the knowledge economy trap professor jonathan taplin director,

The Knowledge Economy Trap Professor Jonathan Taplin Director,

Upload: hilary-thornton

Post on 18-Dec-2015




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The Knowledge Economy Trap

Professor Jonathan TaplinDirector,

A Short Story

What does America make?

“We can’t make a toaster anymore, a DVD player or even a decent faucet, but we can create desire. We can make fetching footwear, beautiful games, hot TV, great rock and roll records and dazzling movies. Such artifacts constitute our principal contribution to global commerce.”-Dave Hickey

The IP Economy

Movies and Television Music On Line Video Video Games Computer Software E-books Pharmaceutical Patents Fashion Trademarks

Speed Moves Entertainment

Mobile Broadband

File Sharing Proliferates

A Worldwide Problem

The Conventional Wisdom




Who Benefits from Free?

Free Movies (Google Search)

Free Music (Baidu Search)

Who Get’s Hurt


Piracy and Legislation

SOPA was a bad law. Entertainment & Technology do not

have to be at loggerheads. Google & Baidu could take voluntary

measures right now that would help.

What Big Search could do

We won’t sell ads on pirate websites We won’t have our search engine link to

pirate websites that can’t prove they have legitimate licenses to the content they host

We will stop pretending we can’t control what gets posted on You Tube.

Music Publishing as a Model

Global ISP Content Fee

$3 per month per sub=$70 Billion

One Last Thought