the kingdom of avonlea chapter 6

The Kingdom of Avonlea Roth/Scrubb Families Round 1

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Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Page 1: The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 6

The Kingdom of Avonlea

Roth/Scrubb FamiliesRound 1

Page 2: The Kingdom of Avonlea Chapter 6

I’m going to live to see the ruin of my husband’s house. Where did I go wrong? Why is it that only my sweet Gaineda seems to have good sense about her. It all started with the

marriage of my third born Bedwyr. To think he married before his brother and heir to the family line. I know his tutors should have taught him far better. And while Lady Pony may indeed be a friend to

Princess Eowyn she goes about wearing trousers as if she were some sort of man. And she has taken employment outside the home!

The only saving grace was at least the wedding was not overly extravagant. It was a small quiet affair.

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I suppose she does have nice skin, and she does appear to be of healthy stock. And to

be fair some of my other children have done far worse things of late.

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I still cannot believe my Erec betrayed his father and our house by proposing to that barren Monty girl. The scandal of it all! I don’t care how fair the girl’s face is she will ruin this house.

But Caius has said, Erec is a man grown and heir to the house therefore, he can do as he pleases. Oh where did I go so utterly

wrong with these children?

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I tried giving him the cold shoulder hoping he’d call off the silly engagement and find a suitable lady to carry on the lineage of our

great house.

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However, Erec adores her. I’ll give the little vixen credit for entrancing my son. I wonder if she somehow had Maester Shahan create for her some

magical elixir. No, she’s too sweet for plotting. Her sister Adriana though, she’s a sly one from what I’ve seen. No doubt she’s the one responsible.

Little upstart.I shall have to discuss the mater with Caius at the earliest connivance.

At least I managed to convince the girl to don more appropriate clothes.

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Right now Amir is the only one of my children acting with any sense. He did fabulous escorting

the King during Erec’s wedding ceremony and I’ve convinced him to look elsewhere for a bride other

than that other Monty girl.

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Adriana Hamilton was once again at Princess Eowyn’s side.

I wonder if she has her under a spell too? No doubt she does.

Pony and Bedwyr were perfectly civilized. She’s growing on me a bit I suppose.

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It rained when they were engaged, and now it rained upon their wedding.

Ill fates are headed our way I just know it.

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Especially with such public shows of affection with the king in close

proximity no less!

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And then he makes a further fool of himself by shoving cake down

the girl’s throat!

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We need to expand the dining hall. My sweet girl Ganieda had not a

place to sit down.

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Can you believe it? The girl cleans? I know she had a perfectly good servant growing up. And she’s with child

too…another girl no doubt. We are going to be plagued with girls. No heirs..Well at least the other boys could still have

sons I suppose.

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Perhaps Pony. Surely, no curse stretches through 4 sons. I treat Pony civilly of course, as any good lady ought. Especially when there

is no record of blemish to her good name. I’ve taken the time to give her advice in her pregnancy, hopefully the girl

takes it. I did rear 6 children after all. 4 of which were strapping sons. Even if one of them lost his good wits due to sorcery.

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And the girl does have Caius and I over for chats in the parlor. Nice quiet dignified discussions.

No spells seem to be at work here.

Nimue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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“You wanted to speak to me?” “Ah yes. Fran, welcome to the family dove. I did want to have a chat with you dear. I

hope you don’t feel as though you have to slave away on account of everything that’s happened. Just say the word and I’ll speak straight away with that son of mine about

employing you proper help if he isn’t doing his duty.” “That’s quite good of you Master Roth, but I don’t mind cleaning up a bit on my own

from time to time. I know we had Isabella about, but my mother did not want her girls to grow up lazying about.”

“Ah well one should always heed their mother, dove. That’s important.”

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“It’s exciting you and I will have children about the same time Frannie! I can call you that can’t I?”

“Can I not, dear.” The two women just seemed to ignore the Roth matriarch. “Of course that’s fine. And I

hope our children can play together once they are here.” “Now child, we don’t want you to over do anything in your condition. Come let’s head

home and you can sit upon the couch for a while. Pony, you ought to rest as well.”

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Now that my mother is gone you and I can have some real fun.

I like the sound of that. Honestly humoring that woman all afternoon is down right exhausting.

See why I couldn’t wait to get out of the house?

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Francisca sighed with relief. She’d been sitting on the couch with Nimue for hours. If

not for Caius no doubt she would still be there. It felt so good to stretch her legs!

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She glanced out the window, and as far as she could tell her mother-in-law would not be coming

in for a good while yet. However, would she survive living in this house when the men folk left

for their trip to Takemizu?

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She could do this…she already spent most of the day with Nimue while Erec and Cauis were out. Erec

overseeing the care of the land’s sick. Caius holding court with the king. It’s not like she didn’t realize Nimue

was difficult before she married.

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A few days later: “Now Mother, do take care of yourself. And please remember Fran is in a

delicate condition. She cannot afford to tax her nerves. It’s not good for the baby.”

“OH! Of course dear. Francisca and I will get on just fine won’t we lovely?” “Of course.”

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“I’ll miss you Fran. If my mother starts to give you a bit of trouble..even just a bit you..”

“Erec, don’t worry. We’ll be fine. If I survived a house with my Father I think I can handle a few days alone with your

mother. Nimue means well, at least.”

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“Cauis I thought you were accompany Erec on his trip. Are you well?” “Of course, dear I’m fine. But Erec and I thought it best if one of us stay

behind to keep affairs in order. With Pony expecting any day now we didn’t want Bedwyr to have to be away due to having to look in on the clinic and

square. And not to worry, Erec found a suitable companion to take my place.”

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“Really? Whomever did he find?” “An associate who’s been helping him immensely with the clinic.”

“Wonderful. You can help me look after Franscica. Silly girl probably would have tried to oversee the renovations to the manner herself. Why she’s out in the garden right now!’ “Now Nimue, I really do think the fresh air will do her good. I spoke to Leo. He’s keeping

an eye on her.”

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A few days later Fran was enjoying the peace and quiet of an empty house. She missed Erec, and was glad his trip would not keep him too long away,

assuming weather cooperated.

The new wood floors were in the parlor, and the wall to the dining room had been removed to open up more space for guests. Everyone was in high

spirits as having more room for parties. She’d even gotten on her mother-in-law’s good side by insisting to wait to throw a dinner party. Not that it was

because Nimue had cautioned it wouldn’t be good for the baby, but because she had no desire to have a party without Erec.

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Meanwhile over at Bedwyr and Pony’s: “Thank-you for having us over Lady Roth. After the news reached us this morning about Eustace’s latest scandal,

Chari was beside herself with worry. With that mother of hers why wouldn’t she be?

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“It’s all over town now about mother’s plotting to secure Eustace a wife. I’ve had very serious words with her mind. I’ll be watching her like a hawk

from here on out. I won’t risk further shame to our family. Ms. Thomason’s family was in debt and mother only forgave the loan if

Allyn was basically sold into marrying my brother. Not that I’m surprised that brother of mine couldn’t find a respectable lady that would have


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“Yes, of course Master Scrubb. I’ve also unfortunately heard he leaves her often at home alone. Is there truth to that

too?” “I’m afraid those rumors have reached my ears as well. So

unfortunately they probably are.”

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“As if that weren’t bad enough. Then, the fool, when he became impatient with his wife, he went

and forced a girl into a compromising position. And naturally, the said girl would be a servant of

the royal family!”

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“We’ll have to cut him off. No doubt about it. Miss Roth is naturally upset.”

“Allyn?”“I feel for the girl of course Milady, but I must see to my own

house’s future. We can’t be seen as the sort that encourages insulting the royal family.”

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The Next Day at Charis and Rillian’s wedding; “And there’s nothing we can do for Allyn Master Roth?”

“Pony I wish there were, but I can’t risk being seen going easy on those responsible for causing unspeakable insult to my own daughter and queen. What if Sharla becomes

pregnant from the brute? She might want revenge if she feels justice was not served to those responsible. The only way I could possibly get away with doing anything would be

to tell Charis she could not marry Rillian. T’would break my girls’s heart, and Rillian Scrubb is a fine gentleman. Allyn Scrubb will just have to make do on her own. ”

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“I hope Chari doesn’t regret marrying me overly much.”

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A/N: Don’t worry Rillian. I’ve seen how she stalks you around the house. She loves you to pieces. You just have a crappy brother.

Thanks for reading everyone!