the jacob rader marcus center of the american jewish...

' ¦ ¦ ^i' j- ' BpMfa ^d Pi.oto.EioM. , 4 Jh^lfeobe^-bonea , - ;and the jutting j.g.S V-yjj ' -j '! n '^s ^^Un&o&t^^ " " <fe N. V. Cor.- Fifth and Vine St*. 0&$&* 'i«i*n«ble the heart must ^_ . .. .^ fe^g-;^ hi^^iwed , -to att ain this end- seryer JiuBt tell^8ej |i^u|utBiders » •' ' ' < v^ ^i^n to correspond with that^row f ' . . nnt j * n -. Ar »i ?d ^ th^hSfc ^ P a?tte > to6 ; *^?/ °f tb ; e edl ; is an intelligenWewlsh religious educa- are .certainly no; l>ett errnpr. wserjtlmn , - I8AAQ M. WISE , ' ' ¦ ' . . ' ^ v»ot&sti<uto of human sympathy are . " They that eo win tear., shall reap in ^Jf ? W^* W SflfS - °? ^^^y ^pffice^be sent tion^ ' fomil y and school. Fathers, thos e . un ited hodies v henc^uin\i8t ba ——¦ ->-' —rrri ^v-v. ' ' , " ,. . . . ¦ " * ' ¦ ' . iov. (Psalms cvi. 5.} 01 tI,eBe words contains the aateot . OBU gratuitously to the congregations, public " " i, " J , .. . . .. h *.«..« .; «„;,„¦.,. ¦ ¦ ; & ^;„-^ J j-^. ' ¦ Cincinnati , 0., September 19/1889; ' the an gular lines of that strong face. J°y . ^ aa lms ¦> A M< ^ miu . ibe thousand9. - >VK libraries and special? applicants a^the mptfiers , congregations , societies-do either wors* or poorer , mpre^ndiSer. , V ¦ ¦* * ' ' " ——-^^ Hi s very loots frown oppression , his lips Numerous are the unfortunates , . ' y > ,^ ¦ ¦ * - , , ¦ ¦,; . ¦ ¦ . -;, ¦ , . ^w^rj .^ ; y^- - '^'- - . ; yourduty. This is the New Year ' s gift en fc than others, whiph; certainl y -does ¦¦ ' . SOBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IH ADVANCE. breathe bondage. * * Such a pre- who, during the past year closing with Andi now^ h avfog done 6u^ ^ npt/. ma^e . : youv»nbra^«£edfeDti7- ;N ' o-. . SOKCEiniOS PRICE, |EE YEAB .... ^"0 8en t ment is pr ecisely what we would * no 6Uns «* of September 25th , have wiBbi ng;the bestwe k^^on^'^^ '^¦ "^^%- t ^ ' f* ta ' ?^^-^. - . bo ' \lL1____ ^ . ' con gr e gation .is . ^o ^oor j^ p^he dbl- i " " ¦ SXU' M Tear * ' . ! ! \ ! -P-t f rom Mencphtah' s bcring toward ^ '^nd ' e^n^ " ° ¦ Israel in Egypt. If an attempt were to undat.on s and conflagrations were ex- think tney ^ i g hi giye U8 Bomethirig in , the-resolves of the Conference , and to 1 .^L gociet v founded in Philadelphia ^mj M^W^,^ V^ec^ : . ¦ ¦ ' : ' . . ¦ . ¦: Kates of ADVFRTisixo. be made, even by an artist of geniu s , to coe dingly violent dunng. t he past year , retarn . V ; Gonvincedpf their benevol ence hold their office ^iritil their , successors ?. "T- . ' ' . ,. ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' " ' ; ^fo^ irf. . with , other cbngregatioris, it s.^auge for ' B^*"*^^ " qUflliUe8 of di sposition developed^ the bought mourning into many ^housef liki^^^^rrieSJ^« ^IS ^MS-»— ° n 'f^ SS iS gT^V^ *^^^fK^.^t : * , Sk^^^'ft. Lis -of Menephtah reh earsed in the ; hold. , : Also the calendar of gross crime, ^^ ^ M\.£i^%ffi&i&\ ¦^SSS*g^RS&f ' ffli^^ : ^^'&S^S^S^ f cr ^f r m^m^tf . * Sffif^Sa ^^SWS^S Bible, the best surely would fall shortof contains many a page more than in fbr - ; Would^ lk to have, and¦ '#»&' in^n!^^ tl S^ ont 1?SS2lSS ^ ^^^«»^WfiSriSui ' - ! S<r r^^X 1 ^ 'lentil " this realistic historical carving. " «P<* y~«- ^^ alas ! many are those going to ^ them ; It ^ , - fc ^ - jw^^^^^^tt tH ev^ ^^ * X iB ln J 4unti' be ^ Hebrew , Congrei aH qnsV^^We v^large offlrerK or con«rcgatip..N „r, m,.!.*!^ u. Nr who did sow m tears. And yet, many we want of them unless it be riven for 'quest of . ttej ^pia^onv 'to . publ^Mhe the. defensive aiso in com. , jr . q con gregation;may be as n. a-^r -Jifi % ™;«^ .nJSa TH* rope has ^taed quite . U^ y more did reap in joy. For all over our the p^^el^bt SLSSJ I ^Bi^l^iS^J^i ^ 8 ? 6 T" T " " ftt ~ ber of th * ^' r5 ^• " H in nwoMance with the- iihi»v. ihi-y arc roquwM-i. . ^ ' „„„,„ f( ,. . . . . t an . -\t _ on UP . T ^ v '- - ^ J " v - , '- the land toibwQfcae membets- of.the as- literature to expound our cause. It is ¦ - , , : , ' ^ ' f to «o notify the jmbiiKh. r, *h cu giving their storm in the Catholic communit y over country the year Obw A. Jtt. was a year orepit and indlgent nlimater , whose Bociatibn^pnor?fo' Passover -' of- the ye ar . mnn taMa L fc however that the Hnown , respect ed ,, useful , ?: jt , has a rec- «>«•«¦ __—_ the audacity of those Italians, who of profound peace, plenty and blessing humble petition wo publish. It is your 5650 A. M; , by ' sirnply sendin g -in their a & ... r ' ,. . ... ' tlirrt r n ord . it makes history ;-iGcw>perates it - a^ ™S N ^^lr D, ^1mU^r'rthe erec t ed a monument to the philosopher , in alt departments of human enterprise. good ^ and our hettrt7 8UppOT t ; fo r ; reS peotive ; names to 'the ^Xeoutivi ^ 11 q^nUty of Englwh Werature we ^ ^fitn gthe cW^e of Judaism ; ^S^^.;;"^ Ptt ' d mtt,t - " l ' « -dano Bruno , who, by order Of the Granaries, bams and cellars ^ filled W ^ th ,. 6acred caus e ^aS^ .^SR ^ otSfrie ^^S ^ S hy iti»^' ^ ^^W:W^ Knte. for i^Pf^^v^T. sEMrvTs ,,,„, '" l"^ 011 ' wos bu^nt in Rome ' in the "* na ^ 8 S 7 ete8t produ f * ^ »«* gentl y v,i sh , and for;vrtiich we ^^golved; .That all, proceedings of ^^J^£ ou^Sud^againsV^f *^^lo riger ^fo^i grr and excep- k^^ ap^ion. A DVLBlIS,EMI:J,TS mU,1l yew 1600, because he proved in his have not been for years ; industry and muBt humbly b eg. , ¦ . . : - ' - former ' Rabbinical Conferences - b^col. S S^S^^ S^ tipnal bbdy-i t ^^^Oah.;: , Send on writings to be an incorri gible heretic, commerce are in a flourishing condition , /^ neefe^^ iTS^ lS^SK^ S and he would not recant ' L ^ the «oepidemics crossed ourbo,ders ; health , 4 for ' more ihan. one reason^ m : S ZSS«« Pope announced , wi th much satisfaction , iMtt todlmpp fa^ aro^^ ;) ; ^^.Ort l^^ that the Bavarian bishop. ordained a those many millions of people: Mohave ^^^^ i^, J iSaM£^ii5*^%l#-fi3^4?^^S^ShM3£b^^^^-i3^S& ^S^ 5 ?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ CORRESPd^ g^ E^ £ coMMUNiOATK .sK not .iiwri by the wiitjtt win general fast and 'day of humiliation in reaped with joy , It was a year of un- Anieridanvisrael - ' into ' the ' tembles ^ and ^^¦ ^ ¦^¦^^^t 'aMB^'^^ " ~ ¦ ' ¦ ' ^ r^mX^ltrwl^^k^lu^o u^ that country , to expiate the sin of those common mishaps, but also of uncommon Sabbathm^ ols; we need the fratern^ ' ¦ ¦«^^»"'*ft°»MW'ff& l laUttn infidels , who dared erect a.mon - prosperity and plenitude. Let us thank' uriio£^he> i*l^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦xFF-ivv -Pr ' Fnf t: " „„* ^ n *n i.u' i H f >i.v^ f nr tliv» n1 im«rrar» hlp«< l ir™«hhw. ,. : . :•«' ; "' -^ .,; ;: ir° mD ecoming :humiha^^ ::: wVf ' ^ap^ ;eK-\-^ . - '^ ¦ X E VS irEMj S. umen t to Bruno. All this is to say Heav^foi the numerous bless^ngs^ow: recflgm^ ^ ¦ - .: Wwi«'4^^* »W'^,^ ^^ !;^!?' th,, t the I nquwit'on in J 600 did flie ered upon u s , and submit with childlike ;in - the land , to ' r epresent judiism in the of each ntember , Sbeing $2,^0, -ehallvbe: ^??^ " " .^T-^v "'" ' 'r^" ' v.g ' . Mr- Harr y; G; WeilfJKteturned irom . ^ tt ^ofte ffiwriStW^ v?^ fi ght th ing in burning that man for devotion and pious resignation to the trtelig&ofiMt^ " ¦¦ ¦ ¦» ^^ l ^' , ^- ' '^ to ««- op»lon' ,»k e. Does it not also tell that , decrees of the Almi ghty, as our ancient kaVmefe ^ 1^^¥^ , ¦ \ \ . ; n 8imi,ar Crime3 ' in behnlf of the church teaCh 6r8 in8trU?t US ' " V " J ^" - dUt? to - '^^ the,Centr al Conference; of KtgeS>v S&StoSSSoS- 'J^^' ^"^ ^^.^ , most ,k . h ^^^«^^ Jh^^^, ;. . ,;. . P ^^^^f^S ny n00n tO II0 ^^uld be iustifiable o.l the sam6 top M^^ X6ni»viwe*lietoft Monday noon to "Xoech" to form this- conclusion . If the- deed absolute; There is. no, eyil without the Called.: up6n by ' the . Corresponding: Sec- .^ll > nrove^li0ceS^^ it' will nr^are ^u- '^.^• V^V^ ^ ** , ¦ •& V ^' ;. 'Mrs;'B enjaniinVPner^a«bf^ulton ,. ^ , .m. 3 tw«i^; . ¦ . was crimin al in l GQO . whyshould Uiose be good in its- lap. . The mishaps j are the retar v :^ io J tfte assooi4n^p^^^ ^ ^ - 8t tOHlS-lieforc Monrtii y noon to 21.26 Chest- ¦ " u0 ° uc . ."?. .. J.V . . . '^ : J ' - ¦ ' ' ^ ¦^ '¦^ ¦ -^^¦ ¦^^- ^^ ^^ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ^¦¦^ ¦ ¦¦ ¦i; , •: nut st - ' ' -:& : denounced , in 1889, who s ay so to exceptions, and the cause of Sorrow to the Pass over x)f 5650 A. M: The official ^h ich^^-^wkvrb^ held^k nd Pn !^^ !! ' -/f " ? TiT ' Mr-' H -^- ^irschberg^ Eichmond , - V CWcac fo-J ieforo TiicsiWy noon to Aiucrictt H ., ¦ .,..,.1 , 19 1f !t ,„„„ /t 1 „r v rVin <W " Tlrn rrnnr l ia nnirAvsnl Anrl n ' i-ii ; ' ' ' « , ' ; / ; t, V ' " . - ^ ^ ^ ^^ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ - ,i»mri1to , ?J D«irhoni St., the wovldv li it was a deed of religious the lew, , 1 h e good is uniyeisai ana ^1 mus t be novvin all hands^ But , as able it'lt6 take %e : Offensive i ' an ldhk ¦the u ' ' ¦ : 1 ; ¦ - a ' - ¦ ' - ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦¦ " ¦ ¦ a- ¦ : '' -- s a ffl on 8 u ^i a ? l ^ ee ^' . ; : •; : ^ ' :$§%S^^|&^tb; "P ,dB 6^ aer similar circumstances , the doctrine ^er a day ^' of lamentation, .^ sd ih g ^om ewha^ ^ ^^• ? ; rff - . . " .. : ¦ ¦ . - . " * ** church ;. belng the same? We . those that sow in tears wffl reap in joy. ^^^ f ^^t/Ao^^aia M^ SS^SSE^r^S?- '^f °^ ef mb ^ now ^^ lden ^ 8 : ^fli^F^^^ . . ¦:v^;L osdqj»: will, have another Jewish could not tell whether murder wasjus- After all , ' lifei is a dream , A;pleasant; ce^dings^of: that body, .and : Jnwte ' ' all . '^ .^ ad dr ess,,, , bu t, we know.^,t^ ^;Xord.Mttyor in the person ^ the Alder- , tlfiable in 1600,. and condemnable ¦ ' . in dream Mng8momentary 'happine s^ :an d to jmn^ assom :. ' ' nian ' Sir Henry Isaac^ho being Iho first im , , - ¦; ' :;¦ ;. ' ¦ ,' , . ' . . ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . :> ¦ :. . , pleasantieminiscences. ^ A„ teasing and V TOi&ic«Bg>tte^ ;; V; on ; the- rc»ta Tor election to - .the mayor ! ' ., ,, T - ,- ' .. : .^^ - . - alty ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ '" ¦ -V lK conne ^ n F th the Paris '? x P°M ap, that on awaW ;; ' ?5^*^ 0 ^: ^ h0 ^. - a :^ : . aUy ' —-^^—^ : - .^^-ays the^ ^. .V T„k.cholera ragesWagdad. There ternatipnal ^ongr^^^ V :.;are 20 , 000:jews in thai; : city. They a P - Sciences ii to be^ ,; plied for assistance; to ' Eur ope. . Bavon ; of the Tro cadero, on the 30th ingt.. M: s6 atttned asto remember the good and have ih thfr past c ¦ '' - ¦ ¦ Uirseiii seht. at once 20, 000 francs. ' Col- Jules Oppert, Member of the institute, f0 w et the evil - - V; °hcdierice to a natural and spontaneous :. ft;might be advanced tliat quite a lateU -\\Kn6wing " all. ' this and not sup- ' ';- ' ,, ' v * -^ut ' q ¦ '¦"'* ,:¦:. ¦ ' ; f ' o^ i&^V' ' ' ' :v -l- - , lectidns are^ade in liohdon: and other % :President- and^ Felix Hement , In- [. : &£$*. Year of our co-religioni sW Sg^'fe^SffiS ^S© ^p ^ ^f ^^^ Vo4m^ ^^^^ekco . ^rf®S^SBfioS^: . = , ^; European metropoles. ^his- - ti me the 6pector ; GeneM of Briniaiy Instiuct^ ¦ fi ; immunity from , epidem i cs , did . , not turn is General, Secretary of the ..Organizing j n3!r i ^, - ¦;.uj )ay , bf ' - YMemorial" or : re ^' all sUch ' organizaiions , though: they^ay ¦ .^°#;^ 1B ' e ^e.^ wp would charge on none of . our readers. ' '^^ Schr eibe ' r , /of ^ Pinej: Stree^whii " , ¦ " ilup inlBag dad. , ; . ;;¦ Committee of the Con gress/Among ;the membrance, :because its-first 0^ ' ¦ ' ' ¦ . ' - " ;: - ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ - . - ¦ . ' ¦ . ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ~ forei gndelegates areDr: Guslav Oppert, - remember ' th e good the couhtless -nid- ^% nevertheless , been ' :of . inestimable i^.^^n: ¦W e. :^t , ;Ekp^.We •iftTe now;.a fashions; from iwhiclv We suffer; so muct ' ceJ* : ^v^^^i^^^^. rpi : > TE s tnousAVI ,C Z echs;(Catholics^ere of Mad j^^ . lat ely ^^converted j it Ei ef , Russ i a DresdenV;^ M^ ^ ' . and accep ted into the orthodox. Greek the Section of General Ethnology, and . ^ pastyeav; to thank ' God for^t we : n^ ^^^. -^^^ Z^^^^W^^^ Church, liussia mus t become a unit in M. Adolphe Franck , Member- of the In- , h ave reaped in ioy ' ' " ' * ' ; ; dents, which^h ave heebme ' rt ed gnized as public ;>print; . 'aiid not; tear down , their - arnror y: df it ' Patronis e the Publication - :M r s - Swppe, iof Che8tnut5Str eet; " . -y riliv . - . -;. ¦ , V /ianguago^reli gion^ h is the^oV sUtu^ ; ;: icy ; Or thatautocratic government. -Th :s ions. , In^ - .; 'is the causo of th e relentl esspersecutioh. Psychology,;^ ^^eri ca, r gat hered inke c%&tr^ ^^^^ . under which the Jews . suft er, as well , as the influence of special particles of food in th ^^ . . - ; ¦ ' the Germans , ' Roman Catholics and or, the ph ysical development of nations ; _ew^ important link . , in, - . this . ^ h ai^ wvthp ;. ., ^ ¦ - ¦ vProtestants, of all- nationdhties. It^is and in^ Sectioivof Comparative- Ee ^ 5^' W ¦ •W^J^? ^ ^' '^' and longin g !r herew th:;. organize :r 0 iii- m^Mib^n^T^^^^n ^M .Ua^'Jr'Am^i- 'ff^W- 'v Goiifire^ ¦ i :ff if ^^£&% .^&*&^&! ' ¦ " ' - - V ¦ ' * ¦ ' u .. " ¦ ot-ouo u 01 . vomparauve tie- dedicated; as reported in the American selves' fdr like .nurDoses into' a fipntral - ., ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' - - . ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ' . •: ' ¦; " ¦• ' . - ¦¦ - . ' - - •/ . +;-, „„.; ,tj , i i* tiv„ '^.,wyin«;^« ^> +t,A httle daughter , :Yivienne, ;wm; leave for ' . the prose yt ring mania , wh en has . Unions the followin e subjects will dp t ' , ' " / - ., ' ' ' V " - -u '" ' ; '&- ' ' ' ?, I Jixa .purposes inro . a i,e .ntraJ oth er .Slavpni^corigregatioris to come to ; tions. ; Ilns is the foundation;; of . t he/ Eu ^ ri .^^,^¦^¦ v ; ¦:^ . , ^^¦^¦;.;^^ . :v<: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ b . u . ¦ .- ¦ .. , lJfcluus > tn ^ . ioiiowmg. suDj ects . win - oe Israelite; new cohgi'egations have been Conference: of ., Ameri can Eabbis , and . ... .. , -. . ¦• " ¦ . ¦ . ¦ ¦. -: ' ^- . . ; . °; ¦ & ¦ -' ¦; v ' :c ' - ' " - - ¦ w^nio nfmn-t iiM /,!. lriV,^ ' „w it -; 0 nri * ^ ; Bfi M .?S ?• ; ' ¦ . ' -.^' ¦. - ' ¦¦ ¦ ' - ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦T t >v ¦^v¦ :^f;. ¦ :^?. >¦ . . ¦¦ . ' . ¦- ¦ ¦ . ¦ ., ' ' . taken that fprm ^ in Russia. It is onl y di scussed^^s th. ^ m more sevem in Russia , correspoiidmg to rael a primordial fact , dating back to everv wh ere ; We ha^^ . ^! ^ r ^- - lsr f llt ^ '?• tt0 ^ ¦ -J^t^ tuir^'^i^ttf^^Giiii^^ on ' Va '^ ¦« ¦: , ¦ ' ¦ the national character, bufno more un- the very origin of th e -race i or r ather a inehLabW Dr ^ Samuel Hirsch and.Hi ^ n &Swre^ andTreasUrer;- . ' ;.. . <; . sh buld ;: ; Th ey.will:ponie in Ume, wh en p perform his duty as ^ such , whereyerlie y^io ^m^m:J ^l ^M^W^M & ju ,t **¦reckl ess, no mor, inhuman belief which has been created as the r. ^S n>nd^S£ ; ^ mo SSbSS SSeSef : S S* f >«ifp f ^ s > ; ^ S^^ iSS SSS ' ^JfSSff^pS? ^ ; : : and immoral , th an it is in Germany, suit of a development? In this latter sup- the noble corps of Israel teachers. The th atheld in Braunschweig, inl and ^ew limnes. : And !; 1 n -the ¦ four th p ^«* ^|^| ¦h ^^^ j ^^^i^^^ - . ¦: . Englan d, in our country, or in any position , h ow is its final developmen t to public meetings ; of last year - also besides ipcludihg . all ; like , assemblages ; 'hel d :we .,deal how with . Amencans/ who un, ^aism is presei ved by^he oongrega- . 3435 Pme-Street,, ,: .^^-^:^^^%.;, v - ¦ ' oth er Christian or Mohammedan, coun- be, expl ai n ed ?' YEeport er , M. Albert th6 biennial Council of the^ tlnfon- of , sin <f. « t 6 ^en as.a basis for the derstaudlthe v alued cc-operatipn: and tions and ^ n ot by the accident ot Jnrttiy :,.; Mra ; Hiram>Steibel ^nd-fam^^^ ; try infected with the prosel ytizing R e yiile ) 'The Hittites Are there anv , ^ ir \^ r \- ^ as it is riot turned . Saturday ; :the m-Imfefrpm V:; , try iniecieci wiui 1 P -J fc Kev i le.J _ lhe HittUes Are there any American Hebrew Congregations, the tom aintain in;unbrokeri historic su* that' th^cause of Israel ' rebuire^ the un derstood:that- ' every con gregation , ^ Lake ' Minn etdnka: ^ ^T' f im ^ ¦ ¦ ' ,. < - mania. It is no more senseless and ab- admitted facts in sufficient numbers . to S abbath-schoolUnion , - the Central Con- 'cession the : formulated, expression of W^^ ; ca^; of /W W^ ; the " . ¦ ^. ^^^ its ^ utie, must bV w " ' . '^' > ^i, '^ a^-^% '^ ¦^ : - " ^ surd an idiosyncrasy in RusHia ' tban in identify intheHittitesadistinctethnica^ th ose other countries. It is thecauseof and religious-group, and . in the aflW cation , Society, and Boards of Orphan : ; mEmbEJ1Shi P ., ' ; ' , ;; . ^r^!!^^^ oppression and P —-^ it throws everywhere he fire-brand of therefrom in elucidating the old Semitic ge„f and hospitals for the sick, ' BE6w.Kfe ) . .f . 'W ^ H ebTe^-wflgr^ton^who' . to uiscnbp, h.^ name, before, .^pyer ^ ^ _ S V ^ & ^ is yisitipg lier cousin vfeE^ Gr' Bush -> discord among men who ought to live religions?' (Reporter , M. A rmand.) devotion and energy which betoken ^as b ^ ld before; is enhtled to next , in th e rolls of : the association of ^ws, we, ana not every individual con 0 j Wttsmng ^ n ^- . ' :,,:;;: , : j^,^ < - , in peace and harmony, and will con- -To investigate the elements of the r<i ' ' « 1 wb,ch betoken membershi l> . in th|a asspoiafcioii , provided the Central Conference of the American Station , are the conservators , guard- : ¦ / * _ . ' . . 4,; M^B« - . 'J 1 , , . ,., , invesHgare tue elements of the re- pr0gress in the cause of Judaism, It ^e claims sucm 'priv lege prior to .Pass- -o v.v A a„i , «aa «, f +u- v ians and cultivators of Judaism in this - Mrs. Schloss and familyhave returned :;¦; ;, Unue to do the same mischief as long as ligions which have been adopted by the can not be said thatthe old , fat, snoring, " over next, and fulfills 6 th e obligations . J^,« . ^ d only, ad^that this- may be , l ™^™ * ^ ^J" ^ from a Visit of - . several nfohths^duration v sensible people will not feel convinced three people so often mentioned in the se lf. COmplacent bear, Called "indifferent herein mentio^^^ ^ l that they are not the appointed police Bible as irrecon cilable enemies.' (Re- i sm, " has left .it s winter quarters entirely! ^ ^ itled to ^^r^? ff^^<> th^ice^resid^ Dr. ^ S. J^^J^^^ A li2T &r*M - i ) &< -Ai-^&&pb ¦ " of God Almighty. porter , M. Adolphe Franck,) Among nor that the sillv frivolous serio-comic f ^T ^^^^T^ ^ ^^ '^ M ^ 9t ^^^ ^ a ' - ^^niibe' - ai ^ e - l \ , v " ' ^ *^ * WMi* Fr mb tf Wzs^^ ¦ ' " » other subjects of discussion which art " , T nT li ? u 1 TZ' H^ Seminary, or College;, all Doctors tw0 Secretaries, Dr. :Berkowit Z; Kansas dent and impolitic, or carel ess and en- are t,ok from Colorado ,. ^ V^: v- J : ;;;; ' The skeptical criticism of the Penta- other 8Ub J^cts of d scussion which are long-billed , mce ssantty; tattling . stork , 0f Philosophy or . ^h a plogy that possess, ^ M ^^ hili Mon citicinnati tangled in preju dices among ourselves , ' w - , :> , . u ¦ - - .>¦. . **¦ V, . #fi- ' ,; ' ;- ^ , u-u t ,,v. t a ¦ ¦ . not without interest for Jews are the Commonly called "th e sel f adjusted the Eabb h eal diploma, n«lin n lnn ,. ^y. ^o-. ana i;r. rninpson, uncmnati , ^ a ^ j ^ ^ ; b , ; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lesem, pf .Quincy, , teuch has of late been undermined in its „„,„ . . ,. . , . . . >- ului "v«v <=u wc » ^a^ "»™ . j• - r. 1. . , 0 ; or which is the shortest wav> to the and must not complain if we can not Tir hav e returned from (i f.IiTPB rhnTif Sir ' _ , following : ' Religious and hygienic otVifisf hasleft uB antirelv for its winter from a. competent authority ; all autodi- u, i w , ivuij-u is ma pui wsu way, w we . r , .. , in., nav e reiumea rromapnreemontns very foundation. Professor Sayce's prftC tices with regard to burials ' an d "A » W h^ TfT dactic preachers ' and teachers of relig-' Treasurer , Dr. Hahn , of Cleveland , o , l OVeroome th e little prejudices existing visit to Saratoga 'Springs , 5; ;^'^ :; ' paper , read before the Victoria Institute, * , elements of ' relinious ? uarters ; ' . uoweve \ D ° tn ot tnese ^ ioni who have -been for the last three who is provided with receipt s to ac- outside of our . camp. -The Union i s the Mr. and Mrs. ¦ Sig. J. t ang and Uttle fi London , on the cuneiform inscripti ons ^l^Z^^ ^P ^ T™ T, "* *^ ? UC ° eSSiVe ^^ flWJf^j ^. ^ kn owle^ the acquired niernbersh ip. ^ an d soul of American Judaism. It daughter We: gone to Eure& S prings unearthed in the Tel-el-Amarna, E gypt , s y mboll Bm peculiar to certain ra ces. clinevery perceptibl y. e^e^bo^kTSrT ' sub- ect ^ eV ^~~ ' '?™ US ' th<> estaDUsllmeilt8 which nour- to spend several months^ : ;y 5: . ; shows that there was a very lively liter- APPEAL Durin g the past year we have heard of - .^^^ j e ^j ih 9 t^ eofogy Vnterature; In return for our. good wishes to our . "h Ju daism, sustains , , governs and con- ' Simon B. S ale,, pf ? the: ^wholesale gro- ¦; ary enterprise in jvestern Asia a century ; them only in one place, where they play and all such men who have rendered generous readers ,, we ask of them, fur- tr ols . them. * It . r epresents us as " a body eery firm of S , :B. S^e;& ,Cp.i :has goneto . before the Israelites left Egypt , not only -phe aged brother in Israel , in whose yet their semi-tragical roles , more fiom important, practical services to the cause thermore . the . speci al favor of organizing befor e the world , and demonstrates that New York on a business ^np, - - ' , in the thirteenth, but in the fourteenth behalf we make this appeal ' was for habit than choice. Also thepoor . old fee ble , of Judaism; provided , however, such everywhere good, solid S abbath-schools, we are, : Uve and ' act a s.a power in the- Messrs. A. Lyonsi<i f :Npw. York City; : and fi fteenth centuries B. C. Prof Ed- many years pa9t well and ' favorably disappointe4 conservatism, as th ey call HSSS SiS land for . good, ^ ^^ ' <> ^i -^ ^^^^^&^:^M- ' ' ward Neville's paper on his excavations known In om - midBt ^ a rabbi of inde. that romantic formalism , assumed a soclation) aiic f r6ceive the Coas6nt of a Union, Thi s is the next link ' in the . we are, besides , merchants, bankers , reg1Bierea at jne : Hout^ern ,. ¦= at Bubastis goes far beyond Prof. Sayce' a foti gable zeal and acknowledged abihty Stoio equan imity durin g the past year ,; majority of the members present. chain to prepare for the oflensive , and mechanics, also representatives of hi gher , Mr. J ^acob Meyer s and , family, of Lin- conclusions. He discovered two statues and so was his wife as a teacher of our which looks "^ th e beginning of the Every member of this association to throw off the old yoke of the perpet ideas and a spiritual life. The Union J~ . ^Z. "I T^ ^f" 11164 Frl " of Pharaoh Apep i, the contemporary of Hebrew children for the last quarter ^nd' The year just closing, we may say, ^wmBd ^w ^^^ drxm ct. ^ defen8ive. We taust not lose ^ one overcomes the lethargy of our drow8 y ' l' ! ^ g . 7 * . 'S !^ ' Joseph , and several inscri ptions of ,the of a century. His efforts were so unre- one of progress also in the fi eld of ^ d ; SS '^S^; Jewish chil d in the crowd, nor must we camp-followers , wher ever it holds its " WSe£ t S'Sr t Pharaoh of the Exede, and maintains mitting and at the same time so self-sac- Amerloan Judaism. Let us remember . Ho shall attend all meetings of the asso, permit one. to grow up withou t a fair meetings , and infuses new life into be- They are stopp ing^at %e Planters' , that the successive discoveries in the riflcing~as to impair—his-health His also, thi s fa ct on th e Day of Me mori al , ciation , as provided h ereinafter , or ex^ knowledge of Judaism. This knowled ge numbed member s. . , The Union is the M A M ' jj t T A f ivf Delta resulted in exp laining the various infirmities , however, have increased with and thank God for St ™££ abaebce hy a letter to the Co ^ i s cur shield and.our -buckler , and wil l stronghold and armory, our basis of ac- souri AvenS^ ar' e^S nSJ tE stories in Scriptures , hithertd" but half yearS) unt;i now m ui3 0 id age be . We might also call attention to the R ested Th at the Rev . Dr. Samuel r ? mam so to the very day of the uniyer- tion, which alone can enable us to turn cousin, Mrs. Frankel , of M . ississippv understood. The inscriptions overthrow nnds himself compl etely broken in happy return, of those of our blessed Adler, of New Yo t k , the onl y surviving sal triumph, of God' s truth. H' every Is- from the defensive , to the offensive; it Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barthi who ^ have the theories advanced against the an- heal th , and wi th his very estimable ra bbis who happily came home to their member in this country of the Rabbin- raelite in the country was able to dis- furnishes the men and the means, " the been traveling in . Europe ' fOr.)the past . th enticity of the Pentateuch. To this wife in destitute circumstances. Let us res pe ctive flock s fr om Europ e, the sum- icai Conf erences held after theyear 1840, cu ^ fl an d defend intelligently the fai th position and the fame, the rear and . three months , arriv ed home la ' Bt j. Suh- " , must also- be taken the article in the hel p this worn-out servant of Israel , and mer resorts, the mountain home s, the p^i^^' '^^^^^ " aIy of Israel , the opinions of th e communit y the front. / ' .Wi thout the Union you dtv ?' " , ' ' ¦/ ,. - : current number of the Century, by John So relieve the few remaining years that "ea-side or lake-shore sojourns , which Th e association shall meetAnnually in would certainly undergo a- ridical would have to-day no Hebrew Mks Jessie fleller , of ;Rollf t, Mo., . will A. Paine , on "The Pharaoh of the Exo- he has ^ i;ve on earth i tnat tbey may involve both the evil of their absence general conference on the close of the change. This state 7 * of things cap be Union College no Sabbath-school Union g0 to S }' Loui ? nex * ^ek , for the pu> dus and His Son." The writer has deftl y be passed in peaoe i and then we will and the good of their return , or vice versa Sabbath day of the date preceding the brought about onl y :by intelli gent, well- and no Publication Society, but you Mu sic ei " ltei' ln S the: Conservatory ot woven together portions of the Biblical have the consolation .of knowin g that in some instances ; but that is a purely hi ennial Council of the _ Un ion of Amer- informed and well-spoken ministersan would have a bare, checkered , quarrel- Mr8 i, oe b pf S altburv M arrived narrative 0/ the stirring events which one who bag been B0 faithful in hi8 dayB foc al matter, like the storms, cyclones, ^ ciV^p dTh ^ such years ! when said P«lpits, and by well-conducted , thor- ing, pitiful house, divided against itself here last Wednesday .oa ' a yfeit to her culminated at the tragic crossing of the 0f health and vi gor has not been for- inundations, etc., Without much influ- Council is not convoked, th e Conference ough Sab bath-schools, which must reach It is a shame to every congregation that parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cole;;- of Clark Red Sea, with records on the Egyptian saken by bis people when he has been ence on or particular interest for the sbrall meet at such time and place as the every Jewish child in the land. . Th e understands the benefit and power of - Avenue - ' " ' : . . ' ' ;] ;;,% monuments. The . stones speak out with incapacitated by old age and sickness community at large, and so we had better previous Conference; or ite Executive Sabbath^chool Union , conducted^ by as union, and keeps it self outside of it. It Mrs. Hammer* of Mempnisborough , ¦ ' eloquent testimony in corroboration of from ass j 8 ting himself. We earnestl y let them alone. They, also, h ave sown ^^Jjj w^Scers 1 in B all Jewkh noble '* bf tnd of men to can be found at i 8 flmful because it is 1l3Sn JD isnii} , of "V' , 1 ? vi8itin S her sisters, - ' Mesdames . the Bible history. The Pharaoh of the request donations in his behalf, which in tears, being so long absent from their journals, at least Tour weeks prior to the the hea4 of any con gregation , provides, which ' no. Israe^ Adekberger, Abrahams and Desberger, Exodus is -tbo ^ Men ephtah , whose por- can be remitted to us at tlii ' s office , and much-beloved congregations, which cer- meeting! . ~ ^ the s choois . with plans , te xt b ooks, ver-' much• ' lW sVa\' cong»| aBbnW \' lt - iB a -dis ^ M 3 " * ' ^ ¦ . i: : v ' . : trait , we are told"betrays both softness wiU be grate full y acknowledged in th is tainl y cost them many a bitter and tear- AH business proper of the association , bal information, gives encouragement to grace, because it proves the prevalence f p ^u i 8 o? e i?. h -i h ^ o r ' ;foriner ^ and weak ness. He is calm and cold; er. ful moment ; may they also reap in joy, ?. nd .. ftl1 matters apjpertainingtc[ Judaism, the Cfll i3 e | an a,seeks to bring uniform^ of -invincible prejudices among our- be X^dZ St f2? «S?S he. would stir no heart , waken no love. hokat.ok, and have, especblly, th e rare pleasure of -ftiSS^S?1to*S2^tS£^«?*SSS£S l * into ^.«ty. ' Attach yoUrselvel ^ves , and excu ses, in a mea sure, te MetlteS. 8 **T ¦ ^ ^ Even art has not detected the slightest Joseph Leopold , Baltimore $1 00 seeing the beloved countenances ^ before it in proper ' shape, vive voce , by to the . Sabl*ath*chool Unfo Iti s. The Execative Committee of 'the trace of nobility of character , for art A. Seinsheimor , Cincinnati 5 00 thei r members often in the tempie^and any member, or by communication from any further delay. ' - f ^gra oingi becaus e it weakens the cause United Hebrew Literary gbciety have; could not well hei ghten a quality totally B. Wolf, Montgomery, Ala. 5 00 synagogues. 1? ¦ , '¦ " «. , . any individual , congregation, or ^ any ^ re you disgusted with the repor ts of ;of ' : whio ' h we . speak so ihuch , and for *W*» circulars to the members; inviting wantin g. " Soon after ascending the Ladies' Benevolen t Society, Lan- To all who have lived the past y^in ^^^^^ ^^S^k^tJZ grow jBPJirtef t yb* ifceot - .eUii^; "iii " .tb o .|ftib? -^l^^r* - - : X>faitii; in>. ' mneli : t»spe6L -*U ¦$** «H? d l '«»fJ« : fr ^ ;t6 ; be pifeseht; at . . *rone thi s vain.and weak monarch ex- caster , Pa., Mr s. R. Geisenber- sunshine and happiness, we w ish #t it £? {£ SS t £ ^nts sT. Up prints, fh»%^ ^^'^M^ 3^mi^^- -W ^ ^^^^S^W^^St ¦ hibited the singular trai|of appropnat- ger, President 5 00 may be so also in the coming, 5650. ferred to a committee. f and.perversion , which 0$^ thivest ^r^pfS^S^SS

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Page 1: The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish · 2015. 8. 24. · ^i'j- 'BpMfa ^d Pi.oto.EioM. , 4 Jh^lfeobe^-bonea,-

'¦¦ ^i'j - 'BpMfa ^d Pi.oto.EioM. , 4 Jh^lfeobe^-bonea ,- ;and the jutting j.g.S V-yjj '-j '! n' s ^^Un&o&t^^" " <fe N.V. Cor.- Fifth and Vine St*. 0&$&* 'i«i*n«ble the heart must

^_ . ... fe^g-; hi^^iwed, -to attain this end- seryer JiuBt tell^8ej |i^u|utBiders» • ' • ' ' < v i^n to correspond with that^row f '. . nntj *j£ „n -. Ar »i ?d ^th^hSfc Pa?tte > to6;* ?/ °f tb;e edl; is an intelligenWewlsh religious educa- are .certainly no; l>etterrnpr. wserjtlmn

, -I8AAQM. WISE, ' '¦' .. ' ^v»ot&sti<uto of human sympathy are . "They that eo w i n tear., shall reap in

^Jf? W^* W SflfS -°? ^^^y ^pffice^be sent tion^ ' fomily and school. Fathers, those.united hodiesv henc^uin\i8t ba——¦ — ->- '—rrri ^v-v. ' ' ," ,. . . . ¦ "*'¦' . iov. (Psalms cvi. 5.} 01 tI,eBe words contains the aateot .OBU gratuitously to the congregations, public " "i," J , . . . . •.. „h *.«..« .; «„;,„¦.,. ¦¦;& ^;„- • J j -^.'¦ Cincinnati, 0., September 19/1889;' the an gular lines of that strong face. J°y

. ^aalms ¦> •

A • M< ^miu. ibe thousand9. - >VK libraries and special? applicants a^the mptfiers , congregations, societies-do either wors*or poorer,™ mpre^ndiSer. ,V ¦ ¦* * ' ' " ——-^^ His very loots frown oppression, his lips Numerous are the unfortunates, . 'y> , ¦ ¦* - , , ¦¦,;.¦

¦.-;,¦,. ^w^rj . ; y^-- ' '-- . ; yourduty. This is the New Year's gift en fc than others, whiph; certainly-does ¦¦' .

SOBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IH ADVANCE. breathe bondage. * * Such a pre- who, during the past year closing with Andinow^ havfog done 6u^

npt/. ma^e.:youv»nbra^«£edfeDti7-;N'o-.. SOKCEiniOS PRICE, |EE YEAB . . . . ^"0 8entment is precisely what we would *no 6Uns«* of September 25th, have wiBbing;the bestwe k^^on^'^^ ' ¦"^^%-t^'f*ta'?^^-^.- .bo ' \lL1____ ^ . ' congregation .is. o^oor j^

p^he dbl- i"" ¦ SXU' M Tear

* '. ! ! \ ! -P-t from Mencphtah's bcring toward

^ ' nd'e^n^" ° ¦ Israel in Egypt. If an attempt were to undat.ons and conflagrations were ex- think tney ^ighi giye U8 Bomethirig in, the-resolves of the Conference, and to1

. L gocietv founded in Philadelphia ^mj M^W ,^ V ec :. ¦¦':'. . • ¦.¦: Kates of ADVFRTisixo. be made, even by an artist of genius, to coedingly violent dunng.the past year, retarn.V; Gonvincedpf their benevolence hold their office ^iritil their , successors ?."T- . •' ' . ,. ¦¦'¦' "'; ^fo^ irf.. with , other cbngregatioris, its.^auge for •

' B^*"*^ " qUflliUe8 of disposition developed^ the bought mourning into many ^housef liki^^^^rrieSJ^« IS MS-»— ° n'f^ SSi S gT^V^

* ^^fK^. t:

*, 2« Sk^^^'ft. Lis -of Menephtah rehearsed in the ;hold. ,: Also the calendar of gross crime, ^^ M\.£i^%ff i&i&\ ¦ SSS*g^RS&f

'ffli^^ : ^ '&S S S f cr f rm^m^tf . *

Sffif^Sa ^ SWS^S Bible, the best surely would fall shortof contains many a page more than in fbr-; Would^ lk to have, and¦'#»&' in^n! tl S ont 1?SS2lSS ^^«»^WfiSriSui'- !

S<r r^^X1 'lentil" this realistic historical carving." «P<* y~«- ^^

alas! many

are those going to them; It ^

,-fc ^ - jw^^^^^^tttHev^ ^ * X iB ln J 4unti' be^ Hebrew, CongreiaHqnsV^^Wev^largeofflrerK or con«rcgatip..N „r , m,.!.*!

u. Nr who did sow m tears. And yet, many we want of them unless it be riven for 'quest of . ttej^pia^onv'to . publ^Mhe the. defensive aiso in com. , jr . q congregation;may be as n.

a-^r-Jifi %™;« .nJSa TH* rope has ^taed quite . U^y more did reap in joy. For all over our the p^^el^bt

SLSSJ I Bi^l^iS^J^i


6 T" T

" " ftt ~ber of th* ^'r5^•" Hin nwoMance with the- iihi»v. ih i-y arc roquwM-i. . ^

*» ' „„„„,„ f(,. .... tan . -\t _on „ UP.T ^ v '-- • ^ J " v -,' - the land toibwQfcae membets- of.the as- literature to expound our cause. It is ¦

- , ,: ,• ' ^'fto «o notify the jmbiiKh. r, *h cu giving their storm in the Catholic communit y over country the year Obw A. Jtt. was a year orepit and indlgent nlimater, whose Bociatibn^pnor?fo' Passover -'of- the year . mnn taMa Lfc however that the Hnown , respected,, useful ,?: j t,has a rec-«>«•«¦ __—_ the audacity of those Italians, who of profound peace, plenty and blessing humble petition wo publish. It is your 5650 A. M;, by'sirnply sending -in their a &™ ... ™r ' ,. . ...'• • tlirrtr™n ord . it makes history ;-iGcw>perates it -

• a^™SN

^^lrD,^1mU^r'rthe erected a monument to the philosopher, in alt departments of human enterprise. good and our hettrt7 8UppOTt; for ; reSpeotive ; names to 'the ^Xeoutivi

^11 q^nUty

ofEnglwh Werature we

fitn gthe cW^e of Judaism;^S ^.;;" Ptt'd


- "l ' «


Bruno , who, by order Of the Granaries, bams and cellars

filled W

th,.6acred cause ^aS^. SR

otSfrie ^^S S hy iti»^'^^^W:WKnte. for i^Pf^^v^T.sEMrvTs ,,,„, '"l" 011' wos bu^nt in Rome' in the "* na

^8 S7

ete8t produf


»«* gently v,ish,and for;vrtiich we^^golved; .That all,proceedings of ^ J^£ ou^Sud^againsV^f *^^loriger ^fo^igrr and excep-k^^ap^ion.

A DVLBlIS,EMI:J,TS mU,1l yew 1600, because he proved in his have not been for years; industry and muBt humbly beg. , ¦• .. : -' - former 'Rabbinical Conferences - b^col. S S^S^^S

tipnal bbdy-i

t^^^Oah.;: , Send on— writings to be an incorrigible heretic, commerce are in a flourishing condition , /^neefe^^iTS lS^SK^S and he

would not

recant' L the «oepidemics crossed ourbo,ders ; health, 4 for ' more ihan. one reason^ m :

SZSS«« Pope announced , with much satisfaction , iMtt todlmppfa^ aro^^ ;); ^^.Ort l^ that the Bavarian bishop. ordained a those many millions of people: Mohave

^^^^ i^, JiSaM£^ii5*^%l#-fi3^4?^^S^ShM3£b^^^^-i3^S& ^S^ 5?^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

CORRESPd g^E^ £coMMUNiOATK .sK not .iiwri by the wiitj tt win general fast and 'day of humiliation in reaped with joy , It was a year of un- Anieridanvisrael - 'into ' the' tembles and ^^ ¦^ ¦ ¦ ^ t 'aMB^'^^ "~ ¦ ' ¦'^ r^mX^ltrwl^^k^lu^ou^ that country , to expiate the sin of those common mishaps, but also of uncommon Sabbathm ols; we need the fratern^'¦• ¦«^^»"'*ft°»MW'ff& l laUttn infidels , who dared erect a.mon- prosperity and plenitude. Let us thank' uriio£^he>i*l' ¦ ¦¦xF F - ivv -Pr 'Fnf t: " „„* n *n i.u' • i Hf>i.v^ fnr tliv» n1im«rrar» hlp«<lir™«hhw. ,. : .:•«' ; "' - • . , ; ;: ir°m D ecoming :humiha^^ ::: wV f '^ap^ ;eK-\ -^ . '¦ - '^¦ X E VS irEMj S. umen t to Bruno. All this is to say Heav^foi the numerous bless^ngs^ow: recflgm^^¦- .: Wwi«'4^^*»W'^,^

^ !;^!?'


t the Inquwit'on in J 600 did flie ered upon us, and submit with childlike ;in- the land, to' represent judiism in the of each ntember,Sbeing $2, 0, -ehallvbe: ?? " ". T-^v"'" ' 'r^" ' v.g ' . Mr- Harry; G; WeilfJKteturned irom .^tt^ofteffiwriStW v? fi ght thing in burning that man for devotion and pious resignation to the trtelig&ofiMt^"¦ ¦


^ l^',^-''

to ««- op»lon',»ke. Does it not also tell that , decrees of the Almighty, as our ancient kaVmefe ^1 ^¥ , ¦ \ \ .; n 8imi,ar Crime3' in behnlf of the church teaCh6r8 in8trU?t US' " V "J^"- dUt? to -

' the,Central Conference; of KtgeS>vS&StoSSSoS- 'J^^' " ^ . ,most ,k . h^^^«^^Jh^^^,;.. ,;.

. P^^^^f^Sny n00n tO II0^^uld be iustifiable •o.l the sam6 topM^^

X6ni»viwe*lietoft Monday noon to "Xoech" to form this- conclusion. If the- deed absolute; There, eyil without the Called.:up6n by' the . Corresponding: Sec- . ll >nrove^li0ceS^^ it' will nr^are u- ' . •V^V^ •**,¦•& V ^' ;. 'Mrs;'BenjaniinVPner^a«bf^ulton,. ^, .m.3 tw«i ; . ¦ . was criminal in l GQO.whyshould Uiose be good in its- lap. . The mishaps j are the retarv : ioJ tfte assooi4n^p^^^

^^ -8t tOHlS-lieforc Monrtii y noon to 21.26 Chest- • '¦ ¦ • " u0° uc . ." ? . .. J . V . . . '^: J ' - ¦ ' ' ™

¦^ '¦^ ¦ - ^^¦¦^^- ^ ^ ¦¦'¦ ¦ '¦¦ ¦¦^¦¦^ ¦• ¦ ¦ ¦i; ,

•: nut st- ' ' -:& : denounced , in 1889, who say so to exceptions, and the cause of Sorrow to the Passover x)f 5650 A. M: The official ^hich^^-^wkvrb^ held^knd Pn ! !! -¦ ' -/f " ? TiT ' Mr-' H-^- ^irschberg^ Eichmond, - VCWcac fo-J ieforo TiicsiWy noon to Aiucrictt H ., ¦ .,..,.1 ,19 1f !t ,„„„ „ /t 1 „r v • r Vin <W " Tlrn rrnnr l ia nni rAvsnl Anrl n ' i-ii ; • ' ' ' « ,' ; / ; t, V ' •" . - ^^^^¦¦¦¦ ¦•¦- ,i»mri1to, ?J D«irhoni St., the wovldv li it was a deed of religious the lew, , 1 he good is uniyeisai ana ^1 must be novvin all hands^ But, as able it'lt6 take %e : Offensive i'anldhk ¦the u ' ' ¦: 1 ; ¦ - a ' -¦ '-¦ - ¦ ¦¦¦' ¦ "¦¦ a- ¦ : '' -- s affl on8 u^ia?l^

ee^'.; : • ; : ^ '

:$§%S ^|& tb; "P,dB6 aer similar circumstances, the doctrine ^er a day ^' of lamentation, . sd ihg ^omewha^


?;rff -

.." . . : ¦¦

. - ." * ** church ;.belng the same? We .those that sow in tears wffl reap in joy. ^ ^ f ^^t /Ao^^a iaM^ SS SSE r^S?- ' f ° ef mb^



^ 8: ^fli^F^^^. . ¦:v^;Losdqj »: will, have another Jewish could not tell whether murder wasjus- After all ,' lifei is a dream, A;pleasant; ce^dings^of: that body, .and : Jnwte ''all. ' .

address,,,, but, we know.^,t ^^;Xord.Mttyor in the person

the Alder-, tlfiable in 1600,. and condemnable ¦'. in dream Mng8momentary'happines :and to jmn^ assom:. ' ' nian 'Sir Henry Isaac^ho being Iho first im , • , - ¦ ; ' :;¦ ;. ' ¦ ,',. '• .. ¦ -¦¦¦• '• ¦ . :>¦ :. . , pleasantieminiscences.^

A„ teasing and V TOi&ic«Bg>tte^;; V ; on;the- rc»ta Tor election to -.the mayor! '., ,, T - ,- ' .. : . ^-. - alty;¦ ¦

¦¦'¦ ¦¦¦' "

¦• - V lK conne

^n F

th the Paris '?xP°Map, that on awaW ;;' ?5 * 0^: ^


^. -a :: .

aUy ' —-^^—^ : - . ^-ays the^^..V T„k.cholera ragesWagdad. There ternatipnal ^ongr^^^V :.;are 20,000:jews in thai;:city. They aP- Sciences ii tobe^, ; plied for assistance; to ' Europe. . Bavon ;of the Trocadero, on the 30th ingt.. M: s6 atttned asto remember the good and have ih thfr past c

¦ ''- ¦ ¦Uirseiii seht. at once 20,000 francs.' Col- Jules Oppert, Member of the institute, f0wet the evil - - V; °hcdierice to a natural and spontaneous :. ft;might be advanced tliat quite a lateU -\\Kn6wing "all.' this and not sup- '' ;-',,'v * -^ut 'q ¦'¦"'* ,:¦:.¦' ;f ' o^ i&^V'' ' ' :v

- l - - , lectidns are^ade in liohdon: and other % :President- and^ Felix Hement, In- [ . :&£$*. Year of our co-religionisW Sg 'fe^SffiS ^S© p ^ f ^^^ Vo4m^^^^^ekco. ^rf®S^SBfioS^:. = , ; European metropoles. ^his- - time the 6pector;GeneM of Briniaiy Instiuct^¦ f i; immunity from , epidemics, did., not turn is General, Secretary of the ..Organizing jn3!ri ^,- ¦;.uj)ay, bf' -YMemorial" or :re ' all sUch'organizaiions, though: they^ay

¦. °#; 1B'e e. wp would charge on none of .our readers.' '^^ Schreibe'r, /of ^Pinej: Stree^whii" ,¦ • "• ilup inlBagdad. , ; . ;;¦ Committee of the Congress/Among;the membrance,:because its-first 0^' ¦''

¦ .'-";: - ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦¦¦-. - ¦ . ' •¦. ¦'¦' ¦ ~ foreigndelegates areDr: Guslav Oppert,- remember' the good the couhtless -nid- ^% nevertheless, been':of . inestimable i^.^^n : ¦We. : t ,;Ekp^.We •iftTe now;.a fashions; from iwhiclv We suffer; so muct ' ceJ* : v^^^i^^^^.rpi

: > TEs tnousAVI ,C Zechs;(Catholics^ere of Madj^^. lately ,« ^^convertedj it Eief, Russia DresdenV;^ M^^' . and accepted into the orthodox. Greek the Section of General Ethnology, and. ^ pastyeav; to thank 'God for^t we

:n^ ^^ .-^^^Z^^^^W ^^Church, liussia must become a unit in M. Adolphe Franck, Member- of the In-, have reaped in ioy ' '"' * ' ; ; dents, which^have heebme'rtedgnized as public ;>print; .'aiid not ; tear down, their -arnrory: df it ' Patronise the Publication -:Mrs- Swppe, iof Che8tnut5Street; ".-yriliv .- . -;.¦,

V /ianguago^religion^h is the^oV sUtu^

;;: icy;Or thatautocratic government. -Th :s ions. ,In^-.; 'i s the causo of the relentlesspersecutioh. Psychology,;^ ^^erica,rgathered inke c%&tr ^^^. under which the Jews .suft er, as well , as the influence of special particles of food in th^^.. - ;¦ ' the -¦ Germans, ' Roman Catholics and or, the physical development of nations ; _ew^

important link . ,in,-.this. ^hai^wvthp ;. .,

^¦-¦ vProtestants, of all- nationdhties. It^is and in^ Sectioivof Comparative- Ee 5^'

W ¦•W^J^? ^' ' ' and longing!r herew th:;. organize :r 0iii- m^Mib^n^T^^^ n^M .Ua^'Jr'Am^i-'ff^W- 'v Goiifire^ ¦

i:ff if ^^£&% . &*&^&!• ' ¦" ' -- V ¦'• •*¦ ' u .. " ¦ ot-ouou 01. vomparauve tie- dedicated; as reported in the American selves' fdr like .nurDoses into' a fipntral -., ™ ¦¦¦ ¦'¦ '--. ¦¦¦¦¦'- ¦ '. •:'¦; " ¦ • ' .- ¦¦- . ' - - •/ . +;-,„„.; ,tj , i i* tiv„ '^ .,wyin«;^« ^> +t,A httle daughter, :Yivienne,;wm; leave for • '. the prose yt ring mania, wh en has . Unions the followine subjects will dp t ' ,'•" / - .,' ' ' V " - -u '" ' ; '&- ' '' ?, I • Jixa .purposes inro . a i,e.ntraJ other .Slavpni corigregatioris to come to; tions. ; • Ilns is the foundation;; of •.the/Eu^ri. ^, ¦ ¦v ;¦: . ,^^¦ ¦;.; ^ . :v<:¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ b. u .¦ .-¦ .. , lJfcluus > tn^ .ioiiowmg. suDjects. win - oe Israelite; new cohgi'egations have been Conference: of ., American Eabbis, and . ... ..,-. .¦• "¦.¦.¦¦. -: '^ - .. ;.°; ¦& ¦-'¦; v ' :c ' - ' " -- ¦ w^nio nfmn-t iiM /,!. lriV,^ ' „w it -;0 nri * ^; BfiM.?S?•;'¦.'-.^'•¦.-'¦¦¦'-

¦'¦'¦Tt>v ¦ v¦: f;.

¦: ?.>¦.• .¦¦¦.'. ¦-¦•

¦.¦., '' . taken that fprm^

in Russia. It is only discussed^^s th. ^ mmore sevem in Russia, correspoiidmg to rael a primordial fact, dating back to everv where ; We ha^^ . ^! r ^-- lsrf

llt '? •tt0

¦ -J^t^tuir^'^i^ttf^^Giiii^ on 'V a '^ ¦«¦:,

¦'¦ the national character, bufno more un- the very origin of the -racei or rather a inehLabW Dr ^ Samuel Hirsch and.Hi ^n&Swre^andTreasUrer;-. ' ;.. .

<;. shbuld;: ;They.will:ponie in Ume, when p perform his duty as

^such, whereyerlie y^i o m^m:J l M^W M

& ju ,t **¦ reckless, no mor, inhuman belief which has been created as the r. Sn>nd^S£; moSSbSS SSeSef : S S* f

>«ifp f ^

s>; S ^ iSS SSS' ^JfSSff^pS? ; : : and immoral, than it is in Germany, suit of a development? In this latter sup- the noble corps of Israel teachers. The thatheld in Braunschweig, inland ^ew limnes. : And!;1n -the ¦ four th p «*

^| | ¦h

^^ j ^^^i^^^- .¦:. England, in our country, or in any position , how is its final development to public meetings ;of last year - also besides ipcludihg .all ; like, assemblages ; 'held :we .,deal how with .Amencans/ who un, ^aismis

presei ved by^he oongrega- . 3435 Pme-Street,, ,:. ^-^: ^^%.;,v-

¦' other Christian or Mohammedan, coun- be, explained?' YEeporter, M. Albert th6 biennial Council of the^ tlnfon- of ,sin<f. « t6 ^en as.a basis for the derstaudlthe valued cc-operatipn: and tions and^not by the accident ot Jn r t t iy :,.;Mra; Hiram>Steibel ^nd-fam^^^; try infected with the proselytizing Reyiile ) 'The Hittites Are there anv , ir \ r \-

as it is riot turned . Saturday ;:the m-Imfefrpm V:;, try iniecieci wiui 1 P -J fc Kev i le.J _ lhe HittUes Are there any American Hebrew Congregations, the tom aintain in;unbrokeri historic su* that' th^cause of Israel 'rebuire^ the understood:that-' every congregation, Lake'Minn etdnka: ^^T'f im ^ ¦¦' ,.< - mania. It is no more senseless and ab- admitted facts in sufficient Sabbath-schoolUnion,- the Central Con- 'cession the : formulated, expression of W^^ ;ca^;of /W W^; the " . ¦ . ^^^ its^utie, must bV w " '.'^' >^i, ' a^-^% ' ¦ :- "

^surd an idiosyncrasy in RusHia 'tban in identify intheHittitesadistinctethnica^those other countries. It is thecauseof and religious-group, the aflW cation , Society, and Boards of Orphan

: ;mEmbEJ1ShiP., ' ; ' , ;; .^r^!! ^^oppression and P—-^it throws everywhere he fire-brand of therefrom in elucidating the old Semitic ge„f and hospitals for the sick, ' BE6w.Kfe) . .f . 'W

^HebTe^-wflgr^ton^who'. to uiscnbp, h. name, before, . pyer

_ S V

& is yisitipg lier cousin vfeE^ Gr' Bush ->discord among men who ought to live religions?' (Reporter, M. Armand.) devotion and energy which betoken ^as b

^ld before; is enhtled to next, in the rolls of :the association of ^ws, we, ana not every individual con

0j Wttsmng^n ^- .':,,:;;: ,:j ^,^ < • - ,in peace and harmony, and will con- -To investigate the elements of the r<i ' ' • « 1

wb,ch betoken membershil>. in th|a asspoiafcioii , provided the Central Conference of the American Station , are the conservators, guard- : • ¦ / *_ . ' . . 4,;M^B« - . 'J1 , , . , . , , invesHgare tue elements of the re- pr0gress in the cause of Judaism, It ^e claims sucm 'priv lege prior to .Pass- -o v.v „ A a„i , «aa «, f +u- v ians and cultivators of Judaism in this - Mrs. Schloss and familyhave returned :; ¦ ;;, Unue to do the same mischief as long as ligions which have been adopted by the can not be said thatthe old, fat, snoring, "over next , and fulfills6

the obligations . J^,«. ^

d only, ad^that this- may be, l ™^™ ™ *


from a Visit of -. several nfohths^duration v

sensible people will not feel convinced three people so often mentioned in the self.COmplacent bear, Called "indifferent herein mentio^^ ^l that they are not the appointed police Bible as irreconcilable enemies.' (Re- ism," has left .its winter quarters entirely!




ff^^<> th^ice^resid^ Dr.

^S. J^^J^^^ A li2T &r*M - i) &<-Ai-^&&pb ¦"of God Almighty. porter, M. Adolphe Franck,) Among nor that the sillv frivolous serio-comic f ^ T ^^^^T^^ ' M ^

9t^^^ ^a'- ^^niibe'- ai^e- l \ , v " '

*^* WMi* Fr mb tf Wzs^^ ¦' "» • other subj ects of discussion which art ", TnT li ? u 1 TZ' H^ Seminary,or College;, all Doctors tw0 Secretaries, Dr. :Berkowit Z; Kansas dent and impolitic, or careless and en- are t,ok from Colorado,. V^:v- J : ;;;; '

The skeptical criticism of the Penta- other 8UbJ^cts

of d scussion which are

long-billed, mcessantty; tattling . stork , 0f Philosophy or . ^haplogy that possess, M ^^ j»hiliMon

citicinnati tangled in prejudices among ourselves, ' w -

,:> , .u ¦-

-.>¦. .**¦? ¦ V,.#f i- ',; ' ;- ^, u - u t , , v . t • a ¦ ¦. not without interest for Jews are the Commonly called "the self adjust ed the Eabb h eal diploma, n«lin nlnn,. ^y. ^o-. ana i;r. rninpson, uncmnati, ^


j ^

; b ,; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lesem, pf .Quincy, ,teuch has of late been undermined in its „ „„,„. . „ ,. . , . . . >-ului"v«v v» <=u wc » a^ "»™ . j • - r. 1. . , 0 ; or which is the shortest wav> to the and must not complain if we can not Tir have returned from (i f.IiTPB rhnTif Sir'_ „ „ , following : ' Religious and hygienic otVifisf hasleft uB antirelv for its winter from a. competent authority ; all autodi- u, i w, ivuij-u is ma pui wsu way, w we . r , . . , in., nave reiumea rromapnreemontnsvery foundation. Professor Sayce's prftC tices with regard to burials ' and "A » W h^ TfT dactic preachers' and teachers of relig-' Treasurer, Dr. Hahn, of Cleveland, o ,l OVeroome the little prejudices existing visit to Saratoga'Springs, 5; ; ' :;

' paper, read before the Victoria Institute, * , elements of 'relinious ?

uarters;' .uoweve

\D°tn ot tnese

ioni who have -been for the last three who is provided with receipts to ac- outside of -The Union is the Mr. and Mrs. ¦ Sig. J. tang and Uttle f i

London, on the cuneiform inscriptions l Z^ P T™ T, "* * ?UC

°eSSiVe ^^ flWJf j ^.

knowle the

acquired niernbership. and soul of American Judaism. It daughter We: gone to Eure&Springsunearthed in the Tel-el-Amarna, Egypt,

symbollBm peculiar to certain races. clinevery perceptibly. e^e^bo^kTSrT'sub-ect^eV ~~ '

'?™ US ' th<> estaDUsllmeilt8 which nour- to spend several months^ : ;y 5: . ;shows that there was a very lively liter-

APPEAL >» During the past year we have heard of -. ^ je j ih

9t eofogy Vnterature; In return for our. good wishes to our ."h Judaism, sustains,, governs and con- ' Simon B. Sale,, pf ? the: wholesale gro- ¦;

ary enterprise in jvestern Asia a century ; them only in one place, where they play and all such men who have rendered generous readers,, we ask of them, fur- trols.them. * It . represents us as "a body eery firm of S,:B. S e;&,Cp.i :has goneto .before the Israelites left Egypt, not only -phe aged brother in Israel , in whose yet their semi-tragical roles, more fiom important, practical services to the cause thermore.the.special favor of organizing before the world, and demonstrates that New York on a business np, - -' ,in the thirteenth, but in the fourteenth behalf we make this appeal

' was for habit than choice. Also thepoor.old feeble, of Judaism; provided, however, such everywhere good, solid Sabbath-schools, we are,

:Uve and 'act as.a power in the- Messrs. A. Lyonsi<if :Npw. York City; :

and fifteenth centuries B. C. Prof Ed- many years pa9t well and ' favorably disappointe4 conservatism, as they call

HSSS SiS land for . good, ^ ^'<> i -^ ^^^ ^&^:^M- '

'ward Neville's paper on his excavations known In om- midBt a rabbi of inde. that romantic formalism, assumed a soclation) aiicf r6ceive the Coas6nt of a Union, This is the next link' in the. we are, besides , merchants, bankers,

reg1Bierea at jne:Hout^ern,. ¦=at Bubastis goes far beyond Prof. Sayce'a fotigable zeal and acknowledged abihty Stoio equanimity during the past year,; majority of the members present. chain to prepare for the oflensive , and mechanics, also representatives of higher , Mr. J acob Meyers and, family, of Lin-conclusions. He discovered two statues and so was his wife as a teacher of our which looks "

the beginning of the Every member of this association to throw off the old yoke of the perpet ideas and a spiritual life. The Union J~. ^Z. ;£ "IT ^f"11164 Frl"

of Pharaoh Apepi, the contemporary of Hebrew children for the last quarter ^nd' The year just closing, we may say, ^wm B d w^^^


ct. defen8ive. We taust not lose ^ one overcomes the lethargy of our drow8y' l' ! ^

g. 7

*.'S! 'Joseph, and several inscriptions of ,the of a century. His efforts were so unre- ™ one of progress also in the fi eld of

dJ«;SS ' S ; Jewish child in the crowd, nor must we camp-followers, wherever it holds its"

WSe£t S'SrtPharaoh of the Exede, and maintains mitting and at the same time so self-sac- Amerloan Judaism. Let us remember. Ho shall attend all meetings of the asso, permit one. to grow up without a fair meetings, and infuses new life into be- They are stopping^ at %e Planters',that the successive discoveries in the riflcing~as to impair—his-health His also, this fact on the Day of Memorial, ciation, as provided hereinafter , or ex^ knowledge of Judaism. This knowledge numbed members.. ,The Union is the M A M ' j j t T A f ivfDelta resulted in explaining the various infirmities, however, have increased with and thank God for St

™££ abaebce hy a letter to the Co

is cur shield and.our -buckler, and will stronghold and armory, our basis of ac- souri AvenS^ar'e^SnSJ tEstories in Scriptures, hithertd" but half yearS) unt;i now m ui3 0id age be. We might also call attention to the Rested That the Rev . Dr. Samuel r?mam so to the very day of the uniyer- tion, which alone can enable us to turn cousin, Mrs. Frankel, of M.ississippvunderstood. The inscriptions overthrow nnds himself completely broken in happy return, of those of our blessed Adler, of New Yotk, the only surviving sal triumph, of God's truth. H' every Is- from the defensive , to the offensive; it Mr. and Mrs. Victor Barthiwho havethe theories advanced against the an- health, and with his very estimable rabbis who happily came home to their member in this country of the Rabbin- raelite in the country was able to dis- furnishes the men and the means," the been traveling in .Europe ' fOr.)the past. thenticity of the Pentateuch. To this wife in destitute circumstances. Let us respective flocks from Europe, the sum- icai Conferences held after theyear 1840, cu^fl and defend intelligently the faith position and the fame, the rear and .three months, arrived home la'Bt j .Suh- ",

must also- be taken the article in the help this worn-out servant of Israel, and mer resorts, the mountain homes, the p^i^^'' ^^^ "aIy of Israel, the opinions of the community the front./

'.Without the Union you dtv?' ", ' ' ¦/ ,. - :current number of the Century, by John So relieve the few remaining years that "ea-side or lake-shore sojourns, which The association shall meetAnnually in would certainly undergo a- ridical would have to-day no Hebrew Mks Jessie fleller , of ;Rollft, Mo.,.willA. Paine, on "The Pharaoh of the Exo- he has i;ve on earthi tnat tbey may involve both the evil of their absence general conference on the close of the change. This state7* of things cap be Union College no Sabbath-school Union g0 to S}' Loui? nex* ek, for the pu>dus and His Son." The writer has deftl y be passed in peaoei and then we will and the good of their return, or vice versa Sabbath day of the date preceding the brought about only :by intelligent, well- and no Publication Society, but you Music

ei"ltei'lnS the: Conservatory otwoven together portions of the Biblical have the consolation .of knowing that in some instances ; but that is a purely hiennial Council of the_ Union of Amer- informed and well-spoken ministersan would have a bare, checkered, quarrel- Mr8 i,oeb pf Saltburv M arrivednarrative 0/ the stirring events which one who bag been B0 faithful in hi8 dayB focal matter, like the storms, cyclones,

ciV pdTh such years ! when said >» P«lpits, and by well-conducted , thor- ing, pitiful house, divided against itself here last Wednesday .oa 'a yfeit to herculminated at the tragic crossing of the 0f health and vigor has not been for- inundations, etc., Without much influ- Council is not convoked, the Conference ough Sabbath-schools, which must reach It is a shame to every congregation that parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cole;;- of ClarkRed Sea, with records on the Egyptian saken by bis people when he has been ence on or particular interest for the sbrall meet at such time and place as the every Jewish child in the land. . The understands the benefit and power of -Avenue- ' " ' : . . ' ';] ;;,%monuments. The.stones speak out with incapacitated by old age and sickness community at large, and so we had better previous Conference; or ite Executive Sabbath^chool Union, conducted^ by as union, and keeps itself outside of it. It Mrs. Hammer* of Mempnisborough, ¦'eloquent testimony in corroboration of from assj8ting himself. We earnestly let them alone. They, also, have sown ^^Jjj w^Scers

1 in

B all Jewkh noble '* bftnd of men to can be found at i8 flmful because it is 1l3Sn JD isnii}, of "V' ,1? vi8itinS her sisters, -'Mesdames .

the Bible history. The Pharaoh of the request donations in his behalf, which in tears, being so long absent from their journals, at least Tour weeks prior to the the hea4 of any congregation, provides, which' no. Israe Adekberger, Abrahams and Desberger,Exodus is -tbo

^Menephtah, whose por- can be remitted to us at tlii's office , and much-beloved congregations, which cer- meeting! .

~ ^the schoois . with plans, text books, ver-' much•' lWsVa\'cong»|aBbnW \'lt - iB a -dis^ M

3 " * '

¦. i: : v ' . :trait, we are told„ "betrays both softness wiU be gratefully acknowledged in th is tainly cost them many a bitter and tear- AH business proper of the association, bal information, gives encouragement to grace, because it proves the prevalence f p • ^u i8o?

ei?.h -i h^or';foriner

^and weakness. He is calm and cold; er. ful moment ; may they also reap in joy, ?.nd..ftl1 mattersapjpertainingtc[ Judaism, the Cflli3e|ana,seeks to bring uniform^ of -invincible prejudices among our- be X^d Z St f2? «S?She. would stir no heart, waken no love. hokat.ok, and have, especblly, the rare pleasure of -ftiSS^S?1to*S2 tS£^«?*SSS£S l* into^.«ty. ' Attach yoUrselvel ^ves, and excuses, in a measure, te MetlteS.

8 **T ¦ — ^

Even art has not detected the slightest Joseph Leopold, Baltimore $1 00 seeing the beloved countenances before it in proper' shape, vive voce, by to the. Sabl*ath*chool Unfo Itis. The Execative Committee of 'thetrace of nobility of character, for art A. Seinsheimor, Cincinnati 5 00 their members often in the tempie^and any member, or by communication from any further delay. ' - f ^graoingi because

it weakens the cause United Hebrew Literary gbciety have;could not well heighten a quality totally B. Wolf, Montgomery, Ala. 5 00 synagogues. 1?¦,'¦"«., . any individual, congregation, or^

any ^re you disgusted with the reports of ;of':whio'h we . speak so ihuch, and for *W*» circulars to the members; invitingwanting." Soon after ascending the Ladies' Benevolent Society, Lan- To all who have lived the pasty^in

^^^ ^ S^k tJZ grow jBPJirteft yb*ifceot -.eUii ;"iii ".tbo .|ftib? -^l^^r* - - :X>faitii; in> . 'mneli :t»spe6L -*U ¦$** «H?d

l'«»fJ« :fr

;t6;be pifeseht; at ..*rone this vain.and weak monarch ex- caster, Pa., Mrs. R. Geisenber- sunshine and happiness, we wish #t it £? {£ SSt£ ^ntssT. Up prints, fh»%^ ^^' M^ 3^mi^^--W ^ ^^^^S^W ^St

¦ hibited the singular trai|of appropnat- ger, President 5 00 may be so also in the coming, 5650. ferred to a committee. f and.perversion , which 0$ thivest ^r^pfS^S^SS