts believe thtwo compe

g both

d Babak Ebrahim

sed 3 December

dustrial Enginee

strial Engin



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ooman Abd

of Industrial Edustrial Enginn University o


Owing to thengaging fomarket of tpresent stprofitabilityconsisting ofirms. Forduring2005order to undand profitabis employedobtained inbetween pmanufacturpositive im(profit) is st

© 2016 IUReserved

y’s economicglobalizatio

ways to satisthe extent growth is

tional theoriehat profit aeting targe



2016; accepted

ering & Producti

eering & Pr

ber 2016, Volupp. 209 -2



dollahi, Al

Engineering, Kneering, Karajof Science and


he attractivefor investorthese econotudy examy and groof Tehran Sr the purp5-2014 perioderstand thbility, syste

d to estimatendicate thatprofitability ring firms. Ampact of cutronger than

UST Publica

cal on, sfy to an es. nd

ets. ves



ion Research, Se

roduction Re

me 27, Numbe217


li Farman

K. N. Toosi Unj Branch, Islad Technology

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em GMM (Ge growth ant there is a

and growAlso, the eurrent profn the impac

ation, IJIEP

imultaneouslither profit onteraction rofitability. nd profitabontroversial esults reporte, 7, 8, 9, 10, ave provideeveloped courom a develonvestigate


eptember 2016, V

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bility a


niversity of Teamic Azad Uni

veloping ecog cardinal s importan

relationshranian maket listed behe study,

uted the samof causality

Generalizednd profit rega positive wth in th

empirical anfit (growth)ct of the prio

PR. Vol. 2

y is difficuor growth, boccurs beThe relatioility has bissue in finaed in empiri11, 12, 13].

ed evidenceuntries, this oping's. In sothe data

g firms to between p

Vol. 27, No. 3


nd Gro

echnology iversity

onomies, whfeatures oft and necehip betwe

anufacturingetween man

firms' annmple of they between fi

d Method ofegressions. Tbilateral re

he case onalysis find) on curreor's year..

27, No. 3,

ult, managebut not bothetween gronship betwebeen a strance due to ical findings While prev

e from advpaper inves

o doing, the of Irani

fathom wprofit and

owth in

hich seems f financial

essary. The een firm's g industry nufacturing nual data

e paper. In firm growth f Moments) The results elationship of Iranian ds that the ent growth

All Rights

ers opt for h. Thus, an owth and een growth riking and inconsistent [2, 3, 4, 5,

ious studies vanced and stigates data

researchers ian listed

whether the growth is

Page 2: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

210 S. B.

contingent Developingpositions sfinancial companies towards demore profitof the devgrowth leveto investorsThe proposother is sugstill seemswhose finaenough, boconsidered for expanscontrol thinvestment growth to profit or gthese veryFurthermorbenchmarkhas becomfor businesinterplay empirical aIn this contthe relationin other wanswers forcorollary oprofitabilityTherefore, Iranian list2005-2014annually fvariables, financial legrowth andGMM [16]the literatuinvestigateamongst Ivariables asThe paper pthe literatuthe regresspresented. empirical r

Theories, (FMAs) experience

. Ebrahimi*,


upon g economiessince the comarkets ha

and inveseveloping ftability and

veloping marels that deves [14]. sition that groggested by sos equivocal. ancial markeoth profit aas two imp

sion as the he situationt decisions [1

be achievegrowth sincey two objere, developin

k of firms' se one of the

ss managers between p

analysis detertext, the resenship betwee

words, the aimr these very of growth? y and rethis paper

ted manufact. Profit and for this persuch as fireverage, ared profit regr]. This pape

ure because s the pr

Iranian firms well. proceeds as

ure germane sion model a

This is foresults. Sectio

2. Literatsuch as F[17], netw

effects [19

H. Abdollahi

al Journal of Ind

economic s are acquiomplexities oave caused stors havingfinancial magrowth. Therkets is in t

eloped marke

owth and proome related In developi

ets are not wand retainedportant sourc

firms mustn to make15]. In ordered, firms eite it is difficctives concng growth hsuccess, ande most comm[11]. Therefo

profit and rmines its dir

earchers try toen growth anm of this stuquestions: Is

Or firms einvesting uses a paneturing firms growth rates

riod, and serm's size, dee consideredressions by er provides cthis is the frofit-growth

ms while us

follows. Secto our study

and estimatioollowed in on 5 conclud

ture ReviewFirst Mover

work extern9], and sca

i, A.Farmani

dustrial Enginee

developmenring engagiof the prese

internationg a tendenarkets to eae attractivenethe profit a

ets do not off

ofit affect eatheories, buting economiwell-developd earnings aces of finant permanente appropriar for profitabther focus

cult to achiecurrently [12has been a kd sales growmon objectivfore, there is

growth threction. o shed light

nd profitabilitudy is to ses profitabilitygrow due the profit

el data on over the sp

s are observeveral contrebt ratio, a. We estimausing system

contribution first study th

relationshes controlli

ction 2 reviewy. In section on method asection 4 b

des the paper

w r Advantagnalities [18ale economi

The Inter

ering & Producti

nt. ng ent nal ncy arn ess nd fer

ach t it ies

ped are nce tly ate ble on

eve 2].

key wth ves an


on ty;

eek y a to

ts? 72

pan ved rol nd ate m-to

hat hip ng

ws 3,

are by


ges 8], ies

[2orviSecoadBgrrefirstthgrwthBimlapogrmthfirhoa reYbegrhatoge[2cosicoHreSogrGstgrLnotrdythOdeprge[2threco

r –Relationsh

ion Research, Se

20], suggest tr establishinia lowering ceveral, but onducted indvanced couennett [21] rowth and pelationships rms althoughtatistically sihe presence orowth rate an

with antecedehat profit-grritish firms.

mpact on coarger in Frenositive and rowth. Inve

manufacturinghat the correlrm growth iowever, Coapositive imp

elationship Yukhanaev [2etween pasrowth rate. ave demonsowards profieneration slo29]. Besides,ontended thaituation to omparison w

However, a elationship iome studiesrowth and

Gschwandtnertatistically sirowth and prikewise, Botot a remarkend and proynamic panehat growth an

On the othemonstrated rofitability eneration slo29]. A studyhat profit-foceach profitabomparison

hip Between P

eptember 2016, V

that profitabg a strongercosts.

not manyn empirical untries. For

observed aprofitability-in small andh only the grignificant. Cof a positivend profit groent studies Crowth relatio

Coad [7] reonsequent finnch firms, wh

statisticallyestigating ag firms, Bottlation betweeis positive, bad et al. [25] pact on profis not ap

26] reported t profitabiliOn the oth

strated that itability [27,ows down b, a study byat profit-focu

reach pwith growth-f

consistent is not founds report no

profitabilityr [30] argueignificant relrofitability inttazi et al. [2kable relatioofitability. Fel model, Shnd profitabiliher hand, that growth[27, 28, 3

ows down bby Davidss

cused firms able growth


Profitability an

Vol. 27, No. 3

bility arises fr market pos

y, studies realm specinstance, R

a positive p-number of d medium-sirowth case is

Cox et al. [22e relation beowth rate. In Cowling [23onship is deported that nancial perfhilst profitab

y significanta sample azzi et al. [2en profitabilibut scarcely showed that

fitability, bupproved. Pe

a positive ity and fir

her hand, sogrowth doe, 28] and f

because of swy Davidssonused firms aprofitable gfocused-firm

positive grd in empiric relation by [27]; foed that therlationship ben American 24] proved t

onship betweurthermore,

hehzad et al. ity are indepe

some stuh does not le32] and firecause of raon et al. [10

are in better cin the futugrowth-foc

nd Growth …

from growth sition either

have been cifically in

Robson and profitability-

employee's ized British s considered 2] indicated

etween sales conformity

3] indicates dynamic in the growth

formance is bility is of a t effect on

of Italian 4] observed ity ratio and significant;

t growth has ut reciprocal erényi and relationship rm current ome studies es not lead firm's profit wift growth

n et al. [10] are in better growth in s. rowth-profit cal studies. etween the r instance, re is not a etween firm companies.

that there is een growth by using a [31] found

endent. udies have ead towards rm's profit apid growth 0] suggested condition to ure that in cused-firms.

Page 3: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

The Inter –R

Markman arelationshipgrowth as negative iprofitabilityAlso, Jangthe dynamigrowth. Thinfluences positively. growth rateyear’s prorestaurant growth haDelmar et relationshipused dynamfixed effecrelationshipKorea, annegatively,Federico amanufactur2010, and growth is nthe profit-investmentprofits dispinvestment to higher generalizedKim [37] managemenInsert TablTable 1 prthe most sethe empiricfindings. Aempirical athe directifirms of difwith the objective in

3. ReseMany reseseries modmore efficipurpose ofrelationshiptwo-step sysection, resvariables ar3-1. ResearDynamic psuitable wh

Relationship B


and Gartner p via sales indicators ofinterplay bey.

g and Park [ic relationshhey found ththe growth Although, th

es have a negfit, their finindustry, p

as a detrimal. [33] recops between gmic panel dacts and GMMp between gd found th, but growthand Capelleraring firms ddeclared th

not significa-growth relat. Firm's conplay positivet spike and ir growth. d method of found thnt strategy lie 1 resents the reminal empical results coAs seen aboapproaches aion of proffferent finanliterature, t

n Iranian man

earch Methearchers havedels together iency in finaf this study,p between gystem GMMsearch methore presented.rch Methodpanel data ehere unobse

Between Prof

al Journal of Ind

[27] studiedas well as

f firm growtetween firm

[12] provideip between phat the prior

rate of thehe current angative effect ndings evincprofit begetsmental impaognized positgrowth and pata regressionM methods tgrowth and phat profit ah affects proas [35] examduring the

hat the effecant. Yu et alationship is ntemporaneoue and signifinvestment aBased on moments M

hat a profiimits firm's g

results and dirical studiesonsist of a move, both thare paradoxifit-growth rncial marketsthis paper nufacturing

hodology ane compared in order to

ncial market, trying to growth and p

M [16] is empodology, mo.

dology estimation b

ervable facto

fitability and

dustrial Enginee

d profit-grows employmeth and found

m growth a

d evidence profit and firr year’s proe current yend prior yearon the curre

ce that in ts growth, bact on proftively bilater

profit. Lee [3ns by applyito evaluate tprofitability affects growofit positivelmined Spaniperiod 199

ct of profit l. [36] show

mediated vus and laggicant effect

activity leadithe syste

Model, Yoo aitability-drivgrowth.

denouement s, showing th

motely group heoretical aical in findirelationship s. To be in li

explores thfirms.

nd Modeldifferent timdetermine t

ts [38]. For tfigure out tprofitability,ployed. In thodel, data, a

becomes moors affect bo

Growth …

ering & Producti

wth ent d a nd

on rm

ofit ear r’s ent the but fit. ral

34] ng the in

wth ly. ish 6–on

wed via ged on ng em nd


of hat of nd ng in

ine his

me the the the , a his nd

ore oth


S. B. Ebrah

ion Research, Se

he dependentlso some eelated to thariable [39]. rowth on prond [16] su

model emplotudy; by the

GMM estimatGMM (sys-Gstimation of ifferences (wnd in levelsnstruments). onsistent apaking the res

when heterosxist [40]. Hstimations ofownward bia

A weakness many instrumiverse methoumber. Usinvailable lagshe first methompound insets. A dynamechniques toeasons to jus

GMM panelstimation igstimation biaynamics im

misspecified agged depend43]. Secondlariable withegression moynamic panehe static mod-2. Model o depict the rowth and quations are


1,2, … , .1,2, … , .,

; 11,2, … , .

himi*, H. Abd

eptember 2016, V

t and the expxplanatory

he past valuThis is the

rofit, and viuggested th

oyed in thee way, the tor was alsoGMM) deritwo simultan

with lagged s (with lagg

The two-sppraisal of siduals fromscedasticity

However, thef the standarased. of GMM e

ment problemods to less

ng only certas for instrumhod. The sestruments bymic way is together [41stify the prefl model. gnores dynas [42, 43]. Tmplies thatas passing

dent variablely, the corrh the erroodel can be sel data modedels.

specificatioprofit m



,1,2, … , .

ollahi, A.Far

Vol. 27, No. 3

planatory vavariables arues of the matter in regice versa. B

he dynamic e equations

developed o recognized ived from neous equati

levels as iged first diftep sys-GMthe weight

m the one-stand serial

e two-step Grd errors that

stimations mms, althoughen instrumeain lags, rathments (limiteecond, collap adding themto benefit fro1]. There aference of dy

Firstly, stnamics and The meaningt such m

over the e on dependerelation of ior term ocsolved easierels in comp

n of the dynmodels, the




ariables, and re strongly

dependent gressions of lundell and panel data of present version of

d as system-a system's

ions: in first instruments) fferences as

MM uses a ting matrixep estimate correlation

GMM runs t tend to be

may be too h there are ent variable her than all ed lags), is psing, is to m to smaller om the two are several ynamic sys-tatic panel

leads to g of omitted models are

impacts of ent variable independent ccurring in r by dint of

parison with

namic panel following





Page 4: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

212 S. B.


1,2, … ,1,2, … ,,

; 1,2, … ,

Where i repindicates thand indare randomrelated confinancial coefficientsestimated exogenous 3-3. Data aThe data aannual finafirms listeperiod 200believed tois used as growth is awould desgiving a mengenderedtheir comptable 2. Insert TablDescriptivevariables athe results profit rateTehran Stohigh growtaverage sirelatively laInsert Tabl

Before mostep, we urepresentatbetween gror betweenrate. In taplots, are dInsert TablThe first rand prior yTable 2 repgrowth rateprofit rate i

. Ebrahimi*,



,1,2, … , .


presents the he time spandicate firm-spm error termntrol variableverage as of these in the reginstrumenta

and Variablare extractedancial statemd in Tehran

04-2010. In o be closely

a measure an obvious psignate a fimore accuratd by the firputational m

e 2 e statistics are presented

show that ge for manuock Market. Ith rate, but ize indicatearge. e 3

4. Empirodel estimatiuse scatter ption of the rowth rate an profit rateable 4, thesedisplayed. e 4 ow of Tableyear's profitpresents PRes. It is obvioin times t an

H. Abdollahi

al Journal of Ind



firms (i = 1n (t = 2004 ,pecific effecs. To constiles, size, de

are considercontrol varigressions, ol variables. les d from balanments of 72 n Stock Mathis paper,

related to thof firm grow

prospect for rm’s profitate image of rm. Model's methods are

of the maind in table 3growth rate ifacturing fiIt means thesprofit rate i

es that the

rical Resultion and as plots to pro

underlyingand prior yeae and prior e relationshi

e 4 displayst rate. The s

R(t), PR(t-1), anous, based on

nd t-1, the cu

i, A.Farmani

dustrial Enginee



, …, 72) and,…, 2010). cts; and tute additionebt ratio, ared, but tiables are nonly used

nce sheets amanufacturi

arket over tsales growt

he profitabilitwth. Net sala variable thability due the real salvariables apresented

n and contr. Accordinglis greater thrms listedse firms haveis slower. Tese firms a

ts a prelimina

ovide a visug relationshiar’s profit rayear’s growips, as scatt

GR(t), GR(t

second row nd prior yean the plots, f

urrent and pri

The Inter

ering & Producti



d t

nal nd the not as

nd ng the th, ty, les hat to

les nd in

rol ly,

han in

e a The are

ary ual ips ate

wth ter

-1), of

ar's for ior

yeotrea plreabT(2GtaInAa grreanEcuim(1grsitorevacocoteancupoprmasofgronsifirthhiSaaupeinofTh(4reanprcurepopr

r –Relationsh

ion Research, Se

ear’s profit ther plots haelationship bulittle positiv

lots show elationship bbout directioo find the d

2), Eq (3), aGMM estimatables 5 and tansert Table 5

According to statistically

rowth and elationship end the growq (1) denourrent profitmpact of the1.2) is morerowth (0.5)ignificant. It o high level egression eariable is inontrol the enorrelation of erm. Using thnd regressinurrent profitositive effecrofit impact

meaning that s well as maf Katouzian rowth does hn the currenignificant (t-rms of Tehra

hat high profigher growthargan test utocorrelatioerformed tonstruments vf findings. he results of

4), are preseesult of Eq (3nd significanrofit. Besideurrent profitegressions enositive coeffrofit and gr

hip Between P

eptember 2016, V

rates have pave a cloud ut GR(t) and

ve correlationthat whetheetween varians of effects

directions of and (4) are etors, and the able 6. results prese

y significantprofit. L

exists betweth of prior y

otes that grot bolsters the current pr apparent th; however, means highof growth

quations, thncluded into ndogeneity prf independenthe lagged pr

ng Eq (2), t and prior t on firms' gis not sign

Iranian maraking an allu[44]. On thehave a fairlynt growth (-value, 16.39an Stock Marfits of a partih rates nex

and the n of the re

o assess movalidity, and

f the profit reented in Tab3), prior yearnt (t-value, 3s, the current positively ngender statificient estimrowth terms

Profitability an

Vol. 27, No. 3

positive corrshape and imGR(t-1) that a

n. Clearly, ther or not ables but no will be give

f causalities, estimated by

results are p

ented in Tablt relationshiLikewise, aeen the presyear. The reowth persis

he current grofit on currhan that of

both are h profitability

for firms. Ihe lagged the model

roblem or bet variable wirofit added toit is reveale

year's profgrowth, but nificant (t-varket is intensusion to pick other hand,

y strong posi(0.54) and 9) for the mrket. The resicular year t

xt year. Motest for se

esiduals, ARodel specifiapprove the

egression, Eqble 6. Accorr's profit is o3.53) impactnt growth inf

and signifiistically sign

mates of the . That is to

nd Growth …

relation. All mplicate no almost have hese scatter there is a information

en by them. Eq (1), Eq

y using sys-presented in

le 5, there is ip between a positive sent growth egression of sts and the growth. The rent growth prior year's statistically

y gives rise In dynamic

dependent in order to

etter still the ith the error o the model ed that the fits have a prior year's alue, 0.57), sely volatile kaxe society

prior year's itive impact statistically

manufactory sults convey end to have

oreover, the econd-order

R (2), were ication and e robustness

q (3) and Eq rding to the of a positive t on current fluences the icantly. All nificant and prior year's

o say, high

Page 5: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

The Inter –R

growth leaof Eq (4) cvery little aprofit, the obvious thaComparingthat of groStock Markof the currvice versaeffect. It mdevelopingfactors. Furlagged gropositively, furthermorerelationshipgrowth. Insert Tabl

This study firm's promanufacturStock Mcovering 2direction oand profitamethods agrowth regThe empirrelationshipcurrent propositive rewith currenrelationshipcurrent proregressionsprofit positprofit is creported bfinancial mIndustrial relationshipThe preserelationshipthat as it min the datasufficient ethe all Iranusing LADthe robustnthis study explore theon the relat

Relationship B


ds to high pconveys thatand insignifiimpact of th

an the prior'sg the regressowth, for maket, the authrent profit o, is much s

may happen g economy arthermore, th

owth affects but it is no

e, there is ap between la

e 6

5. Coinvestigates

ofitability aring industrarket liste2005-2014. of the causalability, Dynaare employeressions. rical analysip between ofit; what is elationship bnt growth ratp between pofit exists. Ths show thattively. The pconsistent wby other remarket and c

Organizatiop. ent study fip between gr

may, limitatioaset used in enough to genian manufa

D regression ness of the reindicate a ne

e moderatingtionship betw

Between Prof

al Journal of Ind

profits. Althot prior year'sicant impact he current gs. sion result

anufactory firhors fathom tn the currenstronger thadue to the

affected by he results de

the currentot statistical

a relatively sagged profit a

nclusion s the relationand growthry consistind manufacIn order to

lity between amic Panel Dd to estima

is corroborathe currentmore, findi

between priote and also a

prior year's ghe findings ft firm growpositive effecwith the findesearchers fcontradicts tn suggestin

finds a bilarowth and prons of this cthis analysis

eneralize theacturing sect

could be uesults. Also, eed for furth

g role of diffween profit a

fitability and

dustrial Enginee

ough the resus growth hason the curre

growth is mo

of profit wirms of Tehrthat the impant growth, aan prior yea

volatility ofenvironment

emonstrate tht year's prolly significanstrong positiand the curre

nships betweh in Iraning of Tehrcturing firmo fathom tfirm's grow

Data estimatiate profit a

ates the diret growth aings indicateor year's pro

positive integrowth and tfrom the pro

wth affects tct of growth dings recentfrom differethe theories ng a negati

ateral positirofitability. Bontext may s which is nse results ovtor. Moreovseful to chethe findings

her research ferent variabland growth.

Growth …

ering & Producti

ult s a ent ore

ith ran act nd

ar's f a tal hat ofit nt; ive ent

een ian ran ms the

wth on nd

ect nd

e a ofit er-the ofit the on tly ent in


ive Be lie

not ver er,

eck in to













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216 S. B.

TaMain variableGrowth Rate

Profit Rate Control variaLeverage

Debt Ratio




Std. De


ependent var



. Ebrahimi*,


ab. 2. The ves





Tab. 4. T Y Axis: GR X Axis: GR

Y axis: PR(

X Axis: PR

Tab. 5. riable: GR

H. Abdollahi

al Journal of Ind

variables an

. 3. The desGR




The scatterR(t-1) R(t)

 (t-1) R(t)


Two-step s



i, A.Farmani

dustrial Enginee

nd their coComputatBook toquantity(t)

Gross opeComputat(Short ter

Total liab

Stock pric

scriptive staPR




r plots of gr Y Ax X Ax 



sys-GMM eEq




The Inter

ering & Producti

mputationational metho

o market v)) / Book-to-erating profittional methorm debt + Lo

bilities / Tota

ce(t)*Stock q

atistics of mR L




rowth and pxis: PR(t) xis: GR(t)

Y Axis: GR(t

X Axis: PR(t)

estimation q (1)




r –Relationsh

ion Research, Se

al methodsod of the varivalue-Sharehmarket valuet(t) / Sales(t)

od of the variong term deb

al assets


main and cLeverage




profit rates

t) )


results of g




hip Between P

eptember 2016, V

s of the sys-iables

holders' eque

iables t) / Equity

ontrol variSize




s using one Y Axi X Ax


growth reg




Profitability an

Vol. 27, No. 3






e year lag is: PR(t-1)

is: GR(t)

Axis: GR(t-1

Axis: PR(t)

ressions Eq (2)


nd Growth …













Page 9: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent





















The Inter –R







OTE: Year driables are G* Significan


* Significan

ependent var









OTE: Year dariables are G

* Significan


** Significan

Follow Th Abdollahiand growURL: http

Relationship B


dummies areGR(t-1) and Pnce levels at 5

nce levels at 1

nce levels at 0

Tab. 6riable: PR

dummies areGR(t-1) and Pnce levels at

nce levels at

nce levels at

his Article at

i H, Ebrahimwth in the p://ijiepr.iust

Between Prof

al Journal of Ind

e included foPRt and their5% level.

1% level.

0.1% level.

. Two-step



e included foPRt and their5% level.

1% level.

0.1% level.

t The Follow

mi S B, Farmemerging I

fitability and

dustrial Enginee






or all regressr lags range i

sys-GMM E









or all regressr lags range i

wing Site

mani A. The Iranian mark-1-685-en.htm

Growth …

ering & Producti







sions, but nois set from tw

estimationq (3)










sions, but nois set from tw

inter-relatioket. IJIEPRml

S. B. Ebrah

ion Research, Se


ot reported hwo to five in

n results of





ot reported hwo to five in

onship betweR. 2016; 27

himi*, H. Abd

eptember 2016, V

0. 3608

here in orderall models.

profit regr





here in orderall models.

een profitabil7 (3) :209-2

ollahi, A.Far

Vol. 27, No. 3



0. 058



r to save spa

ressions Eq (4)







r to save spa

lity 217



ace. GMM ty





ace. GMM ty



Page 10: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


Page 11: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent





MohammadZahra HassAli Tajdin, D KEYWORSupplier seOrder allocGreen suppMOLP

In a compeis one omanufactursupplying includes thcost, and significantl1998). Supused to warehouses


Email: paydar@Received 26 FJanuary 2017


ational Jour

ping a My Chain

mad Mahd

d Mahdi Paydsanzadeh, DepDepartment of

RDS election, cation, ply chain,

1. Introetitive envirf the mosring compan

raw materhe major poselection of

ly reduce it (pply chain is

integrate ss, and stor

ng author: Moha February 2016; re

al Journal of Ind

nal of Indus


di Paydar*

dar, Departmepartment of Inof Industrial E




oduction1 onment, sup

st importantnies face it.rials in somortion of a pf a suitable(Ghodsypoura set of met

suppliers, mres. Therefo

ammad Mahdi P

evised 8 October

dustrial Enginee

strial Engin



for Or

*, Zahra H

ent of Industrindustrial EngiEngineering, M


Due to incrmany compproducts tomaking techamong thestructure foanalytic hiequantitativechain is apsuppliers foFinally, regmaterial amathematicare to minimfrom desirawhich are nreal case sexpressed.

© 2016 IUReserved

pplier selectit issues th. The cost me industriproduct's fin

e supplier cr and O’Briethods which manufactureore, necessa


r 2016; accepted

ering & Producti

eering & Pr

ber 2016, Volumpp. 219-2


der Allo


ial Engineerinineering, Maz

Mazandaran U


reased comppanies are to the markehniques to

e existing or selecting erarchy proe and qualipplied. Thor each rawgarding theand resou

cal model, omize the toable supplienot providestudy of Fo

UST Publica

on hat of

ies nal can en,

is rs,




ion Research, Se

roduction Re

me 27, Numbe231


eh, Ali Ta

ng, Babol Univzandaran UnivUniversity of S

petition in trying to lowet. In this pa

evaluate ansuppliers asuppliers o

ocess to obitative criteen, a fuzzy

w material ae weight ofurce consoptimum ordtal cost, maers, and m

ed. The propood Compan

ation, IJIEP

roducts will lace with selivered to the total cost eeds in higovernmental f people abompanies caor maintainintaying in thnvironmentalact that the e

with industrimanagement amerging co

eptember 2016, V

esearch (201

er 3

to Supp


versity of Techversity of ScieScience and Te

the servicewer price aaper, the mnd select thare applieof raw matebtain the reeria relatedy TOPSIS

according tof suppliers traints byder is deteraximize the

minimize rawposed methny, and the

PR. Vol. 2

be producedspecified quthe customerof the chaingh-quality slegislation a

bout protecannot ignoreng their comhe globalizal concerns environmentaial developmactivities is ioncept of

Vol. 27, No. 3


pliers in

hnology ence and Techechnology

es and manuand offer gomulti-criteriahe best supd. First, hierials is useelative imp

d to the gretechnique r

o the relevaand dema

y a multrmined. The

amount of w material

hod is perfoe relevant r

27, No. 3,

d in a certaiuantities anrs in order tn and satisfy service. Acand increasedcting the ene environme

mpetitive advation trend. means consal pollution ment in suimportant, le

green sup

n Green


ufacturing, ood quality a decision-pplier from ierarchical ed, and the portance of een supply ranked the nt criteria. nd of raw ti-objective

e objectives f purchases ls required ormed in a results are

All Rights

in time and nd will be to minimize

the buyer's ccording to d awareness nvironment, ental issues vantage and

Increasing sidering the issue along

upply chain ading to the

pply chain


Page 12: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


220 M. M

managemendefined g“considerinchain manselection process, dcustomer consumptioSupplier seactivities thgood qualsupply chaorganizatiomanagemenproducts toperformancchain manchain mrequiremenselection processes othe customconsidered maximizingand its souentire suppincludes thproductionand servicea reviewedreview theselection inAn approreducing oand producmarket, and(Abdollahi evaluation making (Mqualitative time, the sais broken supplier shselected soto Weber two cases oselection. Since the introduced issue coincprogrammirelevant to(Aissaoui ea study to supplier’s specified 2

M. Paydar1, Z.


nt (Hsu angreen suppng environmagement incand materi

delivery of and prod

on and expelection is ohat its resultslity, organizain (Chen etons shouldnt to all ofo ensure thece of the sunagement is management nts in all steand materi

of distributiomer. In additio

as recoveryg efficiencyurce for imprply chain. Inhe processes, logistics me (Junior et ad paper (Ge previous rn a green supopriate suppperating cos

ct quality, imd satisfying

et al, 2015are an issue

MCDM) infactors suc

atisfaction leinto two r

hould be seleources shouldand Currentof decision-m

1950s, supinto scientif

ciding with ing and befoo supply chaet al. 2007). identify and

evaluation23 criteria th


al Journal of Ind

nd Hu 2009ply chain mental issuecluding prodals sourcingthe final p

duct managpiration of ione of the ms represent azation perfot al. 2006). d apply f the life ce improving upply chain.

an integrawith

eps of prodials supply

on and transfon, after con

y managemeny of energyroving perfon fact, green of raw mamanagemental. 2014). Yo

Govandin et researchers apply chain. plier selectists, increasin

mproving comcustomer's d

5). Supplier e of multi-cricluding qua

ch as total evel of the curelated issueected? 2- Hod be purchast's statement making are c

plier selectific literaturethe emerge

ore propounain in the bDickson (19

d prioritize c. The ob

hat were ofte

h2, A. Tajdin

dustrial Enginee

9). Srivastaas follow

es in suppduct designing, productiroduct to tgement aftits shelf-life

most importaa big picture formance, aTherefore, tenvironmentycles of theenvironmentGreen supp

tor of suppenvironment

duct designiny, productiofer, delivery nsumption, itnt of reuse f

y consumptiormance of tn supply chaaterials supplt, distributioou can refer

al. 2015) about suppli

ion leads ng productivimpetition in tdemands fast

selection aiteria decisioantitative acost, deliveustomer whies: 1- Whi

ow much/maned? Accordi(1993), the

called suppli

ion issue we as a researence of linending concepbusiness spa966) conductcriteria used btained resuen used in t

n Devel

ering & Producti

ava ws: ply ng, on the fter e”. ant of nd the tal eir tal

ply ply tal ng, on, to

t is for on the ain ly, on, to to


to ity the ter nd


ery ich ich ny ng

ese ier

was rch ear pts ace ted in

ult the



loping a meth

ion Research, Se

valuation byriteria such alidity, facilrice. Most omain have ssue as a mularious quanthat the neces

making criterriteria’s natnalytic hierauggested woefficients on pairwise een applied barbarsoglu e

2. GGreen supplyncouraging nvironmentalreen supplie

which is conecision mak013). Many valuating indamiliar with pplied AHP ystem. Sark

method of tomponents: planning), lifnvironmentalhain, and ceuch as ISO

worked on Diewpoints ofompanies ba

ANP (analyticimensions strupply chain roposed newazardous sureen purchaecording, capazardous sububstances, lnvironmentalpplied qualinvironmentalompetencies igh-tech indrey system ustainability ummarized eontrol, poll

hod for order

eptember 2016, V

y the firms aas quality, dlities, manufof the studconsidered

lti-criteria isstitative and sity of usingria is discoture of suparchy processwhich has f criteria ancomparison

by many reseet al. 1997.

Green Supply chain ma

suppliers l performaner for suppnsidered as king for puresearchers hdicators of environmentto design a

kis (1998) the environmplanning for fe cycle anl quality manrtificate rela

O 14000. HDelphi methf environmenased on AHc network prrategic decismanagemen

w criteria for ubstances m

asing, green pability of bstances, maegal-complial managemeity, technolol managemefor green s

dustry. Bai aand rough s

into supenvironmentlution prev

allocation to

Vol. 27, No. 3

and the mosdelivery timfacturing cadies conduct

the suppliesue and havequalitative

g multi-criterovered. Duepplier selecs (AHP) tec

determined suppliers s. This tecearchers up t

lier Selectioanagement

to imprnce and proly chain man importanrchase (Kanhave done stgreen suppltal criteria. Na green sup

categorizedment into the environm

nalysis, comnagement, g

ated to the eandfield et od in orderntal experts

HP. Sarkis (rocess) to desion framewont. Hsu and

supplier selmanagement

materials cgreen design

anagement oance compeent system. ogy, polluti

ent, green prupplier selec

and Sarkis (set method tpplier seletal criteria avention, env

suppliers in …

st important me, producer apacity, and ted in this er selection e focused on

criteria, so ria decision-e to multi-ction issue, chnique was ed weight score based hnique has to now, like

on focuses on

rove their oviding this management, nt factor in nnan et al. tudies about liers to get Noci (1997) pplier rating d business five major ment (green mprehensive reen supply

environment al. (2002)

r to collect in different

(2003) used evelop a six ork in green

Hu (2009) lection with

including coding and n, a list of f hazardous

etency, and Lee (2009) on control,

roducts, and ction in the (2010) used to integrate

ection and as pollution vironmental

Page 13: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

DDeveloping a m

managemenpollution proposed evaluate esupplier sematerials, environmenenvironmenmanagemendeveloped for green pobjectives, green scoreof renewalchain manaevaluation Govindan criteria appsupplier anconsumablecompatibilienvironmenenvironmendeveloped considers developmebelieved thselection isorganizatiosustainabilicomplexitywell to imsupply chavariable. customers compatible(Gandhi etliterature, focus on t2015 and ignored sothe supplierIn the passome procNow, duapproach, imaterials, dformation circulation and environchain incluproductionservices, Importancemanagemenhazardous

method for or


nt system, rproduction. a fuzzy m

environmentaelection whic

environmenntal costntal mannt process. two multi-obpartner selece.g., cost, t

e evaluation.l products, gagement, pocriteria of enet al. (2013)

proach for mnd considere resource ity with ntal manntal criteria.

an optimthe supp

nt, and ihat decisions difficult in

on. Becausity issue in

y in decision mprove the ain. Also, sus

In the dedo not wa

e products t al. 2016). there is a wthe green sKannan et cial dimensir selection.

st, the life ccesses from ue to envit includes pdesign, prodof a closfor reducin

nmental harmudes processe, logistics m

and recye and advantant do not and poisono

rder allocatio

al Journal of Ind

resource conAwasthi e

multi-criteria al performanch applied a

ntal effects, ts, green

nagement Yeh and C

bjective genection which time, produc They offere

green design,llution treatmnvironmenta) proposed aeasuring sus

ring pollutioand availa

environnagement Trapp and mization mlier selectiits sustaina

n-making forn the supplyse the inn the chain

making, it stotal perfor

stainability ceveloping cant to pay

with the According twide range upplier seleal. 2015).

ion in decis

cycle of prodesign to

vironmental processes of duction, recysed ring frng resourcemful of raw mamanagement

ycle (Strivages of green

limit the ous substance

on to suppliers

dustrial Enginee

nsumption, aet a1. (201

approach nce for greavailable cle

green imagn produc

and greChuang (201etic algorithmincluded fo

ct quality, aed green ima, green suppment cost, a

al performanca fuzzy multainability of

on productioable resourcnment, a

system Sarkis (201

model whiion, suppliability. Thr the suppliy chain of tntegration

causes moshould be dormance of tcriteria may countries, tmore for t

environmeto the relevaof work wi

ection (AkmAknan (201ion-making

oduct includconsumptiomanageme

preparing raycle, reuse arom materiae consumpti. Green suppaterials supplt, distributiovasta, 2007n supply cha

decrease e consumpti

s in …

ering & Producti

nd 10)

to een ean ge, cts, een 11) ms our nd

age ply nd ce. lti-f a on, ce, nd as

16) ich ier

hey ier the of

ore one the be

the the ent ant ith

man 15)


ded on. ent aw nd als on

ply ly, on, 7). ain of on


Inva-en-en-en-en- O-Uwpo- R-qu


M. M. Pay

ion Research, Se

r decrease oreen supply or all parts oan spread omains. Copproach andhain manageollows:

- Resou- Cost r- Effici- Attain- Comp- Risk r- Gainin- Refun- Assur- Moral

n some papariables are aUtilization

nvironment Elimination

nvironment Accuracy

nvironment Accuracy

nvironment Optimization

Utilization owater and eollutants Raw materia

Utilization uality manag

3. The PrAccording to ave been exibility in s

here are a erformance valuate the iving flexibil. 2015). In throposed for hows the fram

At first, AHPupplier selecechnique is

materials. Arogramming ach raw megarding de

According to few papers

dar1, Z. Hass

eptember 2016, V

of harmful pchain mana

of an organion all tan

ompanies sd compatibilement becau

urce sustainareduction iency nment of compatibility withreduction ng brand rep

nd rance staff ls pers, evaluaas follows: of compatib

n of harmf

in comp

in com

n of processeof clean tenergy consu

als recycling of princip


oposed Intthe Spieglemany liter

supply chainfew mod

of supply impact of

ility in the shis article, angreen supplimework of thP is used forction criteria

used to rAfter, a

(MOLP) momaterial to temand and the relevant

s which hav

sanzadeh2, A.

Vol. 27, No. 3

pollutants. Pragement can ization and tngible and should acclity with gruse of ten


mpetitive advh rules


ated green

ble raw mat

ful raw ma

patible crit

mpatible de

es for waste rechnologies umption an

in productioples of com

egrated Aper et a1. (2rature revie

n since recendels which

chain fledifferent str

supply chainn integrated ier evaluatiohe proposed r measuring

a. Then, fuzzrank suppliemulti-objectodel, order athe supplier

resource literature, th

ve been dev

22. Tajdin

rinciples of be utilized

their effects intangible

cept green reen supply

reasons as



terials with

aterials for

teria with

esign with

reduction for saving

nd reducing

on stage mprehensive

pproach 2012), there ews about

nt years, but show the

exibility or rategies for n (Torabi et approach is

on. Figure 1 method. weights of

zy TOPSIS ers of raw ive linear

allocation of rs is done constraints.

here are just veloped and


Page 14: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


222 M. M

have mixeeconomic resource a

3-1. AnalyMulti-criterevaluate dicriteria whimportant athat all the from themMCDM tecevaluate qsimultaneodecision teby Tomas Dweiri etforecastingsupply chafrom multiin many inof the strongenerate subjective applicable terms of vcomparisontwo hierarcThe main delivery, literature rebased on tof AHP in 1-making comparisoncompatibilifamous medetails, refdomain. 3-2. FuzzyIn the reinformationof the optioin the evreflecting u

Creating hierarchy

for supplier selection problem

M. Paydar1, Z.


ed some mesupplier sellocation me

ytic Hierarria decisionifferent optioich do not haadvantage ovcriteria shou

. An importachniques is qualitative usly. One

echniques is Al-Saati (

t al. (2016g model for pain. This moi-criteria dec

ndustries andngest feature

numerical knowledgein evaluati

various facton matrix. Thchies (main

criteria areservice weeview. Thesethe expert’s decision-ma

hierarchy; n; 3- calculaity. This meethods of defer to the re

y Set Theoreal world, n involves evons. Thereforvaluation ounreliability

Determinig criteria

weights busing AH



al Journal of Ind

ethods amonlection criteethods for m

rchy Procesn-making teons with regave the samever the tradituld turn intoant advantagthat they caand qualitof the m

AHP that w1980) for t

6) proposedproduction podel is basedcision makind easy life apes of the AH

priority . This meing supplierors based onhe problem i

criteria ande price, qu

ere identifiee criteria havopinions. Im

aking include2- doin

ation of weigethod is oneecision makielevant sourc

ry ambiguous

valuation andre, fuzzy set

of different and ambigu

ina by HP

Rankinsupplieby usin



Fig. 1. T

h2, A. Tajdin

dustrial Enginee

ng green aeria regardimulti-objecti

ss echniques cgard to varioe units. It is tional metho

o the same unge of the othan analyze antative critermost efficiewere proposthe first timd ranking planning in td on the AHng. It is usefpplication. OP is that it cthrough tthod is ve

r’s weights n the pairwiis divided ind sub-criteriuality, on-timed based ve been rankmplementaties four phaseng pair-wights; 4- systee of the moing. For moces about th

and inexad prioritizatitheory is us

options fuities related

ng ers ng y IS



The framewo

n Devel

ering & Producti

nd ng ive


can ous an

ods nit her nd ria ent sed me.

of the HP ful ne

can the ery

in ise nto a). me on

ked on es: ise em ost ore his

act on

sed for to

th(D(1indimprvecoburabuadmamthfincainobunala cooftocoTcoalonprsefoinorabpr(M20an

fied ier ion


ork of the pro

loping a meth

ion Research, Se

upplier selehain.

he feeling anDM). Fuzzy 1965) and usnadequate anifferent crit

making. Koumrogramming endor selectost, total reuyer's demanation flexibiludget allocaddition, Am

model for supmbiguous inhe weight onding diffapacities. Ontegration objective lincertainty illocation. Crprocess to h

ompany’s crf each projeo find a monsidered aOPSIS for ompany. Usil. (2009) pron the samroblem. Theelection critormulated a nteger numbrder allocatiobout fuzzy roblem, refMoghaddam 011, Ozkok nd Guneri 20

or goals mulation

Cog cde


oposed metho

hod for order

eptember 2016, V

ction proble

nd understanset theory wed to formulnd inexact teria in themar et al. (20

method to tion problemejected cost,nd constraintlity, value ofation to the

mid et al. (2pplier select

nput parametof quantitatiferent sourOzgen et of fuzzy seinear progn supplier

rispim and Shelp the deciriteria and toect. They conmulti-objectivas a good ranking virting previousoposed a rea

mple for soey resolvedteria by fu

programmiber regardinon simultane

set theory fer to th2015, Juni

and Tiryaki,011).

onsiderincapacity, emand, d quality onstraint



allocation to

Vol. 27, No. 3

em in gree

nding of decwas developelate some proinformation

e real-world006) used an solve a mul

m by minim, delivery dt, sellers capf items purc

e individual 2006) utilizetion problemters in determive and quarces and al. (2008)

et theory gramming

evaluation Souza (2009)ision-makerso reach goalsntinued theirve function

approximatual alternats similar casasoning approlving sellerd ambiguityfuzzy set ting model ong seller seleously. For m

in suppliee followinor 2014, A, 2011; Wu 2

Order Allocation


suppliers in …

en supplier

ision-maker ed by Zadeh oblems with

related to d decision-ideal fuzzy

lti-objective mizing total delay time,

pacity, seller chasing, and

sellers. In ed a fuzzy

m to resolve mination of alitative by

constraint proposed and multi-to model and order

) developed s to identify s and needs r procedure

n which is ation from ives of the ses, Faez et roach based r selection

y of some theory and of complex lection and more details er selection ng studies: Amid et al., 2010, Yucel

Page 15: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

DDeveloping a m

3-3. TheRanking STOPSIS issolving MCHwang andescribed ta simple procedure, rationale ounlimited performancbetween opcomparisonare avoided2007; Govmethod finat the samethe ideal closest to obtained. follows (H2006): Step 1: Th

R can be

r~ij mR~

c j



c j



where B acriteria, resStep 2: Rcriteria, wobtained bcriterion imatrix:

v~ij mV


where w j~

c j.

method for or


e Fuzzy TSuppliers s one of thCDM problend Yoon (1this method i

computatiand a soun

of human chrange of

ce. There ptions in thisns required bd (Shih et alvindan et

nds the distae time by defsolution. Fithe PIS anSteps of T

Hwang and

he normaliz

e obtained as


c j


c j


j ,

ijcxi , Bj

c j


c j


j ,

ijani , Cj

and C are thspectively. Regarding tweighted fuby multiplyinimportance


w~ j

,i 21

jis coefficien

rder allocatio

al Journal of Ind


he classicalem, originally981). Shih in more detaion processnd logic repoice. This scriteria an

is an expl set. Furthermby methods l. 2007; Wanal. 2013). nce betweenfining relativinally, the

nd farthest tTOPSIS solYoon, 1981

zed fuzzy de




he sets of be

the weightsuzzy decisiong the coeff

with fuzzy


nt of criterio

on to suppliers

dustrial Enginee

Method f

l methods fy proposed bet al. (200

ails. TOPSISs, systematpresenting t

set includes nd alternatilicit trade-omore, pairwisuch as AH

ng and ChanThe TOPS

n PIS and Nve closeness ideal solutito the NIS lution are

1; Chen et

ecision matr



enefit and co

of differeon matrix ficient of eay normaliz


on importanc

s in …

ering & Producti


for by

07) is tic the an

ive off ise HP ng, SIS NIS

to on is as al.





ent is

ach zed


















M. M. Pay

ion Research, Se

tep 3: The p

egative ideal







tep 4: The dnd NIS is cal



*i 1


jv~ddi 1

tep 5: Thealculated as:




tep 6: The anked accoralculated clo

-4. Matheelection Pr

n this sectionrder allocatiunction of M

which shouldim of MOLPhe most effic

Wodhwa andupplier selecrogramming bjective funcrder by a megarding theaw materialbjectives a

maximizing auppliers, andhat are not prsed in order t

Raw materialsuppliers arameters: rs: Price of puhe sth suppliers: Cost of oth supplier : Cost of trans: Distance frr: Cost of hol

dar1, Z. Hass

eptember 2016, V

positive ideal

l solution (NI






istance of ealculated as:

v~*j,v~ij , i

v~ j,~ij , i 1

e closeness


ranking of rding to theseness coeff

ematical Mroblem n, a MOLP on to the su

MOLP includd be optimizP is to find tient points (W

d Ravindran ction problem

problem, inctions. Here, multi-objective weight of s, and reso

are minimizamount of pd minimizingrovided. Theto formulate s r


urchasing theer rdering the r

nsporting therom the sth slding the rth

sanzadeh2, A.

Vol. 27, No. 3

l solution (P

IS, A ) are

ach alternativ




alternativese descendingficients CCi.

Model for

model is pruppliers. Thdes a set ofed simultanethe best soluWang and Y

(2007) devm as a muln which ther

we determinve mathema

suppliers, dource constrzing the

purchase fromg required ra following nthis model:

r=1,2,3,….,R= 1,2,3, ……

e rth raw ma

rth raw mate

e rth raw matsupplier fromraw materia

22. Tajdin

PIS, *A ) and

defined as:


ve from PIS



t (CCi) is


s: They are g order of


roposed for he objective f objectives eously. The

ution amongYang, 2009). veloped the lti-objective re are three ne optimum

atical model demand forraints. The total cost, m desirable

aw materials notations are

… , S

aterials from

erials to the

terials m company. als


Page 16: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


224 M. M

Wrs: The wmaterials suqrs: The avfrom the sthQr: Maximmaterials. Dr: Demancrs: Maximrth raw mat

rsc : Minim

materials foDecision vaXrs: Amounfrom the sthYrs: is one,from supplLr: The amsupplied. Objective fThe first ocosts of puholding. maximizes suppliers. Tthe amountare not sup






rs rss

q X



rs rsX c

rs rsX c Y



Constraint defect of ramaximum Constraint material. Inof the rth rabe equal tmaterials mthat would

M. Paydar1, Z.


weight of thupply verage defech supplier

mum acceptab

nd of the rth rmum capacity

terials supplymum accept

or the sth supariables: nt of purchah supplier , if the rth rier s. Otherw

mount of rth

functions: objective funurchasing, or

The secothe purc

The third objt of demandplied.

Xr s rsp

Xr s rsW



r rQ D

r rD l



(8) ensuresaw materials

acceptable(9) is a balann this constraw materialsto demandedminus quantitd not be p


al Journal of Ind

e sth suppli

ct of the rth

ble defect fro

raw materialsy of the sth sy table order o


asing the rth

raw materialwise, it is zer

raw materia

nction minimrdering, transond objectchasing frojective funct

d, those raw

r s rorsX




,r s

,r s

s ,r s

s that overas cannot be he defect nce constrainraint, the nums from each sd quantity oty of the rthprovided. C

h2, A. Tajdin

dustrial Enginee

er for rth ra

raw materia

om the rth ra

s supplier for t

of the rth ra

raw materia

ls are supplio. als that are n

mizes the totsportation, aive functiom qualifition minimizmaterials th

r srsXrs










age numberhigher than t

of demannt for each ramber of ordesupplier shouof the rth rah raw materiaonstraint (1

n Devel

ering & Producti









tal nd on ied zes hat

s rt







of the nd. aw ers uld aw als 10)











loping a meth

ion Research, Se

ontrols the mo provide an11) states tharom a suppliecceptable. (T

materials fromhan the minime economicainds of decis

-5. Goal Making Many of the ringle object

Researchers aresence of mf decisions 998). The ormulated byool for solvinroblems, acolutions. Theuxiliary variaot as ‘decisiormulate the istance betwhe realized sre excited, hown by nechievement eviation ( donstraints: onstraints. Sollowing th

while goal cowhich determespect to a s

weighted linebjective func



1ubject to





,j;jx 10


i;id,id 0

where Z is annear program

he weighted s

hod for order

eptember 2016, V

maximum cany type of raat the order qer cannot beThe order qm the sth sumum capacital). Constrainion variables


real-life conctive linear are more an

multi-criteria and managgoal prog

y Charnes anng multi-objchieving a e main ideaables, called ion makers’ model. Thes

ween aspiratisolutions. Tw

under-achieegative devi

of the goad ). GP co

system cSystem conse linear ponstraints ar

mine the bestset of desirear programm

ction can be f







,...,r, 21

m,...,,i 21

n optional semming. In th

sum of devia

allocation to

Vol. 27, No. 3

apacity of eaaw material.

quantity of rae less than thquantity of tupplier shouty of the sthnts (12) ands.

ming for

cepts are desiprogrammi

nd more awin real-worl

gement (Tagramming (nd Cooper (jective decis

set of ca of GP is t

deviations, wbut as ‘fac

se deviationsion levels ofwo kinds ofevement of ation ( d )al, shown bonsists of twonstraints straints are

programmingre auxiliary t possible sod goals. In

ming model formulated a




g 21


et of hard cohis model, fu

ation variable

suppliers in …

ach supplier . Constraint aw materials he minimum the rth raw

uld be more h supplier to d (13) show


igned into a ing model. ware of the ld problems amiz et al. (GP), first (1961), is a sion-makingcompromise o introduce which work

cilitators’ to s present the f goals and f deviations f the goal, and over-by positive wo sets of and goal formulated

g concepts, constraints,

olution with n this study,

with multi-as follows:


onstraints in unction Z is

es, and iW

Page 17: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

DDeveloping a m

and iW a


id and id

deviations respectively

This paper structure osupply of rand througfood raw Company iet al (2016practice forsupplier seeconomic, addition, thimproves thto extend regarding which is thcompetitivecriteria for Then, we weights inevaluate thmodel has food industShahrekordin creatingand order summary service coregistered

Step 2: Ppairwise co

method for or


are negative

y, related to

represent t

from they, and gi is th

4. A Caims to prov

of purchasingraw material

gh supplier smaterials

in Shahrekor6) focused or the complicelection has environmenhe proposedhe complex the productthe other che profit, soe climate. Wgreen supplrecognize th

n the greenhe green sup

been validatry of green d. This resea a hierarchyallocation t

of activitiesompany in

in Cheha

Pairwise coomparison m

rder allocatio

al Journal of Ind

e and posi

o the ith goa

the positive

e ith objehe ith goal v

ase Study vide a clear ig manager's ls by the proselection andin Green

rd city in Iranon the initiacated decisiobeen done

ntal, and socid framework

selection ofts and the

criterion of o that it can

We identify anlier selectionhe relative n supplier pply chain. ated using re

service Fooarch encouragy for the supto a favorits and contr

Shahrekorarmahal an


omparisons matrix has be

on to suppliers

dustrial Enginee

itive weigh

al. In additio

and negati

ective valualue.

image from tactivities an

oposed methd evaluation Service Fon. Sunil Luthative of greon making; t

for obtaininial benefits.

k of this stuf an alternatigreen procethe companremain in t

nd evaluate tn in this studimportance selection anThe propos

eal data in tod Company ged innovati

pplier selectite supplier. racts of grerd has be

nd Bakhtiya

g. 2.The hie

At first, ten construct

s in …

ering & Producti





the nd od of od

hra een the ng In dy ive ess ny, the the dy. of nd

sed the in on on A

een een ari



erarchical s

the ted


M. M. Pay

ion Research, Se

rovince in 2with the publiervices such nd supplyiontracts fromeen applied s

A list of efelection of geen considerdentified afte

materials selehese criteriaansportationistance, envexibility, tecre different sotally, there

materials in tmaterials are:

ce, 5) fish, 6omato, and 9)

-1. Hierarche steps of

aw material ave been cohe steps of thtep 1: construive alternativppropriate suood companyonsidered flternative: cexibility, c4ierarchical st

structure o

o determine You can see t

dar1, Z. Hass

eptember 2016, V

2002. It has ic organizatias preparing

ing manpom the respesuccessfully.ffective critegreen suppliered. Finally, ner interviewiction and exa are as f

n cost, fulfvironmental chnology, andsuppliers for e are 28 supthis study. T1) meat, 2) 6) tomato pa) yoghurt.

chical Systethe proposehave been

onsidered fohe proposed uction hierarves were stuupplier of they. Moreover,for selectionc1: price, c4: technolotructure is sh

of the AHP

an approprithis matrix in

sanzadeh2, A.

Vol. 27, No. 3

concluded 2ions for provg, cooking, d

ower. The ectable empl

eria in evalers in the conine major cing with exp

xperts of foodfollows: pricfillment of

compatibilid timely delieach food ra

ppliers for 9The name ochicken, 3) saste, 7) lemo

em for MADed method fexplained. T

or other rawmethod are a

rchical tree udied for selee first raw m, five criterian of an

c2: transportogy, c5: quhown in Figu

iate criterionn Table 1. C

22. Tajdin

28 contracts viding some distributing,

following loyers have

luation and ompany has criteria were perts of raw d industries. ce, quality, the order,

ity, defect, ivery. There aw material. 9 food raw

of food raw schnitzel, 4) on juice, 8)

DM for the first These steps

w materials. as follows:

ection of an material in a a have been appropriate t cost, c3: uality. The ure 2.

n by AHP. onsider that


Page 18: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


226 M. M

indicator ndecision-m

Step 3: obtThe weighpairwise cscore of eaused in thiweights for

4.2. Using Due to thefuzzy numsupplier. Talternative information


M. Paydar1, Z.


n (Xj) has bemaking purpo


aining weighht vector shocomparison ach alternatiis case studr the first raw

fuzzy TOPSe subjective

mbers are usThe linguis

are shownn is express

ab. 4. Ratin








al Journal of Ind

en comparedse in a MAD

1. The pai C


C2 0

C3 0

C4 0

C5 0

hts from deciould be obtamatrix to ive. Row se

dy. Table 2 w material. I

Tab. 2. W

W1 0.49W2 W3 W4 W5

SIS for evaluauncertainty

sed to deterstic variablen in Table sed in Tabl

Tab. 3.Fu

ngs of the s







h2, A. Tajdin

dustrial Enginee

d in relation DM by DM

rwise compC1 C2

1 5

0.2 1

0.111 0.142

0.142 0.2

0.166 1

ision matrixained for eadetermine t

et method wshows criter

In the row su

DeterminaW1 W98869 0 0.20 0.10 0

ating supplie of manage

rmine the bees for rati3. The fuze 4 based

. Linguisticuzzy numbers








suppliers brating o







n Devel

ering & Producti

to as


parison of eC3



2 1



ach the

was ria um


ation of the W2 W30 0

52998 0011408 00 00 0

ers rs, est ng

zzy on


c variables



y DMs undof criteria frt fee flexi

10) (0,0

0) (9,10

10) (5,7

9) (3,5

0) (0,

loping a meth

ion Research, Se

airwise. Theeen obtained

each criterC4






method, elemwritten in oneormalized (i.he largest ele

weights of3 W4

0 0 0

0 0.083293


hese linguisormalized falculations hhis step, wean be obtaine

for rating Linguistic varia

(VL)Very low

low (L)

Medium low (M

medium (M

Medium high (M

(H) High

Very high (VH

der variousfor meat ibility tech

0,1) (0

0,10) (9,1

7,9) (0

5,7) (3

1,3) (5

hod for order

eptember 2016, V

e following d from its com

ion for the C5






ments sum oe vector, an.e., all the el

ement of each

f criteria W5 0 0

3 0 0.053432

stic variablfuzzy decishave been doighted normed through E

criteria able






s criteria lin



10,10) (




allocation to

Vol. 27, No. 3

scaled secmparisons.


of each rownd this vectolements are dh vector).


les. Table sion matrixone using M

malized decisEquation 3 (T

nguistic var







suppliers in …

ctions have

w would be or would be divided into

5 shows x. All the

Ms Excel. In sion matrix

Table 6).

riable for

Page 19: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent

DDeveloping a m








We can calby Equatioeach altern

and negati


4-4. MOLAfter priorisupplier iproposed mgoal progrThe proposmodel to soprogrammi

method for or



S1 (0.

S2 (0.1

S3 (0.1

S4 (0.14

S5 (0.1


s1 (0.18,

s2 (0.09,0

s3 (0.099

s4 (0.127

s5 (0.09,

lculate the fuons 3-7. Tablnative supplie

ve ideal sol


LP Model foitization of simportance

mathematicalramming mesed model wolve the muling method:

rder allocatio

al Journal of Ind


.2, 0.33, 1)

, 0.11, 0.14)

1, 0.14, 0.2)

4, 0.2, 0.33)

1, 0.1,0.11)



0.33, 1)

0.111, 0.142)

9,0.142, 0.2)

8, 0.2, 0.33)

0.1, 0.111)

uzzy PIS andle 7 shows ters from the

lutions 1 ,S

of the al


S1 S2 S3 S4 S5

Preferred oS 2



or Order Asuppliers and

in raw ml model has bethod and Liwill turn intolti-objective

on to suppliers

dustrial Enginee

Tab. 5. Fuzztransport fe

(0.5, 0.5, 0.5

(0.5, 0.55, 0

(0.5, 0.5, 0.5

(0.55, 0.714

(0.5, 0.55, 0

ab. 6. Fuzz


(0.35,0.45, 0.5

(0.35,0.495, 0

(0.35, 0.45, 0

(0.385, 0.6426

(0.35,0.495, 0

d the fuzzy Nthe distance e positive ide

1S . Finall

lternatives a

Tab. 7. T

Tab. 8. Sorder of the s

SSSS 354.

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Page 20: The In ter – Relationship B etween Profitability and Gro · profit) is st 2016 IU eserved ’s economic globalizatio ays to satis the extent


228 M. M










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was specifiedd for order the objectiv

000, 4117365unmet demalution, but corable supplie







al Journal of Ind




we have: w2 421065g tical modelach supplier

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9. The ord




h2, A. Tajdin

dustrial Enginee

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)dd 33



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Rice Fi





loping a meth

ion Research, Se

he goals. Tabaw materials

One of the imrganizations ncludes diffeupplier sele

which its goan this articleen consider

materials. Thomposed of OPSIS, anupplier sele

nterviewing wwere differentaw material. ervice Food

model and itss an integraelection and mprove init


material fro

ish Tomato







hod for order

eptember 2016, V

ble 9 shows from each su

5. Conclmportant comis supply ch

erent activitiction procel is a selectie, supplier red with sevhe proposed

analytic hind integer ction criteriwith industryt about the sThis modelCompany to

s results werated approaorder allocattiatives of

om the sup

paste Lemon ju






allocation to

Vol. 27, No. 3

the value ofupplier.

lusion mpetitive fachain managemies. In the iness is very ion of the beselection pr

veral supplied integrated ierarchy pro

programminia were obty experts. Thelection of el was applieo evaluate the expressed.ach to greetion problem

green sup


uice Tomato





suppliers in …

f purchasing

ctors in the ment which nitial steps,

important, est supplier. roblem has

ers and raw method is

ocess, fuzzy ng model.tained after hese criteria each type of ed in Green he proposed This study

en supplier m in order to pply chain




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